Stargate Atlantis

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 02:47
VIEWED: 27532
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Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:56 PM


Anyone watch the show? Is it good? It won the People's Choice Award for Favorite Sci-Fi Show, beating out Battlestar...I admit, I'm intrigued.


Monday, January 21, 2008 12:02 AM


Oh, it's good. :) It's no Firefly, of course, but the best thing out there, for now.



Monday, January 21, 2008 2:15 PM


IMHO, it's gotten much better this season, but it's still not as good as the first five years of Stargate: SG-1.

"Your gratuitous jello awaits." - Dr. Helen Magnus, Sanctuary


Monday, January 21, 2008 2:27 PM


It's getting better, now that Jewel Staite has joined the cast. It isn't Firefly but, it is still one of the only shows I watch nowadays.

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Monday, January 21, 2008 2:43 PM


It's a great show, but has been sliding lately. I recently watched the first three seasons on DVD and Season number one was the best, going a bit downhill in seasons 2 and 3 and season 4 has been so-so up to now. Jewel is in it but she isn't in every episode, only 11 or 12 in season 4 and sometimes only in one or two scenes. She has gotten a lot of hate from the fans for two reasons: she is preceived to have replaced Paul McGillion, whose character, the beloved Dr. Carson Beckett was killed last year; and second, I don't know what happened to her, but Jewel isn't very good in this role. She plays a doctor and she hasn't really made an impact. Granted the writer's have made her this nervous, overly serious, shy, whining doctor who happens to be the head of medicine on the most important scientific research project in all history. Makes you wonder why she ever got the job, her character I mean, nt the actress. Anyway, she has had some good stuff and is romantically linked to another main charcter now, but still, she has a lot of work to do to win over the older fans. I hope they give her better episodes next season and make her more of a main character.


Monday, January 21, 2008 5:31 PM


Oh whaaaaaaaaaaat!! I didn't know Jewel was going to show up!! WHat a suprise!!!!!!!!!!

I just started watching Atlantis, and am sending netflix back disc 4 so I can get disc 5 of the first season. So far it's awesome, starting out better than all shows besides Firefly and Battlestar. I can't believe Jewel is coming in season 4, that is most welcome news.

Is Atlantis good? Of course it is! I watched SG-1 for a long time, just because they kept pumping out so-so episode after so-so episode. (SG-1 gave me what Firefly couldn't.) Now Atlantis is like SG-1 2.0: better and funnier. Unlike most shows coming out, they don't try to be completely serious, slipping jokes about the show in, characters, and TV/movies in general. It's giving me something great to watch while I wait for Battlestar to come back.

A testament to how much I like it: When I get that netflix envelope, I watch all episodes on it the same day. :) I would still give it up, along with my left leg, to get Firefly back on.


Sunday, January 27, 2008 2:35 AM


Stargate Atlantis is the best Sci-fi show on TV right now.. I really love the show... I also think people should support it more or else it will be taken off the air too, and we will get more Ghost hunter stories instead.


Sunday, January 27, 2008 4:41 AM



Originally posted by Hixie129:

Stargate Atlantis is the best Sci-fi show on TV right now.. I really love the show... I also think people should support it more or else it will be taken off the air too, and we will get more Ghost hunter stories instead.

Last ep (0414) was fun, too. Especially the ending. :)

Little girl was mighty annoying and bratty at first. But I guess McKay was willing to see past what she was, and on to what she could be. Were it me, I'd probably leave her lay and haul anchor. :) Nah; but I wouldn't exactly be bringing her tea and dumplings, either. :)



Sunday, January 27, 2008 6:49 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by asarian:
Nah; but I wouldn't exactly be bringing her tea and dumplings, either. :)

Hee hee.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, January 27, 2008 11:10 AM



Originally posted by cbsteve:
It's a great show, but has been sliding lately. I recently watched the first three seasons on DVD and Season number one was the best, going a bit downhill in seasons 2 and 3 and season 4 has been so-so up to now. Jewel is in it but she isn't in every episode, only 11 or 12 in season 4 and sometimes only in one or two scenes. She has gotten a lot of hate from the fans for two reasons: she is preceived to have replaced Paul McGillion, whose character, the beloved Dr. Carson Beckett was killed last year; and second, I don't know what happened to her, but Jewel isn't very good in this role. She plays a doctor and she hasn't really made an impact. Granted the writer's have made her this nervous, overly serious, shy, whining doctor who happens to be the head of medicine on the most important scientific research project in all history. Makes you wonder why she ever got the job, her character I mean, nt the actress. Anyway, she has had some good stuff and is romantically linked to another main charcter now, but still, she has a lot of work to do to win over the older fans. I hope they give her better episodes next season and make her more of a main character.

hey, maybe she should get shot? or like taken by the Wraith...that would be cool


Sunday, January 27, 2008 2:05 PM



Originally posted by Arioko:

hey, maybe she should get shot? or like taken by the Wraith...that would be cool

Nah, all she needs is a parasol to twirl a little bit...


Monday, January 28, 2008 10:41 PM


I don't wanna sound really annoyin here but there should be some spoiler warnings in this post somewhere. I didn't mind but some people will - although if they don't wanna know why'd they read the thread I'll never know. Who's Jewel's character 'romantically involved' with?
I can't watch it at the moment until it comes out on DVD but I wanna know!


Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:21 AM



Originally posted by MalsNara:

I don't wanna sound really annoyin here but there should be some spoiler warnings in this post somewhere. I didn't mind but some people will - although if they don't wanna know why'd they read the thread I'll never know. Who's Jewel's character 'romantically involved' with?
I can't watch it at the moment until it comes out on DVD but I wanna know!

Select to view spoiler:

well she was with ronon, for an episode, but I don't know who she's with now.

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:07 AM


Gorram it! That's really screwed up my plan! I wanted him and Teyla and John and Weir.

O well I'm sure it will be really funny...or something.

(I don't know how to do the highlighty thing so I tried to do it without actually giving away any spoilers)


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 12:26 PM



Originally posted by MalsNara:
(I don't know how to do the highlighty thing so I tried to do it without actually giving away any spoilers)

Top left of the page there is a series of commands in its own little box.
For spoilers you just type in the word spoiler with a square bracket at either end of the word.
Then you type your comment.
To finish you type spoiler again with a forward slash at the front (again enclosed in square brackets).

To read spoilers (the highlighty thing) just click on the screen above where the spoiler comment is and holding the mouse button down drag to the end of the comment. This should reveal the text. All the spoiler command does is make the font colour the same as the background (i.e. black).

Hope this helps and makes sense.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 12:36 PM


I liked the pilot. Is the series better, or just as good?

DVD watcher Chrisisall


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3:27 PM


It gets better. I love the pilot myself, and see nothing really bad about it but the show does improve quite a bit as the cast develop a great charisma. Not as the cast of Firefly did but still they seem to love working together. Some people complain the show isn't as good now in the fourth season but I have to disagree. It has had a couple episodes that were not as good and I don't like how a couple characters are faring but I still love it as much as I did with the pilot. I highly recommend it to you Chrisisall. I know you'll at least enjoy it if not love it. Especially the fourth season with Jewel Staite, though as of yet she isn't a regular. Hopefully next season she will be.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 4:44 PM


Waiting for the fourth season to be Netflixable.

I had a feeling the doctor was going to bite it eventually, I liked him. And someone mentioned Jewel was the new head of medicine.. kinda gave it away there, that major plot point and all.

Oh well.

They are getting a little repetitious killing off the doctors in the SG1/SGA series.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 5:15 PM


Actually Jewel is in the final episode of season three. Not to mention her being the first character shown in season four as well as having the first bit of dialog. I cheered. I love Jewel. Before Firefly I actually remember her as a young brilliant mechanic on another space ship... anyone else remember that show? I had a crush on her, I must admit. Probably the only time I've had a real crush, honestly. At least for a fictional character.

Anyway she's doing great on Atlantis with a really great bit of character development in the last couple episodes. I seriously cannot say I saw it coming. But in hindsight I should have expected it. Great job to whoever thought that one up.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:37 PM



Originally posted by Strangebird:
Before Firefly I actually remember her as a young brilliant mechanic on another space ship... anyone else remember that show?

What show was that?

And also, I knew there was always some slight Sheppard/Weir tension but I always thought there was some deeper John/Teyla feelings


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:33 PM


Awww come on... really? It wasn't on Nick too long and was really, really campy and dorky but she was great. Gotta believe Joss watched it at least once and maybe thought of Jewel for the role of his own cheery, sweet, genius mechanic. Anyway in an attempt to not derail this thread I'm going to have a different one up in Other Science Fiction in a few minutes.

Anyway Stargate Atlantis is my favorite space centric Scifi series. I also love Eureka. Not a BSG fan but I do say Frak upon occasion... though I prefer Frel.... ok also not this thread. Haha.

Watch Stargate Atlantis. Rodney is hilarious, Teyla is hot and very cool and John is just awesome.. Ronon is the greatest actor to ever emerge from a Baywatch series. Oh and Major Lorne is my favorite reacurring character from both series.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book


Thursday, January 31, 2008 5:19 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I liked the pilot. Is the series better, or just as good?

DVD watcher Chrisisall

I liked the pilot too and continued with the rest. At first I thought they were too many similarities to SG1, like they were trying to copy that show too close, but it grew on me and soon I was looking forward to each episode.
As stated there are some great recurring characters - Lorne, Mitch Pileggi's and Michael Beach's Colonels are always good when they turn up.
But Zalenka is my favourite. The banter between him and Rodney is always a pleasure to watch.

If you like SG1 then I don't think you'll be disappointed.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:47 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
If you like SG1 then I don't think you'll be disappointed.

As much as I like RDA, I could never get into SG1...but SGA seemed intriguing to me.
Does the series seem like it has a destination, or is it just one arc after another 'till they get canceled?



Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:04 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by lwaves:
If you like SG1 then I don't think you'll be disappointed.

As much as I like RDA, I could never get into SG1...but SGA seemed intriguing to me.
Does the series seem like it has a destination, or is it just one arc after another 'till they get canceled?


They are similar.
The current destination/arc is to win the fight against the Wraith, which is basically the same as the fight against the Go'auld.
The teams are similar and the situations are to a degree.
But in my opinion SGA is better, particularly from season 2 onwards as like so many other shows it had found it's stride by then. The cast just seem to gel that little bit better plus I like the fact that it isn't Earth based. The whole 'stranger in a strange land' plays out well and it means that when the base gets attacked it's more believable than Earth being attacked every few weeks. And for a good while you really get the idea that they are out there on their own, effectively cut off from Earth. As the seasons have progressed this has become less so but even now they can't just Stargate back whenever they feel like it.
Also Atlantis is far prettier than Cheyenne Mountain, lots more bright colours and less grey walls.
Some may disagree with this but I also think the humour is better on SGA, although SG1's can be pretty funny. Saying again that David Hewlett as Rodney Mackay is brilliant, and his scenes with Zalenka are spot on.

Difficult to know what to say as you aren't an SG1 fan. Maybe try and catch a few SGA episodes before shelling out. Unless you can find a season going really cheap.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:40 PM


I agree with you on every single point there, Iwaves. Radek would be my second favorite side character, but his rivalry/friendship with Rodney is great stuff. I guess though he's now my third favorite since they introduced Jewel's character. Anyway I'd also like to add that RDA makes a handful of appearances on SGA as do most of the other main and reacurring cast members. The scene recently with Ronon and Walter(AKA the chevron locked guy) chatting over lunch in the mess at the SGC was hilarious and one of Walter's best scenes on either series.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:48 PM



Originally posted by lwaves:

Difficult to know what to say as you aren't an SG1 fan.

Well, I loved the Stargate movie- maybe a little too much, that might be why I couldn't latch onto the series...But SGA is a clean slate for me, which is probably why I liked the pilot...

I should go for it Chrisisall


Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:47 PM


Libraries and Netflix all the way, baby!

Hey, libraries are free and Netflix is cheaper than conventional renting or buying.

..I'm just sayin'...


Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:53 PM




Friday, February 1, 2008 1:06 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by lwaves:

Difficult to know what to say as you aren't an SG1 fan.

Well, I loved the Stargate movie- maybe a little too much, that might be why I couldn't latch onto the series...But SGA is a clean slate for me, which is probably why I liked the pilot...

I should go for it Chrisisall

Yeah the movie is great. It was on late night TV a few weeks ago and I watched a few minutes. Over an hour later I realised I was still watching and should really get some sleep.

I remember reading that the movie was planned as a series of films that didn't happen for whatever reason. But of course the idea of a gate with multiple destinations fits so perfectly with a TV series.

Back to SGA you should give it a go then. You have obviously thought about watching it and it would be nice to know what you make of it and having not watched SG1 you'd have something of an 'outsiders' point of view.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Monday, February 4, 2008 9:09 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

Back to SGA you should give it a go then. You have obviously thought about watching it and it would be nice to know what you make of it and having not watched SG1 you'd have something of an 'outsiders' point of view.

I asked for Cleopatra 2525 for my B-day, but it's not to late to change that to SGA: 1.....

I'll make it so Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 3:45 AM


I've always prefered Stargate Atlantis to SG1 and i soughta liked the movie but prefer the tv show, my heightlight of season 4? has to eb harmony, McKay getting to be the hero while sheppard is seen as the coward even though it's actully made up more or less is pretty amusing.

Play with the best die like the rest


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 6:16 AM



Originally posted by jeraxus:

I've always prefered Stargate Atlantis to SG1 and i soughta liked the movie but prefer the tv show, my heightlight of season 4? has to eb harmony, McKay getting to be the hero while sheppard is seen as the coward even though it's actully made up more or less is pretty amusing.

Best of season 4? Definitely "Be All My Sins Remembered". "Harmony" was ok, with a fun ending; but nothing beats my Friendly Replicator ANdroid. :)



Tuesday, February 5, 2008 6:36 AM


Hey...nobody told me that this dude did the score to SGA!!!

That ALONE makes my decision to get it clear!

Musical Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 11:55 AM


Damn good ain't it? Joel Goldsmith has done the score for lots of series and movies. Atlantis' theme is probably my favorite score from any series, with the exception of Firefly ofcourse. His father, Jerry Goldsmith is also a well known composer and scored many movies such as Star Trek: The Motion Picture and also did the score for Voyager. Odds are if you've watched ten movies in the past 40 years at least half were scored by Jerry Goldsmith. Talent runs in the family I guess.

Edit: I have to add that at this very moment I am listening to the theme music coming from the living room. Still love it.
<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 12:05 PM



Originally posted by Strangebird:
Damn good ain't it?
Odds are if you've watched ten movies in the past 40 years at least half were scored by Jerry Goldsmith. Talent runs in the family I guess.

I liked Joel's work on the pilot, but never thought they could nab him for an entire series (much less TWO, now that I see he's done SG-1 also)!!!

I'm SO thereisall


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 1:36 PM


Welcome to the Pegasus Galaxy. Please watch out for Iratus bugs and keep your arms and legs in the Jumper at all times.

I'm such a geek.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008 4:09 AM



Originally posted by Strangebird:
Welcome to the Pegasus Galaxy. Please watch out for Iratus bugs and keep your arms and legs in the Jumper at all times.

That had a kind of poetry to it...

Geek 2 Chrisisall


Thursday, February 7, 2008 8:08 AM


I must admit I went into Atlantis ready to not like it from the start because I just loved SG-1. What I saw I liked, managed to see the first two seasons and missed the third and had to jump into the fourth knowing almost nothing of what had been going on. So my opinion on season four is jaded because I hardly knew what was going on. But it's doing alright, I just wish there was more McKay.


Thursday, February 7, 2008 8:24 AM



Originally posted by Gandom:
missed the third and had to jump into the fourth knowing almost nothing of what had been going on.

Why you not buy season 3, it's only $25 !!!

Searcher Chrisisall


Thursday, February 7, 2008 9:19 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Gandom:
missed the third and had to jump into the fourth knowing almost nothing of what had been going on.

Why you not buy season 3, it's only $25 !!!

Thanks for the link but I do not plan on picking up Atlantis on DVD until it is released in a full collection like SG-1. I can catch up on season 3 now though because it is finally airing on Space (Canada's version of Sci-Fi I believe) so I will be up to date with season 3 after season 4 ends .


Thursday, February 7, 2008 4:20 PM


I tend to buy series like that as well. I don't have a disposable income like some people believe all brainy geek types have. I don't even have a job at the moment. Of course as Jayne's Daddy says "If you can't find a job, you ain't lookin' hard enough".

Anyway it's a rip off to buy series on DVD as they come out. It's an incredible waste of money. They usually drop in price at Target by 10 bucks in the first few months, or so. I just sate my appetite with reruns and the fact I can watch an episode of a favorite series once or twice and replay it in my head without forgetting much detail at all. I used to do that with Firefly at my last job and get odd looks when I'd laugh at a joke or get to the part where Kaylee gets shot... that part gets me every time. Any good it does in relation to the show's getting canceled or not is very little as that has more to do with the current inaccurate and insufficient ratings system.

That said I can't say I haven't been tempted to buy a season for cheap at Last Stop CD Shop in Sioux Falls. Can't beat the prices.
<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Friday, February 8, 2008 6:31 AM


I sold some more DVD's I wasn't gonna really watch anytime soon and GOT SGA SEASON ONE!!! Found it on sale at Wallyworld (I have no use for that store otherwise).

Setting the Gate 2nite!



Friday, February 8, 2008 9:56 AM


Yep Wallyworld isn't my choice for one stop shopping either. About the only thing I get there are gallon jugs of water and occasionally Legos if they are on sale for cheap.

I hope you enjoy season one. It really picks up with the mid-season cliffhanger. Let us know what you liked and disliked.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Friday, February 8, 2008 11:30 AM


You got it- I move through this kinda stuff quickly.



Saturday, February 9, 2008 4:29 AM


Rising 1 & 2 were even better than I remembered, and Hide And Seek was really good...the humour was exceptional ("I shot him....in the LEG...")...apart from my pet peeve of universally spoken English (eff it at this point), this show is delivering.

Newbie Gaterisall


Saturday, February 9, 2008 1:16 PM


I'm so glad you like it Chris. It's one of my current favorite things. :-)

Fun, bright, sometimes laugh out loud funny, and the character interaction is getting really good.

Keep going... I'm anxious to hear what you think of it now that Jewel is in it.



Saturday, February 9, 2008 2:33 PM


Glad you like it. My only problem with the show is the universal English as well. Not bad when you only dislike one thing about a show. Not many others are like that for me. SG1 had the same problem and it's understandable given the amount of work it would take to devise a new language that sounds halfway decent for every little culture. Of course on Atlantis they could have just had everyone speak a slightly altered, more casual Ancient language. Which would not have been too hard since it's basically a weird form of Latin. Either way it's still not too hard to ignore it and just enjoy the show.

Just wait until you get to the middle of the season and "The Storm" and "The Eye". I remember that was where I thought "Ok I'm a fan". Of course I liked Dr. McKay as a rarely recurring character on SG1 so I was sorta a fan going in.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, February 10, 2008 5:54 AM


THIRTY EIGHT MINUTES reminded me of Out Of Gas in a way- the idea of getting stuck in a Gate was fascinating, and *YEA* for me; I figured how to get the bugger off Sheppard before THEY did!!!

SUSPICION was a tight little piece of paranoia, and I really liked that the perceived 'bad' military dude had a real contribution to the answer.

CHILDHOOD'S END was kinda like Miri, with a little Logan's Run thrown in...IMO the weakest ep so far, and it was still entertaining. But man, this show is never low on action!

Rippin' through it Chrisisall


Sunday, February 10, 2008 1:46 PM


Childhood's End might just be one of my least favorite season one episodes. And I can still enjoy watching it from time to time. Your right the show really doesn't let up much on the action. You ain't seen nothing yet though.

I'd have to say next to Firefly, SGA is probably the only other Scifi show I get more than a bit excited about.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, February 10, 2008 1:58 PM



Originally posted by Strangebird:
You ain't seen nothing yet though.

*grin widens...*

One thing, when alien peeps in Voyager or TNG all speak English, I cringe, in SGA I find it easier to wrap my head around- I guess it's the pulp-science fiction quality to it, and the cool sense of humour...

Je suis Chrisisall






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