
UPDATED: Friday, November 23, 2007 06:23
VIEWED: 4462
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Friday, October 5, 2007 4:11 PM


America loves a winner!

Ok, I'm confused here. Wasn't there a pilot show for this about 4-5 months ago ? On a different network? It definatly had a different leading lady as the 'side kick'. Older, a bit hotter.....I digress.

Obvious comparisons to Angel are gonna be discussed, so lets dive in.

Both are private detectives. Both are " good " vampires, who only kill bad guys.

In this show a blonde 'news reporter' bares a remarkable resemblance to Kate Lockley, the cop who knows Angel's real i.d.....

But other differences abound, like how Mick wasn't invited in to the reporters home. He just walked in. Staking only paralyzes vamps, it doesn't dust them. And what's w/ all the direct sunlight shots? Geeze. Doesn't seem to phase the Moonlight vamps in the least.

Anyone else, feel free to discuss.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, October 5, 2007 4:12 PM


Did I miss it..........AGAIN?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, October 5, 2007 4:23 PM


America loves a winner!

Sorry. It was on from 9pm - 10pm.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, October 5, 2007 4:24 PM


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, October 5, 2007 4:53 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Don't worry about it, you haven't missed anything.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, October 5, 2007 5:07 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Don't worry about it, you haven't missed anything.

LOL!!! I agree, but we still need it to be a mainstream success...for the genre.

We want Joss back on tv, don't we? Might be our golden ticket!

Joss is like a present, he's like a gift as far as I'm concerned.--Ron Glass

"They talk about me in the chatty rooms?"--Angel

"I'm 1120 years old. Just give me a frigging beer!"--Anya

"All I had to do is want it bad enough...and guess what I want to do now, you prissy son of a bitch?"--Spike

For Joss!


Friday, October 5, 2007 5:27 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:

Originally posted by ecgordon:
Don't worry about it, you haven't missed anything.

LOL!!! I agree, but we still need it to be a mainstream success...for the genre.

We want Joss back on tv, don't we? Might be our golden ticket!

I'm not sure a pal imitation of Captain Forehead will bring Joss back, but it's still fun to watch Moonlight, if for nothing else but to compare and contrast.

And yes, Wikipedia explains it all:


[edit] Cast & crew changes
David Greenwalt, co-creator of Angel, joined the staff in May 2007 as showrunner and it was announced that a full-length pilot would be shot as the show changed creatively.[1]

The cast underwent a major upheaval as all of the original actors save for the male lead role of Mick St. John were re-cast in June 2007. Shannon Lucio, Rade Sherbedgia and Amber Valletta were originally cast in the roles of Beth Turner, Josef Konstantin and Coraline respectively before Sophia Myles, Jason Dohring and Shannyn Sossamon replaced them as a proper pilot for television audiences was re-shot and creative control of the show changed hands. [6] [7] [8]

Greenwalt later left the show in July 2007 citing "personal, health reasons" for his departure. Chip Johannessen took over showrunner duties in August 2007. [9] [10]

Hadn't heard David Greenwalt was having health issues. Hope all is well now.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, October 5, 2007 8:53 PM


It was so so. I'll watch it again to see how it goes. Either way it was MUCH better than the crap K*Ville. Living down here is much different than the BS they try to portray on that show.

Regardless of comparisons it gets to Angel...it is almost a complete ripoff of Forever Night which came out in the early 90's
(there it was a vampire cop who had had vampire friends skirting the edge of the law and he had the hots for a human female)


Friday, October 5, 2007 10:18 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:

Originally posted by ecgordon:
Don't worry about it, you haven't missed anything.

LOL!!! I agree, but we still need it to be a mainstream success...for the genre.

We want Joss back on tv, don't we? Might be our golden ticket!

I'm not sure a pal imitation of Captain Forehead will bring Joss back, but it's still fun to watch Moonlight, if for nothing else but to compare and contrast.

And yes, Wikipedia explains it all:


[edit] Cast & crew changes
David Greenwalt, co-creator of Angel, joined the staff in May 2007 as showrunner and it was announced that a full-length pilot would be shot as the show changed creatively.[1]

The cast underwent a major upheaval as all of the original actors save for the male lead role of Mick St. John were re-cast in June 2007. Shannon Lucio, Rade Sherbedgia and Amber Valletta were originally cast in the roles of Beth Turner, Josef Konstantin and Coraline respectively before Sophia Myles, Jason Dohring and Shannyn Sossamon replaced them as a proper pilot for television audiences was re-shot and creative control of the show changed hands. [6] [7] [8]

Greenwalt later left the show in July 2007 citing "personal, health reasons" for his departure. Chip Johannessen took over showrunner duties in August 2007. [9] [10]

Hadn't heard David Greenwalt was having health issues. Hope all is well now.

I had heard it was over his health and though I've asked on other threads (I started some on the Angelus Arcanum board) if anyone knew anything, no one's answered so I don't know.

I'm personally hoping he was just disappointed w/ how awful it was and didn't know how to make it better (Joss is the professional 'script doctor' remember) and THAT'S what made him sick enough to leave.

Joss is like a present, he's like a gift as far as I'm concerned.--Ron Glass

"They talk about me in the chatty rooms?"--Angel

"I'm 1120 years old. Just give me a frigging beer!"--Anya

"All I had to do is want it bad enough...and guess what I want to do now, you prissy son of a bitch?"--Spike

For Joss!


Saturday, October 6, 2007 3:05 AM


America loves a winner!


I'm personally hoping he was just disappointed w/ how awful it was and didn't know how to make it better (Joss is the professional 'script doctor' remember) and THAT'S what made him sick enough to leave

I was thinking along the same lines as that myself. I'm not sure Mick is all that well developed as a character, and it just had to be super strange for David to relive the whole Angel show while trying NOT to relive it, if ya know what I mean.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, October 6, 2007 4:47 AM


Yeah, lots of Angel reminders. But some different vampire lore too. There's nothing else on at the same time, & it doesn't suck (no pun intended). I'll keep giving it chances. (Plus, the vamp detective is hooooooooooot!)

You know what the secret to flying is? Love.


Saturday, October 6, 2007 5:12 AM



Originally posted by TVChick:
Yeah, lots of Angel reminders. But some different vampire lore too. There's nothing else on at the same time, & it doesn't suck (no pun intended). I'll keep giving it chances. (Plus, the vamp detective is hooooooooooot!)

You know what the secret to flying is? Love.

I understood that David Greenwalt wrote last night's episode, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much...

and I really like the actor who plays Mick...
and I like Jason Dohring who plays his bestest friend
and I really like Sophia Myles (The Girl in the Fireplace, of Doctor Who) who plays the blonde reporter

So I'm going to continue to watch too


Sunday, October 7, 2007 5:52 AM



Originally posted by MyOtherCarIsAFirefly:
It was so so. I'll watch it again to see how it goes. Either way it was MUCH better than the crap K*Ville. Living down here is much different than the BS they try to portray on that show.

Totally agree with you on the K-ville thing. I'm not in NO but I live close to there, so I'm not watching because I think it's not tasteful to do a show so soon after Katrina, and it's on Fox.

I'm only watching shows on FOX now that have lasted two or three seasons... Bones and House.

Darn, I missed Moonlight *shrugs* CBS needs to put it online like ABC is doing for most of their new shows.

How is it doing in the ratings? Cause other then Ghost Whisperer they haven't had a good run with paranormal/sci-fi shows in the past. I loved Wolf Lake and they pretty much abandoned that before it got a chance. And Joan of Arcadia as well... yeah I know not sci-fi but it was a bit out there.

Keep shiny!


Sunday, October 7, 2007 6:09 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

This week was a little better than the pilot, probably more to do with Greenwalt's writing than anything else. I'll still give it a few more episodes to prove itself, but won't grieve if it doesn't make it. Never watched Forever Knight, so have no idea about the parallels there, but I see quite a bit of Angel in this show already. And that is not a good thing. If you are going to do a show in a genre that has already been tried, you have to bring something different to it to be considered on its own merits.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, October 12, 2007 2:27 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:This week was a little better than the pilot, probably more to do with Greenwalt's writing than anything else. I'll still give it a few more episodes to prove itself, but won't grieve if it doesn't make it. Never watched Forever Knight, so have no idea about the parallels there, but I see quite a bit of Angel in this show already. And that is not a good thing. If you are going to do a show in a genre that has already been tried, you have to bring something different to it to be considered on its own merits.

My thing is that it's not completely 'wrong' to borrow someone else's ideas, but for the love of Joss, at least try to improve on it, make it completely your own vision, not a retarded version of someone else's.

Kind of why I liked Bones, even though I can't get into procedural's (right spelling?) at all. The humor and the quirky characters set it apart from the rest.


Buffy: I'm just worried this whole session's gonna turn into some training montage from an '80's movie.
Giles: (sighs) Well, if we hear any inspirational power chords we'll lie down till they go away.

"They talk about me in the chatty rooms?"--Angel

Joss is like a present, he's like a gift as far as I'm concerned.--Ron Glass

For Joss!


Friday, October 12, 2007 2:31 AM



Originally posted by TVChick:
I'll keep giving it chances.

Me too, but I do have my limits.


(Plus, the vamp detective is hooooooooooot!)

Not compared to David Boreanaz, IMO. But that was hardly why I loved ANGEL so much anyway.


Buffy: I'm just worried this whole session's gonna turn into some training montage from an '80's movie.
Giles: (sighs) Well, if we hear any inspirational power chords we'll lie down till they go away.

"They talk about me in the chatty rooms?"--Angel

Joss is like a present, he's like a gift as far as I'm concerned.--Ron Glass

For Joss!


Saturday, October 20, 2007 7:37 PM


America loves a winner!

Moonlight has lost me. Tried watching the last episode, and it was utterly horrific. What's bugged me as much as anything might seem small potatos to some, but I can't get over it. Mainly, the whole 'Vampires in direct sunlight' rule. Mick was walking , in broad daylight, w/ Beth , and using a folder to shade....what ? Himself ?The sunlight was still on his face, in his eyes, all over his skin! It was ridiculous, as he was trying to shield himself from the left, when the light was clearly coming from the right. wtf? And later on, after this disjointed scene of them 2 walking pretty much all in direct sunlight, save for a few areas of shade due to trees, Beth asks " [i\How much sunlight is too much ? " To which Mick replied - " Any " .

So, what happens if ANY sunlight gets on his skin ? Apparently nothing. So lame.


" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, October 21, 2007 3:16 AM



Originally posted by Kaylee4Simon:

Darn, I missed Moonlight *shrugs* CBS needs to put it online like ABC is doing for most of their new shows.

They do post them online. It's how i watch them. CBS just doesn't advertise that they have them posted. You have to go to moonlights main page and down towards the bottom they have the listings for the episodes they have online.

If you look under their heading for "Full Episodes," it won't be listed however. (Actually, I just checked to verify this and it IS listed now under "Full episodes)


Sunday, October 21, 2007 3:26 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I agree that the walking in sunlight issue hasn't been dealt with consistently, and it is possible they aren't going to spend too much time on it in the future and it is simply a means for them to have Mick out and about during the day, lessening suspicion about his true nature.

But other than that I thought this last episode was an improvement over previous ones. I'm still not sold on the show. The eps are still on my dvr but I haven't been dubbing them over to dvds like I have with Chuck, Reaper and Pushing Daisies, all of which I think are improving as they move along.


Sunday, October 21, 2007 1:39 PM


I thought they made it clear that sunlight doesn't out right kill vampires in this concept, not the way fire or beheading does...
sunlight makes him sick, and sicker the more he is exposed, so his need for fresh human blood is greater.
Similarly a stake in the heart doesn't kill him either, it only incapacitates (paralyzes) him.

I have no problem with changing the rules, Joss felt free to adapt the rules of vampire lore to suit his concept too.

I can get why people are finding this sappy or lame, but personally it is becoming one of my favorite guilty pleasures ('Chuck' and 'Pushing Daisies' are guilt free, because they are clearly cool).
I won't be surprised if it gets canceled, but I'm enjoying the sexy Vampire guy for now!


Monday, October 22, 2007 7:26 AM


Gonna start a little rant here:

I wish everyone would stop comparing it to Angel. If you compare any show to Angel, it'll most likely come up short. To me, the better comparison is actually to Highlander. I feel the strength of this show lies in its portrayal of a secret immortal society, and all the dynamics of that. Conversely Angel was about strength and slaying evil demons, nothing like Moonlight!

As to the rules, who cares which they keep and which they change?! As was pointed out, Joss did his own rule re-write when he created the Buffyverse. Why not be angry that in Angel, vampires don't turn into bats, or that spiking a vamp turns them into dust instantaneously?!

I hope people get over the fact that this is not Angel, and give it a chance. I think it's the best new show this season!

"Your gratuitous jello awaits." - Dr. Helen Magnus, Sanctuary


Monday, October 22, 2007 7:57 AM


I watched part of one episode and didn't like Moonlight that much. I think I'm going to give it another chance and watch a couple full episodes on the internet.


Monday, October 22, 2007 9:18 AM


I'm amused at all of the comparisons to Angel as well. The show seems more a knock off of "Forever Knight" to me.

Also, the Vampires in sunlight thing is not written in concrete. Dracula walked around London during the day, after all. It just made him weaker....like it seems to do in this show. not to defend the show TOO much; it's a weak cup of tea. I'd sum the show up with one word: tepid.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007 12:05 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dug:
I'm amused at all of the comparisons to Angel as well. The show seems more a knock off of "Forever Knight" to me.

Also, the Vampires in sunlight thing is not written in concrete. Dracula walked around London during the day, after all. It just made him weaker....like it seems to do in this show. not to defend the show TOO much; it's a weak cup of tea. I'd sum the show up with one word: tepid.

Yeah, but when does London ever have clear, sunny skies? Especially in the past couple of centuries ?

And I know, comparing Moonlight to Angel is wrong, but it's just too damn fun not to ! And w/ Greenwalt working on the pilot and all.... it's about the only reason left I have to watch it now, to rip it as not being 'Angel'.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, October 29, 2007 7:44 PM


I kinda like it, but then I'm a sucker, lol, for all things vampire. And what do I know anyway?



Wednesday, October 31, 2007 5:49 AM


Okay I am loving Moonlight. After the pilot I got over comparing in too Angel. I love the twists on the vampire lore and the tension between Mick and Beth.

Okay so I also think that Mick is hot.
I also like Jason Dohring! And Sophia Myles!

Okay and you mentioned Doctor WHo! Which I Love and can't wait for Series 4! I love the Girl in the Fireplace it is one of my very favorite episodes of the new Doctor Who. What are your favorite eps from series 1-3?

Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:55 AM


Ah, LadyS, that's the spirit! You've put a smile on my face....

"Your gratuitous jello awaits." - Dr. Helen Magnus, Sanctuary


Friday, November 23, 2007 6:23 AM


I am one of the few, the rare, the "never saw Angel so I have nothing to compare it withs".

I like Moonlight. It's better than the other shysa that is on Fridays.
Points I like:
yummy main character
lovely leading lady (whom I adored in Girl in the Fireplace and is the whole reason I decided to watch Moonlight)
The "best friend/mentor" Joseph, who is the only actor I've ever seen portray "hungry" so well. In the episode where Mick takes Beth to see him and his computer geek, you expect him to start drooling on the table. I swear his nostrils twitch. LOL :b..

OK, so it has shaky plot points. Most shows do. But it does have good characters. They need a little fleshing out, but it might work.
I will be sad when it's cancelled, but I will still buy the DVDs.






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