Call me whimsical in the brainpan, but...

UPDATED: Sunday, November 26, 2006 14:08
VIEWED: 3791
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006 11:56 PM


Hey all, call me whimsical in the brainpan, but I've recently been thinking that it would of been great if Kaylee and Jayne had a thing. Just cos he is ridiculously good looking, and, to be honest, I like him more than Simon.

Also, it's just so sweet the way Jayne looks to Kaylee in 'Serenity' (the episode) after that f*ckwit Fed shot her. First he's seriously on the war path for revenge, and then he carries her to the engine room when the Reavers arrive. Sigh. I wish that were me.

I know I'm not all there, but has anyone else had any 'what if?' moments?

Mal gives control of the ship to Zoe...
Mal: If I'm not back in an hour, you come, and you rescue me.
Zoe: What? And risk my ship?


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 12:01 AM


I've got to admit, I just don't get why anyone would be attracted to Jayne. Adam I can understand, but Jayne? He's lewd, crude, rude and doesn't have a whole pile going on upstairs.

I do think it's sweet the way he looks in on Kaylee, but I think that says more about Kaylee's sweet nature than it does about Jayne.

Okay, character bashing is bad. Moving on!

What if moments... Hmmm... I wouldn't mind meeting some other refugees from the academy River was in. There must be one or two out there somewhere. Unless the Alliance killed them all when the Miranda story broke.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:47 AM


I think that the reason Jayne looks after Kaylee is that he feels like a big brother to her. The scene in the pilot where he wants to kill Dobson then how he is sitting watching through the window as Simon works on her, and even when he is carrying her. To me that is how a protective big brother acts. Plus doesn't he have a little sister who is sick? (The Message) This to me is more evidence that he views her as his little sister.

This is just another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety...breaks the heart.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 6:54 AM


Umm I think that Jayne could have a crush on Kaylee, partly because Joss Whedon says so in the commentary for the pilot, but also because of how Jayne acts. He's always mean to Simon for pretty much no reason at all, and also when he's like, ready to kill that cop after he shoots Kaylee.
But I also don't think that they would ever actually get together, just 'cause Kaylee likes Simon so much, and often seems somewhat repulsed by Jayne.

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:24 PM


Jayne lost his chance when Simon showed up. And that may be one of the reasons Jayne dislikes Simon, as Asortafairytail says in the post above me. But in several episodes Jayne has shown he can be considerate. I notice he is woman hunting hound, but he also treats women with respect. Watch how he talks to the prostitute in "Heart Of Gold". He does not talk down to her. He tells her what to expect in the gun battle and how to hand him his weapons. He is very polite and reasuring. And of course when he finishes they get down to business.

On that note, when Jayne was rude at the dinner table about Kaylee having the hots for Simon, that was probably jealousy on Jayne's part. So I discount that as his normal behavior.

And, as has already been said above, he reacted to Kaylee's being shot in a very personal way.

So I don't see any future for Jayne and Kaylee, I think it is quit possible for someone to enter his life. Sad to say there is now more room for new characters to enter the picture.



Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:19 PM


So pretty much everyone is trampling on the whole Jayne and Kaylee thing. Sigh. It could have been so beautiful.

But what about other 'what if?' moments.

Mal gives control of the ship to Zoe...
Mal: If I'm not back in an hour, you come, and you rescue me.
Zoe: What? And risk my ship?


Thursday, November 23, 2006 1:57 PM


Hello BulletInTheBrainPanSquish:

Don't sigh. I like Jayne. And I feel he would treat a woman very special. But Simon and Kaylee seem to have finally hooked up in the BDM.

I have wondered about Zoe though. I think after a time she would desire another body next to her. After sharing a life with Wash I can not see her wasting away living alone. I suspect Joss would have to bring in new people if there are to any new relationships. Some other charcters who may be on the run like Simon and River.

River is now old enough to have a serious relationship. The trauma of her ordeal at that Alliance institute seems to be giving her less trouble. She also seems to have a better grasp of her visions and knows how to use them. She did good work in the holdup at the start of the movie. So a story line with Jayne and River thrown together may seem strange, but Jayne could be placed in a position to protect River. That could start things off. Simon may not like it, and Jayne and River would have difficulties with a relationship. But Simon and Kaylee had a rough start.

The truth is, I am not an expert on relationships, so I hesitate to 'what if' about any relationships in this verse or any other. Your 'what ifs' have more weight than my inexperienced ideas. My thoughts are stabs in the dark compared to yours.



Thursday, November 23, 2006 2:17 PM


I couldn't really see river with anyone, but I could definitly see Jayne going after Zoe and Zoe eventually reciprocating. I imagine it would be a purely physical relationship at first, and then progress.

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


Thursday, November 23, 2006 2:26 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

I see Jayne dying before Zoe ever hooks up with him.

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love - it's the only thing that there's just too little of. What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone."

http://richlabonte.net/tvvote - Vote Firefly!

(by xRiverTamx / Kelai)


Thursday, November 23, 2006 2:35 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
I've got to admit, I just don't get why anyone would be attracted to Jayne. Adam I can understand, but Jayne? He's lewd, crude, rude and doesn't have a whole pile going on upstairs.

I think Jayne is crafty, and thats appealing. He is also base and animalistic and goes after what he wants, that appeals to me alot. At the same time he has a kind streak it seems and is a little noble. Sexin' him would be lusty and fast and hard, thats also semi appealing.

Mal's would be full of angst and very soft I think, unless he was hurting for Inara and then it would be harder. He also seems to be a talker.

Wash would be goofy and fun at first then slow and intense and last a long time. I also think there would be tickle fights involved. Perhaps in the bedroom he might be a bit dominant in response to Zoe's attitude in their day to day interactions.

I really overthought this, but hell, that what cheap go-se wine does to a single (lonely) browncoat girl

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


Friday, November 24, 2006 3:17 PM


As for why Jayne is appealing, I think that firstly it's his looks, but then, as previously stated, he does actually have a nice streak. I mean in the way he treats Kaylee (sometimes), and how he spoke to the prostitute in Heart of Gold. He can be a right pig when he wants to be, but that's half the challenge- moulding him into a better man.

Plus he's such a manly and rugged guy, and he just looks to be the type who would take care of a women in as many ways as possible.

Mal gives control of the ship to Zoe...
Mal: If I'm not back in an hour, you come, and you rescue me.
Zoe: What? And risk my ship?


Friday, November 24, 2006 3:32 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
Jayne lost his chance when Simon showed up. And that may be one of the reasons Jayne dislikes Simon, as Asortafairytail says in the post above me. But in several episodes Jayne has shown he can be considerate. I notice he is woman hunting hound, but he also treats women with respect. Watch how he talks to the prostitute in "Heart Of Gold". He does not talk down to her. He tells her what to expect in the gun battle and how to hand him his weapons. He is very polite and reasuring. And of course when he finishes they get down to business.

On that note, when Jayne was rude at the dinner table about Kaylee having the hots for Simon, that was probably jealousy on Jayne's part. So I discount that as his normal behavior.

And, as has already been said above, he reacted to Kaylee's being shot in a very personal way.

So I don't see any future for Jayne and Kaylee, I think it is quit possible for someone to enter his life. Sad to say there is now more room for new characters to enter the picture.


Ditto what Traveler says :biggtin:

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, November 24, 2006 4:04 PM



Originally posted by Sabri3l:
I couldn't really see river with anyone, but I could definitly see Jayne going after Zoe and Zoe eventually reciprocating. I imagine it would be a purely physical relationship at first, and then progress.

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


No way. Zoe would spit Jayne right out :P


//breathe today So many lies s w i r l i n g
All A R O U N D You
you're S U F F O C A T I N G
the e m p t y
shape in Y O U
s t e a l s your b r e a t h


Friday, November 24, 2006 4:29 PM


Well then he could have me, I wouldn't mind a bit.

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


Saturday, November 25, 2006 9:40 PM


I think you'll have a lot of women fighting you for that honour Sabri3l.

Mal gives control of the ship to Zoe...
Mal: If I'm not back in an hour, you come, and you rescue me.
Zoe: What? And risk my ship?


Saturday, November 25, 2006 10:08 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

There are many, many Jaylee shippers on this site. I am not one, but I wanted to let you know you're not alone. Check the fanfic section and you'll find a LOT of different pairings and a whole lot of Jayne and Kaylee.
I'm sure more people would have noticed this and responded to you if it were over in General discussions or the like. Probably the Jaylee fans just missed the thread.



Sunday, November 26, 2006 2:08 PM


If this series had continued, and Joss continued as he did on Buffy, there is a strong possibility that there would have been other combinations of people relationship-wise.

I haven't got around to reading the fanfics yet but suspect we'll find some of those scenarios there, too.



Sunday, November 26, 2006 2:08 PM


If this series had continued, and Joss continued as he did on Buffy, there is a strong possibility that there would have been other combinations of people relationship-wise.

I haven't got around to reading the fanfics yet but suspect we'll find some of those scenarios there, too.

Darn! Sorry for the double-post.







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