SHAMELESS (another pointless DA thread)

UPDATED: Sunday, August 21, 2005 08:49
VIEWED: 9980
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005 12:13 AM


So I got back from my two weeks enforced cold turkey from the Ffsite and found to my utter horror that the two Dark Angel Region 1 DVDs I’d fought so hard for on Ebay before I went away, just so I could see the commentaries, weren't there!!

So I spent my last free day gnashing my teeth and cursing the seller!!

But, embarrassingly enough, following extended harangue of Seller yesterday, my sister has just rung to say the parcel was located under a bush by my front door – whoops!!!

SO anyhow, I have missed you all, Chrisisall and FLF not the least, so I thought I’d start a new thread … event though I have nothing to say as I haven’t watched the commentaries yet …

One thing I do sort of want to know is – in Season 2 we find out that Logan can be cured of the Virus by transgenic blood transfusions – so why don’t he and Max just put a transgenic on ice and get on down to it????

P.S. It feels so good to be back


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 3:13 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
– so why don’t he and Max just put a transgenic on ice and get on down to it????

“...because good is dumb”

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 3:24 AM


So you're basically sayin' they're too stupid to shag ...

BTW discovered on meeting a nice guy from Portland on holiday in France (go figure) that "shag" is not a term that many Americans understand ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 3:31 AM


I wouldn't go using that word with abandon over in Britain.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 3:33 AM


but its such a NICE word ....


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:10 AM


Difficulty can also be experienced when filling one's pipe with Phalacrocorax aristotelis or even a deep-pile carpet.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:18 AM


or, indeed, watching cormorants in our costal waters ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 6:42 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
in Season 2 we find out that Logan can be cured of the Virus by transgenic blood transfusions – so why don’t he and Max just put a transgenic on ice and get on down to it????

Logan walks again after Joshua's tranfusion saves him from dying, and his body doesn't reject the new stem cells, it's my take that Joshua's antibodies will eventually help Logan to kick the virus completely, if it hasn't already.

'Shag' is known to all Austin Powers fans, and me too.

We missed you, Zoot.

No such thing as a pointless DA thread Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 6:48 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
"...because good is dumb”

Make fun of my show again, and I'll show you my imitation of Ghandi!!
Or I'll put you in a room with Hero when he's in a talkative mood for a whole hour!!!

I take that last one back, I like you too much for that

Vengeful transgenic Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 9:54 AM


Aw shucks, CisAll - I missed you guys too - you can't imagine how insane I went over two weeks with no computer or DVD and only half the last DA book left to read!!

I think you could well be right about the Josh-blood being the eventual cure but guess it'd take a lot of guts to try it and see!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 11:41 AM


Who needs guts when you got love?

All right, maybe they should use a microscope...

Safe sex Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 11:53 AM


Hey, let's play Episode Survivor: God decrees that you will only own and watch ONE episode of Dark Angel, the rest will be erased from your dvd collection for all time; which one do you choose?

I choose Freak Nation.

Whoah, that God's a mean dude Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:34 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
"...because good is dumb”

Make fun of my show again, and I'll show you my imitation of Ghandi!!

You’ll starve yourself?

Speaking of “dumb,” this is my favorite Furturama quote:


High Priest: Great Wall Of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Priests: (chanting) Free us from thought and responsibility.
High Priest: We shall read things off you.
Priests: (chanting) Then do them.
High Priest: Your words guide us.
Priests: (chanting) We're dumb.

That was a little off topic.

Originally posted by chrisisall:
Hey, let's play Episode Survivor: God decrees that you will only own and watch ONE episode of Dark Angel, the rest will be erased from your dvd collection for all time; which one do you choose?

Is the pilot one episode? If not the pilot then I’d go with Flushed or maybe Blah Blah Woof Woof.

Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 5:37 PM


My imitation of Ghandi if he was really pissed!

Haven would be my 2nd choice, it dealt with the reality of Logan's condition, and his ability to overcome his own limitations in defense of the boy and Max. Really good stuff. The pilot was good too, but the most deserving ass got kicked in Freak Nation (it also had the highest production value apart from the pilot).

Chrisisall 524


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 10:17 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Hey, let's play Episode Survivor: God decrees that you will only own and watch ONE episode of Dark Angel, the rest will be erased from your dvd collection for all time; which one do you choose?

Oh gawd … not sure I can do this …

I need some transgenic decision making powers – Overall I think I might go with Freak Nation – just cos its longer so more to watch …

First series I would always go with Meow – cos I’m a closet romantic and it’s funny (notably Max and the soldiers in the alley) followed in quick succession by Blah Blah Woof Woof and Rising …

Second series – gotta be Borrowed Time (mostly for Alec), the Beresford Agenda and Proof of Purchase (are you sensing a theme?) … also like She Ain’t Heavy … but yeah, I guess, really gotta be Freak Nation over all … sigh

Like Firefly I sorta wish I’d never seen it so I could watch it for the first time all over again!

Got most of the way through one of the commentaries (And Jesus Brought a Casserole) last night before my sister who is staying with me demanded she get to watch Wonderfalls (I’d forgotten how good that is) … Most amusing …

Jessica sounds very little-girly and the difference in their ages sounds pretty obvious – Michael: the consummate and world weary actor; Jessica: the young girl embarrassed by talking about their relationship … Am certainly gonna enjoy the commentaries from a psychological point of view!!

Made me feel a bit sorry for her though cos it sounded like she was trying to keep up with and impress him. She tended to repeat what he’d just said A LOT!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 12:53 AM


"another pointless DA thread"

Are there any other kinds? ZING!


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 12:59 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:
"another pointless DA thread"

Are there any other kinds? ZING!


At least I was honest ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:10 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:

Originally posted by Grounded:
"another pointless DA thread"

Are there any other kinds? ZING!


At least I was honest ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm

Sorry ;) I'll take any excuse to say ZING!


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:25 AM



Originally posted by Grounded:

Sorry ;) I'll take any excuse to say ZING!

And I can see why!



Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:39 AM


Growing up with nobody to really depend on except herself left Max a hardened, self-sufficent survivor. She distanced herself from everything, her emotions, her friends, even her roomate Kendra. Like Ben back at Manticore, she hung on to fantasy to get her through; her brothers and sisters were alive somewhere, with lives of their own. Even her boyfriend was kept at arms length by this 'female fogbank'. Such was going to be her life.
Meeting Logan sparked something in her. He was smart, perceptive, and as much a player player from the Himilayas as she was. He was her emotional and psychological equal. Two broken people in a broken world. Maybe they could fix each other...
Meeting her lost brothers and sisters was now possible with Logan's help, and the reality shattered her fantacies; Zack still stuck psychologically at Manticore, Ben twisted and killing, and finally Tinga, dead on the orders of Renfro. She grew up fast in those two years, and Logan, Joshua, Cindy and Alec became her new family. The people of Terminal City became her cause. To touch Logan again her obsession...

Small observation Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:46 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Logan, Joshua, Cindy and Alec became her new family. The people of Terminal City became her cause. To touch Logan again her obsession...

Small observation Chrisisall

Lovely!! I like it a lot...

You have a way with words qui est tres jolie, Monsieur... (I just got back from France) ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:42 AM


Zoot, did you finish After the Dark yet?
If so, give us a quick review
(Est que le livre est tres jolie?)

Literary Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:03 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Zoot, did you finish After the Dark yet?
If so, give us a quick review
(Est que le livre est tres jolie?)

Literary Chrisisall

CIA - you're French translates as: "is the book is it very pretty?" but I'll let you off ... (N.B. looked for "pedantic" emoticon but couldn't find one)

In fact am only three quarters of the way through le roman "après la nuit" ...

But so far am thinking – huh! (that’s a Mal “hunh”! btw) this is just a set up to clear the way for Max and Logan to get their freak on and yet to provide enough peril that they don’t actually DO IT during the pages of the book… or am I wrong … no sign of the comet yet …

To be honest I’m just not sure how good a writer the guy is – hate the way he describes everyone and what they’re wearing, just so you know, e.g.: “But beneath his casually stylish, baggy earth-tone trousers, Logan...etc..” I mean, do I actually CARE that Logan’s trousers are ‘casually’ stylish rather than ‘formally’ stylish??

Or here’s another one: “In a black ensemble of turtle neck sweater and vest and form fitting slacks and boots, the petite, shapely killing machine that was Max …etc..”
We all know that Max pretty much wears the same thing and, ok, if she’s wearing an evening gown then tell us, but otherwise – leave it the hell out cos it’s just so much flim-flam and somehow detracts from the books good qualities!!

Think there are some fanfic writers on this site that might have done it better … sometimes the characters don’t really sound like themselves and then they sorta snap back into it … to sum up – it ain’t great but I’m reading it to find out what happens anyhow …

Have you read it? What did you think??


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:52 AM


Funny, your take on Collins' writing is spot on, it made me realize something; I don't take much note of bad or ho-hum writing, I read books like scripts- the story structure is more important to me. I will notice particularly good writing if I read it , though.
I thought he structured his story well, but although he did his reasearch, he's too obviously not a fan, or the book's last quarter wouldn't be so rushed. And the way he approaches the cult is laughable at the end. But it was worth a read, I guess.
I actually like the short capsule ending I wrote on the other thread better for dramatic reasons. But I should have included Lydecker somehow, and I left out the whole Max's genes saving the world thing...

Maybe I should flesh it out Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:02 AM


Here's a link to an interesting little story on another site. It's very short and worth a look, I think. And it's just one of many, there's a LOT of ones about Max and Logan doin' the nasty, post virus. But I haven't read too many of those, in truth, most of the fanfic I've read isn't too good.
Enjoy this one, though.

Thinks he knows good writing, hmmph Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:21 AM


Thanks Chrisisall - I shall read the link.. Have read a few stories on that site actually (I go to it to read the scripts mostly) but you're right - a lot of them ARE about Max and Logan doing the nasty and, whilst they may be spot on gynaecologically speaking, thy often don't anywhere near an accurate representation of the real characters!!

I think I tend to think about the writing a bit TOO much ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:10 AM


Just got Serenity #2, are you gettin' them there?
I wish they'd make a DA comic...

Oh, and I just read a fanfic at that site, from the 'Penthouse', whoah, HOT...puts 'em in a whole different light!!!

Comic Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:11 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
He was her emotional and psychological equal. Two broken people in a broken world. Maybe they could fix each other...

No comics here as far as I know yet, CisAll, wish to God there were – a lot harder to get hold of than books!! Are they worth the attempt?

I was however one of the lucky few to get tickets to the London Serenity screening in 2 weeks time so am very VERY over excited!!

And I KNOW! I read a few “penthouse” fanfics but frankly they made me feel a bit sick and pervy!!!

What I was really gonna comment on was, as per the above quote, I think you really are channelling Alec … I watched Borrowed Time again last night (fast forwarding through the monster bits) and was struck by how your comment echoed Alec’s to Asha… something along the lines of Logan is a repressed WASP and Max is a broken toy – but where you optimistically say “perhaps they can fix each other”, Alec’s clearly more of a realist: “The two of them will never work out together”… I am, of course, with Alec all the way ...

really do think, if Max and Logan were in no kind of peril and actually had to LIVE with each other, they'd get bored pretty damn quickly (see as comparison their real life counterparts)


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Thursday, August 11, 2005 11:36 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
(see as comparison their real life counterparts)

lol, that's good.
I've never been one to let reality intrude on a good fictional romance!
But, hard times change people. I'd like to think Max will someday end up like her knockoff - happy.

And the comics are really good, worth tracking down or ordering online, just don't pay a LOT for them, they'll no doubt be reprinted after the BDM premiers!

And in MY world, Alec and (gulp) Cindy end up together (kind of a reverse-Willow thing).
" The all-girl team jus' don't have a player like Alec on it, he fine...."

Off the wall Chrisisall


Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:37 PM


Alec and Original C! – I think you may have a problem with your brain being missing… If anything reckon Alec might be protesting about his sexuality too much…

How does Alec and Logan sound? All that aggression and tension between them could just be repressed feelings of sexual attraction – poor Max!

Alternative ending:
Max and Logan find cure for virus but during their first (and ultimately last) sexual adventure, Logan finds himself repulsed by Max’s womanly bits and cannot explain the flashing images of Alec that appear in his skull… Terrified, he distances himself from Max who is devastated and decides her lack of social and sexual skills have driven Logan away. She goes on to found the first transgenic nunnery for transgenics disappointed in love…

Series 3 then focuses on the barriers stopping Logan and Alec from realising their full passion for each other – I’m thinking angst over upsetting Max (lasting for all of 2 episodes – they are men, after all) followed by some kind of similar anti-Logan virus type situ … culminating in a passionate kiss in the middle of the last episode, after which it can be at the discretion of the director which one of them gets shot and killed, leaving the other to mourn hysterically for his lost soul-mate …

BTW went to see The Island last night with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson (they’re in it, you understand, I didn’t go to the movie theatre with them) … Very good film, but unless I’m wrong it was set in 2019… Does everything futuristic which also makes a good story occur in the same future year???


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Friday, August 12, 2005 9:39 AM


OMG - sorry bout this Zoot - not been on in a while - hows you? Was the holiday any good? And I've often thought that - why don't they just have a quicky, and run off to find Alec? Problem solved - OK, so every time they had sex, Logan would almost die, but what-the-hey? Everyone still wins!
OK - episode, the Pilot or Freak Nation (althought And Jesus Brought a Casserole, Meow, She Ain't Heavy and a few others would get a look-in).
Alternative ending - Lydecker's alive, (just cos he's the coolest) and helps Max track down either.... Sandemann OR her Mum (or Mom for Cisall an all you other Americany-folks). I just think it would have been really interesting if she'd finally found her Mum - they had that lead on her early on in S1, but never seemed to follow it up. As with the Sandemann thing, I'm sure you can fill in the rest. Oh. And Max and Logan will DEFINITELY be getting busy (maybe with help from Sandemann...)
Oh, and finally - yes the Island rocks - I just love Ewan Mcgregor, although it went a bit too actiony in the second half. Did you here Michael Bay tried to blame it's lack of success in the US on the actors? They were the best part of the bloody film! They're all brilliant (and don't you just love evil Sean Bean?). I think somebody can't take failure..... (and that's after Pearl Harbor, am now reminded of Team America.....)
Anyhoo - great to see you all!

Missed you my friend(s)! FLF


Friday, August 12, 2005 9:41 AM


That's a major problem I've had w/every good sci-fi movie; they ALL need to be set MORE than 50 years into the future!!! We WILL NOT have flying cars or robot servants any time soon; this is why I love DA, first: it's an alternate reality, a what-if, so what if that year's coming up soon?
Second: no unbelievable technology, the Reds devise was about as advanced as it got.

Say, did that Reds' thingy look a little like a tiny -?

Nope, I ain't goin' there!

Perv Chrisisall


Saturday, August 13, 2005 5:39 AM


Hey, FLF! Long time no post!
Sean Bean IS great. When The Island comes out on dvd, I'm just gonna buy it, sounds good.

Just got Stargate: Atlantis, the pilot on dvd, it's quite good, in that Star Treky kinda way.
Definitly worth a look.

So, has ANYBODY finished After The Dark yet?
I wanna know if I'm the only one that found the cult resolution thing lackin'.

Gotta blaze Chrisisall


Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:38 PM


FLF, good to hear from you.

Holiday was nice but could have done with internet access (Sad, I know) …

Am up to London next week for Serenity preview – don’t suppose you managed to get tickets?

Yes, I couldn’t fault the acting in The Island – or really the film itself – I loved it – I also thought the stock action sequences were better than the average – surprised it didn’t do better really!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:56 PM



So, has ANYBODY finished After The Dark yet?
I wanna know if I'm the only one that found the cult resolution thing lackin'.

CIA, you should just buy The Island – it rocks …

Ok, so I finished After the Dark last week, but forgot to tell you about as have been reading an excellent Fanfic in the Blue Sun Room by ScrewtheAlliance called Kaylee’s Lament – well worth a read…

SO, let me see, what did I think?…

Select to view spoiler:

In a way I liked the ending as it’s kinda true to life – these cults always think they’ve got the answer to the coming Armageddon and then nothing happens! But, in another way, you’re right – certainly from the TV it looked like they were setting Max up for something to do with the comet and it would have been nice to have that run through to its end – rather than inventing a fairly crappy and implausible plot with new characters just to keep the momentum up between Max and Logan …

The Max/Logan thing could have been handled a lot better, e.g. Max is torn between finding put her destiny/ leading the transgenics and living happily ever after with Logan, who is, morally at least, no longer her number 1 priority …There was a hint of this a bit in that some of the other transgenics think she’s going way to far just to get Logan back, but the dichotomy between public and private Max and everyone waiting a piece of her could have been enough, I reckon, to create the required tension between her and Logan – less actiony, but more psychological maybe …

Plus I hated, and I mean HATED, that Joshua pulls off White’s head – it totally negates the whole thrust of the second series – i.e. just ‘cos someone looks like a monster, it doesn’t mean they are one… And the rest of the team’s reaction to it – a kind of “Whoops, Joshua! You really don’t know your own strength, do ya? Ah well, never mind!” was sadly pathetic, when it could have been used to look further into the monster/ human debate …

As you can see, I wasn’t overly impressed by the book!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Monday, August 15, 2005 7:42 AM



Originally posted by Zoot:
As you can see, I wasn’t overly impressed by the book!

I totally agree, maybe I'll write my own story, a real one, and get my wife to edit it (she's the real writer here).

Have you seen Stargate: Atlantis? I just saw the pilot, and thought it was fun, in a comic book kind of way.

Re-watching Buffy S3, it's so good (not 'DA' good, but you know what I mean), I still can't decide whether to see S5. Ain't cozy w/the idea of seein'

Select to view spoiler:

Buffy die. And Spike bugs me.
And yeah, Joshua pullin' his head off was a stupid horror-flick move that certainly WAS out of place!! Oh well...

Late, my peeps

Je suis Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:53 AM


How can you say Spike gets on your nerves after epsidoes in S4 like Pangs and Something Blue - Spike at his finest ...

A really good DA fanfic would eb nice - get scribbling ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:54 AM


Never really watched any Stargate BTW - is it worth it??


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:00 AM


Stargate SG-1 was just so much dreck to me, I could never watch an entire ep. Stargate: Atlantis is better, funnier, if you liked Voyager, or if you like your characters real easy to 'get', you'd probably like it.

I'll take that CHIP outta his head....Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:51 AM


Just watched Blagh Blagh, Woof Woof night before last, hadn't seen it in months, forgot how gorram excellent it was! When Max kisses Logan, I tear up every time!! I love the way that Max makes the point that her head's still in the game

Later, Ms. Giles



Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:05 AM


It’s certainly a very good episode!

Have been trying to interest my twin sister in DA – she has three kids under 6, so a little less time than me to lounge and watch telly and she has this really annoying belief that, if I tell her to watch something, it will be crap (despite the fact that I have recently made her watch Firefly, Sports Night and Wonderfalls and she cannot stop going on about how good they all are!!).

So I thought I’d be subtle and when she was over at mine last night I put on Miaow…
The conversation went something like this:

My Sister: What do they do, like, fight crime?
Me: sort of… See, there was this pulse (there follows long and dreary explanation of the DA world ending with) …So Max is looking for the other transgenics that escaped…
My Sister: So Logan’s a transgenic?
Me: No a cyber-journalist.
My Sister: (said at the point we see Renfro) Oh! I recognise her! What’s she been in?
Me: think bumpy nose …
Sister: ohhh yes! Deep Space Nine!
My Sister: (about Max) Doesn’t she sleep?
Me: Not really, ‘cos being transgenic she’s part cat or something…
My Sister: Then surely, if she’s part cat, she should sleep like A LOT, preferably on top of a radiator somewhere …

This was the point at which I gave up … maybe DA is just one of those things my sister won’t like or maybe I chose the wrong episode …


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:06 AM



One thing I do sort of want to know is – in Season 2 we find out that Logan can be cured of the Virus by transgenic blood transfusions – so why don’t he and Max just put a transgenic on ice and get on down to it????

Don't know if this has been discussed yet, but...

In one scene in late S2, Logan wears latex gloves to touch Max's back and examine those markings...

Why the *HELL* can't he wear those gloves and... you know... touch other places?

Full body condom, people, look into it.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:11 AM



Full body condom, people, look into it.

Have to say I also wondered this when I saw that (and when he holds her hand at the end of Freak Nation) ... I mean - they know soo many wizzkid scientists, surely one of them could nock Logan (or Max)up an ultrastrong latex body sheath (with maybe a baggy bit round the mouth so they could kiss properly ...) oh GAWD am thinking about this WAY too much now ... STOP, Zoot, you perv, STOP!!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:18 AM


I'd start w/the pilot, myself, it explains everything up front (plus it's great).
The radiator refrence was greatlol.

I can’t help but ask what is this freedom and democracy all these people are allegedly fighting and dying for, unless it’s the freedom to be shot in the head as the whimsy of the police dictates and the freedom to sit back and apathetically allow our civil liberties to be curtailed … talk about totalitarian regime – how long have we got ‘fore we’re living in one ourselves??

I didn't know you were so politically minded, Zoot.
Dark Angel is full of 'don't trust the powers that be' messages, and shows pretty accuratly how governments work on some levels.
And it's still weird to me how a refrence to a character who 'fought in Iraq' was tossed off in the pilot ep, like the writers knew where we were going to fight.
The amazing and scary thing about DA is the world it depicts, aside from the transgenic thing. It wouldn't take too much more of a nudge to get us all there, don't you think?

See you at the sector checkpoint Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:22 AM



Have to say I also wondered this when I saw that (and when he holds her hand at the end of Freak Nation) ...]

My question with that whole episode and how it ended was this:

Spoilered ('cause I've noticed some are spoilering this thread and I don't wanna ruin anything for anyone) -->

Select to view spoiler:

They made such a big point of that zone being such a no go zone for non trangenics, because the exposure would kill them all, and yet they barricade themselves in... with Logan, OC (geez, it's been over a year since I've seen this) and I'm thinking a few of the other Jam Pony (Normal and Sketchy? maybe) dudes...

What was the reasoning there? "Meh, maybe they'll die, but it'll be for a good cause, dammit!"

Probaby at this point they knew Logan's insides would putrefy after a week or so in so much radiation that they figured a little touch wasn't out of the question.

*That* is the final scene we didn't get to see after they climbed down off the roof.

Max: So... police chases, births, gun fights, transgenics kicking my ass..
Logan: Yeah, I noticed.
Max: Makes a girl all hot...
Logan: Yeah, I noticed.
Max: You're gonna die anyway...
Logan: Yeah, I noticed.

Cue: *boom chukka boom boom* porn music.

"Your toes are in the sand."
"And your head's up your..."


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:24 AM


I took the latex hand holding in Freak Nation to be a bold move in the direction of tactile experimentation that would later be expanded upon by our horney little heroes...

Rubber Chrisisall


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:25 AM


Not much of a nudge at all, I should sadly say, CIA ...

Gotta say it can't have been too hard to guess where the sphere of conflict was likely to be before the Iraq wars actually happened ...

Am VERY politically minded actually (am a paid up member of a certain political party here in the UK), but I don't normally post my thoughts on this website ...

Sadly, due to Mr Bush and his 'aggressive' foreign policy I tend to be anti-US and so many American ‘patriots’ seem to post to the site, I kinda don’t want to upset them – plus the few times I’ve made political comments I’ve been soundly slapped around for being rude about your President …

Plus, I tend to come on the site to forget about real life and revel in the joys of fanatical escapism – our current UK politics is making me sick as a dog!!


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:29 AM


Don't ya mean:


Max: So... police chases, births, gun fights, transgenics kicking my ass..
Logan: Yeah, I noticed.
Max: Makes a girl all hot...
Logan: Yeah, I noticed.
Max: You're gonna die anyway...
Logan: Yeah, I noticed.

Max: sorry, I'm with Alec now - he has so many more muscles AND he can walk without the assistnace of mechanical aids ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:31 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I took the latex hand holding in Freak Nation to be a bold move in the direction of tactile experimentation that would later be expanded upon by our horney little heroes...

Rubber Chrisisall

"tactile experimentation" ... "latex"

ohhh! Chrisisall! !


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 6:33 AM


I feel that the whole 'Terminal City is deadly' thing fall more or less into the urban legend category; don't drink the water, or lick the ground, and you'll be okay. It's not radiation, it's just highly toxic, and these particular toxins have no effect upon transgenics, allowing more freedom of movement, IE they can crawl around in a TC sewer, and suffer no ill effects.

Does that cover it?

Chrisisall, EPA man






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