Origin of the 'Heroes'

UPDATED: Monday, December 3, 2007 10:40
VIEWED: 1869
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Thursday, October 25, 2007 4:17 AM



Most of the human genome is composed of what is commonly known as "junk DNA" because upon its initial discovery scientists could not find anything useful in it, i.e. the DNA stretches do not code for any proteins. More recently, parts of these non-coding stretches have been found to have regulatory and other functions. In addition, there are also inactive endogenous retrovirus that derive from the infection of the germline of our ancient progenitors. But, what is most amazing about junk DNA is that it also contains dormant DNA sequences that will endow a person with superhuman abilities. Each of these special sequences requires a specific hormonal signal to activate.

The superhuman DNA sequences were implanted in the early hominids as part of an extremely long-term social experiment by an extraterrestrial species. Several centuries ago, the aliens returned and once again began experimenting on human subjects. They implanted a genetic sequence in select groups of people all over the world. The descendents of those people are known to us as the "Heroes."

The genetic sequence that Heroes possess is a four gene complex that causes their brain to produce a hormone that at some point in their life (anywhere from pre-pubescence to early mid-age) interacts with the Hero's own individual stress hormones, behavior-related neurotransmitters, odor chemicals, immune system messengers, and other biochemical characteristics to create a hormonal activation signal for a superhuman dormant DNA sequence. Since the specifics of those biochemical characteristics are dependent upon a person's environment, individual genetic structure, and even emotional/psychological state, the specific hormonal activation signal produced is different in every Hero and therefore the specific dormant DNA sequence activated is different in every Hero. As a result, every Hero develops a relatively unique superhuman ability.


The four gene complex responsible for Hero abilities specifically involves two genes, each of which has two forms, or alleles. To be a Hero, a person must have at least one of each of the dominant alleles. A non-Hero may either have two recessive "a" alleles, or two recessive "b" alleles.

* A - Hero gene 1 (dominant)
* a - non-Hero (recessive)

* B - Hero gene 2 (dominant)
* b - non-Hero (recessive)

These combinations will make a Hero:

* AaBB
* AABb
* AaBb

These combinations will make a non-Hero:

* AAbb
* Aabb
* aaBB
* aaBb
* aabb

Heroes born from two non-Heroes are produced if one parent has two "a" alleles and at least one "B" allele, while the other parent has two "b" alleles and at least one "A" allele. Because of this, they could produce Hero offspring.

AAbb x aaBB, for example, would produce all Hero offspring of the type AaBb.

Aabb x aaBb would produce Hero offspring in the proportion of one in four:

* AaBb = Hero
* Aabb = non-Hero
* aaBb = non-Hero
* aabb = non-Hero

Aabb x aaBB or AAbb x aabB would have a one in two chance of having Hero offspring.

Two Hero parents can even have non-Hero children. These non-Heroes are produced by two Hero parents who have at least one recessive allele of the same gene.

AaBB x AaBB could produce:

* AABB (1/4 chance) = Hero
* AaBB (1/2 chance) = Hero
* aaBB ( 1/4 chance) = non-Hero

AABb x AABb could produce:

* AABB (1/4) = Hero
* AABb (1/2) = Hero
* AAbb (1/4) = non-Hero

However, the cross AABb x AaBB would produce all Hero offspring, since only one recessive allele of each gene could be inherited by any offspring:

* AABB (1/4) = Hero
* AABb (1/4) = Hero
* AaBB (1/4) = Hero
* AaBb (1/4) = Hero

The cross likely to produce the most non-Heroes from two Hero parents is, obviously, AaBb x AaBb, in which the offspring have a seven in sixteen chance of being a non-Hero.

Peter's ability

Peter Petrelli is an evolved human who possesses an electromagnetic "biomimetic aura", which allows him to duplicate evolved human special powers.

Living cells and DNA strings are electromagnetic factories, as each cell generates an EM field and the DNA inside a cell influences the exact make-up of that field. The EM fields of living cells can essentially carry the information of the exact DNA inside it's core. When Peter's biomimetic aura interacts with the EM field of another evolved human, through electromagnetic induction a feedback effect causes the information of their active junk DNA to activate the exact same DNA sequence in his own genetic structure, awakening the special ability that particular sequence endows. This means Peter permanently gains the superhuman ability of an evolved human that is in his immediate vicinity.


Thursday, October 25, 2007 8:54 AM


Too much time to think, too little to do...


Thursday, October 25, 2007 10:33 AM


America loves a winner!

I just think of it in terms of evolution, in the sense of how our ancestors might have used 'hero power' in their struggles to compete w/ other non hero power humans, or other predators period, for resources. It would be a total white wash, for starters. I can't think of a single Hero power which coudn't be exploited to the fullest in both defensive and offensive means. ( Save for Micah's power, which was pretty much useless until the 20th century )

Time travel/ stoping of time
Super strength
Transparency ( walking through things )
Super regeneration
Mind reading ( likely only a benefit around other humans, or is it ? )
Fire starting
Super hearing
Midas touch

The list goes on and on. Take any 1 from the list, and you'd be a god in the world of 'non hero powered' humans. Doesn't matter which time you lived in, you could hunt down any prey you wanted and never get caught. Needless to say, you'd have your pick of any mate around. As many as you'd like, even.

In evolution, you're either the windshield or the bug.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, October 25, 2007 2:42 PM


Please, don't drag aliens into this. This is a uniquly run show and the last thing we need is to have alien scientists explaining away the Heroes. Why are there always some who insist on dragging aliens into the mix?

I'm with Raptor, even Dr Suresh Sr said so.

It's evolution babee, yeah.

Note to Kring...... please don't degrade to aliens. PLEASE!





Sunday, December 2, 2007 11:18 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Please, don't drag aliens into this. This is a uniquly run show and the last thing we need is to have alien scientists explaining away the Heroes...Note to Kring...... please don't degrade to aliens. PLEASE!

Fine, you don't want a theory involving aliens.

Here's one:

Fundamentally, all Hero powers can be regarded as simply different manifestations of the same base ability. That ability is the possession and unconscious manipulation of a biology-altering EM field. The origin of the Heroes lies in the brain. The four gene complex responsible for the Heroes causes them to have certain anatomical characteristics in their brains that baseline humans don't have. Heroes have several new neurotransmitters, unique neural wiring, and wholly new organelles in the neurons. This special neuroanatomy causes the brain to create a special electromagnetic field that exist as a semi-sentient energy-based lifeform. The lifeform takes form as an inconspicuous energy pattern linked to the natural electromagnetic field of a Hero's body. Since the EM field lifeform permiates a Hero's entire body, it innately possesses an intrinsic understanding of all aspects of physiology (including DNA) to a degree that is beyond human comprehension. The semi-sentience of the EM field is tied into a Hero's own consciousness and as a result, its actions are based on the Hero's subconscious will. Because of this connection, at some point in a Hero's life (anywhere from pre-pubescence to early mid-age), the EM field takes signals from the Hero's psyche, as well as their individual genetic structure, stress hormones, and immune system messengers to alter the Hero's physiology in way that will imbue them with a superhuman ability that might be useful to that particular Hero in their daily life or at least at the precise time of their manifestation. This means that every Hero's ability is actually connected to their personality and environment (natural or social).


Monday, December 3, 2007 12:22 AM


Within the context of the theory above, here is the 'updated' theory on Peter's powers:

Peter Petrelli is a "Hero" who possesses a bio-electrical "biomimetic aura", which allows him to duplicate Hero special powers. When Peter's biomimetic aura interacts with the EM field lifeform of another Hero, an information transfer instantaneously gives Peter's own EM field lifeform an intrinsic understanding of the entire physiological workings of the other Hero's superhuman ability. The EM field lifeform then immediately alters Peter's physiology to possess that ability. This means Peter permanently gains the superhuman ability of a Hero that is in his immediate vicinity.


Monday, December 3, 2007 10:40 AM


WOW- I haven't heard this kind of s**t since the late eighties, with peeps goin' on about warp inducers and quantum singularity effect on event horizons as they affect chronoton particle activity!

Well done Browncoats!







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