Equilibrium - has anyone seen it?

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 9, 2007 07:38
VIEWED: 8887
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Friday, July 28, 2006 6:02 AM


I know, it's not a series, "only" a movie. But does anybody know, how I can get the music?


My lessons learned from Firefly (no. 10):
Everybody dies alone. (especially FOX Execs!)


Friday, July 28, 2006 10:02 AM


No I have never seen it. I Have heard it is influenced by Matrix. Is it worth a watch? I value peoples comments on this site coz you guys know what you are talking about :)


Friday, July 28, 2006 11:02 AM



Originally posted by j6ngo1977:
No I have never seen it. I Have heard it is influenced by Matrix. Is it worth a watch? I value peoples comments on this site coz you guys know what you are talking about :)

Well I just loved it. It has nothing to do with Matrix (besides the look, maybe, but not storywise). It's more like a 1984-idea behind it. The main character moves from "believing in the system" to "underground resistance". Some think, the action scenes are over the top, but I liked them. They are much less computer animated than Matrix(lower budget - better for the story ). For me, the characters are the main point in a movie, and I think at this one, it's quite well done. Don't want to tell you too much, though, might spoil the fun. Just go and rent it, and see for yourself.

Hint for women (and want-to-be): Christian Bale plays the main character (just gorgeous looking chap!)- I have some pictures, but I haven't found out yet, how to post them here ...


My lessons learned from Firefly (no. 14):
Even a leaf in the wind can be speared. (sob!)


Friday, July 28, 2006 11:15 AM


Excellent movie. I highly recommend it. It shows a bleak future and the lengths some will go to keep humanity under control. Not to mention some pretty good acting and some very well done fight scenes.



Friday, July 28, 2006 11:39 AM


What a great movie, the whole idea of Gun Kata, wow. I would have to say that Equilibrium has the best fight scenes I have ever seen.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Friday, July 28, 2006 3:56 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

Excellent movie. It convinced me Christian Bale would be a good Batman. Wonderful story, great effects


Friday, July 28, 2006 4:18 PM


It's one of my favorite movies. Christian Bale is phenomenal in it and everyone here is right.. the fight scenes are amazing.

Can't remember the music Esther... wish I could.

Will have to go hunt for it.

And for everyone here, a pic of Christian Bale in "Equilibrium". Oh, and for all the ladies out there... Sean Bean is in it too!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here www.fireflyfans.net for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 28, 2006 4:53 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

Completely forgot about Sean Bean. Is there a movie in the last 5 years he hasn't been in? One of the best character actors working.


Friday, July 28, 2006 8:52 PM


Ok im sold :) I can buy it for the price of a McDonalds. I like watching films I aint seen and can pick up for really cheap and then fnd out they are blindingly good films (Wonderland, Chopper etc).


Saturday, July 29, 2006 7:39 AM


Someone gave me Equilibrium a while back. I never watched it and it's still sitting on a shelf along with a bunch of other movies I have but never watched. Is it really that good? I might have to look at it. I heard somewhere that its sort of like The Matrix.



Saturday, July 29, 2006 10:23 PM



Originally posted by j6ngo1977:
No I have never seen it. I Have heard it is influenced by Matrix. Is it worth a watch?


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Is it really that good? I might have to look at it. I heard somewhere that its sort of like The Matrix.

It was supposed to be released around the same time as the Matrix, so I'm not sure how much influencing there was. But the studio decided that with the Matrix out, they released the movie with little, or, in the case of most cities, no add campeign because they knew it wouldn't compete box office wise. I'm going to go ahead and say, without a shadow of a doubt, that Equilibrium is better then the Matrix. I'd have been hard pressed to say that before the Matrix sequels came out, but they tainted everything that made the first one great.


I'll be in my bunk.

"Live with a man forty years. Share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then, tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge--and on that day, you will finally meet the man." ~ Shan Yu


Saturday, July 29, 2006 11:50 PM


I completely agree with you! Equilibrium is better then Matrix. I bought Equilibrium at random, mostly cause I think Christian Bale is hot! Boy was I pleasantly surprised! The story line had me thinking, and the action had me on the edge of my seat! The funny thing is, I don't remember it ever coming to theaters. Anyhow it ranks #2 on my list of movies to recommend, just behind Serenity of course!


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:33 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

It's one of my favorite movies. Christian Bale is phenomenal in it and everyone here is right.. the fight scenes are amazing.

Can't remember the music Esther... wish I could.

Will have to go hunt for it.

Well, the music (by Klaus Baldelt)is between religious (almost chanting) and some hard percussion and e-guitars in the action scenes. There is no official CD, but there is a "bootleg" around (whatever that is ...), even discussed on the website of Hans Zimmer. I tried to write to Klaus Baldelt, but never got an answer back.

Just so you know: the movie took me so hard, I actually sat down and wrote the whole thing as a novel. It was great, putting Prestons face in a still frame, trying to figure out what was going on behind these "unemotional" eyes and then putting it down in words ... and move on to the next scene. Got a whole new understanding of the movie this way ... (can you tell I'm a bit crazy?)


My lessons learned from Firefly (no. 1):
Offering to kill somebody might not work as well as an incentive, as one might think. (point of interest).


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:09 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Someone gave me Equilibrium a while back. I never watched it and it's still sitting on a shelf along with a bunch of other movies I have but never watched. Is it really that good? I might have to look at it. I heard somewhere that its sort of like The Matrix.


Hey RiveR, Ya it's that good I watched it about three weeks ago. I don't see any Matrix parallels maybe black jackets?, but it is entertaining and very "smart". Makes you think a little bit. So take it off of your shelf and give it a try.


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:15 PM


It is an updated version of Farenheit 451 and was quite good.

Plus it has yummy Christian Bale!

one of the Forsaken TM


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 2:36 AM


I definetely liked the movie, but I wasn't necessarily stoked about it. The action scenes were really cool, but a bit too unrealistic. I'm not too much a fan of dystopian movies (in case that is an actual english word *g*), but it's pretty well done. Kinda like 1984 with a happy ending

btw: Did any bod watch Ultraviolet
It's the newest movie from the director of Equilibrium. It's pretty much the most unrealistic movie I've ever seen. The action scenes are just completely exaggerated, you've just got to laugh and every conflict is justt solved by the heroine kicking everybodys ass, even if she surrounded by 300 armed soldiers

It's kinda good if you take it as an overlong CGI demonstration clip


Originally posted by Esther:
Just so you know: the movie took me so hard, I actually sat down and wrote the whole thing as a novel. It was great, putting Prestons face in a still frame, trying to figure out what was going on behind these "unemotional" eyes and then putting it down in words ... and move on to the next scene. Got a whole new understanding of the movie this way ... (can you tell I'm a bit crazy?)


Do you actually write novels in your free time or are you an author? Cuz if you don't then, well ... I don't know, it might really seem a bit crazy :)

Did you write a full scale novel or just a few pages?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 3:14 AM



Originally posted by TomOnkelCannabia:
Do you actually write novels in your free time or are you an author? Cuz if you don't then, well ... I don't know, it might really seem a bit crazy :)

Did you write a full scale novel or just a few pages?

Well, I do write stories (since age of 6 :o) ) but have not (yet) had a novel published (just 2 short stories in a magazine so far). It's just, that I love writing, and putting down a movie in words can be a good training (like a painter would re-paint a picture from an old Master for training).

But yes, I wrote the whole damn thing. Round about 200 Pages ... (well, depends on the print-format). Took me about 2 Weeks (i was REALLY into it, you can tell). It's a bit of a getaway for me - in "real" live I'm a tax consultant . The worst part about being a tax consultant is - all your colleagues are tax consultats too! (that really sucks. No-one watches Firefly or Buffy or Angel. They rather watch TV shows with lawyers and accountants in them - no kidding!)


My lessons learned from Firefly (no. 6):
Everyone has the right to live and try to kill people (ā€¦ I meanā€¦ you knowā€¦ dumb planet!)


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 3:39 PM



Originally posted by TomOnkelCannabia:
I definetely liked the movie, but I wasn't necessarily stoked about it. The action scenes were really cool, but a bit too unrealistic. I'm not too much a fan of dystopian movies (in case that is an actual english word *g*), but it's pretty well done. Kinda like 1984 with a happy ending

btw: Did any bod watch Ultraviolet
It's the newest movie from the director of Equilibrium. It's pretty much the most unrealistic movie I've ever seen. The action scenes are just completely exaggerated, you've just got to laugh and every conflict is justt solved by the heroine kicking everybodys ass, even if she surrounded by 300 armed soldiers

It's kinda good if you take it as an overlong CGI demonstration clip


Originally posted by Esther:
Just so you know: the movie took me so hard, I actually sat down and wrote the whole thing as a novel. It was great, putting Prestons face in a still frame, trying to figure out what was going on behind these "unemotional" eyes and then putting it down in words ... and move on to the next scene. Got a whole new understanding of the movie this way ... (can you tell I'm a bit crazy?)


Do you actually write novels in your free time or are you an author? Cuz if you don't then, well ... I don't know, it might really seem a bit crazy :)

Did you write a full scale novel or just a few pages?

Yep...Ultraviolet was a joke! Swords vs. guns? I can't believe I sat through the whole movie. Felt like an as*hole when it was over. Felt like someone took my lunch money and I did nothing....Kinda Ultraviolated.


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 6:54 PM


This is my all time favorite movie.

I read 1984 and I thought it was the best book that I've ever read in my life, although I was maddeningly depressed for weeks afterwards when I realized that when a government gets as powerful as ours has become then there really can be no meaningful dissention against it, no matter how tyrannical it becomes. Shortly therafter I read Brave New World and that cheered me up a bit, even though the end was almost as shocking as 1984 for some reason I was smiling at the end. Personally, I believe that one of these two prophecies will come true and although it would be sad to live in a world devoid of religion or art or love or anything that we may find meaningful today, I find that I would much rather live in a world of drug abuse without repercussions, meaningless sex and the triviality of existance like in Brave New World rather than in a totalitarian hell where you're terrified of your own children that was depicted in 1984.

Equilibrium was basically 1984, except for the fact that the totalitarian form of government was effective only because the citizens were required by law to administer a shot to themselves at specified periods thruought the day, making them uncaring and cold and basically making them machines, similar to the Soma that was voluntarily taken by the civilians in Brave New World. Having read both of these books and being so effected by them and realizing that they are much closer to reality than many would notice, or even care to admit if they did, I considered this movie a pure work of art. This is one of the most meaningful movies of our time (hence the reason most people have never even heard of it) and I think that everyone should see it and take something from it. I would hope that watching this movie might move thousands, or even hundereds of thousands of prescription drug users to throw them in the trash and say " you!" to the major pharmacutical companies and the medical profession in general. People need to realize that the medical profession's love affair with mood/mind altering drugs is no different than the dealer on the corner selling crack rocks, other than the fact that it is subsidized by the government and protected by law from prosecution for making tens of thousands of kids addicted every year. Recent legislation has even allowed them to poison our minds with their sales pitches and we get to watch the dealers try to sell their products during commercials of Firefly and It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia, and now we're going to our doctors and telling them which drugs we want to be on.



The end of that movie was so good I have to admit that I got a little misty eyed. I haven't teared up like that since I was a kid. After Bale's character got caught at the end I really thought that I was going to watch the end of 1984 acted out on my TV and I got a little sick to my stomach. I nearly got up and turned off the TV, but my morbid fascination with this subject would not allow me to move. I was frozen there on my couch, staring at Big Brother winning the battle to enslave humanity all over again. I was just waiting for those four dreaded words "I LOVE BIG BROTHER" to seep out of a beaten and broken Christian Bale's mouth.....

But that wasn't going to happen.

Bale whips out a whole can of whoop ass straight up to Big Brother himself and then he puts a bullet in his skull. Chaos ensues.... people put the drugs in the trash where they belong and emotions are once again felt without anyone there to stop it from happening, explosions can be seen in the distance and Christian Bale looks down from atop Big Brothers shattered cathedral and he does something that you rarely see in the movie.

He smiles.

I'm getting chills just thinking about it now. We might be a whole bunch of bastards, us humans, but free will is the greatest thing we've got going for us weather you believe in God or not. I will not tolerate a world where that is forcefully taken away from us and neither should any of you. When the doc tells you that you need to be on pills, tell him to off.

I'm going to watch that movie again tonight. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 7:16 PM


I've seen it and I loved it. My boyfriend owns the movie so if you can't find the soundtrack on Amazon maybe he'll know where you can get it.

"Well, here I am."


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:08 AM


I've watched it now. It's not bad is it ? :)


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:54 AM


I looked at imdb.com to see if the soundtrack was listed, unfortunately it was not. FYI, imdb.com is a graet place to look up anything you want to know about movies and tv shows.

"Well, here I am."


Friday, August 4, 2006 1:08 PM


Well I now have written to Klaus Badelt's Agency, and they answered, that I had to go to the record company, which holds the rights on the music. So I asked them back, which record company this is, because it was never published. Still waiting for an answer.

My first letter obviously was not forwarded, because it was in German (felt stupid, to write in English from a German to a German).

We'll see, where I end up.

Good night, going to bed now (yaaaaawn).


Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:19 AM


Klaus also did all the music on the Pirates of the Caribbean movies - I adore that score, I even have the main theme as my ring tone

I love Equilibrium. It looks like a rip off of The Matrix from the cover, but it's an amazing film. I knew I'd love it as soon as Sean Bean quoted the "do not tread on my dreams" line *weeps*

"It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think."


Saturday, August 5, 2006 4:02 AM


youre all nuts! Equilibrium was one of the worst films ever made!

'Nuff said.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:43 PM



Originally posted by jamaicanbatman:
youre all nuts! Equilibrium was one of the worst films ever made!

'Nuff said.

You sir, are an idiot. And what exactly would you consider a good movie?


I'll be in my bunk.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:17 PM


I saw it a few weeks ago and personally thought it was a pretty good movie,not a brilliant one by all means but a decent one,I would give it 4 stars just(worth a watch).You can buy at amazon for $26.97 but there's only 1 left in stock.


Go to http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=19&t=22697 for more info!

Things are about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 3:01 AM



Originally posted by babywiththepower:

Originally posted by jamaicanbatman:
youre all nuts! Equilibrium was one of the worst films ever made!

'Nuff said.

You sir, are an idiot. And what exactly would you consider a good movie?


I'll be in my bunk.

Well for example, I would consider Serenity to be A good movie, with an excellent storyline, good acting, snappy one-liners, and general brilliance.

Equilibrium was just plain stupid. painfully predictable, poorly acted, poorly scripted, full of plotholes and if you want people to know a character is good, then you do it through character development. YOU DON'T JUST PUT THE MAIN CHARCTER IN A WHITE SUIT AND THE BAD GUYS IN BLACK GORRAMMIT!!!

oh and idiot? low blow.

"Hell, i'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if he's gonna start a fair fight... or if there's a woman... or if i'm gettin paid."


Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:13 AM


'twas an excellent excellent movie. sci fi at its best, 'far as im concerned. dunno if this has been said already (not gonna read them all) but for me atleast it was the character development that did it- the transition, as i think someone said, from working for the system to rebeling. throw in well-done action and a few *very* catchy plot twists, and thats what we like to call a movie...

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:00 AM


I'm surprised folks aren't discussing the broad similarities between Firefly and Equilibrium. When I was watching it, I thought, a number of times, "This is what I could see life on some of the Core Plaets as like" (well, with somewhat less martial arts and gun fu... but the control via pills, etc.).

www.stillflying.net: "Here's how it might have been..."


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:40 AM


I really liked the movie too, but then I always enjoy a good dystopian future film. I also tried to find the O.S.T. after I saw the movie, and I didn't have any luck either. I checked iTunes, eBay, and Amazon. It maybe that there simply isn't one, since it was a low-budget, indie film.

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:31 AM


i think i remember reading somewhere that there is infact no O.S.T.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Sunday, August 6, 2006 3:17 PM



Originally posted by jamaicanbatman:
Well for example, I would consider Serenity to be A good movie, with an excellent storyline, good acting, snappy one-liners, and general brilliance.

Equilibrium was just plain stupid. painfully predictable, poorly acted, poorly scripted, full of plotholes and if you want people to know a character is good, then you do it through character development. YOU DON'T JUST PUT THE MAIN CHARCTER IN A WHITE SUIT AND THE BAD GUYS IN BLACK GORRAMMIT!!!

Well now, see? It wasn't that hard to actually describe what you didn't like about the movie now was it? Granted, you obviously didn't pay enough attention because there was pleanty of character developement. As far as using Serenity as your shield, that doesn't work. If you didn't like FF/S, then you wouldn't be here. So try again.


oh and idiot? low blow.

It was no more of a low blow then what you said to us. You called us nuts and said the movie was terrible without any reasoning at all. I insulted you, yes, but not after you insulted everyone that posted on this thread. Don't dish it out unless you are prepared to recieve it.


I'll be in my bunk.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 12:57 AM


okay Pat, (short for patronising. Geddit?) the nuts remark may have been uncalled for, but my point still stands. and as far as character development goes, christian bale (whom has been brilliant in almost every other film i have seen him in) shoots sean bean, then just decides to start feeling again. and what can you say about a character who can stand idly by and let PEOPLE get shot by fascist police and even kill them himself, but just cant bear to see an ickle puppy dog die.

And as far as using serenity as a sheild, your talking out of your ar*e! i illustrated how a film, which everyone here must have seen, has qualities which make it a good film, and that Equilibrium lacks said qualities.

If you want to see a list of my favourite films, have a gander at:


"Hell i'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if i think he's gonna start a fair fight... or if there's a woman... or if i'm gettin paid"


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 9:15 PM



Originally posted by jamaicanbatman:
If you want to see a list of my favourite films, have a gander at:


I notice a theme in the movies. The only one's I have to flat out disagree with are Kill Bill Vol 2 and The Godfather 3. I will grudgingly give you Jackie Browm, though I didn't like it personally, I did see the appeal to it. Other then that, I'd say you have a comprehensive list.


I'll be in my bunk.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 12:39 AM


hang about pal, whats wrong with kill bill 2?


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 12:55 AM


Well, the first one was good, hokey, but good. When Kiddo was in America it had the feel of an American action movie, when she was in Japan, it felt like an anime. The characters were strong and the premise was solid. The second one kind of threw all that away and struggled for a conclusion that just felt rushed, and quite frankly, fake. And David Carradine was completely wasted on a two-dimensional character.

Like the Matrix sequels, it couldn't live up to, and in the end tarnished, the original.


I'll be in my bunk.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 1:47 AM


sorry pal but your wrong. kill bill two wasnt going for the same feel as one and chose for the spaghetti western style instead, but it was hardly rushed though. but no way was bill two dimensional. on the one hand being a superassassin, and on the other a loving family man. he only comes off 2D coz of the lack of screen time he has.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:06 AM



Originally posted by jamaicanbatman:
and as far as character development goes, christian bale (whom has been brilliant in almost every other film i have seen him in) shoots sean bean, then just decides to start feeling again. and what can you say about a character who can stand idly by and let PEOPLE get shot by fascist police and even kill them himself, but just cant bear to see an ickle puppy dog die.

Hmm ... lets see.

- he shoots Shean bean, because he believes in the system (and in father).

- he does not "decide" to feel again. When his Prosium drops, that is (at best) sub-conscious. Then he slowly walkes into the world of feeling, insecure, overwhelmned in some parts (remember the music), scared at others (remember the sun-rise). He still is not sure, whether feeling is in fact a good thing (it makes onself loosing control).

- he stands back, when the resistance men get killed, because there is nothing, he can do (some policeman having their guns in position AND a cleric might have been too much even for him). Further, it would be of no good for "the cause". He can do more, staying "inside the system". This is obviously, what the resitance guy thinks too (remember the shot nod, they give to eachother?)

- he does not defend the DOG! He defends HIMSELF, because the policemen know (seing the dog) that he is a sense-offender and will have to kill him right there. I don't think, he would have fought for the dog alone. He fights for his life (and I always had the feeling, that something "snaps" inm him, becoming all mashine-like, as he was. He probably could't have stopped it)

- they did not "define" him as good by putting him into the white outfit (after all, he wears black through most of the movie). That was just the "gala uniform" he wears for the audience at father.

I think, that there is a lot in the movie, if you care to look at it closely, not just at the obvious. And in fact, it's not about feeling, it's all about control (government controling the people, people controling themselfs etc.). because, after all, Joss in the BDM is right: If people have no feelings at all, they will not be able to live at all. So prosium can oly dull emotions, but people have to do some of the suppression themselfs (and the clerics are especially good in it)

I love the scene at the end, when Preston tenderly caresses the picture of father on the screen, (before he shoots it). You can see, that he is sad of loosing his dream of a perfect world. And he is right - at the end, there are riots and shooting. War has returned (as everyone had feared). So Preston is a torn figure, because he has to realise, that there is no "perfect" world, but he still decides to fight for one of the imperfect versions.

Preston reminds me a bit of the fed in the Serenity Movie. However, the fed kind of gives up, when he finds out, that his dream of perfection is a lie (ever seen the takeout-scene, where he and Mal talk at the end? From memory it goes about that: Fed: "You lost everything - If that happens, how can one go on?" Mal: "If you keep standing in front of that engine, you'll never find out. (by himself:) What a whiner!)

Preson does not give up. He makes a decision, turning against everything he believed, having killed about everyone he had ever loved, but still going on.

I dunno, that's what I like about a "hero"-figure. Not, that he kicks peoples asses.



Thursday, August 10, 2006 2:49 AM


Meh, it's just as bland as the society it portrays. Your standard dystopian story with Matrix elements thrown in - how novel. Its one original premise - the "gun kata" - is hokey nonsense. If someone would just take a few steps back and aim for the center of the moving mass, his fancy moves wouldn't help him but for some reason everyone uses their weapons at point blank range. The premise is flawed as well. It assumes everybody would be a pacifist without emotions. Look to the rest of the animal kingdom and you'll see intraspecific competition. Our wars are just an extension of that. As a matter of fact, organised warfare is known to happen among ants - not the most emotional of species. Assuming that people would let emotions get banned even in the most dire circumstances also stretches credibility . Like I said, meh.

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being" - Carl Jung


Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:25 AM



It assumes everybody would be a pacifist without emotions. Look to the rest of the animal kingdom and you'll see intraspecific competition. Our wars are just an extension of that. As a matter of fact, organised warfare is known to happen among ants - not the most emotional of species.

So you assume, animals have no emotion. I think, on the contrary - most mammals not only have emotions, it's the only thing they do have, because what they're missing is intellect (sorry to offend any animal-lovers. I live with two cats my own self).

I don't think, the movie states, that people without emotions are pacifists - it's just that people without emotions are controllable (all the proium-controlled clerics and policemen are not pacifistic at all). That's what happens at the ants - they have no emotions, so they can be controlled, they "function", there is no opposition - the worst thing for a totalitarian system. on the other side, someone with emotions is not necessarily a "warmonger". He is just an individualist.

I can agree with you, that the movie is bad in the sense, that it is not all that clear in its basic statement. It always talks about "feeling", when in fact, it's all about "control". Obviously, Kurt Wimmer was not good enough, to get his point across (or didn't even realise what it was, himself - that can happen with artwork).



Monday, August 14, 2006 1:00 PM


love this movie. I was actually working a couple months at a movie theatre while it was playing, and while I was doing the sweep-throughs, I'd see this silly fighting, and I'd have to run out to avoid giggling. But the more I saw, the less I giggled and really got intrigued and finally stayed after work to watch the whole thing.

Select to view spoiler:

my heart broke when the kids tell their father that they'd stopped dosing themselves after their mum died

And yes, parrallel to Serenity with the government trying to make a perfect society by committing monstrosities against it's citizens, Mal being "a fan of all seven [deadly sins]", our basic right, our freewill, to be flawed, to be jealous. Equilibrium certainly isn't as finely crafted in it's logic as Serenity, it's certainly more stylized and artistic.

And of course, Sean Bean. He just elevates everything he's in. How I wish his character had been explored more. I'd rewatch Troy just for him :P



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 6:20 AM


Ebert gave a nice review of it...

...but I found it weird how utterly wrong his summary of the inciting events was...

Preston is a top operative, but is hiding something. We see him pocketing a book that turns out to be the collected poetry of W.B. Yeats, a notorious Sense Offender. He has kept it, he explains, to better understand the enemy (the same reason censors have historically needed to study pornography). His duties bring him into contact with Mary O'Brien (Emily Watson), and he feels--well, it doesn't matter what he feels. To feel at all is the offense. Knowing that, but remembering Mary, he deliberately stops taking his Prozium: He loves being a Cleric, but, oh, you id.

(Not even close to how things happened!)

About the third time I watched my EQ DVD, I burst into tears at the scene where Preston's ripping the covering off his window and seeing his first sunrise (probably because I love sunrises/sunsets). Very cathartic.

Even though an official soundtrack was never released, a member of the EquilibriumFans Forums posted a link to his FTP site a couple of years ago, where he had 47 MP3s of Klaus Badelt's OST, so I snapped 'em up!
They're some of the most-listened-to tracks on my iPod!


Originally posted by TomOnkelCannabia:
btw: Did any bod watch Ultraviolet
It's the newest movie from the director of Equilibrium. It's pretty much the most unrealistic movie I've ever seen. The action scenes are just completely exaggerated, you've just got to laugh and every conflict is justt solved by the heroine kicking everybodys ass, even if she surrounded by 300 armed soldiers

Well, if the comic book montage of the opening credits is any clue, Wimmer was making a living comic book.

But I could really use those Flat Spaceā„¢ (dimension compressing) and Gravity Levelling technologies!


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 6:25 AM


Personally, I really like Equilibrium. But I know others who don't - each to their own.

It got pulled pretty quickly from the cinemas in the UK, because of the opening sequence, which talks about a war at the beginning of the 21st century, and flashes up pictures of dictators, including one Saddam Hussein. And then the Iraq War kicked off, thus making the intro a little less than tasteful for some people.


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 7:22 AM


Also, Kurt Wimmer's commentary on the EQ DVD is one of the best I've ever heard!

Wish he'd had one on the Ultraviolet DVD, but that'll probably have to wait until a Director's Cut comes out, with all 30 minutes the studio cut restored.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 7:38 AM


I really enjoy Equilibrium. Bale, Bean and Watson are great in it, and the gun kata is fun as hell to watch. But it's also a very derivative movie (Farenheit 451, 1984), with some gaps in the plot, and some sections that drag a bit. I wouldn't put it over The Matrix myself, though.

Ultrviolet was indeed a piece of utter crap. Tends to make me think that Equalibrium was good in spite of it's director.

A possible mitigating factor is the fact that Wimmer was kicked off Ultraviolet before the final edit. Now, that could mean that the studio saw what he shot, realized it was crap, and gave him the boot. But, it could mean there was a better movie he never got to finish.

As for the White uniform thing, yes there was an explaination that it was a dress uniform, but really, that just struck me as a quick explaination for a very simple visual mataphor - white vs. black/good vs. evil. The sloppy visual metaphors in Ultraviolet (particularly the eye of the needle scene) reinforced this perception in me.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."






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