Doctor Who, Season Two Discussion

UPDATED: Thursday, August 24, 2006 06:00
VIEWED: 32704
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Sunday, June 11, 2006 2:16 AM


What I want to know is... are we ever going to actually see Barcelona?


Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:09 AM


Yup, 'The Impossible Planet' and 'The Satan Pit' were just fantastic. The show's getting stronger and stronger each week. It was a great departure from the show's regular style of story telling, and it was handled brillantly too.

I loved the 'knight rider' style communicator watches. It was pure camp sci fi.

Also, the two parter sort of reminded me of those old BBC shows like 'The Quatermass Experiment'. It had a very theatre-esque feel to them.

The Ood are by far my favourite Who creatures now. The prosthetic/ animatronic work was top notch.

Minor spoiler ahead:

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The best line had to go Billie Piper, when she said: 'Go to hell' at the end though.

Next week's episode is going to be side splittingly hi-larious. I'm looking forward to it. I've heard a lot of good press about it.

I can't believe they got Peter Kay on board!

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Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:18 AM


With regards to the style, it's your standard 'blue collar sci-fi' style that was pretty much started by Alien and was followed by quite a few films and TV series' since... including a certain one we all know very well ;)

I like it... space looks better when it's populated by real people and real-looking starships instead of by neat-freaks in tight jumpsuits and their super-white vessels.

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."
"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all..."


Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:22 AM


Love & Monsters looks as British as bangers and mash. Peter Kaye and Marc Warren from Hustle!

And speaking of The Satan Pit, that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you make good television. Let's hope we they can do more good.

If you remember, another famous comedian, Simon Pegg, played a very good villian in last season's Doctor Who.

Camp, yes, but wonderfully so.

Never underestimate the British.



See United 93.

Remember those who fell so that you could stand.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:23 AM


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The Devil creature

was awesome!

Truly an excellent episode! Really makes you think about what you believe.

Here's how it might of been www.stillflying.net/


Sunday, June 11, 2006 11:15 AM


Fantastic two parter.

I would have commented yesterday but the best Superhero movie thread has inspired me to re-read Watchmen and right now my free time belongs to Alan Moore (damn its a *bleeping* good novel!)

Anyway I Enjoyed these episodes immensely, but I have to admit my favourite episode so far this series is still Girl in The Fireplace. What can I say, I'm a romantic.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Sunday, June 11, 2006 11:33 AM


That's what is so great about Who, it delivers real variety (who said it was dead?) and you can get a group of ten fans and they can all have a different favourite episode from one season.

I still think Who is on peak form when doing the "folk trapped in a small area, monsters come, they have to fight, lots of them die" routine.

That two parter hit on so many levels, particularly the music and the special effects, both of which really went to new heights for the series.


Monday, June 12, 2006 1:16 PM


Haven't seen Confidential / Out of Africa. If it was an orchestral bit, it was probably the second movement of my man Mozart's Clarinet Concerto.

If you liked that, try the Clarinet Quintet. The 2nd movement uses the same notes and is equally stunning.

One of my favourite bits was

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They arrive, have a recce, it looks like something very bad is going down. "Maybe we ought to get back in the TARDIS?" ...Beat... then they fall about in "Like that's ever going to happen" giggles...

Really impressive in the quieter bits down the pit. Good to see a scriptwriter brave enough not to rush past the poignant stuff.

And I can see the TARDIS rating quite high in this year's "Caravan and Caravan Accessories Magazine"

Hopefully Peter Kay will rule. I got it wrong with Roger Lloyd-Pack. I need redemption.


Pak'Ma'Ra. I'm just sayin'...


Saturday, June 17, 2006 6:11 AM


Rose goes!

An article in the times said Rose is killed by the Cybermen in the series finale!

On the upside, Jack comes back in series 3!

See United 93.

Remember those who fell so that you could stand.


Saturday, June 17, 2006 12:01 PM


I really liked tonights episode. It was pretty unusual. It was viewed from the innocent bystander and told us a bit ,moreabout Rose's mum. Peter Kay was so camp :) What can I say abut the soundtrack :) 1 of my guilty pleasure bands ELO


Saturday, June 17, 2006 3:25 PM


Tonights episode was awesome!!!

Marc Warren rules! As does Peter Kay! As does ELO!

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I mean doing a Doctor Whoe episode were the Doctor and Rose appear for maybe 5 mins in the whole thing,

that takes balls!

Nice contrast to the quite heavy two parter and a bit of break before the final episodes and the final showdown.

A brillant piece of writing and acting!

Not too sure about next week though.....

Here's how it might of been www.stillflying.net/


Sunday, June 18, 2006 12:55 AM


I'm delurking from this thread to note my disappointment with last night's episode. It was still fun but there were some cringeworthily camp moments (I'm thinking especially of the Benny Hill alien chase at the beginning - I almost expected them to go into a 3 Stooges slapstick routine!)
I suppose they were going for a lighthearted feel and there were bits I enjoyed but, for me, it wasn't in the same league as other episodes (The girl in the Fireplace episode still rates as my favorite ever - it shows you can have humour without completely getting rid of dramatic tension)

Just my two cents for anyone who's interested!



Sunday, June 18, 2006 4:38 PM


Anyone have any ideas on whether the "Torchwood" references are leading up to something? Starting with "The Christmas Invasion" there's been a mention of Torchwood in a couple of the episodes. In this last episode villain made reference to Torchwood when passing out the information folders to the LINDA members (or should that be LI'N'DA?) And one of his statements had me thinking that Torchwood was keeping tabs on the group (something along the lines of "most likely to fight back), presumably because of their interest in the Doctor. Or am I just reading too much into it after missing all of the Bad Wolf references in the first season?


Sunday, June 18, 2006 4:52 PM


Torchwood is going to be a spin-off starring Captain Jack. Also, it's an anagram of Doctor Who.


Pimping my fanfic:


Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:02 AM


Tonight was quite meh. Not bad, not great. The best thing about it was the "I was a dad once" line and the preview of next weeks episode.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:24 PM


Yeah, definately not at it's best. I was very surprised when I saw who the writer was, I expected it to be a RTD ep after the incredibly "everything's suddenly fine again!" ending, but found it was by the creator of Life on Mars, one of my favourite current TV shows.

Still, next week should be good. As long as the cybermen aren't screaming delete all the time. Also, did anyone else notice a distinctly Dalek looking death?


Pimping my fanfic:


Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:08 AM


Yep definite Dalek looking death in the trailer. It has been speculated for ages now that the last two episodes where going to be Cybermen Vs Daleks with earth in the middle.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:44 AM


I wasn't too sure about this episode at first. It had very strong horror undertones, but it subversive, which I liked.

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I thought that Rose would be the one trapped in the artwork.

It had the classic 'blonde girl ascends the stairs' moment, and the 'don't go into the creepy room' moment, but overall the episode was handled in a refreshingly different way.

There were no mosters of the week. (Evil daddy shadow aside.) It was all psychological which was nice.

I liked the fact that it was a horror story in the day time too. There aren't enough stories like that, and they can be even more terrifying!

The campness is becoming something of a trademark for the show. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'm not sure if it worked too well this week. I'm still undecided on that.

Although, I loved the bit where the Doctor parked the TARDIS in the wrong position. And, I laughed when the Doctor carried the Olympic torch, and wooped at the crowd.

The main thing that sticks out in my mind though is the musical score. It's really, really impressive. There have been a few episodes now, ('School Reunion', 'The Girl in the Fireplace' and 'The Impossible Planet'/'Satan pit') where the score just stands out.

Next week's episode looks really interesting though. It's much darker in tone. I'm looking forward to that one! It's good to finally have a big story arc come along.

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Saturday, July 1, 2006 8:57 AM


Excellent episode but I don't like where this is going. In the trailer for next weeks episode the line "this is our planet not yours and you going to listen for once" is clearly aimed at the Doctor, and I dislike that. He's Doctor f-ing Who! Russel is getting on my tits with his human-centric vision of the who virse. You don't talk down to a bloody time lord!

Also if Torchwood really is going to be about a bunch of people spreading imperialism I'm going to have issues with that as well.. Hmmmm

Daleks Vs Cybermen though!

Who do you suppose is in there?


Saturday, July 1, 2006 9:01 AM


Tonight's episode kicked arse.

It even cheered me up after England lost which takes some doing.


Saturday, July 1, 2006 9:32 AM


OH ...........!

Now how are they going to to top this one.

Seen the Tardisode for next week yet?


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Saturday, July 1, 2006 10:08 AM


ooo....Two for the Price of one. Anyone shocked when THEY appered

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon



Saturday, July 1, 2006 12:28 PM


Absolutely wonderful! Bring on the finale!


Saturday, July 1, 2006 12:41 PM



Originally posted by Haze:
Also if Torchwood really is going to be about a bunch of people spreading imperialism I'm going to have issues with that as well.. Hmmmm

British Neo-Imperialists with access to Extra-Terrestrial technology... Well I guess the Suns never set on the Union Jack

I prefered UNIT though. Bring them up to date with modern weaponry and put a member of the Lethbridge-Stewart clan in charge. "Jenkins. Chap with wings there, five hundred rounds rapid" (21st Century UNIT Trooper with Minigun opens fire)

Hurrah, hurrah, when things are at their worst
With cries of “Death or Glory” comes the mighty Twenty-First


Saturday, July 1, 2006 1:45 PM


Fantastic. I didn't want it to end. My neighbours hate me coz when the theme music comes on I turn my TV sound up to the max :) Like Firefly it raises the hairs on the back of my neck :) Dr Who rules


Sunday, July 2, 2006 1:46 AM


This was a mixed bag for me. There were a few minor bits of dialogue that were predictable, and yet it still retained a wonderful, dramatic and camp quality.

Spoiler alert!

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I loved the opening v.o by Billie Piper. It's the darkest this series has ever been. It was a good piece of drama!

Great to see Mickey back in action! I never saw it coming. The pulse rifle was massive! Talk about packing some major heat! 0.0

The 3D glasses were a touch of comic genius! I also liked the part where the Doctor claimed that Jackie was Rose.

The Torchwood Institute is an interesting concept. I've got mixed feelings on this one though. Yvonne seemed a bit weak for a baddie. She sidled up and smiled at the Doctor which was great, but Torchwood seemed a bit clumsy for a powerful enemy. O.o

I look forward to the Torchwood series though.

Bring on the series finale!

[img] [/img]


Saturday, July 8, 2006 9:30 AM




I don't want to sound cliche, but it can't be avoided.

There are no words to describe the hour of telly that I have just witnessed. NONE. It's more an emotional feeling than anything that can be put into words.

Although in saying that, the series 2 finale dragged last year's finale into the void. It kicked its arse! I was drained after watching it. There was so much going on.

The best line ever had to be:

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Dalek Supreme: "This is not war. This is pest control."

There are so many other great moments and lines, I can't fit them into this response..

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I was pleased that Yvonne had some decent lines and moments. I found her a bit annoying last week, but man, did she get a decent comeback! "I did my duty for Queen and country!" Excellent!

I was so glad to see that Rose got back with her parents and Mickey again. It was beautifully wrapped up.

*Sigh* Oh man.. I'm getting goosebumps.

The Dalek/Cybermen face off was bloody excellent. The action scenes were well done. Great to see Mickey be the action hero.

I'm not sure how to react to the closing moments. It seemed to spoil the dramatic tone a wee bit, but it was quirky, and made me laugh a bit. The Christmas special is gonna be a weird one.

Anywho, I'm seriously looking forward to series three now..

[img] [/img]


Saturday, July 8, 2006 9:40 AM


oh, I know what you mean! I don't think I breathed for the last ten minute.

The whole conversation between the Daleks and the Cybermen was classic. Even found ourselves doing the 'mi-ow!' thing several times.

I almost cried, I don't cry at things, but there was a hint that i might get a lump in the throat.

Oh, that was good.

The ending did annoy me, but only cause I absolutely detest that woman, even more than i hate that idiot who played the azorbawotsit and the two pillocks from little britain. But, it can't be that bad. Roll on Christmas!

Edit - on the comment for last weeks show - the one thing i did like about that is the fact that I thought I knew what the Torchwood series was going to be like, and now having seen that, I have absolutely no idea how they are going to treat it. We know its going to be a lot darker that what we sae there, soi I have great expectations.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 10:08 AM


Bloody hell! Great episode. Dear lord the Daleks had some good lines.

But the ending... when she showed up I honestly thought they where going to break the fourth wall. Why her?

Who do you suppose is in there?


Saturday, July 8, 2006 10:21 AM



...was pretty much exactly spot on, I'd say. Hard to pick any serious flaws really.

And who knew the Daleks were so snippy with their foes? Or maybe it's just those particular Daleks... loved that idea, by the way. Glad they explained the touch-a-Dalek thing. And the 3D glasses, of course :)

Yeah, pretty much perfect, really. Nice one.

...Catherine Tate. Well, maybe she can do 'proper' acting and wants to do more of it. And why should she not have the opportunity to?

"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."
"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all..."


Saturday, July 8, 2006 10:27 AM


Judging by her sketch show she can do proper acting. The sketch where she plays a woman who married a guy on death row in the states depends on her being strait. I just from her performance at the end of the episode it would seem that will not be how she plays this.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Saturday, July 8, 2006 10:34 AM



Originally posted by Haze:
But the ending... when she showed up I honestly thought they where going to break the fourth wall. Why her?

I'm not bothered.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:05 PM


That was SOOOO great. And so very sad. There were tears.

Sooo Great:
The dialogue between the Daleks and the Cybermen - fan-bluddy-tastic.

Sorry if I got this quote sightly wrong

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You are superior in only one way..your ability to die

So much going on

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Rose's mum and "dad" getting together, Rose getting snatched into the other dimension and then jumping back, opening up the void, getting pulled in, geting saved by her "dad"...

So very sad:
I thought Christopher Eccleston made a good Doctor and I was really unsure about David Tennant. But, blimey, he completely erased Chris Eccelston from my memory! I watched "Dr Who Confidential" afterwards, and realised I had forgotten that Chris Eccleston had even been the Doctor!

Replacing Rose will be much harder. It's not just replacing Billie, the difficulty of filling the void left by Rose. Her relationship with the Doctor was very special, they had so much fun together and there was so much love between them. I can't imaging warming to anyone the way I warmed to her.

And there were tears:
Starting with

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when they were separated by the wall, and they were one on each side, holding the wall knowing the other was there;

continuing with

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when they "met" in Norway for the last time. BTW, Rose's makeup was great...all smushed mascara down her face, very realistic

For me, it was like

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Wash's death

all over again.

Not sure about Catherine Tate. She might just be a stopgap, to help us get over Rose before a new permanent character joins.

Can't wait 'til Christmas!

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Sunday, July 9, 2006 12:06 AM


Well, judging by some recent PR stuff, the new regular companion is to be called Martha Jones.
She is to be played by Freema Agyeman who was the woman in Episode 12 that was killed by the Cybermen.
I guess Catherine Tate is only going to be in the Christmas episode.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Sunday, July 9, 2006 12:41 AM



Originally posted by britchick:
Sooo Great:
The dialogue between the Daleks and the Cybermen - fan-bluddy-tastic.

One thing I find constantly amusing is the way Daleks shake when they're speaking, there seems to be something just slightly camp about it. I can't remember if they did this back in the days of old Who...

EDIT: Oh yeah, there were the "Gay Daleks" in TV Offal...


Sunday, July 9, 2006 12:58 PM


Excellent Season end!

BUT, a wish they had spent a bit more time showing us the battle between the Daleks, Cybermen and humanity. That could of done with a whole episode in itself. Everything felt abit rushed IMO. Could of done with being a three parter.

Here's how it might of been http://www.stillflying.net/


Sunday, July 9, 2006 1:07 PM


Just a quick note, but Mickey had the most kick-ass gun EVER! Also, I can't stop calling it a pulse rifle.


Sunday, July 9, 2006 2:18 PM


The God of VHS meant I was able to see the last two episodes in one go.

Loved the

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Daleks. In the first (new) series, they completely reinvented them. Arch baddies, because everyone says they are, Galactic menace,...blah, blah... but really, they did have a bit of the slightly stupid-looking pepperpot on wheels with a sink plunger for an arm look to them.

Now, however, they have come into their own. They really are complete heavy metal bastards. Not even particulary evil. Exterminating things? It's what they do, darlin'...

I liked the new Daleks actually having a bit of humanity / organicness (you know what I mean - the better than being roboticness.) The sneery way they were coming the hard man was hilariously Glaswegian. "You don't need to come and have a go, James, you're nowhere near hard enough."

When Rose introduced The Doctor, I liked the way they flinched a little.

Not so sure about The Doctor crying like a little girl, though. That was a bit too sappy.

Billie will be sadly missed. She had a heavy responsibility (well, in geek-world terms, anyway) in re-introducing the series, especially in the face of very heavy-duty acting competition (Christopher Ecclestone), and carried it off admirably.

David Tennant is really good, but he was at his best when he dialled the acting back (quite) a bit. With Anthony Head by the swimming pool? Much better than the Robin Williams after 6 espressos and a pint of Red Bull impressions we got too much of.

And the bloody soundtrack steamrollered everything in its path as usual. Go and watch Alien, Murray. Effective creepy music, and I can hardly recall a note.


Sunday, July 9, 2006 3:17 PM


Why does this show have to be so good? I can't wait for Christmas now.

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I'm going to miss Rose. She's the Companion in my mind. Going into the first episode of the new Doctor Who I wasn't familiar with the history of thet show, so in my mind Rose is the only Companion, in the sense that she was the first one introduced to me and the first I latched on to. It's the same for how I see the Ninth Doctor as my Doctor. I just got used to seeing the two together so it was a little weird for the Ninth to turn into the Tenth and to see him travelling with Rose.

And now that Rose is gone, it'll be weird to see the Tenth travelling with a new Companion. I don't think anyone can replace Rose. She had a very deep relationship with the Doctor. It was through each other that they found a reason to live, or keep on living. Rose encountered a lonely Doctor, more lonely than before, and she helped him to cope with his angst (I'm totally stealing Russell T Davies words at this point ). My hope for the next Companion is that she'll wander into the TARDIS by mistake or something and end up travelling with the Doctor that way. While the Companion who wants to be there is the most interesting, Sarah Jane comes to mind, having someone who doesn't want to be there will be a nice contrast.

And one question, since I'm lazy. Who is Christine Tate? Good or bad actress?

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing." - Zoe


Sunday, July 9, 2006 9:47 PM


Catherine Tate is a comedian. She does sketch shows, and lots of different characters. Good with the makeup.

Sometimes quite unfunny, when she hits her stride, she is brilliant. Her foul-mouthed granny is good, but my favourite is Lauren, a surly teenager who winds up everyone. Catchphrase is along the lines of her not being bothered what the other party thinks.

The Comic Relief interview with McFly was good too.


Monday, July 10, 2006 8:01 AM


As someone who has watched the series from its beginnings in 1963 (Yes, I`m that old) I have to say that Rose has been the best written companion the writers have ever come up with.
She`ll be a hard act to follow.

As far as Billie is concerned she is now going to appear in an adaptation of a Philip Pullman novel the Beeb are working on.
If she`s as good in that it should be worth watching.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Monday, July 10, 2006 8:11 AM


Loved this episode (Warning Angel Season 5 spoilers) and I should add I'm in the US. Oklahoma to be exact. I started D-loading eps to fill in what I missed of Season 1 during some drama practices I had, Got soooo hooked I started D-loading the season 2 stuff on Sat afternoons, after you folk were done seeing em. I love this show & can't wait till Christmas.

Select to view spoiler:

Wept like a baby man when Rose got separated. Not a big fan of sappy stories, but this was well written & well played. Props to Bille, she sold the performance. It didn't feel put on.

Even the flash to the Doc just tearing up on the Tardis really sealed it right there. This was a genuine emotional story & it hurt to see.

Brought to mind the end of Angel Season 5 when Wes died. Not comparing the two characters just the depth & emotion of these two scenes. was right there, not campy or put on, or over dramatic. Rose wasn't "killed off." Her character "died" and it hurt.

This was the kind of scene that hurt and made you forget these are just actors & characters. And that is good storytelling & in turn that is good television.

And as much as I love the Rose character. I don't want to see her "magically" come back. I am a browncoat & when heroes die they stay dead, or gone and if they suddenly come back & everything is happy again I feel betrayed.

This was a great Season of television & I look forward to more. Consider me a Dr. Who fan

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again



Friday, July 28, 2006 10:05 AM


Good grief I miss Dr Who . Saturday night is not the same without Dr Who :(


Friday, July 28, 2006 10:08 AM



Originally posted by Rabbit2:
As someone who has watched the series from its beginnings in 1963 (Yes, I`m that old) I have to say that Rose has been the best written companion the writers have ever come up with.
She`ll be a hard act to follow.

As far as Billie is concerned she is now going to appear in an adaptation of a Philip Pullman novel the Beeb are working on.
If she`s as good in that it should be worth watching.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?

you old fart. you are a Hartnel fan .LOL. Is Hartnel your fave Doc?


Friday, July 28, 2006 10:14 PM


Guilty as charged, although I think the series did`nt fully get in to its stride untill Troughton took over. I remember thinking that some of the early Hartnell episodes with the Daleks were great but kind of lost interest for a bit, then got back in to it towards the end of the Hartnell period.
Round about the time of the first Cybermen story, I think.
Incidently, it was clear from that story that the Cybermen were originally from some sort of parallel Earth. Later writers seemed to forget that, until the recent episodes.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:18 AM


Aaaaah that's cool to know about the cybermen I didn't realise that. I just thought the other dimension hook was invented for the new series. I am from the Tom Baker era. So he's my fave Dr. I also like Pertwee because I am a fan of the Sea Devils and think they are scarey. It would be cool if they re-invent the Sea Devils in the new series as they did with the Cybermen.


Saturday, July 29, 2006 3:12 AM


The Cybermen (in the Who 'Verse, ie the 'proper' universe and not a parallel one) originated on Earth's twin planet, Mondas, rather than in an alternate dimension. Their civilisation developed faster than ours, and when Mondas left the Sun's orbit for unknown reasons during our prehistory they used their advanced technology to survive by becoming the Cybermen.

During this period they also colonised worlds such as Telos and developed their 'conquer and convert' mindset.

An energy-starved Mondas returned to try and drain Earth of power but was destroyed by the Doctor when it absorbed too much energy.

True parallel universe episodes are few and far between in the 'original' Doctor Who seasons. Only two episodes dealt with the concept directly: 'Inferno' and 'Day Of The Daleks', both 3Doctor episodes. In the first, while trying to get the TARDIS to work the Doctor inadvertantly sends himself to a world where his evil counterpart rules a fascist Britain; the second features freedom fighters from an alternate future trying to stop that future happening, but actually being the cause of it.

The involvement of the Time Lords with alternate worlds, The Void, VoidSpheres, and easy dimensional travel are entirely products of the newest series. And quite good additions, I must add.


"My God - you're like a trained ape. Without the training."
"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all..."


Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:06 AM


True enough RelFexive, according to the oficial Who `verse thats the Cybermen background.
However, from what I remember of the original story `The Tenth Planet` it was established that `Mondas` was an exact duplicate of the Earth.
One of the episode endings was of the personel of the antarctic base finally getting a picture on a TV screen of the new planet that has suddenly appeared, only to discover that it has the same continental masses as Earth. Also, If you Listen to the dialog in one of the surviving clips from the story (not one of the ones available on the BBC site unfortunately but a slightly extended version that`s been available on VCR and DVD for a good while), when the Cyber Leader refers to their homeworld as Mondas, one of the humans interupts with "but thats another name for Earth."
Clearly, in Kit Pedler`s original script, Mondas was a Twin Planet in a quite literal sense but existing in the same universe as the `real` Earth, as you mentioned, proper alternate dimension stories don`t appear until the Pertwee years.
Its rather like what Star Trek did a couple of years later, with scripts which had the Enterprise finding planets where the Roman Empire survived and similar plots.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:00 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The thread is a bit old now, but I've only just got back to it (thanks to not being able to access the site for a while)

For the most part, I'd say season 2 was a vast improvement on the first, but still there were some real duds.
I didn't like The Idiot's Lantern or... the one with the children disappearing into the girl's drawings. But the others were beyond awesome.
I loved loved loved Love & Monsters - it was hilarious.
And the final 2-parter was epic to say the least. The last ten minutes were incredibly moving - I had to fight back the tears because I couldn't have others see me cry at Dr Who!

It will be interesting to see how the new companion fits into season 3. I don't see how she can replace Billie though. I loved her character

In the meantime, I've got the Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit 2 parter to watch still - I missed it when it was on, so I've still got new ones to watch
Yay me!

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree






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List of Animated stuff for Chris and others.
Fri, January 24, 2025 15:02 - 87 posts
Video Games to movie and tv series and other Cartoon / video game adaptions
Mon, January 20, 2025 07:07 - 109 posts
**Any other Sci-fi shows worth a look??
Thu, January 16, 2025 11:33 - 45 posts
The Animated Movie Thread: name your favourites
Wed, January 15, 2025 13:11 - 86 posts