Stargate Atlantis series finale SPOILERS

UPDATED: Sunday, January 25, 2009 11:46
VIEWED: 4181
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Friday, January 9, 2009 6:27 PM



All in all I enjoyed the finale. I like finales that involve the main bad guy (obviously) in a battle where the good guys win but the war is not over, because (as in Angel "Not Fade Away") the fight is never really over.

I like how Shepherd was willing to sacrifice himself to save the earth. I thought is was very in character for him and it gave us more than a few minutes of suspense wondering if he's going to die, will the team save him, will the whole team die. I also like how the rest of the team ended up on the Hive ship and helped save him, it was very Stargate-esque.

My two major complaints are Ronon and Keller/McKay in the episode. With Ronon, they "killed" him, which was a very moving and powerful scene. I would have really liked him to stay dead and have Shepherd come by and pick up his one of a kind gun and use it to fight the Wraith as a way to honor this warrior. He had a warriors death, it was perfect for the character, it added suspense and emotion to the episode. It was great. Then 5 minutes later the bad guys brought him back to life only for the good guys to save him 30 seconds later. I understand that they want him alive for the Direct to DVD movies, but I would have loved to see a Shepherd who had been affected by the death of Ronon in them instead.

And with Keller/McKay I thought the two of them did not have enough screen time together in the finale, considering as they are the one and only romantic couple that I can think of out of the main cast. Before McKay went off to the Hive ship on a mission he possibly wasn't coming back from, one would think he and Keller would have a moment together. Instead we got Robert Picardo telling Keller to get ready for wounded (which we never see). Yes, they got a cutesy scene at the end, but that just didn't do it for me.

I've heard some people say this story should have gotten two episodes, and I can see that point. It would have given more time for certain moments between characters that I think were lost in the action of the story.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:18 AM


agreed on all points. It felt very rushed to me, it should have been a two-parter. I didn't really care for the alternate reality episode, I think they could have shortened that one to one act rather than a whole episode to make room for more finale.

But all in all, it was pretty cool.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Saturday, January 10, 2009 11:57 AM


I agree on all points too... This was an excellent show and one of my favorites.


Saturday, January 10, 2009 9:34 PM


I liked the super hive ship. Funny how they went ID4 to take it out. Would have preferred if either Ronan or Shepard had actually died...and stayed dead. I'm a sucker for the meaningful heroic sacrifice. I guess they had to be spared for any future projects. I was also hoping that John would just walk in and shoot Todd at the end, no discussion. Oh well, at least Todd is a fun character.

I'm probably done with the series though I may change my mind if I hear good things about any direct to DVD movies. My interest in the series has been waning since sometime during season 3. I can't really point to any particular moment, more like a gradual erosion. All in all it was a good run.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Sunday, January 11, 2009 12:50 AM



Sunday, January 11, 2009 4:58 AM


Agree with the above that this was a fine ending to the series but leaves enough to go onto the movie(s).

Someone should have died from the main cast to lend a bit if weight to the episode, although Sheperd is too much of a main character for it to be him and Ronon was stabbed a little too early for it to make a totally convincing death, although it did make me sit up.

The idea of the two-parter should definitely have been done. The penultimate episode was very weak IMO seeing as the whole point of it was to get Earth's location out there to the Wraith and then they only have one ship pick it up. It could have been done a lot better.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, January 11, 2009 6:11 AM


I just thought of this, but they brought up the idea of "wormhole travel" and used it to get Atlantis to earth, but they never got any payoff from it. What I mean is this, it would have been very interesting to see a scene of Woolsey being told by Zelenka that the drive as ready, but he still wasn't sure it would work. Woolsey decides to used the drive anyway. He says something along the line of "Engage". Then, cut to black and commercials. We don't see Atlantis until much later in the episode when they save the day, that way we're not sure if it worked or not.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Sunday, January 11, 2009 10:43 AM


With the super hive in the milky way galaxy what if they stopped at anoher planet to drop off a team of warriors and scientists to start a new hive ship? Or would they need a Queen for any of that? What if after beating Todd they went and beat a Queens hive, or already had done it before taking down Todd? The Wraith could have a foot hold in the milky way! Oh what fun!

It's a nothing part til you don't got one, then you have to go to ebay.....aaaaagh!


Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:04 AM


I just liked seeing Atlantis in Earth's atmo, that was cool.

I'm a sucker for closure- really liked it.

The Wraith of Chrisisall


Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:40 AM


I don't like my heroes to die. I was quite satisfied with the last Atlantis - until the movie.



Sunday, January 25, 2009 9:55 AM


this was a fun tv series

Skiffy Sucks


Sunday, January 25, 2009 11:24 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I just liked seeing Atlantis in Earth's atmo, that was cool.

I'm a sucker for closure- really liked it.

The Wraith of Chrisisall

You mean you're up to date?
Don't you usually wait for DVDs to catch up.
Have you had to pay for scifi?
Are you feeling alright?

Atlantis in atmo was definitely cool. But then city the city move/fly always is.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, January 25, 2009 11:46 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

You mean you're up to date?
Don't you usually wait for DVDs to catch up.

I just happened to be in a hotel that day traveling & was able to see it. I just wanted to see if it had a satisfying ending before I considered buying the whole last season or not.
Not too bad.

The Chrisisall






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