Dark Angel - Schmaltz or smarts??

UPDATED: Thursday, August 18, 2005 13:10
VIEWED: 12173
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Monday, June 20, 2005 3:51 AM


So, following numerous recommendations on this site and others, I, a UK resident with limited TV viewing, bought the first series of Dark Angel and have just watched it …. Rather enjoyed it, but can’t help but feel it goes a little too far with the whole sexual tensions shenanigans … Ok, so I realise that Logan is a little too clean cut and smooth and, heck, lets face it, just that little bit too prissy for those of us who prefer our heroes manly (and preferably packing), but surely?!??!

I mean they both appear to fancy each other like crazy and yet they manage to avoid yer basic shagging manoeuvre for a good 22 or so episodes – was anyone buying this?? ‘cos I certainly wasn’t …. And the lengths the writers had to go to in order to come up with obstacles was shocking – maguffins left right and bloody centre ….

Plus I kinda missed the witty repartee of Buffy – couldn’t help thinking if Joss had written it, it would a been a whole heap of better ….

‘Course all this wining didn’t stop me buying season 2 – if only to see what ridiculous plot twist they come up with this time to stop Logan and Max actually getting it on – oh, please tell me he gets both his arms removed following a freak boating accident, the drugs he’s on to keep him from topping himself in grief also make him spectacularly impotent and she shacks up with her incredibly ugly sort-of-brother and no one yells incest or even looks slightly askance …. Tell me that, please!!

Fundamentally, it seems to me, the trick with good sci-fi or any drama, is to make it character based but not relationship based, so that it appears more than two dimensional … I call to mind Moonlighting, Superman and others that all fall into this relationship “will they, won’t they”, “they appear to hate each other but, God Love ‘em, the love each other really” sentimental crud!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, June 20, 2005 4:48 AM


I have to admit, that after catching a few eps on Channel 5 (yes I'm also a UK viewer) I loved it, saw it on offer (buy 1 get 1 free) in Woolworths and went for it. Loved every minute. To ickle tiny pieces.
It is (season 1 - season 2 went a bit weird, but still all-round OK) an amazing show, beaten only by Firefly, and possibly Buffy Season 2.
I'll admit they went a little overboard with the whole Max-Logan thing, but that didn't destroy the show for me, and can you honestly say it's worse than the Buffy-Angel thing - they can NEVER be together, and it took them a year and a half to get it on. Then she had to kill him.
I just wish DA had been given another chance to pull itself together for a third series, or a movie - maybe if James Cameron gets his act together.
Anyway, stop slating my show. It's great. And Logan's so sweet. And Alec's great.
Defninitely smarts (can you actually say that as a sentence?)
Defninte thumbs-up from me. Plus you can't say it wasn't funny.

...and we will call it...this land...


Monday, June 20, 2005 5:14 AM


Not really slating it ... heck – it’s just been the hottest weekend of the year and I have a hammock with my name on it and what did I do? Yes, you’ve guessed it, I stayed indoors in a darkened bedroom and watched TV – in fact, 20 episodes of DA – and managed to go to Bristol for a board meeting (all the way down the M4) – not much sleep though!!

Just thought the Logan/ Max thing was a bit laboured – felt like shouting “just do it already!” and to be fair – you kinda need a pay off for the shipper fans with that kind of thing and, although I don’t know, as still not finished first series (hurry UP! 5.30! darn it!) I’m sensing they never actually get it together – haven’t come across Alec yet ….

Have to say, I don’t find it all that funny –although the Jam Pony people are light relief – Logan’s just that bit too earnest and the writing creaks a bit …. Just miss the Buffy/ FF one-liners…Watched the one (last night at 2 a.m. see, I can be obsessed over stuff I’m not even that into!) where Logan and Max go to his cousin’s wedding and the whole “my mother’s locket was stolen by my horrid aunt” speech just stunk … plus the “bullet lodged too near the spine to remove, now migrated causing maximum danger and opportunities for lingering glances” has surely been done in every day time soap EVER! Just cos its sci-fi, my corniness radar does not get turned off ….

Now I really sound like I hate it adn I don't, I'm loving it - jsut can't help thinking with better writing it could be spectacular!!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, June 20, 2005 5:51 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
I’m sensing they never actually get it together – haven’t come across Alec yet ….
Have to say, I don’t find it all that funny –although the Jam Pony people are light relief – Logan’s just that bit too earnest and the writing creaks a bit …. Just miss the Buffy/ FF one-liners…

I just came off a stint of watching buffy S1, S2, and S3 almost back to back, and I have to say most people in most situations just can't be as funny as they are in Buffy. The Buffyverse is a little more fanciful place than the Dark Angelverse, with more room for witty and amazing happenings. I love Dark Angel because it's not trying to be Buffy, a mistake that would've surely got it cancelled a good deal sooner.
And if you haven't got to season two yet, please refer to my list on the '2nd season eps that don't suck' thread, it will help you avoid the 'creature of the week' episodes that sorta diluted the season.
Max and Logans feelings for eachother are at the heart of the show, cornyness will, by definition, play a signifigant part in it. And that's a common thread in all James Cameron's works, isn't it? That's also why, with the exception of Titanic, I adore most of his stuff.

So hang in there, the finale of season 2 is worth it.

Feline DNA challenged Chrisisall


Monday, June 20, 2005 6:02 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
Plus you can't say it wasn't funny.

I'd say it was funny in a smart way, not LOL HAHA kind of funny. Almost every time Xander opens his mouth in Buffy, I know I'm gonna LOL. But in DA the humour was more sly. "Hey, you're kinda cute." she says, just before she knocks out a guard/bad guy. It's a humour that's more grounded in reality than Buffy or say, Lois and Clark (another show I also love). Not better, but different.

Vive la differance Chrisisall


Monday, June 20, 2005 6:04 AM


Aha! Monsieur Chrisisall, was wondering when you'd show up ....

Yes, am very much hanging in there - cannot wait to leave work and get stuck in!! Can I just ask - since most people have already seen it ... do they get together EVER??? If I know, one way or the other, it will make it easier to watch ...

I know nothing is ever as funny as Buffy - just wish it was (although, of course, my life is a positive plethora of witty one-liners and saving the world a lot) ....

Its the romance/ corniness I'm finding hard - so maybe James C just isn't for me - what else has he done? (other than titanic, which I slept through)...

Back to DA - Can't really suspend disbelief enough not to wonder at the lack of jumping each other's bones going on - as they are clearly both so up for it!!

Yes, have seen your other thread and think I will have to watch all season two (ordered but not yet arrived) terrible episodes and all to get full DA experience!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, June 20, 2005 7:00 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
oh, please tell me he gets both his arms removed following a freak boating accident, the drugs he’s on to keep him from topping himself in grief also make him spectacularly impotent and she shacks up with her incredibly ugly sort-of-brother and no one yells incest or even looks slightly askance ….

How'd you know???

Seriously, I'd say at least one of those is true, in a sense.

James Cameron will always be known in my mind for that masterpiece, Aliens.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Monday, June 20, 2005 8:06 AM


Okay, regarding consumation, if you really want to know....

Select to view spoiler:

They would have presumably jumped eachother's bones in season 3, but alas, other forces are at work to keep 'em apart through season 2. It ends on a hopeful note, though.

Cameron also did:
The Abyss (but see the director's cut!!)
Terminator 1 + 2
True Lies (not so fond of that one)

After you watch DA season 2 finale, listen to the commentary for it. The first 15 min. will tell where they were gonna end it in season 3.

DA has best transfer I've ever seen for full-screen Chrisisall


Monday, June 20, 2005 9:56 AM


I think you're probably right in that it would make a damn fine movie ....

Good to know what happens - thanks - am just not one of those people where my enjoyment is ruined if I know what happens, hell, I prefer it that way .... Once forced a friend at knife point (plastic knife) over brunch to tell me the entire DETAILED plot of season 7 (6? - I forget where we are) of West Wing, just so I could enjoy watching it!! (Does Donna die?? Wail!!)

I have to confess I hate Alien - just too much of a girl I'm afraid - don't much (on the whole,with notable exceptions) care for science fiction and it scared the tiny lacy pants off of me!!

Once shared a flat with a really scary Russian girl whose favourite films were Termiantor II and I Jane (she had a thing for strong women) - again, I just get a bit bored ... I guess I'must more a Whedon girl and that's the way it'll stay ...

Incidentally just watched "Shorties in Love" - nice episode and warming to the slightly slimy one (by which I, of course, mean Logan) - he seems to be some strange woman's idea of perfect man (all sensitive and poetry writing, yet with surprising upper body strenght) which I just can't tap into ... Guess he's the Simon Tam of the series, give me Malcolm Reynolds (he at least has the decency to hide his tourtured soul with a great big lump a meanness) any day!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, June 20, 2005 11:13 AM


Logan gets less 'poetry'-like and more pro-active as the show progresses. You must have just seen 'Haven', one of my favourites, he was all- dude in that one, wasn't he? He's at his best, though, in the S2 finale.
Here's something; I watched DA when it was originally broadcast, and during the second season, when I had to wait one, two, sometimes three weeks for the next episode only to get 'Boo' or 'Gill Girl', I almost wrote the show off. I missed the finale (it was only shown once), and only got to see it on dvd!
In watching the whole series at my leisure, it was easier to poo-poo the dumb shows of S2, and concentrate on the worthy ones, so I didn't have that feeling of being betrayed for waiting weeks for another good one. I think you'll see what I mean when you get to them.
And since you're a girl and all, try 'The Abyss', I think it's Cameron's most female-friendly movie. No monsters, no robots, heck, not even any real 'bad' guy. Just a cool story.

And in DA S2 I think you'll really like Alec Chrisisall


Monday, June 20, 2005 11:30 AM



Originally posted by Sickdude:
James Cameron will always be known in my mind for that masterpiece, Aliens.

Do you have it on dvd? And if so, do you watch the theatrical version or the director's cut?
This might sound wierd, I watch the director's cut but skip from just before you see Newt's family in thier vehicle to the next scene where Ripley is sitting in the rear-projected garden. I think the pace of the director's cut works better that way.

Chrisisall, the film editor


Monday, June 20, 2005 1:15 PM



Originally posted by Zoot:
I think you're probably right in that it would make a damn fine movie ....

When you're done, you may wanna track down the novel trilogy: Before the Night, Skin Game, and After the Dark (I'm going by memory, so I likely have the first and last titles wrong. Can't recall the author, either).

The first is a prequel that shows exactly how Max arrived in Seattle, while the second and third are set just after the finale (and give closure to White & the Breeders).

And I guess I'm the only one who really liked the second season. Joshua was fun. And I still quote Alec's "naming ceremony."

. . . 'cause my next choice was "Dick."

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, June 20, 2005 1:32 PM


I have been a DA fan since the pilot, and while I love the concept, I have mixed feelings about the show in general. I think the idea of an inherently flawed superheroine rising from the practice of science, fearful of her past and all too human in her reluctance to grasp a higher meaning to her life is a genius concept. The first few episodes that stayed true to this theme were brilliant, but as they moved further from this the show declined.

The sexual tension between Max and Logan was often overplayed and in many ways unimportant, and while there were many fans who seemed to thrive off this, I found it tiresome. As the first season progressed Max became more of a classical superhero, flawless in her morality and efforts and in many ways less human. I felt that episodes like “Flushed,” where Max’s personal struggle with the conditions of her special genetic nature and the haunting memories of her past, set against the destitute and militant politics of a post-apocalyptic world was where Dark Angel was best. I would have liked to have seen more episodes like this where Max’s genetic conditions weren’t used as an opportunity for sexual adventure. Something that played a little more realistically to the deep emotional and physical struggles of genetic abnormalities. There were so many untapped stories to exploit the ironic nature of the superhuman that is only superior because she suffers from genetic deformities. I would also have liked to have seen more stories focusing on Max’s derelict lifestyle. In the pilot we see her as a cat burglar, exploiting her enhanced nature in the pursuit of criminal activities, which I admit subtracts from the moralist view of the classical superhero, but it also adds a degree of reality. Dark Angel could have been so much smarter.

By the second season, almost the entire concept of Dark Angel’s original concept had been dropped in favor of clichés that ranged the gambit from mysterious ancient alien societies to typical “monsters.” It was almost as if the people who wrote the second season had never even seen the first season. There is speculation that Dark Angel’s second season may have been a victim of political circumstances, which I suppose is understandable. I don’t think that the second season was bad, but I don’t feel that it worked with the first season, and I certainly don’t think that it held true to the original theme. Then again I began to loose interest in the second season and there were many episodes I didn’t see.

In any event, I definitely recommend the first season, but the second will probably not be of much interest unless you really liked the first.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Monday, June 20, 2005 2:40 PM


I'd have to reluctantly agree with Finn's general assessment. Season 1 was okay, but Season 2 was a totally different (and hideous) show. I'd venture to say that Cameron is/was so used to wrpping everything up in a 2-3 hr movie, he couldn't handle developing a plot over the course of several years. If only they'd taken 2-3 seasons to get to where they ended up at the end of Season 1...but they didn't :(

If you can survive death, you can probably survive almost anything.


Monday, June 20, 2005 3:27 PM


Yeah I think that would have helped a lot. Stretching out the first season. Getting a little more acquainted with Max and her personal demons: her struggle with her condition, her struggle with her lifestyle and social attitude. Giving the Max-Logan thing a little time to more plausibly develop. Giving Lydecker a little more time to as the “big bad,” (to coin a buffy term.) The first season is like a collection of episodes taken from several seasons. Things went too fast.

Lydecker was a brilliant villain. He was duplicitous, calculating, subtly psychotic yet sympathetic and even admirable. John Savage was a fantastic actor, probably the best actor on the show.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Monday, June 20, 2005 5:08 PM


No arguments there. Would have been nice to have seen the grittiness of the first few eps be maintained throughout, too. After a while, it got more and more difficult to believe the US was still struggling in the aftermath of the Pulse. *sigh* Also would have been great to have seen Savage given the chance to really develop Lydecker. One of the best villians to come down the pike in a long while.

If you can survive death, you can probably survive almost anything.


Monday, June 20, 2005 10:15 PM


Yes, gotta say, although I can totally see why Jessica Alba was a big hit (and I ain't even a man), she's not the best actor in the world ever!!

Going back to a much earlier post though - I now take back what I said about it never being funny - Just watched I And I Am A Camera and whilst I agree it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the show and presumably is simply providing a vehicle (no pun intended) for Logan to get back on his feet, I did laugh out loud (take note Chrisisall) ....

Especially the line (I amy not be qouting correctly) :

MYSTERY MAN: Aw...damn, got a screw loose.

MAX: No argument there.

MYSTERY MAN: Ah, ha...there. Hate when that happens. It's so embarrassing. Okay. So, what's the chair do? I mean...

MYSTERY MAN ( imitates shooting )

MYSTERY MAN: Or are your powers mostly mental?

LOGAN: Mostly mental, yeah.

Worthy of the Bufster ....


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:58 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Do you have it on dvd? And if so, do you watch the theatrical version or the director's cut?
This might sound wierd, I watch the director's cut but skip from just before you see Newt's family in thier vehicle to the next scene where Ripley is sitting in the rear-projected garden. I think the pace of the director's cut works better that way.

Sorry, Chrisisall, for not replying sooner; my workplace lost power right as I started typing a reply yesterday.

Some extended version in between, which is the way I like it. It has the garden-projection scene and the stuff with the smartguns, but not the stuff about Newt's folks, thankfully. When I read the book I thought that portion and the part where Ripley finds Burke cocooned were way dumb. I have to admit, though, a friend has the Quadrology box set, and that is majorly nice! What does it have, 129 discs?!?

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:43 AM


Finn, your assessment of the series is, as ever, well thought out and expressed. I agree with every word. The first season made me such a diehard fan that I bought the second season anyway, and even targeted the best episodes to watch, the ones that still retained at least a faint taste of what the first season was all about (see the '2nd season eps that don't suck' thread). I have to admit, though, the 2nd season finale, while heavily entrenched in the 'nomolies' junk, was slick and well directed, I guess I'm forgiving a lot just to see Max in action, if not in much of an interesting story.
White was a serviceable enough villain, but nothing compared to Lydecker. The whole "You have her eyes" thing in the end of the first season was so intense, and Max striking him for it was mind blowing to me.
I've even put some thought to editing the S1 finale to have a happy ending, as if it wasn't a dream- but I'd always know that it couldn't end there...

Feline in my cocktail Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:46 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
MYSTERY MAN: Or are your powers mostly mental?

LOGAN: Mostly mental, yeah.

Worthy of the Bufster ....

I think it's interesting to note that at least one writer and one director from DA went to work on Firefly after the DA cancellation. Good writers and directors don't disappear, they just jump on the next cool project.
Please let us know what you thought about the S1 finale, 'And Jesus brought a casserole', although that's probably a day away or so.

Maximum Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:36 AM



Zoot, here's a good site to look up DA reviews, but don't go too far ahead of what you're watchin', it's one big spoiler!
Let me know what you think.

Spoilerific Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:10 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Zoot:
MYSTERY MAN: Or are your powers mostly mental?

LOGAN: Mostly mental, yeah.

Worthy of the Bufster ....

I think it's interesting to note that at least one writer and one director from DA went to work on Firefly after the DA cancellation. Good writers and directors don't disappear, they just jump on the next cool project.
Please let us know what you thought about the S1 finale, 'And Jesus brought a casserole', although that's probably a day away or so.

Maximum Chrisisall

“Probably a day away”! Ha! You have no idea as to the depths of my lack of social life …. Came on the net this morning to say I take it all back!! Or rather, I take back these specific points:

1. No humour – lets face it, I just plain out lied! Or rather I think I was so hooked into the plots I wasn’t taking time to appreciate the funny ….

2. The Max/Logan angst is overdone – again I was speaking of things I knew not of …. I sort of assumed that they never admitted their feelings for each other and went on in the David Addison/ Maddy Hayes (if you know what I mean) phase for eternity …. I loved the series 1 finale…. I loved that they finally get it on (if only in her dreams) and that they admit they love each other only to have it all ripped away from them …. It gives you a sense of closure without getting them stuck in that relationship place where no one is the least bit interested anymore …

So can I just say again, God I loved, LOVED, the series 1 finale!! Loved the “I would kiss you but I gotta keep my head in the game”, loved the Max and Lydecker moments – just plain creepy – the “you have her eyes” thing and all – I’d a spaced him had I had a spaceship handy …. Loved that they got rid of Zack who was getting on my tits … only thing I thought was a shame was that Jessica’s brother acts worse than her!!

Now gonna go back and watch the series again, using the finale as the glass through which to see more clearly …. That is unless series 2 plops through my letterbox today (as am hoping it will) ... although not really as have job interview to prepare for tomorrow and you just know I'm gonna end up watching it until 3 a.m.!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:18 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Zoot, here's a good site to look up DA reviews, but don't go too far ahead of what you're watchin', it's one big spoiler!
Let me know what you think.

Spoilerific Chrisisall

Nice site, thanks!

The only site I'd found so far with epsiode guides was http://www.darkangelfan.com/ which has whiny episode guides which don't really tell you much from a terribly biased Max/ Logan shipper ....

As mentioned already, I like to know the plots as it takes the stress out of it for me and I can concentrate on the form (so might just read a little ahead...) - I know I'll regret it ....

Edited to say: Oh and one final thought - the name Dark Angel totally sucks - gave me completely the wrong impression of the show and is probably the reason I've only jsut got round to watching it!! Anyone got any other suggestions? - I think "Manticore" would have been better ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:39 AM


I can't remember whether Logan's poem about Max is revealed first or second season, but I'll just say that I think "Dark Angel" is the right title for this show.

I mean, it's not exactly "Serenity," but it does fit.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:46 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
I can't remember whether Logan's poem about Max is revealed first or second season, but I'll just say that I think "Dark Angel" is the right title for this show.

I mean, it's not exactly "Serenity," but it does fit.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.

'"Forever eyes. Dark. Somebody's angel." Whatever.'

Its in the first season .... But I just thought it was so sappy I couldn't bring myself to mention it - don't feel it gives them licence to call the show soemthing equally sapsville ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:14 AM


I thought Dark Angel was a nod to (or ripoff of) the Battle Angel Alita comic. If I recollect correctly, James Cameron admitted he was heavily influenced by it, and you can feel it's influence from time to time. Especially when Max is on top of the Space Needle.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:10 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
n her!!

Now gonna go back and watch the series again, using the finale as the glass through which to see more clearly …. That is unless series 2 plops through my letterbox today (as am hoping it will)

Just be prepared for a rather jarring gear switch. After the first three eps, the shows go hot and cold.
So glad you liked the finale. Forces tears outta me every time.
I always thought Dark Angel should've been titled something more like: Maximum Girl!
Just kidding- you know, like Dark Future, or Terminal City or something.

Girls kick ass, says so on a tee-shirt Chrisisall


Thursday, June 23, 2005 9:13 AM


Maximum Girl!!!



Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:23 PM


OK so I watched the first two episodes of DA season 2 last night – and I think I must be more horrendously shallow than I thought due to my overriding reaction being:

“Bad haircut, Logan, BAD, BAD haircut!!”

Things I liked:

· Alec – nice to have a proper bad boy, constantly on the scam – trying desperately not to do good, but doing it anyhow (did I hear someone shout “Spike”?) Logan’s always been just that little bit too altruistic for me!

· The White fella – the new bad seems genuinely nasty and sorta creepy … prefer him to the platinum blonde who I kept expecting to have wrinkles on her nose (STNG?) …

· The “Max is the one we’ve been looking for” set up – what’s so special about her? Like the bit of mystery …

Things I know are gonna rile me eventually:

· S1W – feel like we already have enough characters without needing more …

· All the bloody random animal/humans – the sand creature and Joshua, not to mention all the others, I just know are gonna wind me up …

· Too much army stuff – I liked Max in her Seattle world not fitting in …

· Max’s straight hair – gotta ask, from a purely practical point of view – is it useful for a soldier to have lots of long loose hair just asking to get caught in stuff??

Anyhow – after the weekend I suspect I will know exactly what I think of the entire second series unless I have to go baby-sit my sister’s children ….


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Friday, June 24, 2005 11:07 AM


Wow, you're plowin' right through them shows!
Logan's hair gets better.
Max's new hair will grow on you (Ha ha that sounds so stupid!), and long hair is a danger to a real soldier, however, she's no soldier!
White is sicker than Lydecker, although not as interesting.
Alec is the way he is for a reason.
Yes, the overabundance of 'nomolies will annoy, hence my list of good 2nd season shows.
Too much Army stuff? Hell, Max's small world is all but gone now, her little life is gonna get more complicated, just like ours.

I'm halfway through S2 myself (5th time now)

Cheers from Chrisisall


Sunday, June 26, 2005 10:14 PM


Just watched Borrowed Time and think this is probably the best line of the series so far:

"why consummate two years of unbridled passion when we can have pasta?"

Alec is superb!!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, June 27, 2005 4:30 AM


The fact that in real life at that time Jessica and Michael were actual lovers makes the passion on the show all the more palpable.
I see you made it past 'Gill Girl', my least favourite ep. 'Love in Vein' is the other, rounding out the two most unwatchable shows list.
I really liked 'Some Assembley Required', and 'Berrisford Agenda' was one of the 3 or 4 best, IMHO.
I knew you'd like Alec. As in smart.
Please keep me updated, can't wait to hear what you think of the finale.

Full of junk DNA Chrisisall


Monday, June 27, 2005 4:46 AM


Yes Gillgirl not great - especially found suspending disbelief re gills and eggs tres hard ... God I love Alec - but can't help wondering why Max would go for Logan over Alec ... Loved the Beresford Agenda - nice to see Alec's back story and could Max be being so hard on Alec 'cos deep down she kinda likes him?? Most of all I pretty much adored Joshua’s dinner party (“is the mac and cheese overdone?”)!!

Interesting re Jessica and Michael - didn't know that - Isn't he like about 100 years older than her???

Also found it v hard to believe the "I may be being girly but don't want to waste this opportunity on a quickie" line ... Why not have a quickie and then go for "slow and languorous" later on? - Oh, I get it, plot device!!!

Started watching Love in Vein last night – haven’t finished it yet – punning title in itself enough to put me off …


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, June 27, 2005 5:25 AM


Max is a control freak, and Alec is out of control, that's why she goes for Logan.
Michael is 15 years older than Jessica. She was a virgin until DA, and Michael changed all that, probably in the first season (behind the scenes, I mean). They broke up a year after cancelation. But their on screen attraction is fascinating to watch, knowing that is absolutly real.

Romantic Chrisisall


Monday, June 27, 2005 5:40 AM


tch! The filthy old pervert!!

Will be watchign far cloer now - may have to rewatch series one jsut to see if one can, you know, tell!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, June 27, 2005 5:40 AM


tch! The filthy old perv!!

Will be watching far closer now - may have to rewatch series one just to see if one can, you know, tell when!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, June 27, 2005 5:50 AM


Tell when?
Who's the perv now?

I'd say somewhere around 'Art Attack' Chrisisall


Monday, June 27, 2005 6:40 AM


I'm the PERV!!!!! (Did I ever say I wasn't? - just smarting as am much nearer Michael's age - it shoulda been me!?!?!)

Ohh Art Attack eh? You could be right - will have to go home forthwith and re-watch - it being hometime here in the UK!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 5:11 AM


Yes - slightly pervy. But you know. It made it work didn't it?
I always wondered if they would have carried on together if DA hadn't got cancelled - what do you think?
Sorry - I'm a a hopeless romantic.

Gotta love Alec.

...and we will call it...this land...


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 6:23 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
Yes - slightly pervy. But you know. It made it work didn't it?
I always wondered if they would have carried on together if DA hadn't got cancelled - what do you think?
Sorry - I'm a a hopeless romantic.

Gotta love Alec.

...and we will call it...this land...

Nah! I reckon she woulda dumped him anyhoo and moved right along to Jensen Ackles ... 'cos as you say, "Gotta Love Alec"!!!

Hopeless Un-romantic!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 6:25 AM


From what Jessica said in interviews, it was just the age difference. She wanted to party, and he wanted to cozy up at home. Breakin' up was inevitable.

Could be Michael's older bro Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 6:31 AM


I'm currently up to my last 2 eps of S2, that'll make this like, the 6th time or something.
Did you get to 'Hello, Goodbye' yet?
Just for fun last night I watched 'Boo', one that's not on my list of good ones. Makes it only the second time I've seen it. The ending was cool, but this is still one that I'll revisit only rarely.

Harsh on goofy DA eps Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 6:54 AM


No don't think I was that keen on Boo either - am hankering after the first series again at the moment!!

Just watched Fuhgeddaboudit which I found in parts annoying but otherwise loved the fight scenes with Max and Alec - oh I love Alec - sigh!!

About to watch Hello Goodbye but watched the start before work - saw what happened and decided I needed to pay attention adn sit down and watch in one shot so am off home to do so this instant ....


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 7:04 AM


Well Zoot, sounds like you're having a fine time. My relatives in Scotland came for a visit and I got them hooked on Season 1. My cousin went out and bought Season 2 once she got home. I loved both seasons, cheesy eps and all. I am completely in love with anything Joss does, but I was thoroughly into the show. Alec I thought was a good dynamic and there's an ep that show you why he's such an ass (likeable, but still ass). My absolute favorite characters are Original Cindy and Joshua. Yes, the shows about Max, but I think the help carry the show. There is also a trilogy of books out there about the show. The first entails season 1, the second season 1 up to the finale of season 2, and the third about what happens after. REALLY GOOD BOOKS!!!! I forget what they are titled something like DA:After the Dawn, Before the Dawn and something else. It helps for any questions about the show and bridges some gaps. Anyway, just wanted to say something. Hope all goes well and if you read the books let me know if you liked them or not.

Jayne: "Hey I ain't fight in no war. Besta luck though."


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 7:38 AM


Silmarwen, didn't you thing the end of the last book was kinda rushed?

Select to view spoiler:

I mean they made it all come to zip with the comet, like the breeding cult just wasted centuries for nothing!? I was left goin' "what?!"

Too bad, I really liked it up until that.

Always complainin' Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 12:32 AM


Oh my! Watched Dawg Day Afternoon and She Ain’t Heavy last night – liked them both, though felt the blind girl needed to be dead – which she then was so, hey, good call ….

One question: How the hell do their pagers and cell phones work way down deep in the sewers? Have cell phone reception signals got way more advanced in 2020 or am I supposed to just not ask? Thing is, in DDA, its kinda a major plot device that Max’s phone goes off in the sewer ….

Its killin’ me that I have only two episodes left to go – why did I have to watch them all so fast?? Why, oh why did they make the series so short? Why, oh why, oh WHY did they not do a 3rd series??????

Am off to look for the books ....


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:57 AM


Yeah, though I think Boo is much better the second time you watch it - it makes you appreciate the surrealism. The first time I thought it was really bad, but I have since re-watched it, and think it should be considered as one of you 'OK' eps cisall.

...and we will call it...this land...


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:43 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Silmarwen, didn't you thing the end of the last book was kinda rushed?

Select to view spoiler:

I mean they made it all come to zip with the comet, like the breeding cult just wasted centuries for nothing!? I was left goin' "what?!"

Too bad, I really liked it up until that.

Always complainin' Chrisisall

Yeah, that did kinda bum me out. I think they just ended like that otherwise they'd have to write another book.

Select to view spoiler:

At least they FINALLY got together


I understand what your saying, but hey not everyone can be Joss or Decandido.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:29 AM


Other than that one point, though, I thought they were really well written, and captured the characters perfectly.

452 Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:36 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
Boo is much better the second time you watch it - it makes you appreciate the surrealism. it should be considered as one of you 'OK' eps

You're right. It's done.
I especially love where she's naked on the Space Needle (no, not 'cause you see skin! 'Cause we've all had that dream of being naked and helpless to do anything about it! Uh.. well, seeing skin is good, too...)

Another perv Chrisisall






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