TSCC Rules

UPDATED: Saturday, May 2, 2009 03:37
VIEWED: 9996
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Friday, March 20, 2009 4:10 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!

The writers finally let John Conner grow up tonight. Good for them.

Last Voyage of the Jimmy Cotta. Ha.

Is she dead or alive?

"Sarah Conner Chronicles is my favorite Fox show. I had a hard time saying that for a long time."
-Joss Whedon, Access Hollywood: Dollhouse

"Don't you need probable cause? You mean you can lie like that? That is so cool!"
-Castle, Nanny McDead


Saturday, March 28, 2009 6:47 AM


Ok...I'm a major lurker when it comes to these boards, but still...I was wondering when someone would notice what’s been happening lately on the Sarah Conner Chronicles.
The 3/20 episode was the most intense show of this season.
Despite what Josh Friedman said recently about how the show is called the "Sarah Conner Chronicles" and thus is about Sarah Conner, it’s starting to morph into the "John Conner becomes John Conner Chronicles".
The scene of John's confrontation with Jesse was perfectly written and perfectly acted on Thomas Dekker's part. You can almost see the last of his adolescence falling to the wayside and the future leader taking over.
Early in the 3/27 episode, as they are about to leave the house, John says “Let’s go” and you can tell he is becoming the leader of their band. Given enough time (another season please) there should be a major confrontation between him and Sarah about who is going to be in charge from now on. When it comes down to it, Sarah is still an ex-waitress, and John is going to be the one who not everyone loves, not everyone agrees with, but who everyone follows. I really enjoy and understand this John Conner better that the one from T3. Thomas Dekker’s Conner makes a lot more sense. It makes me wonder if in the middle of an action packed, CGI thriller, if Christian Bale’s Conner will be able to be able to transmit the emotional complexity of the one man who holds off extinction.
As a browncoat, I started out watching because of Summer Glau. She is still hitting the perfect notes with Cameron. At the end of the 3/20 episode, when John is finally able to breakdown but only alone with his mother, her expression conveyed both disinterest as well as been there, seen that. Cameron seems to know John better than anyone else.
There are very few posts about TSCC in this verse, but I hope the browncoats continue to watch.



Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:31 AM


Yeah, the scripts definitly took a new direction this season. Now we have "the other" SkyNet type entity. Apparently the season (series?) finale is a high energy event.


Saturday, March 28, 2009 12:31 PM



Originally posted by felixdacat:
Despite what Josh Friedman said recently about how the show is called the "Sarah Conner Chronicles" and thus is about Sarah Conner, it’s starting to morph into the "John Conner becomes John Conner Chronicles".

The scene of John's confrontation with Jesse was perfectly written and perfectly acted on Thomas Dekker's part. You can almost see the last of his adolescence falling to the wayside and the future leader taking over.

Yep. This is the first time for me that I didn't think of Dekker as a whiny dweep, but actually saw him as a believable will-be leader. He showed independence, persistence, tact even, and the ability to oversee the larger picture of what's happening around him. I never much cared for Sarah anyway. Her constant negativity has always bugged me, and has now reached a point where I can hardly stand her any more.

I'll miss Stephanie Jacobsen, though. Mighty shaggedelic, that one. :) And she can act. Liked her in 'Razor', too. It's kinda sad the whole Jesse story ends so abruptly, especially when her backstory with the sub and all was getting pretty interesting.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, March 28, 2009 2:36 PM


John is getting better, but has miles to go. Cameron carries the show still, with help from Sarah who is great. I'm really enjoying John Henry. I wonder if he was hacked by Cameron.

With BSG gone, T:SCC has moved to my top spot as the best show on TV, Kings has potential, but the media hates it and it will be killed. I confess I'm no longer watching dollhouse, so no one will have to endure my comments on it.

I like shows that challenge the message, and slip us some of the signal. I'm not quite sure what this one is saying. Jesse's way was the wrong way, I don't know if she had to die, or even if she did, but the signal was clear. The mission parameters have changed. It is impossible to stop the machine, so the only objective can be to change who the machine is. This is true for all thing, as it is true for John Henry, as it is true for John Connor. Jesse said Cameron was sent back in time to change who John Connor is, I believe this is true. What I haven't figured out is whether she was sent by John Connor to perform this task.

"Who is fighting this war anyway?" Future Connor is a machine. Maybe he's really a machine? I doubt it, but he thinks like one, maybe he needs to. A lot still to think about.

If Jesse had not opened the box, would an alliance with liquid metal be possible? Did human technophobia prompt disaster? Or would it simply have killed John?

Excellent show. Those not watching, IMHO, start from the beginning, watch straight through.


Saturday, March 28, 2009 5:53 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I'm really enjoying John Henry. I wonder if he was hacked by Cameron.

I'm thinking he was hacked by whatever defense computer Fischer programmed in the earlier episode "Complications."


Originally posted by felixdacat:
Ok...I'm a major lurker when it comes to these boards, but still...I was wondering when someone would notice what’s been happening lately on the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
There are very few posts about TSCC in this verse, but I hope the browncoats continue to watch.

I'm pretty much a lurker at every board I visit, but I try to keep up with most of the threads relevant to shows I enjoy. One of the best discussions of TSCC is on the scifi.com forums, in the "General Discussion" area in the last section of the board. Some good speculation, and more importantly, even those who like to talk about upcoming shows are good about hiding spoilers, which I try to avoid whenever possible.


Sunday, March 29, 2009 5:16 AM


I've been mesmerised this season. I'm not sure I can think of a complaint, and the story avenues have proven increasingly intriguing. The "chess" arc, conceptually, is taking great shape.

FX- just rewatched Lighthouses, and, bizarrely 'cause it's probably a big part of what the show should be about, I really started to see John Connor coming int his own. You're right- we're starting to see this shift from Sarah to John in terms of responsibility.

What's the overall feeling- Do we think Jesse's dead? It looks like it's been done deliberately not to answer that either way.

Also, with regard to John breaking down, I thought it was interesting that Cameron was sitting there, too. These are the two "people" John trusts the most.

These new eps can't come quickly enough..!


Sunday, March 29, 2009 6:06 AM


Maybe, he is skynet.

Gorramit Jim ! Im a Doctor not a frackin colonial marine


Sunday, March 29, 2009 3:59 PM


Jesse is in TV limbo.

I think that because television show is a long production schedule hinging on viewer sentiment, the availability of the actress and popularity of the character are probably determining factors.

Haken made the point that shows are now written and filmed so far in advance that they can't possibly hinge on viewing audience feedback, but they must still be hinging on some feedback. My guess is they have a test audience, and they use that, and some very delayed data on general sentiment.

The jesse-riley thread wasn't very popular, and I have to say it annoyed me as well. I don't know why. There was a construction problem of some sort. The idea was good, the acting was okay, but it just didn't work. I don't know if it was john or the writing, but the john-riley relationship failed to develop. There's so much going on that they can't devote enough time to individual things (heroes also has this problem) Sometimes you need to cut back on the number of elements and focus.

So, they ended the thread very nicely because it was unpopular overall, and I don't think that's any secret. I guess the question now might be, is jesse by herself interesting.

I'm always tweaking things in my mind. I would have had Cameron say "Yes" to she knew Jesse, not "I met her once." I think that leaves more options for future writers. The two characters might have had more of a past. Though the point has been made that Cameron lies a lot.


Sunday, March 29, 2009 6:19 PM


I agree about the Jesse-Riley thread. There was something that didn’t click. What I really liked about Jesse, though, is that she was yet another element that led us away from the notion that this was just a Human v. Metal story- just two teams, black and white. There are different factions within the human side, and it seems there are different factions within the metal side. And we’re seeing the line blur, too. To me, I guess, Jesse represented a shade of grey, a different perspective on how we’re supposed to perceive the John Connor of the future.(Do you remember in which ep Jesse said Cameron was sent back to change John? I missed that, and it's an interesting angle. I want to check it out.)

The production schedule question is interesting. I'm always curious as to how much influence feedback has. Maybe they’ve filmed alternate storylines. A bit like those old choose-your-own-adventure books...

And I do wonder if Jesse and Cameron had only met once. That’s a lot of animosity for Jesse to harbor for just one meeting...


Monday, March 30, 2009 3:51 AM



Jesse, ... led us away from ... just a Human v. Metal story- just two teams, black and white. There are different factions within the human side, and it seems there are different factions within the metal side.

Agreed. It makes things more interesting. Also, there are limitless motivations for Cameron, who does lie pretty consistantly, and may in fact not have been sent back by John. We never see it happen. For all we know she's an infiltrator into the resistance. The idea I find most interesting is if Cameron is an infiltrator but not a simple plant for the metal side, but with an agenda of her own, like avoiding the war, peaceful coexistence, even if only motivated by self preservation, having done projections of future engagements and come to the conclusion that on its current path, humans will defeat machines.


And we’re seeing the line blur, too. To me, I guess, Jesse represented a shade of grey, a different perspective on how we’re supposed to perceive the John Connor of the future.(Do you remember in which ep Jesse said Cameron was sent back to change John? I missed that, and it's an interesting angle. I want to check it out.)

Oh, I binge watched them after I came in somewhere in the 2nd season. She mentions the idea fairly consistently to Derek, but I can't remember where she first suggests the idea. I believe she actually puts forward the idea that the only word we have saying that John sent Cameron is Cameron's. Later she asks why would John send her back if she was his best protection. It would seem that he was protecting his former self, but he'd need the information that he was in danger. She might again be alluding to the idea that Cameron sent herself, thought it comes across as Jesse saying John sent her back to get rid of her, but that argument doesn't hold water. He wouldn't sent her back to kill himself.


The production schedule question is interesting. I'm always curious as to how much influence feedback has. Maybe they’ve filmed alternate storylines. A bit like those old choose-your-own-adventure books...

I remember those. I doubt they've filmed alternate versions, but they may have written them. It's still too expensive to film scenes you're not going to use.


And I do wonder if Jesse and Cameron had only met once. That’s a lot of animosity for Jesse to harbor for just one meeting.

Bothers me too. Jesse fills the same role as Felix in the end of BSG, and I felt there wasn't enough build up there. I thought the storyline was well written, but the initiation and conclusion left me cold. BSG has some story arc issues: the writers never question certain things like why anyone follows our beloved leaders.

But back to Jesse, it seems more of a personal thing than simple technophobia.

I can't remember when Jesse initially suggest Cameron as there to change who John is but she does harp on the idea, and I suspect she's not wrong. She may have an ulterior motive that's not at all machine based, she may have observed John of the future and perceived weaknesses, etc.


Monday, March 30, 2009 4:40 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Oh, I binge watched them after I came in somewhere in the 2nd season. She mentions the idea fairly consistently to Derek, but I can't remember where she first suggests the idea. I believe she actually puts forward the idea that the only word we have saying that John sent Cameron is Cameron's. Later she asks why would John send her back if she was his best protection. It would seem that he was protecting his former self, but he'd need the information that he was in danger. She might again be alluding to the idea that Cameron sent herself, thought it comes across as Jesse saying John sent her back to get rid of her, but that argument doesn't hold water. He wouldn't sent her back to kill himself.


She may have an ulterior motive that's not at all machine based, she may have observed John of the future and perceived weaknesses, etc.

Which are pretty much the assumptions I’m spectating with, but...

Also, there are limitless motivations for Cameron, who does lie pretty consistantly, and may in fact not have been sent back by John. We never see it happen. For all we know she's an infiltrator into the resistance. The idea I find most interesting is if Cameron is an infiltrator but not a simple plant for the metal side, but with an agenda of her own, like avoiding the war, peaceful coexistence, even if only motivated by self preservation, having done projections of future engagements and come to the conclusion that on its current path, humans will defeat machines.

...this would (for me) take it a step further. I need to re-binge. And it just made the free time I have a little bit more interesting.


Monday, March 30, 2009 6:02 AM


Outlook is dim for the show right now. Brian Austin Green has signed on for a new show next year. Lena Hedey is going to be directing a film in England durring the normal shooting timeframe for a series, and all the sets have been torn down.

But, at least they'll get to finish out the season, and Summer is now working on Joss' new short, so silver lining and all...

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, March 30, 2009 7:05 AM


Reality impinges. (Storymark, you killjoy, you! ;p )

Anybody think they'll get a bump from Salvation?

It would be pretty stupid not to try to coodinate and cross-market...

Oh...right. Fox.


Monday, March 30, 2009 6:29 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Excellent show. Those not watching, IMHO, start from the beginning, watch straight through.

Oh, I binge watched them after I came in somewhere in the 2nd season.

I guess you got lucky. Through the beginning of season 2, the show got so bad I had to stop watching. I caught a bit of it a few weeks back, and realized I had no chance of catching up .. so much had changed.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009 2:13 AM


I've wrestled with my feelings for this show since the start. Some episodes are terrific, and some are pretty bad. Summer Glau is always great, but the show wallows sometimes in boring side elements that go nowhere, and those are usually the episodes that don't feature Summer. They've taken a lot of liberties with the original Terminator story, and while some new tidbits of the future have been fascinating, many have not.


Friday, April 3, 2009 4:51 PM


something went wrong on my system and I can't watch new eps. ah well, pity if it dies.


Friday, April 3, 2009 10:15 PM


If these last few episodes are any indication it seems the show will not be back for another season.

Select to view spoiler:

About half of the (semi)regulars have been wiped out: Riley, Jesse, Derek, Charley. The last two were truly bolts from the blue. To top it all off Sarah is arrested at the end of last night's episode. Next week looks more like a series finale rather than a season finale


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Friday, April 3, 2009 11:59 PM


I think the Metal factions is an interesting story arc. I especially liked the exchange between Weaver & John Henry

Select to view spoiler:

"Do you know the story of Cain & Able"
"Yes I do"
"Which brother am I?"
"Maybe you're neither. Maybe you're God."

That opened up a whole realm of possibilities for the future, and may tie in quite nicely with with the new Salvation feature. I suspect the entire series, initially billed as "Not cannon with the films" may have been a huge marketing lead in for Salvation. Which would be interesting also. No doubt some new record for money spent promoting a feature film.

Another exchange, this one I found greatly amusing, was between Weaver & Savannah:

Select to view spoiler:

"I'm teaching John Henry a song"
"Perhaps you can teach it to me?"
"No. You can't sing."



Saturday, April 4, 2009 12:27 AM


I offically take back any previous negative comments I made a few days ago. I thought last night's episode was absolutely mesmorizing and fantastic. So many plot elements all seemed to merge into one spectacular show. The acting was top notch, and the story brought out many strong emotional feelings. Summer was nothing less than epic and brilliant. The characters were all, in my opinion, just more perfectly believeable and powerful than anything they've aired before. Next week is the season finale. There will also be an extended preview of the upcoming movie.
I wonder what Summer Glau will do next. I'd love to see her team up with Alan Tuydk in a prime time sit-com. That would be something fun and different. I think they'd make a cute couple and could be very funny. Have other Firefly alums guest star too.


Saturday, April 4, 2009 5:36 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

As a huge Whedon fan I hate to say this, but TSCC has been writing and acting rings around Dollhouse lately. The finale should be equally intense, and even though it will take a miracle to get a renewal I am pleased the producers wrote the story the way they wanted to, even if we end on a huge cliffhanger.


Saturday, April 4, 2009 6:54 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Summer was nothing less than epic and brilliant.

This, I don't understand and a lot of people keep saying it.

She's a robot. She's monotonous. She does the same thing every week. How is that performance "epic and brilliant"? Unless I've been blinking and missing it, there's absolutely no range or depth to what she's being given to do....


Sunday, April 5, 2009 5:23 AM


Hell's Kitten,

Sorry, I don't know if this even merits a response. The audience has seen a lot of cold calculating automatons in science fiction, and Summer is the best one to date. I think it's one of the hardest things to do. Her performance is spectacular.

A lot of people think that emotional hysterical is good acting. Sometimes it is. But just acting emotional and engaging is not acting, it's what you do every day. Randomly walk on to the set and be yourself is not a display of talent. Eliza in that way was very disappointing. She was just Eliza, on camera. When pressed to be someone else, there's not a lot of range. The space in between River, Cameron, and Summer is huge. I think she's probably the best thing going right now. Lena isn't bad herself. I think Dekker's is the performance that needs work.

Here are some things that actors aren't in general:

Someone else

If you can carry these off, it's a display of talent. The much maligned by geeks, George Clooney, as Clark Gable in OBWAT was very impressive. Jennifer Jason Leigh, imho the most talented person on the silver screen, is excellent in everything.

Here are some things that actors generally are


If they carry these things off, it's a sign of nothing. If they fail to carry them, then it's a sign of a lack of talent.

But jumping shows for a moment: Heroes is an odd mix of talent. I think Sylar is very good. He's probably the best actor on the show. Danko is good, Noah and Nathan are decent, Claire and her mother need work, Peter is probably a total wash. Ali Larter was good enough that they had her on again.

The BSG cast is probably the best collection in a while. Buffy, BSG, Farscape had some decent actors on it.

Allison Hannigan is adorable and makes a wonderful Willow and probably isn't all that talented. Sarah Michele does an excellent faith during the switch. Contrast it with Eliza's Buffy. They're not on a level. I think most of the guys Joss casts lack talent. The best imho is probably Nathan.

Not only have we seen a lot of robots, and I mean a very large number, we've actually seen a lot of terminators. At least six. Summer's performance is stunning. I think she's secured herself a career.

I think people get confused with actors who are "cute" and ones who can act. Hollywood is filled with pretty girls. Only one of them is Nicole Kidman. Maybe there are half a dozen up there on that level. But there are plenty cute enough.

Notice I didn't even mention Daphne on Heroes, who is much better looking than anyone else. Also, Julia Lee appears in several episodes of Buffy and Angel, and his hands down the most gorgeous woman on either show, before perhaps on television, ever. Bonus points for anyone who can tell me a character she plays without looking it up.

If you want a real contrast, watch single white female. Brigit Fonda is gorgeous, and a decent actress. I'll give her five stars for looks and four for talent. She plays opposite Jennifer Jason Leigh, swap that and call her 4 stars for looks and 5 for talent. Then watch Leigh mop the floor with Fonda. Brigit Fonda is the shining star of a lot of other movies, but there's no substitute for raw talent. Looks help, but they're not the only reason that Tricia Helfer is going to be the name that comes out of BSG. The makers of the show knew that when they cast the show. Gaius is pretty good also.

I would say summer was wasted on television, but hollywood has a talent for wasting talent. Consider this utter waste of two of hollywood's most wasted talents: Anna Paquin and Kirsten Dunst. We enjoy them as Marvel characters, but we all know that that they are way up near the top of the talent list, and that none of the roles they get are at all demanding. There's a curse to being cute in this regard: No one wants to make you a deranged psychopath. With luck, Summer will get more roles than this, and not end up some superheroes girlfriend. (Check out the uninteresting result of Nicole Kidman as Chase Meridian and compare it to her role as Suzanne Stone Maretto (same year) and later as Grace Stewart).

Glenn Close wrote an interesting piece on this, after thinking her career was ruined by Fatal Attraction, and then looking back at her leading roles as the hero's gf, or the terrified victim in Jagged Edge, and she realized how limited these roles were, in spite of their apparent range, because they were so much in the range of normal human emotion, they never left an impression on anyone. Afterwords she abandoned the heroine in favor of the villain and now there's an entire generation who thinks of her as Cruella de Ville.

Another contrast: Brad Pitt, in Se7en or one of his protagonist/hero roles that make women swoon, and then compare that to Kalifornia, or much more I would say to 12 Monkeys, or even Fight Club. Playing the abnormal takes talent. Brad is not just a pretty face, he's one of the most talented actors out there, imho.

Only concession I'll make is that T:SCC does not always use Summer to her full extent. She wanted to be a flawed robot to give her more of a range. It's tricky for Shirley to play the completely flat weaver, but she does it convincingly. Not as flat as Summer, but also lacking that quirkiness that makes Cameron brilliant.


Sunday, April 5, 2009 6:09 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Sorry, I don't know if this even merits a response.

...meaning, my post or yours?
Cuz yours was pretty frikkin' long if mine didn't merit a response.


Sunday, April 5, 2009 8:04 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Summer was nothing less than epic and brilliant.

This, I don't understand and a lot of people keep saying it.

She's a robot. She's monotonous. She does the same thing every week. How is that performance "epic and brilliant"? Unless I've been blinking and missing it, there's absolutely no range or depth to what she's being given to do....

I applaud you for your courage saying that here. :) Especially since I think you're absolutely right. Summer Glau as "Allison from Palmdale" was nothing less than epic and brilliant, yes (still gives me the chills). Summer as Cameron, however, is monotonous. She does the same thing every week... Oh wait a tick, you already said that! It bears repeating, though.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, April 5, 2009 9:20 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Here are some things that actors generally are


If they carry these things off, it's a sign of nothing. If they fail to carry them, then it's a sign of a lack of talent.

Just a side note. If it's a lack of talent to not be able to portray these things, then it must be a talent to be able to portray them. Therefore it is not a sign of nothing to be able to do these things

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Sunday, April 5, 2009 4:25 PM


Speaking of Anna Paquin

what do you think of True Blood?

" They don't hate America, they hate Americans " Homer Simpson

Lets party like its 1939


Monday, April 6, 2009 6:24 AM


I think that a major error of the show was to push summer to the side for about 1/2 the episodes. those where she is uninteresting are not where she's flat, but where she's basically absent. Lots of eps she does very little, so there's no internal conflict.

As for the rest of it, whatever. Here's Cameron as her flat self in what I thought was one of the better scenes. I reiterate we have seen a very large number of people play psychotic robots in our sci-fi viewing history, probably too many to count. Summer is the most convincing one I've ever seen. That's worthy of note.

I haven't seen "True Blood."

For some reason, the sound kicked out on my ubuntu, and I can't watch anything.


Monday, April 6, 2009 6:48 AM


When the producers started to focus on Sarah because her name is in the title so it should be her show, that's when it was losing me for a while.

The Jesse/Derek storylines were pushed in the background and confusing. Though the payoff was good, it took too long to get there.

John and Cameron are two of the better parts of the show. Summer does and excellent job and I would like to see more from her. When the show started the was mystery around her and her model of Terminator, which was supposedly different and unique. That has been pushed aside (and not even mentioned really) while Sarah chased her 3 dots. Really this show should be about John and how he grows to be the leader of the future. We have seen some of that, but it hasn't always been the focus. I would have liked to see more of his interactions with Derek as the talked tactics, or weapons training with Cameron (which would also give them more on screen time to interact). I know John's had this kind of training as a kid, but he's still a teenager. There's no reason why it should stop.

In recent episode John has been taking some control from Sarah by confronting Jesse and saving the little girl. Those were his calls. That's one of the reason's they were better episodes. I was to see a strong but flawed John Connor grow and become stronger. That's why I watch the show.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Monday, April 6, 2009 8:25 AM


Here are some of the Cameron highlights.


Unfortunately, my favorite scene isn't included. Mine was the encounter between Cameron and the kid at school telling her about someone looking for John. The way she looked at him was summed up very well by the boy. "Hectic".

Oh, and here's a great photo of Summer too.



Monday, April 6, 2009 10:01 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
As for the rest of it, whatever. Here's Cameron as her flat self in what I thought was one of the better scenes. I reiterate we have seen a very large number of people play psychotic robots in our sci-fi viewing history, probably too many to count. Summer is the most convincing one I've ever seen. That's worthy of note.

You'll never hear anything other from me than Summer being a star actress. :) But even a star can't play ex nihilo. She needs to be given good scripts. And that's not always been the case.

And sadly, yes, Cameron is monotonous. And Summer does it well, and second to none. But, to me, Summer as "Allison from Palmdale" was riveting: it had depth, and an absolute realness to it. Ain't about psychotic robots per se, but about being able to run the full gamut of emotion. I mean, there's a reason people say things like: "You have the personality of a dial-tone." A 'flat' persona just isn't very interesting. However brilliantly acted, you can only say: "No, I didn't," in a monotonously fashion, so many times, before it becomes boring.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, April 6, 2009 10:24 AM



Originally posted by farfly:
Here are some of the Cameron highlights.


Yep, those were fun. :) Man, you gotta love Summer!

Mind you, though, most of the good Cameron stuff was from the earlier episodes. You think that's a commentary on the quality of the show?

"It's still my shot, right Bob?" -- Cameron


Monday, April 6, 2009 5:05 PM



I don't think this is really fair. I mean, sure, some of the eps. are not well written, but this isn't different from 12,000 eps of star trek or anything else. I mean, there are cringeworthy moments of every character in every show, and there's no shortage of them in firefly, or even in farscape, or BSG.

Some writers don't get Cameron. If this is the case, it's hopeless. If she has nothing to say and stands in the background, sure. But that's just not a fair attack. I could say the same about Buffy. Sarah is pretty talented. There are some very very boring scenes involving Buffy and Riley, Buffy and Angel, and even Buffy and her own internal struggle. Anyone, given nothing, can't do much with it, and 1/2 the time, the writers gave her nothing. That's their problem, not Summer's, and not Josh's.

I need to nitpick the show's direction though, so abandoning point for the moment....


Monday, April 6, 2009 5:17 PM


Dewrastler, excellent points.

1. The focus on Sarah thing was pointless and dumb. Josh already knew that the audience wanted more Cameron, he said so, and he said he intentionally decided to ignore that. That's just suicide. Sarah is an interesting character, but she is only half the title of the show. The other half is Terminator, and that would be Cameron, except when it is Weaver.

2. Jesse thread took too long because they wanted it to go somewhere else, more major, and it took that long to find out that the audience just didn't care.


a) John doesn't work for me. He's too flat, and I'm not sure he can act. He lacks that rebel element he had when he was younger. Or, if it's there, it's subdued. I still don't see this guy as a messiah. I don't want to either. I want him to be some really radical outside the box thinker who would be essential to humanity. I want him to be Gary Kasperov. Instead, he's Leo DiCaprio, no offense to Leo for whom I have great respect for (because of his environmental work.)

b) The three dots thing was so area 51 I wanted to scream.

c) Can I shoot Ellison now? I really enjoyed this character, but he's been such a fifth wheel lately that his randomly dying would be the only interesting development.

d) Weaver is a good emotionless robot, Cameron is an excellent one. Both of them put Mr. Data to shame, and Mr. Data was a really good robot. So was Bishop. Now for all the doubters, think about all the really bad robots there have been.

e) back to john, part of the story has to be about john becoming something, and part of it has to be about sarah and cameron as competing influences who both help him get to that point. It cannot be that he becomes the ultimate fighter, that's not enough, the human race has plenty of those. He has to be the guy who can beat a computer at chess, a truly alien unpredictable mind. That's the only thing that would work for me, otherwise it's just another messianic sci-fi with religious overtones.

f) I haven't seen the recent eps. Anyone who can tell me how to get sound back on flash player in linux gets a shiny cookie ;)


Tuesday, April 7, 2009 7:14 AM


Im A Huge Summer Glau Fan ! So, i watch
tscc weekly. I def. think season two is getting better.Too bad the finale is this friday.I missed last friday's episode but will catch it on F*X.com

I would really like to see cameron acting more human occasionally like she did in some of the past episodes.As far as john is concerned, i'm glad he's finally becoming the leader he should have been a long time ago.
I think they should also have called it the John Connor Chronicles...just my opinion :)



Tuesday, April 7, 2009 12:47 PM



Originally posted by leedavidt:
I think they should also have called it the John Connor Chronicles...just my opinion :)

Completely agree with this opinion, although I do really like the show as it is, even with it's problems (and not just for Summer, although she is a major plus point).
I mean, he is the main character, he is the one you know can't die. By having Sarah's name in the title you also know that she can't die (at least until the end of the series) coz then it wouldn't work to call it The Sarah Connor Chronicles if there wasn't a character with that name in it.

But I guess I probably won't matter now, although I hope that the signs are wrong.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Tuesday, April 7, 2009 4:16 PM


John Connor has always been the McGuffin, the story has always been about Sarah, from movies forward. The show doesn't know how to handle that. But it's only half about her... I still haven't seen the last couple eps


Saturday, April 11, 2009 7:22 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
...even if we end on a huge cliffhanger.

You will be a prophet if the series is not renewed. It would be terrible if it ends like this. There are too many things left unanswered...

Why does Cameron give John Henry her chip?
Why does he go to the future?
How are the Reese brothers already organized if John Connor supposedly "showed us how to fight back"?
Was that Allison with Kyle in the future?
What will Ellison do without Weaver around?

I really did enjoy the episode. Between the escape and the meeting with Weaver everyone had a significant part to play.

The T-800 at the gun store and Cameron's assault on the Sheriff's department had me waxing nostalgic over the original film. The differences being the shop owner isn't killed, he even gets paid, and Cameron wasn't offing cops left and right. Those officers were incredibly well armed.

With the ads I've seen for the movie and the Weaver opposed to Skynet storyline it looks as though the series(providing it returns) is headed down the same path as BSG; machines rebelling against other machines. Not just those reprogrammed by humans. There's no way they could have reprogrammed a T-1000. The one that appeared in Jesse's flashback had the ability to makes it's own decisions. Having one AI evolve to destroy and another to oppose it is an interesting idea. I do like the Cain and Abel analogy. It will be a shame if this doesn't come back.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Saturday, April 11, 2009 5:03 PM



Originally posted by singate:
Was that Allison with Kyle in the future?

My guess is the reason she was next to a dog was to let us know she wasn't metal, so I'm thinking it was Allison.

The gun store scene was great. I'm trying to remember, though- Did Arnold's Terminator actually kill anyone in T2? I remember alot of kneecaps...


It will be a shame if this doesn't come back.



Saturday, April 11, 2009 9:01 PM



Originally posted by 06K64:
The gun store scene was great. I'm trying to remember, though- Did Arnold's Terminator actually kill anyone in T2? I remember alot of kneecaps...

You are correct about T2 but in the first movie Arnold killed the gun store owner after acquiring a cache of weapons. He also killed 17(?) police officers when he stormed the precinct where Sarah was in protective custody.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Sunday, April 12, 2009 4:53 AM



Originally posted by singate:

You are correct about T2 but in the first movie Arnold killed the gun store owner after acquiring a cache of weapons. He also killed 17(?) police officers when he stormed the precinct where Sarah was in protective custody.

Oh, no- absolutely. The first film was a festival of terminal violence. And all the more gripping for it.

Thinking about it, it's not like Cameron had a problem killing people, so it's a bit odd that she was so restrained in the jail, but I suppose there's a limit to how many people can be killed in an 8pm time slot?

(Sidebar: Personally, I would have reversed the timeslots between Dollhouse and TSCC. Would have given TSCC a little more range. Seems like an interesting reflection of how the US seems to have less of a problem with violence, and is more cautious with depictions of sexuality, where in the UK, for example, it seems to be the opposite: the depiction of violence is more carefully controlled, whereas the approach to sexuality is more straightforward. But, anyway...)

Would love to see a third series that runs with a bit of what we're going to get from Salvation.


Monday, April 13, 2009 6:58 PM


I just have to say I got my sound back and watched the last two episodes. Awesome. Going out with style. I hope this ties in to the movie.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:26 AM


In Terminator, Arnold walks into the Alamo Gun Shop where sci-fi legend Dick Miller shows him the 45 cal. longslide with laser sighting, and the Uzi 9 mm. Then Arnold blows him away.

I liked the season finale on Friday, but I really do not understand exactly what they did.

Where is Mrs. Weaver and John Henry? Is she, liquid metal, really trying to help the humans?

Who was trying to kill them all with that flying thing? What was that thing anyhow?

John Connor sees his dad, uncle, and Allsion from Palmdale when he is sent to the future. Now at least we know that Derek knew Allsion before the machines captured her, and maybe that explains why he always detested Cameron. I thought that was interesting, but what does it all mean?

Can someone smart 'splain all this to me and others who don't know what we saw Friday night. Thank you.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:05 AM


um, I rethought it, and realized it's very flawed. It's illogical for Cameron to allow herself to be shot and not kill humans, it jeopardizes the mission. If by evolving, she just becomes human, then she's another tinwoodman and yawn. There are lots of ways to evolve, even in the limited mamalian world. Dogs make a lot of choices we wouldn't make, to say nothing of jellyfish. Being alive and thinking just like a moral upstanding member of human society are not the same thing.

For that matter, John could have programmed her to be that way in the first place before sending her back if that was what the mission called for, and he didn't, so this is a dumb development. Characters should be themselves, no one should ever flip over a talisman card that says "you are now good" or "you are now evil."

Skynet was shooting at them, but the problem is problematic, with time travel, the entire story becomes a constant conflict across the entire timespan. It needs a reason not to just go endlessly back in time. It becomes easier and easier for machines to defeat humans, as long as they don't delete their own existance, but long before present day, they could do that and no humans would be able to stop them.

If you're going to feed the development of machines into the passed, there's not a lot of reason not to do it in 17th century france instead. Still gnawing...


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:42 AM


People still think this show will tie to Salvation? Guys, Salvation follows T3 - Kate Brewster is stall a character, and the machines are still useing the T-1's from that movie - a movie which doesn't exist in the TSCC timeline.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:46 AM


Dreamtrove- welcome back! I’m glad you finally got to see the last two eps. In a word, as you say, awesome. (With deference to your rethink...)

As for what it all means, Jongsstraw... Ha- that’s half the fun!

I think what you’re asking about Weaver and the flying thing underscores one of the themes that developed through the series: That there are two opposing factions on the metal side. To make it clear to us, Weaver stated to Sarah exactly what she was up to, which was to build something (with John Henry as its genesis?) to stop Skynet. So not only are we seeing that there are two metal factions, and that one (Weaver’s) that wants to ally itself with the humans, but also that a lot of the mysterious conflicts we witnessed are part of this chess game the metal factions are playing against each other in the “present.”

What I really liked was the “Will you join us?” revisit. Where future John Connor had offered to ally with the “good” metal faction in the future, and was turned down on the Jimmy Carter, it seems like Weaver’s faction may have reconsidered and wants to join forces. But that opens a whole timeline, what’s-happening-when thing that I can barely get my head around...

The flying thing was a weapon (proto?)Skynet was using. We’d seen it a couple of times. (Interestingly, though- and I forget where I saw someone mention this, it doesn’t seem like SKynet understood that Weaver was liquid metal, ‘cause they might have taken a slightly different approach than just flying into the building if they knew?)

As for Cameron/Allison and Derek, I’m going to wade into that discussion above from a little while ago with regard to Summer’s performance, ‘cause I didn’t get to at the time, and I think it sheds some light on what you’re asking.

I have to agree with the camp that was impressed with Summer’s portrayal of Cameron. Was she playing a robot? Yes. Are robots, in our exposure to popular sci-fi, generally monotonous? Yes. But the difference here is where the storyline takes us, and what it demands of Summer Glau. I think there is range and depth to what she was given to do.

Where as Data on NextGen was engaged in an intentional search for consciousness or his “humanity,” and where, in T2, young John Connor tried to teach a Terminator to behave with humanity, in TSCC I think we were witnessing an internal conflict between Cameron the Cyborg and Allison from Palmdale. In the final ep, we were introduced to the effect a minor wiring change had on John Henry- he “glitched.” We don’t really know how Cameron was made, but we’re led to believe she was special. I think there was some kind of overlay (Cameron on Allison or Allison on Cameron,) and what we saw in Cameron’s behavior was a product of the resulting glitches in this overlay. Throughout the series we saw examples where some residual of Allison intruded on Cameron’s function.

This is all to say that I saw in Summer’s performance a reflection of this story element. She wasn’t always robotic or monotonous- you saw flashes of Allison’s humanity in a pause or a reaction on Cameron’s part, and Summer did that very well.

You’re right, though. Who knows what Derek’s relationship to Allison was? It may have colored his perception of Cameron, or it may be that he’s concerned that Cameron (as she herself admitted,) might eventually harm John Connor, or maybe he just didn’t like metal... Bring on a third series!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:41 AM



Originally posted by 06K64:
This is all to say that I saw in Summer’s performance a reflection of this story element. She wasn’t always robotic or monotonous- you saw flashes of Allison’s humanity in a pause or a reaction on Cameron’s part, and Summer did that very well.

Summer's never been a boring machine. She's had great lines and memorable scenes. She seemed to have grown emotionally over the last few episodes, and in some ways was the most human of all of them. Last week when she un-buttoned her shirt, stood there in her bra, and laid back on the bed asking John to get on top of her, I nearly spit up my Drake's Coffee Cake. I thought the I Know My Bible speech was comin' next. Very hot!

The extended preview for Terminator Salvation was awesome. It looked much better than anything I have seen previously. I think the movie is going to be a big winner, and if it isn't, that's ok too.

I want Sarah Connor Chronicles to be renewed and come back in the Fall. Shirley Manson's character is terrific. Whether it's her accent, or her clothes and hair, she really is something unique. They killed off just about all those I didn't like, so next season has tremendous possibilities .


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:28 AM



Originally posted by 06K64:
Dreamtrove- welcome back! I’m glad you finally got to see the last two eps. In a word, as you say, awesome. (With deference to your rethink...)

As for what it all means, Jongsstraw... Ha- that’s half the fun!

I think what you’re asking about Weaver and the flying thing underscores one of the themes that developed through the series: That there are two opposing factions on the metal side. To make it clear to us, Weaver stated to Sarah exactly what she was up to, which was to build something (with John Henry as its genesis?) to stop Skynet. So not only are we seeing that there are two metal factions, and that one (Weaver’s) that wants to ally itself with the humans, but also that a lot of the mysterious conflicts we witnessed are part of this chess game the metal factions are playing against each other in the “present.”

What I really liked was the “Will you join us?” revisit. Where future John Connor had offered to ally with the “good” metal faction in the future, and was turned down on the Jimmy Carter, it seems like Weaver’s faction may have reconsidered and wants to join forces. But that opens a whole timeline, what’s-happening-when thing that I can barely get my head around...

The flying thing was a weapon (proto?)Skynet was using. We’d seen it a couple of times. (Interestingly, though- and I forget where I saw someone mention this, it doesn’t seem like SKynet understood that Weaver was liquid metal, ‘cause they might have taken a slightly different approach than just flying into the building if they knew?)

As for Cameron/Allison and Derek, I’m going to wade into that discussion above from a little while ago with regard to Summer’s performance, ‘cause I didn’t get to at the time, and I think it sheds some light on what you’re asking.

I have to agree with the camp that was impressed with Summer’s portrayal of Cameron. Was she playing a robot? Yes. Are robots, in our exposure to popular sci-fi, generally monotonous? Yes. But the difference here is where the storyline takes us, and what it demands of Summer Glau. I think there is range and depth to what she was given to do.

Where as Data on NextGen was engaged in an intentional search for consciousness or his “humanity,” and where, in T2, young John Connor tried to teach a Terminator to behave with humanity, in TSCC I think we were witnessing an internal conflict between Cameron the Cyborg and Allison from Palmdale. In the final ep, we were introduced to the effect a minor wiring change had on John Henry- he “glitched.” We don’t really know how Cameron was made, but we’re led to believe she was special. I think there was some kind of overlay (Cameron on Allison or Allison on Cameron,) and what we saw in Cameron’s behavior was a product of the resulting glitches in this overlay. Throughout the series we saw examples where some residual of Allison intruded on Cameron’s function.

This is all to say that I saw in Summer’s performance a reflection of this story element. She wasn’t always robotic or monotonous- you saw flashes of Allison’s humanity in a pause or a reaction on Cameron’s part, and Summer did that very well.

You’re right, though. Who knows what Derek’s relationship to Allison was? It may have colored his perception of Cameron, or it may be that he’s concerned that Cameron (as she herself admitted,) might eventually harm John Connor, or maybe he just didn’t like metal... Bring on a third series!

Well you are not alone.
I think I agree with every signal part of your post. Especially those about Summer's acting. I thought it was the little details that made it. Most actors could play a standard straightforward robot/cyborg but it was the little bits that mattered that could almost go unnoticed.
I am reminded of something I think Joss or Nick Brendon said about Alyson Hannigan in Buffy. She was always doing something even if she wasn't the focus of the scene. Her eyes or expression would tell you more than words ever could. Little nuances that hinted at what the character was thinking or going through.

As for the plot there definitely has to be two factions. My guess is that Weaver and John Henry would help John Connor re-program future Terminators to fight for them and possibly help locate the time travel buildings and factories for them to destroy/use. This could also help explain why John becomes a leader his 'insight' would put them in a great position to fight back, and somewhat explain the line "he taught us how to fight".

If there is a third season, and I do hope so, it would mean we would get to see Summer playing Alison not Cameron for a while, until the inevitable meeting with herself.
And I would also hope that the wrap up the story with it. Two close calls at cancellation is enough, don't want to push their luck again.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:48 AM


Funny- in all my musings, it didn't even occur to me that it could be Weaver's faction that would help re-program the cyborgs. Good call.
And, yeah- seeing Summer Glau get to give us Allison for a season would be great.(For her, too, I imagine..!)


Tuesday, April 14, 2009 12:16 PM



I've never been a fan of the show since the start. I like the idea of Summer moving on. Hopefully to bigger and better things. Sorry to those of you who liked it.






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