If you love Firefly, best you check out Dark Angel, another Fox victim.

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 1, 2009 12:58
VIEWED: 6545
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Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:01 AM


Yes, Max is different than Buffy, but great in her own way. If you haven't already done so, well, make it so's you have.

Quality show promotin' Chrisisall


Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:08 AM


I second that!
ROCK ON MAX!!!!!!!!!
I actually prefer it to Buffy. buffy gets on my nerves sometimes.
No, seriously, you'll all love it - we Browncoats have good taste.
Even if you don't buy the DVD's - borrow them, watch it. I guarantee you'll enjoy it.

GO DARK ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:23 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Yes, Max is different than Buffy, but great in her own way. If you haven't already done so, well, make it so's you have.

Quality show promotin' Chrisisall

heh heh, Cisall, saw the thread title and thought: I wonder who posted that! (*said with heavy irony*)

But seriously folks, the phenomenally obsessed Mr Chrisisall is damn right!! DA is superb and right up there with the Bufster for quality AU value ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:34 AM



I watched DA when it originally aired. I thought it was pretty good at first, but the more I watched, the less interested I became. My biggest pet peeve was the dialogue. So full of made-up buzz words that drove me nuts. Also, I've never been a big fan of Jessica Alba. Or at least her acting.

Then again, seeing as so many Browncoats like this show, maybe I should give it another chance.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:44 AM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

I watched DA when it originally aired. I thought it was pretty good at first, but the more I watched, the less interested I became. My biggest pet peeve was the dialogue. So full of made-up buzz words that drove me nuts. Also, I've never been a big fan of Jessica Alba. Or at least her acting.

Then again, seing as so many Browncoats like this show, maybe I should give it another chance.

I second that, CallMeAth. But since browncoats like it, maybe I'll check out a few episodes.

"I do the job... and then I get paid. Go run your little world."
-Malcolm Reynolds


Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:03 AM


I liked watching the first season when it was on Fox but the second season just seemed to be boring to me. It was a good show in the beginning but it went down the hill after that. Another victim of Fox was Titus. It was a funny and good show. So go out and get the first two seasons now on DVD.


Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:10 AM


Someone remind me, what show did Fox decide should replace Dark Angel?


Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:33 AM


Gotta say, I just don't understand the Dark Angel love. I saw some episodes on Sky, and recently one of my housemates bought the first two series on DVD but I just can't get into it. Bad dialog, bad acting, bad plots (except for the episodes which just focus on the Jam Pony guys, love those ones), I can't understand it.

Can someone please explain the love because I just don't get it?


Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:54 AM


Some off-the-wall space western, right? I think I remember watching a good number of episodes of that show, anyone know what happened to it?


Thursday, July 21, 2005 8:15 AM


I liked DA at the start, but it didn't seem to be going anywhere and I lost interest. Now that I've seen Buffy I can see that DA was not a cheap knock-off, it was a very high priced knock-off. Cameron changed just enough to make it original, but used the same dynamics. In the end his lack of vision carried the show to an early grave.

The real question is who remembers John Doe? I really liked that show...



Thursday, July 21, 2005 8:42 AM


I do! I do! I remember John Doe! It was on Friday nights right after Firefly!

The even realer (?) question is who remembers the series Matthew Fox was in around the same time? (Hint: He saw dead people)


"Let's go be bad guys."


Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:33 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Yes, Max is different than Buffy, but great in her own way. If you haven't already done so, well, make it so's you have.

Quality show promotin' Chrisisall

I was a big fan of Dark Angel, for obvious reasons - Jessica Alba. Season 1 was far better than season 2, imo. Still, I think it could have made a come back had season 3 ever come to pass.

I have the XBox 'Dark Angel' game. The main reason I keep it is just to hear Max's comments as she's kicking some bad guy's ass. Great stuff!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:36 AM


You're all being VERY negative here!
I can't believe it - some enthusiasm PLEASE!
IT'S AN AMAZING SHOW! You have to give it a chance!
Seriously, I'm not kidding, I prefer it to Buffy 99% of the time, and NO, IT IS NOT A RIP-OFF. Just because it has a girl that kicks-ass, does not make it a cheap rip-off! Harrumph.
If you want to see why I love it so much - check out the 'You can ignore this one too' thread, I have a HUGE list of things there. Seriously. I got a bit carried away.

No seriously though, give it a chance.

Slightly peeved FLF.


Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:12 AM



Originally posted by IndianaBanzai:
Some off-the-wall space western, right? I think I remember watching a good number of episodes of that show, anyone know what happened to it?

I think they edited a bunch of episodes into a movie or something, I saw a trailer...it's called Sanctity or somethin'.



Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:30 AM



Originally posted by chronicthehedgehog:
Bad dialog, bad acting, bad plots, I can't understand it.
Can someone please explain the love because I just don't get it?

The dialogue was filled with current and projected hip-hop street lingo, so if you couldn't make sense of it, then yeah, it would seem to suck.
The actors, especially John Savage, were all giving top notch, movie quality performances, I don't know what you could be referring to.
The plots were very character-driven and usually highly emotional, so if you missed episodes I can understand your mistaking them for bad.

The only real criticism you can make is in the abrupt shift from small stories in the first season to larger and more 'creature' oriented stories in the second, it was a little jarring. But Buffy fans should be used to that, right?

Now that you don't have a leg to stand on, slap in the pilot and enjoy.

Explainin' it nice Chrisisall


Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:39 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
Cameron changed just enough to make it original, but used the same dynamics.

Well, let'see...
They were both female,and no other show than Buffy should star a female?
They both didn't like thier jobs?
Oh, only Buffy should be a skilled fighter? (goodbye Xena, Lara Croft, Bond girls)

Exactly what dynamics do you mean?

Dark Advocate Chrisisall


Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:36 AM


Gonna go back and foolishly try and clarify my points.

It's not that I couldn't make sense of the lingo, but that it wasn't in any way interesting or clever but the characters seemed to think it was.

I'll agree that John Savage put in a great performance as Lydecker but the rest of the cast? It could just be that there wasn't much in the scripts to work with but Jessica Alba seems to think pouting was an acting style. Me? Not so much.
Gotta disagree on the plots (though I will admit that I haven't seen all the episodes yet). Every time they setup something interesting or challenging they seem to lose faith in it and hit the reset switch.

I will admit to liking some of the episodes, as previously stated the smaller episodes that just deal with the jam pony guys are pretty good, but the others bore me to tears. It took me two goes just to get through the pilot! It's not a bad show by any means, but a good one, one that stands up to the quality of the likes of Firefly or The Sopranos or early West Wing? Nowhere near.


Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:13 PM



Originally posted by chronicthehedgehog:
It's not a bad show by any means, but a good one, one that stands up to the quality of the likes of Firefly or The Sopranos or early West Wing? Nowhere near.

What? Firefly has all this phoney western talk with horses in space! The plots suck, 'cause they always try to copy Star Trek's 'moral message by the captain' ending. The actors all seem to be joking around all the time, as if they're not takin' anything seriously. And the camera seems to be held by a terrifying space monkey!!!

See, I can miss the point of a show, too.
Just thankfull in Firefly's case that I didn't.

Give DA more of a chance, it'll grow on ya Chrisisall
Edited to add: At the heart of the show is the romance between Max and Logan; If you're not a romantic-type person, I can see how this show would miss it's mark with you. It's basically a love story. *wipes a tear from the corner of his eye*


Friday, July 22, 2005 4:24 AM



It's not a bad show by any means, but a good one, one that stands up to the quality of the likes of Firefly or The Sopranos or early West Wing? Nowhere near.

If you took away the word Westwing, and replaced it with 24, you would have had my exact sentiments about Dark Angel's first season. The second season was lame.


Friday, July 22, 2005 5:59 AM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
You're all being VERY negative here!
I can't believe it - some enthusiasm PLEASE!
IT'S AN AMAZING SHOW! You have to give it a chance!
Seriously, I'm not kidding, I prefer it to Buffy 99% of the time, and NO, IT IS NOT A RIP-OFF. Just because it has a girl that kicks-ass, does not make it a cheap rip-off! Harrumph.
If you want to see why I love it so much - check out the 'You can ignore this one too' thread, I have a HUGE list of things there. Seriously. I got a bit carried away.

No seriously though, give it a chance.

Slightly peeved FLF.

OK FLF, just for you, here is some enthusiasm - I started off hating DA and criticising it on much the same terms as the other posters on this thread … But … on second viewing I decided I liked it much, much MORE and got lots of things out of it that I didn’t first time around – now I’m almost as obsessed with it as I am Firefly, West Wing and Sports Night and I watch it more than Buffy – probably ‘cos over the years I’ve watched the Bufster many, many times!!

Everyone slates season 2 and I agree, taken as a whole it’s not as cohesive and the random trans-humans get annoying – but I adore season 2, I really do!! AND why?? Because of Alec … The character that injects a slightly cooler-than-Xander-esque wit into a show that otherwise has a tendency to take itself a little too seriously (or maybe its just the characters that do that) … The Alec focused episodes – even when he’s wigging out and going cuckoo are superb!!
Oh and by the way:

Heh heh heh! Zoot laughs like the evil genius she is …

FLF, Just got R1 DA Season and 2 for a very reasonable price on ebay…. I let two other poor saps slug it out bidding against each other and then – with 30 seconds to spare I nipped in and trumped them, I feel unbelievable powerful, with a slight aftertaste of guilt …


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Friday, July 22, 2005 7:57 AM


Wow - nice one Zoot - I was wondering when you were gonna turn up!
Nice one on the R1 DVD's front - don't suppose you'd consider lending them to me if I ever get a multi-region DVD player..... ? No, didn't think so. I may give ebay a try though.
Very sneaky last minute bidding btw. Very good.

Gotta love Alec!


Friday, July 22, 2005 10:33 AM


Congrats on the dealio. Hit us back when you've checked 'em out.

No stranger to DA logic Chrisisall


Friday, July 22, 2005 9:19 PM



Originally posted by fantasticlaughingfairy:
Wow - nice one Zoot - I was wondering when you were gonna turn up!
Nice one on the R1 DVD's front - don't suppose you'd consider lending them to me if I ever get a multi-region DVD player..... ? No, didn't think so. I may give ebay a try though.
Very sneaky last minute bidding btw. Very good.

Gotta love Alec!

How little you know me FLF - Of course I'd lend 'em to ya!!! Let me know when you get that DVD player!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Friday, July 22, 2005 9:27 PM


I remember watching Dark Angel, I loved the first season. The second season sort of turned me off though, haven't watched it since it was on tv though =\


Saturday, July 23, 2005 12:45 AM


Thanks Zoot! You're the BEST!
I'll let you know!
If there's anything you want to borrow just ask (I've not got anything much though) and I'll send it right up!

Thanks Zoot - FLF


Saturday, July 23, 2005 3:30 AM



Originally posted by Gophermuncher:
I remember watching Dark Angel, I loved the first season. The second season sort of turned me off though, haven't watched it since it was on tv though =\

Truth is when it was on tv, I, myself, gave up on it 2/3 through the second season. It would be postphoned for some game or something, and sometimes I'd wait 2, even 3 weeks for the next show and hit the 'vampire' episode, or the Gill Girl episode. I so missed the 'normalcy' of the first season.
When it came out on dvd I found it easier to watch the second season, and now, by avoiding certain S2 eps, I can say that I love both seasons (plus, dvd was the first time I had seen the S2 finale, which was fantastic!).
Prices are pretty good for the sets, I'd say give it another try, you might end up re-discovering your favourite show just like I did.

Not paid by Fox to say this stuff Chrisisall


Saturday, July 23, 2005 3:40 AM


You guys live near enough to each other to get together to watch a few episodes?
No DA fans around here (not even my wife, although she now loves Firefly ).

When I watch DA, I'm alone.



Saturday, July 23, 2005 4:27 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
It would be postphoned for some game or something, and sometimes I'd wait 2, even 3 weeks for the next show

The joys of a Fox series, huh?

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, July 23, 2005 4:57 AM


There's even some idiot posting as Rupert Murdock sayin' that we shouldn't bash Fox and then he makes fun of us! It's the 'Stop Bashing Fox' thread. I set that douchebag straight, though.

Avenging Chrisisall


Saturday, July 23, 2005 5:11 AM


I thought this was worth bringing over from another thread to where it really belonged...FantasticLaughingFairy, you GO girl!

I love Dark Angel for MANY reasons.

It's the best thing since Firefly.
I think the idea of America - the biggest superpower on the planet being brought to it's knees in all of a minute very interesting - and I like how they show everybody's coping - there's still fun to be had - even if they're all dirt-poor. I also like the idea that - in this world - you do what you can to survive - the bad guys are in charge and you can either keep your head down or fight the good fight. I love Michael Weatherly.

I also like the idea of Max and the transgenics (though mainly the X-series, some of the others get on my nerves), how the government made them strong - and how they mistreated them, causing them to run away; how they got seperated, and Max is just trying SO hard to find them again - but when she does, they're not (Zack) how she expected them to be. I think Pollo Loco is an amazing episode, because it shows what they were driven to by Manticore, the lengths Ben went to to feel safe.

On top of this, I like the real-life aspect of it all, her job, her friends, the fact that all of it COULD technically happen. It's not impossible - they ca't fly or use magic - it just makes me engage more with what's going on, because it's normal people like us in a situation that we could even find ourselves in one day. I just like to see how the characters react to this world.

I also LOVE the characters!
Original Cindy's hilarious, Sketchy's great, and Normal just makes a brilliant boss.
Zack, I'll admit, doesn't have the greatest personality in the world, but it's interesting seeing how Manticore is still with him, even so long afterwards - he can't escape, and this is what I love about all the X5's, particularly, as I have mentioned, Ben.
Lydecker has to be one of my favourite bad guys EVER from a show, and John Savage does a brilliant job - he's one of the best actors in the show.
I can't ignore Alec, and even if I did find him annoying and a bit of a jerk at first - I LOVE the Berrisford Agenda, and afterwards, just saw him in a completely different light.
Logan is also a very interesting character - although at first it's all 'fight-the-fight' (blah, blah, woof, woof), you eventually see more and more of his character - who eventually comes into his own in Freak Nation - jumping on the car, and attacking the Phalanx warrior - he just plain ROCKS! His fight to stay out of the wheelchair was also quite touching at times.
Max is the BEST! I really enjoy watching her, just trying to get by, episode to episode. I like to see her and Logan (alhtough wishing they'd get a bloody move on) together, and in Red, when she risks her life to save Original Cindy. She is most interesting though, when being confronted by her past, Zack, Tinga, the others - but particularly Lydecker, you can see just how much it troubles her that she couldn't kill him in Prodigy and working with him at the end of season 1.

Plus, I think the fight scenes are BRILLIANT! It's nice to see a girl kicking-ass that isn't on Buffy or Xena or some-such. I also like that she doesn't use guns - it makes them SO much more interesting.

And finally, whilst I'll admit s2 went downhill without major input from James Cameron, there were still so many episodes I loved, and even learned from that I would still rate it 27.5/10.

OMG - this is like the longest thread I've ever written - sorry folks - I'll try to keep it short in future. But you really shouldn't ask me what I love about Dark Angel without being prepared for a pretty lengthy reply. Just so you know.

I mean - there's so many things to love!

She said it all here Chrisisall


Sunday, July 24, 2005 10:07 PM


27.5 out of 10??????


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:12 AM


It's okay...but I'm not too crazy about shows that have lots of cast members who hardly get to do anything.


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:20 AM


when it was being shown on tv i recall enjoying it and tuning in to watch every ep, but not being totally in love with the show and i never had any plans to pick the dvds up. however, i saw s1 floating around pretty cheap last year and picked it up. watching it second time around with the added benefit of no adverts, no waits between eps (i usually watch a disc a night when going through dvd sets) and the fact i got to watch it on my projector and 5.1 sound system i thought it was far better than the first time and got absolutely hooked.

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Monday, July 25, 2005 4:31 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
It's okay...but I'm not too crazy about shows that have lots of cast members who hardly get to do anything.

In the movie of your life aren't there lots of characters that hardly ever get to do anything? People you only occasionally ever hear from? People you see almost every day, but seldom talk to?
See, DA is like real life...

Findin' an angle Chrisisall


Monday, July 25, 2005 4:33 AM


I agree, dvd's is where I got totally hooked (hmmm...same way with that funky space-western...).

Yep Chrisisall


Monday, July 25, 2005 4:36 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
27.5 out of 10??????

I think that's her way of goin' over the top. She may be a tad bit more obsessed than we realized.

Diagnostic Chrisisall


Monday, July 25, 2005 4:42 AM



In the movie of your life aren't there lots of characters that hardly ever get to do anything?

That's funny cos in the movie of my life, there ain't nobody but me!!


Okay, I'm egocentrically lost, I'm egocentrically angry, and I'm egocentrically


Monday, July 25, 2005 4:57 AM


A last-girl-on-Earth sorta thing, eh?

Chatty Chrisisall


Monday, July 25, 2005 5:01 AM


I did have a problem with the newwave hip-hop lingo, but that’s not so much a criticism of DA as it is a criticism of newwave hip-hop lingo. I really think the whole hip-hop thing is kind of dumb. But I don’t think the use of this dialogue in DA was misplaced. In fact it might have even contributed to some degree of plausibility.

The acting was debatable. I think John Savage was miraculous. The rest of the cast were less then miraculous. I don’t think they were always bad, but it was obvious that they didn’t have the experience that Savage had. Jessica Alba had her moments when she was really good; often they involved her not saying anything. But she did have moments when she was really not that good. I don’t think she was bad most of the time, but it was clear to me that there were things she struggled with. I wonder if one of the reasons they phased out her “seizures” was because Alba had such a difficult time portraying them with any plausibility and they probably didn’t have the time or money on a television show to coach her. But there were a couple of moments, I remember particularly in the pilot, when I thought she was really impressive. Alba needed a lot of coaching I think.

I think season 2 was really not up to par. In fact, I don’t think I’ve watched all the episode of it even today. I just don’t feel I have the time to waste, and when I want to watch Dark Angel, I’m much, much happier putting in some of the early episodes from Season 1 that I think are just pure genius. Some of the season 1 episodes I could and have watched over and over again without loosing interest. So to me, there really is no reason to waste time on disappointing episodes from season 2. I guess I’m just easily amused.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Monday, July 25, 2005 5:03 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
A last-girl-on-Earth sorta thing, eh?

Chatty Chrisisall

yeah, I like it - Zoot forced to make her way alone in a deserted world - everyone but her overcome by the radiation from a mysterious comet zooming too close to earth (ah, plagiarism is a dying art) … for some reason Zoot, a genetically perfect human being , is immune and is left in a world EXACTLY like our own, save that all other life forms are little piles of ash … she roams as far as the local video store, where her story tragically and prematurely ends when she overdoses on non-fat Pringles and Robert Downey Jnr movies …


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 5:28 AM


Did you at least see the S2 finale directed by Cameron? It was 61 minutes of the best produced tv I've seen, looked like a gorram movie!

In Like Finn Chrisisall


Monday, July 25, 2005 5:35 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
her story tragically and prematurely ends when she overdoses on non-fat Pringles and Robert Downey Jnr movies …

But suddenly, at the last second, actor Michael Wetherly (who is trained in CPR, and luckly survived the apocalypse) saves her! Can these last two repopulate the world?

Happy ending Chrisisall


Monday, July 25, 2005 6:28 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Zoot:
her story tragically and prematurely ends when she overdoses on non-fat Pringles and Robert Downey Jnr movies …

But suddenly, at the last second, actor Michael Wetherly (who is trained in CPR, and luckly survived the apocalypse) saves her! Can these last two repopulate the world?

Happy ending Chrisisall

Eurgh! No they bloody can't ... now if a certain spaceship Captain (wearer of exceedingly tight trousers which luckily haven't damaged his baby-making equipment) were to land, having popped in from the outer rings, I pretty sure they'd be able to do a spot of repopulatin'...

Am off on holiday this instant ...

See ya all in 2 weeks (which is ridiculous as I never see any of ya anyhow...)


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, July 25, 2005 7:15 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Did you at least see the S2 finale directed by Cameron? It was 61 minutes of the best produced tv I've seen, looked like a gorram movie!

In Like Finn Chrisisall

No. But maybe I should. The problem is that I missed a lot of episodes near the end which I would probably need to watch to completely understand what was going on.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009 12:58 PM


Well now you can add Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicals to the list that FOX has fracked over.

"Oh, thank you for explaning."






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