Official I WATCHED TREK thread

UPDATED: Monday, May 18, 2009 01:06
VIEWED: 14184
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Friday, May 8, 2009 8:12 AM


Ok WARNING SPOILER ALERT read no further than this first post if you wish to forgo spoilers. I'll try to keep this first post free of them but after this everything goes. If you have spoilers(yes even little ones) PLEASE USE SOME SORT OF SPOILER WARNING!?

I just saw the new Trek last night. Before I was skeptical but I was keeping an open mind. I'm not a diehard Trekkie or Trekker but I really enjoy the best the series has to offer, even some of the original series. While I'm a fan of Scott Bakula I never much liked Enterprise. Don't care much for the majority of Voyager either, or all of DS9 for that matter. It never stood out the way TNG seemed to from the second season on. TNG was a part of my childhood in the way I think the original was for my father's generation.

That's out of the way, now I can tell you what I liked about the new movie. In an age where films are typically done for the sole purpose of cashing in on a franchise it's easy to imagine this new and younger trek as just an excuse to squeeze the last buck out of the series after the travesty that was the Enterprise series finale. I'm here to tell you that is not the case by a long shot. I haven't walked out of a theater so thoroughly satisfied as I did last night after catching an early Thursday night showing.

The casting is spot on all across the board. Karl Urban as "Bones" McCoy stands out as much as Zachary Quinto does as Spock. I never once thought of Quinto as Sylar, even though I've watched plenty of Heroes(though I feel it's only mediocre). He's a damned good actor and plays Spock with such believability you really can't even think of him as anyone else. Simon Pegg blasted my expectations of his portrayal of Scotty out of the sky, his dialogue is flawless and no offense to Mr. Doohan, god rest his soul, I thought his Scottish accent was even better than the original. Everyone else was just, or nearly, as good too.

The movie was surprisingly hilarious, the surprising part was it wasn't in the bad way. I laughed through nearly a third of the movie. The humor is very Trek, and while it gets tongue-in-cheek at times, it never goes overboard and takes you out of the film.

The immersive quality is another aspect J.J. Abrams can do incredibly well. He really can make movies and television that you can get into and enjoy. Lost might have gotten a bit dry and off-kilter, but that certainly does not happen here. The plot fits well into the Trek universe and doesn't present anything to the series that conflicts with previous mythology, even when it diverges from the original timeline completely(a tiny spoiler but if you didn't know that much already you live under a rock).

I'll be heading back to the theater next week to watch this great action/adventure movie again. And I hope we see more movies this enjoyable, we could all use some positive, quality escapism in these hard times.

*EDIT* I can't believe I didn't mention Chris Pine as Shatn... I mean Kirk :P. Yeah he was awesome. He's a fair decent actor and made a great leading man. His chemistry with Urban and Quinto is obvious and works well towards building a believable on screen relationship between the three long-time friends. Shatner should relax, there will definitely be more Trek films in the franchise and this is Star Trek man! They'll find a place for you to do a short stint in another one. Unless the reasoning is Abrams having a personal issue, but I doubt that.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Friday, May 8, 2009 11:09 AM


Go see it. Even if you never liked Star Trek, see this movie!

My advice, spend your money seeing this on a big screen! Don't wait for the Blue-ray or the DVD. Preferably, see it in a iMax or mega screened theater, with digital projection!

I'm a nit-picky hardcore fan, old enough to remember Star Trek during it's first run on NBC in the late sixties. I went in to this screening with a cautious attitude about this "new" Star Trek. A bunch of young turks trying to take over characters Shatner, Nimoy and Kelly lived in for over 30 years? Good luck kids!

I certainly didn't like certain design elements, like the design of the ship, the "Apple Store" bridge set, and the chromed out props. Still don't love them, but the designs are slowly growing on me. Still think the Enterprise from ST:TMP is the best looking E ever!

Story; yeah there are a few weak plot points, but overall no worse than other Trek movies of the past. The pacing was fast and it kept the story moving! I did like seeing these classic characters grow into their familiar positions. For a prequel movie, this seems to be the only one that has done it right.

Casting: Pine and Quinto are fine as Kirk and Spock. Quinto looks like a young Nimoy, but he brings his own style to the character, while still being Spock! Pine thankfully does not play Kirk like Shatner. I love the Shat, but no one can play the character his way, without it coming off as a parody. Pine does bring in some of Kirk's swagger and confidence, and he's got the chops to lead this franchise!

Zoe Saldana as Uhura gets to do far more than poor Nichelle ever got to do, and she VERY sexy in the role! Uhura is a brilliant woman who finally gets to do more than just open hailing frequencies!

Karl Urban's performance as Bones is simply amazing! Any Deforest fans (like myself) will be moved by how well he seems to channel Mr. Kelly.

John Cho is wonderful as Sulu. I love the "parking brake" scene, and Sulu gets a chance to kick ass too!

Simon Pegg as Scotty, is clearly there as comic relief, and he makes the most of it. His accent is dead on Scottish, and he treats the role with respect due Mr. Doohan's engineer.

The one sore spot for me was Yelchin's Chekov. His accent was so thick it hard to understand at times.

The supporting cast is brilliant. Bruce Greenwood as Pike is the perfect father figure, and he plays the character with the same gentle but stern nature that Jeffery Hunter brought to the role.

Chris Hemsworth and Jennifer Morrison as Kirk's parents do fine with their brief roles, and Winona Ryder as Spock's human mother Amanda works better than I would have expected.

Ben Cross as Sarek was slightly disappointing, but only because Mark Lenard became the quintessential template for vulcans! Even an actor as good as Cross, seemed to have trouble filling those legendary shoes!

Eric Bana was also a bit of a disappointment, but only because he gets so little screen time. What I did see I liked. He plays Nero with a casual delivery that was almost Ledgeresque in how he made it look easy. This is not a typical over the top Trek villain.

Some have compared Nero to the character Shinzon in Star Trek: Nemesis! On the surface this seems correct. Yes, they both are from Romulus, and yes, they both have reasons for vengeance, but their styles are completely different. Shinzon was another in a long line of self important over the top villains. Nero is more subtle and contained, like a bomb that could blow at any time.

Lastly, Leonard Nimoy as Spock Prime. Yeah, he's showing is age. More so than even Shatner. Who cares! It was great to see him play Spock again, and his actions are pivotal to the whole movie and to this new time line.

Overall, this movie was one big amazing thrill ride! It delivered in so many ways. Is it perfect? No! Does it work? Yes! Is it fun? Hell YES!

If you can't get past the changes and accept this version, then take it for what it is, an alternate reality. Ignore it, and keep watching the classic shows and movies.

I'll still watch the classic Trek, but I'll also look forward to the second movie in this new Star Trek franchise! I can't wait to see what happens next! After years of Picard, Janeway and Archer, it's great to see new stories about the original gang again!

Thanks JJ, not just for making Star Trek cool and relevant again, but for bringing back Kirk, Spock and McCoy! The boys are back!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Friday, May 8, 2009 11:24 AM


I guess I didn't have as big an issue with Chekov, but yeah his accent was impenetrable(isn't that be point?).

I too felt Nero was underused but he was sure one hell of a villain. In my book he goes down with Khan and the Borg Queen. He's got great motivation and even if it's a bit cliche, there is a reason, how would you feel in that situation?

I still can't believe how good this was. I went into it hopeful but keeping my judgments... I came out very happy.

BTW My father enjoyed it immensely. We went to see it last night(Thursday) because we couldn't today and he leaves tomorrow to return to Iraq until March. He works for the Army Corps of Engineers. We used to watch TNG and reruns of TOS together when I was a kid and it was a treat to be able to see this with him while he was home for a couple weeks.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Friday, May 8, 2009 11:49 AM



Originally posted by LincolnZ:
BTW My father enjoyed it immensely. We went to see it last night(Thursday) because we couldn't today and he leaves tomorrow to return to Iraq until March. He works for the Army Corps of Engineers. We used to watch TNG and reruns of TOS together when I was a kid and it was a treat to be able to see this with him while he was home for a couple weeks.

Very cool that you got to share a common interest with your dad like that.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Friday, May 8, 2009 11:51 AM



Originally posted by MacBaker:
After years of Picard, Janeway and Archer, it's great to see new stories about the original gang again!

Please curb your enthusiasm; I can't see it until tomorrow!

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, May 8, 2009 11:53 AM


Don't get too excited Chris... don't want you to expect sex and get a handshake or something like that(something an old friend used to say). lol

Really it's a great movie. :)

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Friday, May 8, 2009 12:10 PM



Originally posted by LincolnZ:

Really it's a great movie. :)

I had a hunch it might work when they cast Zack as Spock.
I need a time machine.....

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, May 8, 2009 1:24 PM


It took two viewings for me to decide that I liked most of it.

I was pretty let down the first time. I even drove 2 hours to see in in IMAX, and went home less than a happy camper.

I did think that the casting was spot-on; I was completely convinced that each actor was who they were portraying -- especially the essential nexus of Kirk, Bones and Spock. They managed to bring back the old chemistry perfectly.

That said, the overall plot left a lot to be desired. No, it's no weaker than many other in the Trek franchise, but I had hoped that we'd have gotten more with this reboot. As with most blockbusters these days, strong storytelling is of less importance than constant action and visual spectacle.

Also, Michael Giacchino is definitely no Jerry Goldsmith by any means. I was as disappointed with his music as I was when they didn't bring on Greg Edmonson for Serenity, except that David Newman is much better than Giacchino, in my opinion. For a series that, at least since the first movie, has been known for its dynamic and often innovative music, I was extremely let down by the mediocre scoring of Giacchino. I got a kick of them using the "classic" theme at the end, but I had hoped they'd have used some of Goldsmith's legacy.

Overall, it's worth seeing, and I expect a sequel to be much better now that they've gotten the cumbersome alternate universe shenanigans out of the way. It was certainly a "fun" movie and I think it did do a lot to inject fun back into a franchise that had gotten a bit on the boring side and was otherwise dead in the water. That said, it was by no means perfect and I'd give it a solid "B" grade.


Friday, May 8, 2009 2:15 PM


Just got home from the Matinee. I loved it. Beeing a TRekkie/er for as long as I can remember, I was seriously anxious about another "rebooting" of a classic I love. I really enjoyed the storyline. If you get a chance, go this weekend.......TWICE!


Friday, May 8, 2009 2:20 PM


That's the thing, all this talk of a "reboot". It's not really a "reboot" such as the recent version of BSG or the Batman or Bond films. Yes the cast is new(mostly) and the setting is pretty different. The thing that makes this NOT a reboot is the way it fits into the story. If this is a reboot then the TNG crew rebooted a lot of stuff over the years, all the time travel they did. Seriously, it fits into the storyline so technically... not a reboot, it's a prequel AND a sequel in a sense.

Really I'm just nitpicking. It's just a damn good film. Not the greatest ever made but fun. First Contact may still be my favorite Trek film, followed by The Wrath of Khan... give me some time to decide where this one goes.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Friday, May 8, 2009 2:30 PM


Yeah, I plan on going twice this weekend, and while I enjoyed Wolverine fairly well, it's not a movie I had a need to repeat. Star Trek is entirely different and it was a joy to experience last night. The reviews here so far are excellent!

I do agree with the comments on music that it was less than stellar, but hey... I'm not sure I would want someone to try to fake Jerry Goldsmith. Oh, and for Pine to try to imitate the Shat *would* have come across as a farce, so I'm glad he's developing his own style. Uhura's interest in linguistics and improved role made me happy! Nimoy was practically perfect in every way. I admire Ben Cross' work, but he's no Mark Lenard, alas...

I knew Majel Barrett Roddenberry had passed away during post-production, but I didn't remember that she had done voice work until it got to the "In Memory of" during the credits. I'll have to listen for her when I watch it again (hopefully) tomorrow afternoon.


Friday, May 8, 2009 2:58 PM


Yeah she recorded some dialogue for the film just weeks before she passed. Surprisingly(or maybe not) there isn't much of it in the film. Hopefully she recorded more and they'll use it in other movies. Lets hope.

About the music, I didn't really care much for Serenity's score either. I dislike the habit of changing not only a composer but the entire style and tone of a franchise's soundtrack, doesn't feel right. I didn't hate the music but it didn't feel Trekkie enough for me. BTW you can also hear tiny bits of the previous Trek theme during other moments of the film, one of the transporter sequences for example.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Friday, May 8, 2009 3:31 PM


To start with it's a good blockbuster film. Secondly it's a great star trek film.

...and I'm not a star trek fan.. at all.

But this works.


Saturday, May 9, 2009 1:07 AM


I can pretty much agree with all the good points laid out above.

Karl Urban and Zachary Quinto were definitely the stand outs but all the cast pulled their weight and filled their respective shoes admirably.

For me it was the little moments that made it (spoiler warning just in case):

Select to view spoiler:

Spock pulling down his vest when he stood up at Kirk's Kobayashi Marus hearing.
Scotty mentioning Admiral Archer's beagle.
Bones's "Dammit man, I'm a Doctor not a physicist".
Kirk and the green alien woman (I forget the name of the race).
Kirk hanging off things a lot.
The Vulcan landscape looking like the angled rocks they always used in TOS Trek.
Bones calling Spock a "green blooded hobgoblin".
Scotty saying "She canna take any more" (or something like that).

There were many others but that'll do for now.

I also agree that this is not really a reboot or anything. It fits within the canon of Trek and is perfectly plausible withing their universe.

Looking forward to seeing this again.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Saturday, May 9, 2009 7:05 AM


Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise is the first original browncoat. Check it out in the episode " The City on the Edge of Forever". Looks like a short version of Captain Malcom Reynolds.

"Battle of Serenity, Mal. Besides Zoe here, how many-" "I'm talkin at you! How many men in your platoon came out of their alive".


Saturday, May 9, 2009 7:28 AM


I saw the original show when it aired on TV in the late 60's in Athens Greece. I think this movie was very well done and I was happy that they even managed to sneak in a tribble.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Yes We Did!

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Saturday, May 9, 2009 9:53 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I think this movie was very well done and I was happy that they even managed to sneak in a tribble.

There was a tribble?
You jest do you not?
I don't remember a tribble.
At what part did it appear?

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Saturday, May 9, 2009 10:14 AM


Wow, some great reviews. I have nothing to add to all the above goodness, really, except that I simply want to express that the overwhelming sense I got throughout the entire movie was one of: "Sigh. This is what all the previous movies should have been like." It was astoundingly good. Fast-paced, gripping, funny, never over the top, well-timed, plausible characters, and great special effects.

I also really liked the younger cast. They were excellent would-be's of their older selves: voice, facial expression, mannerisms, it was all a perfect match. 'Sylar' made for a superb Spock: mostly logical, but not so dry as to deny his youthful existence. And I like how 'Bones' got his nick name. :) You know, there was this girl in the theatre, one row in front of me (you know, the kind that doesn't know Star Trek from Star Wars, but who just comes along with her boyfriend). During the admission I overheard her saying she didn't understand much of it. But for the rest of the world, familiar with Star Trek, it was replete with cute and subtle references to its origins, which really added an extra dimension. As for that girl in front of me, well, we all know what happens to people who talk at the theatre. :)

And call me shallow, but I liked watching an attractive Uhura, for a change, and not one who always looks like an ever-more washed out version of Tina Turner. In that vein, I could probably have done without the geriatrics of Leonard Nimoy; but overall I'm overwhelmingly positive about this latest Trek experience. A 'must-see' event, far as I'm concerned.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, May 9, 2009 11:44 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

There was a tribble?
You jest do you not?
I don't remember a tribble.
At what part did it appear?

Scotty had one in a cage:)



Saturday, May 9, 2009 12:24 PM


I missed it too! Just another reason to see it again next week.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Saturday, May 9, 2009 1:05 PM


LOVED IT! a great popcorn movie for the summer. Enjoyable, engaging and entertaining.

I concur with all that has been said above, but I had to add my "thumbs up". I thought it was a nice homage to TOS and you saw the shadows of who the characters would become, without being slavish or a parody.

Urban was really spot on as Bones.. and Pine was believable as Kirk (loved the opening sequence where a preteen Kirk goes joyriding...)

It was indeed full of humor.. and ITA it was the Star Trek kind- not smarmy or patronizing.

I credit Abrams and the writers for creating a movie where you CARE about the characters. There is action and all those fx that we expect, but if you don't care about the characters it is just noise... but here, you care about these folks and THAT is what makes it a cut above.

I enjoyed it and will see again (if only for the Tribble... missed that...) and beacuse it was fun.


Saturday, May 9, 2009 1:45 PM


If you listen closely to the background when Kirk and Scotty are speaking you will hear it cooing. It is on the desk in a cage behind Scotty.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Yes We Did!

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Saturday, May 9, 2009 3:28 PM


I have a question that in the bazillion reviews I've read has yet to be answered. Does this movie have any of the poetic, non-mystical optimism of TOS? Or have they grittied it up, conflicted it up, sexed and boozed and aggroed it up? Is the 23rd century something still to aspire to, or is it just more of the same? Do we reach?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, May 9, 2009 4:57 PM


I agree that they missed an opportunity to create some sort of moral or philosophical statement somewhere in the film that would really live up to Roddenberry's vision and legacy. If they'd spent a little less time focusing on visual effects and space combat I think they could have pulled it off. I feel like there was room for one in the conflict between Spock/Vulcan and Nero/Romulus.

Ebert got it right: "The Gene Roddenberry years, when stories might play with questions of science, ideals or philosophy, have been replaced by stories reduced to loud and colorful action."

That said, it was an "introductory" film and I'll hold out hope that they'll nail it with the sequel.

In many respects, it was typical "bang, crash!" Hollywood, which was disappointing. That said, it was a particularly good "bang, crash!" Hollywood action film.


Saturday, May 9, 2009 5:38 PM


I'm also not feeling the new Enterprise design. Everything's too close together and bulky looking on the outside and looks too good on the inside...

...it makes little sense to redesign it in the context of the film. It's a bit of a stretch to assume that the timeline altering events of the Kelvin led to a different Enterprise from what we knew throughout TOS.

They could have easily made it look "better" and more detailed than the original model without making major changes.

I do love that they recreated the original sounds of the ship -- essential to its character and charm.


Saturday, May 9, 2009 6:08 PM


Everything I loved about it has already been said here, so I'll just say that I agree.

I quite enjoyed it, and so did my grandad who's a big Trek fan from way back.


Saturday, May 9, 2009 6:16 PM


Ultimately, though, I'll be happy with what I can get, like Serenity. Who'd have imagined that we'd be getting big-screen classic Star Trek again, with the "real" Star Trek crew set during their prime period?


Saturday, May 9, 2009 6:21 PM



Originally posted by Seba:

Ebert got it right: "The Gene Roddenberry years, when stories might play with questions of science, ideals or philosophy, have been replaced by stories reduced to loud and colorful action."

True. But the Gene Roddenberry times didn't exactly spell 'wonder years,' either. At the surface there's the pretence, almost, of open exploration. But, throughout the years, I've been largely turned off by Gene Roddenberry's work, when one day I realized that, underneath, less benign forces are at work, most notably that of intolerance. Take Star Trek, TNG, for instance. At first, Captain Picard has a fond dislike of children. But gradually you see him shift to nice suburban conformity. And by the time 'Generations' aired, when Picard enters the Nexus, he has gone a full 180 on the matter: he's now living out a perfect white picket-fence, 2.4 children-loving dream. Don't get me wrong, I like children just fine. :) But I despise the subliminal intolerance of it all: there's no room to be different. That, sadly, was Gene Roddenberry's real message. And one which became insufferable in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, when Kirk flat-out tells Spock that everyone is human (!), a remark Spock finds rather insulting, and rightly so!

At least this new Star Trek flic breaks with that annoying Disney-style attempt to indoctrinate its viewers. Equality is very good. But greater than this even, I deem your right to be different. That, I believe, is the true Undiscovered Country: tolerance. And this Star Trek is definitely different. No more listening to Counselor Troi's pedantic psychobabble, or indulging Data in his witless exploration of humanity (now, come to think of it, there's a nauseating message of conformity if I ever saw one). This crew is hot (in all meanings of the word): they're a wild bunch; they rock; they're attractive (the women, at least; can't speak for the men). They're simply 'on.' And they are themselves, faults and all.

All-in-all, not discounting what Gene Roddenberry had done for us, but yes, maybe it's really time for his era of intolerance to die with the past.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, May 9, 2009 6:23 PM


I saw it early this evening and really enjoyed it except for the quick cuts during the action sequences that have become standard in movies today. It made me want some dramamine.

Chris Pine did a good job and I agree if he'd mimicked Shat it would have been a farce. He reminded me of a young Brad Pitt, not tremendously good looking but still easy on the eyes.

The other actors lead by Zachery Quinto were marvelous. They invoked the classic characters without being clones of the originals.

I'm eagerly awaiting the Blu-Ray DVD so I can watch it again.



Saturday, May 9, 2009 6:43 PM



Originally posted by asarian:
True. But the Gene Roddenberry times didn't exactly spell 'wonder years,' either. At the surface there's the pretence, almost, of open exploration. But, throughout the years, I've been largely turned off by Gene Roddenberry's work, when one day I realized that, underneath, less benign forces are at work, most notably that of intolerance.

I was somewhat taken aback by your comments initially, but I think I see where you're going now. I don't believe that anyone would argue that Roddenberry did more, or tried to do more, than just about anyone to bring the notion of equality and tolerance to TV fiction in the matters of race or sex, but I can see that ideologies that deviated from those of Roddenberry or the utopian federation were probably less than favored, those sort of areas occupied by our beloved Browncoats.

Star Trek, in a away, sort of became the socialist's science fiction story while Firefly became the libertarian/anarchist alternative. I enjoy both series and think they tell stories from opposite perspectives that are worth telling and exploring, and I find it fascinating that they could easily exist in the same universe (well, if Firefly had aliens anyway).


Saturday, May 9, 2009 7:03 PM



Saturday, May 9, 2009 7:09 PM



Originally posted by Seba:
I was somewhat taken aback by your comments initially, but I think I see where you're going now. I don't believe that anyone would argue that Roddenberry did more, or tried to do more, than just about anyone to bring the notion of equality and tolerance to TV fiction in the matters of race or sex,

Yes, he has. When he started out with Star Trek, his notions of equality and tolerance were quite novel for the time, actually. And I should gave given him more credit for it. It's just that, when you take equality and tolerance to the extreme, they become themselves a form of intolerance: the road from 'everyone is equal' to 'everyone must be equal' is a slippery one. And somewhere along the line I feel the Star Trek franchise became more about the latter than the former.


... but I can see that ideologies that deviated from those of Roddenberry or the utopian federation were probably less than favored, those sort of areas occupied by our beloved Browncoats.

Yes. And I'm fair certain Paramount had a hand in enforcing said conformity. For instance, Picard's inital dislike for children was probably not deemed 'family-friendly' enough by the studio brass. The same folks who, no doubt, introduced the hopelessly twerpy 'do-good' boy-child Wesley (Roddenberry's middle name, btw). That's what studios do: they meddle. Sigh. I hate that.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, May 10, 2009 8:00 AM


America loves a winner!

I watched it. W/ out repeating what I posted in the other thread, I'll just say - go see it. It was far from flawless, imo, but it's a good story.

Select to view spoiler:

The one sore spot for me was Yelchin's Chekov. His accent was so thick it hard to understand at times.



Sunday, May 10, 2009 10:51 AM


Ok, he wasn't perfect(and a bit goofy) but really.. what's the deal with not liking Chekov's accent? To me it seems like he did a pretty decent Russian(isn't the actor Russian-born himself?). Yeah ok it was occasionally a bit thick, but most of what he said or did was pretty straightforward and I found it easy to figure out a missed word or two without needing to really think about it. I can understand having difficulty if English isn't your first language, you were in a loud theater, or haven't heard a Russian accent before.

All in all I felt it added a little much needed color and depth to the character, I think he'd have failed to work without the accent to be honest. Seriously, Chekov without a thick Russian accent would suck. Plain and simple. I still liked him a little less than many of the other portrayals, without them watering him down for the less attentive masses. They did that enough the the plot.

I also hope they ramp up the plot a bit more for the next one. They got the crew relations and origin stories out of the way, now they need to work on a longer and more complex plot, with a dash of that classic Trek philosophy and heart.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:36 AM


America loves a winner!

I had no problem w/ the accent, i just found the character to be a poor match for a 'younger' Pavel. Urban was my favorite , at one end of the spectrum, while Yelchin was at the other end. Nice performance, but I simply wasn't buying him as Chekov.


Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:46 AM


Yeah it's hard for me to decide who's at the bottom for my list, either Chekov of Sulu. Didn't particularly dislike either of them, just didn't think they lived up to their predecessors like the others did.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Sunday, May 10, 2009 12:32 PM


Loved it. Saw it again. Loved it again.


Sunday, May 10, 2009 2:07 PM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.

The portrayal of the characters was dead-on, at risk of going over the top sometimes. If this cast holds together, I hope they don't overdo it. I found myself laughing out loud sometimes, but still engaged in the story. Well done.

I feel that there was unnecessary license with canon:

Select to view spoiler:

The whole Kirk/Spock/Uhura thing as one small example of many "re-interpretations"

But all in all, a possible franchise saver. I am looking forward to the next one.


Sunday, May 10, 2009 4:19 PM


Great flick. They are really setting the bar high for other summer movies.

The movie starts with a bang and never really lets up. Nero, and his reason for wanting revenge, really reminded me of the two part Voyager episode, "The Year of Hell". His ship didn't look structurally sound but it sure was intimidating.

I didn't have any problems with the cast. As others have mentioned Urban does an absolutely fantastic job with McCoy. I wasn't sure anyone would be able follow Shatner as Kirk but this was a very good and more down to earth interpretation of the character. I would have liked more screen time for Scotty but he made the most of his moments. I was envisioning a conversation between him and Chekov where they couldn't understand each other.

There were some pleasant surprises in the film. First and foremost, the humor. It is prevalent throughout the film but never seems forced or campy. The new transporter FX are just plain cool. My favorite development is the relationship between Spock and Uhura. Unlike others I don't believe this was done for shock value. It goes a long way towards showing how this Spock is more willing to embrace his humanity. And for once Kirk doesn't get the girl. The look Spock and Kirk exchange on the transporter pad after the kiss is worth the price of admission.

I have a hard time imagining how a reboot, origin, or whatever you want to call this could be better for any franchise. Even harder to believe is how old school fans would not embrace this film. I have been a fan since the first time I saw a rerun of the original series as a wee lad. This film seperated itself from the original while still honoring it's roots. I am very impressed and cannot wait for the next installment.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Sunday, May 10, 2009 4:29 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by LincolnZ:
Yeah it's hard for me to decide who's at the bottom for my list, either Chekov of Sulu. Didn't particularly dislike either of them, just didn't think they lived up to their predecessors like the others did.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."

The only problem I had w/ Sulu was that George Takei's voice is so distinctive, it would be hard to mimic w/ out sounding like you're trying to ....well, mimic it. Also, I was less thrilled w/ the Scotty character. Clever in his own right, but I never could see him as a 'younger' Scotty.


Monday, May 11, 2009 12:00 AM



I was envisioning a conversation between him and Chekov where they couldn't understand each other.

Oh dear me, that would be hilariously epic, especially if they were drunk and arguing over something, like who invented scotch, since Pavel will *insist* the russians invented it, heheh.

It's funny though, while a very restrained person who is mindful and respectful of the chain of command as part of the bedrock of their character (one of the things that frustrated Irina into leaving him) - you'd never quite realise that one of the things that delayed him getting command was that as a captain he was quite a bit more aggressive than required, and his responses to the various academy tests of character generally resulted in epic virtual bloodbaths.

I'm trying to work around my schedule to go see the movie, but without a showing earlier in the morning, this is gonna be tricky.

Don't worry bout spoilers with me though, there's only seven stories in the world anyway, and it's all in how you tell em!

I hope Pine really brings home the legendary arrogance of Kirk though, that's gonna be the tipping point for me - since I hear the action scenes are more of that EXTREEeemmeEEE closeup of high speed action crap which ruined Transformers, and leaves folks confused instead of entertained.



Monday, May 11, 2009 4:24 AM


I don't know if I'd call it arrogance, but Pine does make Kirk REALLY cocky. He's got a chip on his shoulder and he's not afraid to use it. Once I gather my thoughts I'll post what I thought about it. But my initial thought is the one I said to my friend as the credits rolled on the screen. I turned to him and very enthusiastically said, "Nicely done!"

Mal: You think she'll hold together?
Zoë: She's torn up plenty, but she'll fly true.
Mal: Could be bumpy.
Zoë: Always is


Monday, May 11, 2009 4:42 AM


I LOVED Star Trek...I was the only girl in the cinima and I loved it!

*Pre-orders DVD*

Mine is an EVIL laugh!


Monday, May 11, 2009 11:39 AM


I don't know how well known this is (if at all) but this last weekend in Blighty we had a Bring Back Star Trek show hosted by Justin Lee Collins where he basically tries to get the cast back together for a reunion.
In it he interviewed Nichelle Nichols and she stated that the original idea was for her to have kissed Spock not Kirk in that groundbreaking episode. Apparently Shatner used his 'star power' and got himself that detail.

So the whole Spock/Uhura thing in the latest movie isn't really that out there and fits within the 'alternate timeline' plot.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Monday, May 11, 2009 2:07 PM


I saw it today and I'd have to say it was quite good. I think they hit across a concept which will ensure more movies, and make everything in this version a bit different than we could ever expect.

There were no less than 7 coming attractions, a full 15 minutes of that, but GI Joe looks awesome, and so does Terminator 4. I think I will see this Trek again, not because I will ever "abandon" the originals, but because this was a worthy and enjoyable effort.


Monday, May 11, 2009 5:43 PM


You really thought G.I. Joe looked awesome? Of all the trailers it looked like the least likely I'd even see on DVD. It look overdone too me, an orgy of special effects. Even when compared to movies like Transformers. Seriously, was it just me or was the scene with the guys in the power suit things dodging rockets and bounding around cars just wayyy over the top?

But back to the movie, I also liked the Spock/Uhura romance. If I remember right it was touched on in TOS other than the altered scene where she kisses Kirk. I would imagine the network itself got that part changed, an interracial kiss was probably bad enough for them, without making it interspecies.

Looking back TOS really did push boundaries and set new standards for television. Hopefully the new movie series will evolve that and bring back fun action blockbusters with satisfying plots. That's hoping they turn up the dial on the plot next time. And I hope they avoid Khan, he was great before but shouldn't be overused. And preferably I'd like to see them stay away from Klingons at first too. Or at least not use them to the extent prior movies have. We need a new villain, someone classic but with a new(to Trek) twist.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Monday, May 11, 2009 7:04 PM


Yep, and I managed to wrangle into getting to see it, and for once I ain't begruding plunkin down money for a flick - which, coming from me is damn high praise.

While I think the action scenes were a little too compressed and close-filmed, they weren't nearly as bad as the ones in transformers for it, and while not as much ship pr0n as I woulda liked, it met minimum standards, as this was more character focus and story - only thing I found jarringly out of place was freestanding displays on the bridge, that might work down at norad, but not on the bridge of a starship, yanno.

What cut the edge for me was Pine as Kirk - he absolutely, totally BRINGS it, as Kirk, dominates the scene in classic Kirk style, an obnoxious, arrogant lout who somehow manages to be just charming enough to get away with most of it, and what he doesn't get away with, he'll double-dog-dare you to DO anything about!

Spock was very credible, as was Uhura, though I had a little trouble buying the pairing due to a slight lack of chemistry, but he's Spock - he gets a pass on such things cause of his logic and restraint.

Sulu was a little weak, but the switchblade SWORD kinda threw me - maybe he was a little more of a delinquent type in this continuity, that'd be kind of interesting itself.

Chekov actually worked for me, the accent-mangled enthusiasm was so very true to character, even if he didn't at all match my visual concept, he still made me BELIEVE he was pavel chekov, which I'd say rates pretty good.

Bones was so eerie-accurate you could almost see the ghost of Deforest Kelly whispering in his ear, that was as flawless a performance of bones as I ever could have imagined, and maybe a little more.

Scotty gets introduced somewhat late, and was credible if a bit weak, but he had some awful big shoes to fill, and appears to have the potential to do it.

The story itself was not exceptional, but more passable than most trek movie plots, and had enough interesting concept to be fresh rather than trite, although they did play the shout out card a little harder than they needed to.

FX were good overall without depending on them to carry the story - I felt the musical score lacked a bit, however.

The real value of this one is all in the character acting, and for the most part, they brought it home.

Final Grade: A-

And that's VERY high praise, coming from me.



Monday, May 11, 2009 7:17 PM


Nice review. I myself can be a bit hard on films and haven't really been satisfied coming out of a theater since Iron Man last year. Of course I've only been to four movies between now and then, one of them was Indy 4... and I think that was one of the worst films I've ever seen in the theater.

You only felt the special effects were good? I don't think I've seen their like. Especially effects this great used only when needed and not overused.

I'm going again on Wednesday. I'll be back to write another reaction after seeing it a second time.

"Guys, I know Kung Fu."


Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1:24 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
I don't know how well known this is (if at all) but this last weekend in Blighty we had a Bring Back Star Trek show hosted by Justin Lee Collins where he basically tries to get the cast back together for a reunion.

I watched that I loved it! Justin Lee Collins was immence! I was so suprised he managed to find the Gron! (It is the Gron right?I've only seen that episode once coz it made me LOL so much I nearly died.)

Mine is an EVIL laugh!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009 8:26 AM


I have not seen it yet (try not to faint), I just wanted to know if it was done in the style of Abram's Mission Impossible 3 (Random earthquake-N-tremor cam).


The laughing Chrisisall






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