Battlestar galactica

UPDATED: Monday, March 13, 2006 14:27
VIEWED: 5857
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:14 PM


I just ordered Series one and the mini series after hearing good word from it here ^^. Which should I watch first (mini-series or series) and I'm sure I heard of a firefly class ship making a quick appearance, any clue where?
Other than that, general BG talk ^^.

Edit: Well, a thread right below this just answered one of the questions. Sorry for not looking hard enough...or much...at all...=D

"No! I can't. Too much hair."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:40 PM


The series continues the story of the mini-series. So, it is mini-series first.

As for the Firefly class ship. I think I remember it being in the scene when the future president gets told that (s)he has...

Don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't seen it. You'll recognize it when you watch. Just go back to the begining of the scene and look closely at the sky.

This series is a work of art, from the writing to acting to effects, a work of art. You'll realize from the begining that you have definitly spent your money wisely. EDIT: Arguably, it rivals Firefly in its beauty. Of course in its own way, but still, they are in the same league.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:49 PM


(Hijacking thread)
So, anyone here familiar with DaVinci's Inquest? There must be some Canucks here somewhere. Anyone?

Because on the most recent episode we got our third, count 'em, THIRD Davinci alum joining the regular cast of BSG. The ever-so-lovely Sukela Mathew as the President's new aid! Shiny!

In case you're wondering, the other two are Donnelly Rhodes as the Doc, and Kandyse McClure as Dee.

So, when does Venus Terzo join the fleet?!

"It's a cow."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 2:31 PM


Definitely mini-series first, and yes, BSG's a hell of a show. Really fantastic.

You can spot a Firefly during the mini-series, flying above the surface of the planet Caprica.

To err is human, but computers do it much faster.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 2:36 PM


I love bsg. So addicted. I was out of the country for 3 weeks and I missed it terribly. I bought the episode on itunes after I got back so I could catch up. ($2/ep isn't bad)

It has some incredible story lines...and the mini-series and season 1 are awesome. By the time you get done with s1, you'll be on the edge of your seat. Season 2 has been pretty good so far...a few episodes dragged some. But they tackle some interesting issues. This last week dealt with a side topic of abortion. They've covered cloning, political idiocy, racism and other stuff that is pretty cutting edge.

The acting is great...Edward James Olmos is amazing as Adama. They've taken some chances and I think that it has paid off...

now where they are going or what happens from here is up for grabs. I personally hope that they continue to get risky with their plot and character development. Right now the past few episodes have been stagnant in both departments (good episodes, but nothing has really developed). I know they are 'setting up' for the end of the season, some cliffhanger, but they need to jump and go for some big plot stuff.

IMHO this series should only last 4 years. 5 tops.
that way the story arc is going somewhere specific and not dragging like every other tv show.

Enjoy the dvd's....they are awesome.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:04 PM


I'm with you with everything but, "this series should only last 4 years. 5 tops. "

I think this show could be an exception to the rule that shows run out of material to rehash...

A recent ep

Select to view spoiler:

goes into a facinating debate about the abortion issue, from a pro life, to the religious, to the political, and finally to its effect upon a society with a negative population growth

I just can't remember a show that could do that as a sub-plot... and well

I think these writers could keep it fresh for a real long time...

" Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I have done "

The Killers



Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:15 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

This series is a work of art, from the writing to acting to effects, a work of art. You'll realize from the begining that you have definitly spent your money wisely. EDIT: Arguably, it rivals Firefly in its beauty. Of course in its own way, but still, they are in the same league.

I agree that BSG is a work of art and is very enjoyable. I've recently purchased the 5 disc set which has the mini-series and the 1st season. Can't wait to get the 10 ep. Season 2.0 set. The production seems to have been influenced somewhat by Firefly from the way they use cameras to the large ensemble cast. They both seem to share the low tech approach i.e. no aliens, no lasers, food in short supply etc. the list goes on.

As good as it is though Firefly is still my favorite.

Jayne: "No offense, Doc, I think it's noble as a grape the way you look after River, but she ain't my sister..."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:35 PM


Any of you fine folk recommend any bsg websites? I tried the frankingalatica.net link on the home page but it must be dead or something.
The show itself has been breaking away from their usual m.o. in that there have been sounds in space, like in last week's ep.

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:14 PM


More plaudits for Battlestar Galactica. It definitely rewards those who keep coming back week after week.

Plus: how can you not love a "limited-technology" science fiction show which has taiko drums in the opening montage, and words from the Rig Veda in its theme (second season)?

It's better than keen. It's kugat. (Off to rub the datestamp off my forehead...)

Mankind makes tools; we use them to augment our hands, arms and legs.
The computer augments the brain and this makes it very unpopular with totalitarians. - Charles J.C. Lyall


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:01 AM



Originally posted by Glueman:

Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

This series is a work of art, from the writing to acting to effects, a work of art. You'll realize from the begining that you have definitly spent your money wisely. EDIT: Arguably, it rivals Firefly in its beauty. Of course in its own way, but still, they are in the same league.

I agree that BSG is a work of art and is very enjoyable. I've recently purchased the 5 disc set which has the mini-series and the 1st season. Can't wait to get the 10 ep. Season 2.0 set. The production seems to have been influenced somewhat by Firefly from the way they use cameras to the large ensemble cast. They both seem to share the low tech approach i.e. no aliens, no lasers, food in short supply etc. the list goes on.


I have been told by my Browncoat recruiter (a professional photog/video specialist), but haven't yet tried to verify, that the BSG effects team is the same group that did Firefly and that's why the effects are so similar. And, imho, outstanding.

Firefly is my favorite series, but BSG is only a hair behind it. The writing and acting is superb and focuses on the humanity of the situation, just as Firefly does.

"We've done the impossible. That makes us mighty"


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:30 AM


Well, first off, Zoic studios does the effects for BSG. Zoic also did the effects for Firefly and a handful of effects for Serenity. I met Lee Stringer, one of the animators, at a convention a couple years back and talked to him about both series' - the "handheld" look of BSG was definitely inspired by the style from Firefly according to him.

At any rate, BSG is a great series, but it's really started to flounder IMO in the second half of season 2. There's character development that just doesn't make any sense. Some particular things bothered me, and if you don't want to be spoiled, stop reading this right now.

Select to view spoiler:

Magic President-healing Cylon blood. This was just ridiculous - as much as I like the President's character it was a complete cop-out to use this "Star Trek"-ish plot device to keep her alive. I hate when characters who are "going to die" don't. It's irritating (and the reason I loved Babylon 5 so much). When you make a show, let the cast know that their characters may die. It makes it SO much more interesting for those of us watching. Plus, I think it would have been MUCH more interesting to see what would happen with President Baltar in charge.

Lee Adama hearts hookers. What? This was the most random bunch of crap I've ever seen in the show. So, I'm to believe in this episode that Lee, who has never shown any behavior like this before, is stupid enough to fall for a hooker? That he's apparently been seeing for a long time? Because she reminds him of someone from Caprica who we've NEVER been introduced to before and will probably never see again? This whole episode just blew my mind on how random and stupid it was. It has since been erased from canon continuity IMO.

Dualla and Lee. You could practically smell Billy's imminent death, they were pushing the Apollo/Dualla thing so much. This was a relationship that just exploded from out of nowhere. No indication of anything between the two of them (other than that little work out scene which was nothing to me) and suddenly within a span of 2 or 3 episodes, they're madly in love? This makes no damn sense, especially given that a couple episodes BEFORE this, Apollo was busy spreading STDs on the whore ship (see last paragraph).

And the most recent episode with the whole abortion side plot just irritated me for some reason. Not because of the subject matter, but because this show has done SUCH a good job of dealing with current issues while keeping them WELL hidden within the plot, but this one they pretty much just pull in some random girl, talk about how she wants an abortion and beat you about the head with the issue. I'm great with my sci-fi shows hitting on big issues, but this one was just handled terribly.

And this whole Cylon sympathizers plot? No thank you. I could SO do without this. As much as I can appreciate what they're trying to do with this whole plot line, it doesn't make ANY sense. This is (to me) the equivalent of a bunch of Jewish people getting out of a concentration camp during WW2 and saying that the Nazis really just want peace and that they deserve a fair shake. The Cylons have made it pretty clear they're out for the whole genocide thing - you know, by destroying all the colonies and trying to destroy the fleet multiple times. This group is so unsympathetic to me, it's ridiculous. I can't wait to see the long arm of the military smack these fools down and I hope that's what happens.

This season has had its share of good episodes, too. I loved the Pegasus 3 parter (just amazing) and "Scar" was a really neat idea. I love the fact that the Cylon ships "resurrect" as well and are capable of developing personalities. I hope they hit on this plot again. And pretty much everything before the whole Pegasus plot was pretty solid still - it's just since season 2.5 started that I've really started to have problems...


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:53 AM


*covers her eyes and runs away from the spoilers*

Not everyone is watching on the US schedule...


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:58 AM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross:
*covers her eyes and runs away from the spoilers*

Not everyone is watching on the US schedule...

Hence my handy spoiler warning at the end of the second paragraph. Sorry to have spoiled anything for you. I'll go back and make it bigger.

EDIT: Okay, the spoiler warning is more pronounced now and I did the spoiler text for the rest of the post - again, sorry!


Monday, February 27, 2006 1:08 PM



Originally posted by Bishop76:

Originally posted by LittleAlbatross:
*covers her eyes and runs away from the spoilers*

Not everyone is watching on the US schedule...

Hence my handy spoiler warning at the end of the second paragraph. Sorry to have spoiled anything for you. I'll go back and make it bigger.

EDIT: Okay, the spoiler warning is more pronounced now and I did the spoiler text for the rest of the post - again, sorry!

Thank you! I have no doubt there was a warning, it was just that my eyes skipped down a bit when I was skimming the posts. Sometimes even just a couple lines of empty space helps, if you don't want to use the tags.

Thanks again!


Monday, February 27, 2006 7:49 PM


Another nod for Galactica. I was a big fan of Galactica Classic, so Galactica Reimagined was kind of a shock for me at first. But when I realized it was better then a cheesy space opera, and actually had some wonderful story-telling and dramatic flare I was hooked. Now I'm glad Starbuck's a woman because I like Galactica Reimagined so much more.

Where's the KABOOM?! There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom! *sigh* Delays...delays...


Sunday, March 12, 2006 3:13 PM


BSG is the best SciFi show out there right now if you want the gritty realism of what it might actually be like to be out there in space. It doesn't have the campiness, fun-factor, or the TRUE realism of the science in the show though!

Just for instance... sound is in space? NO (Firefly got that and several other things right).

One reason why I do love BSG is because some of the people who made Firefly is making the effects for the show!

Another reason is because I used to watch reruns of the original series as a kid, and had a really good time with the original series too!

But the biggest reason is because of the good acting, and guest actors. In this season alone, I could name off all sorts of guest actors which ruled.

The one thing I truly hate is the relationship between Blondie Cylon and Dr. Baltar... and it's bothersome to know what he knows and why he keeps things under wraps... so disturbing.

Also, check my blog here if you want, or just read this as a small spoiler:

Select to view spoiler:

Pilot episode... parallels Battlestar Galactica?

I just recently watched the Firefly TV series again, for the 5th time. The original pilot "Serenity" showed a downtrodden world where they picked up Book and the Doc.

Then last night, I noticed Battlestar Galactica used a similar setting when they "settled" New Caprica! Firefly fans should be glad that such good shows are getting the hint as to what we want to watch. I just wish they'd realize what got it right in the first place.

Or you all could check out this thread... http://boxofficebrewery.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=8

Purveyor of good SciFi, enjoyer of movies. Talk like Yoda, I do not.



Monday, March 13, 2006 5:51 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

This series is a work of art, from the writing to acting to effects, a work of art. You'll realize from the begining that you have definitly spent your money wisely. EDIT: Arguably, it rivals Firefly in its beauty. Of course in its own way, but still, they are in the same league.

I would mostly agree.
I'd put it just under the level of Firefly, and almost the equal of Dark Angel- which is high praise indeed.

(interesting to note all three series share writers, directors, FX teams or such...)

Frakin' Chrisisall


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:33 AM


Has anyone heard Joss comment on Battlestar?

I have not and it seems like the kind of show he would like a lot (plus... the guest appearance of a Firefly-Class ship in the mini-series). This season I have only heard him talk about Veronica Mars and How I Met Your Mother.


[edited 8/1/06]

Joss is finally a BSG fan...


Joss elaborates a bit here:


Monday, March 13, 2006 2:27 PM


He must be as disgusted with the show as Xerogravity is







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