Worst, dumbest, most inaccurate, piece of crap bad super-hero movies ever made.

UPDATED: Thursday, January 11, 2007 07:16
VIEWED: 22608
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Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:14 AM



Originally posted by Stillshiny:
Ok so honest to say I've not watched all too many Super Hero movies, But I rather liked Daredevil.

Was that the Director's cut?

Obsessed now Chrisisall


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:15 AM


Punisher. Ah, fond memories...

Favourite fictional Dolph quote "This Harley handles like shit."


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:19 AM


Oh its not a bad film, but tonally it strays to far from the comic. For example in the comics Vs motivations are a mystery. Is he a hero? Or is he just a guy in a mask out for revenge. The movie made no attempt to capture this moral ambivalence. That’s why I don’t like it.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:19 AM


See above


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:23 AM



Originally posted by msg:
..... I think V is the most wonderful film!

I'm a fan of anything by Alan Moore including the graphic novels, Watchmen, V for Vendetta and From Hell. He has also written a novel, Voice of the Fire.

I think Moore signed off on the film version of V - that is he didn't want anything to do with it - messing with his baby & all.... but i thought it was a good movie and i thought it was Natalie Portman's best role.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:23 AM


Oh so you like the film, just not how it differs from the comics:)

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:32 AM


It think its almost arrogance that any screen writer thinks they can possibly improve something Alan Moore wrote. He such a ungodly talented writer it sometime makes my head spin. The level of planning that went into every single panel of Watchmen is just inhuman.

Its little wonder he doesn’t like giving up his babies.

Who do you suppose is in there?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:11 AM


I like most was disappointed with X3...just a let down. I do have to say that though the theatrical version of Daredevil wasn't that hot, the directors cut DVD made a whole lot more sense and made it enjoyable at least. but maybe I'm the only one who thought so


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:02 AM


Okay no one has mentioned the worst super hero movie ever made....Flash Gordon -1980. I know...I know...it's a guilty pleasure for me, but I will turn the channel or stop the tape if some one comes in the room, because it is soooo bad, but I love it. I can admit that it is terrible and just a big piece of fluffy stupidity, but I can't seem to not watch it. It's entrancing. Oh I put up BeastMaster but my sister says that it's art, so I guess I'll let you all decide.....Is it wrong that when I met Timothy Dalton the first thing I thought was Prince Barin....


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:22 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Stillshiny:
Ok so honest to say I've not watched all too many Super Hero movies, But I rather liked Daredevil.

Was that the Director's cut?

Obsessed now Chrisisall

No, I can't say it was. I saw it in the theatre & then later on DVD, but I don't remember it being any "special or directors cut" If I may ask what was the great difference? I'm always curious just what changes are made between studio cut & directors cut.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again

come visit me www.myspace.com/robdhiii

- The guy in the middle


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:27 AM


Judge Dredd was bad. The opening sequence with the Block war and the Judges move in looked promising but then.........Dredd took his helmet off. The film then ended. They missed the point of Dredd he is a total facist and cold man who believes in NOTHING but the law. He doesn't crack jokes, he doesn't kiss girls, he especially doesn't hang around with Rob Schneider and save his arse all the time.

Spiderman (1980s). What can I say. The cables looked the best when he was scaling a building in his gay lycra catsuit. LOL


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:42 AM



Originally posted by Stillshiny:
If I may ask what was the great difference? I'm always curious just what changes are made between studio cut & directors cut.

The studio insisted on a bedroom scene that the director took out of his cut, and there's a major subplot involving Foggy. Thirty minutes was trimmed for the theatre, and it was just character, plot, backstory, and who needs that?

Yeah, it's a much better flick when the director has the last word.

Chrisisall Nelson


Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:07 AM


Sounds like I would have liked that better. I thought the bedroom scene was so unnecessary. I know they just came out with another cut of Boondock Saints. Which in my opinion is a awesome movie, but I see no need to see it any bloodier. But that's just me. At heart I'm really pretty conservative. Hope I didn't hijack the thread. Though I should add I think the saints would make great charaters for a set of graphic novels, unless it's already been done & then I'm just obviously out of the "loop"

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - I'm thinkin we rose again

come visit me www.myspace.com/robdhiii

- The guy in the middle


Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:12 AM



Originally posted by Sojourner:
I like most was disappointed with X3...just a let down. I do have to say that though the theatrical version of Daredevil wasn't that hot, the directors cut DVD made a whole lot more sense and made it enjoyable at least. but maybe I'm the only one who thought so

I actually didn't think much of X2, beyond the cool fights...

And no, you're not the only one who liked the Director's cut of DD

Radar sense Chrisisall


Sunday, June 18, 2006 11:09 AM


I've skimmed through this thread and why oh why did Catwoman have only two votes as the one of the worst movie ever? I am still in horrified denial of that movie! Ok, it didn't help that I was (and am) a HUGE fan of the comic book character and so pretty much knew going in that I was going to hate it. I held out for ages but had to watch it just to see if it was as bad as I feared. It wasn't. It was sooooo much worse! I mean the comic book character has had so many interesting back stories (from abused street thief to ex hooker) but never once was she protesting about bad makeup firms. Call me picky but I like my films to at least acknowledge their origins (hence my annoyance with Xmen3).

Okay rant over!

As to the rest of the films mentioned, I do agree that most of them have pretty shallow scripts/ acting, but the fact that I have at various nights of insomnia watched and sometimes even enjoyed most of them shows my pretty high tolerance for junk food for the mind!



Sunday, June 18, 2006 2:30 PM


Say what you want about Catwoman, it was BAD! But not as bad as Superman 4.

I cried.



Thursday, June 22, 2006 12:19 PM



Originally posted by patsrule:
Kiss meets the Phantom.

Thanks for mentioning this one! Beyond the horribility of Batman and Robin, and Hulk, there is one more that is the worst...

Going way back here, but does anyone remember "Legends of the Superheroes"? It was a live-action, primetime show c. 1979. Truly awful!!!

"I am your father, Luke. Give in to the Dark Side, you nob!" - Doug McKenzie


Thursday, June 22, 2006 5:08 PM


Does Van Helsing count as a "superhero" movie? If so, it has my vote for worst. I hated the special effects, the script was terribly cheesy, and the acting was very subpar (and i like Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsdale). I kept hoping that the overly dramatic speeches would be under-cut Joss-style at some point, but by half the movie i gave up and turned it off.
I haven't seen many of the other movies mentioned- except x-3 (liked) and Daredevil (okay but most likely will not watch again).

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Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:09 PM


yeah the Bad Super Hero movies far out weigh the good...
I go easy on The Hulk, I thought Ang Lee actually had something to say.
And I can understand Chrisisall's enjoyment of Fantastic 4
(it wasn't JUST the Alba obsession I'm sure)

But the only good Batman was Michael Keatons
(all the rest were really bad,
although Geo Clooney made a good Bruce Wayne)
and I found the CGI effect to be really bad in the Spiderman movies
and ofcourse Catwoman stunk
(it was only 50% the really bad script)
I couldn't bring myself to see Elektra

But personally I've been happy w/the X-men movies
(I have a huge Chrisisall style crush on Ian McKellen)


Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:17 PM



Originally posted by embers:

And I can understand Chrisisall's enjoyment of Fantastic 4
(it wasn't JUST the Alba obsession I'm sure)

It really wasn't.
I was all LOLROTF when Johnny and Ben went at each other! The funny was the best part of Fantastic Four.
I haven't even seen Into The Blue or Honey...
*folds his arms*
Hmmph. Alba obsession....It was always about DARK ANGEL!!!

Maxfan Chrisisall


Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:24 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
It really wasn't.

I haven't even seen Into The Blue or Honey...
*folds his arms*
Hmmph. Alba obsession....It was always about DARK ANGEL!!!

How about 'Sin City'? LOL

No my only complaint about Fantastic4 was the extreme repetition...they had 1/2 hour of movie plot so they kept repeating themselves to try to make it feature length...
I can't believe they couldn't have brought in some fun subplots from the comics

But of course we can't expect great writing in every comic book hero's story
and it was fun, and funny.

And it isn't like we got great writing from X-men 3 either (except for the cool ideas they took from Joss)

Magneto is my hero (I need to find an icon...)


Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:29 PM



Originally posted by embers:

How about 'Sin City'? LOL

Good flick, but any pretty chick coulda done that character; it was a throwaway part.
I'm surprised she did it (must have taken a whole day to shoot her scenes).

Hate weak female characters Chrisisall


Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:34 PM


she told David Letterman that they tried to make her do it naked...
but I think she wanted to work w/that director
and those actors
she is still tying to make a name for herself and working w/Bruce Willis is always a good.

I'm not sure you can call 'Sin City' a hero movie
but it was certainly one of the most successful comic books to movie made recently.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:46 PM



Originally posted by embers:

she is still tying to make a name for herself and working w/Bruce Willis is always a good.

She's set, no worries.
Since you mentioned Bruce...seen 16 Blocks? Whoahh what a cool movie!



Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:44 AM


Okay....I know this an old post....just had to say it. ULTRAVIOLET! That trainwreck stunk like it plowed thru two abatoirs a manure factory and a sewage treatment plant! I want my money back!!!

"It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sumbitch or another."

Capt Mal Reynolds


Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:40 AM



Originally posted by Dayve:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutles (1990)

I love that movie! The sequels were worse. I am cautiously hopeful for the new CGI movie coming out.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:56 AM


awww, I love MIB!! And I hate slapstick comedy - I like witty, well written comedy like our beloved Joss writes.... but the first time I saw it, for some strange reason i could not stop laughing hysterically during the birth scene in the taxi. There is no logic to it.....


Sunday, July 2, 2006 6:02 PM


I'd like to jump on with the last two posters to say that the first Mutant Ninja Turtles and MIB were both GOOD COMEDIES (excluding sequels of course) and not BAD SUPERHERO MOVIES.

Also, someone mentioned Starship Troopers 2 (which also doesn't fit the category) but failed to mention Starship Troopers 1 which was just as incredibly terrible. If you liked the first one then read Heinlien's book that it was based on and then you'll realize just how bad it was butchered.

Good topic Chrissall.


"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:03 AM


Batman and Robin
Hell Boy
The Hulk

I'm not saying that X-3 was great, but come on people it's not as bad as these three crap films. I didn't see fantastic four so I can't comment on that one.


Monday, July 17, 2006 1:38 PM


Heh... all of these "terrible movies," and I really liked most of them.

I have to agree with Superman 4 and Catwoman. They were horrific - just awful. Catwoman is just dreck beyond all definition of the word. Oh, and Ultraviolet's acting and dialogue (and costuming, for that matter) was so embarrassingly bad it killed what could have been a really interesting story.

That being said, I really enjoyed Daredevil, the Fantastic Four, and Van Helsing. Maybe it's just that, like it was mentioned before, that a) my standards were pretty low, and b) I'm not a fan of the comics, so no disappointment was possible on that front. Fantastic Four in particular seemed like a really enjoyable, well-paced and decently-acted movie, so I surprised at how many detractors it has.

Semper Paratus, mac.


Sunday, July 23, 2006 5:19 PM


Helen Slater was the only thing worth seeing in the movie Supergirl. The movie was SO bad though.

Rent this movie and do your best not to laugh at just how dumb it is. I heard someone bought Helen Slater's Supergirl costume on ebay for $13,000USD!



Sunday, July 23, 2006 7:46 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I heard someone bought Helen Slater's Supergirl costume on ebay for $13,000USD!

I cringe to think what he did with it. Eww.

Here are my picks:

Worst - Batman and Robin
Most Inaccurate - Hulk
Generally bad - Supergirl, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Fantastic 4 (both versions)

And while I hate Joel Schumacher with a passion (I boycott his movies.), Batman Forever, campiness and said director aside, is actually a decent representation of the Batman comics.

I also dug Daredevil. Both versions, but the Director's cut way more.


Sunday, July 23, 2006 8:49 PM


Okay here goes:

Loved Dardevil, I have both cuts, and I think both have flaws(like any time Colin Farrel is doing that annoying thing where he's, you know, onscreen). Bullseye was reinvented for the film, and it didn't work. Didn't mind Afleck(and I was cheering for him to die in Pearl Harbor). I also thought the Priest was better in the theatrical cut, but other than that the directors cut of the movie was awesome. And if possible, I will make it to the grave without seeing any version of Elektra. Or Catwoman.

Superman 3/4, Supergirl, Batman 3/4(and I cheered when I found out that Katie Holmes was invited not to appear in the Batman Begins sequels, which stamps out the only problem from that franchise)

Oddly enough I liked Turtles 2, but none of the others

Steered clear of Fan Four(Jessica Alba was perfect as Max, but there is no way she should have been cast as Sue Storm)

The XMen films are a mixed bag. The first one was weak, the second fairly good, and the third pretty much a series of missed opportunities strung together. But all of them failed my standard XMen litmus test - Cyclops was writen as a boyband wannabe. Cyke is the hardest character to write in the X-Verse, and Singer was not up to the challenge(though Joss seems to be so far). And he was also miscast. Instead of the whiner, they should have gone with Michael Biehen(Sarah Connor's protector in The Terminator, Johnny Ringo in Tombstone). He actually would have had the presence to not be bowled over by Hugh Jackman. And he would have been the right age for Famke Jannsen... which leads into how badly handled the Phoenix Saga was mangled in X3 and so on.

The Tomb Raider movies... nuff said.

I’m never serious. Serious means something bad is about to happen.


Sunday, July 23, 2006 8:49 PM


Daredevil was a pretty good film. I read the comic Daredevil a lot as a child because I like the idea of a blind superhero. I liked the movie version of him a lot better. In the comics he was just too much like Spiderman.

I can't find very many people who liked the movie Daredevil. There were things in the movie I also didn't like. Kingpin. Kingpin in the comics was bigger than the guy they had in the movie and he was meaner, and stronger. Also, that bald guy running around throwing darts and everything else at people? He was just annoying, but overall, I liked the movie world of DD. It was dark, and in a poor section of town, and DD was a torn, dark person.
I would have to say that Ben Affleck did a fine job. He was the only good thing about the whole movie. A lot of people didn't give the movie a chance because they don't like Ben Affleck.

It's really hard for me to completely hate any movie because in a really bad movie, there are some things that are good about it example: Catwoman.

Catwoman was a good movie if you changed the story a little. And if you also changed the costume that she wore, and changed the villain she was supposed to fight then it would have worked. Halle Barry's acting was pretty much okay, but she's no Michelle Pfeiffer, and to this day I would have to say that Michelle was the best Catwoman ever.

Everyone disagrees with me on this, but I still think that George Clooney made a good Bruce Wayne, but not a good Batman.

I saw a strange movie this weekend. I can’t remember the name it was so bad. I was stomping around inside of a mall and I saw a movie theater and just walked into it without seeing what was playing. I do this sort of thing a lot. It was a movie with Jack black in it, and it was the poorest movie I have ever seen in all of my life! What was their budget $2,000? But I did manage to find one good thing about the movie…the nun that came to Jack’s orphanage. She was a ray of sunshine. That nun made up for the whole movie.

Fantastic Four was a very forgettable movie. I guess the only thing that was good about the whole show was Sue Storm, The Thing, and Dr. Doom. Every thing else was a waste. I’m glad they didn’t make Sue Storm the whimpering maiden in distress type like she was in the comics. The Sue Storm of the movie was a strong character as she should be.

Even the worst of films yield one or two things that was good.



Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:02 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by embers:

How about 'Sin City'? LOL

Good flick, but any pretty chick coulda done that character; it was a throwaway part.
I'm surprised she did it (must have taken a whole day to shoot her scenes).

Hate weak female characters Chrisisall

I love Sin City but what bothered me the most was how in promotion, it was all about Alba. Nancy Callahan wasn't even that intriguing to me besides her relationship with Hartigan. Every other girl in that movie did so well(even Brittany Murphy as Shellie and I don't even care for her that much) but it was all about Nancy.

I guess what gripes me the most about it was about how underappreciated Rosario Dawson was as Gail. Gail was so much sexier and so much more badass than Nancy ever was and it just got tossed aside by the masses.

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:08 PM



Originally posted by Roland19:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
I heard someone bought Helen Slater's Supergirl costume on ebay for $13,000USD!

I cringe to think what he did with it. Eww.

Here are my picks:

Worst - Batman and Robin
Most Inaccurate - Hulk
Generally bad - Supergirl, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Fantastic 4 (both versions)

And while I hate Joel Schumacher with a passion (I boycott his movies.), Batman Forever, campiness and said director aside, is actually a decent representation of the Batman comics.

I also dug Daredevil. Both versions, but the Director's cut way more.

I didn't know there was a directors cut floating about out there! Have to go get it!!!!



Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:13 PM



Originally posted by Dayve:
and the lovely
Howard the Duck



I'll be in my bunk.

"Live with a man forty years. Share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then, tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge--and on that day, you will finally meet the man." ~ Shan Yu


Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:23 PM


For me...any superhero film I have actually seeen, I have found something I liked about it...even if it was the sheer hilarity of how bad it was

I think part of the big issue is that you can do a whole lot more visually with comics in some ways than you can do successfully with movies. Probably something to do with your brain augmenting the work done by the artists and writers....

But...if I had to choose a superhero film I had the most problems with...probably go with the first Captain America film. Didn't think it utter evil, but a lot of things were just shite

And I personally liked Daredevil...mainly cuz until Batman Begins, you never really saw Bruce Wayne/Batman dealing with injuries sustained from fighting crime...and Superman's pretty much perfectly coiffed until kryptonite's pulled out in the Superman movies. With Daredevil, at least Affleck pulled off looking like he had been put through a meat tenderizer feet first (though I thought he wasn't bad as the Man Without Fear...though not perfect in any light).


Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis


Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:53 PM


My friend pointed these out to me, an obvious list of things wrong in X-Men 3.

-Marrow is supposed to be a short, red-haired girl that has anger management problems, now it's some buff guy with bones that grow out of his wrists
-Quiksilver got turned into a girl
-Havik got replaced with Arclite
-Toad II is in it for two seconds and dies
-Cyclops is EMO
-The Phoenix wasn't wearing any green
-Spike is supposed to be Storm's nephew, in the movie he's some Asian dude
-Kitty isn't tall enough, and looks like a future super-pedo
-Juggernaut sounds really stupid
-Leech isn't some kid in the Ghetto in this
-Lack of Jubilee and fireworks
-No Gambit
-Psylocke doesn't do anything
-Forge should've been in it




Sunday, July 23, 2006 10:22 PM


I'll tackle these one at a time:


-Marrow is supposed to be a short, red-haired girl that has anger management problems, now it's some buff guy with bones that grow out of his wrists

That was originally intended to be Omega Red, as that actor was originally creditted as such, but it was decided to change it about half way through production. So it was sort of a hybrid of the two, which is good because now we can still see both.


-Quiksilver got turned into a girl

If you are referring to the leader of the Morlocks, Callisto, yoyu're mistaken. Callisto was a character in the comics and Quicksilver was Magneto's son. Plus, he was not the only character that was fast.


-Havik got replaced with Arclite

Havok was Scott's brother and it was never mentioned he had family, plus Havok was a good guy. Arclite's power was different enough that she was independant.


-Toad II is in it for two seconds and dies

This was to demonstrate that mutant powers do repeat, there was another mutant that teleported like Nightcrawler.


-Cyclops is EMO

He was in mourning, he was far from EMO.


-The Phoenix wasn't wearing any green

Whoopty do. None of the X-Men are wearing any of their colors, it happens. Plus, Phoenix wore Red for a time too.


-Spike is supposed to be Storm's nephew, in the movie he's some Asian dude

The character was Quill, again, mutant powers can repeat.


-Kitty isn't tall enough, and looks like a future super-pedo

She's not tall enough? If you are going to get hung up on height you ar eway too picky. Let's not forget that that is also the third actress to play Kitty in the movies.


-Juggernaut sounds really stupid

I can't argue with this one. Juggernaut was supposed to be Xavier's half-brother. They threw that out the window.


-Leech isn't some kid in the Ghetto in this

It was the only way to make the 'cure' work into the plot.


-Lack of Jubilee and fireworks

Let's concentrate on the important characters ...


-No Gambit

... like Gambit. Amen brother.


-Psylocke doesn't do anything



-Forge should've been in it

Along with many others


I'll be in my bunk.

"Live with a man forty years. Share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then, tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge--and on that day, you will finally meet the man." ~ Shan Yu


Sunday, July 23, 2006 10:43 PM


I didn't see X-Men 3 and I'm about $9.00 richer then all you jokers that did.

Howard the Duck kicks ass. Can any of you say you made it with Mia Thompson in her day?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles kick ass... literally. How can you argue with Vanilla Ice?

Anybody see "A Real American Hero" on Network TV about 20 years ago? George Castanzas answering machine was a play on the theme song.

As for bad movies, I have to agree with most of the posts on here. I really can't think of a genuine superhero movie that sucked that isn't on here. This doesn't really count, but my vote is for Postmaster P in "Leprechaun 5: Lep in the Hood." He kicked some Leprechaun ass ,and he made short work of Ice-T too. This may be the worst movie with a budget ever. I heard Ice-T got paid $100,000 for that role. The man who said "F*** the Police" who plays a cop on TV now. Gotta love Ice-T. He'd do anything for money.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:01 AM


I know everyone's said it but "Daredevil". My friends actually thought it was a parody when they saw it. Now to be honest, I don't think it's terrible, it just could have been a lot better.

Same with Catwoman. It had good elements, but it just didn't mesh.

And to whoever mentioned that Spike was meant to be Storm's cousin, that character in the movie was Quill. Spike only exists in the XMen Evolution verse - he was an extra character created especially for the show (but his powers are based on Quill's)


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles kick ass... literally. How can you argue with Vanilla Ice?


And [url] http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/teenagemutantninjaturtles/tmnt_medium

... I am Jack's endless squee

"It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think."


Saturday, August 5, 2006 12:27 PM


Steered clear of Fan Four(Jessica Alba was perfect as Max, but there is no way she should have been cast as Sue Storm)

Depends on which Sue Storm you're talking about.
'Invisible Girl' Sue or 'Invisible Woman' Sue. Alba played a really good 'strong', post Malice Sue. The Sue who knew how really powerful she was and God help you if you threatened her family!

The XMen films are a mixed bag. The first one was weak, the second fairly good, and the third pretty much a series of missed opportunities strung together. But all of them failed my standard XMen litmus test - Cyclops was writen as a boyband wannabe. Cyke is the hardest character to write in the X-Verse, and Singer was not up to the challenge(though Joss seems to be so far). And he was also miscast. Instead of the whiner, they should have gone with Michael Biehen(Sarah Connor's protector in The Terminator, Johnny Ringo in Tombstone). He actually would have had the presence to not be bowled over by Hugh Jackman. And he would have been the right age for Famke Jannsen... which leads into how badly handled the Phoenix Saga was mangled in X3 and so on.

Agreed, wholeheartedly! Biehn would've been a good Cyke. Cyke was a born leader, not a wuss. There had to be other actors better for that part than Marsden. Famke might have pulled of the Dark Phoenix thing with better writing and direction. She seemed like she was warming up to it in X-2.
I still think the whole 'cure' storyline should've been done separately. How old is Famke?

A Browncoat AND one of the 2%

"It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sumbitch or another."

Capt Mal Reynolds


Saturday, August 5, 2006 12:43 PM


At least they left Batman out of it.

Not that great, but not as bad as some people like to make it out to be.

X-Men 3
I'm going to separate myself from popular opinion and say that this was far from being the worst of the X-Men movies, but is in fact in my opinion, the best. I'll go further to say X3 was better than X-Men, which I thought was better than X2. X2 was okay, but in a lot of ways it felt like it cheap sequel (Let's have the good guys and bad guys team up against an even greater threat!)

X-Men 3 finally did something about all that war mongering (or whatever you call it.)


Saturday, August 5, 2006 12:44 PM



Originally posted by Leighkohl:
Okay no one has mentioned the worst super hero movie ever made....Flash Gordon -1980. I know...I know...it's a guilty pleasure for me, but I will turn the channel or stop the tape if some one comes in the room, because it is soooo bad, but I love it. I can admit that it is terrible and just a big piece of fluffy stupidity, but I can't seem to not watch it. It's entrancing.B]

Dispatch Warlock and Ajax to bring back his body!

Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body!

Flash, Ah Ahhhh....he's a billygoat!!!

Flash, Ah Ahhhh....he's a miracle!!!

A Browncoat AND one of the 2%

"It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sumbitch or another."

Capt Mal Reynolds


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:08 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
X-Men 3. It started out Ok, then....plot holes, bad acting by all(I call it the Catwoman syndrome. When the movie is bad it makes the actors look bad). All the bad mutants look like Hot Topic rejects, did I mention plot holes? Enough on this garbage.

I hated X-3... Brian Singer was a total traitor to leave us to direct Superman... which I didn't even wat to see. Bugger him, let's see the X-men series pick up from that. *glares at world in general*

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 1:43 AM


the main problem with X3 was taking the spotlight off the Xmen and making it storms movie when storm sucks


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 1:45 AM


when you see the new supes tho, you'll realise that he just completely wipes the floor with both of singers Xmen movies


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 1:45 AM


when you see the new supes tho, you'll realise that he just completely wipes the floor with both of singers Xmen movies


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 1:45 AM


when you see the new supes tho, you'll realise that he just completely wipes the floor with both of singers Xmen movies






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