Battlestar Galactica 3.0

UPDATED: Friday, October 13, 2006 03:48
VIEWED: 12289
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Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:56 AM


Just want to hear what everyone thinks about what direction BSG will go in season three. I saw a brief preview on the Sci-Fi channel not too long ago, and it's looking good.

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Monday, August 7, 2006 6:47 AM


I've been very pleased so far, and I anticipate more of the same in season three. However, I have big reservations about "Caprica", the spin-off series. Much like what happened to Stargate when they spun off Atlantis, I hope this doesn't cause a 'brain drain' amongst the writers. They shouldn't divide the writers up when they do two shows.

"I am your father, Luke. Give in to the Dark Side, you nob!" - Doug McKenzie


Monday, August 7, 2006 7:08 AM


Oh no. I hadn't even heard there was going to be another series. You're right. I hope they don't mess up a good thing.

Morbid and creepifying I got no problem with, so long as you do it quiet like.


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:14 AM


I'm kinda ambivalent given the ending of last season. What we're about to get should be season 4, if they hadn't done the cheap "one year later" thing (all too often an excuse to change characters instead of actually developing characters).

Just makes it feel like they didn't think their cast could sustain a season's worth of character development without the Cylons around to cause trouble.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, August 7, 2006 4:20 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
I'm kinda ambivalent given the ending of last season. What we're about to get should be season 4, if they hadn't done the cheap "one year later" thing (all too often an excuse to change characters instead of actually developing characters).

Just makes it feel like they didn't think their cast could sustain a season's worth of character development without the Cylons around to cause trouble.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.

I've seen you post this one year later thing before. Go back and re watch the seasons. You have got to be kidding. Character development? Who is not developed? Starbuck? Apollo? Chief? Who? Without the cylons there is no story to tell! They would not be looking for earth. Must people say that even though the cylons are always in the background of the story they don't see them enough. Why are you a BSG hater?


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 5:35 AM


Oh, I'm not arguing at the character development; it's what I love most about the show.

My problem is that, in the last ep, they went from the arrival at New Caprica to it suddenly being one year later. They showed us the end result of that year (Tyrol and Cally are now married and retired, Cally is with child, Roslyn is running a school, Starbuck is effectively retired, Galactica and Pegasus are slowly but effectively being decommissioned, etc. . .) without showing any of the intervening year.

We're told what's been happening in general terms (preparedness is plumetting, the Cylons haven't been seen, Baltar is drinking and screwing his administration away), but we're not actually shown anything.

We saw the beginnings of the Cally/Tyrol ship (with Tyrol not-quite-over Boomer and Cally confessing her unrequited love), but we never saw Cally's unrequited love being. . . requited. We also never saw the long journey ahead of the Chief as he forces himself to get over Boomer. We never saw how Helo and Boomer progressed after the baby was "lost." We never saw the bulk of Apollo's command on Pegasus, or how he, Tighe, and his father reached the point where they were --prepared to effectively give up (as evidenced by Adama cashiering Tighe). We never saw Zarik's machinations for Baltar, we never saw the progression of Baltar's visions, or the Cylon Heroes arc (with Six and Boomer on Caprica), or. . .

That should've been the third season: showing the rise and decadence of New Caprica, as Adama tries desperately to hold the military together in the face of Baltar's incompetence and arrogance. The Chief/Cally romance, Starbuck's frustration at not really having any ranks to climb up (imagine our brash pilots, sitting on their thumbs with no real enemies to fight). Roslyn's simmering anger both at Baltar's betrayal and at the fact that they likely won't reach Earth. Adama's grudging alliance with the religious establishment, if only to try to get their inertia going again. Meanwhile, Six and Boomer try to redesign Cylon society from the inside (and how do they deal with not having an enemy to fight, or define themselves in relation to?).

The characters were changed from what they had been previously, but we're not shown the actual process that resulted in those changes.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 5:37 AM


I'm really excited about it...
for one thing I know that Jane Espenson (writer of Shindig) is going to write at least one episode...

River Dancing on River's Dream images at Cafe Press:


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 5:41 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Oh, I'm not arguing at the character development; it's what I love most about the show.

My problem is that, in the last ep, they went from the arrival at New Caprica to it suddenly being one year later. They showed us the end result of that year (Tyrol and Cally are now married and retired, Cally is with child, Roslyn is running a school, Starbuck is effectively retired, Galactica and Pegasus are slowly but effectively being decommissioned, etc. . .) without showing any of the intervening year.

We're told what's been happening in general terms (preparedness is plumetting, the Cylons haven't been seen, Baltar is drinking and screwing his administration away), but we're not actually shown anything.

We saw the beginnings of the Cally/Tyrol ship (with Tyrol not-quite-over Boomer and Cally confessing her unrequited love), but we never saw Cally's unrequited love being. . . requited. We also never saw the long journey ahead of the Chief as he forces himself to get over Boomer. We never saw how Helo and Boomer progressed after the baby was "lost." We never saw the bulk of Apollo's command on Pegasus, or how he, Tighe, and his father reached the point where they were --prepared to effectively give up (as evidenced by Adama cashiering Tighe). We never saw Zarik's machinations for Baltar, we never saw the progression of Baltar's visions, or the Cylon Heroes arc (with Six and Boomer on Caprica), or. . .

That should've been the third season: showing the rise and decadence of New Caprica, as Adama tries desperately to hold the military together in the face of Baltar's incompetence and arrogance. The Chief/Cally romance, Starbuck's frustration at not really having any ranks to climb up (imagine our brash pilots, sitting on their thumbs with no real enemies to fight). Roslyn's simmering anger both at Baltar's betrayal and at the fact that they likely won't reach Earth. Adama's grudging alliance with the religious establishment, if only to try to get their inertia going again. Meanwhile, Six and Boomer try to redesign Cylon society from the inside (and how do they deal with not having an enemy to fight, or define themselves in relation to?).

The characters were changed from what they had been previously, but we're not shown the actual process that resulted in those changes.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.



Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:19 AM


I'm looking forward to Season Three, greatly. It's one of my 3 favorite shows (Firefly, Lost, BSG). Also, I'm a fan of the 1 year skip-ahead, though I can certainly see why it's bothered some.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:16 AM


From what I hear, you'll get to see what happens in the intervening year over the course over the first half of the season.

I've still got to wait to scrape enough money together to buy the S2 DVD so that I get to the point where I can wait for the S3 DVD to come out. Ahh the pains of living in the UK with no Satellite TV

Here's how it might of been.... www.stillflying.net/


Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:31 AM


BTW: Cybershack, who said two seasons = two years in space?

Before the year gap the colonials had only been in space 8 months. (Admiral Cane asked what had they been for the past 6 months in "Pegasus". So were not even in season 2 yet.

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:13 AM


I am looking forward to it.
There is so little on TV to watch that's worth my time.

1. Firefly marathons

2. SG1

3. SG Atlantis

4. BSG the new one.

5. Star Trek TNG

6. Star Trek

7. any Star Trek series

8. Space Above And Beyond (I wish this show would be produced again)
9. EUREKA (kinda hit a miss for me but ....)

I've been through the system.
It dont work.


Sunday, September 3, 2006 9:34 AM


Thanks Choo1701 for pointing out that a TV year doesn't equal a plot year (although I don't think Cybersnark stated they had been on the run two years before the leap forward - I may be wrong though).

I think it's great that shows like BSG and Lost aren't running to the one season equals one year.
It's convenient and useful coz actors grow older at the same rate as their characters.
I always liked that Buffy started school some way into the year and the first season was roughly half the episodes of the others.
But that doesn't mean that it has to be that way and it's great to see shows doing something different.

As for the original topic:
I don't have a problem with moving one year on. It's a brave move but I can't imagine they did it without a good reason.
It should be good as the Cylons have almost won - and I'll use a quote from Dr Who to illustrate:

"This isn't an invasion, it's victory."

Can't wait!!!


Sunday, September 3, 2006 12:27 PM


Ron D. Moore said BSG has a five year arc and he knows where the final arc leads.. so I think this is VERY interesting.. it is all sketched out with a conclusion and a finality... and many mini arcs along the way.

I am very much looking forward to BSG 3.0. With Deadwood over (do we really think they will make the promised films?? I don't) there is not a lot of QUALITY TV... for me, right now, BSG is as close as it gets. The acting is good. The stories real/and interesting. I like the show.

Caprica, the potential spin off, is about life on the colonies in the years before the initial Cylon War (as I understand it). I have not heard that this show has actually been optioned. They are still in the "talking" phase.. so who knows.

I will be watching BSG in October.. what else is there???

ETA: I imagine there will be a lot of looking back in the early episodes. Moore has said they explain what happened in that intervening year and why the fall out between Starbuck and Apollo. I think it will all be made clear.


Sunday, September 3, 2006 1:46 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


Originally posted by Chindi:
...I am very much looking forward to BSG 3.0. With Deadwood over (do we really think they will make the promised films?? I don't) there is not a lot of QUALITY TV... for me, right now, BSG is as close as it gets. ...Chindi

You are so right about Deadwood I can't believe they killed it. What happend, did some FOX executives move to HBO just to screw with things?

Frankly, BSG has lost me I'll still check in but I don't like the direction it's taken and I think alot of the characters (especially the military professionals) are too irrational.

I like Eureka and hope it takes off. It's a good show, of course it doesn't fulfill my need for swashbuckling adventure.


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 11:51 AM



Originally posted by Veteran:
What happend, did some FOX executives move to HBO just to screw with things?

LOL! I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what did happen!

I can just picture it - a meeting of all the big wigs sitting around bragging about things like "I killed off three popular shows this year," and another one responding with "Oh yeah? Well I killed of a number one in its time slot show, so there!"

* - * - * - * - * - * - WE ARE FORSAKEN, AND WE AIM TO BURN! - * - * - * - * - * - * - *

* - * - * - * - Watch this space! New signature animation coming soon! - * - * - * - *


Thursday, September 7, 2006 4:21 AM


Any one care to guess as to what happened between Lee and Kara to make them so distant?

My guess,and its just a wild one, is that they may have slept together but that she went ahead and married Anders anyway and that Lee hasn't forgiven her yet - although SPOILER:

Select to view spoiler:

Lee and Dualla are married now so I don't know how that really fits into my theory, but you never know!

Of course it could be something much worse, but
I have heard or read (can't remember) an interview with Katee Sackhoff that suggests its definately something Kara did, and that Anders has the wool pulled over his eyes in some way, so thats what I'm basing my theory on. It would explain Dee's attitude in the finale when she takes the phone call.

How about everyone else? What do you all think?

Oh and when the hell did Kara and Tigh become all buddy buddy?! I found that even harder to wrap my head around - although I can't wait to find out the reason for it. I expect there to be a few flashbacks throughout the season to fill in the blanks - non-linear narative doesnt bother me if done well, ala Out of Gas.

And just because they've jumped ahead doesn't mean thats that part of the story over with - I think the audience is supposed to be frustrated -to keep us guessing!! I'd pick this type of unpredictable story-telling over obvious plots anyday!

We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 6:27 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
I'm kinda ambivalent given the ending of last season. What we're about to get should be season 4, if they hadn't done the cheap "one year later" thing (all too often an excuse to change characters instead of actually developing characters).

Would you have been happy to watch a show about putting up tents and building houses? BSG season 2, AKA Changing Tents.

Can you imagine? Episode one: They land and put up some tents. Episode Two: More people land, and they put up some tents.

A few episodes, half a season at a push but a full season of BSG the Soap, that just wouldn't work.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 10:10 AM


I woulda' been happy to watch a show about the growing relationship between Tyrol and Callie, or about the reconciliation and grudging respect between Tighe and Starbuck, or the falling-out between Apollo and Starbuck, or Rosslyn's disillusionment with politics as Baltar leads the colony down the road to ruin.

I would've enjoyed watching New Caprica build infrastructure (note the cranes and permanent structures visible in the background during the establishing shot), while Baltar's mismanagement and misunderstanding of priorities keeps everyone living in tents. I would've enjoyed seeing military readiness slowly decline due to Baltar's feud with Adama, as Adama and Lee desperately try to keep Galactica and Pegasus fully crewed and operational.

I would've liked to see dream-Six slowly planting the seeds for New Caprica's fall, while Six and dream-Baltar reshape Cylon society from within. I would've liked to see Caprica-Sharon's rise as Galactica-Sharon spiralled deeper into despair, prompting Helo's rebellion against Adama. . .

There's no shortage of stories that could've been told during the year. I can only hope those stories (in some form) exist in Moore's mind, and that he didn't just change up the characters for the sake of being "fresh" and "cool." I want to trust Moore, but I've been burned by too many bad storytellers/behind-the-scenes meddling by idiot Executives to trust something like this.

It just evokes uncomfortable memories of Galactica 1980. I sincerely hope the fears are groundless, but they're there, all the same.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 3:23 PM


I'm not saying your wrong, that jumping a year in a split second wasn't a mistake, or a possible mistake, but I am saying that BSG the soap wouldn't have been all that great for an entire season, I see it getting old, boring and perhaps even repetitive pretty quickly.

They'd of needed to manufacture a new internal antagonist, sure you've got Baltar, but he's more of a slow burn itch, and since he's backed by our previous internal antagonists, the terrorists, they've got what they want. The Cylons weren't that big a part of most episodes, but what you did have is the threat of the Cylons, which you wouldn't have on New Caprica, and that's removing a huge part of the dynamic that made the show.

Soaps work on internal pressure alone, good shows also have external pressure driving their character development. Moreover what you'd have is two separate shows, the Cylon show and the Human show, and nere the two shall meet, part of the whole BSG dynamic was showing how one affected the other.

I just seriously doubt there would be enough for an entire season without it getting silly and soapy (although, I suppose, some characters getting silly and soapy isn't a bad idea, but only if a hot tub is involved...) I just personally don't need to see Starbuck gossip while getting her roots done .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 3:39 PM


Here's a plotline that just popped into my head, as an example:

-After "losing" the baby, Galactica-Sharon gradually withdraws into herself.

-Slowly, due to rabble-rousers on Pegasus, public backlash builds against the Cylon prisoner. People start to see her as a relic, and an uncomfortable reminder of everything they've lost. They see no reason to keep her alive. Adama ignores the issue, because even now, some part of him feels that Sharon's still part of his crew. Tigh, predictably, is all in favour of putting a bullet through the toaster's head and bein' done with it. Helo and the Chief are protective, but their hands are tied.

-The issue polarizes the fleet, calling into question exactly what a Cylon is, and how much free will Sharon might truly have.

-Sharon becomes a political issue. To win support, Baltar throws himself behind the campaign to destroy her (Six suggests it --she's served her purpose in the Grand Design. Now, by her death, she could unite the fracturing colony behind him).

-Soon, the makings of a rebellion are forming, most of them made up of Sharon's friends and acquaintances (which puts Starbuck in a difficult position; she knows Sharon as well as anyone, but she hates the toasters pathologically, and she takes Sharon's betrayal personally).

-As matters boil to a head, Helo takes matters into his own hands (if the Chief is still on Galactica, he'll pitch in too). Helo springs Boomer, and manages to get her to a Raptor and take off. Their plan is to flee, maybe back to Caprica, maybe to another colonial world --either way, they're better off taking their chances. Of course, as much as Adama might understand the impulse, he can't allow them to leave --it would risk exposing New Caprica. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 3:53 PM


That's six episodes of story arc (and not main story, secondary and tertiary arcs) there at a real push. Not a full season. In fact you could probably tell that story line in three or less.

I'm not denying that there aren't stories to be told, I'm saying there isn't enough for it to not turn into a boring soap.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 6:53 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

I never thought as Out of Gas as nonlinear. I guess as a series of flashbacks, but it was still in a series where the characaters were being introduced. In away it was an extension of the "original" pilot (Train Job). Anyway, it's not an fair comparison, BSG is just skipping ahead. I get the impression that even the writers don't know where it's going.


Friday, September 8, 2006 12:53 AM


OK, I hope I don't offend anyone here because I certainly don't feel my opinion is the only valid one by any means, and I was just as frustrated at the end of season two, but here goes:


It's not called 'New Caprica', its 'BSG' - so why would they have a whole season that follows them off-ship in the first place!

It's the same argument I always use when people complain about Lost - "when are they going to be rescued?" they say to me. But the show is called 'Lost' for Christsakes!! If they're rescued, they're not lost anymore - show is essentially over.

If Firefly had continued for a few seasons, it seeems unlikely to me that they would all settle on a planet, Haven for example, and still call the show Firefly, because the name wouldn't make sense anymore.

OK rant over...

Oh and I'm not denying that there would be a wealth of stories to develope during a season set on New Caprica, it's just not what the show is about to me, it's about life on the Galactica first and foremost.

We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Friday, September 8, 2006 1:52 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Good rant.

I always thought of BSG as a sort of Exodus in Space. New Caprica really spoils that (especially after only two years on the run).


Sunday, September 10, 2006 5:45 AM


Had to download the preview but its looked really really good. The only thing thats concerning me, personally, is the wait for it to be aired in the UK. Could be a while. Damn. Right at this moment in time there's only 2 decent shows on - Lost and Regenesis. But since the both previous seasons of BG have rocked I am not worried in the least.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Monday, September 11, 2006 4:01 AM


Yeah I emailed SKy One last week to ask when the third season would be on, but haven't heard back yet. I heard a rumor it would be October, but I'm not betting on it. Although they do show both Deadwood and Eureka quite soon after those shows are aired in the states, so maybe there's a chance. I didn't watch the first 2 seasons of BSG on Sky( only bits and pieces) so could someone enlighten me - how was season 2 aired? All in one or split in 2 like in the US?

I'm both excited and sad that the new season is nearly upon us - I've only discovered the show this summer, and after months of buying the DVDs, waiting impatiently for them to arrive, being told they'd been lost in the post:( and then downloading the newer eps, I'm all caught up and I CAN'T WAIT for the next season. But now I'l have to wait for a new episode each week. Not that I'm really complaining, just one more show to look forward to every week, and at least there won't be the usual stop and start nonsense that we get with other US shows.

Oh and on a worrying note - I was listening to a podcast (suject2discussion) the other day that often discusses BSG and has interviewed many of the actors on a regular basis, and according to one of their contributors, BSG Season 4 is on the wire if the ratings don't pick up this coming season:(

I wish I could say I was shocked but after Firefly and Angel, nothing like this surprises me anymore. Here's hoping the show gets more mainstream recognition. Why oh why aren't the actors doing the rounds on all the talk shows - at least the NBC ones anyway??? Maybe they should air re-runs on NBC - to give people a taste of what they're missing for not watching SciFi.

We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Monday, September 11, 2006 5:13 AM


I'm gonna stay out of the BSG 3.0 talk, since I've been watching the show on DVD, and havn't seen 2.5 yet. But I will comment on some of the side topics.

The Caprica spin-off: I believe is a "go" project now, but as I understand it, won't have many, if any, of the same writers from BSG. The "creator" of the show is not on the BSG staff, but was an outsider who pitched the show, and Ron Moore liked his ideas. They say it'll focus more on the corporate world as cylons are first being designed and built. Kind-of like Dynasty in space.

And Deadwood: It was not cancelled by HBO (of Fox for that matter). David Milch, the creator of the show, pulled the plug so that he could focus on his new "surfer-noir" show for HBO. Not that makes it any better, but at least we know who to blame.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, September 11, 2006 5:28 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

The Caprica spin-off: I believe is a "go" project now, but as I understand it, won't have many, if any, of the same writers from BSG. The "creator" of the show is not on the BSG staff, but was an outsider who pitched the show, and Ron Moore liked his ideas. They say it'll focus more on the corporate world as cylons are first being designed and built. Kind-of like Dynasty in space.

Yeah apparantly he already had an initial idea for a show that he brought to Universal, and they were the ones who suggested he turn it into a BSG prequel type thingy, so my guess is it will be quite different to BSG, hopefully for the better, so as not invite unfair comparisons. But then again, it it is even half as good as BSG, it'll be worth watching:)

At least Deadwood will have the chance to wrap up the story to some extent, although I would have thought there was plenty of seasons left in that show. Oh well, only the good shows die young I suppose.

We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:08 AM


Just found this over on the scifi.com boards, it's sounds promising:


The best season yet!!! I hope they're right

On a side note I'm gonna order the region 1 season 2.5. I'm really looking forward to seeing the extended cut of Pegasus and the deleted scenes - I hope they have more than what was available on the website, it seemed they were holding back, I don't remember any from the finale for example.

We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Sunday, September 17, 2006 7:40 AM


Ok so I watched Season 2 on Sky One - they still have the special 1 1/2 ep to show, but they showed all the rest in order and weekly. I'm hopefuly that we'll get the new series in January but I doubt it will be earlier.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 12:45 PM


I'm relatively new to the BSG fandom so after a marathon of episodes, I'm totally in the mindset of needing more. More new eps, more!

But I'm not sure if I love the fact that Ron Moore One-Year-Latered the characters. And I'm not complaining about losing a year; he made Apollo fat!

Sorry, had to get that out.

The "One Year Later" will probably just mean more flashbacks. But good flashbacks hopefully. Like how it was used in Scattered.

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing." - Zoe


Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:08 AM


With all the speculation aside I can hardly wait for season 3.0 of BSG to start up. They made us wait a long time for this.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 12:52 PM


BSG 3.0 Countdown


High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 7:07 AM


For those of you in the US who can't wait for Friday the first act of the premiere is online now.

Go to the Scifi Pulse popup thingy -> Battlestar Galactica -> in the menu choose watch a full episode -> at the bottom of the next menu choose first look.

Or click on this and then choose 'watch a full episode and more' and then 'first look' http://video.scifi.com/player.html?dlid=30611

I am so jealous right now.


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 3:35 PM


You can download the first act from this website


Only catch is you have to register first - but it's worth it. Those first 12 minutes are an AMAZING opener to the new season - but be warned, if you're not going to see the episode this friday, you might want to hold off on this first act!!

Its so good it just leaves you wanting more!!

PS even if you're not in the US, there are other 'internet-based ways' of getting the new episodes;) I know I for one couldn't wait until 2007, which is when Sky One will start airing it.

We're still flying.

That's not much.

It's enough.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 3:32 AM


So? Nobody wants to talk about the season premiere?

I guess I'm still digesting.

It was certainly up to standards, though I don't think anything would be "worth the wait" of a whole summer of Galacticalessness.

One comment:

Select to view spoiler:

I think Kara's baby was the biggest setup in the world. And I don't think Kara really fell for it. She is one confused little cookie right now, and I see hints in her eyes that she's starting to lose it, but I don't think she was completely taken in by the whole magical kid thing.

Maybe she'll try to take the little girl with her when she escapes.

And waaaaaah! for Duck!

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 5:19 AM


I would love to chat about it, but I have no idea what the frak is going on. Before last week, I had never watched this show, but had read recently that it is the SciFi de jour and wanted to give it a shot. So, I watched the 4 episodes (The Story So Far, Pegasus, Resurrection Ship 1 & 2) running on "On Demand" and have been hooked.

The four episodes I have seen has, unfortunately, left me illprepared in understanding what was going on during the season premier. All I get is the Cylons are monotheists (and appear a little pushy in that regard), the humans are polytheists, and the president desperately needs a .45 slug in the brainpan (squish).

I could not help in noticing, however, the similarities between what is going on in the BSG world and what is going on in the real world. So, nobody get pissed, but are Cylons representative of certain allied nations? You know, holier than thou, an occupying force, and filled with moral certitude...

Anywho, I really enjoyed it and will be buying the DVDs to try to catch up. Seems like a good cast (Olmos has chops), has good production values, and is easy on the cheese. Although, I really need a primer as it will take me quite a while to get through the DVDs once purchased and I have no intention of not watching the new episodes as they are released.

As to your spoiler, it looked like it worked to me, but I don't know the characters...


Saturday, October 7, 2006 5:33 AM


It might be worth your while to join Netflix (if you're in the US) just to get through the two seasons on the cheap. The DVDs are pricey!

BUT if you find a really good deal on the DVDs please let me know because I would buy 'em if they weren't so expensive.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 6:48 AM


Wow, your not kidding. I just checked at Amazon and they are pretty pricey. I think Netfix might, indeed, be worth my while...


Saturday, October 7, 2006 6:49 AM


Thanks for using the spoiler tags, Grizwald! I don't mind spoilers, but I HATE having them thrust in my face by inconsiderate folk, including those at the networks who make the "Next Week On...." previews. In fact (not to drop names ) but I said as much to Richard Hatch when I met him at DragonCon this year. He agreed, and said that the Battlestar promo folks would NEVER do that to the fans. Like

Select to view spoiler:

the year-in-a-second skip and Cylon occupation of New Caprica

on the season 2 finale - I had NO idea it was coming. Not a hint in any preview. And what you have under the spoiler tags - I've watched every Battlestar season 3 promo I saw closely, and there was no hint of that plotline that I noticed. I see that as respect for the fans.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."

http://www.fireflytalk.com - Big Damn Podcast


Saturday, October 7, 2006 6:54 AM


Anybody who wants to join Netflix and needs a referral, write me... I don't get anything for it and I don't think you get anything too exciting, maybe two free weeks or something like that. But if it helps, good.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 7:47 AM


I watched... it was great. I cannot wait to see where they take this... I like the dark tone, the questions as to what is a freedom fighter and what is an insurgent.. there were things that shocked me... and things that make me so curious about where they will take this show...

The creators said they have a five year arc, and I trust they will take it where they want over the next three years, and it will be a great ride..

SPoilers below

Select to view spoiler:

I cannot decide if Starbuck is a victim of stockholm syndrome or lulling her captor in....I have no opinion about the baby yet...

I think the returning Boomer is loyal, but will her other models be able to sense her, as the other Six models knew her disagreements? I think Baltar is amazing... conflicted and tortured and hated. He is fabulous to watch

Chindi (wish the whole season was out so I could watch it from beginning to end!!!)


Saturday, October 7, 2006 7:53 AM


I do not like any of you! lol j/p

The new season hasn't started here in britian yet. I think I might break down and buy it on Itunes as they put it up, thats how bad i wanna see it.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Saturday, October 7, 2006 8:02 AM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
I do not like any of you! lol j/p

The new season hasn't started here in britian yet. I think I might break down and buy it on Itunes as they put it up, thats how bad i wanna see it.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!

try a torrent site


Saturday, October 7, 2006 8:04 AM



Originally posted by Chindi:

Select to view spoiler:

I think the returning Boomer is loyal...

And my spoiling reply to your spoiler comment:

Select to view spoiler:

What happens to that loyalty when she finds out that the Admiral knew all along that her child is alive? That he was responsible for taking her from her and has kept this secret from her despite being a witness to her pain? I think that will be the crisis.

I did love how her name is now Sharon Agathon.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 9:27 AM


torrents are always so slow for me. I like my newsgroups but noones has posted them yet.

and I didn't think it started until monday? the new season that is?

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Saturday, October 7, 2006 5:11 PM


Yes Grizwald that totally croseed my mind too.. I think that will be a black balck show...

Select to view spoiler:

and I suspect Helo will be pretty angry too! shudder



Saturday, October 7, 2006 5:12 PM


whoops.. double post... sorry!



Sunday, October 8, 2006 2:17 AM


this new season of BSG really started pretty
6 o clock newish--very intnese-not sure where they are going--willbe interesting to see

Also, I can kill you with my brain.






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