A Star Trek retrospect: The original cast movies

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 06:01
VIEWED: 1774
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:53 AM


Sadly, and I really blame Joss for this, the movies haven't fared the trip through time very well in my book.

The first one remains golden to me; it did not pander, and was a serious science-fiction movie.

The second suffered from two things: Khan's (and Kirk's, to a lesser degree) bad eighties BIG hair, and the happy happy that was tacked on to what should have been a VERY somber ending. How Hollywood. How phoney.

The third was slow, and gave us a chump fight between Kirk and Krudge. And a death (Kirks's son, you Klingon bastard!) that I saw coming a mile away.

The fourth was fun, but so silly at times it was almost beneath us fans. Re-tread of V'Ger. Meh.

The fifth had Spock doing Superman (so bad, the FX), and a brother from another planet (!), and the wool pulled so far down over Kirk's eyes it was embarrasing ("What does God want with a spaceship?"). Not logical.

The sixth and final went out on a somewhat higher note. Yeah, I had many problems with it (How does a phaser disintegrate a pot, but not the mashed potatoes in it?), but overall it was good.

So there, am I being too harsh?
Blame Firefly, it set the bar a mite higher than it has ever been before.

Get a piece of MY action Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:03 AM


well I blamed William Shatner for thinking that a girdle and a wig could make him look anything but ridiculous on the big screen (which hides nothing, particulary when you can see that the stunt man climbing the cliff is at least 30 years younger than the actor in the close up!)
I really felt he should have been willing to play his age:
he is brilliant in 'Boston Legal' because he seems to be actually playing older than his age, which he can do without looking like a fool.

I thought that some of the Original Cast movies were fun, but it just got too weird, without introducing any really good young characters (what is that about?)

Joss has spoiled us. I have confidence that in 20 - 30 years (I hope I'm alive to see it) Joss can write reunions of Buffy and/or Firefly and let the actors play their true age, with brilliantly interesting stories which will also introduce more (and younger) characters to the verse that we will love....

But then, it helps that the creator isn't just a vain actor


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:04 AM



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:14 AM


I think the first one was by far the most SF of any of 'em. I liked the second one except Spock's death makes me cry. It's so terrible and heart-wrenching. The third was okay, major thing being it brought back Spock. The fourth was good, funny and yet at the same time true to what the people would actually do in that type of situation. The fifth was not so good because i didn't really like the plot that much, you know? Simply didn't get my attention, problems with the whole idea and everything. Sixth was really good, best probably since the second.

And i must say that Serenity is as good as the best Star Trek movie, if not a little better. Idk, i have split loyaties. I am a Trekkie, was a Trekkie first, and will always love Star Trek and that whole universe and everything. Then there's Firefly which i must say is ruttin' amazing. But i can't say it's better than Star Trek because Star Trek is so close to my heart. So in general i say that for me, they are kind of two entirely different things, you know? Sure, Firefly was SF but it was so massively different than Star Trek that you really can't compare them.

I love both too much to say that one is better than the other! I've seen Star Trek so many times that i know everything, although i'll watch when it's on. And Firefly is new to me, just as Star Trek was five years ago. I'll always love 'em both.

Actually, i hadn't really watched those old Star Trek movies in a long time, I think i'm going to re-watch them again. This post has reignited the Trekkie in me!

Yay! for Trekkie-Browncoats!


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:52 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
The fifth had Spock doing Superman (so bad, the FX), and a brother from another planet (!), and the wool pulled so far down over Kirk's eyes it was embarrasing ("What does God want with a spaceship?"). Not logical.

Well, in Kirk's defense, he was being kinda mind-controlled by Sybok.

Doesn't excuse the rest of it though.

The concept needs a revisit, preferably with Q (as the "Charlie X" and "Squire of Gothos" stories were retconned into the saga of our favourite Trickster). Perhaps STV's "God" was actually a renegade Q --a former mortal, gifted with the Continuum's powers (as Q tried to do to Riker once), but driven insane. So dangerous and unpredictable that he was locked away, barred not only from the Continuum, but from this universe as well, until Sybok unwittingly broke into the asylum. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:56 AM


As a first run watcher of the shows and lifetime watcher of all the reruns - I loved the movies, no matter how 80's and how badly done - I was happy to have them.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:02 AM


To be honest, you watch Trek movies for the Characters, the wit & dialogue between them. The story is so secondary. That's why they are fun to watch, but that's about it. There is nothing in the way of the incredible storytelling you get from Joss.

I mean honest, what was the last movie (besides) Serenity you went to see for the sake of the story & NOT the characters.

This is why sequels do so well. Pirate's II for example. I was not impressed by the storytelling, but I love the characters, heck I've been one of the characters.

That's the only real reason we watched that piece of gose called Episode III. It was fluff & lame story, in fact most of us already knew the story, but we hoped the "characters" would carry us through. We were let down. nooooooooooooo! (shiver)

But with Trek you were never let down in the Characters, these actors had perfected these characters and as long as they continued to portray the characters, we'd continue to watch. I mean really "Capn' there be whales here." It was far-fetched but it was all about the crew of the Enterprise.

The same could happen with the same BDH's. Although I doubt they would set foot in a verse that did not have Joss's hands in it.

Ultimately, Joss is essential to Firefly & Serenity. Roddenberry to Trek, not quite so much. & Lucas should have taken a hint & left well enough alone.

Wow do I ramble.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:47 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Perhaps STV's "God" was actually a renegade Q --a former mortal, gifted with the Continuum's powers (as Q tried to do to Riker once), but driven insane. So dangerous and unpredictable that he was locked away, barred not only from the Continuum, but from this universe as well, until Sybok unwittingly broke into the asylum. . .

Good theory!
Y'know, I've always had a sneaking admiration for V, it was fairly original for what it was, and competantly directed.
Plus Jerry Goldsmith music!!!

Live long, and hover Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:52 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
As a first run watcher of the shows

First run? Yeah right, were you counting in the womb for that?
I saw my first- first run episode when I was six!
Can you say that, FMF?

Time-traveler Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:01 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

I saw my first- first run episode when I was six!
Can you say that,

such youngins we got here...
I saw the original series when I was in High School

and reruns in college

However I didn't ever see it in color until after I was married.

And I saw all the movies in the theaters when they were first released.

this is why I have faith in Firefly/Serenity getting sequels and even an eventual return to TV, it may take 10 years or more, but Joss is young, he has time....


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:15 PM



I am not really sure how old you think I am - but the show ran from 1966 to 1969. I was in Greece at the time and we were about a year behind - So I was watching from 1967 to 1970. I was 3 in 1967. I remember watching it each week with my dad. Then of course, by the time we hit stateside, it was syndicated, so I watched reruns.

And before you tell me I can't remember being 3, I will let you know that my first memory is from when I was about a year old.

So yeah - first run, that was me, I saw it.

Also used to watch Dark Shadows.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:07 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I was 3 in 1967.

Baby, baby, stick your head in gravy!

Well, young Miss, I was SEVEN in '67! Ha!

And I watched Dark Shadows, too. Liked it, but thought there wasn't enough action in it (werewolves, vampires, where were the fights?)...aparently Joss agreed with me

Older, but less mature Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:09 AM



Originally posted by embers:

I saw the original series when I was in High School

You beat me Em...

The middle child here Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:11 AM



I remember the first time Dark Shadows came on, that really weird beginning anyway I FREAKED OUT. Screamed all around the house. The boys (my brothers) still think it is funny.

Hmm older men. I LOVE older men.

back on thread - The original cast of Star Trek is sacrosanct in my view - and must not be dissed.

Ok - how about this Chrisisall - I went to my first geek fest at the age of 10 in Wash, DC. Saw Leonard Nimoy!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:42 AM


FMF, when you were (let's see, carry the nuthin'...)
in your last year of High School, me and a friend were having drinks at a NYC convention hotel bar with James Doohan!
What a cool guy, all friendly and such. No haughty airs to him, just a down-to-planet type. It was for, like, a half hour. He said he understood Shatner's swagger back during the series. Career pressure and so on. Tipsy-ness was imminent, and then he had to go.

Memories...like the tri-corders of my mind...Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:43 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by embers:

I saw the original series when I was in High School

You beat me Em...

The middle child here Chrisisall

ah...also a middle child...
and I also loved 'Dark Shadows', but I didn't mind the lack of action,
I liked that Vampires were into the sculking around and intrigue rather than needing to fight like hooligans.
This show remained really popular when I was in college my freshman year in the dorm

(embers is feeling old and nostalgic now)

edited to add:
I didn't see my first Original Star Trek actors in person until just ten years ago!

(late to the party, that's me)


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:55 AM



Originally posted by embers:

I liked that Vampires were into the sculking around and intrigue rather than needing to fight like hooligans.

I thought it was a cheat when someone would walk behind a tree (You gotta remember this) and come out the other side a werewolf or whatever!
I wanted to see the transformation!!!

Grrr Argh Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:56 AM


Yeah Yeah Yeah, and when my husband was a Senior I was in the 4th grade. LOL My brothers were born in 58 and 61 so I have a lot of experience with you old fogey's

I remember Mr. Nimoy telling us about his bike. He rode a bike to the set everyday and was very particular about who touched this bike. Oneday he put it in its usual place and went about his business, when he came back it was gone. Anger ensued and a search was on - no bike. I can't remember how much longer it was, but eventually one heard the theme music and swish from above came the bike. It was a pretty funny story - I understand that Mr. Shatner was the culprit.



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:57 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I thought it was a cheat when someone would walk behind a tree (You gotta remember this) and come out the other side a werewolf or whatever!
I wanted to see the transformation!!!

on the cheapest most low tech show on earth?
we were lucky we didn't see the wardrobe mistress come on stage and help them w/the costume change

(in college the tacky silliness of 'Dark Shadows' was it's primary charm!)


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:34 AM


Here's a good one:
At one convention Angelique Pettyjohn (I wager 1000 quatloos) was showing us her costume, and one guy asked if it was hard to get on (remember, the silver thing?), and she said the original one was, but that she had this one made for conventions, and it came off easy. Then she demonstrated by pulling on some velcro, and removing a cup that exposed her left breast to us, a bunch of ST geeks not yet (most of us) having ever seen a live nude female before. There was a hushed silence, then a round of applause. It was classic.

Woo-hooo Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:37 AM


Wasn't she in the Green Hornet? Why is that name familiar? Batman? I KNOW she was in Repo Man. LOVE that movie!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:41 AM


You mean The Gamesters Of Triskellion girl? Yeah, she made the TV series rounds. She was a Las Vegas stripper that was snagged for that ep of Star Trek.
Big hair.

Kirk stepped out of bounds Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:44 AM


Yeah I found her. Silver outfit. Should have known. My dad would drool over her and the green girl everytime they came on the screen.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:01 AM



Too much for my 7-12 year old eyes...

Where were the censors Chrisisall






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