UPDATED: Sunday, September 15, 2002 02:14
VIEWED: 8311
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Friday, September 6, 2002 6:27 PM


Just came here from Ain't It Cool News. SciFi is tearing up the sets in a few days! They'll air the episodes they got, but they will not finish S5. It's over!

Grr. Arg.


Friday, September 6, 2002 6:30 PM


Here's the link to the article:


Grr. Arg.


Friday, September 6, 2002 10:59 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.



Saturday, September 7, 2002 3:57 AM


oh no! Are we going to get blame for this too?



Saturday, September 7, 2002 4:39 AM


Everyone write a letter. It's the only way. Maybe we can pull a Star Trek and save this boat.

Write in at:

* USA Networks
* The Sci Fi Channel
* Audience Services
* 1230 Avenue of Americas
* NY, NY 10020-1513

Sci-Fi Programing: 212-413-5821 or comments at 212-413-5577

I'm Express Mailing mine.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Saturday, September 7, 2002 5:42 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

From Anthony Simcoe (Dargo on Farscape).


Anthony Simcoe
D'Argo no more
Sat Sep 7 02:36:43 2002

Dear Friends,

What can I say? Yesterday I went to set. Things were normal,
discussions about the holiday's, ideas for next season - then the word


Poor Brian has done EVERYTHING to make this happen but in the end...

I would just like to say thank you to everyone for supporting the
show. Farscape has been an incredible experience for me and I have
enjoyed every last second of it.

One of the greatest joys has been the fans - and I'm not just saying
that. The conventions have been a hoot and meeting and talking to
folks has been a blast. This show was claimed by the fans and we
happily gave it to you - Farscape was/is your show. Be proud of the
community you have built around the show - I know we all are.

I will miss D'Argo so much. It was such a transformation for me, which
gave me a lot of joy playing him.

I will miss too many people to mention. I have laughed every working
day for the last four years. What a gift!!!

I can't really think straight now - too upset and totally in shock.
I'm off to meet Gigi for a cocktail.

If someone could post this on the sci-fi bb for me that would be
greatly appreciated.

All my love,



Saturday, September 7, 2002 7:02 AM


I Have to admit that the latest episodes were getting weird (reletively speaking), and that last ep in paticualar was kind of losing me. but I always felt like they were going somewhere with it, ya know? Maybe that's why SciFi cancelled it. It was getting too "out there," and they were afraid of losing people.

But on the other hand, that doesn't make sense for a couple of reasons:
1) It airs of Sci Fi, which won't air anything unless the word "wierd" is the best adjective to describe it.
2) Lexx. SciFi used to run Lexx--far too long in my opinon--and that was some wierd shit going on there. Discussion Question: What drugs do you suppose the writers of Lexx were smoking during their creative sessions?

But, back on topic, I'm going to miss the coolest muppets of all time. Poor Sparky/Buckweet/Guido/Fluffy.... sob...

Grr. Arg.


Saturday, September 7, 2002 8:22 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

From what I remember of what was in the press. SCI-FI execs had requested that Farscape Season 4 be more episodic in structure because previous seasons have been too heavily serialized. And based on what I've seen of this season, they've complied to the dismay of many long time viewers.

The episodic versus serial television debate rages on regardless of the TV show in question. However, given that Farscape is a highly successful series critcally and ratings wise, it baffles the mind as to why it should be prematurely laid to rest.

Speculation is that Vivendi, which recently acquired both USA and SCI-FI, is having financial dificulties and is looking at offloading the SCI-FI network. To make the network more attractive to prospective buyers, they're cancelling SCI-FI's high overhead items--mainly Farscape.

Whether there is any truth to it or not, it does provide one possibility as to why a successful series would get cancelled.

Regardless, it sucks. It sucks big time.

I tell ya, the day of public funded television shows in the form of straight to video DVDs will eventually become a reality.


Saturday, September 7, 2002 8:29 AM



I tell ya, the day of public funded television shows in the form of straight to video DVDs will eventually become a reality.

Independent TV... Hey, it's worked in Japan.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Saturday, September 7, 2002 8:30 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

David Kemper Chat Transcript:


Take it, DK
If I may, I'd like to say a few words.
You just did
I hope its more than that
DK> It's rare for me to write something that's not in script form, so please bear with me.
It's equally rare... well, nm
I'm also not the most computer literate guy, as Ricky and Ben will tell you, so I beg forgiveness for mistakes.
Each and every year, at the end of the season
we have a chat with you,
our slightly bent cohorts in this
wonderful adventure,
and we wanted this year to be no different.
DK> However, despite our best efforts, this year is a bitt different from all the rest.
In the past 24 hours, I have been
innundated with emails and calls
*** Mode change "+o Pygar" on channel #Farscape by Barbarella
regarding rumors that are circulating
regarding our joint passion.
Where do we stand?
We are two days away from shooting the last scenes
of season 4.
As you know, Sci Fi has picked us up
for 4th and 5th seasons.
However, as with everything done at a
corporate level,
there was an out clause built into Sci Fi's
pickup schedule.
As of yesterday, we were informed --
after massive efforts by everyone at Henson
and working on the show --
most importantly Brian Henson
and the 3 gentlemen
that Sci Fi was not going to exercise it's
option to pick up the 5th season of Farscape.
The rumors that everyone has been calling me
about are sadly
very sadly true.
Tuesday will be the last time Ben dons the uniform
of Commander John Crichton.
We are all hugely sad.
I am shaking as I write this.
Yesterday, we all cried on the set.
Yet, as we are, at the end of the line
so to speak
being just the people who make the show
and not the corporate entities that fund and air it
we are as helpless as anyone.
And we are sad
And we are shattered.
And we are sorry.
And we wanted to come online
and talk to YOU,
our core fans who have stood
beside us for such a long and great journey.
I turn it over to Ricky and Ben for their comments.
DK speaks the truth; we are shattered
I know what they're feeling.
We all believed
I really should have prepared something...
as late as 36 hours ago,
that we were going to 5th season.
But Sci Fi has not picked us up,
so, as all the rumors have suggested,
we have no way to make the show.
Believe me, Brian and everyone involved
have gone LITERALLY to the ends of the earth
to make this happen,
but there does not seem to be a way around this moat
placed before us.
Ben, Ricky - should we just have the Moderator start
filtering through questions?
I wish we had answers, but... sure
Well I'm gonna type this up with no name since many people are asking this....Are there any plans of trying to
go to other networks? And Is there anything the fans themselves can do to try to keep Farscape on the air?
Good question.
At the moment, the whole deal hinges on what to do with the
first 88 eps.
Perhaps a network would be interested in running
a 5th and 6th year of Farscape --
and you should know
we have the 5th season already plotted out --
however, without the right to air the first 88
eps, they'd be hard pressed to provide financing and see no return
for years because Sci Fi has the rights to the first 88.
What can you do?
I think, just what fans everywhere have
always been able to do.
Support the show.
Watch it.
When all else fails,
let everyone know how you feel.
another question?
Let's go.
And another no name question everyone is curious is there plans for a Farscape movie possibly?...often its
been hinted at and they'd love to see one
Rock and I talked about it this morning.
Despite this setback,
we still have plans to finish the script.
As you can imagine,
we're all out of work on Wednesday,
and no one is eager to let this go yet.
It all happened
too suddenly.
Ricky, Ben, myself
and everyone
is still in a state of shock.
Ben and must've talked on the phone 10-12 times
since yesterday morning,
and we still can't absorb/believe it.
Hang on a second--
I just saw someone log on as Bonnie Hammer must die.
You should be ashamed of yourself and change that
nick instantly.
That kind of reaction
without knowing who and how it went
down is totally wrong.
yes please guys do try to keep the anger to a minimum since we don't know the whole story
You are attacking the wrong people.
I am the most savaged and angry person about this you know.
Brian started on this project with Rockne in 1993.
I was brought in in 1994.
It has been essentially my life since then.
If I am not angry at Bonnie, then you have no right to be.
To answer the log on--
Bonnie is the President of Sci Fi,
and has always been a fan of Farscape.
*n107* Will you have time to make season 4 wrap up all the plots? If not how many letters will it take to force Sci Fi to do the right thing for once in their history and keep the show running?
We got a 1.5 rating
for Unrealized Reality.
If every one of those people wrote a letter,
we might end up filming season 9.
The story is not finished... n107
We found out after shooting 422
And we mistakenly left a few people alive at the end of 422
Who knew?
*Mukaikubo* "For DK: When the final episode- I can't believe I said that- airs, will you let us know what The
Master Plan for Season V was?"
If there is no way for Farscape to continue,we'll get the story out somehow.
Mime, perhaps
we should write a book
actor/writer will
write you something.
I wonder if THAT book would sell?
Hey, we can act it out on street corners
*SciFiChick66* when it was decided that Crais and Talyn would "die", did you know yet that the show would be renewed for 2 more seasons? Now that it has, will you bring them back and/or resolve the dangling plotlines concerning their characters? For instance, what did Stark "know" about them that was important enough for Crais to threaten Stark w/ a knife?
with an open laptop case for people to throw coins into
That last question I think
That last question
operator error
you want a repeat?
Question seems to have missed the point.
We have been cancelled.
There are no more Farscape's planned.
We can't resolve anything beyond what we've done for season 4.
And besides, this is not the time nor place for storypoints and spoilers.
well a statement I am getting lots of people expressing their sadness for the loss of the show as well as
their admiration of the job you guys have done and I also feel that way
Quit leaving; we're hoping to hit 400 people
many wished you guys to know that
We appreciate it
*To Pygar* Thank you so much for chatting with us, it must be really hard. I'm starting my letters tonight... Is there
anything else we as fans can do to show support?
Farscape fans are the best
The looniest, but the best
Just wanted you guys to hear it from us
the shock and sadness here in Australia is profound
As you can imagine, it wasn't a happy set on Friday
This is a family
half of my phone calls in the last day have ended in tears
especially after four years
Many people are also asking do you have plans for spin off series or totally new and unique ideas for a new
If there are no more questions, then we should leave everyone to absorb the sad news that way that we are having to do
Certainly the most fun I've ever had on a series
And the Fans... you guys in particular
are such a huge part of the Farscape family
Ben's point is exactly why we're here.
We've always been close to the fans.
also they'd like an address to write to to try to Save Farscape
We have ideas and stuff, sure, but right now we're still dealing with grief and shock
Even from 8000 miles away, in many cases.
This was our baby
and yours
We just wanted to set the rumor mill straight and make
sure everyone knew the truth so they could deal with it.
damn... this sucks
I feel like a cop at the door
24 hours after hearing it... it's no easier
I shudder to think what is going to happen when this is opened up to all deserving voices.
yes it does truelly....I must say the show was one of the few I watched in particular...and actually followed...and I really am saddened by all this as are all of the scapers
Did someone ask for an address?
yes a name and address to write to
to try to save Farscape
I would simply say, call and/or lookup
Sci Fi in NY.
In this case, speed is our friend.
Believe it or not, the sets are scheduled to be torn
down forever at the end of next week.
david means... if you want to do something...
I used to work at CBS for
over 10 years, and I know that
do it before they take the chainsaws to moya
calls and telegrams always used to get our attention.
I think that can be arranged
did emails? I always heard real letters were much more effective than emails
Volume and speed. Dissappointment is better than anger.
Remember that furious people
are "nuts."
Angry, but civil and controlled
people are "fans."
Networks listen to "fans."
no misspellings, no obscenities
*To Pygar* Is there a way to get ratings info so we can have specific info in the letters?
people are "fans."
Networks listen to "fans."
no misspellings, no obscenities
correct grammer??? Cain't do that.
Cain't is southern, I believe.
and your point?
correctly spelled
* Barbarella smiles a wide Texan grin
be civilised
and free refills on tea
No point. I didn't view it as a mispelling.
civiliZed, you Aussie
I make up words, as Ricky will tell you.
words and worlds
There is no such thing as a mispelling as long as the point gets
How did words get made up in the first place? :-)
grunts and growls
only make it so far
Hey folks... we're really sorry...
Spread the word. Have a wake.
Spread the word. Have a wake.
Watch Fars Have a bee-ah.
ok you guys ready to unmoderate?...or do you have anything else you want to say? or statements you'd like to
I will tell you something interesting--
Buy the dvds.
The last half of season 4
I think most in here have the DVD's
has tons of material that we have
shot that won't make it on the air.
Way to many scenes.
Gonna be a DVD fest, folks.
I'd like to say something
* FrooniumRicky runs to Ben in slow motion
Thank you
Thank you all for four glorious years
we have had more fun than is
legal in show buisness
You guys... get it
you get the show and what we do
* DK would like to nod his head in extreme gratitude to the fans, and then step back. Thank you all so much. See you on the next series.Who'd have ever thought we'd be here...
Not me.
I will forever be grateful.
Thak you guys
Thak you guys
Thank you odd
We truly do appreciate it
that's it.... that's all folks
We'd like to take you home with us, we'd love to take you home
We don't really want to stop the show
We'd like to take you home with us, we'd love to take you home
We don't really want to stop the show


Saturday, September 7, 2002 8:31 AM


Sorry to be so negative, but I suspect this decision is locked in. The only reasonable explanation for such a sudden reversal is that USA Interactive doesn't intend to let SciFi have the cash to buying the show. It's a pretty weird situation -- SciFi and USA's other cable networks were supposed to be spun off into a joint USA-Vivendi operation, but that seems to have fallen through. Instead, USA seems to be moving towards becoming a subsidiary of Vivendi. Except that Vivendi itself is in trouble. So they're both looking for ways to cut costs.

Yeah it's dumb. You have to spend money to make money. But it's the way business works these days. Investors see everything in terms of the quarterly bottom line. This was true even when the economy was booming and is doubly true now. The company I work for has been profitable for 8 quarters straight, has a huge amount of cash, and no long-term debt. And yet we have to jump through hoops to justify even tiny expenditures -- even ones that would obviously save us money in the long term.

The cash issue explains a lot of stuff at SciFi that had me puzzled. Their unwillingness to show Farscape episodes that supposedly had already been paid for. Their sudden disappearance of other shows because of "poor ratings". (Ratings that are poorer than the "Tales From the Crypt" reruns they used as filler?) I'm afraid the bottom line is this: SciFi's strategy of becomming a first-run entertainment provider is dead, and it's back to reruns of other networks' shows.


Saturday, September 7, 2002 8:46 AM


i cant believe it, I started watching Farascape yesterday starting with the S3 premiere, and now its cancelled???? I shouldnt even get into it then.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Saturday, September 7, 2002 9:03 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by Novagrass:
Independent TV... Hey, it's worked in Japan.

Yeah, like a Farscape OAV.

I actually don't see why it couldn't happen one day. 1 million viewers paying $10 to $15 each generates $10 to $15 million in revenue. Even after subtracting overheads, there's still a good chunk of change left to produce an episode or two. I may be simplistic and somewhat optimistic in my calculations, but I can't see a reason not to do it other than not being able to obtain the initial funding to produce and distribute the first couple of episodes to get the ball rolling.


Saturday, September 7, 2002 9:08 AM


The decision came down as 422 wrapped -- that means no "final" episode. I wonder if Sci-Fi will even bother airing what's left?

Once the sets are destroyed next week, it's a done deal. I suspect they won't formally announce cancellation until then, stifling the SOS campaign.

--- Joe


Saturday, September 7, 2002 9:17 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
i cant believe it, I started watching Farascape yesterday starting with the S3 premiere, and now its cancelled???? I shouldnt even get into it then.

The best advice I can give is to keep supporting the series, like David Kemper said. If you stop watching, there's one less person who can help support! It's a great show, and it *has* had an 88 episode run... an amazing one at that. We should be glad it made it this far, and support the past episodes, so that we might one day see future episodes.

On another note, is anyone having problems with the phone numbers? I know it's Saturday, but you'd think at least someone would be answering phones.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Saturday, September 7, 2002 9:28 AM



Originally posted by Haken:
From what I remember of what was in the press. SCI-FI execs had requested that Farscape Season 4 be more episodic in structure because previous seasons have been too heavily serialized.

So we have SCI-FI to blame for the show sucking this year? I don't understand their reasoning. The FARSCAPE mag listed the highest rated eps and most of them were arc-heavy. Stand-alones were always the weakest part of FARSCAPE. There were some classics, but mostly they were repetitive.


Speculation is that Vivendi, which recently acquired both USA and SCI-FI, is having financial dificulties and is looking at offloading the SCI-FI network. To make the network more attractive to prospective buyers, they're cancelling SCI-FI's high overhead items...

This heightens the attraction of a repurposing deal for FIREFLY, I would think. Some good news there.

--- Joe


Saturday, September 7, 2002 9:45 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by mojoeca:
This heightens the attraction of a repurposing deal for FIREFLY, I would think. Some good news there.

Maybe not. Depending on the what Vivendi has in mind for SCI-FI, even the FIREFLY repurposing deal might fall through.

Here's another speculation. If Vivendi/USA/SCI-FI is in no financial condition to produce a high cost series like Farscape, chances are they won't have the cash to pay for, albeit partially, an expensive series like FIREFLY.

Bare in mind too that FOX has in recent weeks downplayed the importance of Firefly in the press and to their prospective advertisers. If indeed the repurposing deal is a major part of getting Firefly continued beyond the 13 episodes, then there stands a good chance that Firefly might be in trouble because of what has happened to Farscape.

Regardless, the financial situation of Vivendi will affect Firefly in one way or another. Given that I doubt Vivendi will spend any large amount of money until the whole SCI-FI Network situation is resolved. And should this be the case, it'll certainly delay whatever financial backing that Firefly requires to continue production if FOX is reluctant to invest further in the series.


Saturday, September 7, 2002 10:24 AM


Yeah but I dont have SCI FI, Novagrass, I watch it on the canadian version called SPACE where ratings dont count to keep the show in production. I hope this doesnt hurt FIREFLY's chances even more.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Saturday, September 7, 2002 11:45 AM


God, I hate corporate politics.


Saturday, September 7, 2002 1:36 PM


At least this gives me another excuse to cross link fireflyfans.net from slashdot:


Haken, rev up the hit counters!


Saturday, September 7, 2002 3:26 PM


Here's a good thing: USA's Viewer Comments Voice Mailbox is full. I don't know its capacity, but it's full nonetheless.

Edited to add: As are these voice mailboxes: Michael Jackson, President and CEO of USA Entertainment
Bonnie Hammer, Executive Vice President and General Manager
Thomas Vitale
Programming line
General line

Lots of calls, then... maybe

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Saturday, September 7, 2002 4:26 PM



Originally posted by Novagrass:
Here's a good thing: USA's Viewer Comments Voice Mailbox is full. I don't know its capacity, but it's full nonetheless.

Edited to add: As are these voice mailboxes: Michael Jackson, President and CEO of USA Entertainment
Bonnie Hammer, Executive Vice President and General Manager
Thomas Vitale
Programming line
General line

Sorry, but I gotta laugh at that. Moral of the story: Don't F&%! with the fans. No one can say that we go down without a fight.

Grr. Arg.


Sunday, September 8, 2002 1:39 AM


Farscape lost me in the second season. I really tried the third, but the poor sound mixing did me in (My TV doesn't have automatic sound balance)

It appeared to me the show was influenced by the SF projected demographics audience. 12 - 13 year old boys who like sex objects, bondage and sadism.

So, they give the network what it wants, and they get the shaft. There is a lesson here.

Who has seen most TV SF, liked few.


Sunday, September 8, 2002 3:07 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Here's an update on the Farscape situation:


According to Anthony 'PLOPPY' Simcoe, in a chat at #farscape on scifi.events.com, it seems that EM TV is the real perpetrator (EM TV - a german company - owns The Jim Henson Company) and SciFi really wanted to keep Farscape. So here is the address and info for EM TV: EM.TV & Merchandising AG Betastr. 11 D-85774 Unterföhring Telefon: +49 (0) 89 995 00-0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 995 00-111 email: info@em-ag.de You need to use a German fax service as 0049 (Germany) is not covered by US online fax services http://www.faxen-online.de/Fax_versenden/fax_versenden.shtml For continuing updates on the Farscape cancellation situation and the campaigns check out http://farscape.wdsection.com

So the plot thickens.


Sunday, September 8, 2002 3:31 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Here's the actual Anthony Simcoe chat transcript. It's difficult when reality hits. Along the way one forgets that it was all just a fantasy.


PLOPPY is the registered nick of Anthony Simcoe, he used it repeatedly for
his official chats on scifi.

[04:08] Hi Everyone - Anth here - just wanted to let you know how
much your support means to us all - you guys are great
[04:08] hey Ploopy welcome to the wake/quiet riot
[04:08] lol
[04:08] I a bit seedy after last nights great wrap party
[04:08] Ploppy, we crashed Scifi's
communications systems today
[04:08] ...6209 signatures...
[04:09] hang in there Anthony, seems the fans are doing
more than even i thought they would..
[04:09] that was me this morning Ploppy
[04:09] That's awesome but as far as I know Sci Fi wants it - it
[04:09] It's EM that sunk it
[04:10] I've been trying to follow all your wqork - It's amazing
and humbling - very humbling - you folks rock
[04:10] Anth, we are loud, we are proud and we are letting them
know what we think!
[04:11] we love all you guys, Anth- we're not going to let go
easily- we're not going to let them do this! :}
[04:15] Just remember everyone to let your voice be a reflection
on the Scaper community. Be polite.
[04:15] "You killed John, You Bastards!"
[04:16] lol vampgrrl
[04:16] lol vampgirl...i've been hearing that in my head all day
[04:16] hey ploppy, did scifi give a reason as to why
they dropped the 5th season? Or is it a universal mystery?
[04:16] Farscape will not die. will not will not. we are
going to turn all of this around
[04:19] So many tears and funny stories last night. The wrap party
was a hat and wig party so everyone looked great
[04:20] A hat and wig party???? I hope to God someone got
pictures to post!!!!
[04:22] Well my last day is Monday. It will be a very sad experience.
[04:22] there is a hope guys don't give up yet we haven't even
begun to fight
[04:23] Sets are starting to be taken down Manday as far as I
know. Pilot is already dismantled and in a box
[04:23] thats sad news.. we thought, we'd have some time.. at least
a week
[04:24] Well my friends. I'm off. Thanks again. I'll be back. YOU


Sunday, September 8, 2002 10:46 AM


AICN has updated it's Farscape article with even more addresses to Bitch to. Once again, the link is: http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=13209

Grr. Arg.


Monday, September 9, 2002 6:03 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

From FARSCAPE.WDSECTION.COM (note: high placed source is Rockne):


Good Morning Scapers.

Here's where we are at as of 6:00am Pacific Time.

A source highly placed in this whole deal has told us that we should continue to focus on Sci-Fi, but that we should also "express [our] passion about the show to UPN, TNT, and Showtime."

"UPN is actively seeking a science fiction companion piece to Enterprise, and Farscape airing with a hit like Enterprise could keep it on for years to come.

"TNT is looking for a new genre series, now that Witchblade is off, and an award-winning, "the best sf series on tv" with a built-in audience might really appeal to them. TNT has expressed some initial interest in the idea of bringing the series over to their network, and a flood of fan support would
certainly help there.

"And Showtime is clearly a place where science fiction has a healthy home (Odyssey 5, Jeremiah) and they may also take a serious look if there were a strong enough demand shown for it."

The source also mentions that it wouldn't hurt to send an email/fax/letter to EM.TV. Click on the Information on EM.TV and Henson link above for addresses and links to German fans who will translate any letters you want to send.

One of the catches to moving the show to another network would be the first four seasons, 88 eps. Sci-Fi may not be willing to part with them to another channel. We need to convince Sci-Fi that they need to either give Farscape its 5th season or release it. We need to let Sci-Fi know that it will cost them more to cancel Farscape than it will to keep it. The fans have this power, the power to not watch the station. That is really a tremendous power, that's the money these people at Sci-Fi are scrambling for. Those advertising dollars, paid by advertisers whose products sell because viewers see the ads during their favorite shows. What happens if the viewers disappear? This is not a call for a boycott, just tell the Sci-Fi channel that if they get rid of Farscape you'll have no reason to watch the channel anymore. That's just one person saying they'll turn it off. And when 1 million people say they'll no longer have a reason to watch the channel, Sci-Fi will take notice.

Let Sci-Fi know that this is not over until WE say this is over.

Michael Jackson
Chairman of the Universal Television Group
The SciFi Channel
1230 Avenue of the Americas, F115
New York, NY 10020-1513
Phone # 212-413-5000
extensions = the first five letters/numbers of the last name.

Tom Vitale
Senior Vice President of Acquisitions, Scheduling, and Program Planning at SciFi.
If you call the main number and use the option to key in the first five letters of his last name for his extension.
Also * then 0 gives you a list of office extensions.


Monday, September 9, 2002 6:08 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.



The SCI FI Channel confirmed that it will not pick up its original series Farscape for a fifth season. "There are no bigger fans of Farscape than we here at SCI FI Channel," the network said in a statement. "It was one of SCI FI's first original series and quickly became a critical and fan favorite. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to reach a broader audience, Farscape has been unable to grow beyond its core fan base. That, coupled with the extreme and growing cost of production, has led to the difficult decision to end the series at the conclusion of season four."

The remaining new episodes of Farscape's fourth season will return in January 2003. ADV Films will release "Into the Lion's Den (Part 1)" on DVD and VHS as part of the upcoming Farscape: Season 3 home video release, scheduled for 2003. Previous seasons of Farscape episodes are currently available on DVD and VHS from ADV Films; the newest release, Farscape: Season 2 Volume 2.2, was released last month.

Farscape was created by Rockne S. O'Bannon and produced by The Jim Henson Company, in association with Hallmark Entertainment. The series featured Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Anthony Simcoe, Gigi Edgley, Wayne Pygram and Raelee Hill. David Kemper, Juliet Blake, Robert Halmi Jr., Brian Henson and Richard Manning executive produced the show. O'Bannon served as executive consultant.


Monday, September 9, 2002 6:18 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

And here's another bit of update:


According to Barbarella, the operator of Sci-Fi #Farscape, SCI-FI is the reason behind this. They wanted to lower the price for season 5 but EM.TV refused. SCI-FI then decided to DROP FARSCAPE. Okay, 'Scapers we need to let SCI-FI know just how much they stand to loose if they refuse to bring Farscape back. This is a money issue so hit them where this will hurt the most. Call SCI-FI, send telegrams, send emails, write letters. Remember the last day of filming for season 4 is Tuesday and the sets are scheduled to be struck on FRIDAY. Don't let them take a chainsaw to Moya! In the Networks Information page you'll find a link to more information on Sci-Fi there you will see THEIR OWN press releases where they talk about how important Farscape is to them. You'll also find demographic information for Farscape viewers. In your correspondence with them, give them your demographics. Exp - Female, age 27, single, etc.

veedubb> Barbarella: Have you spoken to the cast lately?
Barbarella> YES
Barbarella> THIS MORNING


Monday, September 9, 2002 7:53 AM


Hello people I have been watching FARSCAPE from day one and have never missed an episode of it so when I went to the scifi home page to find out the rumor was true I e-mailed everyone, then I e-mail everyone again,after that I email those bumms again,and have found out that it may not be cancelled if enough of of get to gether and e-mail the hell out of our computers!!!!!


I'm sorry but I'm tired of people who say's I want,I want ,and then do nothing to help!!!



Monday, September 9, 2002 3:29 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

More bits from Rockne:


"Everybody's got to keep the pressure on hard and heavy -- and without winding down. I believe what Sci-Fi Channel is counting on is that fans will squeal for a few weeks, swear they hate the Sci-Fi Channel, but when the mini-series Taken airs in a couple of months, and the series version of Tremors premieres in January, the fans will sample them anyway, and just sort of forget about Farscape. I'd hate to see their cavalier treatment of sf fans triumph."


Monday, September 9, 2002 4:10 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

TV Guide's Matt Roush on Farscape's cancellation:


Moya no more? I couldn't be more disappointed to hear that Sci Fi has opted not to support a fifth season of its signature series, Farscape. Since its unexpected and unheralded arrival in March 1999, this lavishly produced (for basic cable) space adventure quickly established itself as the most irreverent, unpredictable, sexy, intelligent and exciting sci fi show on TV. By comparison, Enterprise is a lumbering dinosaur. Ben Browder and Claudia Black have incredible chemistry, and are surrounded by some of the most vivid and compelling fantasy creatures ever created. Farscape is a joy to watch, and I've always been puzzled about why its rabidly loyal audience hasn't swelled in numbers each season. The show requires attention to be paid — maybe it's too much TV for some people — but the rewards are great. (Meanwhile, an inert movie like the latest blah Star Wars epic rakes in the bucks for no discernible reason I can think of, except for genre fans' lemming-like devotion.) For Sci Fi to cite economic reasons for denying fans a final year of Farscape would seem to be at odds with the network's mission as an entertainment brand. This decision is likely to be compared years from now to NBC's short-sighted cancellation of the original Star Trek after a mere three seasons.


Monday, September 9, 2002 4:15 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Latest word is that the Farscape sets have been dismantled, but NOT DESTROYED.


Monday, September 9, 2002 4:56 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Direct from Jim Henson:


Farscape is a flagship show for The Jim Henson Company. We are proud of its achievements over the past four years, which have included international critical recognition, three Saturn Awards, and a recent Emmy nomination. As always, your show of support is a true inspiration for our company and has been integral to our success.

Although SCI FI Channel has chosen not to pick up a fifth season, The Jim Henson Company is in active development on a new Farscape film, an anime project and is currently discussing syndication of this highly acclaimed series. We are eager to move forward with the Farscape creative team in developing new projects that will resonate with our overwhelmingly loyal fan base.


Monday, September 9, 2002 7:07 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Here's the latest info from FARSCAPE.WDSECTION.COM:


Hey it's me again. I tried to tell everyone on the scifi chat room what's up but too many which is ok. I spoke with my mole at Scifi in NYC and here are a couple of things that are going on:

(1) Scifi is totally to blame. They know that going into season five would be expensive and they wanted to pay less for the show, they went to EMTV and is strapped for cash they said no and SCIFI opted to get out. Scifi knew this well ahead of everyone, they employed a win-win situation, by this I mean their programming strategy. By constantly airing the show and ratings didn't go up they could claim that its core audience did not grow and vice versa. By changing time slots, the network hoped to increase ratings for SG1, a show that costs less to produce, they were implementing a preemptive strike blaming poor ratings but what happened was the opposite SG1 fans watched Farscape INCREASING its core base making the press release a lie. Numbers don't lie. Scifi did not plan to announce the cancellation of the show until mid or near the end of the season.

(2) The network execs told everyone not to say anything about this, DK,BB, & &RM all jumped the gun to try to let everyone know what was happening ASAP so that fan momentum would start.

(3) They are reading all emails, letters, faxes, and telegrams sent to the office but are throwing ones out that are vulgar and nasty. They are getting flowers, crackers and Farscape toys. My mole also told me that they don't mind calls as long as it's professional and polite. They will hang up on you if you start yelling and cussing. Everyone has a good chance to reach an exec or at least their assistant and they are more than happy to help you with any info. My source also suggested that all correspondence contain your full name not chat or BB name as well as some demographic info like your age, household income. If some fans are still in HS then use the parent's income, my source believes that Scifi is going to try to convince advertisers to pay for more advertising if it can show them the demographics thus willing to pay for a fifth season. This is very important, also to write to all of the sponsors and threaten to stop buying or using product. Mention in the letter that you bought their product after seeing a commercial aired during Farscape and if possible send the UNUSED product back to them. Don't forget a sponsor may make a variety of products that all of us can be using so look hard.

(4) start to email etc. to your local papers first. If they run a story a larger media outlet will most likely pick it up i.e. AP and call your local cable company and threaten them by telling them that you may switch to direct TV or satellite.

(5) Because of the leak Scifi knew what was coming so it was expected but not to this degree. They thought that only the BBs would be the only place to vent and did not expect such a huge backlash. However the suits think that this will fade by Wednesday so everyone has to keep the heat up at least a week or two or they won't take us seriously. My source said that you can mail, fax or email everyday and to reference the previous letter that was sent. (6) Right now no one is talking to no one, network suits, Henson people, DK etc. there is a lot of anger and shock and betrayal as to what happened so there is an informal cooling off period.

This comes from my mole at scifi and I can assure you is fact.


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 7:05 AM



Originally posted by Haken:
Here's the latest info from FARSCAPE.WDSECTION.COM:

... but what happened was the opposite SG1 fans watched Farscape INCREASING its core base making the press release a lie. Numbers don't lie.

Well, I don't think that's quite right. This from Cinescape.com:

Here’s an indication of how thin the margin for error is at SciFi. STARGATE SG-1, from May to August, averaged a 1.7 rating (1.32 million viewers) and it survives. FARSCAPE, in the same period, averaged a 1.2 rating (958,000 viewers) and it is now gone.
Some good news from the same article:

According to Variety, there will be new episodes of FARSCAPE from January (which we knew) through the series conclusion in March (which is new).

The creators at The Henson Co., the producing house for the show, and co-creator Rockne O'Bannon are reportedly working on a script for a Japanese-style anime feature film incarnation of the show.

--- Joe


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 9:40 AM




Here’s an indication of how thin the margin for error is at SciFi. STARGATE SG-1, from May to August, averaged a 1.7 rating (1.32 million viewers) and it survives. FARSCAPE, in the same period, averaged a 1.2 rating (958,000 viewers) and it is now gone.
Some good news from the same article:

According to Variety, there will be new episodes of FARSCAPE from January (which we knew) through the series conclusion in March (which is new).

The creators at The Henson Co., the producing house for the show, and co-creator Rockne O'Bannon are reportedly working on a script for a Japanese-style anime feature film incarnation of the show.

--- Joe

So wait, does this mean that they're allowing the creators to wrap up the story with a few more episodes? Are they throwing us a bone? Well, I'm not biting.

I can't help but smiling at the prospect of an animated Farscape film... but a live action one would be 10x better.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 10:15 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.



Please fell free to use any of these in your correspondence, we only as that you please keep the address of the site attached somewhere.

Sept. 10, 2002

Save Farscape

SCI-FI Double Talk Angers Fans

Los Angeles, CA - September 9, 2002 - In a move that has shocked and angered fans of Farscape even further, the Sci Fi channel released an expected official statement concerning the cancellation of the award winning and critically acclaimed show. However, unexpectedly, they placed the blame squarely on the popularity of the show. In a release found today on www.scifi.com, the cable channel stated that, "It was one of SCI FI's first original series and quickly became a critical and fan favorite. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to reach a broader audience, Farscape has been unable to grow beyond its core fan base. That, coupled with the extreme and growing cost of production, has led to the difficult decision to end the series at the conclusion of season four."

This is in direct contrast to a statement made by that very cable channel in June 2002. In their very own Sci Fi Magazine Thomas Vitale, Senior Vice President of Acquisitions, Scheduling, and Program Planning, wrote that "SCI FI has been able to continue ordering seasons of Farscape because the show performs strongly in the ratings. This is very satisfying to us at the network, as well as to Farscape's producers, since it clearly shows that the series has struck a chord with viewers. Happily, because enough viewers keep watching this terrific series, we can afford to keep making it."

It seems odd that the Sci Fi channel would complain about the size of the fan base of a show that is their most popular original series. Until this season, Farscape held a key primetime spot, the eight o'clock hour. As Juliet Blake, President of Jim Henson TV has said, moving the time to the ten o'clock hour cost Farscape some of its younger viewers. Farscape had been the number one show on the cable channel until the recent addition of Stargate: SG-1 and even then only fell to a close number two. Additionally, inside sources at Sci-Fi are reporting that the holdover audience from SG-1 has actually increased the base audience of Farscape, not decreased it, a fact that would make erroneous the information in Sci-Fi Channel's recent press release. Fans now question if the popularity of SG-1 came from placing it in the time slot formerly held by Farscape.

This new information appears to support fans' claims that Sci Fi did not give their "best effort" to broaden the fan base. With no reruns of the show airing to allow new viewers to get caught up, and no promotion of this critically acclaimed show, fans are left to wonder what exactly the channel did do to promote it. One can only speculate Sci Fi assumed that, due to its critical acclaim and number of prestigious awards, Farscape would promote itself and find its own audience without their help. Instead, fans took it upon themselves to promote the show. Farscape Fan sites proliferate across the Internet, numbering in the hundreds. The virtually unadvertised DVD, video game, books, t-shirts, soundtrack and trading cards continue to fly off the shelves, all with little or no promotional impetus from the Sci Fi Channel.

Critics are baffled and saddened by the cancellation as well. Matt Roush of TV Guide likened it to the short-sighted cancellation of Star Trek by NBC in 1969. (Which was saved from cancellation in 1968 by a massive write in campaign to the network.) He has also said "For Sci Fi to cite economic reasons for denying fans a final year of Farscape would seem to be at odds with the network's mission as an entertainment brand." Robert Bianco of USA Today states his disappointment with the decision as well. "for a network to back off from a commitment and dump the best original series it has ever had - well, that isn't the kind of thing that inspires a lot of confidence in either the Hollywood or the critical communities."

Apparently, the fans concur with that assessment. A massive campaign is underway to reverse the decision with telegrams, faxes, phone calls and emails pounding the Sci Fi Channel and it's sister company, USA Networks. However fans aren't willing to stop there, they are also taking the campaign to other networks. TNT, UPN and Showtime have been targeted as possible homes for Farscape.


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 10:52 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by mojoeca:
Well, I don't think that's quite right. This from Cinescape.com:

Here’s an indication of how thin the margin for error is at SciFi. STARGATE SG-1, from May to August, averaged a 1.7 rating (1.32 million viewers) and it survives. FARSCAPE, in the same period, averaged a 1.2 rating (958,000 viewers) and it is now gone.

What they don't tell you is that the cause of the rating drop was due to SCIFI's attempt to attract a wider audience by making the series more episodic in format, which is what viewers don't want.

Farscape is one of those series that works very well as a serial. Attempting to change that goes against what is right and good with Farscape.


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 12:44 PM



So wait, does this mean that they're allowing the creators to wrap up the story with a few more episodes? Are they throwing us a bone?
Not at all. The first 11 of season 4 aired this summer, the final half airs Jan - Mar.
They were finishing up the season finale, 4.22, as word came down they were cancelled. There is no *final* episode.

--- Joe


Wednesday, September 11, 2002 12:15 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Here are the latest updates to the Farscape situation.

The set dismantling has stopped. Word is that SCIFI is now back at the negotiation table and is seeking a 2 hour season finale. David Kemper has confirmed this during chat with the fans.

The fans, of course, wants the entire full 5th season as originally promised. There's also somewhat of a confirmation with Jim Henson's parent company, EM.TV, that they may be shopping the series around, which bodes well for the likelihood of Farscape continuing on with another network.

Here are some additional insider info from FARSCAPE.WDSECTION.COM's mole at Sci-Fi:


Hey it's me again. Pretty much the second day has been the same; calls, email, faxes. There are some interns that have been assigned to stand next to the fax machines to collect faxes and reload them but that seems to be slowing down. The network does seem to be getting a lot of emails, and telegrams from overseas. Everyone here has had at one time or another had their work day stopped for a while or delayed with the calls etc. As far as I know no one here is looking at any internet sites mainly because of the stuff coming in but some execs do stop in on the chat room. I don't know for what. The network is receiving a lot of nasty calls from a lot of angry viewers as well as physical threats so please if you can reach out to others ask them to stop. With 9/11 approaching everyone is already a little bit on edge. Two things to point out :

(1) The network is now aware of the protest scheduled for Thursday and they are not too entirely concerned with it in terms of extra security etc but is concerned with local press coverage or anything that can be taped and uploaded to the net via mp3 or media player etc. Although some local press here in NY picked up the story as well as some national outlets, they still remain just a blurb. They are already embarrassed about the fans breaking the story and releasing it to the main stream media and don't want that to happen again as well as looking like the bad guy which was the whole idea behind their public relations strategy that failed.

(2) Bonnie Hammer remains at Scifi although her status is in question. She is basically a lame duck whose voiced has been silenced by the new execs at the top. She is still one of the show's strongest supporters.


Wednesday, September 11, 2002 12:45 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Showtime seems genuinely intersted in acquiring Farscape, here is what you need to know:


We're getting a lot of emails from people saying that their dealings with Showtime have gone very well. Showtime seems to be very responsive to the Farscape fans and genuinely interested in the show. We do know that Showtime has expressed some initial interest acquiring Farscape. What could be key to swaying them to our side is fan interest. US Scapers, continue to visit the Showtime website they are counting Farscape msgs via the Help/Contact button at the bottom of the page at www.sho.com click ask a technical question (this is what they are using according to them) and put in the subject area Farscape and type your msg.


Wednesday, September 11, 2002 2:16 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Latest David Kemper Chat Transcript:


DK> Hey Guys.
DK> Thought I'd check in.
DK> Ben called this morning to say someone was in here blabbing
DK> about this and that. Wasn't me. I was at the chiropractor, trying to unkink from the wrap party last night
DK> Anyway. Point is--
DK> Two points, actually
DK> 1) When someone purports to be
DK> me or Ben, there is a way to check.
DK> Barb and I have a secret password.
DK> She PMs the guy nicked as "DK"
DK> If he has the password
Barbarella> OH ya put me in the hot seat...that's ok
Barbarella> :)
DK> He's me.
DK> If he doesn't
DK> She'll let you know.
DK> Anyone in the whole wide world can log
DK> on as me and say things that aren't true.
DK> Don't believe it.
DK> This IS me. I can tell you a few things.
DK> Ben and Claudia and Lil and Andrew and Deb and Baba and I ended the
DK> wrap party in my office and talked and cried the night away.
DK> I got home very late/early
DK> and my phone was ringing.
DK> The pressure you incredible people are applying
DK> through civil and concerned means
DK> is
DK> unbelievably as you may find it
DK> actually having an effect.
DK> There are no promises.
DK> There is no anything.
DK> But people who were once not talking
DK> are now talking again.
DK> My phone rings.
DK> There is calm and there is conversation.
DK> While people are decent and sensible
DK> and interacting in a positive and productive
DK> way, things ALWAYS have a chance to get done.
DK> I am the most optimistic person you've
DK> ever heard about. It's what I do.
DK> I am hopeful.
DK> I am seriously hopeful.
DK> It is because of you.
DK> But it is nowhere near being done.
DK> That said,
DK> I am hopeful.
DK> Now....
DK> What to do?
DK> First -- do not listen to DK this and DK that.
DK> If Barb hasn't given him protective status
DK> he ain't me.
DK> Once again,
DK> this IS me.
DK> I am hopeful.
DK> Frankly, I'm so thrilled
DK> by all of your support.
DK> It's all the cast and crew
DK> talked about
DK> on a difficult last day.
DK> I read Matt Roush's
DK> fabulous on-line obit for us
DK> everyone on wrap.
DK> We all cried.
DK> 200 plus people. I swear to you. We ALL cried.
DK> Together.
DK> You fans are great.
DK> Keep it up.
DK> Keep letting the world know you want to see
DK> more Farscape.
DK> It's like pre-booking
DK> your seat at a movie.
DK> If they know you will watch
DK> they will make the product for you.
DK> "Hope" is a word
DK> you will find in all of my scripts.
DK> I give it to Crichton whenever I can.
DK> I always have hope.
DK> Yesterday I had less hope.
DK> Today I had more.
DK> You get the idea.
DK> Specifics don't matter.
DK> We're taking a breather today.
DK> Nothing to write for Farscape for the first time
DK> since Oct 17, 1997.
DK> First night I went to be without a story or an arc
DK> or a new character in my head.
DK> A peaceful night's sleep.
DK> Keep it up.
DK> I'll get back to you
DK> HERE, in this room
DK> with Barb,
DK> If and when things progress or die down.
DK> In the meantime
DK> Please understand how important you are to us.
DK> Spread the word that calm
DK> reasoned
DK> rational
DK> expressions
DK> of dismay are appropriate.
DK> They are helpful.
DK> They work.


Wednesday, September 11, 2002 3:05 PM


This new update from Sci-Fi.com:


Farscape Fans Protest

Fans of the SCI FI Channel's original series Farscape have organized rapidly to protest the network's decision not to renew the series for a fifth season. In addition to a number of online petitions, fans—some of whom call themselves "Scapers"—have created Web sites devoted to the "Save Farscape" campaign and inundated SCI FI offices with e-mails, faxes and telephone calls. Fans of Farscape star Ben Browder started collecting money to take out a $2,000 ad in Variety, the Hollywood trade paper, in support of the show.

Some fans have taken to sending in boxes of crackers or empty cracker boxes as part of a campaign strategy, with the slogan "Crackers DO Matter," a reference to an episode entitled "Crackers Don't Matter." The strategy is borrowed from that employed by fans of Roswell, who swamped the offices of The WB and, later, UPN with tiny bottles of Tabasco sauce in an effort to get that show renewed. (The ploy had mixed success.) Meanwhile, a planned Sept. 9 protest in front of SCI FI's New York offices has been rescheduled for Sept. 12.

The remaining new episodes of Farscape's fourth season will return, beginning January 2003.


Grr. Arg.


Thursday, September 12, 2002 3:31 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Word is circulating that UPN is considering picking up Sci Fi's not renewed Farscape for the 2003-04 season. Considering that the aging Buffy could be heading into its last season, this is not necessarily a bad idea.

Came from Marc Berman's daily report inside the industry. This is a great thing to push for. Just remind all the cast and producers that this doesn't mean a pay raise, so that the Henson and Hallmark entities can generate enough profit to make it worth their investment, and it could work. The big trick? To convince that they need to keep shooting the show in Australia ­ not only would it be phenomenally less expensive, but it would be much easier for the creative crew to keep working with a minimum of network "help".

Just another of my little anonymous "insider" theories

Tell all the Scapers whose hands aren't tied that their friend on the inside is pulling for them.


Friday, September 13, 2002 6:19 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


A letter from Andrew Prowse

Anthony Simcoe rushed into my office this morning waving The Daily Telegraph, "Look at this, look at this!". I looked and saw your ad, maybe a third of a page: "To the Farscape Cast and Crew". I copied it, handed it round to the post-production crew. Some smiled in appreciation, others shook their heads in disbelief, a couple looked a little red around the eyes: all were touched.

We know Farscape is a special show; at its best a great show, and hope the hell other people think the same. We know we have fans out there who love what we do. But I don't think any of us could have imagined the passion; the strength and depth of support we've received over the last ten days. It makes us proud, and it makes us humble.

We haven't given up yet, and neither should you.
We believe in you too.

Andrew Prowse


Friday, September 13, 2002 3:33 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.



I traded email tonight with Mr. Renay San Miguel's producer. There is a huge possibility that CNN might cover the rally tomorrow! We're all very excited. We'll have flyers and a thank you card to give to Mr. San Miguel. We're going to gather in Centennial Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta at noon by the Olympic Rings fountain. In case of rain, we're going to gather at the McDonald's in the CNN Center complex. If anybody out there has even thought of coming to this rally, please do! It has the potential for huge coverage!
We need every 'Scaper we can get!

Again, for more info contact me at lisawebster1@yahoo.com

I hope to see a lot of you tomorrow!



Saturday, September 14, 2002 5:15 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Atlanta Rally a Rousing Success

Hello to everybody at SaveFarscape.com! Thanks in no small part to your site, and the efforts of everybody in the #farscape chatroom we had approximately 45 fans show up today at the CNN Center in Atlanta. Fans came from all over the Southeast! We had people drive up from Daytona Beach, FL, down from Chattanooga, TN, over from Nashville TN, and from South Carolina.

We had great signs, flyers, and a crowd entertaining DRD!

Unfortunately, we didn't get to talk to anyone at CNN today and they wouldn't let us leave the card we signed for Mr. San Miguel (the reporter for Headline News who has been mentioning Save Farscape!). However, I'll keep contacting the people at CNN to find out how to get our card to him, and we will be going to CNN on Tuesday. That's our next big push!

Several fans will be in attendance at CNN Center for Tuesday's TalkBack Live. This show is aired live on CNN (not Headline News!) from 3-4pm Eastern. We have tickets for several fans including myself who will be wearing our Save Farscape tshirts in the audience. We have many more fans who will be standing in the background as this show is taped in what is essentially a mall food court. For every 'Scaper out there who gets CNN, please tune in to TalkBack Live on Tuesday 9/17 and look for us! We should be visible in our tshirts, and we may get to talk on camera if we're lucky.

Maybe not about Farscape, but a camera showing us in our tshirts is better than nothing.

Pictures from the Atlanta rally will be coming to me via email. I'll post them all up on the web when I've got them, and I'll send you guys a link. I can't thank everybody who came to the rally enough. Just think-if we've got 45 people in Atlanta on short notice, what does that say about how many Farscape fans are out there and dedicated? We're many, varied, and more than you think SciFi Channel!

Thanks for posting this,






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