How many Browncoats own Voyager?

UPDATED: Saturday, June 24, 2006 05:34
VIEWED: 2322
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:07 AM


Just wondering how many own it, which seasons you own, and which seasons are the best.
At $100 a season, any imput would be helpful in determining future purchasing decisions...

Tuvok Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:35 AM


What? Voyager too warm and fuzzy for you battle-hardened types?

I'm a science fiction fan, not a doctor Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 7:12 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

You can get all 7 seasons for very cheap off ebay from Asia. Same with the other Star Trek series


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:02 PM


I have most of them taped when it was on Space (it's on again, Space loves all Trek) I'm missing a few not realizing I had but they can be taped. They're in order so I don't have to worry about what's where. My favorite has turned out to be Muse, but that may be because I'm a gid Belanna fan (7of9 can put her rack on the shelf, I hated her when she came on and how they put her and a certain first officer together, wish they'd just let her stay with the damn Borg)

Hope that answers your question Chris.

People at FUX are absolute petach.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:49 PM


Well, I own none of them, but I would say to save your money and not get season seven because of the aforementioned hook-up between 7of9 He-Who-Manages-to-Have-Less-Emotions-Than-a-Vulcan (*cough*Chakotay*cough*). That, and "Endgame". I declared my own personal war against "Endgame" when I saw it. I hate AdmiralKate.

On the other hand, it does have Q2...

Overall, I think my favorite seasons were 3, 4, and 5. They contain almost all of my favorite episodes. Season three was when the shoe started to get good. Season four and five were just plain shiny.

But that's just my opinion...

"Objects in Space"

River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...
http://www.stillflying.net/ <-- Check it out!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:20 PM


I agree with you on all points Arcadia except a few. Though people think it's wrong to bring a baby into the story I liked that arc for Belanna and Paris, (plus you know after that there was NO way he was gonna be able to stray. Not if he wanted to have fun with a woman again) I think those two were the best pairing in The trek Verse. Some may argue but Paris's calm, cool, and over-optimistic behavior countered well to Belanna's.... well Klingon side. And when it came down to it he held his own when her temper showed. I was against it at first but then it grew on me and they became some of my favorite characters.

The ones that had to really grow on me was Neelix, Harry, The Doctor... and well that's it. I hated Kess, too soft spoken and hardly ever emoted anything above a whisper. And DON'T get me started on T&A... I mean 7 of 9. You know why she was brought in? The same reason there's a randy big breasted vulcan on Enterprise. No wonder Kate Mulgrew was angry when the stories began to revolve around those... I mean her.

Loved Jayneway from the start (why on earth do people bash her? The writing may not have been on parr but she made the scripts into what she could) And dammit she could actually convey more than one emotion. And any Captain who goes on away missions THEMSELVES are more intersting to me. Why the hell have a Captain if all he's going to do is stay on the ship and ask whats wrong when there's trouble planetside? K guesse you can see I'm not the greatest fan of TNG, it has it's episodes, and if I've a mind I'll watch it (turning it back and forth if another show is on) but I think you can see where my choice lies. And Jayneway is what I've always described as Kirk in a skirt. She can hold her own against anyone she comes across and she won't waste time negotiating if she knows it's not going to get results. Frankly it's refreshing to see a Captain again who asks quetions once and then shoots, not goes on and on and on.... sorry, sore spot? Besides which, I don't think Picard would look good in that pink nightgown. And admit it, the chemistry between her and Q was as good as it was with Picard, but on a whole different (sexual) level. At one point she even looked like she was considering it

I loved seeing a Vulcan again, and one close to how I expect them to behave. Mind you the actor maybe was a little robotic at times, but then so was Nimoy. I truly think they worked together as well as Kirk and Spock.

And as for Chakotay? Well he's right up there with Mal, Jayne, Wash, Superman(Chris Reeve), Luke (walker if you please) and a few others in my giddy little fangirldom. I mean when he smiles..... makes me want to go on a spiritual quest and... well.....

And except for DS9 I rarely saw anyone in the (new) Trek Verse argue and even disagree with each other. Hell Jayneway and Chakotay fight so many times I wonder how they get on so well. Even Harry at one point told her off, on her bridge, and the best is when Belanna's arguring with everyone and they're half frightened she's going to turn on them and beat them to death. It's not perfect on their little ship. It may seem that way but when in comparison to TNG (yes again) they're downright mutinous.

Which is why of all the Crews I think Voyager would be the one to at least give Serenity notice. Remember half of Voyagers crew are Maquis (many of them criminals) I think she'd be more open to talking to them.

And oh, imagine what Tuvok could do for River. A little mind meld and he could probably partially stabalize that brain of hers. He did it for that Betazoid murderer. (course the consequence was rather frightening.) Wonder what River's brain would do to a Vulcan with superior strength? I can see it now;

TUVOK looking unstable and half mad: I must take Voyager to Miranda, the people must know what the Federation has done....

RIVER, contemplating the Vulcan as she stands over him in a dancelike pose: With all due respect commander your being illogical and not making sense, it was the Alliance who did it, not the Fedration.

TUVOK, looks up at her with a hopefull glare: We can kill them with a mind meld....

RIVER, rolls her eyes: Your such a boob.

*hee hee*

Imagine Mal agreeing to help Jayneway get back to their Verse ONLY if they help the Firefly crew get a certain cargo. Jayneway against it at first but Neelix convincing her it's the only way to get the ship home, and Neelix helping out on the caper.
Simon's reaction to the Doctor and all the medical technology, begging the Doc to help him with River, if the meld doesn't work.
Kaylee.... imagine the squeels of delight seeing the engine room, all shiny and nice, wondering who the gorram hell keeps it so clean. And I can almost see her making Harry Kim very very nervous.
Jayne, well that would be something special that would involve everyone, especially a certain Klingon. I can see all sorts of hilarity ensueing.
Book and Chakotay talking spiritual beliefs, Chakotay convincing Book to go on a spiritual quest to find his animal guide (what would Books animal guide be?) annoying the hell outta Mal. Inarah charming the pants off of everybody (literally) and finding Chakotay quite handsome and charming, annoying the hell outta Mal.
Zoe and Wash overusing the Holodeck and not doing their jobs, annoying.... well you get the picture. Would be a great crossover.

I guesse I'm just passionate for this show. Not as much as Firefly but it was the other show I got into heavily. TOS, watched everyone and know some of them by heart (must be a little geeky). TNG, can take it or leave it. DS9, good premise and some really upstanding epis. Enterpri... *uh* nevermind.

So maybe where writing is concerned the show isn't up to parr, but the actors gave their all in the series, and unlike the newest incarnation, all the people chosen were perfect (well, except 2 of them.) And on Voyager I had a feeling of home (not as much as Firefly) but I felt that I could live on it. I can't say that for the other ships or station.

KAYLEE, big sparkling grin: Your ships so shiny.

BELANNA, feeling a little annoyed at the girls bubbly grin: We try to maintain a clean environment.

KAYLEE, stressing the word to make herself more clear: No, I mean it's SHINY.

BELANNA, confused at the girls overuse of the word after having explained why it was clean: Uh, thank-you, we have crews on rotation keeping it that way.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:00 AM


Wow, Misstressahara, your love of Voyager makes up for your dislike of Buffy

I'd almost forgotten how much I like the show until recently, when I got the Borg and Time-travel Fan Collectives. Suddenly, Janeway is upon me again, and I finally saw the finale that I somehow missed alltogether when it was broadcast. Time-paradoxes aside, it was good to see them get home.

And I wasn't loopy over T&A, er, I mean 7 of 9, like most of my friends, but I did see her as a definite improvement over Kess.

But it was Kate's show.
Can you imagine how crappy it would have been if they hadn't fired Genevive Bujould (SP?), that bad french actress?

My biggest peeve about the series is the same for most Trek; everybody speaks standard American english, no matter how far out in the galaxy you go (yeah, yeah, universal translator and such, whatever...).

And the Doctor had me in stitches...



Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:02 AM



Originally posted by Peulsar5:
You can get all 7 seasons for very cheap off ebay from Asia. Same with the other Star Trek series

Thanks, Peulsar5, I owe you a quantum singularity.

Appreciative Chrisisall


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:07 AM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
Season four and five were just plain shiny.

Thanks, Arcadia, for the review. I remember being lukewarm on the series until they offed Kess (very Joss-like, cool!), and suddenly all these shiny Borg episodes came about...

And I liked that family feel that never seemed as apparent to me in the other Trek series.

7 of Chrisisall


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:10 AM


Always prefered season 6 and whatever season it was that had the Hirojen (sp?) soldiers taking over voyager for a double episode. Season 6 just felt a little darker to me than the others... says more about my twisted mind than anything else.

I considered investing in Voyager but I think owning all of DS9 is probably as much as I can afford. In my, admittedly controversial, opinion... DS9 was always the best Trek!

I'm going to S3!!!
(*Insert hysterical celebration dance here*)


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:45 AM



Originally posted by Tayeatra:
DS9 was always the best Trek!

Fair to say; my favourite Voyagers were always the dark ones, and no Trek was as consistantly dark as DS9.



Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:38 AM


Holy Borg, Batman! $120 from ecrater? Can it be legit? All seven seasons for a measly 12,000 cents??

Too good to be true Chrisisall


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:07 AM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
That, and "Endgame". I declared my own personal war against "Endgame" when I saw it.

There, there.

It never happened.


[/Shameless Plug]

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:22 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

I cant remember the name of the company I bought my TNG disks from, but the only real difference is the boxes have Chinese characters on them. Which makes them very shiny for a Firefly fan.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:36 PM


lol, No go-se?

Yeah, the picture showed that. I must sell more comics...need more gold-pressed latinum...

That's like $17 a season!!!??

Um guoy Chrisisall


Friday, June 23, 2006 7:07 AM


I would get all seven seasons if I had the money, but it really wasn't in my top three list of DVDs to purchase. Can you guess what my top three are?

Also, Why is it that when I get a response I no longer get notified? is it part of the trouble HAKEN is having with the site?
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!

"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Friday, June 23, 2006 8:32 AM



Originally posted by jossisagod:
I would get all seven seasons if I had the money, but it really wasn't in my top three list of DVDs to purchase. Can you guess what my top three are?

Brisco, Charmed and Smallville?

I'm a bad man Chrisisall


Friday, June 23, 2006 9:17 AM


I've got one DVD with like three or four episodes on it.

I liked it the first time around, but it doesn't (for me) hold up to subsequent watchings. I could guess what was going to happen next one the first time around, so it's tired forumlaic storylines just annoy me.

Most Star-Trek, though I like it, I can only watch once for similar reasons, save for DS9 which is the only series I haven't managed to see in entirety yet, and the only one I can watch over and over.

The later seasons are the high point of Star Trek IMHO.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Friday, June 23, 2006 9:32 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
I've got one DVD with like three or four episodes on it.

I liked it the first time around, but it doesn't (for me) hold up to subsequent watchings.

I was pondering (as you might have seen on another thread) whether to get the series on DVD, and I found all seven seasons CHEEP too, but in the end, I think you're right. I'd buy it, certainly watch it all once, and then pull out maybe ten eps here and there to watch ever again. And I have most of the best eps on the Borg and Time-travel collections, anyway.

Truth is, Firefly spoiled me. When I hear that WHOOSH as Voyager passes the camera in the credits, my eyes roll. And the after-effects of damage and casualties from confrontations is usually too neat and easily repaired, or forgotten.

Still, a fun show now and then...

Maybe I should finally get SAAB Chrisisall


Friday, June 23, 2006 9:44 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I was pondering (as you might have seen on another thread) whether to get the series on DVD, and I found all seven seasons CHEEP too, but in the end, I think you're right. I'd buy it, certainly watch it all once, and then pull out maybe ten eps here and there to watch ever again. And I have most of the best eps on the Borg and Time-travel collections, anyway.

Truth is, Firefly spoiled me. When I hear that WHOOSH as Voyager passes the camera in the credits, my eyes roll. And the after-effects of damage and casualties from confrontations is usually too neat and easily repaired, or forgotten.

Still, a fun show now and then...

Maybe I should finally get SAAB Chrisisall

Yeah the "oh we've just had a massive war with the most powerful race in the galaxy, here's a plaster, aren't we lucky no one died!" thing gets old fast.

I like DS9 because it was slightly darker and the crew could actually be hurt (though not die, really).

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Friday, June 23, 2006 9:51 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

I like DS9 because it was slightly darker and the crew could actually be hurt (though not die, really).

Unless they had spots around their ears and neck, and were really fine...



Friday, June 23, 2006 9:52 AM


She didn't really die, she was the character chosen specifically because she could 'come back'.

Which is anoying.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Friday, June 23, 2006 9:59 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
She didn't really die, she was the character chosen specifically because she could 'come back'.

She came back in Becker

Ho hee Chrisisall


Friday, June 23, 2006 2:02 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
She didn't really die, she was the character chosen specifically because she could 'come back'.

Except that they went and established that Ezri is not Jadzia.

(Also, Ezri's cuter. I'm on the wrong damn planet. Again.)

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, June 23, 2006 2:31 PM


The characters are near identical except for minor superficial differences, it's a major cop out, they killed a character so they can say "hey we play hardball, we kill characters!" and then to all intents and purposes they bring her straight back.

Ohh Joss killed Wash, but his brother who looks almost exactly the same, except for long hair and a beard is here to take his place. He wears T-Shirts instead of Hawaiian shirts, he's not quite as good a pilot as Wash, but he can also shoot a gun, and his jokes are a little more off colour.

But they're different characters really, honest, see look this one has a beard.

Star Trek has killed off one (count 'em, one) character whose actually stayed completely dead, but she didn't, they got cold feet and kept coming up with more and more ingenious ways of making her not dead any more, alternate timelines, she had a half Romulan daughter. Star Trek has an unwritten law: "Thou shalt not have real world consequences" so they come up with ridiculously ingenious ways to show real world consequences without having real world consequences.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Friday, June 23, 2006 10:19 PM


Oh, please let me join in on the FIREFLY/VOYAGER interactions.

Jayne I think would be assigned to Tuvok, since he's the closest thing Serenity has to a security officer. But after five minutes of conversation with him, Jayne would be livid and ticked off at Tuvok's calm, logical dealings. Kind of like the arguements Bones and Spock would have on the original series. Later, Jayne would try to hit on 7 of 9, which would fail on so many levels.

As for Wash, I think he'd skip out on the holodeck to either have round after round of Romulan Ale with Paris or show him up in a flying competition or a combination of the two. And Zoe's stoicism would match better with B'Elanna than Kaylee's optimism.

And a scene between Simon and The Doctor would be comic gold.

Someone should write a FIREFLY/VOYAGER crossover. I'd do it, but seeing as how my own story has been developing over a year and a half, maybe I'm not the best one to do it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) Danger...danger...my name is Anakin...my shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 5:34 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
The characters are near identical except for minor superficial differences,

Jadzia: Confident, hyper-competent to the point of Mary Sue-ism, adventurous, in love with Worf, no real pre-series "family" beyond Benjamin.

Ezri: Young, insecure, fresh out of the Academy, not entirely comfortable with the memories of Dax's prior hosts, can't always control the voices in her head, struggling with her feelings for Worf and Julian, comes from one of the few dysfunctional families in Star Trek(*).

Ezri also got some really cool development in the post-DS9 novels:

Select to view spoiler:

She re-evaluated her Starfleet career, shifting from science to command track, and she's broken up with Julian.

(*) AFAIK, the only other dysfunctional families belong to Spock (he and his father hadn't spoken for >70 years when Sarek died), Picard (who feuded with both his father and brother, only to leave things unresolved when his brother's family died in a fire), Data (his brothers are evil and stupid, respectively), B'ellanna Torres (blamed her mom for dad walking out), and Tom Paris (his feud with his dad was resolved by the end of his series). And Odo, depending on your definition of "family" ("dysfunctional species?").

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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