LOST season finale' - Spoilers? Hell yeah there are!!

UPDATED: Thursday, May 31, 2007 10:45
VIEWED: 5921
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007 5:44 PM


America loves a winner!

For those who saw the 2 hr season finale, what did y'all think ? I'm glad things made it to a point of resolution, in some ways, but wtf was up w/ that ending ?

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First, I want to say how much it sucks that Charlie seems to have died. Dude could have swum out the window after the room filled up w/ water! But alas, it's what was foretold....*sigh*

Ok, now wtf was up w/ the flashFORWARDS ? Seems they got off the island, and guess what.... Jack's father is ALIVE?? That, or he was delirious from the Oxy, because he told that new doctor to go check Jack's dad, and if Jack was drunker than him, he could fire Jack. Please, I need to have THAT explained.

And who was in the casket ? Was it Sawyer ? Or is Kate with Sawyer now, and maybe it was John Locke in the box. Who ?

Man, what an odd ending, and oh.... how are they going to be LOST next season when he's already been found ?

Very confused

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 6:13 PM


Confused, yes. But definitely excited now.

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I like the fact that Charlie did in fact die, and that he was at peace with it. And that through him, Desmond and Penelope knew that the other was alive and that they would meet again. But if Naomi's not with her, then who is she working for? And are they the actual bad guys or was Ben telling the truth for once. The fact that the code was bars from "Good Vibrations" was a great touch and confirms that that song will automatically make any moment creepy.

But yeah, the reveal that it wasn't a flashback but a flash-FORWARD really got my attention. I always wondered what it would be like if we actually got to see what happened to the characters AFTER they left the island. Why should the last episode be just them getting picked up and leave and that's it? I think it would have been fascinating to see what their lives would be like after they get home. Because Ben brings up an interesting point. For some of the characters, there's nothing really to get home to, so why would they be in a rush to leave? I know Locke definitely wants to stay put.

So I do hope that they continue to have flash forwards with the characters so that we can see what life is like for them after the island. You can only flashback to a character so many times before we know everything about them. But one more Kate flashback so that we can see Nate again on the series.

One more thing. What's WAAALLLLTTTTT (I always say Walt's name like that since I saw the season 1 finale)doing back on the island? Or is it the smoke monster or Jacob in another form telling Locke to get off his ass?

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 6:31 PM


What was Jack referring to -- "I'm tired of lying"?

Great episode. I'm still not sure what is directing Locke's actions. There seems to be some underlying force that isn't necessarily from within him. Does that make sense?

I like the fact that everyone seems to have snapped. It's become do or die and everyone stepped up to the plate (well, except Bernard but he's NOT Rambo after all).

At least they gave us a sense that the episodes will be different next season. I can't wait.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 7:39 PM


I'm kind of torn on the finale - I'm not sure if it's just that there was a lot of hype about the finale or what but...

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While I hated that Charlie died, I liked the way it played out. On another forum someone made a comment that the characters who die (the ones from Flight 815 anyway) have just made peace with themselves and that seems to apply here (and maybe explains why Locke lived).

I thought Aaron crying when Charlie died was a nice, bittersweet moment.

The flashforward thing didn't really surprise me... they just weren't fitting in with what we know of Jack's past (and his amount of facial hair kept bothering me).

Shouldn't Kate be in prison? Along with Sawyer?

I like where the show appears to be headed, at least in that it's moved forward, but I'm wondering if it's just going to lead to a lot more questions than answers.[/spoilers]


Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:19 AM


I think somehow all the future stuff is "flexible". The fact that Jack said something about going to get his father upstairs at the hospital says that either 1) he is off his rocker or 2) this is some alternate future where his father doesn't die.

Is it going to be all a dream? A hallucination?

I was thinking it might be Ben in the casket, but Locke makes sense also. (I just can't see Locke being willing to leave the island.)

What's with Walt showing up? Is that really "Jacob" just telling Lock to get off his butt and DO something?

I guess the fact that we have so many questions means it was a good finale (unlike Heroes).


I've been sane a long while now, and change is good...


Thursday, May 24, 2007 6:37 AM


Yeah, but with Heroes they were trying to make a clean break and start over fresh for next season.

I'm real interested to see where Lost is going to go next season. Should be pretty interesting. And I always did hate Charlie. The bittersweet thing with Aaron crying, could have done without that. But all in all a very good episode.

How about Hurley saving the day with the bus!!!


Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:00 AM


You've pretty much covered the basics of the finale - a couple of surprises i guess, but the thing that really, really bugs me is.....

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why the hell did Locke kill Namoi... and with a knife, when he was holding a loaded gun - well savinging ammo maybe, but why kill her at all - it served no purpose...

i really try to stay with this program - but then again sometimes i think it is a complete waste of time....


Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:34 AM


Okay, I get why Charlie didn't swim out the window, because even tho he's a small guy, it looked too small for him to fit thru. But why the heck didn't he just dash out the door the instant the grenade went off? Even if he couldn't seal it shut behind him, there was time for him and Desmond to dive into the moonpool and swim out-and-up to safety. He'd already turned off the jamming, and gotten the info from Penny; there was no reason to just stay there and die.

On the other hand, I never really liked his character all that much, so I won't miss him the way I still do with Eko. Jin, Sayid, and Hurley ALL had close calls last night, and I would've REALLY hated to see any of them go...


Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:58 AM



Originally posted by Redlava:

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How about Hurley saving the day with the bus!!!

I really liked that part!

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I had begun to dislike Charlie a lot.
Losing him really got to me though. I thought he was really brave.
But I have to admit I thought they could have let him and Desmond dive thru the moonpool and escape.

After losing my interest completely for awhile, they really reawakened my curiosity with the last couple of episodes.

I'm looking forward to next season now!

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Thursday, May 24, 2007 9:56 AM


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The reason Charlie decided to die and not save his ass was because if he had defied Desmond's flash of the future, then Claire and Aaron wouldn't be able to leave the island on the helicopter. That was the whole reason he did it. The earlier episode with Desmond's flash of Naomi arriving proved that by changing one of the flashes, then the outcome would be altered. So Charlie had to die in order to save Claire, Aaron and everyone else on the island.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Thursday, May 24, 2007 10:02 AM



Originally posted by ReginaRoadie:

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The reason Charlie decided to die and not save his ass was because if he had defied Desmond's flash of the future, then Claire and Aaron wouldn't be able to leave the island on the helicopter. That was the whole reason he did it. The earlier episode with Desmond's flash of Naomi arriving proved that by changing one of the flashes, then the outcome would be altered. So Charlie had to die in order to save Claire, Aaron and everyone else on the island.

I knew that.
Just lost it in the discussion. LOL

To join us go here: http://www.serenitymovie.org/browncoats/forums/index.php?showtopic=870


Thursday, May 24, 2007 10:37 AM


The thing you've got to remember about "The Looking Glass":

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Without getting too technical (cause that spoils the fun of the show) if Charlie had not shut and locked the door, both he and Desmond would have died.

The amount of water rushing into the control center alone was potentially not enough to physically crush anyone. However if the door hadn't been closed, the Moonpool would have exploded up into the module at a much greater speed and with more mass which would have easily crushed and killed both Desmond and Charlie.

If, by chance, they were not crushed and killed, they still would not have been able to swim out through the Moonpool, as the direction of flowing water would have prevented it. They both would have drowned, much like those poor souls who die becasue they are too close to a sinking ship, they get sucked in.

Just my idle 2 cents.


Friday, May 25, 2007 1:19 AM


America loves a winner!

A few more things which bothered me about the finale'....

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Jack says he keeps flying back and forth over the Pacific, hoping his plane will crash - again - on the Island. 2 things are wrong w/ that. We know that the reason that Oceanic 815 crashed due to the pulse from the hatch, because Desmond didn't reset the clock. That device is destroyed now, so how's he expecting the plane to crash EXACTLY on the Island again? Have you SEEN how big the Pacific ocean is ? And another thing, he got RESCUED! By that fact alone, the location of the island has to be known. Even if for some reason the exact location isn't known, the general area is. It doesn't make sense that Jack would blindly fly over and over the ocean , no where near where his last plane crashed, looking for his island again.

Kate and Sawyer. Would they really be able to stick together, after they got off the island ? Think about it. Both have been on the run from the law for a long time, and Kate at least is a known fugitive. Supposing she some how slipped past the authoriies undetected upon arriving back to civilization, she'd have to stay low and hope they think she had died in the crash. And Sawyer, what sort of man would he become now that he had finally caught up to his name sake ? Would that 'change' him to a better man, or would he simply fall back to the ways he'd grown accustomed to? Either way, would he still stick around with Kate, get a 'real' job and settle down? I'm guessing that it's a stretch that those 2 are really together. But if they are, then why are THEY still alive too ? Wasn't saving them a death sentence as well ?

I do not think what we saw is really what we think we saw. That's all I'm sayin'.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, May 25, 2007 7:15 AM


OK, first off, this whole topic is about the season finale, says so in the title. If you didn't watch the episode, and are going to be upset about it being spoiled, don't read the damned thread! So I am not going to use the spoiler things on my thoughts.

Whoever said the Charlie died so Claire and Aaron could get on the helicopter had it right. He could have lived if he wanted, but needed to drown in the way Desmond told him he would to make Desmond's whole vision come true. At least that was his thinking, so his death made perfect sense.

I don't think that Jack talking about his dad was an alternate timeline or him truly hallucinating. I think he was stoned, and talked about his dad being drunk upstairs. My guess is it was just one of those things people kind of screw up when they are high.

My guess is it was Michael's "funeral" that Jack went to, given the part of town it was in and no one else showed up. Very hard to say though.

Loved the episode, and can't wait till February.


Friday, May 25, 2007 7:43 AM



Originally posted by patsrule:
I don't think that Jack talking about his dad was an alternate timeline or him truly hallucinating. I think he was stoned, and talked about his dad being drunk upstairs. My guess is it was just one of those things people kind of screw up when they are high.

But also, don't forget that when he was trying to get a refill on his drugs, he handed the pharmacist a prescription (supposedly) written by his dad...


Friday, May 25, 2007 7:51 AM


whoa, Patsrule, you are such a rebel!... actually, i have always thought the little blue spoiler thing to be a tad silly, i mean who's not gonna read it, right?

anyway, after watching the finale online last night (i missed a part there in the middle) - i have to say that i have no empathy for any of the characters - or the ones left anyway - i did like charlie and eko - and even naomi (well i just like the name Naomi), but this core group, jack, kate, sawyer, locke -et al, they all have serious baggage and IMO are just stuck in purgatory on their way to hell....


Friday, May 25, 2007 10:58 PM



Originally posted by Stegasaurus:
Without getting too technical (cause that spoils the fun of the show) if Charlie had not shut and locked the door, both he and Desmond would have died.

The amount of water rushing into the control center alone was potentially not enough to physically crush anyone. However if the door hadn't been closed, the Moonpool would have exploded up into the module at a much greater speed and with more mass which would have easily crushed and killed both Desmond and Charlie.

If, by chance, they were not crushed and killed, they still would not have been able to swim out through the Moonpool, as the direction of flowing water would have prevented it. They both would have drowned, much like those poor souls who die becasue they are too close to a sinking ship, they get sucked in.

I'm not too sure about this. Yes, the water would have risen through the moonpool, but why would it have done it so explosively? Sure, it would've been quick, too quick for anyone to escape through it while it's rising, but not enough to crush anyone by a long shot. It could only rise as quickly as air was able to escape, which wouldn't have been too quick since the window is a comparatively tiny hole and a lot of water is coming through it from the other direction.

The part I'm more concerned about is that I don't see how that room Charlie was in could've filled with water; I think the water could have only risen to a level just above the window since after that the air wouldn't be able to escape anymore. This applies to the whole station as well, so that if the door hadn't been closed the water would have risen by only about 7 or so feet.

Questions are a burden to others. Answers are prison for oneself.


Friday, May 25, 2007 11:19 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
And who was in the casket ? Was it Sawyer ? Or is Kate with Sawyer now, and maybe it was John Locke in the box. Who ?

My guess is Michael.

Questions are a burden to others. Answers are prison for oneself.


Saturday, May 26, 2007 1:22 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Khyron:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
And who was in the casket ? Was it Sawyer ? Or is Kate with Sawyer now, and maybe it was John Locke in the box. Who ?

My guess is Michael.

Michael in the coffin makes more and more sense. And remember, Locke wanted to stay on the Island, as did Walt. Why must we assume they WERE rescued ?

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, May 26, 2007 6:30 AM


What happened to Charlie was suppose to happen and he knew it. Therefore he decided not to change things. As for the rest of the eps. It sure left more questins than answers. Good writing by the creators of the show will hook everyone into tuning in next season. Smart move.



Saturday, May 26, 2007 11:19 AM


They've alluded to the fact that Kate might be pregnant with Sawyer's child.
I'm not saying that's why they might be together in the future. Just sayin'
Sounds like there's been some lyin' goin' on from Jack & Kate and possibly anyone else who was rescued. From the flash forward, I'm guessing, though that a lot of them died and Jack carries that on his conscience. That's really the only thing I can imagine that would make him want to die.
Since we know it isn't Penny's boat sitting off the island, then perhaps Ben was right. Maybe they show up and start exterminating all the island's inhabitants. Possibly retribution for what the Hostiles did to the Dharma Initiative settlers.
But, then again, why did Naomi have a picture of Des & Penny?
Soooo confused -- too many new questions, never enough answers. God, I love this show!



Saturday, May 26, 2007 2:23 PM


Some ideas.


What was Jack referring to -- "I'm tired of lying"?

I think it was about the island and what happened on it. We don't know how Jack and Kate got off the island. The show has never stated that they were rescued, if Des's flashes are really true then all we know is that Claire and Aaron get on a chopper. No one else has been mentioned.
We don't know what the situation with the island is in the future. There may be circumstances yet to occur that force them to lie about it all.

On another note we know that Dharma on the island ('cept Ben) were wiped out by the Hostiles/natives. They then used the Dharma hatches/equipment as they saw fit and still kept the island hidden from the outside world. Dharma in the outside world would be looking for 'their' island and probably picked up on the same signal Penny got. Dharma then faked the crash of 815 (the one with no survivors) to halt a rescue attempt, but still kept looking themselves.
I think Naomi works for Dharma and the ship she came from is Dharmas. Dharma may know about Penny looking for Desmond (or Penny may be Dharma herself) and they use that as a cover story on the island. Naomi then happens to be the one who finds the island (obviously not a planned crash as she was too badly injured). She then finds a way to signal out and Dharma find the island.
This would then lead me to think that what Ben said is true. Dharma will either wipe everyone out on the island and destroy it (as much as they can) or they'll take it back (more probable). Either way they'll get rid of the natives.
Jack and Kate (and any others that got off) may have had to make a deal to keep quiet to be allowed off the island.

Just some thoughts at the momentm but I've got half a year to fine tune it!!!

"If I hear voices and someone is really there, does that mean I'm going REALLY crazy?"


Sunday, May 27, 2007 6:54 AM


Holy hell, that finale was GOOD! I was pretty much watching the whole thing with mouth wide open and in freak-out mode. This won't make much sense, I'm warning you now.

MIKHAEL - FUCKING DIE ALREADY!!! That bastard. I was hoping there was still some hope for Charlie when he didn't die straightaway but apparently not :-( That had me tear up, but good on him for getting a final message through to Desmond! And wow, he and Penny were SO CLOSE but they still didn't get to talk. Dammit!

Sawyer you asshole, stop being so mean. I love him but I kinda wanted to smack him round the head for what he said to Kate (sorry sblue, I am not a fan of Kate/Jack). And yay! Juliet is really not evil!! That was so cool. I felt really sorry for Hurley but I was grinning like a mad-woman when I saw him tearing down the beach in the camper van - so awesome! And Sawyer was badass in shooting Tom. "That's for taking the kid off the boat" - fuck yeah! OH MY GOD, I was SO glad to see Jin, Sayid and Bernard were still alive, my heart literally stopped when we heard the three gunshots over the radio *shakes head* Very good mislead, it has to be said. Now I wonder whether they'll get to the others up beside the radio station before the other others find them all. Does that make sense? And will Desmond make it back at all?!

As for the other others - holy hell. I loathe Ben but I do think he's probably right about these people, or at least, not completely off. I hope they don't turn up and kill everyone - we know our group isn't getting off the island just yet (because there's 3 more seasons) but it's not likely all of them will make it.

I'm glad we got to see Locke, I was worryied he had just died. WALT!!!! Seeing him again was SO cool, I knew when I saw his name that he'd make an appearance but never did I think it would be on the island, I thought it'd be in a flashback! My, he's grown. It does make me wonder what's so special about him though, I want to know more, dammit! "You have work to do" - great moment.

As for the not-flashback...WOOOOAAAHHH. Confused!!!! So they definitely eventually make it off the island, but things have gone to hell for Jack. I'm so curious about finding out whose funeral that was, and why his life is suddenly so shit. Wow. That was awesome, never did I expect the woman to be Kate.

Jack beating on Ben was great, he deserved it. Glad Alex FINALLY got to meet her real mum. Locke's sudden reappearance was shocking (bye bye Naomi, nice to know ya while it lasted). And Rose rocked - "if you say 'live together, die alone' to me Jack, I'm gonna punch you in your face". Ha!

All in all, a brilliant finale, and I'm already counting down the days til the next season.

"Shiny! Let's be bad guys."


Sunday, May 27, 2007 10:34 AM



Originally posted by Wynter:
WALT!!!! Seeing him again was SO cool, I knew when I saw his name that he'd make an appearance but never did I think it would be on the island, I thought it'd be in a flashback! My, he's grown. It does make me wonder what's so special about him though, I want to know more, dammit! "You have work to do" - great moment.

I don't think it was Walt. I think it's the smoke monster who causes all these visions (Jack's Dad, all the Walt's, Kate's horse, maybe even Hurley's vision of Jin in the hatch).

I don't think Michael and Walt have got home either. They may have been picked up by the people on Naomi's boat. Walt will return by the end of the show (although if he keeps growing then he may be to old)!!

"If I hear voices and someone is really there, does that mean I'm going REALLY crazy?"


Thursday, May 31, 2007 10:45 AM


Love talking about LOST However I'm going into spoiler mode because I may inadvertently mention something about another show that someone really doesn't want to read. So

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Yes a great season finalé and a great season as a whole. I have a few friends who have given up on it, but I'm going to see it through. I know it has its roppey moments but what show doesn't. At least lost is trying stuff. FLASH-FORWARDS!!!

What a masterstroke! I love the idea that they may now base the characters on the island and yet present flash-forwards instead. What a great way to see the show to it's conclusion. We did indeed see jack in a low moment, but there's nothing to say it is his final moment. He may well get his act together - so hang in their crew.

I think most significant cliffhangers have been discussed but I have to mention the almost laughable Mikael - I mean this guy can't die!!! He has a harpoon in his chest and yet he is able to swim outside the looking glass and round to the side with Charlie's window and present him with a grenade and just hang around ! Incredible. I did laugh at that - it was a bit of a stretch. I mean holding your breath for that length of time is tough anyway, but to do it with a punctured lung is miraculous.

Also why'd they kill off the cute one in the looking glass 1st down there! Damn.

One other thing did anyone spot the 'rabbit' icon on the exterior to the looking glass? The literary theme continues. I don't know what it means I just noticed it and became all excited. You know Alice through the looking glass and a 'rabbit' well hare I guess but the icon looked like a rabbit :D

As for the coffin - I did think Michael also, but wouldn't walt have been there at least? And on the subject of Walt - he grew up quickly!! Voice broken and everything!!! Must be a nightmare for the creators and the continuity







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