Crappy Sci Fi

UPDATED: Saturday, July 5, 2008 10:10
VIEWED: 9242
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Sunday, October 6, 2002 10:04 AM


We've been talking for a while about shows that get it right. But shows that get it wrong can be equally enlightening. I'd like to propose the following shows:

Space Above and Beyond - too depressing.

Star Trek DS9 - Started OK, but turned into Space Above and Beyond in the later seasons.

Sliders, once it went on Sci Fi - like X-files, it was forced to continue long after it had jumped the shark. It was just painful to watch.


"You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong... It's about Power." —Morph-O-Monster, "Lessons"


Sunday, October 6, 2002 12:37 PM


This could be interesting...

Battlestar Gallactica: this Star Wars wannabe is beyond horrendous, especially when they had the season that basically took place on Earth in the 1970s. Purely awful stuff.

Harsh Realm: you know why this show was cancelled after three episodes? Not because of lack of marketing on Fox's part, but because the show sucked. Does everything Carter touch turn to garbage?

Dark Skies: a blatant X-Files rip-off which aired while the X-Files was still decent and popular. Poorly written and acted.

Star Trek: Voyager: this show had potential but instead flushed it down the toilet. Technobabble was what this series was all about, plus it had some of the most obnoxious, annoying characters in Trek history.

Mutant X: I don't know if it's sci-fi or not but either way Marvel should have sued these guys into oblivion.

The Visitor: this show had a decent premise but since the storytelling and the acting was so terrible nothing could save the show. Just because "Independence Day" was a hit doesn't mean you can make a good TV series.

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Sunday, October 6, 2002 3:27 PM



Originally posted by Ringwraith:

Battlestar Gallactica: this Star Wars wannabe is beyond horrendous, especially when they had the season that basically took place on Earth in the 1970s. Purely awful stuff.

Yeah, I could just see them watching Star Wars, and putting together the TV vesion. Evil empire? Check. Plucky rebels? Check. Bad guys in clumsy armor? Check. Cute robot? Check.

Of course, every SF show during that period had a cute robot. Talk about strange fads.

Anyway, since you hated BG so thoroughly, you probably won't want to follow this link :




Monday, October 7, 2002 1:57 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

Originally posted by Ringwraith:

Battlestar Gallactica: this Star Wars wannabe is beyond horrendous, especially when they had the season that basically took place on Earth in the 1970s. Purely awful stuff.

Yeah, I could just see them watching Star Wars, and putting together the TV vesion. Evil empire? Check. Plucky rebels? Check. Bad guys in clumsy armor? Check. Cute robot? Check.

Of course, every SF show during that period had a cute robot. Talk about strange fads.

Anyway, since you hated BG so thoroughly, you probably won't want to follow this link :



Actually, George Lucas unsuccessfully sued the createtors of Battlestar for copyright infringment.


"You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong... It's about Power." —Morph-O-Monster, "Lessons"


Monday, October 7, 2002 8:28 AM


Hey! I loved the last five years of Star Trek: DS9. I think that show is WAY underappreciated. Once Sisko was promoted to Captain and the big story arcs kicked in I thought DS9 came in second only to ST:TNG.

FYI: Mutant X IS Marvel. It's not technically a comic book adaptation, but we know what Marvel does for a living, right? Comic book writer Howard Chaykin is a main writer on that show. I watched Mutant X for awhile but I'd much rather see an actual X-Men weekly show and not a pale imitation.

Re: Lucas...
Perhaps Lucas should sue himself for copyright infringement for those last two Star Wars installments.



Monday, October 7, 2002 4:41 PM



Harsh Realm: you know why this show was cancelled after three episodes? Not because of lack of marketing on Fox's part, but because the show sucked. Does everything Carter touch turn to garbage?

Complete argreement here, though Millenium was at least sporadically interesting.


Dark Skies: a blatant X-Files rip-off which aired while the X-Files was still decent and popular. Poorly written and acted.

Now see, I thought this shows "timeline" concept was at least interesting. The writing was alright on occassion as well (when the writers didn't fall in love with the fact that they had the opportunity to shoe horn in historical figures into the narrative that is) though I don't recall being impressed with the actors. All in all a lot better than Profiler (a show that accompanied Dark Skies that got better promotion and network support) and at least as good as The Pretender (with Skies and Profiler the third part of the "Saturday Night Thrillogy" for, I believe, NBC).


Star Trek: Voyager: this show had potential but instead flushed it down the toilet. Technobabble was what this series was all about, plus it had some of the most obnoxious, annoying characters in Trek history.

Though Robert Picardo as the holodoc tried his best to make this intersting.


Mutant X: I don't know if it's sci-fi or not but either way Marvel should have sued these guys into oblivion.

Now see I didn't find this all that bad. I didn't love it, but I can see how it has gotten good word of mouth (and it is better than Andromeda, the only other syndicated sci-fi that was on last year).

As for bad sci-fi shows, allow me to nominate:

Seaquest DSV - It was by turns either bland (the beginning of its first season and the short-run third season) or stupid (most of season 1 and all of season 2). Which made it all the more surprising when you realize who was behind it: Rockne S. O'Bannon (the future creator of Farscape), Tommy Thompson (who was a supervising producer for Quantum Leap), Lawrence Herzog (the future creator of Nowhere Man), Steven Spielberg (well this should be obvious). All that talent and this was what we got? ugh. Also: Overly cute talking dophin. Double ugh.

"It looks like a great adventure...That's what it is; that's what it feels like. When I saw the pilot, it was really engaging. It was exciting. It was unusual. It threw me off every now and then. I think people will be grabbed by it." - Ron Glass, on the pilot, during an interview with the Indianapolis Star


Monday, October 7, 2002 5:56 PM



Originally posted by millernate:

Harsh Realm: you know why this show was cancelled after three episodes? Not because of lack of marketing on Fox's part, but because the show sucked. Does everything Carter touch turn to garbage?

Complete argreement here, though Millenium was at least sporadically interesting.


I also found Harsh Realm thoroughly worthy of cancellation. Millennium I really loved through it's first two seasons (especially the second). After it was unexpectedly renewed for a third season, it became an almost unwatchable would-be XF clone, though.


Monday, October 7, 2002 7:27 PM


Bring Back Dark Angel! I can't say cancel Firefly, because I'm boycotting FOX and I don't watch it, but no show is worth the cancellation of Dark Angel!


Monday, October 7, 2002 10:24 PM


And if Fox's reason for dropping Dark Angel had been that they were picking up Firefly, you might have a point. As it is, I must say "Go away, troll."


Tuesday, October 8, 2002 6:29 AM



Originally posted by Haplo721:
And if Fox's reason for dropping Dark Angel had been that they were picking up Firefly, you might have a point. As it is, I must say "Go away, troll."

Not necessarily true. If Firefly hadn't been available to fill the slot, they might have tried to keep Dark Angel alive just a little longer. Have to have something in the time slot.

Not sure Dark Angel fans would have been pleased with the results, though. When they're struggling to keep a show alive, the results are often pretty pathetic.



Tuesday, October 8, 2002 11:05 AM


Yes, if Joss hadn't provided the second pilot in time, Fox would have given Dark Angel another half season. And the fans would still be mad because a half season isn't nearly enough time to wrap everything up.


Tuesday, October 8, 2002 3:20 PM



Originally posted by Hjermsted:
Hey! I loved the last five years of Star Trek: DS9. I think that show is WAY underappreciated. Once Sisko was promoted to Captain and the big story arcs kicked in I thought DS9 came in second only to ST:TNG.

In some respects, the fact that it had an ongoing arc to it made it better than ST:TNG during it's last few seasons. It went to a definite end, while Picard and his gang meandered about the Galaxy looking for anything to pull a show together with.


Re: Lucas...
Perhaps Lucas should sue himself for copyright infringement for those last two Star Wars installments.


He certainly should sue himself for coming up with Jar Jar Binks. That certainly earned him a place in the special part of Hell.

Now isn't that...special.


Tuesday, October 8, 2002 3:33 PM


I'll throw in a couple of nominees for really crappy sci-fi:

1). Buck Rodgers. How may of you remember that one, especially in the last season? The first couple of seasons were O.K. since they were never meant to be taken as anything other than double-entrandre filled fluff. But who the heck thought the reverse Battlestar Galactica plotline would fly?

And let's not even start with the bird guy, a runner up for most useless hero-type next to Aquaman!

2). Battlestar 1980: NO, I do not and will never consider that a season of Battlestar Galactica. I liked that series, and I hated to see it fall to ABC machinations...and I really hated to see what they did with it's name and gear.

3). Beauty and the Beast: Sci-fi or fantasy, you decide. But it had a following for a season or so, it's costoming was topnotch, but it turned into covering for dross very quickly. When they do a version of "It's a Wonderful Life" on something like that, you know the writing is sinking faster than the Titanic!


Sunday, November 24, 2002 8:01 PM


LivingImapired - I agree with you BIG TIME on the DS9 opinion. Instead of thrying to be themselves, they tried to be S:AAB, and B5. Plus Ron Moore's obnoxious Marty Sam that pretended to be Worf and upstaged everyone grated on my nerves!

Sci fi that sucks...

Earth: Final Conflict - had EVERYTHING. Good writers, decent actors, a killer premise, and still managed to screw up every time! Loved the set-up, but the execution was awful.

Seaquest:DSV - Season one was pretty solid, but what in hell happened? It went from plausible to silly, replaced the cast with Baywatch, and just kept getting more outlandish the further it dragged.

V, the TV series: The 2 miniseries were great. My sister is addicted still, and has a pretty extensive V collection. The TV series was another matter. When it wasn't confusing, it was way to heavy-handed with the Nazi allegory.

Are cartoons legal to list or are we just bashing the live-action trash?

Co-founder of the Evil Writing Crew - causing hell, one hero at a time!


Monday, November 25, 2002 4:59 AM



Originally posted by Allronix:
Are cartoons legal to list or are we just bashing the live-action trash?

As the founder of this thread, I officially declare that all sci-fi is fair game. TV, movie, cartoon. Although anything made originally for tv would be most on topic.


So I'm an idiot. What are you? Perfect?


Monday, November 25, 2002 6:49 AM


Hey, I really liked Battlestar Gallactica even that show "V"!!! Does ne1 remember THAT show? It was great. I'd luv 2 c V series come to SF...


Monday, November 25, 2002 6:58 AM



Originally posted by Astro599:
Bring Back Dark Angel! I can't say cancel Firefly, because I'm boycotting FOX and I don't watch it, but no show is worth the cancellation of Dark Angel!

I agree with you totally (Astro599)!! Really dugged DARK ANGEL. Iwas so shocked when they weren't showing it anymore...damn!!


Monday, November 25, 2002 7:09 AM



Originally posted by Thegn:
That retarded show about the stupid space vampire. Someone should be fired over that one.

Hey are you talking about that show "LEXX"?? LoL...Well if u r, Yeah, it really did suck!!! LoL


Monday, November 25, 2002 7:39 AM



Originally posted by Astro599:
Bring Back Dark Angel! I can't say cancel Firefly, because I'm boycotting FOX and I don't watch it, but no show is worth the cancellation of Dark Angel!

OK, I dont' have a problem with Dark Angel fans. But that said, if you are boycotting Firefly or any reason, what the frickin heck are you doing at a sit called fireflyfans.net???


Instead of us hanging around playing art critic till I get pinched by the Man, how's about we move away from this eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie-ass day?


Monday, November 25, 2002 8:00 AM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
Star Trek DS9 - Started OK, but turned into Space Above and Beyond in the later seasons.

Disagree ENTIRELY!!! I loved ST:DS9, especially the later years! And while the final season wasn't my favorite, it was very good, while the next to the last season was simply AWESOME!


Sliders, once it went on Sci Fi - like X-files, it was forced to continue long after it had jumped the shark. It was just painful to watch.

K. Totally agree here. I didn't have Sci-fi channel and so hadn't seen sliders for a while, but when I finally could see it on sci-fi, I was totally dismayed.

I also felt like that about Quantum Leap, which, after a while, had just plain run out of ideas, and had fallen victim to gimmicky stuff like running into the personifications of good and evil, stuff that really seemed to go out of character for the show.

QueenTiye, Companion Academy, class of 2006


Thursday, June 26, 2008 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Astro599:
Bring Back Dark Angel! I can't say cancel Firefly, because I'm boycotting FOX and I don't watch it, but no show is worth the cancellation of Dark Angel!

friend for life ,in total agreement

da and firefly forever


Thursday, June 26, 2008 4:54 AM


I enjoyed Star Treks Next Gen, DS9, and Voyager, but I will admit that Voyager did seem a little long in the tooth shortly after season four, and I wasn’t too happy about the transition of Worf to DS9 from Next Gen. In DS9 I at first blamed the emergence of Worf on that show breaking up the most intriguing story line of that show being the Doctor’s pursuit of Dax, but the show developed better story lines and I later discovered that pursuit of Dax was ended when Nana Visitor and Alexander Siddig got married.

To me really bad Sci Fi would be considered the Starlost.



Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:17 AM


Ice pirates, and yet I love it

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse
www.texasartcat.com/bluesun.html <--my bluesunshop


Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:42 PM


Hello TheNightman:

I have to agree with you on Buck Rodgers. It went from a mediocre show to pile of .

The costumes alone were terrible. Who ever designed those outfits should be place in front of a TV and forced to watch their own creation till the end of time.

This was not Science Fiction, but a travesty.

And the bird guy. Thanks for reminding me. Now the nightmares will begin again.



Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:55 PM


ARK II was pretty crappy too, in it they talked about how industry and overdevelopment were ruining the planet. Those silly bastards.



Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:52 PM


Threshold. Two words: Simply. Unwatchable.

Invasion. See "Threshold". I actually had the DVD set, and gave it away after struggling through the first five episodes. Mustn't-see TV.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. I think I was about 15 when this came out, and even then I could recognize it as complete bile.

ARK II - wasn't that kind of based on the movie "Damnation Alley", or was it just a similar vehicle?


Takin' Care of Business, Baby!


Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:57 PM


Just a similar vehicle but even then not all that similar.



Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:26 PM


My vote goes to Lost In Space (boy am I dating myself).

It was so bad, it was good. Definitely a guilty pleasure.

2 words: Dr. Smith!

lol (can't help it, the actor was intentionally over the top)

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Friday, June 27, 2008 3:01 AM



Originally posted by traveler:
Hello TheNightman:

I have to agree with you on Buck Rodgers. It went from a mediocre show to pile of .

The costumes alone were terrible. Who ever designed those outfits should be place in front of a TV and forced to watch their own creation till the end of time.

This was not Science Fiction, but a travesty.

And the bird guy. Thanks for reminding me. Now the nightmares will begin again.


I take slight exception to your opinion of the show. Yes, a lot of it was cheezy, and yes some of the costumes were silly, and yes Hawk's character was a bit over the top...however there was also a lot to be admired about the show :
Pamela Susan Shoop's costume as Tangy in Vegas In Space...you have a problem with that?
Markie Post's costume as Joella in The Legion Of Doom...you have a problem with that?
"B" movie bad-guy William Smith's costume, hair and harem of young beauties in Buck's Duel To The Death...great stuff!
Famous actor and political activist Tim Robbins' epic portrayal of a slave overseer working for Jack Palance as Kaleel in Planet of the Slave Girls...how memorable was that?
Other great guest appearances by :
Cesar Romero
Ana Alicia ( Battlestar babe as well )
Ann Lockhart ( Battlestar babe as well )
Frank Gorshin
Gary Coleman
Dorothy Stratten
Raymond Biery
Julie Newmar
Sid Haig
Vera Miles
Ann Dusenberry
Anne Jeffries
Michael Ansara
Peter Graves
Buster Crabbe
Sam Jaffe
Richard Lynch
and too many more to name.......
I watched all the episodes as they originally aired from 1980-1981. I can tell you that for some of us who were disappointed when Battlestar got cancelled in 1979, having Buck on the tube was almost as good. I met Gil Gerard & Erin Gray this past January at Megacon in Orlando. Erin was friendly & awesome, upbeat and fun. Gil seemed a little bitter. He really didn't want to talk much about the show, and I thought to myself why the hell is he here in the first place.


Friday, June 27, 2008 1:01 PM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
We've been talking for a while about shows that get it right. But shows that get it wrong can be equally enlightening. I'd like to propose the following shows:

Space Above and Beyond - too depressing.

Star Trek DS9 - Started OK, but turned into Space Above and Beyond in the later seasons.

Sliders, once it went on Sci Fi - like X-files, it was forced to continue long after it had jumped the shark. It was just painful to watch.

Sliders - weird it has fans... such a terrible show - and a rip of Dr Who beyond litigation!

the horrible irony being that the new verion of Dr Who (post-sliders) has clearly been influenced in turn - especially season 2.

as for the crappy? every fracking bit of Stargate SG1, just a wretched and horrible show.

voyager. hate that one too.

through the years most sci-fi on tv has actually been really bad (compared to books and comics) - which is why Firefly was such a revelation to me. Good work carried on by BSG.


Friday, June 27, 2008 2:00 PM


I liked Lost in Space and have episode of it on my web site along with Firefly. I will admit that the earlier black and white shows were better because they were more serious in the Science Fiction side of the story, and while the later stories had their good points they where mostly nothing more than a commentary on time with a dose of comedy for ratings.



Friday, June 27, 2008 2:57 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by traveler:
Hello TheNightman:

I have to agree with you on Buck Rodgers. It went from a mediocre show to pile of .

The costumes alone were terrible. Who ever designed those outfits should be place in front of a TV and forced to watch their own creation till the end of time.

This was not Science Fiction, but a travesty.

And the bird guy. Thanks for reminding me. Now the nightmares will begin again.


I take slight exception to your opinion of the show. Yes, a lot of it was cheezy, and yes some of the costumes were silly, and yes Hawk's character was a bit over the top...however there was also a lot to be admired about the show :
Pamela Susan Shoop's costume as Tangy in Vegas In Space...you have a problem with that?
Markie Post's costume as Joella in The Legion Of Doom...you have a problem with that?
"B" movie bad-guy William Smith's costume, hair and harem of young beauties in Buck's Duel To The Death...great stuff!
Famous actor and political activist Tim Robbins' epic portrayal of a slave overseer working for Jack Palance as Kaleel in Planet of the Slave Girls...how memorable was that?
Other great guest appearances by :
Cesar Romero
Ana Alicia ( Battlestar babe as well )
Ann Lockhart ( Battlestar babe as well )
Frank Gorshin
Gary Coleman
Dorothy Stratten
Raymond Biery
Julie Newmar
Sid Haig
Vera Miles
Ann Dusenberry
Anne Jeffries
Michael Ansara
Peter Graves
Buster Crabbe
Sam Jaffe
Richard Lynch
and too many more to name.......
I watched all the episodes as they originally aired from 1980-1981. I can tell you that for some of us who were disappointed when Battlestar got cancelled in 1979, having Buck on the tube was almost as good. I met Gil Gerard & Erin Gray this past January at Megacon in Orlando. Erin was friendly & awesome, upbeat and fun. Gil seemed a little bitter. He really didn't want to talk much about the show, and I thought to myself why the hell is he here in the first place.

I surrender! See I'm holding a white flag. I'm on my knees



Sunday, June 29, 2008 7:46 AM


sg1 must have had something longest running show on us television

as for the crappy? every fracking bit of Stargate SG1, just a wretched and horrible show.

through the years most sci-fi on tv has actually been really bad (compared to books and comics) - which is why Firefly was such a revelation to me. Good work carried on by BSG.

blah blah woof woof


Monday, June 30, 2008 8:35 AM



Originally posted by traveler:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by traveler:
Hello TheNightman:

I have to agree with you on Buck Rodgers. It went from a mediocre show to pile of .

The costumes alone were terrible. Who ever designed those outfits should be place in front of a TV and forced to watch their own creation till the end of time.

This was not Science Fiction, but a travesty.

And the bird guy. Thanks for reminding me. Now the nightmares will begin again.


I take slight exception to your opinion of the show. Yes, a lot of it was cheezy, and yes some of the costumes were silly, and yes Hawk's character was a bit over the top...however there was also a lot to be admired about the show :
Pamela Susan Shoop's costume as Tangy in Vegas In Space...you have a problem with that?
Markie Post's costume as Joella in The Legion Of Doom...you have a problem with that?
"B" movie bad-guy William Smith's costume, hair and harem of young beauties in Buck's Duel To The Death...great stuff!
Famous actor and political activist Tim Robbins' epic portrayal of a slave overseer working for Jack Palance as Kaleel in Planet of the Slave Girls...how memorable was that?
Other great guest appearances by :
Cesar Romero
Ana Alicia ( Battlestar babe as well )
Ann Lockhart ( Battlestar babe as well )
Frank Gorshin
Gary Coleman
Dorothy Stratten
Raymond Biery
Julie Newmar
Sid Haig
Vera Miles
Ann Dusenberry
Anne Jeffries
Michael Ansara
Peter Graves
Buster Crabbe
Sam Jaffe
Richard Lynch
and too many more to name.......
I watched all the episodes as they originally aired from 1980-1981. I can tell you that for some of us who were disappointed when Battlestar got cancelled in 1979, having Buck on the tube was almost as good. I met Gil Gerard & Erin Gray this past January at Megacon in Orlando. Erin was friendly & awesome, upbeat and fun. Gil seemed a little bitter. He really didn't want to talk much about the show, and I thought to myself why the hell is he here in the first place.

I surrender! See I'm holding a white flag. I'm on my knees


Hey Traveler.... I think my "defense" of the show was almost as much over the top as the show itself. I don't accept your "surrender" because you and I have never been in conflict. If Gil Gerard, Buck Rogers himself, says the show was lame, who am I to say otherwise.


Monday, June 30, 2008 10:22 AM


Hey I kind of like Sliders...maybe that's just 'cause I like Jerry O'Connell


Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.


Monday, June 30, 2008 10:57 AM



Originally posted by Kiki:
I agree with you totally (Astro599)!! Really dugged DARK ANGEL.

It was second only to Firefly as the greatest contemporary SF show on TV...Third if you count Star Trek TOS. That first season was the cat's a*s!!!

Here's drek for ya: Earth 2. What a cool concept, great actors...terrible writing.

And Earth: Final Conflict was something that made even Andromeda's final season look good.



Tuesday, July 1, 2008 1:11 PM


Hello Jungstraw:

I actually watched Buck Rodgers until the last season when they made such drastic changes to the show. I never understood the reason for it. when the mey up with some small aliens that would form a circle and chant "Think fix! Think fix!" I finally said enough.

I know I went to far. I have to control my emotions, they will be the ruin of me.



Wednesday, July 2, 2008 4:43 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

I recently netflixed the first disc of Starhunters, and could only watch 3 episodes before i sent it back and dropped the others from my QE.


Thursday, July 3, 2008 9:02 AM



Originally posted by traveler:

I actually watched Buck Rodgers until the last season when they made such drastic changes to the show.

It was fun nonsense, then they turned it into psuedo-science fiction BS.



Thursday, July 3, 2008 9:43 AM


I saw Pride and Prejudice and just don’t understand how this book or movie could ever be considered Sci Fi.



Thursday, July 3, 2008 10:43 AM



Originally posted by traveler:

I actually watched Buck Rodgers until the last season when they made such drastic changes to the show. I never understood the reason for it. when the mey up with some small aliens that would form a circle and chant "Think fix! Think fix!" I finally said enough.


For me it's the episode with the 2 guys painted gold who could touch things and turn them into gold. I was supposed to accept that as an alien life form possibility. And one of them was a notoriously over-used obnoxious kid that was on every show at the time. I think they changed the format in the 2nd season because the directorate and Earth defense thing had run its' course. They wanted to change it to a journey of exploration in space. I did love the hot ladies in skimpy outfits in season 1, and I did like a couple of episodes from the 2nd season.


Friday, July 4, 2008 12:06 PM


If you like the ladies then you might want to try the British SciFi show "UFO" from the seventies.

Purple hair was all the rage back in the seventies. We have a thread discussing it around here somewhere.



Friday, July 4, 2008 2:17 PM


Ya Buck was total cheeze... but I liked it.

Was it good acting? Not by far.

Did they over use Battlestar Galactica scenes? Ya they did, but as someone mentioned before, for those of us missing BSG, Buck was a good fix.

Wasn't a big fan of Stargate movie. The first 20 mins was good, then it went down hill.

Y'know, I can't say I really hated ANY sci-fi. It all had some merits, decent premise, or unique special effects, even if the plot and acting was lacking.

Well... except Bloodrayne... Ewwy Bole... *shudder*.

Starhunter was.... well I really, REALLY wanted to like it. Still really want to like it.

Oh and Starship Troopers 2... yikes.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Saturday, July 5, 2008 10:10 AM


god i hated the next generation star trek with all that talking and men in tight lycra.space apparently fell to the communists and everyone is forced to have the most boring possible time in space .i would be fighting against the federaton if i was to exist in that evil univerese .and dont even get me started with the spin offs man those shows sucked like a dyson

i may be some time






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