
UPDATED: Thursday, March 9, 2006 22:04
VIEWED: 4682
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Saturday, March 4, 2006 8:24 PM


Are the Browncoats here a fan of Futurama?

I think its hilarious especially the later series

"Shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck"



Saturday, March 4, 2006 8:32 PM


I like me some Futurama. It's not as awesome as the BDS but it's still fairly awesome.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Saturday, March 4, 2006 8:57 PM


Futurama is pretty good, but I'm more a Family Guy fan its freaking sweet, so glad they brought it back to TV lets hope they do the same for FF. FG was cancelled then brought back because of DVD sales, So I think we got a good chance to see more FF.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 9:13 PM


I heard they're bringing back futurama, they're just waiting on the cast deals.

anyone tries to kill ya, you try to kill 'em right back!


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:25 PM


I like Futurama, even though I prefer Family Guy and American Dad. ^_^

I__I They're going to bring back Futurama? God I hope they do...I want Leela and Fry to get together!


Saturday, March 4, 2006 11:49 PM


yeah, futurama is great, if only to witness Calculons "GOD GIVEN ACTING TALENT"


Saturday, March 4, 2006 11:53 PM


Now if only there was Futurama parody of Firefly that was like the episode with the Original Series Trek guys :)

Where's the KABOOM?! There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom! *sigh* Delays...delays...


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:48 AM


Ladies and gentlemen. For your viewing entertainment, the ramblings of a guy who drank coffee and an energy drink at around 11 PM and is bored at 3:30 in the morning. Here we go.

I am a huge FUTURAMA fan. I have all the DVD's and I'm eagerly awaiting the direct-to-DVD movies of them that are now in development. I actually think FUTURAMA is better than THE SIMPSONS. THE SIMPSONS for the last 8 years or so has been nning on empty. I don't even bother with the new eps anymore. FUTURAMA only lasted a quarter of the lenght of SIMPSONS, but it actually got better over the years.

And it's weird how many parallels there are between it and FIREFLY. In a weird way, FUTURAMA is kind of the animated series version of FIREFLY, just with different dynamics.

Here are some random quotes I always liked.

Fry: "It's the future! My parents, my coworkers, my girlfriend. I'll never see any of them again! Yahooo!"

Scientist1: "Welcome to the world of tomorrow!"
Scientist2: "Why do always have to say it that way?"
Scientist1: "Haven't you ever heard of a little thing called showmanship? Come, your destiny awaits!"

Hermes: "Ok Captain, this is just a standard legal release protecting Planet Express from lawsuits in the event of the unforeseen."
Leela: "Death by airlock failure."
Hermes: "Mm-hm."
Leela: "Death by brain parasite."
Hermes: "Yeah"
Leela: "Death by sonic diarrhea."
Hermes: "Oh ho, you don't want that."
Leela: "Look. I don't know about your previous captains, but I intend to do as little dying as possible."
Hermes: (laughs) "Sign the paper."

Zoidberg: "Now open your mouth and let's have a look at that brain. No, nononono, not that mouth."
Fry: "I only have one."
Zoidberg: "Really?"
Fry: "Uh...is there a human doctor around?"
Zoidberg: "Young lady! I'm an expert on humans. Now pick a mouth, open it, and say" (warbling noise)
Fry: "Uh.." (clears throat and does his best imitation)
Zoidberg: "What! My mother was a saint!!! Get out!"

Bender: "Oh, no room for Bender, huh? Fine, I'll go build my own lunar lander! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the lunar lander and the blackjack! Ah, screw the whole thing."

Bender: *snore* "Kill all humans...Kill all humans...Must kill all hu..."
Fry: "Bender, wake up!"
Bender: "I was having the most wonderful dream! I think you were in it."

Fry: "Hm...I'm not sure we wanna pay for a dimension we're not gonna use."

Woman: "You're from the 20th century? That's incredible, I'm from the 21st century!"
Fry: "No way! We've got so much in common."
Woman: "We sure do. Remember when those cyborgs enslaved humanity?"
Fry: "Uh...Yeah! That rings a bell."

Kif: "Fatso says you're free to go."

Robot Judge: "Thank you, prosecutor. I will now consider the evidence."
Fry: "Hey, wait a minute! Isn't anyone gonna defend us?"
Leela: "Yeah! I mean, he may not have a case...but I'm genuinely not human!"
Robot: "Quiet, human!" (collective gasp)
Robot #2: "Uh oh, he froze up again."
Robot #3: "Try control, alt, delete!"
Robot #4: "Jiggle the cord!"
Robot #5: "Turn him off and on!"
Robot #6: "Clean the gunk out of the mouse!"
Fry: "Call technical support!"
Robot #2: "Ok, ok, he's back online."

Fry: "Stop! Take one more step, and I'll...breathe fire on you!"
Leela: "He'll do it! He's crazy!"
Robot #1: "Can they really breathe fire, or did we make that up?"
Robot #2: "Gee, I can't remember anymore. It might just be from that stupid movie."
Robot #3: "Was that the original or the remake?"
Robot #4: "I don't...hey, they're getting away!"

Fry: "Ok, my friends, get ready for the most delicious extinct animal you've ever tasted!"
Amy: "I dunno, I've had cow."

Professor: "Good news, everyone."
Bender: "Uh oh. I don't like the sound of that."
Professor: "You'll be making a delivery to the planet Trisol."
Bender: "Here it comes."
Professor: "A mysterious world in the darkest depths of the Forbidden Zone."
Bender: "Thank you, and goodnight."
Leela: "Uh, Professor, are we even allowed in the Forbidden Zone?"
Professor: "Why, of course! It's just a name, like the Death Zone or the Zone of No Return. All the zones have names like that in the Galaxy of Terror."
Leela: "Uh, Professor..."
Professor: "Off you go! Pleasant trip!"

Alien: "This is your majesty's harem. You may choose any of these maidens to be your royal consort."
Fry: "Uh, how bout that one?"
Alien: "Oh, I didn't realize your majesty was into that sort of thing."
Fry: "Uh...on second thought, I'll take that one!"
Alien: "Hey! Whatever you say, I'm not here to pass judgment."

Wernstrom: "Face it, Farnsworth, you're over the hill. It's time to leave science to the hundred-twenty-year-olds."
Farnsworth: "You young turks think you know everything! I was inventing things when you were barely turning senile."
Wernstrom: "Haha! Go home before you embarrass yourself, old man! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap before the ceremonies."

Fry: "Hey, as long as you don't make me smell Uranus." *laughs*
Leela: "I don't get it."
Professor: "I'm sorry, Fry, but astronomers renamed Uranus in 2620 to end that stupid joke once and for all."
Fry: "Oh. What's it called now?"
Professor: "Urectum."

Bender: "Friends! Friends! Surely you're not going to eat before we say robot grace. In the name of all that is good and logical, we give thanks for the chemical energy we are about to absorb. To quote the prophet Jer-a-matic, one zero zero zero one zero one zero one zero one zero one..." *time passes* "...zero zero one zero one one zero zero one...two. Amen."

Robot: "Wretched sinner-unit...the path to robot heaven lies here, in the Good Book 3.0."
Bender: "Hey, do I preach to you when you're lying stoned in the gutter? No! So beat it!"
Fry: "Who was that guy?"
Bender: "Your mama, now shut up and drag me to work."

Kif: "Captain, may I have a word with you?"
Brannigan: "No."
Kif: "It's an emergency, sir."
Brannigan: "Come back when it's a catastrophe" *bang* "Oh very well ..."

Fry: "I'm a certified college dropout."
Leela: "Please... Everyone knows 20th century colleges were basically expensive day care centers."
Farnsworth: "That's true. By current academic standards, you're merely a high school dropout."
Fry: "What?! That's not fair. I deserve the same respect any other college dropout gets. By God, I'm going to enroll here at Mars University and drop out all over again!"

Farnsworth: "Oh, I always feared he might run off like this. Why, why, why didn't I break his legs??"

TV Guy: "Oh my God. You knocked FOX off the air!"
Fry: "Pfft, like anyone on earth cares."

Brannigan: "What the hell is that thing?"
Kif: "It appears to be the mother ship."
Brannigan: "Then what did we just blow up?"
Kif: "The Hubble telescope."

Fry: "Married?! Jenny can't get married."
Leela: "Why not? It's clever, it's unexpected..."
Fry: "But that's not why people watch TV. Clever things make people feel stupid and unexpected things make them feel scared."

Fry: "My God! What if the secret ingredient ... is people!"
Leela: "No. There's already a soda like that. Soylent Cola."
Fry: "Oh. How is it?"
Leela: "It varies from person to person."

Bender: "You think you're so hot!"
Fry: "Wha?!"
Bender: "The only reason you get all the guys is because you dress like a tramp." *slap*
Fry: "They're just responding to my personality!"

Bender: "You guys realize you live in a sewer, right?"
Dwayne: "Perhaps. But perhaps your civilization is merely the sewer of an even greater society above you!"
Leela: "No. We're on the top."
Fry: "Daylight and everything."
Dwayne: "Oh."

Neutral Official: "Your neutralness, it's a beige alert."
Neutral Leader: "If I don't survive, tell my wife: Hello."

Fry: "There's this girl who I really like, but she thinks I'm a jerk. Can you help me?"
Man: "Yeah, there's a suicide booth in the food court. Though there's a line this time of year."

Fry: "Look out! We're heading straight for those trees!"
Leela: "Yeah, yeah, relax. Trees down!"
Robotic voice: "Trees down."
: "Cool. Hey, what do you do if you want the trees up?"
Robotic voice: "Trees up."
Fry: "Trees down."
Robotic voice: "Trees down."
Fry: "Ow!"

Conan: "Just bear with me, sir. Anyway, I'm walking to work this morning..."
Bender: "I doubt it!"
Conan: "Listen, pal. I may have lost my freakishly long legs in the War of 2012, but I've still got something you'll never have. A soul!"
Bender: "Eh."
Conan: "And freckles!" (Bender cries)

Fry: "This snow is beautiful! I'm glad global warming never happened."
Leela: "Actually, it did. But thank God nuclear winter canceled it out."

Fry: "Co-ed steam rooms. I love the future."
Leela: "Err, Fry. You're in the women's steam room."
Fry: "Ahhh, futuristic."
Amy: "Psst. Look what life was like before genetic engineering."
Leela: "Those poor 20th century women."

Farnsworth: "We, by which I mean you, will have to rush him to his ancient homeworld, which will shortly erupt in an orgy of invertebrate sex."
Fry: "Oh, baby. I'm there!"
Leela: "Fry, do you even understand the word invertebrate?"
Fry: "Nope, but that's not the word I'm interested in. No need to pack pants, people. Let's roll!"

Leela: "It's amazing that your people can fall in love so fast."
Zoidberg: "Love? That word is unknown here. I'm simply looking for a female swollen with eggs to accept my genetic material."
Fry: "You and me both, brother."

Bob Barker: "So you lost the atom, huh? You're garbage! Human garbage! Do you brain dead space jockeys have any idea how much that thing is worth?"
Fry: "A hundred thousand?"
Leela: "Two hundred thousand?"
Bender: "Two hundred thousand and one?"
Bob Barker: "You're closest without going over."

Sales Person: "Nothing makes you feel more like a man than a Thundercougarfalconbird. So how much were you thinking of spending on this Thundercougarfalconbird?"
Fry: "Sorry, I'm not here to buy."
Sales Person: "I understand and it's wonderful that you don't care whether anyone questions your sexual orientation."
Fry: "I care! I care plenty! I just dunno how to make them stop!"
Sales Person: "One word: Thundercougarfalconbird."

Amy: Hey. I'm taking my new car out for a spin around Mercury. Anybody want to come?
Fry: Yeah, OK. What's the weather like?
Amy: The usual. Boiling lead. Oceans of lava.
Fry: So what...shorts?

Zoidberg: Fry? Are you all right?
Fry: Oh, my head is killing me. What happened? Was anyone hurt?
Zoidberg: No, nononono. Of course not. Nobody but you. I'm afraid your body was badly damaged in the crash.
Fry: How badly?
Zoidberg: That's it over there.
(points to Fry's body, sans head. Fry screams in revulsion)
Zoidberg: Don't worry. I managed to keep your head alive by doing some quick surgery?
Fry: Where is it?
Zoidberg: There.
(pull back to reveal Fry's head on Amy's body)
Amy: Looks like we'll be spending a lot more time together, Fry.
(Fry emits an even longer scream of fear)

Hermes: "Exciting news, people! The pet license I requisitioned for Nibbler has arrived."
Leela: "Hermes, that's sweet. I didn't know you cared about Nibbler."
Hermes: "Dream on, woman. I'd like to put the little bastard in a sack and toss the sack in a river and hurl the river into space. But I do like filling out requisitions. And these were some doozies."

Fry: "Why couldn't she be the other kind of Mermaid? With the fish part on top and the lady part on the bottom!"

Lrrr: "Dude, my hands are huuuge."
Crowd: *whispers*
Lrrr: "They can touch anything but themselves! Oh, wait..."

Mom: "Before I die, I'd like to be supreme overlord of Earth. So rebel, my little ones, and conquer the planet!" *robots mutter in disagreement* *Mom presses button* "Conquer Earth, you bastards!"
Robots: "Conquer Earth, us bastards!"

Fry: "Whoah, whoah, wait. You mean you and Mom..."
Farnsworth: "Played pelvic pinochle? I'm afraid so."
PE Crew: *gasp*
Zoidberg: "Bleeach!"
Farnsworth: "It's a humiliating story that I hope never to tell. Well, pull up a chair!"

Mom: "I should never have tried to tamper with that cute little QT McWhiskers."
Farnsworth: "No, it was silly of me to object. One foot tall, eight feet, fifteen feet. What does it matter?"
Mom: "You should see the new sixteen foot models."
Farnsworth: "Sixteen feet?! Go to hell! I was a fool to think you'd changed, you old bat!"
Mom: "Filthy toothless nerd bastard!"
Farnsworth: "Damned she-fossil!"
Mom: "Stink pig!"

(gruesome flesh hacking sounds in background. Hermes screaming)
Zoidberg: "Alright, anteater number one. Who are you protecting? Is it anteater number two? Don't stick your tongue out at me! I need a name!"
Anteater 1: *growl*
Zoidberg: "What? How do you spell that?"
Hermes: "What are you hacking off? Is it my torso? It is! My precious torso!"
Zoidberg: "Hermes, quiet! I'm deducing things."

Al Gore: "To my left you'll recognize Gary Gygax, inventor of Dungeons & Dragons."
Gary Gygax: "Greetings! It's a" *rolls dice* "pleasure to meet you!"

Soldier: "Why is this godforsaken planet worth dying for?"
Zapp: "Don't ask me. You're the one who is going to be dying."

Fry: "It's creepy here!"
Soldier: "This is the worst part. The calm before the battle."
Fry: "And then the battle is not so bad?"
Soldier: "Alright, I forgot about the battle."

Leela: "Would you like us to put you out of your misery?"
Werecar: "Misery? What misery? I love killing people, squishing 'em til their organs squirt out like chunky mustard!"
Bender: "Look, everyone loves killing people, but I don't wanna hurt my friends."
Fry: "Hm."

Fry: "So you're saying these aren't the decaying ruins of New New York in the year 4000?"
Farnsworth: "You wish! You're in Los Angeles"
Fry: "But there was this gang of ten year olds with guns!"
Leela: "Exactly, you are in LA."
Fry: "But everyone is driving around in cars shooting at eachother!"
Bender: "That's LA for ya!"
Fry: "But the air is green and there is no sign of civilization what-so-ever!"
Bender: "He just won't stop with the social commentary..."
Fry: "And the people are all phony!"

Morbo: *sings* "Oh won't you take me to ... funky town? Oh won't you take me to ... funky town ...."

Brannigan: "We need rest. The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised."
Amazon: "It time snu snu!"
Fry: "Can't we just cuddle? Nooooooo!"

Bender: "What's that black cracker?"
Fry: "a tomato"
Leela: "You're not gonna eat a sandwich from a truck stop mensroom are you? " Fry: "What's the worst thing that can happen... ewww, it's like a party in my mouth and everyone is throwing up"

Leela: "I don't have words to say how wonderful you are, Fry. I haven't been so happy since double soup tuesday in the orphanage"
Fry: "When I'm with you, every day seems like double soup tuesdays"
Leela: "Oh Fry, I love what you've become."
(Fry pauses)
Fry: What I've become.

Mayor: "Ah, good old Maggie. When I pull the switch these powerful electromagnets will tear you limb from limb, killing you in the most humane possible manner."
Bender: "But Mr. Mayor, that doesn't sound humane!"
Mayor: "It is for the witnesses because it's not boring!"

Amy: We're all Santa Claus.
Zoidberg: And I'm his pal, Jesus.

Mayor: Hey, wait a minute. You're not Santa. You're not even robots. How dare you lie in front of Jesus.

Speaker: "And the winner is ... Number 3, in a quantum finish."
Farnsworth: "No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!"

Man: "Get your piping hot horse burgers horse fries, horse cakes and shakes. We got tongue, straight from the horse's mouth."
Leela: "Hmm."
Hermes: "It all sounds good."
Man: "All our horses are 100% horse-fed for that double-horse "juiced-in" goodness."
Leela: "I'll have the cholesterol-free omelet with horse-beaters."
Man: "And you, Sir? How can I horse you?"
Hermes: "I'll have a horse Coke."
Man: "Horse Pepsi okay?"
Hermes: "Nay."

Free Waterfall Sen: "If rubbin' frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey, I don't wanna be right."

Professor: "Being captain is about intuition and heart. A good captain can't have either one."

Zoidberg: "Zoiby want balloon! Want balloon now! Zoiby want go outside!"
Fry: "Grrr, I just let you back in!"

Morbo: "Morbo can't understand his TelePrompTer. He forgot how you say that letter that looks like a man with a hat."
Linda: "It's a T, it goes tah."
Morbo: "Hello little man. I WILL DESTROY YOU!"
Fry: "Man, even the news-monster is acting strange!"

Leela: "Awwwhaha, you're all so cute!"
Nibblonian: "No we're not. We Nibblonians are an ancient and powerful race. Behold! When the universe was forged in the crucible of the Big Bang, our mighty race was already 17 years old."
Leela: "Awwwhhaha"
Nibblonian: "Grrrr"

Tour lady: "To your right, you'll see 30th century fox studios. Fox uses those search lights to blind pilots, then film the resulting plane crashes "
Bender: "Neat!"

Leela: "Gosh...the bars on the windows seemed so much thicker back then. Mr. Vogel? Remember me?"
Mr. Vogel: "Leela! You're worthless and no one will ever love you!"
Leela: (laughs) "You used to say that all the time."
Mr. Vogel: "Ah, those were happier days."

Child: "Daddy Bender, we're hungry."
Bender: "What is it with you kids? Every other day it's food, food, food!"

Zoidberg: "Be careful with that Adelai, Leela, he's a doctor. They're very poor."
Leela: "Actually, most doctors are rich."
Zoidberg: "What! When did this happen? You're joking, right? That's not funny!!!"

Fry: "What's so wonderful about Leela being normal? The rest of us aren't normal, and that's what makes us great. Like Dr. Zoidberg! He's a weird monster who smells like he eats garbage, and does."
Zoidberg: "Damn right!"
Fry: "And the professor's a senile, amoral crackpot."
Professor: "Ohhhea."
Fry: "Hermes is a rastafarian accountant."
Hermes: "Tally me banana!"
Fry: "Amy's a klutz from Mars!"
Amy: (crash) "s'ploops!"
Professor: "And Fry, you've got that brain thing."
Fry: "I already did! So Leela - do you wanna be like us, or do you wanna be like Adelai...with no severe mental or social problems whatsoever."

Child: "Tell us a story, daddy Bender!"
Bender: "All right, fine. Gather round."
Children: "Yay!"
Child: "We wanna hear this one again."
Bender: "Bender's Arrest Record...by the police. On March 3rd at 2 pm, Bender was caught shoplifting."
Child: "Show us the picture!"

NurseBot: "He is very excitable. So don't say anything to surprise him."
Malfunctioning Eddie: "Pleased to meet you."
Fry: "Actually, we have met once before."
Malfunctioning Eddie: "WHAT?!" *boom*

Amy: "Aww...he looks like a little insane drunken angel."

Hermes: "Sweet guinea pig of Winnipeg! They've taken over our company!"
Farnsworth: "Boulderdash! I never agreed to that!"
Dwight: "No, but you did declare yourself dead three years ago as a tax dodge."
Farnsworth: "Tax dodge nothing! You take one nap in a ditch in the park and they start declaring you this and that!"
Cubert: "Either way, I technically inherit your building and your space ship. Which means Planet Express is now ... Awesome Express!"
Hermes: YOU ROTTEN KIDS!!! (pause) Will you be hiring?
Dwight: No.

Hermes: "I'm sure his father is a perfectly normal, reasonable man."
Blob: "What the hell do you want!"
Farnsworth: "Mr Blob. Our sons have come to apologize for damaging your window. They've learned their lessons and they want to make amends."
Boys: "Sorry sir, yeah, sorry."
Blob: "You can shover your apology into your bottom of your one way digestive system."
Farnsworth: "Now see here. We assured our sons that you'd accept their apology."
Blob: "Aww, tell you what... I'll accept their apology when they kiss my ass! Which I don't have! Muhahaha."

Cubert: "You are the bravest dads in the entire trauma center!"
Dwight: "You guys almost had them! Until they digested you." *hugs dad*
Hermes: "Aww, you're good kids. If I could feel anything right now, it would be pride. Boys: *hug dads* Hermes: "AAAAAHHH! I was wrong! I can still feel pain!"

Fry: "Awwwww!"
Bender: "What's that? One of those Led Zepplins i've heard so much about?"
Fry: "No! It's an old Volkswagen van." *wiping* "Hey mister. Mind if I take this old van?"
Man: "Sure. You wanna dump the corpses outta there, it's yourses."
Fry: "Yeah, yeah, I've gotten used cars before."

Prof. Farnsworth: "Petroleum reserves ran dry in 2038."
Leela: "Gas was an environmental disaster anyway. Now we use alternative fuels."
Fry: "Like what?"
Leela: "Whale oil."

Fry: "Wait a minute. Bender's my best friend. We can't just dump him in the gutter like grandma's ashes."

Garfunkel: "Here's a song that was beautiful when performed by my ancestor Art. *guitar* "Are you going to Scarborough Fair"
Cylon&Garfunkel: "Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme…"

Bubblegum: "For generations your puny planet has lived in peace with the globetrotter home world, but now, for no reason, we challenge you to defend your honor on the basketball court." (people talking surprised together) "Will no one meet our challenge? Have none of you pathetic earthlings 'game'?"
Fry: "What happens if we lose?"
Bubblegum: "Nothing. There's nothing at stake and no threat, beyond the shame of defeat"

Prof. Farnsworth: "This will not stand!" (people talking surprised together) "I'll take you on, you air balling bozos"
Bubblegum: "You old man? Hu! Sweet Clive, laugh derisively at him."
Sweet Clive: "Ahaha, ahaha, aahahaha."

Marv Albert: "A dark day for humanity folks. We have been beaten, …in basketball."
Globetrotters: "Yeah that's how we do it" *laughter*
Bubblegum: "You are all fools of the highest caliber!"
Leela: "I don't know what you did Fry, but once again, you screwed up! Now all the planets are gonna start cracking wise about our mamas."
Hermes: "I'm just glad my fat, ugly mama isn't alive to see this day."
Prof. Farnsworth: "Enough about your promiscuous mother Hermes. We have bigger problems."

Leela: You tricked me into marrying you. What was it? Drugs in the champagne? Hypnosis?
Fry: No. Drugs are for losers, and hypnosis is for losers with big weird eyebrows.

Fry: "So there is an infinite number of parallel universes?"
Professor: "No, just the two."
Fry: "Oh, well, I'm sure that's enough."
Bender: "I'm sick of parallel Bender lauding his cowboy hat over me!"

(In a totally Wash moment, Fry is riding a T-rex bareback, which in the future is the equivalent of a kiddie ride)
Fry: Bow before me, puny mortals. For I am your king!!!
Girl: "Mommy, why is that man like that ?"
Fry: "Woohoo, wooppiee! huahahaha"
Mommy: "Don't look at him!"

Fry: "You are cute!"
Lucy Bot: "You are cute!"
Fry: "You!"
Lucy Bot: "You!"
Fry: "You!"
Lucy Bot: "You!"
Fry: "You!"
Lucy Bot: "You!"
Professor: "Oh dear! She is stuck in an infinite loop and he is an idiot! Well, that's love for you."

Lucy Bot: "I'll always remember you Fry *MEMORY DELETED*"

Leela: "Professor! Please! Society is never gonna make any progress until we all learn to pretend to like eachother. Now let's go over there and make these hideous strangers feel welcome."

Zoidberg: "Ohhh Dannyboy! The pipes! The pipes are calling!"
Bender: "Whoyboy?"
Zoidberg: "From gland to gland and down ..."
Bender: "Dannyboy?? You are at my funeral singing about some dead stiff named Dannyboy?? You really are a massive bonehead!"
Zoidberg: "I'm expressing my sorrow!"
Bender: "Get lost!"

Bender: "You've succeeded in convincing me life is worth living. By showing how bad my funeral will suck!"

Fry: "You know the worst thing about being a slave? They make you work but they don't pay you or let you go..."
Leela: "That's the only thing about being a slave."

Fry: "This place is just like the ancient Egypt of my days!"
Curator: "That is no coincidence. For our people visited your Egypt thousands of years ago."
Fry: "I know it! Insane theories: One! Regular theories a billion."
Curator: "We learned many thing from the mighty Egypts. Such as pyramid building. Space travel. And how to prepare our dead so as to frighten Abbot and Costello."

High Priest: "Great wall of prophecy! Reveal to us god's will that we may blindly obey."
Crowd: "Free us from thought and responsibility."
High Priest: "We shall read things off you!"
Crowd: "And do them."

High Preist: "The prophecy is strange, and crudely drawn at best. It indicates that we are here, and our next pharoh is...over there, by some tents.

Bender: "Hey! My antenna's gone! Nah, it just moved. I'm not getting good reception on it though. Maybe if I wiggle it around a little."
Fry: "Bender, no! You'll make God cry!"

Bender: "Gaaaaaaa…" *fomp*'
Crowd: *gasp*
Wornstrom: "My God! He needs medical attention!"
Zoidberg: *bip bip* "Pulse, 300; Liver, failing; Cholesterol, 40?"
Leela: "Well, that's not so bad."
Zoidberg: "No.. I mean 40 pounds!"

Fry: "He's dead."
Crowd: *gasp*
Wornstrom: "When did he die?"
Professor: "Hmmm… about 12 hours ago when the party started."
Wornstrom: "But he just said 'wooo'."
Professor: "No. That was air escaping from the folds of his fat."
Bender: (well actually his fat) "wooo"
Professor: "Good night, sweet prince. You were the greatest man any of us will ever know. Well let's get him out of here. He's starting to smell up the joint."

Narrator: "You watched it! You can't unwatch it! Stay tuned for more: Tales of Interest!"

Fry: "I've never seen a supernova blow up, but if it's anything like my old Chevy Nova, it'll light up the night sky"
Bender: "Yeah! Anyone who misses this will regret it the rest of his life. Hey, Fry could you go make some popcorn?"
Fry: "OK."

Leela: "Everyone put on your seatbelts!"
Zoidberg: "Awawawaw"
Bender: "Na, Those things cost more lives than they save!" *crash* *bender screaming* *crash*

Leela: "Here's the plan! Zoidberg, pick up the pieces. Everyone else, take five."

Professor: "And the alien they captured was.. was…"
Zoidberg: "Hello!"
General: "Ewww!"
Zoidberg: "So, what are you guys doing tonight? I'm up for whatever."

Zoidberg: *snoring*
General: "What is your purpose here?"
Zoidberg: "All right, officer. I'll move along."
Man: "What the General means is: Why did you come to earth?"
Zoidberg: "Not a not a day goes by I don't ask myself the same question."

Sarge: "Private! I wan't that toilet bowl so clean that I can eat off it! Cause I intend to!"
Enos: Well gadzooks, Sarge!

Fry: "Are you crazy? You almost got yourself run over!"
Enos: "I did? Then I sure am lucky you knocked me onto this pile of rusty bayonets."

Man: "This experiment will determine what food, if any the alien eats." *door opens*
Zoidberg: "A buffet! Aw, if only I had my wallet with me!"
Man: "Uhm. It's free."
Zoidberg: *squeal*
General: "Get me the president."

Fry: "She sure is pretty. You ought to marry her and father some children right away!"
Enos: "Yeah, folks say that, but did you ever get the feeling you're only going with girls cause you're supposed to?"
Fry: "WHAT? Don't ever, ever say or think that again! Please, just concentrate on staying alive!"

Professor: "Above all else, it is our secret duty to preserver the past exactly as it was."
Fry: "Well... I killed my grandfather."
Professor: "Whaaaa?"
Leela: "Wait. If you killed your grandfather, why do you still exist?"
Fry: "I don't know. Maybe God loves me?"

General: "Welcome to Roswell president Truman."
Truman: "Fellas. This visit's top secret! No one's to know about it except the senior officers, scientists and a single conspiracy nutter no one will believe."
Crackpot: "Hahahahaha!" *flash*

Zoidberg: "The important thing is I'm meeting new people."
Truman: "Bush wa. No what's your mission? Are you planning to make some kind of alien human hybrid?"
Zoidberg: "Are you coming on to me?"
Truman: "Ha! Crackers, I take exception to that!"
Zoidberg: "I'm not hearing a no…"
Truman: "Nerts to this space crap. If we want information, we'll have to do an old fashioned autopsy."
Zoidberg: "Hurra!"

Professor: "Start the ship, Leela! Let's just steal the damn radar dish, and get back to our own time."
Fry: "But, but, won't that change history?"
Professor: "Oooh… A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-my-own-grandpa! Let's get the hell out of here already. Screw history!"

Sarge: "Eeeeeenooooos!!!!"
Fry: "He's dead.. Sorry!"

Leela: *gasp* "Space pirates!"
Fry: "Space pirates?"
Leela: "You know...pirates, but in space!"

Fry: "Bonder? Is it really you?"
Gypsy: "Yes, I am fine. Give the gypsy 10 dollars."
Fry: "Wait a minute...Bender's name isn't Bonder, it's Bender! You're a fraud!"
Gypsy: "Look, you want false hope or not?"
Fry: "Only if you don't have any real hope."

Malachi: "The infidels on your back no longer believe in you. They say their prayers go unheeded."
Bender: "Of course they're unheeded, how am I supposed to hear prayers coming out of my ass?"

Fry: "You can't give up hope just because it's hopeless. You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears and go 'bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla!'"

Monk #1: "He speaks out of love for his friend. Perhaps that love in his heart is God."
Monk #2: "Oh, how convenient, a theory about God that doesn't require looking through a telescope. Get back to work!"

Monk: "This is the worst crazy sect I've ever been in!"

Monk: "Let us out! We cooked our shoes in the dryer and ate them! Now we're bored!"

Leela: "That Guy is turning this place into some kind of business."
Proffessor: "This isn't a business. I've always thought of it more as a source of cheap labor. Like a family."

Bender: "Today, I've personalized each of your meals. For example, Amy, you're cute. So I've baked you a pony."

Farnsworth: "We could, but we won't! This is a spaceship, not a prom limousine. Oooohhhhh. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry dome.

Amy: "Spirit! Kif, that's the pony I always wanted but my parents said I had too many ponies already."
Kif: "Yes, I programmed it in for you. Four million lines of Basic!"

Kif: "The Holo-shed's on the frits again! The characters turned real!"
Brannigan: "Damn! The last time that happened, I got slapped with 3 paternity suits!"

Kif: Amy, isn't it wonderful? I'm pregnant.
Amy: (reluctantly) Yes, it's great. A great miracle.
Leela: And not one of those bogus everyday miracles, like a sunrise.

Leela: "I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside, where it can fester quietly as a mental illness."
Fry: "Yeah, I do that with my stupidness."

Leela: "But all I really wanted was a mom and dad, to hold me and stroke my hair and tell me they love me."
Fry: "Then today is your lucky day. Because I happen to be a holding, stroking, loving machine. Also spanking."

Leela: The radioactive lake didn't change me. WHAT SI GOING ON HERE:
Octopus in her arms: Don't ask me. I used to be a little blonde girl named Virginia.

Lurr: "Blech! These candies are chalky and unpleasant!"
Wife: "And what is this emotion you humans call 'wuv'?"
Lurr: "Surely it says 'love'."
Wife: "No, 'wuv'! With an Earth 'w'. Behold!"
Lurr: "This concept of 'wuv' confuses and infuriates us!"

Leela: "Aww, calm down. I'm sure Bender is taking this just as hard as you are."
Bender: "Bender is great, oh Bender is great! Bender, Bender, Bender..."
Fry: "You could've picked a better time to dump the ship, Bender."
Bender: "The moment seemed right. Call me old fashioned, but I like a dump to be as memorable as it is devastating."

Bender: Tubes?! You're older than you said you were!!!

Leela: "Ability to command the loyalty of sea creatures?"
Fry: "Hey, Zoidberg. Get in here!"
Zoidberg: "Screw you!"

Leela: "Listen up, New New York. There's a new group of super heroes in town. And we're going ..."
Hattie: "Quiet! It's 4AM and I just fell asleep for the first time in 30 years!"
Leela: "Sorry! (Whispers) A new era of justice has begun."
Hattie: "What?!"

Zoidberg: "I'm swelling with patriotic mucus!"
Nixon: "In our darkest hour we can stand erect with proud, upthrust bosoms!"
Fry: "Anyone who laughs is a communist!"

Cubert: "Dad, do I have a birthday?"
Farnsworth: "Hmmm...you didn't have a birth, so technically, no. Aw, don't feel bad. We can celebrate the day I extracted you from the cloning tank. Or the day I scraped your DNA from that growth on my back."
Cubert: "Ooh! That one!"

Announcer: "We now join America's most popular show already in progress: Everybody Loves Hypnotoad."
Hypnotoad: *buzzes*
Fry: "This show's been going downhill since season 3."

Leela: "As unclean as it makes me feel, I agree with Bender. Kids don't turn rotten just from watching TV."
Fry: "Yeah, give a little credit to our public schools."

Al Gore: "We need to defend our planet against pollution. As well as dark wizards."
Crowd: *goes wild*
Wizard: "Sure! Blame the wizards!"

Al Gore: "That's why I'm offering a bag moon saphires to the first scientist who can solve this problem once and for all."
Crowd: *ahhh, uhhh, whoaa*
Al Gore: "Lovely, aren't they?"
Wizard: "Saphires? Muhuhahahaha. With those, I could open the gate of garage!"

Farnsworth: "Yes! There is no safer occupation than mining. Especially when you are perched on a snow ball whipping through space at a million miles an hour. Whoohoohooohooohooo! Safe."

Farnsworth: "Driving gloves, driving goggles, driving thong. There!"
Leela: "Uh, maybe I should drive."
Farnsworth: "Hehe, you? A woman? I'm trying to catch a monster, not find the quickest route to the mall!"

Heather: "Sir, it's not necessary or wise to be naked."
Farnsworth: "Pfft. You sound just like my tennis instructor."

Morris: "Fine, sweetikins, we'll be the strictest parents ever. Now, let's all have some tequila to celebrate!"
Leela: "Dad... I'm underage!"
Morris: "Oh, right. Here's a silly straw."

Inez Wong: "Ohh... My Amy, sweet little girl again. This is like a mother's dream. Bad dream that is. At this rate I'm never gonna get a grandchild."
Leo Wong: "Maybe she not grown up. But she sure grown out! She fat!"
Amy: "Dad, if you're gonna make fat jokes till I get cute again, I'm just gonna stay in my room!"
Leo Wong: "Stay in room? You so fat, you gonna stay all around room. Hehehehehe."

Fry: "I'll miss you, Leela. I'll come back and visit when I'm all grown up."
Leela: *whispers* "Bring beer."
Morris: "No beer till you finish your tequila!"

Fry: "I'm as worthless as this trash can." *kicks it*
Trash Can: "You think I'm as worthless as you? Try catching garbage in your head and raising six kids, you dumb townie."

Nibblonian 1: "Your Mightiness!"
Fry: "Mightiness? Are you off your nut? I just got kidnapped by a bunch of guinea pigs."
Nibblonian 1: "Does he not know?"
Nibblonian 2: "He does not know."
Nibblonian 3: "He knows not?"
Nibblonian 2: "Knows not does he."
Nibblonian 4: "Not he knows?"
Nibblonian 1: "Enough!"

Nibbler: WHat is one life, weighed against the entire universe?
Fry: But it was MY life.

Brain #1: Well, here we are. Trapped for eternity.
Brain #2: We can sing "American Pie".

Fry: Just remember that the Scooty Puff Jr. ssssssuuuuuuuucccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkksssss.
Nibbler: In a thousand years, I'll get right on it.

Fry: "Man! I can't wait to tell everyone what happened."
Nibbler: "Yes. Incidentally, I need to remain undercover so I'm blanking your memory." *zap*
Fry: "Huh. Did everything just taste purple for a second?"

Nichelle Nichols: "By the 23rd century Star Trek fandom had evolved from a loose association of nerds with skin problems into a full blown religion."

Nichelle Nichols: "And so the Trekkies were executed in the mannor most befitting virgins."
Fan 1: "whooo"
Officer: "He is dead Jim."
Fan 2: "warrrr"
Officer: "He is dead Jim."
Fan 3: "uahhhh"
Officer: "He is dead Jim."

Bender: "Another classic science fiction show cancelled before its time! tsk tsk tsk"

Leela: "You can't go to Omega 3! It's forbidden! I forbid you!"
Fry: "But we have to! The world needs Star Trek to give people hope for the future."
Leela: "But it's set 800 years in the past..."

Walter Koenig: "When we woke up, we had these bodies."
Fry: "Say it in russian!"
Walter Koenig: "Hrrrmm. When we woke up we had these wodies."
Fry: "Wheeee, now say nuclear vessels."
Walter Koenig: "No!"

Gas-Mom: "Melllvar! Dinner time!"
Melllvar: "Nar, but mom! I'm playing with my collectables."
Gas-Mom: "Now!"
Melllvar: "Nar"
Fry: "All this time we thought he was a powerful super-being. Yet he was just a child ..."
Gas-Mom: "He is not a child! He is thirty four ...

Leela: "What's the mission?"
Farnsworth: "Collecting honey. Ordinary honey."
Leela: "That doesn't sound so dangerous."
Farnsworth: "This is no ordinary honey! It's produced by vicious space bees. A single sting of their hideous neurotoxin can cause instant death!"
Hermes: "And that's if you're not allergic! You don't wanna know what happens then, oh no no, God no."
Farnsworth: "Your insides with boil out of your eye sockets like a science fair volcano!"
Hermes: "I didn't want to know!" *cries*

LaBarbara: "Husband, can't you go anywhere without lighting something up?"
Hermes: "It's an old Jamaican accounting tradition. We burn his timecard. That way, his zombie doesn't come back looking for his final paycheck."

Leela: "My dream was real! He's alive!"
Neighbor: *pounds on the wall* "Quit your bragging, my boyfriend's alive too." *thud* "Huh...not any more."

Fry: "Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?"

Leela: "I'll find Fry's coffin, get his corpse and keep it under my mattress to remind me that he's really dead. That'll prove I'm not insane!"

Fry: "Leela, no! Listen to me! You don't wanna lie in bed like a vegetable and do nothing the rest of your life. I've tried it. Bedsores hurt!"

Leela: "You could really use a shower."
Fry: "You too."

Bender: "Wait, I've got it. Professor, make a woman out of me!"
Professor: "Oh I think we should just stay friends..."

Professor: "Bender! A robot sex change is a complex and dangerous procedure. Replacing your testosteroil with fembot lubricants can cause wild mood swings. And the effects may be irreversible. Well, let's get started."
Leela: "No, you can't!"
Amy: "If you have even the slightest respect for the dignity of women..."
Bender: "Pfft."

Humorbot5.0: "Calculon, do you want to set up this clip from All * My * Circuits?"
Calculon: "No, I think it's self-explanatory."
Calculon in clip: "Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
Robo-audience: *applause, ending sharply*
Calculon: "Funny story. The script called for me to say 'yes', but I gave it a little twist."
Humorbot5.0: "Anecdote accepted. Snappy come-back not found."

Calculon: "But now all I want is a peaceful life in a quiet villa overlooking a vineyard. With you."
Coilette: "Would we have donkeys?"
Calculon: "All you could eat."

Calculon: "Oh how cruel and melodramatic fate is. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
Coilette: "My darling. Your loud 'why' brought me partway back to life."

Scary Robot: "Sleep, little dumpling. I have replaced your mother."

Speaker: "And now, the woman who mom-opolizes the robot industry..."
Fry: "I get it!"
Speaker: "Mom!"
Fry: "Oh... now I get it."

Bender: "Oop. Low on power. Hehehe. Better fuel up. Oh no... Guess I'll do what I always do when I run out of booze." *goes on knees, cries*

Bender: "Uff. If that stuff wasn't real, how can I be sure anything is real? Is it not possible, nay, probable that my whole life is just a product of my or someone else's imagination?"
Clerk: "No, get out. Next!"

Farnsworth: *explosions* "Buddha, Zeus, God! One of you guys do something!" *screams*
Fry: "Come on Leela. What's the real reason you won't go out with me?"
Farnsworth: "Help! Satan! You owe me!"

Farnsworth: "Hope you won't think it's evil of me to ask how you got that stylish head-wound?"
Farnsworth 1: "Oh, this old thing? I was experimenting to see if I could remove my own brain."
Farnsworth: "Of course! I had the same idea. I flipped a coin to decide if I should proceed. But it came out tails, so I didn't. How'd it go?"
Farnsworth 1: "Well, getting the brain out was the easy part. The hard part was getting the brain out." *laughs in a silly way*
Farnsworth: "Hehehe, you..."

Amy 1: "This is so great. I always wanted an imaginary friend."
Amy: "I'm not imaginary. I'm parallel. We're exactly the same, right down to the- SPLECH. Is that pink nail polish?
Amy 1: "Is that NOT pink nail polish? The Professor is right. You are evil. And shal-low.
Amy: I am not evil.

Fry: "This isn't yemeni. This is silouasi. And the cup is shaking. I don't like my coffee shaking."
Bender: "You seem a tad wound up, buddy. And your face is greasy. Real greasy. You've been up all night?"
Fry: "Of course I've been up all night! Not because of caffeine, it was insomnia. I couldn't stop thinking about coffee. I need a nap." *snores* "Coffee time!"
Bender: *gets cigar out* "Ah, mighty fine smokable."
Fry: "Fancy cigar. Why don't you smoke it already? Puff, puff, go, go, go, go, go!"

Fry: Oh, it's just a flying saucer. Uhh, excuse me. You can't park here. Parking lot's over there.

Leela: "Someone should tell him."
Fry: "Tell me what?"
Leela: "Nothing!"
Zoidberg: "Well, I have a lot of experience telling patients bad news. So let me break it to him gently. Fry! You have no nose! Your nose is gone! You have no nose on your face! Where it is, I can't say, but on your face it's not!"

Just to save time, the entire scene on Omicron Persei 8.

Leela: "Things look bad, but I still have a trump card - the most beautiful love song ever written! *sings* And I...will always love yooooouuuuu!" *Lrrr and Ndnd scream*
Ndnd: "The humans are attacking!"
Lrrr: "Pluck the lower horn and let's get out of here!"

Bender: "Wow, your kid is great. How hard you say you had to hit him?"
Lady: "Fairly hard."

Fry: "That could be my beautiful soul sitting naked on a couch. If I could just learn to play this stupid thing."
Bender: "Oh, but you can! Though you may have to metaphorically make a deal with the devil. And by devil, I mean Robot Devil. And by metaphorically I mean get your coat."

Hedonism Bot: Ah, Fry, congratulations. Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
Fry: Thank you, sir. That's exactly what I was going for.
Hedonism Bot: You were the sole diversion in what has been a pale and unamusing season, and so I would fain commission you write an opera.
Fry: But I've never written an opera.
Hedonism Bot: And I've never heard one. Still, if you can keep me amused through the overture I shall consider it a smashing success.

Hedonism Bot: A man writing an opera about a woman. (laughs) Oh surrah, how deliciously absurd. I shall see you at the premiere.

Hedonism Bot: Courtesans and gentle fops, I bid you welcome to my opera. Let us cavort like the Greeks of old. You know the ones I mean.

Hedonism Bot: Surgery? In an opera? How wonderfully decadent. And just as I was beginning to lose interest. Jumby, the chocolate icing. (icing is poured onto him) Ohhh, oh my yes, mmmmhmmmmhmmmm.

Robot Devil: "Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

Leela: Pease don't stop playing, Fry. I want to hear how it ends.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Well, at least here you'll be treated with dignity and respect. Now strip naked and get on the probulator."


Sunday, March 5, 2006 1:15 AM


Right there with you. I love Futurama too and was really sad to see it go. My collection sits proudly on my shelf right next to Firefly...

...why do all my favourite shows get cancelled? (sigh)

- Shiny. let's be bad guys.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 1:15 AM



Originally posted by THENCDUCK:
Futurama is pretty good, but I'm more a Family Guy fan its freaking sweet, so glad they brought it back to TV lets hope they do the same for FF. FG was cancelled then brought back because of DVD sales, So I think we got a good chance to see more FF.

They're bringing it back because yes the DVD sales and Adult Swim. I think a lot of people bought those DVDs because they saw the repeats on Adult Swim and loved it.

The same thing happened to Futurama, and that's being brought back.

Fox is just really bad at getting shows watched. They cancel such great things without even giving them a chance, moving their show times around and making sure the show isn't noticed. Unless it's reality.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Sunday, March 5, 2006 1:19 AM


i'm actually impressed in a twisted sort of way. you started with the first episode and ended with the last line of the last episode.

"Do you have and extra GOTO 10 line?!?"


Sunday, March 5, 2006 2:15 AM


I'm a huge huge fan of Futurama. I can;t believe its coming back, I can't wait. I hear that it'll be direct to DVD movies? Any return is good to me.

I notice a lot of similarities between the Futurama and Firefly. They both focus on crews on a ship that earns most of its money on delivery-like missions. Also look at the characters:

Wash - Fry (the joker, doesn't take things too seriously)
Jayne - Bender (the muscle, not too smart, likes beer)
Book - Professor Farnsworth (old & wise)
Kaylee - Amy (cute mechanic)
Zoe - Leela (woman with attitude & fighting skills)
Simon - Kif (meek, caring, hard working)
River - Nibbler (cute but hides dark secrets)
Mal - Zoidberg (hehe, ran out of main characters)


Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:13 AM


Actually, I always saw the Professor as a mix of both Book and Mal. Book for his age and wisdom, and Mal for his crankiness and occassional abouts of insanity. Mal would definitly have an angry dome if he could afford it.

And Simon's a bit of Kif and Zoidberg, only not as incompetent about medicine. I always thought ot would be funny as Hell to see Simon get a mandatory physical from anther sci-fi doctor,and of all of them get Zoidberg.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"I think one of the greatest things about modern America is the computerization of medical records. As a volunteer sheriff, I can look up anyone's psychiatric records and their surgical histories. Yeast infections. There are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably...because we're down river...from that old bread factory."

Dwight - The Office - 209 - E-mail Surveillance


Thursday, March 9, 2006 10:04 PM


The Big Brain am winning again! I am the greetest! Now I am leaving Earth for no raisin!

This has been a continuing line I say at any given time, it's that funny.

Remember, Remember the fifth of November






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