I threw my hands up in despair and stormed out- movie and/or show moments with which we just couldn't deal...

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:07
VIEWED: 20106
PAGE 2 of 3

Tuesday, November 6, 2007 8:58 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by zerokiryu:

I sooooo wanted to walk out on Ghost Rider, that movie could have been awesome.

Ghost Rider sucked, which is surprising seeing as the Director's cut of Daredevil was so cool...

Ghost Riders faults can be summed up thus - Sam Elliot and Peter Fonda thought that they were in a movie about a man that was tricked into selling his soul, and in the process becoming bonded to a pretty effin' scary demon. Everybody else was let in on the joke, that they were staring in a CGI crapfest with emo-rejects for bad guys and Nick Cage doing a bad Elvis impersonation. And this is my review of the Directors cut of Ghost Rider. I can only imagine that the theatrical version now resides on the list of cinematic atrocities that many of the other Marvel movies occupy.

I’m never serious. Serious means something bad is about to happen.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 10:18 PM


What acresses played cute girl #1 and #2 in Napo Dyno? Which one could act?


Originally posted by jossisagod:

Originally posted by gorramgroupie:
Anything with Ben Affleck. Pretty boy can't act.

Ya' gotta admit, Dazed and Confused was an Awesome movie!

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.

I suppose Dazed and Confused would appeal to a pothead.

Otherwise, I didn't think Field of Dreams or Buffy the Vampire Killer were bad - I liked them, probably because his role was minimal. Same with Good Will Hunting, his role seemed minimal to me, but Robin Williams was pretty irritating. I really liked Armageddon, with his role being the least enjoyable. Apparently the John Ryan series has been ruined with Clancy's selection of Affleck.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 10:20 PM


I walked out of Sky High and Epic Movie. Both were absolutely terrible, and the acting would make Terry Schiavo cry.

I'm going to the special hell for saying that.....

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 10:56 PM


Let's see, movies I literally could not bear to sit through, :)

The Last Starfighter = trailer trash cast in trailer trash movie. Also, worst possible special effects, ever.

The Black Hole = dull beyond belief. Also, good runner-up for worst possible special effects.

The Matrix 2 + 3 = travesties of the first kind.

Doom = yawn.

Event Horizon = they ran out of money and plot after the first ten minutes.

Robocop 3 = Kindergarten drivel.

American Pie = adolescent, crude and gross sexual 'humor' that even Benny Hill wouldn't find up to the standards of his outings. I'm trying to think of a way for it to be more disappointing. I just... It's not coming. I only went to see it for Alyson Hannigan, cuz she was such a dearheart in My Stepmother Is an Alien. I don't think I ever lost so much respect for a person on a single day.

P.S. The Fifth Element rocks, k? Are we green on that? :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, November 6, 2007 11:18 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Notting Hill:

Would you like some orange juice?
Yes please I would love some orange juice.
A large orange juice?
Yes, well...maybe not...maybe I should just get a medium orange juice...but I'd like a large orange juice...maybe I could get a medium orange juice and a small orange juice and end up somewhere in between and medium and a large orang...*walks out*

I swear I couldn't take it anymore. wtf did that have to do with anything? It hurt my brain so much. At least the girl I was with hated it too. The dialog was just so awful. I'm seriously in some pain right now just thinking about it. That's the only movie I've ever walked out on.

LOL. Yeah, that was bad! They should have called it "Crap Hill" instead. :)

It has Hugh Grant in it, right? Seems a sort of trend, to have Brittish actors say "Fuck" a lot, with an American accent. And have em pull all-nighters, getting drunk (which they call getting "pissed"). It's meant to be funny, or really cool or something. For a nation of sexually repressed football hooligans, as Cleese once called em, I suppose it has meaning. Whatever.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, November 7, 2007 4:13 AM



Originally posted by asarian:
Robocop 3 = Kindergarten drivel.

The story was written by Frank Miller, and it was actually pretty good. The three big minuses were that the studio said it had to be PGified, Weller wasn't in it, and they ran out of money for physical FX, leading to a lame final fight. It's actually not that bad a movie, considering. But the main reason I'll watch it is for Basil Poledouris' music, which was so sorely missed in the second film.



Wednesday, November 7, 2007 4:29 AM


idicorocy and borat have to be the 2 worst films i have ever seen. never before in my life i have felt getting dumber while watching anything.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007 5:07 AM


Oh jeez - Borat. Horrible! I didn't walk out but I wanted to. The few decent moments didn't make up for all the stupid toilet humor. Soooo overrated.

As for Nap Dyn - I cringed through that whole movie because I grew up in the midwest and much of that "unrealistic" nothingness was shockingly close to how things really are for some people. But on 2nd watching I can enjoy the parody more, and I'm even beginning to appreciate the underlying genius of the film.

As for TV, there's only way to make Walker: Texas Ranger entertaining. Watch it and try - try really hard - to think of what you would change to make a parody of this show. There's nothing! It's so stupid that it's a maxed out parody of itself! (A friend recommended this. It got me to watch ~2 minutes, I've never been able to sit through any more.)

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Wednesday, November 7, 2007 6:06 AM


'American Pie' was so sickening that I let my eyes wander elsewhere around the room while watching it, and was only present because some friends had asked me to join them. When one of them tried to drag me bodily out to watch the second one, I jerked my arm out of his grasp and vehemently advised him to FUHGEDDABOUDIT.

I fell asleep during 'A Guy Thing'.

'Attack of the Clones' had me cringing during the fireplace scene, Anakin's pathetic flailure at romantic poetry, and Padme's acting - there wasn't enough wood in Canada to do it justice.

At the end of 'Kinky Boots', when Joel Edgerton tries to do the catwalk turn, I was groaning out loud - only thing that kept me in the room was the presence of fellow Browncoats.


Not really a movie/TV-show moment, but closely related thereto: Even when fellow Browncoats are present, if one of them starts playing a River/Jayne vid, I'm certain to disappear faster than a popstar's brain.

Shepherd's hair
Was wild and free
And that's what caused
River to flee

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Wednesday, November 7, 2007 6:12 AM


I am fortunate not to have seen most of these.

But I will add: The Abyss 90% fabulous action movie with cool atmosphere / 10% alien butterflies

Recently tried Underworld because her outfits look so cool. Tuned out after about 20 minutes. Talk talk talk talk talk.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007 10:18 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
I suppose Dazed and Confused would appeal to a pothead.

I AM NOT a pothead! I just thought it was a funny movie!

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Thursday, November 8, 2007 9:27 AM


This thread is proof positive that Browncoats are quite a diverse group. I happen to like many of the films that have been dissed througout this thread. Some of the movies listed here have me completely befuddled. I can't imagine someone calling themself a sci-fi fan whilst putting down some of these movies...


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Thursday, November 8, 2007 10:06 AM


These days I almost cannot watch anything other than Firefly & Serenity. I find all the dialogue contrived and retarded compared to Firefly...and most importantly, I don't give 2 shits about any of the lame, shallow characters.

A couple of movies which I thought would suck, and did not intend on watching but did, turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable...like Dodgeball & Ray.


Thursday, November 8, 2007 10:15 AM



Originally posted by singate:
This thread is proof positive that Browncoats are quite a diverse group. I happen to like many of the films that have been dissed througout this thread. Some of the movies listed here have me completely befuddled. I can't imagine someone calling themself a sci-fi fan whilst putting down some of these movies...


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.

That's because it became a general bad movie thead.

"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." - Mark Twain


Thursday, November 8, 2007 10:25 AM


could not. sit. through. The Godfather. *dies thinking about even a 2 minute segment of the movie*

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, November 8, 2007 11:57 AM


Hands down the WORST movie i have EVER seen was Ultraviolet, with Van Helsing coming in at a close 2nd!


Thursday, November 8, 2007 12:40 PM


singate wrote:


I can't imagine someone calling themself a sci-fi fan whilst putting down some of these movies...

That's a fair point, but often sci-fi films do lack content, and often feel as though they have been hashed together, simply because the film-makers know there is a sci-fi fanbase there that will go see a film based on the prinicpal that it is sci-fi, irrespective of quality. I think that is a shame.

I would have hoped that all these years later sci-fi films would have developed into a much stronger genre, given that it is one of the first. That's not to say there aren't great films out there that are also by merit sci-fi, but it is infrequent.

I guess I like to consider myself a fan of film first then a fan of sci-fi film....



Thursday, November 8, 2007 1:38 PM


It takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately, some are pedaling in the wrong direction...

Now, happily returning to the original premise of this thread....

Wash dying - I thought killing off one major original character was motivation enough for our BDH's.

Every piece of dialogue between Anakin and Padme' - I was mortified that Lucas could write such drivel.

The Architect explaining The One's existence - Good God. Who wrote that wordy, self-indulgent nonsense?

Spidey, Daredevil, Batman, etc. unmasking for everyone to see - I guess secret identities are just so 1950's.

"No, because the woods are the only place I can see a clear path."

Rob O.


Thursday, November 8, 2007 5:27 PM


van helsing definitely could have been done in a non corny fashion (i hate to sound stuck up, because I'm not, but I bet i could write a script for that film that would make it a million times better)

ultraviolet...again, definitely needs a script rewrite that includes more plot (of which it had none) and explanation into the characters/setup for some of the relationships (or lack thereof) between characters.

those are definitely the top two of the top ten worst movies ever made.

as for anakin and padme, it wasn't just ep3, it was eps 1&2 as well. the recent trilogy just seemed too half-assed and too rushed, like he wanted to hurry up and get it overwith instead of taking his time and constructing masterpieces like he did with the original trilogy, which rocks, btw.
Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, November 9, 2007 1:22 AM



Originally posted by rallem:
The movie Titanic, I actually never saw it, but let me give you a spoiler the ship sinks...


did it? lol, I was too busy sleeping




Friday, November 9, 2007 1:27 AM



Originally posted by singate:
I can't imagine someone calling themself a sci-fi fan whilst putting down some of these movies...

we... suffer for our love of the genre!

genuinely storming out of a movie (i do it, like, a LOT)is great cathartic fun!:0

also - throwing things at the tv screen

and so - combining the two... i give you - ladies and gentlemen -
The Planet of the Apes remake.

Pavlovian vandalism mode now engaged!


Saturday, November 10, 2007 5:15 PM


Apparently there are some people who make a point of walking out upon hearing the title of a film if it's mentioned in the dialogue.

That's getting your money's worth. Not.


Saturday, November 10, 2007 5:49 PM


I keep trying to remember the name of the movie, but for the life of me, I can't... it wasn't the movie that did it however.

It was the sickeningly expensive tickets, overpriced popcorn, watered down soda... all of which you tolerate for the experience, instead of waiting for the DVD, which I normally do...

And then, take your cramped, uncomfortable, squash in as many as possible seat in anticipation of seeing maybe a couple cool previews before the main feature...

And suddenly, in spite of the highway robbery of the ticket and condiments counter, that's not enough for their greed, because you (cue fanfare) then get assaulted with... COMMERCIALS.

Fuck, if I wanted to deal with commercial adverts I would GO HOME AND WATCH TV!

Never saw the movie, walked out on the spot, too pissed to even demand the money back, and blacklisted the theatre in question.

That was the moment I couldn't deal - the only other time I can remember walking out on a flick was Black Moon Rising, since every preview and advert focused entirely on the car (using, apparently, every single second of it's presence in the flick, perhaps more than once) and it's only used IN the movie for maybe 30 seconds at the end... walked out about 45 minutes into it, rabidly angry about being lied to over the whole premise of the movie.

Can ya tell i'm not generally pleased with hollywood anymore ?



Monday, November 12, 2007 5:24 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I can remember walking out on a flick was Black Moon Rising

Damn, so you're THE OTHER guy who saw (some of) that mess. I rented it for Linda Hamilton, but she weren't allowed to ACT in it, so it sucked all around.

I'm with ya on the theatre experience, unless it's a comedy- like we saw Bee Movie the other week- much better with an audience. But the popcorn and watered down Coke cost more than the tickets



Tuesday, November 13, 2007 8:03 AM


theater experience depends on the flick. SOME comedies should be seen in the theater with other people, because the atmosphere some how makes the movie funnier, other people laugh, you laugh with them; it works. same thing with the adrenaline-rush type movies; some of them need to be seen on the big screen so you can get the full effect. Fortunately the theater nearby isn't cramped, no matter how many people are packed in there you still have enough room to move around :-P otherwise I'd never go, lol.

btw, what is Black Moon Rising? (has never heard of it)

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 8:17 AM


freelanceertex wrote:

btw, what is Black Moon Rising? (has never heard of it)


It is as bad as they say. My one solace is that I saw it on video and mercifully not the cinema. However it is bad!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 9:02 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

It is as bad as they say.

Like, Episode One bad...



Tuesday, November 13, 2007 10:13 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

It is as bad as they say.

Like, Episode One bad...

I didn't think ANYTHING could be that bad.



Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:18 PM


Oh I've actually seen movies on par or worse with Ep1.

no wonder I haven't heard of Black Moon Rising, it was made in 1986. I wasn't BORN in 1986. but jeez, read the synopsis, even the synopsis sounds bad *shudders* what was tommy lee thinking?

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:16 AM


I'd be the first to say that I'm an obsessive fan of Doctor Who and, admittingly, Utopia and The Sound of Drums are the best build-up I've seen for a long time.

So what the heck happened to Last of the Time Lords. Seriously! WTF? I can suspend reality with the best of them but honestly, the Space Jesus thing?

So not happy and am refusing to acknowledge its existance beyond my bitching. I can think of several better endings to that story-line.


Thursday, November 15, 2007 3:20 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by traveler:
The very first Star Trek movie. They spent five minutes just flying around the Enterprise so evryone could see the great job they did with this special effect.

I loved that scene and the whole movie in general- The Director's Cut is one of my top ten favourites of all time, you Denebian slime devil!!


I was there at Grauman's Chinese theater on Dec. 7, 1979, and that was the scene that had my jaw on the floor!
My buddy from the hobby shop couldn't stop talking about it, and when he bought one o' them newfangled LaserDisc players and hooked it up to his SurroundSound system, ST:TMP was the first title he bought.
He invited me over, and we jumped straight to the DryDock sequence! We were in hog heaven!

And in my theater, Persis Khambatta's appearance was quite literally breathtaking: A lot of sucking-in of breath and long Ooooooooh's.
That woman had the most gorgeous pate!


Thursday, November 15, 2007 3:40 AM


I'm with you on that. I always liked ST:TMP a lot more than some of the more popular sequels. Mainly because TMP served as an introduction to the classic STAR TREK crew, as well as just the tone and ideas behind it were a bit more lofty for a typical sci-fi blockbuster. It reminded me a lot of 2001, in that it was very visual and that it dealt with the same themes of man's place in the universe and finding a deeper meaning. I don't really remember sensing that in WRATH OF KHAN which basically ripped off STAR WARS.

And speaking of STAR WARS, people seem to forget than an even worse movie came out that same summer. I would rather sit through the SW prequels on a loop and strapped to a CLOCKWORK ORANGE chair than to see one minute of WILD WILD WEST. That movie is still without a doubt in my mind my yardstick for measuring bad movie. A complete failure on every aspect. I wouldn't be surprised if they use that movie as a method of torture in Guantanamo Bay.

Thatwas one movie I wish I had walked out of.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Thursday, November 15, 2007 4:37 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
I always liked ST:TMP a lot more than some of the more popular sequels. Mainly because TMP served as an introduction to the classic STAR TREK crew, as well as just the tone and ideas behind it were a bit more lofty for a typical sci-fi blockbuster. It reminded me a lot of 2001, in that it was very visual and that it dealt with the same themes of man's place in the universe and finding a deeper meaning. I don't really remember sensing that in WRATH OF KHAN

Thank you, THANK YOU!!!!!!
Regina, have you seen the Director's cut? It's even better than the theatrical release!!! I love what Robert Wise wrote in the inner pamphlet, about time travel- that he'd gotten a chance to go back and truly finish it! So cool!

V'ger is a child...Chrisisall


Thursday, November 15, 2007 4:54 AM



Thursday, November 15, 2007 4:54 AM


Seen it? I HAVE it in my collection. That and UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY, which I feel is the strongest of the sequels.

"Each of us... at some time in our lives, turns to someone - a father, a brother, a God... and asks...”Why am I here? What was I meant to be?"

I dunno. Maye if I see WRATH OF KHAN again, I'll dig it more. But for the time being, 1 and 6 are my favorites.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Thursday, November 15, 2007 5:04 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:

I dunno. Maye if I see WRATH OF KHAN again, I'll dig it more. But for the time being, 1 and 6 are my favorites.

It's good for an adrenaline rush, but yeah, 1 & 6 are best, and in that order.
Trek, to me, was always at it's best when it had a message beneath the story...WRATH was just a cool slugging match.

Agreeing Chrisisall


Thursday, November 15, 2007 6:10 AM


Okay, I wasn’t going to say anything, because I’m such a huge fan of the original series that I might be biased, but ST:the Movie was one of my favorites. I thought it really captured the theme of the original story but it lacked the feel. One of the problems with many Star Trek following the original series is that they have tried to shed the inherent militarism in the show. The original series embraced this militarism, and of course as a military or para-military vessel, this not only made sense, but provided a consistent sense of swashbuckling to accompany the more intellectual side of the story.

I also like the Wrath of Khan. Partly because I really liked Ricardo Montalban as Khan and I thought it made a great contrast with the previous movie - showing the military side of Star Trek. The two movies together are like the yin and yang of Star Trek, somehow isolated from one another.

The next two movies went far a field of the original concept, not that they were bad, but they just weren’t in tune with the original story. Star Trek 5, despite being widely considered sub par, was the first Star Trek that truly put the original story in shape with both that sense of exploration and military structure. Unfortunately, it’s painful to watch. By Star Trek 6, however, they finally got everything right, with both the militarist side of the story, as well as the intellectual side, submerged in political arguments representing events of the time, and foreshadowing the fall of Communism. Although, in 1991, it wasn’t that difficult to see the fall of Soviet communism, but still.

Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum.

Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.

-- Cicero


Thursday, November 15, 2007 6:19 AM



Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal:
ST:the Movie was one of my favorites. I thought it really captured the theme of the original story but it lacked the feel.

The only thing I didn't like about ST: TMP was the costumes (notice I didn't say uniforms). They were just too casual for a semi or para-military wessle.
Other than that, it's pure gold IMO.

Carbon unit Chrisisall


Thursday, November 15, 2007 6:56 AM


(didn't see this post before, felt the need to comment)

Originally posted by Traveler:
The very first Star Trek movie. They spent five minutes just flying around the Enterprise so evryone could see the great job they did with this special effect.

That's why they fired that director after the first movie and hired a new one :) who I must say did a 1000x better job on the sequels.

>>totally forgot about Wild Wild West, guess I tried to block it from memory, can't stand that movie, and I love Will Smith.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, November 15, 2007 7:26 AM



Originally posted by freelancertex:

That's why they fired that director after the first movie and hired a new one :) who I must say did a 1000x better job on the sequels.

Ummm...he wasn't 'fired'. He was not hired to make the next one 3 years later- there's a difference. And the next director made only 2 movies, many sequels apart.

>>totally forgot about Wild Wild West, guess I tried to block it from memory, can't stand that movie, and I love Will Smith.

If you love Will, you must be seeing I Am Legend out soon, eh?



Thursday, November 15, 2007 8:12 AM


Freelanerex Wrote

That's why they fired that director after the first movie and hired a new one :) who I must say did a 1000x better job on the sequels.

They fired Robert Wise? Really? He who directed some of the classics of cinema: Day the Earth Stood Still, Sound of Music, West Side Story, The Haunting and The Andromeda Strain... Man the balls on the Exec who put that notion through....!

I have to say I really liked the first Star Trek movie, it's one of the few that I can re-watch and it keeps me gripped all the way through. Surprisingly Undiscovered Country is the other. Not sure why possibly because the direction is tighter.


Thursday, November 15, 2007 8:15 AM


Originally posted by freelancertex:


totally forgot about Wild Wild West, guess I tried to block it from memory, can't stand that movie, and I love Will Smith.

You may want to have a look at this little anecdote from Kevin Smith about the 'origins' of Wild, Wild West. It's very funny. A bit long but he's a good talker. Hope you like.


Thursday, November 15, 2007 8:50 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

I have to say I really liked the first Star Trek movie, it's one of the few that I can re-watch and it keeps me gripped all the way through. Surprisingly Undiscovered Country is the other. Not sure why possibly because the direction is tighter.

Both are complete stories; they depend on no other movie to keep answering questions- ST2 leads into ST3, which leads into 4, and 5...well, 5 is just a mess. I would have like Shatner to get the chance to fix it, but alas, even the fan base didn't rally for that. Tant pis.

Also, Khan's high-eighties-hairspray doo bugged me to no end...

The Botany Bay was not a salon Chrisisall


Thursday, November 15, 2007 9:11 AM


Pirates ... :At World's End

The last 2 1/2 hours of this 3+ hour epic piece of convoluted crap made question whether I would ever watch another movie again. It started with Depp's acid trip induced jaunt through "World's End". Then having the only piece of female eye candy (Kiera Knightly) wearing an asian inspired tent and pointy hat throughout the whole movie angered me even further.

At last the final sword fight on the mast that was going down a friggin massive whirlpool was just stupid. I wish I could be more eloquent about the level of stupidity that was reached during that scene, but I can't.

The most massive waste of well-done CG effects in the history of western civilization. Three Serenity sequels could have been made with what was spent on this steaming pile of excrement. I feel dumber for having sat through this vapid pool of dung. Gore Verbinski owes me $8 and 3 1/2 hours of my life.

Other than that, it was pretty good.


Thursday, November 15, 2007 10:32 AM



Originally posted by Chrisisall:
Ummm...he wasn't 'fired'. He was not hired to make the next one 3 years later- there's a difference.

excuse me for not making the distinction from that tiny technicality. I don't want to sound rude, but in my mind if you're doing a series of movies and you don't hire the director from the first one to direct the REST, either he wasn't available, or he was pretty damn bad. The first Star Trek movie had me tearing my hair out wishing it would be over.


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
They fired Robert Wise? Really? He who directed some of the classics of cinema: Day the Earth Stood Still, Sound of Music, West Side Story, The Haunting and The Andromeda Strain... Man the balls on the Exec who put that notion through....!

Well, if he directed those other movies, he must have been smoking something when he directed ST1, my god..the loss of brain cells he had to sustain... On the flip, to the other portion of your post, I liked Undiscovered Country as well :) it was pretty cool, and I kinda liked how it ended.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, November 15, 2007 10:40 AM


I thought "Requiem for a Dream" and "Crash" were two of the best movies ever made; and there are no words to express my disappointment at "Spiderman 3" and "X-Men 3" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 3." They were all just bad, on several levels. (Why, O WHY does Hollywood feel the need to follow up great movies with utter crap for sequels? With this mad obsession with trilogies never END!?)

But the grand stinker, the moment I absolutely could not take any more, was in that God-awful "Punch Drunk Love" with Adam Sandler, where his character drives (or maybe he flies, I don't remember exactly, but it was a long freaking way) all the way to Utah to confront the matress store owner, all the way clutching a phone receiver, just for a few lines of dialogue. And for what? Supposedly it was a "dark comedy," but that whole movie was just ridiculous, and not in a funny way. Pathetic.

On a distantly-related note, have y'all seen "Death at a Funeral?" British comedy. A lot of it's lame, some of it's pretty funny, but our Alan really steals the show.

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."


Thursday, November 15, 2007 11:38 AM


Originally posted by BlueBomber:

I thought "Requiem for a Dream" and "Crash" were two of the best movies ever made.

Hi BlueBomber.

May I just ask what it is about these two films that lead you to feel they are two of the best movies ever made? I ask not to lash out or attack or fly contrary for the sake of an arguement, I promise, I am genuinely intrigued. (Oh and for clarity are you refering to the Cronenberg 'Crash'?)

The Somnambulist


Thursday, November 15, 2007 11:47 AM



Originally posted by freelancertex:
The first Star Trek movie had me tearing my hair out wishing it would be over.

Phasers locked; FIRE!!!

(don't worry- they were on stun)

ST:TMP is a serious, heady visualfest- not so much the swashbuckling and more the REAL science fiction.
Sci-Fi Action fans can't get into it for that reason, I guess.
I also like 2001, Silent Running and Solaris. But don't look at these flicks, Free, unless you need to sleep.

Cheeky Chrisisall


Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:17 PM


Just to sort of set the record for everyone as to the shift in tone and personnel between THE MOTION PICTURE and THE WRATH OF KHAN, the first movie took forever to get made. First it was going to be a movie, and then it became a series called PHASE II, with the same cast as well as some newcomers. Basically an earlier incarnation of THE NEXT GENERATION. STAR WARS came out, so forget the series, we're going to do a movie.

During this time, dozens of writers were hired to write various scripts with different plots, all under the helm of Gene Roddennberry. Wise was chosen because of his impressive resume, which while it had sci-fi in it, he wasn't familiar with summer blockbusters. So while the movie did eventually get made, Wise and Roddenberry took so long to make it and alienated the studio while they were at it and delivered 2001, which is great, but they were expecting STAR WARS.

So after the somewhat lackluster reaction, they decided to not have Gene back to produce, but to bring in Harve Bennett, who wasn't too big a fan of the first movie, to basically simplify production and to make it "less boring". And after the great reaction to WRATH, him and Nick Meyer were more or less in charge of the franchise, while Gene went off to create NEXT GENERATION.

So the reason why TMP felt like real STAR TREK was because it was the only movie to have direct input from him. After that, his contributions to the movies became less and less. That's not to say what Harve and Nick did with the classic characters was bad. It was just a different tone. Less weighty meaning, more action.

And as for FINAL FRONTIER, I'm always willing to give that movie a pass because it's an example of a big, idealistic movie being hampered from beginning to end on different fronts. Strikes, less money, production problems, studio interference, you name, it the movie had it. In a parallel universe, it probably is considered the best TREK movie.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Thursday, November 15, 2007 3:53 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:

And as for FINAL FRONTIER, I'm always willing to give that movie a pass because it's an example of a big, idealistic movie being hampered from beginning to end on different fronts. Strikes, less money, production problems, studio interference, you name, it the movie had it. In a parallel universe, it probably is considered the best TREK movie.

It's scary how much we have in common regarding classic Trek.
Are you also looking foward the the re-mastered episodes with the enhanced FX?

I'll find a difference of opinion yet Chrisisall






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