van helsing

UPDATED: Monday, May 24, 2004 12:49
VIEWED: 7588
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Friday, May 14, 2004 7:39 PM


now i know that this has nothin to do about firefly but i gust wnted to share this with you

Universal Pictures,Universal network Telivision and NBC today announced a commitment to develop Transylvania, a dramatic fantasy television series convinced by Sterphen Sommers and inspired by the world he's created for VAN HELSING,his feature-film epic which will be released on May 7,2004.

nbchas given a plot commitment to the project,executive producedby Sommers and his producing,partner Bob Ducsay.Sommers will write the series inital episodes and hias indacated that the weekly narrative planned for Transylvania will be connected in spirit amd style to his big-buget feature film but will not share any major characters or story lines with VAN HELSING.

VAN HELSING, WRITTEN AND DIRECTD BY Sommers and inspired by the classic Universal monster films of the 1930s and '40s whitch ans endured as cinematic milestones,creats a world where evil is ever present, where danger rises as the the sunsets and where the monsters tha inhabit man's nightmares take form. In Sommer's hands Dracula, the Frankenstine monster and the Wolf man are reborn as dynamic heirs to their cinematic traditions, Van Helsing (Huge Jachman),the legendary monster hunter from the pages of Brian Stoker' dracula travles to Trasylvania to face down a multitude of monsters in the tale if ultamet evil aginst a lone forse of good.

The mytholigy any universe that Sommers has created for the feature film are so expansive that he and Universal reconized their potrntial to be explored in othe medeums, Universal hope tha Van Helsing will launch a fenchise film series for the studio,with Transylvania serving as a telivised offshoot with shares the films fich mytholic folklore and atmosohere of fantasy and dread.

'I didn't want to stop imagining storylines and character for this world when i finished writing and direcing Van Hlsing,' commented Sommers. ' The source material is too rich and basic narritive too promising to wait for further installments of the film series. A weekly series that introduces new chairicters , conflics and creatures seemed like a invigorating way to continue my creative commitment to this project , and I'm so happy that Universal nd NBC have provited the platform for doing just that.'

'Steve flourishes when given free artistic license and a big, blank cancas on which to express his ideasd." noted Universal Vice Chairman Marc Shmuger. "The basic conceit of the Van Helsing universe is so compelling that we know that Steve and his team won't be limited to what can be contained in the film framchise. Transylvania is a place that exists in all of our collective literary and cinematic memories, so to explore its secrets and frights in a television series with real production value and Steve'screative signature was an idea we wanted to give lifr,even before Van Helsing is com;peted.
Well atleast somthing good comes out of the mearge


Friday, May 14, 2004 8:08 PM


I saw VH, and dug it immensely- Yeah, I could nitpick, but as an edge-of-the-seat actioner, it was pretty shiny-
I'd give that show a shot- But they have some big cojones, because the special effects budget would be out of control I'd imagine-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Friday, May 14, 2004 8:10 PM


Nothing's been said about this since then either, according to thefutoncritic.com. Go here:

However, there could be news next week during the nets' upfront presentations.


Friday, May 14, 2004 9:32 PM


Sorry, I am the opposite camp concerning Van-H ... but I shant sully this thread with my tetchy fimmaker grouses...

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, May 14, 2004 10:06 PM



Originally posted by CapnRahn:
Sorry, I am the opposite camp concerning Van-H ... but I shant sully this thread with my techy fimmaker grouses...

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"

Sully away! I'm curious why people didnt like it- If you judge a movie (and that's what this is, it's not a film, or a piece, it's a movie) by what it seeks to accomplish, and it does it/doesnt do it, I'm all ears- I'm not saying VH is Casablanca, but it advertised spec. effects and adventure, and I thought I got it- What's your take, Capn?

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 12:00 AM


I had a couple of objections to Van Helsing if you really want to hear peoples gripes.

Firstly, I got really, really bored of the fight scenes by about halfway through. And given that that was pretty much the entire film, I was really, really bored. I can't quite quantify what was wrong with them but they didn't grip me at all, there was no bite to them (if you'll excuse the pun), no edge or feeling of realness. This may be to do with the fantastical creature that where involved in them but there have been some very, very gritty, real feeling fights done in monster movies (Dog Soldiers comes immediately to mind) so there's something missing from Van Helsing on that level.

The other thing about the film that put me off it was how sloppily written the dialog was. Sommers was obviously going for some of the feel of the classic Universal monster movies where everyone speaks with public school accents and in wonderfully florrid language but it doesn't seem like his writing was up to it. Every now and again a character would drop out suddenly from their expansive voccabulary and deliver a line that you'd expect to hear from a kid walking down the high street. Again, the example that comes to mind is Kate Beckinsale talking about her wish to see the sea. The way she'd been talking through the film (all very proper) you'd expect a line like "I imagine it is beautiful", or "I should think it must be beautiful" but instead we get Sommer's lazy script coming up with "I bet it's beautiful".

I know it sounds like a small objection but everytime something like that happened it completely broke my suspension of disbelief in the characters and I was no longer in the world of Van Helsing, I was just stuck watching a mediocre flick.

I have no faith but it's all that I want
to be loved and believe
in my soul.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 12:07 AM


I was so ready to love this movie. It had been getting panned left and right for being "silly" and "over the top" and I love silly and over the top. I also loved the two mummy movies and even "The Scorpion King." So I was all ready for some fun at the movies. And then...

Well, seriously, it wasn't fun. I barely laughed during the whole thing. It starts out loud and just gets louder. Slinky vampire brides turning into bat demons and flying around is cool maybe the first 17 times it happens, the next 438 times got pretty dull. What I really liked about the mummy movies were the fun characters and relationships and Imhotep was plenty menacing, and not a little sympathetic in his back story. Dracula was one note--one very loud, screachy note (I imagine the director saying, "Okay, that take was great, now let's do the scene again only this time shout at the top of your lungs, 'kay?). And Van Helsing himself barely registered. "He has a mysterious past!" Well, there's a difference between "mysterious" and "criminally underwritten." A humorless killing machine with one of the most annoying "comic" sidekicks I can think of.

But what really rained on my movie going parade were (spoiler alert--seriously, I'm about to give away the whole idiotic plot of the movie) the gorram vampire babies. WTF? You can't take three of the the most classic movie monsters from the golden age of movie monsters and throw in thousands of vampire babies, that pupate [?] in gooey green pods but they're all born "dead", see, so Dracula needs the life force of Frankenstein's monster to bring them to "life." Was that really the best way Sommers could come up to link the two characters? I'll give you a topic: vampire babies, neither vampires nor babies--discuss.

Two good things: the fight at the end was pretty great even though we'd seen most of the same kind of flying/smashing through walls/jumping all over the place type action in the first 2 hours of the movie. Finally the action seemed to fit into a story. And Frankenstein's creature. I thought Sommers and the actor playing the role really nailed it. That character was all heart and ruined innocence. His reaction when Ms. Valarious thanks him was priceless.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 3:49 AM


Arg i haven't seen the film, but most of the thread is telling me what i already feel in my water..i hope that makes sense. I couldn't quite like the Mummy nor its sequel nor the scorpion king y'know. But i dunno if its put on TV i'll end up watching it.... arg..makes me want to see it now to try and distinguish the film..

That will be £3.50 please
damn it


Saturday, May 15, 2004 4:35 AM


Call me a curmudgeon, but I can't imagine why anyone would go see a movie like this in the first place. I suppose there was a day I'd go with the flow, concede to go because all my friends were... Then I'd come out of the theatre sheepishly saying "that was fun", like some kid trying to pretend the three bucks he just blew on the carnival sideshow wasn't a complete waste of money.

The fact is, it's a helluva lot harder for producers to use critical judgement and laboriously sift through all the junk to find a script and a director worth their salt. But as long as they can get the suckers to cough up their money through slick ads and lurid sideshow come ons, why bother with the quality?


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Saturday, May 15, 2004 5:01 AM


I agree whole heartedly with most of the complaints on this thread. I'm stunned that nbc/universal are planning to make a series on this (and really worried what it would mean for serenity if this series flops). The only reason I went to see it was that Punisher had gotten the same horrendous reviews and then been a kickass movie that the critics had obviously not understood the intentions of the directors [i mean come on, the classical music fight scene!!].

My other problem was not just the inconsistency of the writing, but it was just too gorram cheesy! And only got cheesier as it went on --- i mean the last scene on the bridge? Uggg, and then the end. Somers couldn't even see the line anymore of over the top. Previously he'd done a good job balancing good story dialogue writing and the cheese factor just enough to give you laughs but he lost it on this one. I don't know if he got sucked into the special effects trap or what but that was all the movie was. And was disappointed at the lack of development of characters -- Frankie was about the only believable one. Ended up being a bad medieval james bond.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 5:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, there IS Hugh Jackman who was really good in Swordfish (which o'wise stunk) and Dave Wenham who was the only interesting charcter in Crocodile Hunter.

But I haven't seen VH and I'm teetering on the edge. Actors can only carry a movie so far, I really appreciate good writing- which is why I like FF I guess.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 5:23 AM



Ended up being a bad medieval james bond.

lol to be fair from here it seems more like the LXG being set around the 'late' 1800's, kind of thing..lots of hype..lots of 'action' and OTT CG.

just like the mummy, mummy returns, the scorpion king...and the list just goes on. Just can't believe they're thinking of a series..why not do "the adventures of the Mummy too" while they're at it.

Thing is if they consider it with Mr VH over there, are there plans for our Mr Reynolds?
i'm clutching at straws here


Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:13 AM


Holy crimenetly SevenPercent! What have I started!

I actually thought I was in the minority on this issue.

Everybody just about stated all my 'peeves' and the other things that obliterated my 'suspension of disbelief'

The tiny straw that almost broke this ole dromedarys back was this -

Gatling Crossbow that fires - what was it - nearly 6 bolts a second.

Not cute, not neat, not cool - it was {to me} cheese that has passed it's freshhness date by OH - a decade or more - and is now a pool of green slimy smeggy goo.

Sigh, at least Shrek 2 is coming soon. It may wash the taste of Helsing Goo-Cheese outta me mouth.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:33 AM


Well. That settles it then. I won't even catch VH at the half-price theatres. And I was pretty convinced I wouldn't see it when I heard Beckinsale speaking in some poor Eastern European accent in the trailers.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:12 AM



Originally posted by sanmi:
Telivision and NBC today announced a commitment to develop Transylvania, a dramatic fantasy television series convinced by Sterphen Sommers and inspired by the world he's created for VAN HELSING,his feature-film epic...

This makes me sad. I wish NBC were more excited about Serenity and Firefly. This is exactly what we want (Movie to TV) and it's happening to someone else, I'm jealous.

If this Van Helsing Tv show is successfull, NBC will say, "No thanks Joss, we already have a Movie to Tv Genre show."

And if this big budget TV show flops, it seems that NBC will be less eager to try it again for Serenity.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 9:36 AM


I'm a little more optimistic. I think when Serenity is a huge, huge hit the networks will all be like, "Van Who?"

Not only that, I think Van Helsing might even make a not-half-bad tv show. With a smaller budget they won't be able to go so hog-wild with the special effects and might actually have to rely on story and a little character to drive the series.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 11:24 AM


Just seen the movie tonight - not a bad way to pass a couple of hours if you're at a loose end. Some nice ideas in there, visual quotes from Alien, Buffy, little creatures who were a cross between wookies and daleks, lots of vertigo inducing CGI stuff. Vampires walking up the walls and on the ceiling, classic lines from old movies ("More power Igor - yes master" is irresistible for anyone who's ever seen Young Frankenstein) Absolutely *no* character development, no story worth thinking about, but didn't expect that. I love Hugh Jackman and Richard Roxburgh, and Kate Beckinsale is always lovely to look at. But it could have been sooo much better. So perhaps I agree with HKCavalier a little.

The kids liked it.


Saturday, May 15, 2004 11:35 AM


Personally, while I felt like the movie was lacking in some places and that Hugh Jackman's character needed work, I enjoyed the movie. David Wenham was great, probably my favorite character. I liked Dracula. Sure, he was no Gary Oldman but he did a good job, I thought.

"Oh my god. What can it be? We're all doomed! Who's flying this thing!?...Oh right, that would be me. Back to work."


Saturday, May 15, 2004 1:46 PM


Hollywood butchers classic literature! Watch as hundreds of years of genius are molded into a shitty gloop!

I cringe to think of the sequel; Van Helsing 2: The Cyclops Conspiracy...

GOD! Braveheart melts history and Van Helsing just wipes that mess away with a whole new type of purple gunk....


Saturday, May 15, 2004 1:46 PM



Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:21 AM


I noticed the dialogue switching back and forth, but I've kinda been desensitized to that by the InuYasha dub, which renders medieval Japanese as "Shakespearean" English, and uses modern English for both modern Japanese and Demonspeak (the "modern" language being treated as a corruption of the "proper" language --People like Kaede who hang around demons tend to pick up some of their expressions).

I think Van Helsing would've been far better if they'd just dropped the literary pretentions and called it Castlevania and renamed Hugh Jackman's character to Simon Belmont.

And I'm enough of a shallow visual philistine to be able to enjoy the FX when the writing got thin.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 12:04 PM



Originally posted by SevenPercent:
Sully away! I'm curious why people didnt like it- If you judge a movie (and that's what this is, it's not a film, or a piece, it's a movie) by what it seeks to accomplish, and it does it/doesnt do it, I'm all ears- I'm not saying VH is Casablanca, but it advertised spec. effects and adventure, and I thought I got it- What's your take, Capn?

Saw VH, sat thru VH, and that's it. Didn't hate it like Batman and Robin, didn't get excited by any of the stunts, or care for any of the characters.

Sommers gave an interview about the effects where he jokily said that ILM had four levels of effects, level three being "too F****** much" and level four being "Sommers". He didn't seem to get that throwing money at the screen isn't enough - particularly when you don't have enough money for all the stuff you have decided to throw on there.

I like the Mummy, but since then he seems to have fallen for the trap of bigger being better. The same problem plagued the Matrix sequels, and far too many films these days.

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, May 16, 2004 12:14 PM



Originally posted by LadyPandora:
I liked Dracula. Sure, he was no Gary Oldman but he did a good job, I thought.

I thought Richard Roxborough (sp?) was pretty poor as Dracula, but he was clearly acting to instructions - just saw him playing Sherlock Holmes tonight and it was an interesting take; a very flawed Holmes that might have made an interesting character for an ongoing series.

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, May 16, 2004 3:14 PM



Originally posted by Misguided By Voices:

I thought Richard Roxborough (sp?) was pretty poor as Dracula, but he was clearly acting to instructions - just saw him playing Sherlock Holmes tonight

I just saw The Hound of the Baskervilles too and thought he was very, very good in it as well. I have to say, in the camp black and white sequence at the start of Van Helsing when Roxborough was going completely mad with the "Eeeeeevill Trrransylvaaaaanian Acksent" he was bloody good for in an action-comedy (a la The Scorpion King) like I was hoping Van Helsing would be.

But then they tried to make it much more action than comedy and he toned the camp accent down way to much, ended up just being another dull aspect in a very dull film.

I have no faith but it's all that I want
to be loved and believe
in my soul.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 3:14 PM



Originally posted by Misguided By Voices:

I thought Richard Roxborough (sp?) was pretty poor as Dracula, but he was clearly acting to instructions - just saw him playing Sherlock Holmes tonight

I just saw The Hound of the Baskervilles too and thought he was very, very good in it as well. I have to say, in the camp black and white sequence at the start of Van Helsing when Roxborough was going completely mad with the "Eeeeeevill Trrransylvaaaaanian Acksent" he was bloody good for in an action-comedy (a la The Scorpion King) like I was hoping Van Helsing would be.

But then they tried to make it much more action than comedy and he toned the camp accent down way to much, ended up just being another dull aspect in a very dull film.

I have no faith but it's all that I want
to be loved and believe
in my soul.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 4:29 PM


I could have forgiven everything up to

Select to view spoiler:

the howling.

. At that, I was suddenly embarrassed to be there. I sank down in my chair and shook my head. I mean, I appreciate a scantily-dressed Hugh Jackman, but, come on! And

Select to view spoiler:

her face in the sky, smiling and crying and settling his guilty spirit

was even worse. Now, I know why Hugh Jackman looked sheepish in that interview I saw right before Van Helsing came out.

For those who may be reading this who have not seen it yet, this is my advice: go only if you want to see it because you have a crush on either Hugh Jackman or Kate Beckinsale. To me, this movie is for them what 'The Saint' was for Val Kilmer -- if you're looking for anything more than to get an eyeful of the actor(s), don't bother.

Go see Hellboy instead. Twice. You'll be glad you did.

"Is there any way I'm gonna get out of this with honor and dignity?"


Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:43 PM


For all those who wrote in about how stinky Van Helsing was.. thank you. You stated eloquently all that I felt. I took my teenage sons to see it and even they hated it. I suggested about half way though if they were ready to leave and they all said "yep".
For me it went down hill from the first time you see Anna Volarious...I mean puhleeze! And of course she puts down her candlestick and weapon to shut the banging window when she knows vampires are out to kill her. It might have worked if the producers had understood how stupid it was and played it tounge in cheek. Oh well

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Monday, May 17, 2004 7:08 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

For solely entertainment value, Van Helsing was worth the price of a matinee ticket. The CGI was good, and the fight scenes were enjoyable, though a bit long.

Some of the things in the movie were overdone. I think that character development and plot were sacrificed for eye candy.

Not sure how this series they plan will work out. It could be good, and with no other shows of its sort on TV right now, they would not have any real competition for the genre. Of course I doubt it would pull the ratings that NBC would require of it to stay on the air.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 17, 2004 11:16 AM



Originally posted by Lora:
For those who may be reading this who have not seen it yet, this is my advice: go only if you want to see it because you have a crush on either Hugh Jackman or Kate Beckinsale. To me, this movie is for them what 'The Saint' was for Val Kilmer -- if you're looking for anything more than to get an eyeful of the actor(s), don't bother.

Well, if you want to stare at Kate Beckinsale and/or Hugh Jackman in leather for 2.5hrs, all I'm saying is that the Internet is right there.

Who'd have thunk - two vampire movies in which Kate Beckinsale wears tight leather, and like the undead, they both failed to raise a pulse - surely that defies some complex equation.

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, May 17, 2004 11:55 AM


Saw Underworld may times, will watch it many times. Have no interest to see VH. Even if Kate is lookin hottie. Of course the best look Kate ever had was in the special features of the DVD where she's learning stunts in a white work-out suit lookin like Cordy......I am disturbed. Still won't watch VH.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Monday, May 17, 2004 11:58 AM


I haven't seen VH yet. But I'm going to cuz I want to watch David Wenham's character (Carl). Can anyone who has seen it, tell me if he gets any kind of significant screen time? And for the screen time he does get, is the character good? Thanks.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:42 AM



Originally posted by fireflywildcard1:
I haven't seen VH yet. But I'm going to cuz I want to watch David Wenham's character (Carl). Can anyone who has seen it, tell me if he gets any kind of significant screen time? And for the screen time he does get, is the character good? Thanks.

A fair amount - not much of it good, although he is probably the best thing in the movie (though its a very cliched comedy sidekick role - not a shocking suprise from the pen of Sommers)

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, May 24, 2004 12:49 PM


Well it looks like the Van Helsing TV spinoff isn't going to happen after all.


Monday, May 24, 2004

NBC says no to VAN HELSING spinoff

NBC's story is that it's just too "expensive" to make a TRANSYLVANIA TV series and it has nothing to do with the rapid drop-off of box office that VAN HELSING is experiencing.






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