Just discovered LOST!

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 04:11
VIEWED: 1587
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Saturday, March 22, 2008 6:34 AM


I haven't watched broadcast TV since Babylon 5 ended, just DVDs of shows I hear a lot about (such as Firefly).
I was impressed by the BSG miniseries, but couldn't bring myself to re-watch my DVD, so I've avoided the series.
I've had no interest in Heroes, and LOST just sounded like a dramatic version of Survivor... or even Gilligan's Island!

Then people started calling LOST "the finest science fiction series in history", so I read the Wikipedia entry on it, but it wasn't until I saw that ABC was streaming all the seasons in HD that I finally took the plunge.

Starting this last March 1st, I've been watching 4-6 episodes a day, averaging a season a week, and I just finished Season 3!

I am so totally bowled over by the production values on this thing: the writing/plotting, acting (especially Terry O'Quinn's & Michael Emerson's), and the cinematography (the location scouts deserve a medal)!

Even though I'd largely been spoiled by these sites...
...there were still plenty of pleasant shocks and surprises to be had, and I've really enjoyed connecting all the parts in my head, like a big Tinker Toy set.

I will now say that, while Firefly, Babylon 5 & Space: Above and Beyond are the best SF shows involving spacecraft, LOST is the best Earthbound one.


"Spry for a dead fella!"


Saturday, March 22, 2008 7:23 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Totally agree. LOST is fantastic and one of my all-time favourite shows. I think its managed to capture the perfect blend of mystery and drama, as well as creating well-defined and interesting characters. The use of flashbacks in each episode is an inspired story-telling device.

But if you think season 3 is good, oh boy, wait till season 4. Every episode has been fantastic, telling us quite a bit (whilst raising more questions) and the new spin on the flashbacks (Wont spoil it for those who've not caught up yet) has breathed new life into the show.

I cannot wait till the last episode of season 4(before the break that is), Meet Kevin Johnson. Airs over here tomorrow night and it sounds like it's gonna be fantastic.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
www.myspace.com/dicksquinty The World's Greatest Detective?


Sunday, March 23, 2008 1:16 PM


Glad you like the show.
I found the show about 6 or 7 episodes into season 1, although I started watching from the beginning.
I was reading my brothers scifi mag here in the UK and they had episode reviews of US shows in the middle section. I glanced by it and caught Emilie de Ravin's name who I remembered from Roswell. Read a couple of reviews that always ended with a line like 'This show just gets better each week', or 'Must watch TV'. So I downloaded the pilot and have never looked back.

I love the intricacies and twists and turns for the characters, and I love the way they tease you by just giving you a little bit of an answer that opens up more.

I can understand why people don't like it or have given up on it. It requires that you really watch it. You can't just miss an epsiode or two and expect to catch up.

Season 4 has been great. The flashback twist in Sun and Jin's episode was a neat trick.
And knowing that certain events have to happen soon it will be interesting to see how they end the season.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, March 23, 2008 1:28 PM


...and Nathan was in it!

Frisky Browncoat
I don't do taco night...


Sunday, March 23, 2008 4:33 PM


I wouldn't go so far as to say that LOST is the greatest sci-fi show of all time (that period between season 2 and halfway through season 3 seriously discredits that notion. They kinda had their heads up their ass during that period. Plus, I'm not too big a fan of absolutes), but I will say that season 1 was pretty good, but that it was halfway through season 3 up to now that the show has really kicked into overtime to become something truly riveting and exciting. It's a good time to be a fan of the show. So if you find your attention waning during that year and half, then stick with it . By the time you get to season 4, you'll be itching for the end of April.

And I really, really, REALLY recommend that you actually watch HEROES. It's as narratively complex and character based, but I find it more enjoyable since it doesn't string you out over a long period of time. And Hiro Nakamura is probably the most endearing character on a sci-fi series going on right now, with the exception of The Doctor.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Tuesday, March 25, 2008 3:35 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:

And I really, really, REALLY recommend that you actually watch HEROES. It's as narratively complex and character based, but I find it more enjoyable since it doesn't string you out over a long period of time. And Hiro Nakamura is probably the most endearing character on a sci-fi series going on right now, with the exception of The Doctor.

I agree, it's the ONLY series that I watch as it's broadcast, as much as I like Stargate Atlantis & want to see Sarah Connor Chronicles, I can wait for the DVD's- not so w/Heroes.

An I'll get Lost on DVD after the final season airs, and I hear it doesn't suck.

Hate-y the commercial Chrisisall


Tuesday, March 25, 2008 4:11 AM


CLJ, glad you found the LOST series. I totally missed out on season 1 when it was first shown on tv ( but then I totally missed out the first season of FF too). Anyway since that time I’ve caught up with LOST and am enjoying each new season as it airs. Now it ain’t no Firefly but it is good. Each episode ends in a cliffhanger and there is plenty of eye candy for the ladies as well as us fellows. The current seasons run has been exceptionally good (season 4 or 5, I ain’t remembering) and having just seen 3:10 to Yuma (Alan Tudyk) I’ve noticed the fellow “Tucker” who plays a deputy in 3:10 also has a recurring role in LOST. He’s the muscle on the boat that's out in the ocean.

If you’re looking to maybe get into another tv series you should check out CHUCK on NBC. It’s got Adam Baldwin as special agent Casey and is a pretty light hearted comedy with a few moments that pull at the ‘ol heartstrings. SMALLVILLE isn’t a bad series either and is currently on its 6 or 7 season.

Course it may be just my opinion but none of them have pulled up to the extreme level as FF has for me. That show was and is still the light in the darkness of television programming. To bad it couldn’t have been on ABC or CBS instead of were it was. Maybe it would still be running had it been.







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