Battlestar Galactica........... Season II

UPDATED: Monday, March 14, 2005 19:48
VIEWED: 2350
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Monday, March 7, 2005 4:37 PM



Boys, Girls and Cylons,

I have recently watched the last of the thirteen, and am hungry for more, when does season II begin?

Does anyone have any theories on season II?

If there are any genuine spoilers I request that you black them out.


So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Monday, March 7, 2005 5:48 PM


Okay, I've not even seen all of Season 1 yet but I have some theories about it. Also, I stay away from spoilers so this thread is just my mental meanderings. I've seen what everyone in the States has seen, up to the episode where Col. Ty's whore of a wife comes back.

The Cylons on Caprica are performing a two-fold experiment with "Boomer" and Helo. They're trying to see if Cylons and humans can mate and procreate. If they succeed, it affirms their belief in God.
They also want to know if Helo will still love "Sharon" when he finds out she's a Cylon.

I still haven't figured out if #6 in Baltar's head is really an implant (I know she has implants but is she an implant?) or is she just a product of his shattered psyche. He's smart enough to come up with this stuff on his own, but the timing of his constant 'giving it up for Jesus' episodes is perfectly timed with events outside his control.

Speaking of Boomer? Now that Baltar's told her that she's human, does this help her fight her programming or does it cause her to lower her guard and make her more suseptable (sp) to previous programming? Are the human looking cylons really 'programmed' or is is more of a post-hypnotic suggestion?

What's up with the President's prophetic dream? Are the writers attempting to insert a bit of paranormal into their otherwise non-X-filey space opera? Is SHE a friggin Cylon? Do the cylons have the ability to transmit mental images over short distances?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo !!!!!!!! That's it!!!!! That would explain #6 and Baltar too. OOOOOOOOOOOO maybe?

I need sleep. Forgive the rambling.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Monday, March 7, 2005 6:58 PM



Do the cylons have the ability to transmit mental images over short distances?

That's a good rationale, and I like it.

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20050114


Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:59 AM


The last ep aired in Canada was the "Starbuck interrogates/tortures the Cylon" one (I hate shows that don't have on-screen titles. And yes, Buffy, Angel, and Firefly, I'm including you three).


Originally posted by Knibblet:
What's up with the President's prophetic dream? Are the writers attempting to insert a bit of paranormal into their otherwise non-X-filey space opera? Is SHE a friggin Cylon?

That's my theory. It'd also suggest something interesting about her "cancer." Perhaps a flaw in whatever system the Cylons use to produce their bio-constructs.

Maybe the prisoner's warning her that Adama is a Cylon is an attempt to keep her watching him so she doesn't notice her own Cylon-like tendencies.

I anticipate that, before the series is concluded, we'll see the lines between human and Cylon blurring, and possibly disappearing altogether.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, March 8, 2005 6:15 AM



I hate shows that don't have on-screen titles.

Perhaps this will help:

1 33
2 Water
3 Bastille Day
4 Act of Contrition
5 You Can't Go Home Again
6 Litmus
7 Six Degrees of Separation
8 Flesh and Bone
9 Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down
10 The Hand of God
11 Colonial Day
12 Kobol's Last Gleaming (1)
13 Kobol's Last Gleaming (2)


I don't think that the President could possibly be a Cylon, however I will give credit to KNIBBLET, because I do believe that the Cylons are capable of sending images over short distances, their technology is after all bio-mechanical as seen with the raptor. It is only natural to assume that they have surpassed humanity in genetic manipulation; there is no telling what they can do.

Possible Spoilor:

----- You Never Know -----

Highlight with mouse.

All this Cylon talk about God has gotten all the usual suspects all riled up, well rile down people, because they wouldn’t be mentioning it if there was no purpose behind it… Allow me to speculate, perhaps the Cylons have in their forty year disappearance created some sort of Cylon central AI, the talk of wanting to be close to God may be the Cylons want to return to their Homeworld, or perhaps a central Mothership who gives order to the Base Stars, I am not talking about some sort of Hive Queen like the Borg, but their may be something else out their which is directing the Cylons to do that with which they do.<


So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Monday, March 14, 2005 12:22 PM


So, supposedly the prophecy is brought on by either the drug the Prez is taking for her cancer. Or, if we believe the Priest of Kobol, it's part of another ancient prophecy from thousands of years ago?
This is getting interesting. How many episodes are left for goodness sake. If it keeps up at this pace, I'm going to be ignoring the phone on Friday nights for years to come.


Originally posted by Knibblet:
What's up with the President's prophetic dream?

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Monday, March 14, 2005 5:39 PM



This is getting interesting. How many episodes are left for goodness sake. If it keeps up at this pace, I'm going to be ignoring the phone on Friday nights for years to come.

You have four left, I've seen them all and trust me, it's gonna be a bumpy ride

You hit my thoughts exactly, I believe the drugs are paramount to fulfilling the prophecies.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Monday, March 14, 2005 7:48 PM



Originally posted by ImEarly:

I have recently watched the last of the thirteen, and am hungry for more, when does season II begin?

This summer.


"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show






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