Why Dr. Who looks like a human!

UPDATED: Friday, April 14, 2006 04:36
SHORT URL: http://goo.gl/WKM3e
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Friday, March 17, 2006 9:27 PM


Doctor and the rest of his species, the Gallifreyans look like humans. Wonder why, well the answer is that they actually don't. Instead, humans look like Gallifreyans.

A Doctor Who novel titled Lucifer Rising apparently gives an explanation involving morphic fields. Here is an excerpt explaining what morphic fields are:


'...And now that I have access to the morphic fields, I can implement a change for the better.' [said Bannen.]

'I hate to act the dumb brunette,' Bernice said, 'but morphic fields?'

'An interesting, but obscure offshoot of biology,' the Doctor said, grasping hold of his lapels and leaning forward in his best lecture-room manner as if nothing else were happening around him, 'first put forward on Earth by a scientist named Sheldrake in the twentieth century. The theory states that all living beings have a field associated with them which defines their entire biology, just as an electric field defines an electron. Humans are the way they are because there's a morphic field for humans, just as there's a morphic field for Alpha Centurians and Arcturans and, Rassilon help us, Daleks, and just as there was one for sparrows and for sheep. Morphic fields are reinforced by every successive generation, so that human babies look the way they do because the human morphic field influences the development of the embryo in the womb.'

And here are some explanation from several webpages that elaborate on the explanation:


Gallifreyans were the first humanoids to evolve in the universe; their morphic field thus made it more likely that subsequent humanoid races would evolve, which is why there are so many humanoid species throughout the universe. According to the Doctor, morphic fields don't follow the normal rules of space and time. The mathematics of morphic fields is too complex for a computer and requires a living mind.


-10,000,000 (3,512,027,893 BC / ?????)

The first Gallifreyans (one of the first Great Races) evolved. They are the first sentient humanoids to appear in the Universe. As such their morphic fields increase the chances of humanoids evolving on other planets. Morphic fields don't follow the normal rules of the universe and are so complex that that a living mind is required to compute their mathematics.

I don't have the novel, all of this I got from the web. If anyone out there has the book Lucifer Rising, please post some more excerpts explaining morphic fields and Gallifreyans.


Saturday, March 18, 2006 5:48 AM


I always thought the explanation probably went something like this,

Companion (Insert favorite one): Doctor?

The Doctor(Insert favorite one): (Fiddles with Tardis controls)Yes.

Companion: Your not Human right, so how is it you look like us then?

The Doctor: Ah! The real question is, why do humans look like Time Lords.
You see (Name of Companion) long ago, when my people first discovered time travel there were those Time Lords who liked to meddle in the evolutionary development of other primitive worlds.
They would change something, travel forward a few million years, see the results then go back and meddle further, some of the more egotistical ones arranged things so the dominant species looked like them. This allowed them to pop up at a suitably dramatic points in history and be worshiped as gods.
Of course Rassilon put a stop to all that sort of thing, there are now laws against it.

Companion: Er... right.

Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Saturday, March 18, 2006 7:17 AM


OK, this is how I figure the scenario goes:

This universe began with the Big Bang. It began with a cold, dark, emptiness. Then there was light. In less than a millisecond after "Event One", the superdense ball of matter that was the universe exploded. During the next few billion years, stars and their solar systems formed. Planets coalesced out of cosmic dust, and primitive molecules formed complicated chains which eventually became life.

Concurrent with the development of organic life were fields which define entire biology, just as an electric field defines an electron. These "morphic fields" provide a force that guides the development of an organism as it grows, making it take on a form similar to that of others in its species. DNA is not the source of structure itself, but rather a "receiver" that translates instructions in the field into physical form. The fields are but a minor part of a singular universal morphic field encoding the "basic pattern" of all life on every planet.

The first civilization to evolve arose on the planet Gallifrey. Gallifreyans were the first sentient life to form in this universe, and as a result they established the morphic field for all humanoid species throughout this universe, making these far more likely to evolve via parallel evolution. Non-human races only evolved in environments that would be hostile to humanoids.


Sunday, March 19, 2006 6:49 AM


I'd like it if they incorporate this scenario into the television show. Hopefully the writers at the BBC have read Lucifer Rising...or perhaps are browncoats and see this thread.


Monday, April 10, 2006 12:55 AM


Here is how it is explained in Lucifer Rising:


And that is why there are so many humanoid races in the universe. The Gallifreyans evolved first, and thus created a morphic field for humanoids. That made it more probable that the next race to evolve would be humanoid, and that made it much more likely that the next race would be humanoid. The majority of the non-humanoid races developed in environments where two legs, two arms and a head would have been a positive handicap.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:47 PM



Originally posted by CrevanReaver:
Doctor and the rest of his species, the Gallifreyans look like humans. Wonder why, well the answer is that they actually don't. Instead, humans look like Gallifreyans.

A Doctor Who novel titled Lucifer Rising apparently gives an explanation involving morphic fields. Here is an excerpt explaining what morphic fields are:

The theory states that all living beings have a field associated with them which defines their entire biology, just as an electric field defines an electron. Humans are the way they are because there's a morphic field for humans, just as there's a morphic field for Alpha Centurians and Arcturans and, Rassilon help us, Daleks, and just as there was one for sparrows and for sheep.

I don't have the novel, all of this I got from the web. If anyone out there has the book Lucifer Rising, please post some more excerpts explaining morphic fields and Gallifreyans.

I have a nit with whomever wrote the book...Daleks look like Daleks because of genetic engineering (deliberate mutations actually) performed on members of the Kaled race (who were..wow! humanoid) by a scientist named Davros. And actually Daleks keep changing. I'm talking the actual blobbiness, not just the casing. Check out Genesis of the Daleks and Remembrance of the Daleks which, if I recall correctly, are both availiable on DVD.
Yeah, I've been watching the show for awhile.



Friday, April 14, 2006 4:36 AM


It would be interesting if this was adopted as canon.

Who do you suppose is in there?






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