Indiana Jones was at the TOP of his game in.....?

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 16:43
VIEWED: 5459
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Thursday, April 14, 2005 11:21 AM


We've had some Indy action in another thread, so I thought we might open it up a little. Seems a lot of us like those movies( and why not...doesn't Mal have moren' a few traits in common with the Jonesmiester?)

Okay, which movie is BEST?
For me, I can't decide(surprise) because I honestly like them all equally for totally different reasons.

Raiders has the best adventure.
Doom has the best mindless action.
Crusade has the best chemistry (Ford and Connery).

What do 'yall think?

Where's my whip Chrisisall


Thursday, April 14, 2005 11:54 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
We've had some Indy action in another thread, so I thought we might open it up a little. Seems a lot of us like those movies( and why not...doesn't Mal have moren' a few traits in common with the Jonesmiester?)

Okay, which movie is BEST?
For me, I can't decide(surprise) because I honestly like them all equally for totally different reasons.

Raiders has the best adventure.
Doom has the best mindless action.
Crusade has the best chemistry (Ford and Connery).

What do 'yall think?

Where's my whip Chrisisall

i liked last crusade the best. raiders of the lost ark was good too. temple of doom was a little weaker, but still a good movie. they all had that great blend of comedy, action and story but i thought last crusade did that the best.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:04 PM


Raiders was a brilliant film with a great plot and wonderful characters A++

Doom was a roller coaster ride in a kiddie's park,
with no character development and very little plot C-

Crusade was better than Doom,
but still, VERY silly plot...very silly all together B

JMPO of course...


Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:47 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

I'd have to go with Raider's of the Lost Ark.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 2:57 PM


i'd have to go with last crusade. something about it is just...perfect lol. i love them all though, and i love my dvd box set! i watched temple of doom w/ a friend last night. the whole pulling heart out/lowering into pit of fiery lava stuff thing is just so damn creepy! that whole movie gives me the creeps, ee! i love it for that:) and i of course love raiders as well. indy pulling out his gun to shoot the guy with the swords is just so classic!

~lissa, spwhore


Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:01 PM


Each one does have its own special moments....

That's for blasphemy Chrisisall


Thursday, April 14, 2005 4:02 PM


Last Crusade. Both for the chemistry and because it's very clear that Connery is having the time of his life filming that.

Raiders is a very close second, due to the deeper look at archaeology and "lost history" (an interest of mine). Also, the Raiders March is my favourite John Williams piece, even above and beyond anything in Star Wars.

Temple of Doom was okay, but really nothing special IMHO.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, April 14, 2005 5:52 PM


Raiders of the Lost Ark, definalty.

Doom is still great, and Last Crusade is wonderful (Lotta really good, quotable lines in that one). I think the main reason Crusade isn't on top is because Indy spends most of the movie in a tie. WTF? That bothers me big time for some reason. Other than that, its gold.

"I think they're trying to kill us."
"I know, Dad!"
"Well, I'm sorry, but this is a new experience for me."
"Happens to me all the time."


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.



Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:10 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same

Temple o' Doom was a rush job. It was originally developed to be set, & filmed, in China. Then tanks rolled in Tiannanmen Square, & crushed that idea. Spielberg kept what was supposed to be the climactic scene of the second movie, but used it as the introduction. I find ToD so bad that I almost always stop it when Indy & wutzername crash through the window, & I go on to Last Crusade.

I think Raiders is the best story of the three, & of course it is the original, whereas the others are sequels. But I find Harrison Ford's acting better in Last Crusade.

As for Indy, in Raiders he admitted his game was somewhat "playground" ("I'm makin' it up as I go"). One of the best things about Last Crusade is that most of the time Indy seems more accomplished (than in Raiders), except when he's being upbraided by his father.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Big Fuzz, "God Knows", from "Exercising the Demons"


Thursday, April 14, 2005 9:08 PM


I'll have to watch them all again, just to be sure, but I'd have to say Raiders.

However, we should not be ingnoring the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Some of those were good, too.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at realme@pcibroadband.net.)


Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:44 PM


I have to say, Raiders blew me right out of my socks when I watched it in the theatre.
I still remember the horror I felt when this huge, barebreasted, bald german guy beats Indy up and the plane suddenly turned around.

Ok, I was young back then and I guess it was some imagnination thing, when the prop blades came in on the guy and the scene cut to Indy.
It is sad that in today's movies they would have to show the "meatgrinding process" to make the audience gasp.

But since I was able to visualize what happened in my head it was some real "horror" to me back then.
And I like the fact that one of the most funny scenes from Raiders was done because of Ford being sick when shooting it.
(You know which one I mean, right? )

ToD was an ok one, but it didn't have the "feel" that Raiders had.
Some scenes were great though, even when slightly over the top, like the dinner. Maybe it was even because they were so over the top.

Last Crusade really lives from the chemistry between Connery and Ford.
You can actually feel how much fun the two had together when shooting the movie.
The story was far better than in ToD, maybe not as good as the one from Raiders.

I wouldn't be able to say if I like Raiders better or Crusade. So I would go for:
1st - Raiders & Crusade (for different reasons)
2nd - Temple of Doom

See ya,


Friday, April 15, 2005 3:05 AM


My preference for the movies:
1) Raiders
2) Crusade

I just love Raiders. It was beautifully executed, a wild ride, lots of fun. Crusade was a little silly plot-wise, but I'll agree that the chemistry was great and the characters were wonderful.

My opinion of Indy being "at the top of his game":
1) Crusade
2) Raiders

As was previously stated, Indy - when his dad wasn't around - was more confident and capable in Crusade than in Raiders.

No, I don't rate Temple. I kinda ignore it. One thing that has always bugged me about it is that Indy never actually does anything proactive. Every action he takes is just a simple reaction. There is virtually nothing he does in Temple that is his own decision. In Raiders and Crusade, the plot is driven by his choices, the things he decides to do (and not do). In Temple, he does nothing more than react to what's thrown at him in the most obvious and simple way. To me, it just made Indy a very weak character, and that was a shame...



Friday, April 15, 2005 3:23 AM


Important people don't do field work.

I think Indy was at the top of his game the most in Temple of Doom. There is no rest nor pause for him in that movie once he gets started. Plus that scene with the reveal of him by the lamplight of the minecart...Iconic!

Also, Hey! Short Round!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, April 15, 2005 3:29 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by embers:
Raiders was a brilliant film with a great plot and wonderful characters A++

Doom was a roller coaster ride in a kiddie's park,
with no character development and very little plot C-

Crusade was better than Doom,
but still, VERY silly plot...very silly all together B

JMPO of course...


" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, April 15, 2005 3:34 AM


Gotta say my Fav is Last Crusade.

Like the backstory on how Indy became who he is. I like "origin" stories. You all are right the chemistry with Connery is awesome in every way. Even like the "Christian" aspects of it. I like the whole "leap of faith" moment. I've used it in talking to my youth group. I could list great moments from that movie all day.

I loved it so much I bought the screen play & the soundtrack, just to relive the experience. One of my all time favorite movies.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Friday, April 15, 2005 3:40 AM


Much as I truely DETEST agreeing with people, I'd have to go with Raiders....

A work of genius in the stand alone sense whch the others aren't quite...

But possibly my favourite scene in all three is when Short Round and Indy are playing cards in the jungle and every time she turns round, Willie is scared by a different animal - I still laugh when I see that and the other thing I tend to hate is slapstick!

Plus Harrison is at his most beautiful in Raiders (with the exception of the point of carbon freezing)...

"You Americans, you're all the same. Always overdressing for the wrong occasions."


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Friday, April 15, 2005 4:08 AM



Originally posted by Gavida:
And I like the fact that one of the most funny scenes from Raiders was done because of Ford being sick when shooting it.

I didn't know he was sick, I thought he was just in a hurry to get off the location filming and back to London (or was it L.A.?) for some other thing (premiere? family thing? appointment?).

Spielberg had the whole fight scene choreographed, and Ford said that this was his last day. Spielberg said that that the only way they could finish that fast was if Indy just. . . pulled out his revolver and. . . shot . . .

Both of them: THAT'S BRILLIANT!!!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, April 15, 2005 5:09 AM


During the time they shot in Tunisia many of the crew got sick from the food they were not used to and Ford was one of them.

So the scene was planned as a large action scene, but Ford felt so sick that he asked to shorten the shoot.

Depending on sources it was even him, who came up with the idea to just shoot the guy with the large sword.

Here three quotes with the anecdote:

For instance, in a very funny scene, Indy is faced with an impressive Arab swordsman in Cario - the man does all this fancy swordplay (oh no...Indy's met his match) and then, with an exasperated look, Indy simply shoots him. This scene actually was created by accident, when Harrison Ford, who was sick during the filming, asked if the scene could be shortened.

from: http://www.radiodirectory.com/usstoreproducts6300214060.html

The Planned Action Scene that wasn't: A favorite scene of many people takes place between Ford and a gigantic bad guy wielding a huge sword, when Marion Ravenwood was kidnapped by the bad guys in the middle of the Egyptian town's outside market. This huge bad guy moves in Indiana's way, showing him a big deadly sword, & puts on a display of swordsmanship, showing off. Indiana, tired from fighting, watches him, thinks about it for a brief moment, then quickly pulls out his gun and shoots the guy, solving the problem. (Ford, according to the storyboard, was supposed to have a big, involved fight with him, but was feeling pretty sick. So on the spur of the moment, the script was changed).

from: http://www.homevideos.com/revnclas/10b.htm

The scene in Cairo in which Indy just shoots a sword-wielding man was intended to be a long, choreographed fight scene featuring Indy's whip versus the Arab man's saber. But at the time Harrison Ford was suffering from dysentery after three months of filming in Tunisia, couldn't face the three additional days of filming and suggested that this much shorter version should be tried instead. Ford approached Spielberg and said: "Why don't I just shoot the son of a b*tch?" And thus the most famous, and funniest scene in Raiders was born!

from: http://www.theindyexperience.com/tie_lite/raiders_trivia.shtml

Ok, I am a geek when it comes to Indy

See ya,


Friday, April 15, 2005 6:58 AM


oh its kinda hard to choose Raiders or Crusade, mmm Raiders, I think. Oh man I loved that film so much I wore out the video tape, drove my mother round the bend. I like Temple of Doom too,it has some very funny moments. The dinner scene was hilarious. Loved the third one - hey Sean & Harrison, absolutley great, and one of the first films I went to see multiple times on my own. Also, I reckon a good movie is timeless, and my family proved that, second generation of Indy fans, went round for months singing the theme and watched and rewatched. Good thing we had DVD's by that time.

If and when they ever get round to doing the fourth one, I'll be there.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Friday, April 15, 2005 7:43 AM


i totally forgot this in my earlier post...

i'm 18 so i wasn't around when the movies first came out, but i've been a fan for as long as i can remember. raiders was the midnight movie at amc a few weeks ago so i got to see it on the big screen! and it was so sweet cause it wasn't like the dvd, it was all gritty just like it would have been when it came out! it was soooooooo sweet...one of the cooler experiences of my life:)

~lissa, spwhore


Friday, April 15, 2005 9:05 AM


I think Raiders might be a better movie than Crusade (as far as plot), but I like Crusade more, for several reasons:
1) Sean Connery
2) River Phoenix
3) The background information that said actors provide us with (I always like those kind of stories about established characters - my favorite moments in Whedon shows are mostly the flashbacks that help us understand why a character turned out this way)
4) JJ Hardy. Who's that, you say? Young Indy's friend, the fat kid who went and got the sheriff. My one connection to Hollywood is that I know JJ, and it just cracks me up every time I see his scenes. Ooh, I have some trivia to contribute: in the opening scene, when camera pans out and the boy scouts dismount their horses, and the fat kid falls off his horse - that was an accident. Spielberg saw the humor and tried to recreate it with a close-up (and a pad on the ground) but couldn't get it to work-out (he was apparently very protective of the child actors and didn't want anyone to get hurt). I like the subtlety of the original shot better, anyway.

I mock you with my monkey pants.

Oh, yeah - check out my rock band! Click "Play entire CD": http://www.readyempire.com/index.php?option=com_artistdirectory&task=s


Friday, April 15, 2005 10:20 AM


Cybersnark, I agree, Raiders' music WAS Williams' best score, EVER! Even better than Superman.

All Musical and such Chrisisall


Friday, April 15, 2005 10:31 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:

But possibly my favourite scene in all three is when Short Round and Indy are playing cards in the jungle and every time she turns round, Willie is scared by a different animal - I still laugh when I see that and the other thing I tend to hate is slapstick!

Plus Harrison is at his most beautiful in Raiders (with the exception of the point of carbon freezing)...

Yeah, that " I'm very little; you cheat very big!" line has me in tears(of laughter) every time.
But check out Indy's shoulders and pecks in ToD- wow!

Doesn't mean I'm gay Chrisisall


Friday, April 15, 2005 10:40 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Yeah, that " I'm very little; you cheat very big!" line has me in tears(of laughter) every time.
But check out Indy's shoulders and pecks in ToD- wow!

Doesn't mean I'm gay Chrisisall

Yeah - ain't no man, woman or transgendered mtuant alive could say no to Indy on a good day, I'm thinkin'....


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Saturday, April 16, 2005 12:21 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by chrisisall:
But check out Indy's shoulders and pecks in ToD- wow!

If I'm not mistaken, that's Body by Jake (Steinfeld).

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Stones, "Bitch", from "Sticky Fingers"


Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:57 PM


I liked Riaders. You gotta love a movie when they have nazis melt like a snow cone in Phoenix. Those ing nazis.
But Crusade was good too. I like the funny relationship between father and son. It was funny.

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."- Lao Tzo


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:42 PM


My favorite of all three of them was definitly LAST CRUSADE. RAIDERS I had the good fortune of seeing on the big screen so that was cool. But when they came out on DVD, the only one I rented was CRUSADE because it was my favorite of the three for many reasons.

1. I think that with part threes of a franchise, it's usually the film that clicks the most. The first film sets everything up, part two is them ironing the kinks out and #3 is them knowing what works. BTTF3, LAST CRUSADE, DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE, RETURN OF THE KING are all good examples of part threes that perfectly capture the spirit of the series. And one can see that in LAST CRUSADE. They have the religious artifact, the Nazi's, the deft, cheeky humor, the welcome return of Marcus Brodie and Sallah and the heart racing action and eye covering horror amped up (the whole bit in the desert between Indy and the tank was perfect and I still cover my eyes with the deconstruction of Donovan.) But the big thing that ties it together is the actual crusade. The whole Xtian mythological journey of finding the Grail. Of finding that one thing that makes you spiritually complete, whether it be respect from your father or as Henry Sr. puts it "illumination". That really elevates the flick above RAIDERS and TAMPLE OF DOOM, although the scene in DOOM where they're racing in the mining cars along the track at unfathomable speeds. They way they did it puts every CG chase to shame. You feel as if you're actually there.



Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:23 PM


Raiders was a classic. That movie will go down in history with the likes of Casablanca. It's about as close as it is possible to get to a perfectly flawless film. The other two were certainly worth watching. I actually liked the Temple of Doom, and Crusades is loads of fun. But neither of the other two had the same style as Raiders.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:02 PM



Originally posted by YT:
Temple o' Doom was a rush job. It was originally developed to be set, & filmed, in China. Then tanks rolled in Tiannanmen Square, & crushed that idea.

Umm, I think the timeline is kind of out of synch here; Temple of Doom premiered in 1984; the Tiananmen Square protests occured in 1989. That's one hell of a long filming schedule.

"Do you know what the definition of a hero is? It's somebody who gets somebody else killed." -- Zoƫ Warren


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:10 PM


I like the last one with sean connery

men are in lust women are in passion


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:43 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by RocketJock:
I think the timeline is kind of out of synch here; Temple of Doom premiered in 1984; the Tiananmen Square protests occured in 1989. That's one hell of a long filming schedule.

As nothing compared to IJ4. But, you're right -- I probably should have checked something before repeating that rumour I've been hearing for @least a decade. I suppose I bought into it, without checking anything, because it seemed to explain how such a fantastic introduction could wind up in front of such a crummy movie.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) the Monotones, "Fools Will Be Fools", from "Who Wrote the Book of Love?"






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