Latest BSG Episode (Feb. 11th)

UPDATED: Saturday, February 17, 2007 22:03
VIEWED: 2881
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Monday, February 12, 2007 4:39 PM


Spoilers if you haven't seen it...of course.

Seems like things are a more back to normal after all the turn of the season craziness. I felt cheated that Baltar's trial was really only mentioned...I can't wait for it to start and see what happens. I also think Zarek is such an interesting character, I'm glad to see him pop up every now and then.

It was cool to see Baltar appear to Caprica Six again. Really makes you wonder about the connection between the two of them, if it's just mental or something more...mysterious. It's good that she seems to be treated alright...I don't know if I could handle anything else after both Gina and Sharon's experiences in the brig.

For the record, Helo is awesome. While all other characters have seemed to be morally compromised, Helo is like the moral compass...too bad people are beginning to ignore him. But he finally is vindicated and gets the "done good" from the Admiral. 'Bout time.

Okay, the "bonus scene"...was the Admiral surprised that Helo killed the infected Cylons or just surprised that he's admitting to it. Is it that the Admiral really always knew, but now he's actually confronted with the truth and feels he might feel the need to reprimand Helo? Didn't quite get that part, since he originally agreed with Helo that perpetrating genocide causes one to loose part of one's soul.

Okay, other opinions...GO!

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Monday, February 12, 2007 5:09 PM


I wasn't thrilled with the episode, but mostly because they didn't talk enough about the trial. I was glad they were developing Helo's character and we got to see how the couple is getting along now that they have their baby. Its just that the overall pacing of the program doesn't seem as good as the first season of first half of the second. As opposed to have one scene an episode for a sub-plot such as Helo and Sharon on Caprica, or slowing brewing the Baltar-is-crazy and coming election tension, this season they will completely ignore one plot for a week and another the next week, such as last week, when they didn't even mention the baby or caprica being captured and this week they virtually ignored the trial. Things like that bug me.

Besides that I liked the episode. My girlfriend (an adament starpollo shipper) was dissappointed that Dee didn't bite it. I was also glad to see Giaus back in Caprica's head to. Thats a great twist.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

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Monday, February 12, 2007 5:45 PM


So, SO good. Just when I was getting bored with the Baltar/Cylon/D'anna arc, we get this episode to remind me just how excellent the show really is. I like what they're doing with Helo (i.e. setting him up as the perpetual outsider)(which, if you think about, he's always been, what with the original Sharon's affair with Tyrol). I also enjoyed seeing Saul being a bastard. God help me, but I love the Saul Tigh character. Also, I like that they keep showing us Hera. It makes me wonder what they're going to do with her. All due respect to D.Milk, but I'm OK with there not being a lot about the trial. I'm sure that we're going to get plenty of that in upcoming episodes. And how wierd was Zarek's behavior. Anyway. /ramble

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, FFF.net Grammar Police


Monday, February 12, 2007 8:46 PM


Zarek's behavior isn't entirely unexpected. Remember he is the one who allowed unofficial executions in order to avoid the circus atmosphere created by controversials trials. His fear is magnified by Baltar's case being their version of 'the trial of the century'.

Tigh is quickly becomming one of my favorite characters on the show. The scene between him and Helo in the corridor was brilliant. The way he laughed after Helo punched him, then again at the end of the confrontation just seemed so twisted. That man can act!


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:36 AM


What are these "bonus scenes" people keep mentioning? Is it something that runs on TV in the US, or is it on the sci-fi.com website? If the latter, is there anywhere I (not being American) might be able to see them?

As for the episode itself, I liked it. Good to see Helo vindicated.

Looks like next week is gonna be a big Cally/Tyrol episode. Also, I'm thinking sabotage of some sort. Could be we have an enemy at large aboard the fleet.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:42 AM


I liked this one too. And I have to agree that Colonel Tigh is so great I can't even stand it. He's always had such a complex past but now, he's just out there! Totally terrifying....imagine being a junior officer in CIC when he's got the watch. I'd pee my pants.

Must be really fun character for an actor to play. "Better get that hand looked at"...what a sweet line. The guy is as tough bastard, that's for sure. I enjoy episodes with Doc Cottle a lot too. The actor who plays him was actually vying for the Tigh role until Micheal Hogan got it in the end. It's interesting to see what amounts to sectarian strife now among the colonists. They like to keep the subject matter timely don't they?

I think they're setting up the Baltar trial to span many episodes.

I'm REALLY worried about next week tho. Man...I cannot take the loss of Cally or Tyrol. They'd better not kill one of them...especially Cally. They cannot lose ALL their hot female characters can they?

BSG-38 Minnesotia


Wednesday, February 14, 2007 8:10 PM


Yeah, the BSG women are pretty attractive. Anyways, I just read that BSG has been renewed for a fourth season. Apparently there was a little doubt as to whether or not they'd be back. How does this always happen to the good shows? I am disappointed though that the fourth season won't start until January 08...that's like almost a year! On the bright side, I'll have plenty of time to get my friends up to speed on this great show they're missing...kinda like I did with Firefly.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Thursday, February 15, 2007 5:06 AM


Interestingly, most people I post with on BSG really despise Dee, and we were all pretty disappointed she didn't go to the Big Toaster Repair Shop in the Sky.

Looking at Helo from a slightly different POV - Helo does what Helo wants and there never seems to be repurcussions. Kill the Cylons? Sure. Kill your wife? Why not? Disobey direct orders? Go for it.

It was a good ep, (My husband called it the Mengele ep) and I'm very interested in seeing the Baltar trial.

You guys think the women are attractive. Well, here's something for all the BSG fangirls (and perhaps Helo's redeeming moment in the ep) Sorry it's so dark.


Thursday, February 15, 2007 6:33 AM


Here is the link to the extra scene.



Mechanic & Cook
"So thats where that bolt went to."


Thursday, February 15, 2007 2:58 PM


Let me reiterate:

scifi.com won't let anyone outside the United States of America see their stuff. I get the Ghost Rider commercial, then nothing.


Only place I can find it is here, for the next few minutes:

With the worst audio compression and framerate I've seen anywhere since the mid 90s.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, February 15, 2007 3:31 PM


I get the commercial for Ghost rider than nothing BUT if I reclick on the play button it FINALLY shows up (I am in the US).. I think there is a significant lag time between the ad and the scene.. maybe try again??



Thursday, February 15, 2007 3:39 PM



Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Well, here's something for all the BSG fangirls (and perhaps Helo's redeeming moment in the ep) Sorry it's so dark.

MMmmmmmm, yah. Mr. Grizwald muttered something like, "C'mon guy, pull up yer pants willya," to which I replied, "Oh no, he's just fine the way he is."

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

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Saturday, February 17, 2007 10:03 PM


I'm wondering how Helo and Athena get the huge quarters...I mean I don't even remember Col. Tigh's quarters being that big and he is (was?) the XO. I guess when you have to fit the cradle for "the future of things to come" you get a little extra space.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"






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