remake / re-imagine

UPDATED: Saturday, September 8, 2007 06:15
VIEWED: 7274
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Sunday, August 26, 2007 2:12 PM


ok so we got galactica - remade 're-imagined' alotta hype that more such worthy things would follow - whatta we get Flash Gordon?? and now The Bionic frickin' Woman...

let's make a list of shows people SHOULD try again with (and yes i'd prefer more original product but play along...)

FireFly - obviously becomes Serenity the Movie sries on dvd (neatly by-passing the rights issue coz universal could make it)

Logan's Run - get's my vote for the re-imagining

plus (bending my own rules) Ginger Snaps as a TV series. sisters forever. etc.


Sunday, August 26, 2007 2:27 PM


The Black Hole.

This time give it a real ending and less Ernest Borgnine.


Sunday, August 26, 2007 2:29 PM



Originally posted by dug:
The Black Hole.

This time give it a real ending and less Ernest Borgnine.

yeah and alan tudyk as BOB and Tom Lenk as Vincent!


Monday, August 27, 2007 1:23 AM


I was in the group of peeps that thought the new BSG would be crap. I was wrong, it hooked me straight away, and it's now one of my favourite shows.

I had the same thoughts about The Bionic Woman. Saw the pilot and thought it was mediocre. Don't know if I'll watch a series yet.

Saw The Sarah Connor Chronicles and liked that a lot. Will be watching this one.

I didn't even know about Flash Gordon until I read it in another thread here. Sounds bad. Will be missing this one.

As for ones I'd like to see re-imagined I have to say The Prisoner. This show was ahead of it's time but whilst the story is still great, it is looking dated. I think it could be updated well, bringing in modern themes etc. And be different enough not to be a straight rip of the original.

That's all I can think of now, but I guess we should be watching out for MASH, Buck Rogers, Rocket Man, Columbo, Rockford Files, TJ Hooker.....

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Monday, August 27, 2007 3:05 AM



If there was one show that could be labelled as "missed opportunity" and deserves to be re-created in the same fashion as BATTLESTAR and WHO, it's SLIDERS.

If they can get together four actors with the same chemistry as the original Sliders, stick with the "parallel worlds" idea and have that same satirical edge of the first two seasons, get rid of the Kromaggs and if they have to have an overreaching arch have it be some sort of "fabric of the universe coming apart" deal, than they'd have a great series that hopefully they wouldn't fuck up.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Monday, August 27, 2007 4:39 AM



www.stillflying.net: "Here's how it might have been..."


Monday, August 27, 2007 7:36 AM


I could have sworn that The Matrix was a remake of Tron. Not identical mind you but as close as we're likely to get.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, August 27, 2007 7:42 AM


Quantum Leap

+1 to Sliders too.

(I don;t want a remake of Firefly, but a continuing.)


Monday, August 27, 2007 7:43 AM


The Matrix started out a little bit 'Tron', a lot more Gibson, and then veered into 'Dune', with an awful lot of sub-Arthurian b*ll*cks mixed in. Like so many trilogies, it lost it.

Now, if they would do the 'Neuromancer' Trilogy properly, that would be fabulous.

Actually, 'Dune' done properly would be good. CGI has advanced far enough to make the sandworms possible.


Monday, August 27, 2007 9:11 AM


I know some of our brother and sisters over th other side of the pon dmay not have seen it, but Captain Scarlet was a great concept. A campy crappy kids show from the 60/70's about a soldier of a future international law enforcement agency who couldn't die. Now the fun bitt is that he's not invulnurable. He can get shot, stabbed, blown up, what ever and he appears to die but a few days later he just turns up.

They already tried a remake once, but that was just a CG version of the original.

I always thought that with a bit of work and the right writing staff the central concept could be used as the basis of a series.


Universal HD's Firefly Boards at

Say Thanks to Universal for the BDM at www.bigdamnthankyou.com

nusquam in ut nusquam


Tuesday, August 28, 2007 8:51 AM


'The Matrix' was a remake of sorts, more of a ripoff actually. It's the same basic movie as 'Dark City'. (An excellent movie by the way. It was Roger Ebert's best film of the year when it came out.
Don't get me wrong I loved The Matrix (and hated the sequels like most people).
Neuromancer trilogy is a great idea.
The one I first thought of was a re-imagining of 'Space 1999'... Remember that show?

Politics is the showbiz of industry.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:09 AM



Tuesday, August 28, 2007 10:29 AM


Land of the Lost would be a great candidate for re-imagining (not a re-make, too much 70's camp for that)


Tuesday, August 28, 2007 12:19 PM


I'd love to be involved in remaking Andromeda. This time with fewer executive producers, a more reliable (if not larger) budget, and no involvement from Tribune.

For a few years now I've also been kicking around ideas for a more serious "adult-aimed" Power Rangers prime-time drama (with a group of Rangers who don't necessarily get along, aren't all teenagers, and won't necessarily survive the season, more backstory to the Powers and the mecha, and villains who display as many shades of grey as the heroes).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, August 30, 2007 8:14 PM


It could be worse they might want to remake "Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills." That was a very weird and scary show.



Friday, August 31, 2007 8:30 PM



Originally posted by lwaves:

As for ones I'd like to see re-imagined I have to say The Prisoner. This show was ahead of it's time but whilst the story is still great, it is looking dated. I think it could be updated well, bringing in modern themes etc. And be different enough not to be a straight rip of the original.

That's all I can think of now, but I guess we should be watching out for MASH, Columbo,

I just like the original of the prisoner too much for this - though how about the avengers with anthony head and rachel stirling (diana rigg's talented daughter?) as long as it was NOTHING like the movie!

MASH is canon. Columbo is a browncoat (tho' Falk sure aint)


Friday, August 31, 2007 8:34 PM



Originally posted by SlyC:
'The Matrix' was a remake of sorts, more of a ripoff actually. It's the same basic movie as 'Dark City'. (An excellent movie by the way. It was Roger Ebert's best film of the year when it came out.
Don't get me wrong I loved The Matrix (and hated the sequels like most people).

finally! someone else knows dark city! ! ! yes it was indeed BEFORE the matrix people - go check it out...
nice 1 SlyC.

dataless - the Logan's Run remake is in limbo hell. i would prefer a series anyhoo.


Friday, August 31, 2007 9:57 PM


I saw Dark City and it is a really good movie. The DVD has a commentary track by Roger Ebert (he has lost a lot of his credibility when he said the movie version of the honeymooners was good.) The Matrix is not a remake of Dark City but they are similarly themed. If you think that you might say The Matrix is a remake of The 13th Floor too.


Friday, August 31, 2007 10:59 PM


didn't mean to suggest matrix was a re-make just that dark ciy was a BIG influence -
i think it was just as big an influence on the trueman show.
at the end of the credits Dark City name-checks dennis potter, because of HIS influence on them - and so it goes...


Saturday, September 1, 2007 3:34 AM


The Matrix vs. Dark City... we could go on and on. In the final analysis it just shows that the Wachowski's can make good movies as long as someone else comes up with the story. i.e. Matrix and V For Vendetta.
Roger Ebert definitely has his biases, i.e. movies like The Honeymooners. I don't think it wrecks his credibility though.
The Ebert bias that really bothers me is:
Jessica Alba.
He's got a crush on her which totally blinds him. She is an amazing beauty but I think most would agree that she can't act her way out of a wet...
sheer, short nightie... *sigh*

Ok, I'm back now...
To get back on topic I'd suggest another run at a cartoon series called 'Pirates of Dark Water'.
Anyone ever see that? All I can really remember is that I liked it...

Politics is the showbiz of industry.


Saturday, September 1, 2007 4:14 AM



Originally posted by CaptainCoupi:
I know some of our brother and sisters over th other side of the pon dmay not have seen it, but Captain Scarlet was a great concept. A campy crappy kids show from the 60/70's about a soldier of a future international law enforcement agency who couldn't die. Now the fun bitt is that he's not invulnurable. He can get shot, stabbed, blown up, what ever and he appears to die but a few days later he just turns up.

Captain Scarlet -> Captain Jack Harkness
Cloudbase -> The Valiant



Saturday, September 1, 2007 5:04 AM


Thread deja-vu, as I'm in a lazy mood, I've got a few posts towards the end...



Sunday, September 2, 2007 1:14 PM



Captain Scarlet -> Captain Jack Harkness
Cloudbase -> The Valiant

Er, yes, that was a bit blatent, wasn't it...

(Actually, it looked even closer to the version from the Capt. Scarlet CGI remake - renamed "skybase" for some undefined reason... I wonder...)

There was an interview with John Barrowman "from the set of Torchwood" in which a plan of Cloudba... sorry, Valient was showing on the monitor, so maybe its going to feature in that, to...

The ladies from Torchwood will have to get some blonde wigs and skin-tight jumpsuits

Actualy, the CGI remake of Captain Scarlet (the real one, not Dr Who) was OK-ish (actually, high art by saturday morning kids' TV standards) - main gripe was the bland title sequences (the original, Gerry Anderson title sequences and bombastic music were... inimitable).

..speaking of which, anybody noticed how the new Battlestar Galactica "borrowed" the old Gerry Anderson device of having a rapid-fire episode preview in the title sequence? (It was used in all the classic Anderson shows, I think...)


Monday, September 3, 2007 12:20 PM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:
..speaking of which, anybody noticed how the new Battlestar Galactica "borrowed" the old Gerry Anderson device of having a rapid-fire episode preview in the title sequence? (It was used in all the classic Anderson shows, I think...)

I can't be the only one to avert my eyes at the relevant moment to avoid spoilers. They didn't do the "in this episode" * stuff for the first few episodes of season 2, but then they started again...

* I remember it best from Space 1999


Monday, September 3, 2007 12:22 PM


not to cut in but - just to add a thought from outside... haas anyone ever read the STAINLESS STEEL RAT books? Fillion would be a cinch and so would most of the rest of the FF cast...


Monday, September 3, 2007 2:03 PM



Originally posted by wytchcroft:
not to cut in but - just to add a thought from outside... haas anyone ever read the STAINLESS STEEL RAT books? Fillion would be a cinch and so would most of the rest of the FF cast...

Good call! The Stainless Steel Rat has been mentioned before on another thread... hmmm, Nathan as slippery Jim...? yep, think so... Christina Hendricks as Angelina?


Monday, September 3, 2007 2:25 PM



Originally posted by Cruithne3753:

Good call! The Stainless Steel Rat has been mentioned before on another thread...

where? context? - influence on hitchhikers maybe??


hmmm, Nathan as slippery Jim...? yep, think so... Christina Hendricks as Angelina?

yes indeedy!


Monday, September 3, 2007 4:47 PM


mmm...suddently got an urge for porcuswine burgers


Monday, September 3, 2007 9:30 PM



Originally posted by SlyC:
Roger Ebert definitely has his biases

I think at this point critics are pretty much useless. I don't like people telling me what they think I would like. I have seen enough movies that critics said were bad that I thought were quite good and movies that they said were good that I thought were pretty bad. So If I see a preview (or trailer or whatever you cal it) and if the premise or if there is something I like about it I will go see it. I never look to critics to tell me anything. Also I just don't like spoilers.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007 6:15 AM


I absolutely see your point, Dataless. A critic's opinion is just that, another opinion (supposedly educated). But it can help point you towards a movie you might not have normally seen, and once you find critics with similar tastes and/or know their biases it can help. I just find some review shows to be entertaining. Plus it's fun to see them cut up awful movies sometimes.

Politics is the showbiz of industry.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007 6:40 AM



Originally posted by Dataless:

Originally posted by SlyC:
Roger Ebert definitely has his biases

I think at this point critics are pretty much useless. I don't like people telling me what they think I would like. I have seen enough movies that critics said were bad that I thought were quite good and movies that they said were good that I thought were pretty bad. So If I see a preview (or trailer or whatever you cal it) and if the premise or if there is something I like about it I will go see it. I never look to critics to tell me anything. Also I just don't like spoilers.

Now, I'm not saying that critics are always right, or that they should tell people what to think (not that I think that's what they do - they usually just give opinion). But I'd rather look to a critic for an impression concerning a new film, as someone who is generally well-informed, studied, and knowlegdable about film as an artform, than a trailer, which is constructed by marketing people to trick you into buying a ticket, regardless of qulity.

It's that mentality that has led to the consistant decline on the quality of films over the years, IMO. Mrketing over quality is bad for art.


Originally posted by SlyC:
'The Matrix' was a remake of sorts, more of a ripoff actually. It's the same basic movie as 'Dark City'.

That's not really fair to say. The Matrix was well into filming before Dark City was released (and written long before). If anything, call the simmilarities a matter of cultural zeitgeist - it was just time for those types of stories to be told.

And to answer the question at hand - I'd like to see a remake/re-boot of Highlander. Cool premise, which has gotten more and more rediculouse over the years, due to a staggering stream of bad, bad ideas.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, September 4, 2007 7:13 AM



Originally posted by wytchcroft:

Originally posted by Cruithne3753:
Good call! The Stainless Steel Rat has been mentioned before on another thread...

where? context? - influence on hitchhikers maybe??

Yer' tis:-


Tuesday, September 4, 2007 7:17 AM


thankyou muchly!


Tuesday, September 4, 2007 10:06 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:
That's not really fair to say. The Matrix was well into filming before Dark City was released (and written long before). If anything, call the simmilarities a matter of cultural zeitgeist - it was just time for those types of stories to be told.

You may well be right, Storymark. It may be complete coincidence. Also from what I've read they might both have been ripping off Plato. There's nothing new under the sun, as they say.
At the very least I'd have to say that it's definitely less of a ripoff than I thought.
But still it doesn't sit right. Many times in movie and tv history one company gets wind of what another is doing then takes the idea and makes their own movie. Maybe that's what happened here. Either way I can accept the explanation.

The Stainless Steel Rat...
I'd forgotten those books! They were great fun!

Politics is the showbiz of industry.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007 11:28 AM


If it helps clarify more, the Matrix was in development as far back as at least '95. The Wachowski's tried to set it up as their directorial debut, but the studio was doubtfull that they could pull it off. they made Bound (released in '96) as a way of proving that they could pull off a feature, albiet on a much smaller scale.

The premise behind Dark City was Alex Proyas' baby, and he had also been developing the story for a while, though I know not how long. But given the Wachowski's being based in California, and Proyas operating out of Australia, I doubt there was much connection between the two.

It's just one of those things, where people happen on the same idea at the same time (happens to me fairly frequently, and it's irritating as hell).

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 12:05 PM


Was just watching Samurai Jack and trying to decide if it would work live action. I'm watching a realising that there is often very little dialogue and inbetween the action it is the sound design that conveys the atmosphere of the show. Silences and ambient noise are a big thing and I'm not sure it would translate. Plus Mako who did the voice of Aku died recently and it just wouldn't be the same without him.

Universal HD's Firefly Boards at

Say Thanks to Universal for the BDM at www.bigdamnthankyou.com

nusquam in ut nusquam


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 12:37 PM


OTOH, the Mako soundalike they have over on Avatar seems like he'll do a good job (according to "School Time Shipping," which is the only place we've heard him so far).

Actually, a live-action Samurai Jack has been in talks for a while now. In fact, when Tom Cruise's The Last Samurai was announced, people thought that was it (there was massive [and pointed] bitching about "Jack" needing to be Japanese or the whole story becomes meaningless).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 1:46 PM


Just Googling around and found this:


So they are going to do an animated feature but no news on a live actioner as yet.

Universal HD's Firefly Boards at

Say Thanks to Universal for the BDM at www.bigdamnthankyou.com

nusquam in ut nusquam


Thursday, September 6, 2007 10:05 PM


not to give my fic writing research methods away ha ha) but - anyone remember a show called TALES OF THE GOLD MONKEY?

this could easily be remade with Fillion and Chrisitina H. in lead roles...

also - Romancing the stone - (Jewel in the nile was crap but...) which (like the above) was an influence on Mal, i think.


Friday, September 7, 2007 3:44 AM


TALES OF THE GOLD MONKEY... with Mark Sheppard as Bon Chance Louie?

With Indiana Jones making a comeback, maybe we WILL see a reimagining of TotGM, not to mention FRANK BUCK'S BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE and CASABLANCA: THE SERIES.

www.stillflying.net: "Here's how it might have been..."


Friday, September 7, 2007 4:01 AM



Originally posted by GWEK:


Ah feels a list thread comin on! step up now people!

(not to mention casting nathan fillion as THE FALL GUY!!! well, he's gotta truck going spare right?

ha ha!)


Friday, September 7, 2007 9:35 AM


I, Robot, in the strangest and yet most logical possible sense: instead of the crappy Will Smith vehicle film where Susan Calvin is young and pretty and the whole story is only loosely based on an atrocious and rushed-feeling reinterpretation of Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics with references to random Asimov short stories...

...I want it to be a 13-episode, semi-episodic Limited Run Series, based on the original "novel" (really a collection of 9 previously-published short stories with framing narrative added in), where a reporter guy is interviewing an OLD AND CROTCHETY Susan Calvin on her retirement, and we flash back to the stories she's talking about (with a PLAIN-looking actress playing her with her CROTCHETY personality), with her snarky comments added in as narration. Each episode could be either one of the original nine short stories, or one of a handful of other Robot short stories he did.

I would also like to see a high-quality series of miniseries based on the other Robot/Empire/Foundation novels, with the tech and terminology only slighted adjusted to be a little more in line with our current advancements (for instance, let's stop calling cars that go along the ground "groundcars", shall we?). Probably won't happen, but you never know.

I would also like to see a reimagined Blood and Chocolate movie that didn't change so much from the book. Basically? Adapt it straight from the book as well as you can. And then chop off the last chapter of the book, because it SUCKED and felt tacked-on to provide crappy "closure" that made me want to punch the author for being a sellout, and the story's much better off being ambiguously-ended.

I would love to see a re-do of the Dresden Files TV series, too. SciFi's version was mediocre TV at best to begin with, but once you've read the ACTUAL BOOKS it was based on, well, let's just say I wanted to take a red pen to the scripts and a Clue Bat to the casting director's head. God DAMN but them casting Morgan as a black guy confused the hell out of me when I started reading the books (he's a redhead in the books, do the math)! The actor was actually good, but yargh. And of course, "good actor" can't be said of Harry, who POSSIBLY almost looks right, but is far too bland to be Harry. My Harry Dresden does NOT talk like that or lack emotion! He is one big BALL of conflicting emotions and desires, wrapped in a huge layer of snarkiness and humor. Also, why the hell is his staff suddenly a hockey stick, am I missing something here? And why is Bob the Skull no longer an intangible spirit of air inside a skull?

So yeah. Would LOVE to see The Dresden Files with better casting and less watered-down scripts and fewer weird changes. The books each have enough material for several episodes, and really, if they'd gotten, say, Jane Espensen (writer of, among other things, Shindig, and the "Earshot" and "Band Candy" episodes of Buffy) on the writing staff, see, that would have been MUCH better.

I also would have liked to see a continuation of Wonderfalls or Tru Calling - but only if they kept the same main cast of course, otherwise just leave them be.

And hmm... oh! I know!

Gothika and Catwoman. No, seriously. I have this really perverse desire someday to remake them, or any movie really that could have been entertaining and just ended up (so I've heard) royally sucking.

Now, I haven't seen either, but I understand both have incoherent if not just outright stupid plots and are either completely forgettable or generally thought to be indescribably awful.

I would love to make a Catwoman movie actually based ON Batman's Catwoman, and make it reasonably good, at least in the sense of being entertaining and at least somewhat coherent.

Also, Gothika had an interesting starting premise - apparently, a psychologist is driving along a rural road when she comes to a covered bridge, where there's a girl just standing in the road. She gets out of her car to ask the girl if she's all right, and then BOOM, suddenly she's waking up in a psychiatric facility and told she killed somebody, only she has no memory of the past three days, let alone the murder, at all.

As Wikipedia puts it: she's a "psychiatrist in a women's prison who wakes up one day to find herself on the other side of the bars, accused of having murdered her husband."

One of the original taglines was "Dr. Miranda Grey Is An Expert At Knowing What Is Rational, What Is Logical, What Is Sane... Until The Day She Woke Up On The Other Side."

...which aside from poor grammar in the tagline...

THAT could be the opening to a really good psychological thriller and/or horror movie, but apparently they just made it really, really stupid. It's got a shockingly low "15% Fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes, for one. Do you realize how bad a film usually has to be before it gets below 20% on RT? Usually, pretty darn bad. Even the postive reviews for it tend to be along the lines of "Well... if you go in knowing it's not going to be a particularly good movie, you can still enjoy it!" I mean, this one really says it all "The horror-thriller Gothika gets an A for presentation, a C+ for story and an F for dialogue." Apparently the acting was good, but the script was go se.

One of these days though I should really give it a rent and see if it's actually honestly that bad. Either way, though, the urge to do something based on that premise is tempting.

Anybody here actually seen Gothika, though?


Saturday, September 8, 2007 12:33 AM


I'm thinking alot about old cartoons recently. Probably because Transformers came out this summer.

In the early 80's ther was a cartoon show shown in the UK called 'The Mysterious Cities of Gold'.


The basic story is about three children who join a conquistador expidition to find the fabled cities. A reasonable but mediocre idea for a show, but there is a twist. Turns out all thos myths about the Inca/Aztec/Olmec empire having futuristic technology, (for example http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_7.htm ), are true and that the Children have a strange history/destiny with the cities of gold.

All the characters are there that you need, hero children, comedy releif duo, a rogue who could be a friend or foe, bad guys and then uber bad guys. There is the mix of ancient and futuristic technology and a quest and a destiny to be fulfilled.

pitch it as Spy Kids meets Indiana Jones meet Apocalypto with a big dose of the A New Hope for luck.

Anyway, with a little re-writing it would definately work as live action. In fact I already know what the first 20 minutes or so look like in my head.

EDIT: You can watch the show on TV-Links: http://www.tv-links.co.uk/listings/2/8020

Universal HD's Firefly Boards at

Say Thanks to Universal for the BDM at www.bigdamnthankyou.com

nusquam in ut nusquam


Saturday, September 8, 2007 6:15 AM


I was just thinking of Valley of the Dinosaurs, the one where a family get sucked into a whirpool whilst rafting only to surface in the aforementioned valley... but it would probably be CGI, and I've had enough of CGI dinosaurs. Toy plastic dinosaurs on the other hand...

Also, what about Battle of the Planets?






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