Can Peacekeeper Was be enjoyed without renting the whole Gorram Farscape series first?

UPDATED: Thursday, April 14, 2005 16:19
VIEWED: 5662
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:22 AM


Okay, They want stupid money to own this series, so I just wanted to know...well, the above.
I usually buy the stuff I like, but just can't foot the bill for all four seasons. Do I have to see 'em to 'get' PW?

A Farscape know-nuthin' Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:27 AM


Yes, it is possible to enjoy Peacekeeper Wars without renting the whole series. But all those options involve either buying the whole series or borrowing the whole series. Otherwise, you're out of luck. IMHO.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:47 AM


Sickdude, you and Thrawn got me so up about Farscape that I fancied buying the whole series, but WHOAH! I don't have $500 lyin' around like that! I guess Netflix, huh?

Poor Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:54 AM


No no, you can enjoy it just fine without seeing the series first. I firmly believe you won't get the full oomph out of it if you don't watch the series BUT, I introduced four people to Farscape via PK War, so I would say go for it :D

Of course, as a dedicated Scaper I would like to poke you gently to do whatever you can to gain that $500 spare cash, and also to check out Ebay :D


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:07 AM



Originally posted by Phoebe:
No no, you can enjoy it just fine without seeing the series first. I firmly believe you won't get the full oomph out of it if you don't watch the series BUT, I introduced four people to Farscape via PK War, so I would say go for it :D

Of course, as a dedicated Scaper I would like to poke you gently to do whatever you can to gain that $500 spare cash, and also to check out Ebay :D

Well, Chrisisall, I suppose you can give it a try. Certainly its better than no Farscape at all. It just seems the mini-series is the culmination of plot from the series, not really a stand alone movie.

On the winning side, you'd be wellserved to check out the whole series. It certainly has wondrous things. Whereas a lot of series have great story or characters, I humbly offer that the best part of Farscape (or Spankyspace as I call it) is the "alienness" of it. Where else would you see a big, sentient moo-cow like Pilot?

"Cut and grow, cut and grow, cut and grow!"


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:17 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Okay, They want stupid money to own this series, so I just wanted to know...well, the above.

Yes. I greatly enjoyed the mini-series, but never watched a single epsiode of the series. Now I'm probably going to try and find the series on Ebay or someplace cheap...maybe a rental.



Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:24 AM


I did some online pokin' around just now and discovered "starburst" editions of Farscape- 3 seperatly sold disks @ about $20 a piece, it seems like you can get the whole first season for just under $60- if the first season consisted of 21 episodes...

This could be shiny...



Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:35 AM


I enoyed PK Wars and I've only seen the last five episodes of the series (got to love the Space channel holiday marathons!) It was still entertaining, even knowing I was missing stuff.

Besides, good tv sci-fi is hard to come by these days...

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:39 AM


Okay, I confirmed it! Farscape is out in "starburst" editions, 3 sets, each set is about $20 and has 1/3 of the episodes of the first season, that means at about $60 per season, I think I'll attempt to buy.
I assume that the other seasons will be coming out the same way, right? I don't see why not...

Off to Best Buy!!!!

Future Scaper Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:44 AM


I'm told you can enjoy PKW first. I was worried about that myself for new folks. It will spoil you for the series though (plot-wise).

* Some rental outlets have Farscape, Netflix for sure!
* Find a friend to loan them to you.
* Check your local public library. The Library Project at WatchFarscape.com has placed dvds in over 150 libraries in US. ( http://library.watchfarscape.com/)
* If your local library doesn't have FS, ask them to buy it with a "purchase request." It's free to ask!
* The Starbusrt dvds as mentioned above. New release of FS on dvd. Only S1 out now (Starburst 1-1; 1-2; 1-3). Three packs of double-sided dvds for each season. Each pack retails for $25 but can be found at Best Buy, Deepdiscountdvd.com, and other locales for about $15. Therefore a season of FS potentially $45.

OH - and if you haven't checked if your local library has Firefly - do so and request they buy it too!

Got Scape? http://www.farwhat.com/


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:47 AM



I assume that the other seasons will be coming out the same way, right? I don't see why not...
Yep. Starburst 1-3 came out 3/15/2005. Don't know if S1 boxset or S2-1 is next. They've been coming out every 1-2 months?

Got Scape? http://www.farwhat.com/


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:48 AM


Wow, thank so much for the imput! I think I gotta hold of something to pacify me 'till the BDM in Sept!

Scapes away Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:51 AM


well... I for one think that FS would be a good sumthin'! Could be I'm biased. ;)

Browncoated Scapers... watchout 'Verse, that's a whole lotta passion!


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:05 AM


Starburst volume 4 comes out in June (21st, I think). It has the first seven episodes of season two. I would recommend going to deep discount dvd, they're only like 15 bucks and free shipping is available.

"Well, other than being shot at by the Electric Mayhem, I'm fantastic."


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:11 AM


As has been answered before, yes you can enjoy PK Wars without having seen the entire series. I only recently started getting SciFi, so I had only seen a handful of Farscapes (enough to know I liked it) before watching PKW. And while I know I missed some stuff, I loved it.

Last month I finally broke down and joined Netflix for the sole purpose of actually being able to watch all of them. I just finished season one.

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:19 AM


Much obliged, Frscpe1.
I can tell from your name that you know 'bout the show. Do you like it as much as Firefly?
Two reasons I could never like anything as much as I like Firefly: Mal Reynolds/Nathan Fillion.
Mal's character is great, complicated, funny, etc.
Nathan plays him perfectly!
Mal reminds me of Stringfellow Hawke, but with a sense of humour.

Chrisisall the neo scaper (soon)


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:24 AM


I saw two episodes a couple years ago, and the muppets scared me. Well, I ain't gonna be scared no more! I'm hungry for some more good sci-fi!

Muppets notwithstanding Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:25 AM


PK Wars is the culmination of the story. As with any truly stellar action movie/series/whatever, reading/seeing the last fifth should be exciting regardless, and it is. But there's SO MUCH subtlety you'll miss that way.

Go buy first season, and once you're done with that, Netflix the rest. You'll be happy you did.

(Oh, and, yes, further Starburst editions are coming, one disc every 2 months, so it'll be a long wait. Netflixing the rest in the mean time is what I did; I'll be buying those as they come out.)

Edit - and responding to some other posts I just noticed:

1) The muppets stop being "muppets" really quickly. The puppeteers are so good that they become characters in your mind by about the fifth episode (particularly the ship's Pilot - what an amazing creation!)

2) Ben Browder, the lead on Farscape, by the end is almost as good at his role as Fillion. Sacrilege, I know, but it's true - the character on Farscape is much more difficult to play with any subtlety, but Browder makes a magnificently layered person out of him. As with many other good things about the series, it isn't apparent until first season begins to draw to a close, but trust me when I say that character goes places.

3) This will certainly tide you over until the BDM. Peacekeeper Wars is to Farscape exactly as the BDM is to Firefly - it was cancelled, and then the rest of the story was condensed into a movie (in this case 3 hours instead of the theatrical 2, but whatever). And if the BDM lives up to expectations as well as PKW did, it just may be my favorite movie of all time.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:26 AM


Well chrisisall, I actually like Firefly more. And I think one of the reasons is that Firefly pulled everything together and it seemed that we were brought in in the middle of a story that was already going, had already worked it's kinks out. With Farscape, it takes a little while for it to get rolling, but by the last eight episodes of the first season, the story got darker (better) and the goal of getting home wasn't all there was anymore.

Oh, to answer the PKW question, there is a very brief recap of the show during the mini, but even without it, you should do fine. It will be odd for you to watch the early eps after seeing the mini though, things changed, a lot. Enjoy.

"Well, other than being shot at by the Electric Mayhem, I'm fantastic."


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:29 AM



Originally posted by frscpe1:
Well chrisisall, I actually like Firefly more. And I think one of the reasons is that Firefly pulled everything together and it seemed that we were brought in in the middle of a story that was already going, had already worked it's kinks out. With Farscape, it takes a little while for it to get rolling, but by the last eight episodes of the first season, the story got darker (better) and the goal of getting home wasn't all there was anymore.

Oh, to answer the PKW question, there is a very brief recap of the show during the mini, but even without it, you should do fine. It will be odd for you to watch the early eps after seeing the mini though, things changed, a lot. Enjoy.

"Well, other than being shot at by the Electric Mayhem, I'm fantastic."

Everything you said is true, except I still think seeing PKW before the rest of the series is a bad idea.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:53 AM


Because it's more affordable than I thought, I think I'm gonna end up watching it in order. I'll save PKW for last.


The gratefull Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:04 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I did some online pokin' around just now and discovered "starburst" editions of Farscape- 3 seperatly sold disks @ about $20 a piece, it seems like you can get the whole first season for just under $60- if the first season consisted of 21 episodes...

This could be shiny...


I myself have been enjoying the series on the Starburst edition discs. They're the best! Much more affordable than the season sets.

Only downside is they're coming out every two months... so I gotta wait for my fix of 7 eps at a time (the third sets have 8 eps.)

I strongly recommend them. Also, some places sell the sets for a mere $15! (Deepdiscountdvd, for instance). Well worth it.

I don't plan to watch Peacekeeper wars until I get through the four seasons - it would have a lot of spoilers for the series I am sure.

Keep flying


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:41 AM


AnotherFireflyfan, do you see a darker tone kick in about mid- first season on Farscape, as i've read about? How do you feel about the makeup effects?

The muppets in space Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:33 PM


Just adding another two cents worth to that pile of change in the corner.

Thrawn is right; the muppets stop being muppets quickly. Especially Pilot, who is probably one of the best characters anywhere. Similarly, the make-up is quite believable, and contributes well to the "alien-ness" of many characters, especially Dargo and Zan.

From my perspective, some episodes are just darker than others, with a slightly more random placement than any particular season. However, the end of season one gives us Scorpius, one of the all-time best villains (right up there with Darth Vader and Dillingdo from Escaflowne), and much better than the season one baddie, Chrais (?).

"Cut and grow, cut and grow, cut and grow!"


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 2:16 PM


I'll second that nomination of Pilot for one of the best characters anywhere. He rocks.

And Crais will grow on you. He's far more than the raving psycho he starts out as.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:36 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
AnotherFireflyfan, do you see a darker tone kick in about mid- first season on Farscape, as i've read about? How do you feel about the makeup effects?

The muppets in space Chrisisall

Yeah, it does get a little bit darker, a bit more serious. But it's similar to how Babylon 5's first season developed, where the major arc seems to kick in late on.

The makeup and puppetry and effects are all astounding. These aint your father's muppets - they look REAL, and are incredibly expressive. I have no problem at all suspending disbelief.

The characters are all very good, and there is a lot of nice tension between them. The show is very well written, and it's a hell of a ride. Can't wait to see the rest!


Keep flying


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:00 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
And Crais will grow on you. He's far more than the raving psycho he starts out as.

Crais! I never thought anyone else ever paid attention to Crais. Well, my reasons may not be the same, but he really is an integral part of the series. (Am I the only Lani Tupu fan?)

Also, Chrisisall, I 'm guessing from your posts you are going to watch the series entirely? Every minute is worth it, promise. There are some really great episodes that you won't find on the Starburst editions, which I think is kinda like cliff notes.
Every episode is intertwined in some way. I've rewatched the series and on second or tenth viewing , there's more, there are so many details which is what I love about Farscape.

Thinking netflix is the cheapest way to watch other than borrowing.

Oh and Pilot rocks for muppetry.

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:25 PM


Wrong, Starburst editions are complete. In fact, they've done new commentaries and features just for them, so they're actually MORE complete than the previous discs, in addition to being affordable. :)

Keep flying


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 8:54 PM



Originally posted by needleseye:

Originally posted by Cybersnark:
And Crais will grow on you. He's far more than the raving psycho he starts out as.

Crais! I never thought anyone else ever paid attention to Crais. Well, my reasons may not be the same, but he really is an integral part of the series. (Am I the only Lani Tupu fan?)

Also, Chrisisall, I 'm guessing from your posts you are going to watch the series entirely? Every minute is worth it, promise. There are some really great episodes that you won't find on the Starburst editions, which I think is kinda like cliff notes.
Every episode is intertwined in some way. I've rewatched the series and on second or tenth viewing , there's more, there are so many details which is what I love about Farscape.

Thinking netflix is the cheapest way to watch other than borrowing.

Oh and Pilot rocks for muppetry.

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)

You do know, yes, that Lani Tupu also voices Pilot? That impressed me greatly - talk about two TOTALLY different characters.

And, yes, after first season Crais is an excellent character...and, yes, Scorpius is one of the best villains of all time.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 2:20 AM


Yes, you can watch PK wars without watching the rest, but I'm almost certain it wouldn't be the same. For anyone in the UK - BBC3 are repeating from the start on Saturday/Sunday nights 8pm appprox, only about 5 episodes in I think, gives me something halfway decent to watch after Dr Who on Saturday nights.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:44 AM


Okay everyone, here's the answer:
Yes, you can watch PKW first, I know because I rented it last night, I couldn't wait !!
I never saw a tv movie so COMPLETLY full of plot, dialogue, effects and excellent acting! ( but, sorry, I still like the pilot for Firefly more...)
PKW was astounding, though! All colour and energy, humour and drama, it was over before I knew it (watched last night between 10pm and 1am)! Of course I'll have to watch it again ( before I BUY my own copy). Seeing a season's worth of plot unfold in three short hours was such a rush.

Now to the bigger job. The four seasons that came before it.

Somewhat dizzy Chrisisall


Thursday, April 14, 2005 12:30 PM


Chrisisall, you may want to try one of my favorite tricks. Be sure to put a bunch of leaches on your forehead. That way all that plot-filled goodness won't make your head explode. Something I intend to do for the BDM as well.

Now all I have to do is figure out why no one will sit with me in theatres....

Anyhoo, glad you enjoyed it!

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:38 PM


You could also join netflix, which I love. Costs about 20 bucks a month, but you get see unlimited DVD's. THey have all 4 seasons, and could send you 3 (discs) at a time, as you send each one back, you get the next in line. Cheaper than buying, and you can decide if you want to purchase certain seasons later. Nice about not having to go to the store to return them, comes right in your mailbox, after ordering online.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:04 PM


Much obliged, DeannaMay.

Practicin' his etiquette and protocall Chrisisall


Thursday, April 14, 2005 4:19 PM



Originally posted by AnotherFireflyfan:
Wrong, Starburst editions are complete. In fact, they've done new commentaries and features just for them, so they're actually MORE complete than the previous discs, in addition to being affordable. :)

Keep flying

Thanks for the info. I was thinking about buying the entire season sets on Ebay a) because it's lots cheaper and b) because I thought that the Starburst editions were a sort of "best of". Now that I know that the Starburst editions will contain all of the episodes as well as have new commentaries and features I'll plan on going that direction.

There's helpful people all around these parts.

If you can be an idiot, I can be an idiot. - D'Argo






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