I'll start: DOCTOR WHO 4.1-the awesomeness

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:07
VIEWED: 16316
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Saturday, May 31, 2008 10:20 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
Plus I'd have people in the house to look after me because it's starting to get dark here.....

Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?
Hey! Who turned out the lights?


Saturday, May 31, 2008 6:21 PM


I love Steven Moffat's writing and "Silence in the Library" did not disappoint! Very creepy and will keep me guessing until next week how they are going to be able to resolve it. A great cliff-hanger (and another example of why I feel they should change the show's format to do a majority of two-part stories instead of single episode stories). I can not wait until Steven Moffat takes over as Executive Producer next year to see how he changes the direction of the show.

"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Saturday, May 31, 2008 10:58 PM


Yes, Moffat's name on a project seems to be the watchword for quality. I have loved his writing ever since I fell in love with the wit of Coulping and he manages to keep that up even during a dark and spooky story.

Plus, Alex Kingston? Still very hot (I fancied her when she was in Moll Flanders and ER and she's not changed!)

The plot's a lot more complex:

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I can't quite work out what's going on with the little girl. Is she a sentient computer who's created a fantasy life perhaps? However it turns out, I thought she was a cracking little actress!

P.s. I'm not talking to ImNoHere, he's a mean mean person. Or possibly possessed.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 1:29 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
P.s. I'm not talking to ImNoHere, he's a mean mean person. Or possibly possessed.

Its not my fault - I was traumatized as a child: it was the 1970s - winter of discontent and all that. There was a miner's strike, and scheduled power blackouts across the country. Guess at what time on a Saturday evening the lights went out?!


Still, this reinforces how great it is that Steven Moffat is taking over from Russel T Davies: he has a deep understanding of what Who is all about: (1) Scary monsters for the kids - look out behind you! (2) Make every-day objects scary (3) Add deeper, psychologically disturbing layers to rattle the adults (4) remember a time machine can do much more than just take you to interesting places! It will be interesting to see what other writers come up with when he takes over the helm.

Only real criticism is that maybe he used up a few too many good ideas in one go on this one (e.g. the Dr River Song subplot deserves plenty of space)... hope he's got plenty more where they came from.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 2:03 AM


Yes, I thought if felt a little cramped, plot wise.

Oh I forgot, I'm not talking to you. You spooked me!



Sunday, June 1, 2008 4:32 AM


Steven Moffat is going to take over from RTD? I hadn't heard that yet.

I love the stories he write. Didn't he write The Empty Child/Doctor Dances in season one as well? Those are still my favourite Dr Who episodes ever.

I thought yesterdays episode was great. The right amount of scaryness. Invisible monsters are always the scariest.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 6:11 AM



Originally posted by dutchie:
Steven Moffat is going to take over from RTD? I hadn't heard that yet.

'Tis official: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7411177.stm

...but we've got to somehow survive 2009 with only a few "specials" before the next full series


Sunday, June 1, 2008 6:13 AM


Steven Moffatt is a nasty, nasty man. I need my sleep. I've only just got over those bloody statues.

He has an instinctive grasp of just exactly what will scare the go-se out of a body, don't he? Let's just hope he and Tim Minear never have occasion to join forces. People will be stapling their eyes open a la 'Clockwork Orange' and twitching in very brightly lit corners.

And now there's a character called River?


Sunday, June 1, 2008 8:09 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Steven Moffatt is a nasty, nasty man. I need my sleep. I've only just got over those bloody statues.

He has an instinctive grasp of just exactly what will scare the go-se out of a body, don't he? Let's just hope he and Tim Minear never have occasion to join forces. People will be stapling their eyes open a la 'Clockwork Orange' and twitching in very brightly lit corners.

Oh I have to agree with you there. Stephen Moffatt just doesn't want me to sleep at night by creating those creepy characters.

I still can't look at Angel statues without thinking they have an ulterior motive, lol




Sunday, June 1, 2008 1:39 PM


I guess I don't scare easily anymore (then again, I did watch in broad daylight, so that may have something to do with it).

For me, the best part had to be

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the data ghosts. Not just disturbing, but moving on a deeply emotional level. Makes one ponder some really fascinating questions about death.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Sunday, June 1, 2008 2:00 PM


I wanted the shadows to move or creep more. They didn't really do much although I did love the episode. Hopefully they'll be worse next week.

I have to agree with DeepGirl though about her spoiler. Disturbing indeed on many levels.

I still look cautiously at statues or make some funny comment that no one else gets. Just using humour to hide my fear.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, June 1, 2008 2:01 PM


Humph! The site ate my last post!

Iwas trying to agree with Hobleit that Steve Moffat does do scary very well.

Just pity those poor parents. There will be many a cry of "Mommmy! There's a strange shadow in my room!" and adding more nightlights will just make things worse!



Friday, June 6, 2008 12:44 PM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
I guess I don't scare easily anymore (then again, I did watch in broad daylight, so that may have something to do with it).
For me, the best part had to be (spoiler)

I must say that I tend to think "gosh, that's scary" rather than actually feel scared - probably between the aforementioned power-cut during Dr Who incidents in the 70s and walking back alone in the dark after seeing Aliens in the 80s my scare circuits got burned out. Most modern horror seems more pukeworthy than scary.

However, back in the day even the Dr Who title music had me diving behind the sofa (although that was the proper and well spooky Delia Derbyshire title music - not the overcooked semi-orchestral mush of today).

Fortunately, 'Who is pretty good at throwing in more disturbing "layers" to target the older and more cynical viewers, and one of the best at that trick is Stephen Moff...
Muh muh..


Saturday, June 7, 2008 3:01 AM


Just to say...my husband owns a gas-mask (work-related) and the bugger put it on and jumped out of a dark room at me a while back.


Monday, June 9, 2008 9:06 AM


Not a court in the world would convict you for beating him to death.

A fantastic conclusion to the story and this is the guy who will be in charge of the show in 2010 (when the next series starts).


Monday, June 16, 2008 11:45 PM


Just to say i thought that the whole River Song 'i know him, but he doesn't know me' thing was an excellant idea, plus the chemistry between David Tennant and Alex Kingston (who played River Song, and who apparently used to be in ER as well) was just great, i hope that with Moffat soon taking the helm we might see a return of that character .
On a different note, last saturdays episode 'Midnight'....

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An unusual episode i thought, quite claustrophobic and definately scary. It reminded me a bit of something i saw once about witch trials, where the mob become so convinced that they saw something evil or supernatural even though they didn't and the hysteria lead them to do attrocious things (such as throwing people out the air lock). If anything i think that the human characters, particularly the married couple, came off as being more evil than whatever it was that was possessing Sky. After all if it wasn't for their fear and stupidity the situation could have been controlled.

Any thoughts?
Oh, by the way the episode title for the penultimate episode of this series, which previous been kept secret because it 'gives to much away', has been revealed.

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The Stolen Earth

I may wear brown, but theres a little purple mixed in there too.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 12:52 AM


seperated at birth:

laura roslin

sarah jane smith

(if the links work...)


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:28 AM



Originally posted by MrBlueSun:
Just to say i thought that the whole River Song 'i know him, but he doesn't know me' thing was an excellant idea, plus the chemistry between David Tennant and Alex Kingston (who played River Song, and who apparently used to be in ER as well) was just great, i hope that with Moffat soon taking the helm we might see a return of that character .
On a different note, last saturdays episode 'Midnight'....

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An unusual episode i thought, quite claustrophobic and definately scary. It reminded me a bit of something i saw once about witch trials, where the mob become so convinced that they saw something evil or supernatural even though they didn't and the hysteria lead them to do attrocious things (such as throwing people out the air lock). If anything i think that the human characters, particularly the married couple, came off as being more evil than whatever it was that was possessing Sky. After all if it wasn't for their fear and stupidity the situation could have been controlled.

Any thoughts?
Oh, by the way the episode title for the penultimate episode of this series, which previous been kept secret because it 'gives to much away', has been revealed.

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The Stolen Earth

I may wear brown, but theres a little purple mixed in there too.

Yes I really liked Midnight. Something different and very creepy. Confidential gave some insights into the episode.....

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Yes the female of the married couple was supposed to be the most evil one there. Reminded me of the religious woman in The Mist (Stephen King film).
Her son was the one who was on the Doctors side but was bullied into turning against him. The Prof was the one who held his firm beliefs and wouldn't accept anything else. The Profs assistant acted out of pure fear.
And of course the Hostess was right all along - they should have just thrown her out at the beginning.
A very well done episode that must have been tough to shoot.

Apparently it's only the second time in Who history that the Doc has been companionless for a story (the other being Tom Baker in The Deadly Assassin).

Looking forward to the last three episodes. Should be great.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, June 22, 2008 3:38 AM


Ok, well if the opening shot from "Turn Left" wasn't Firefly-inspired then I'm an Ood's grandmother.

Only concern is how these dark psychological stories are going to go down with the toy-buying, ratings swelling kiddie demographic.

They could have done with more material like this in Torchwood, instead of relying on metrosexual tonsil tennis and naughty words.


Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:24 AM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:
Ok, well if the opening shot from "Turn Left" wasn't Firefly-inspired then I'm an Ood's grandmother.

I thought the exact same thing, lol

Good episode though




Sunday, June 22, 2008 11:04 PM


I swear I recognised some of those pictograms...

I've been slammed before for suggesting that there seems to be a great deal of...homage in this series. But now I feel vindicated.

But I like the way this is going - very dark and strange.

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I think it might be related to the Medusa Cascade - that's been mentioned a few times, along with the bees disappearing. And several planets...


Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:44 AM


The Stolen Earth.


This episode was brilliant. So much going on. All the little bits coming together.
The FX budget must have been huge.
Okay spoilers ahead.

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Daleks, Daleks and more Daleks. Davros too, nice to see him back with his quivering hand.

All the companions being there was great and Harriet Jones - Former Prime Minister, as well.
They finally got to bring in the rest of Torchwood and Sarah Janes son.

Rose spending all the episode trying to get to the Doctor and being so close and then finally meeting him for him to be shot. This was well done. Her jealousy at Martha was spot on.

And then the start of the regeneration.
You know it can't be the end of Tennant coz he's supposed to be in next years specials. But how are they gonna get out of this one? Will he get out of it? Maybe he really is changing and we've been lied to?

Can't believe I've got to wait a week.
At least I'll have Confidential to watch.

Just as an afterthought I like to see them do one of next years specials with both Tennant and Eccleston as the Doctor and Rose as a companion. That could be fun. The original series meet ups were always good.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Saturday, June 28, 2008 9:49 AM


Strewth! If it is what it looks like, they kept that one well covered up!


Saturday, June 28, 2008 5:11 PM


HOLY CRAP!!! They really do know how to do amazing two part finales. I never felt so good getting chills when that familiar and horrible "EX-TERMINATE!!" was spoken.

These last few episodes are really pulling out all the stops. I know with the two part Steven Moffat episodes that everyone was quick to praise them, but "MIDNIGHT" was a fantastic ep that shows that uses the "people in an enclosed environment" storyline incredibly well. "TURN LEFT" was chilling in seeing all these callbacks from the series and how without The Doctor there the entire world goes to hell. And of course this one is just jaw dropping, to say the least. You really get the sense that with Russell T. Davis (who I think gets an unfair reputation as someone whom his show is great in spite of him, not because of it, kind of like George Lucas with STAR WARS), if he's going out, he's going out full swing and guns blazing.

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I wonder if there's any way The Master is going to be brought back in the finale, since the hand of Davros looked like the hand that picked up The Master's ring at his funeral pyre at the end of season 3.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Sunday, June 29, 2008 12:22 AM


Last night's Who?


OH. MY. F. GOD! It didn't let up at all. There was so much urgency and.. *Deep breath.*

Seriously though..

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There were so many cool moments. I loved it when Donna first set her eyes on Cap'n Jack. That was great. I can still see and hear Gwen firing that machine gun at the Dalek.. O.O Intense.. Talking 'bout Daleks.. That insane, giggly Dalek was wonderful. The Paul O Grady clip and Ianto's reaction was great too. Billie Piper and that HUGE gun was so cool. There were just lots of fun moments - like Harriet Jones. . It was good to see them tie in Sarah Jane, Torchwood and UNIT. And, the scenes featuring Dalek ships flying across the sky? Epic!

The TARDIS spinning towards the repositioned earth, with the radio signal pulsating out into space was pretty dodgey though. Maybe they were trying to make it look like an ol school effect, but it looked horrible given the quality of the other sfx.

Next week is the finale? Bloody hell.. I'm bringing riot gear to protect my senses.

Can't wait for it!



Sunday, June 29, 2008 6:20 AM


All I can say is...Can't Stop The Signal

I mean, how are they going to top that gut-wrencher of 'Turn Left'? Besides, y'know, what looks to be happening? -

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Regeneration? Do what? 'Cos I swear that DT said specifically that he was signed up. Unless this was another Big Lie like Billy Piper's 'not coming back' one.

Just...aagh. But..

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I was right about the bees. And the planets. And the Medusa Cascade. So I might be right about the big pay-off - I think stepping in front of a lorry is small change compared to what Donna is going to do. Which is basically to step in front of the Universe. That second out of time thing has to be important. (As is that Key that Martha has - but is anyone else thinking 'Galaxy Quest'?) If one Dalek can move through time - even if it ends up mad as a bag of frogs - then what can a determined human do? Rose channeled the TARDIS before. And there are too many folk at the wrong end of the mad canopeners at the mo - Torchwood can't end that way, tho' if the 'Sarah-Jane Adventures' get canned, it won't be a disaster, I'm afraid.

SpaceAnJL. Who needs to get out more.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008 10:53 AM


Okay, now I've calmed down a bit, my heartbeat has returned to normal and I can think things thru a little clearer, I have come to these predictions:

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Which companion will die as the mad Dalek predicted?
Jack can't die so he's safe and he also becomes the Face Of Bo in later years so he will survive.
Gwen and Ianto will survive coz they won't wipe out all of Torchwood, coz, you know, no more Torchwood series and they have announced another, plus two of them have recently died.
The Doctor has to remain as the Doctor we know (at least by the end of the episode) coz Dr River Song has to meet him when he's older (we don't know how much older) and he needs to look the same.
Sarah Jane is a possibility but I think she's too well liked and too much a part of the series as a whole.
That leaves Rose, Martha and Donna.
Martha has another life now and has chosen to leave the Doctor twice. She will survive and carry on with it.
Rose is possible as well, it would get a big reaction but I think she'll return to her universe to carry on fighting, similar to what Martha does. I'm sure they'll be some sort of clause that means she has to return 'home'. Then there's always the hope that they will meet up again later.
That leaves Donna. Throughout the series she has been hinted at as being important or special. Dr Song wouldn't tell her why she wasn't still travelling with the Doctor. Even her last name of Noble has been referenced several times as it's literal meaning. I think this refers to her doing a Noble act and sacrificing herself to save everyone.
My money's on her. She's enough to have an impact but without too much fallout after it, like say Rose's death would cause.

Most of this has come from the fact that Steven Moffat wrote the Dr Song related episodes and he is taking over next year from RTD. So to me this was laying the groundwork for something he plans down the line. A bit like RTD did with Bad Wolf and various other bits.
This should mean that Alex Kingston will return as a future companion. Maybe in one or more of the specials.

I love this show. Top class entertainment that makes Saturday evening TV worthy again amidst all the crap.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Tuesday, July 1, 2008 12:08 PM


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Last time around there was a new Doctor, there were several stories about who it was going to be. We've had the stories again this time (I'm not going to mention who it is meant to be to keep the surprise but the rumour mill is suggesting someone who is already a household name in the UK and known in America for his film work). Plus David Tennant is such a fan of the show and so committed to making it the best he can, I certainly wouldn't put it past him making an appearence on the set of the Christmas special in costume despite him not appearing in it. A few waves in front of the spying cameras, some faux footage and...

Anyway, a 65 minute special next week - I hope they don't cut out too much when they air it in America - actually, they should just merge the two episodes into one 110 minute movie spectacular.

Oh, and bonus marks for killing off the entire family with maximum extermination. The Daleks are evil creatures so they shouldn't do the mild killing off of annoying male characters that is generally done.

91 hours to go...


Saturday, July 5, 2008 11:40 PM


Well the end is here. Overall I really liked this with some minor quibbles listed below.

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What I didn't like.
The Doctor redirecting the regeneration energy into his hand. I got how it could work (although I'm guessing this doesn't actually count as one of his regenerations as he didn't actually change) but I thought it just pushed the whole idea of regeneration that bit too far. But then the Master chose NOT to change so there appears to be some control over it.
I would have liked to have seen more destruction from the Daleks. Maybe a couple of minor planets or moons blown up, or something to add more threat.
The TARDIS moving the Earth was the worst bit. Way over the top, even beyond that vehicles capabilities and the FX looked ropey as well.

Now for the good stuff.
Davros and Sarah Jane recognizing each other.
The Doctor and Rose recognizing Gwen and linking to her character from another episode (brilliant).
The Daleks screaming exterminate in German (hilarious).
The Doctordonna and the link to the Ood and their song. What a sad ending considering that no one really died. I will miss Donna as, like many others, I wasn't happy when I heard she was going to be a companion. But she proved me wrong, she was a great companion. And it was a nice touch to have her return to her old shouty self.
A strong hint that Mickey and Martha will be in Torchwood next season.
Confirmation of what we knew for a long time that the TARDIS really needs six pilots, not one.
Plus all the other little bits that make the show special. Rose not realizing that Jack can't die (especially as it was her that caused it). Mickey and Sarah Jane (The Smiths) together again. K-9's appearance. Rose stating that Martha was good after being so jealous last episode. Martha's response when she finally sees Rose and stating that 'he found you'.

I'm guessing as well that this episode seems to strongly hint that we are done with Rose's story, she won't be seen anymore. She has her man and they can't keep opening up the barriers between universes. Thich makes sense considering that the show has a new boss and so he will follow his own plot lines.

Well that's all folks.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, July 6, 2008 12:25 AM


in the console room of my mnd (actually smaller on the inside - but hey...) the raging argument goes something like this:

HHmph! full of sound and fury - signifying nothing.

the doctor:
oh yes - well... but it was fun though eh?
little bit?? teensy bit?
c'mon! how could that not be fun??
Saving the universe - now, that's not something you see everyday -
well, unless you're ME. ha! Brilliant!

my disbelief was not so much suspended
as hung from the rafters
and left twisting slowly slowly in the wind.

the doctor:
oh yes... but it WAS suspended right? Ah? AH?!
Yes, 'course it was!

there were even more buffy references than the last two finales...

the doctor:
oh yes... but you LIKED that!

And the point of Davros again?

the doctor:
oh you're funny -
the point was - he had a funny hand, wasn't it briliant!
A funny little timey wimey hand and wooosh!
and zap! and - i had one too!

and more baloney science than a fistful of STNG

the doctor:
STNG? Sounds nasty - does it come with a rash?
i hand a rash once - nasty thing rashes - got mine when i had JNT.

you were very good at the end.

the doctor:
yes i was wasn't i.

oh sod it -
pass me my cigarettes and let's do the happy dance.

the doctor:


Sunday, July 6, 2008 2:20 AM



Originally posted by wytchcroft:
and more baloney science than a fistful of STNG

Doctor Who was doing baloney science before Star Trek of any generation existed. This is the show that gave us the immortal words "reverse the polarity of the neutron flow". Genius.

The problem with STNG was that it took itself far too seriously. Doctor Who doesn't really pretend to be anything other than camp, escapist but imaginative B-movie fun. There's room for more of that.


And the point of Davros again?

...as explained in last week's "confidential" - the Daleks are only really good for barking orders and chanting "exterminate!" - you need someone slightly more human to carry off the old verbal sparring and explaining the evil master plan routine.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 2:50 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

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The TARDIS moving the Earth was the worst bit. Way over the top, even beyond that vehicles capabilities and the FX looked ropey as well.

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I think it has been well established that the TARDIS has near-omnipotent powers, and that part of the Time Lords' - and especially the Doctor's - ethos is choosing not to wield that power (the Lord of the Rings strikes again!)

As for the SFX - I agree it was disappointing. Those morons at The Mill have clearly never seen a 1950s police telephone box towing a planet using a space-time rift as a tow-rope before in their lives .

Actually, I've never really liked it when they try to show the TARDIS physically flying through space: its fine and iconic as something that materialises out of thin air, but when it depicted as a "proper" space ship it rather lacks gravitas.


Sunday, July 6, 2008 2:53 AM


Loved it. Perfectly encapsulated why the Daleks are so dangerous - they're prepared to destroy in existence in every reality anywhere purely to leave themselves as the last race standing.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008 7:31 AM


I agree, this was a top-notch season finale (MUCH better than "Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Timelords" last year). Yes, some of the SFX were weak, but given everything else going on with the show I am certainly not going to bash the entire episode because of that.

Hey, it was just announced today that Nick Courtney is going to be in the first story of second season "Sarah Jane Adventures"! Hopefully we can get Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (retired) back on "Doctor Who" in one of the 2009 specials or in the 2010 series!!!

"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Saturday, July 12, 2008 6:20 AM


I thought it was an amazing finale!

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the sci-fi effects are obviously not as perfect or expensive as they would be for an American made show...
but they were beautiful and created a wonderful imaginary image to go with the brilliance of seeing the TARDIS flown as it should be (with 6 pilots at the helm)

I love Donna so much, and I am so grateful that she lives, because I do hope that she'll recover all, or at least some, of her memories someday!

It really was a very character driven story with all our people getting a moment... and the Doctor left alone... again... naturally.

BUT the Doctor also knows these people are all out there, ready to do whatever they can to help.

I think this 4th series was the best ever, and I am definitely going to need to own it!

to celebrate I would like everyone to enjoy this:

(funniest ever!)

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816
DON'T MISS DR.HORRIBLE! Nathan Fillion sings!!!!!


Saturday, July 12, 2008 7:15 AM



Originally posted by lesather:
I agree, this... season finale... MUCH better than "Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Timelords" last year.

oh definitely:) i agree.


Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:55 AM


thank god! i was afraid i was the only one who loved this years finale! i looked online and i saw so many reviews hating it!!! :(


"Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away."


Saturday, July 12, 2008 11:18 AM


You know, I have to say that with DOCTOR WHO, it's not a question of which season is better to buy. I have the first season, haven't gotten around to looking at it, and I would have picked up seasons 2 and 3 if BBC didn't put $100 plus stickers on them. When I have a better cash flow, I'll be getting tons of DVD's.

But in terms of a quality arc, I have to say that DOCTOR WHO never had a dry spell like so many other sci-fi series recently. I mean, LOST spent season 2 and half of season 3 with it's head up it's ass, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA has that problem of having a lot of filler episodes usually in the middle of their seasons, and while I personally didn't have a problem with it, some people were ready to write HEROES off as a lost cause after only a handful of arguably iffy episodes.

DOCTOR WHO on the other hand maybe had a handful of iffy episodes during its four season run so far, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it had a bad year or so. And I never saw it as a campy B series. I thought it balanced perfectly the comedic and adventurous tone of the franchise with a lot of heavy dramatic and scary moments. I always think about the one ep from season 1 called "Father's Day" where they traveled to the 80's and Rose saves her father from getting hit by a car and the repercussions it has.

And with this finale, loved it like all the others. I thought it was strange though for there not to be a cliffhanger that would lead into the Xmas special. I just like after a really dramatic moment, something completely shocking and random getting into the TARDIS and The Doctor going "WHAT???....WHAT????....WHAT???"

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:42 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
I thought it was strange though for there not to be a cliffhanger that would lead into the Xmas special. I just like after a really dramatic moment, something completely shocking and random getting into the TARDIS and The Doctor going "WHAT???....WHAT????....WHAT???"

Doctor Who ISN'T a camp show, but it has elements of campness in it. Just like it has comedy, drama, supense, horror, romance, tension, thrills, chills and all those other things.
It features everything and when done right can effortlessly flit between one or the other.

I'm glad they didn't do the What What WHAT!! ending. It was really well done before and any more and it would have been overused. At least this way they can start with a completely clean slate and we'll get to see how they introduce the Doctor into the story. I always like it when they have a story begin, you get into it and then after a few minutes you catch a glimpse of the TARDIS, or the Doctor appears in a hospital bed like when he met Martha.


some people were ready to write HEROES off as a lost cause after only a handful of arguably iffy episodes

This is something I thought about touching on before but resisted. Not having a go at anyone particular but it seems too easy for people these days to just give up on a show when they get a couple of episodes they don't like. There just doesn't seem to be any commitment to TV shows from the general masses. And where do they go after they stop watching? Reality TV.
I have a mate who is exactly like this. He won't try anything new, and when he does if it doesn't get him in half an hour, he's off. Yet he watches all the versions of Big Brother. Sometimes I just can't understand people like him.

The same happened when the Peter Kay Doctor Who episode came out. Most people hated it and some cried out it was the end of the show mainly because the Doctor wasn't in it much. They may have gotten that one wrong but after it they did Blink and Turn Left which hardly featured the Doctor. Look how they turned out.

Like I say not having a dig at anyone, especially us Browncoats, seeing as we are still here writing about our show years after it ended.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, July 13, 2008 8:23 AM


Hey guys.

I'm bummed.

I have been getting more and more jittery and restless all day and I've just worked out why.

No Who for over a week. And no more for MONTHS! Help! How will I survive?!

I've tried to analyse why I'm so addicted to Dr Who and am finding it difficult to put my finger on. Actually, that's a lie. Possibly one of the main reasons is that I find David Tennant to be the most deliciously edible man that I have ever been reduced to smooching a pixelized image of.

Ahem. But that's incidental to the supposedly mature critical analysis of my post.

Before I got sidetracked I was going to propose a discussion about what makes Who so addictive? I like lwaves' suggestion that it could be the varied nature, including

comedy, drama, supense, horror, romance, tension, thrills, chills and all those other things.

Still, it doesn't do 'quality storytelling' in a reliable and consistant way.You couldn't point a sci-fi virgin at any episode and be sure of a convert with as much reliability as with Firefly (I have tried this with my friends. Total so far 8 out of 8 converted Browncoats - to one degree or another, 3.5 out of 7 Dr Who fans). I don't think that anyone here could argue that "The Unicorn and the Wasp" was an inspired bit of writing exploring something fundamental about the human condition (after a while the protestations of "But it's fun camp" and "No, that's self -depreciating mockery - you're meant to laugh at the silliness", do start to sound a bit thin even to my ears).

Possibly the success of this series lies in its universal appeal. It was marketed as family entertainment and has hit its niche perfectly. I can't think of another programme on at the moment that I could sit down with my 12 year old neice and my parents and predict that none of us would get bored. I think part of why I love it is that feeling of community, of inclusiveness. Kind of similar to Firefly actually. Joss Whedon gave me a new family but Russel T Davis has helped reconnect me with my own.

Long rambling rant over. Thank you for listening!



Monday, July 14, 2008 12:21 AM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
But in terms of a quality arc, I have to say that DOCTOR WHO never had a dry spell like so many other sci-fi series recently.

The original series had a bit of a dry spell back in the 80s (most famously with the Licorice Allsorts Man episode - and you can see from the clips on "Confidential" that the makeup and effects had gone down the pan then, too)

However - it has a few advantages over the other shows you mention:

1. Only 15 episodes a year (13 regular episodes plus a twofer at Christmas). One of my pet beefs with US shows is that the ideas & money inevitably seem to dry up around episode 12, leaving a string of filler episodes until the season finale.

2. Its pure, escapist B-movie fantasy - anything goes. "Lost" couldn't get away with evil Santa Claus robots. The "Heroes" couldn't meet the Devil.

3. Its less "hero-centric" - at its best, the Dr and assistant just act as a catalyst for a story about the guests of the week. This makes for more variety.

4. Revolving door casting - adds varity, and immunity from star egos. The only irreplaceable element is the blue box.

5. Everybody wants to be in it or write for it - a respectable fraction of the BBC's talent pool is there because they watched 'Who as a kid. In the UK, its brand recognition is up there with Coca Cola and Jesus.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008 10:56 AM


Oh, Doctor Who is bigger than Jesus over here. In fact, the series finale was the most watched programme of the week by over 1.5m viewers. Bigger than the soaps, bigger than Wimbledon, bigger than anything anyone else put up, this sci-fi show was numero uno. As successful as the Star Treks, Stargates and such have been, they never managed that.

If you're really missing Who, there's some surrogate shows available - Sarah Jane Adventures returns for a 12 episode run in September, Torchwood is back in early 2009 and there's the Doctor Who Proms (complete with a brand new scene in the TARDIS starring David Tennant) later this month. But we only have four specials to see us through till the new series starting in 2010.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:07 AM


WHAT?! 2010?! You're kidding! Right? Tell me you're kidding? Why not next year? Did I do something evil in a past life?

I guess I'm not the only one going crazy for a David Tennant fix.

I looked on Ebay and tickets to see the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Hamlet this summer with the great one as the lead and Patrick Stewart as his evil uncle are selling for approximately £200 each. And I have three!!!! Bwa hahahahahaa. They're mine, all mine!!!







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