I told you they renewed Dollhouse because they didn't want to piss off the Whedon fans...

UPDATED: Friday, July 31, 2009 08:02
VIEWED: 6748
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Monday, May 18, 2009 10:23 AM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.


Reilly said. "Not to mention, if we had canceled Joss’ show, I’d probably have 110 million e-mails this morning. So if you have something that has a core that you believe is working, it’s better than taking a wild play."

I love Dollhouse but as far as the numbers go I didn't think it would get a second season from F*x, but according to this article: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2009/05/american-idol-its-
it was renewed mostly out of faith in Joss Whedon and, as evidenced above, they didn't want to piss off the Browncoats and hardcore Whedon fans.

A blog on the struggles of an unpublished writer: http://www.blogiversity.org/blogs/dmi/default.aspx


Monday, May 18, 2009 1:41 PM


For whatever reason, I don't care. I think Dollhouse is a great show and I am happy to see it continue. I hope they give it a better time slot. I could see Fringe and Dollhouse back to back. They complement each other.



Monday, May 18, 2009 2:05 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I think it has as much to do with it being a FOX Studio show, so they get more of the ancillary monies from DVDs, iTunes downloads and other merchandising.

TSCC was doing pretty good on DVR viewership as well, but being a Warner Brothers show it wasn't economical for FOX to keep it.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 7:52 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by DMI:

Reilly said. "Not to mention, if we had canceled Joss’ show, I’d probably have 110 million e-mails this morning. So if you have something that has a core that you believe is working, it’s better than taking a wild play."

I love Dollhouse but as far as the numbers go I didn't think it would get a second season from F*x, but according to this article: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2009/05/american-idol-its-
it was renewed mostly out of faith in Joss Whedon and, as evidenced above, they didn't want to piss off the Browncoats and hardcore Whedon fans.

A blog on the struggles of an unpublished writer: http://www.blogiversity.org/blogs/dmi/default.asp

Didn't want to piss off Browncoats!!.About 7 years too fucking late,don't you think?


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:41 AM



Originally posted by peacekeeper:
Didn't want to piss off Browncoats!!.About 7 years too fucking late,don't you think?

This is exactly what I thought. They are basically giving us Dollhouse for all the effort we put in for Firefly. What kind of thinking is that? I personally wouldn't have put any effort into saving Dollhouse. It's ok but it's nothing special to me. If I try to save a show how about you give me the one I ask for rather than associating my fandom to some other related show? It's infuriating!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:25 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by peacekeeper:
Didn't want to piss off Browncoats!!.About 7 years too fucking late,don't you think?

This is exactly what I thought. They are basically giving us Dollhouse for all the effort we put in for Firefly. What kind of thinking is that? I personally wouldn't have put any effort into saving Dollhouse. It's ok but it's nothing special to me. If I try to save a show how about you give me the one I ask for rather than associating my fandom to some other related show? It's infuriating!

Thank you Zeek.Couldnt have put it better


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:59 AM


I feel much like you guys but when I read that Firefly had been cancelled, I thought "Good, Joss will have more time to focus on Buffy and Angel". Bear in mind all I had seen was a few minutes of a dodgy copy of the original pilot.

We don't know if Dollhouse is going to be our new love - maybe season 2 will be beyond awesome. In any case, it's a tip of the hat to Joss if nothing else.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 1:14 PM


Whedon shows do tend to gather steam in their second season, as witnessed with Buffy and Angel. Imagine what season two of Firefly would have been like.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 4:07 PM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.


Originally posted by scnj:
Whedon shows do tend to gather steam in their second season, as witnessed with Buffy and Angel. Imagine what season two of Firefly would have been like.

What do you think I've been doing for the past seven years?

I think it's pretty ridiculous as well, but what'd you expect, F*x to admit their mistake and bring the show back? Yea, right. They'd rather let Whedon have a new show and not frak that one up, then when it's successful many seasons down the road they can take credit for giving it a second chance after a low-rated first season.

A blog on the struggles of an unpublished writer: http://www.blogiversity.org/blogs/dmi/default.aspx


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 4:45 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by DMI:

Originally posted by scnj:
Whedon shows do tend to gather steam in their second season, as witnessed with Buffy and Angel. Imagine what season two of Firefly would have been like.

What do you think I've been doing for the past seven years?

I think it's pretty ridiculous as well, but what'd you expect, F*x to admit their mistake and bring the show back? Yea, right. They'd rather let Whedon have a new show and not frak that one up, then when it's successful many seasons down the road they can take credit for giving it a second chance after a low-rated first season.

A blog on the struggles of an unpublished writer: http://www.blogiversity.org/blogs/dmi/default.aspx

Although, truth be told, that's *exactly* what they did with The Family Guy - they realized they'd screwed up, brought it back, gave Seth McFarlane another show (American Dad), and now have given him ANOTHER show - The Cleveland Show, a spinoff of Family Guy starring the character Cleveland from that show.

I'm glad they brought back Family Guy, but it's getting stale, fast. And American Dad has never been as funny as it should be. I have no idea why they're doing a spinoff of Family Guy, but they're Fox, and we're not, so go figure...

Point being, it's not completely impossible for them to admit a screwup and ask for a do-over; it's just highly improbable!


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 8:32 PM


To comment about Dollhouse I first give my congrats to Joss, Eliza and the rest of the cast and crew. Good work. However; as I say that I cannot help but be uneasy about the renewal. History tells us with FOX and Joss AND Eliza that the latter 2 and Dollhouse are NOT out of the canceling woods yet. In case you don't remember let us then remember Eliza's other FOX show: Tru Calling.

Tru Calling in its partial Season 1 got far better ratings than Dollhouse, had good DVD earning potential and had a rabid cult fanbase asking for more. FOX saw this and gave it a full 22-episode renewal notice. Then as shooting began, everything fell apart. The 22-episode order got cut nearly in half to 14 episodes and the premiere was delayed to late February of that TV season...for no reason. Then as weeks went by the episode order went from 14 to 12 to 8 to 4 to just 2 and the premiere was set for late March. FOX showed just 1 episode and canceled Tru outright.

Let us always remember FOX has screwed over us Browncoats a ton of times over the years and have done it willingly and openly to the Hollywood crowd. Let us also remember FOX HATES the Browncoat nation and will not stop raining down fire on us until we are no more and our voice is silenced. Way I see it and point is renewing Dollhouse may look like a blessing and victory but for all we know it could but a ruse and an illusion...that leads to a curse and another loss. FOX has done this to Eliza before and Joss too...they could do it again. Exactly like they did with Tru...exactly in the same way. Always remember that. I am out!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 7:16 PM



Originally posted by RareAir23:
To comment about Dollhouse I first give my congrats to Joss, Eliza and the rest of the cast and crew. Good work. However; as I say that I cannot help but be uneasy about the renewal. History tells us with FOX and Joss AND Eliza that the latter 2 and Dollhouse are NOT out of the canceling woods yet. In case you don't remember let us then remember Eliza's other FOX show: Tru Calling.

Tru Calling in its partial Season 1 got far better ratings than Dollhouse, had good DVD earning potential and had a rabid cult fanbase asking for more. FOX saw this and gave it a full 22-episode renewal notice. Then as shooting began, everything fell apart. The 22-episode order got cut nearly in half to 14 episodes and the premiere was delayed to late February of that TV season...for no reason. Then as weeks went by the episode order went from 14 to 12 to 8 to 4 to just 2 and the premiere was set for late March. FOX showed just 1 episode and canceled Tru outright.

Let us always remember FOX has screwed over us Browncoats a ton of times over the years and have done it willingly and openly to the Hollywood crowd. Let us also remember FOX HATES the Browncoat nation and will not stop raining down fire on us until we are no more and our voice is silenced. Way I see it and point is renewing Dollhouse may look like a blessing and victory but for all we know it could but a ruse and an illusion...that leads to a curse and another loss. FOX has done this to Eliza before and Joss too...they could do it again. Exactly like they did with Tru...exactly in the same way. Always remember that. I am out!

You know, I have to agree with the first part. 13 episodes isn't necessarily a renewal; it's a vehicle to sell another DVD set.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009 10:51 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

I heard that Joss HIMSELF has put up HIS own money to help keep it afloat.
I dislike F*x too, but I think with the new blood over there and the huge history Joss' fans have, F*x knows it has a 'gem' in owning the rights to FF, they know it will return in some form and I think they are playing the waiting game. If they can wait long enough, when a rebirth happens, they will have control and will make most if not all of the profit. This would suck big time if the jerks that cancelled it, got to make even more money off of it!!! G*d I hope Joss can get enough money behind him to buy it back from them.

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

...it's worse than you know...Operative
...it usually is.....Mal


Thursday, May 21, 2009 4:26 AM



Originally posted by RareAir23:
Tru Calling in its partial Season 1 got far better ratings than Dollhouse, had good DVD earning potential and had a rabid cult fanbase asking for more. FOX saw this and gave it a full 22-episode renewal notice. Then as shooting began, everything fell apart. The 22-episode order got cut nearly in half to 14 episodes and the premiere was delayed to late February of that TV season...for no reason. Then as weeks went by the episode order went from 14 to 12 to 8 to 4 to just 2 and the premiere was set for late March. FOX showed just 1 episode and canceled Tru outright.

That's not all true. They did not show one episode before canceling the show. They canceled it before the first episode of the second season ever aired. They did air the episodes that were filmed though. There were 6 episodes aired so they never cut the order down to 4 or 2. The episodes were actually pretty good. The show was getting much better with Jason Priestly being the anti-tru.

I will say that Dollhouse does give me the same sort of feel as Tru Calling. It was a good show but not great. I was willing to watch it but I wasn't a die hard fan. We'll just have to see how this plays out.


Thursday, May 21, 2009 6:56 AM



Originally posted by RareAir23:

Let us always remember FOX has screwed over us Browncoats a ton of times over the years and have done it willingly and openly to the Hollywood crowd. Let us also remember FOX HATES the Browncoat nation and will not stop raining down fire on us until we are no more and our voice is silenced. Way I see it and point is renewing Dollhouse may look like a blessing and victory but for all we know it could but a ruse and an illusion...that leads to a curse and another loss. FOX has done this to Eliza before and Joss too...they could do it again. Exactly like they did with Tru...exactly in the same way. Always remember that. I am out!

Gee, coulda be a bit more over-dramatic?

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, May 21, 2009 7:00 AM



Originally posted by pachelbel:

You know, I have to agree with the first part. 13 episodes isn't necessarily a renewal; it's a vehicle to sell another DVD set.

*Psst* They ordered one set of episodes. Then another. That's a renewal - by definition.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, May 21, 2009 4:27 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by pachelbel:

You know, I have to agree with the first part. 13 episodes isn't necessarily a renewal; it's a vehicle to sell another DVD set.

*Psst* They ordered one set of episodes. Then another. That's a renewal - by definition.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."

That's not much of a vote of confidence though, do you think? A full-season order of 22 (or 24) episodes says you've shown your chops, congratulations. 13 episodes says we don't have anything better, at least we can sell another DVD set.

If season "2" doesn't hit the ground running, I don't know if people will stick with it very long.


Sunday, May 31, 2009 12:07 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by peacekeeper:
Didn't want to piss off Browncoats!!.About 7 years too fucking late,don't you think?

This is exactly what I thought. They are basically giving us Dollhouse for all the effort we put in for Firefly. What kind of thinking is that? I personally wouldn't have put any effort into saving Dollhouse. It's ok but it's nothing special to me. If I try to save a show how about you give me the one I ask for rather than associating my fandom to some other related show? It's infuriating!

Fair to say. I had rather preferred they had learned their lesson 7 years ago, too. Still, there's learning going on under our very noses, and I feel that's progress. If, for nothing else, because they seem to have grasped that when a show has the potential to be really good, you need to give it a chance, even if it's not an immediate hit.

One or two Dollhouse installments, far as I'm concerned, can be said to be on near-par with a Firefly episode. Perhaps some exec realized this too, and decided not to repeat the same mistake.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, July 2, 2009 12:36 PM


Seven years to late for Browncoats yes, AND THEY FUCKED OVER TSCC TO DO IT!!!!!!!!! I AM NOTY ONLY A HARD CORE BROWNCOAT, MANTICORE'E, BUT I'M ALSO A FUCKING LOYAL ASS T-800!!!!!!! They cancelled my top show, now i have no reason to watch tv, Atlantis and BSG are gone, and NINJA Warrior is on g4, so screw FOX, and my rant is off!!!


Sunday, July 5, 2009 4:33 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
For whatever reason, I don't care. I think Dollhouse is a great show and I am happy to see it continue. I hope they give it a better time slot. I could see Fringe and Dollhouse back to back. They complement each other.

I'm going to be completely different here and say that I don't think they care about the Joss Whedon fans at all. I think they're joking (haha! ) when they say stuff like they're afraid of how much email they're going to get if they piss off the fans.

I think they care about the money. Period. They like making money with their own, off of their own and in this case they kill three birds with one stone. They keep Joss ( who they really want to work with ), they don't have to come up with a fresh idea, but only invest in something already going and seeing as they own it, lock, stock and barrel, they stand to make good money off of DVD sales.

I don't think they think very much about Firefly. I think they'd think about it if it would make them money, but it's not going to right now, so they aren't thinking about it right now. Maybe that will change after a couple of years of DollHouse, but I doubt it. DollHouse will be the new focus.

The folks that canceled Firefly at Fox, are no longer at Fox. Completely different people. They aren't profiting off of anything current of Joss'.

Traveler, I agree with you. DollHouse is a good show, I'm enjoying it for as long as it lasts. I'd LOVE to see it paired with Fringe!



Wednesday, July 15, 2009 5:56 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by traveler:
For whatever reason, I don't care. I think Dollhouse is a great show and I am happy to see it continue. I hope they give it a better time slot. I could see Fringe and Dollhouse back to back. They complement each other.

I'm going to be completely different here and say that I don't think they care about the Joss Whedon fans at all. I think they're joking (haha! ) when they say stuff like they're afraid of how much email they're going to get if they piss off the fans.

I think they care about the money. Period. They like making money with their own, off of their own and in this case they kill three birds with one stone. They keep Joss ( who they really want to work with ), they don't have to come up with a fresh idea, but only invest in something already going and seeing as they own it, lock, stock and barrel, they stand to make good money off of DVD sales.

I don't think they think very much about Firefly. I think they'd think about it if it would make them money, but it's not going to right now, so they aren't thinking about it right now. Maybe that will change after a couple of years of DollHouse, but I doubt it. DollHouse will be the new focus.

The folks that canceled Firefly at Fox, are no longer at Fox. Completely different people. They aren't profiting off of anything current of Joss'.

Traveler, I agree with you. DollHouse is a good show, I'm enjoying it for as long as it lasts. I'd LOVE to see it paired with Fringe!


They may not be the same people, but there making the same choices, cancelling DARK ANGEL, FIREFLY, and now TSCC, Those are conciouse choices to piss off anyone remotly in sci-fi. The only vice i have against FIREFLY, is that FOX cancelled DARK ANGEL to put it on, but look at how FOX cancelled DARK ANGEL, they told the cast that theyed pick it up for a third season, and the day of the announcement, "Sorry, but we have to cancell you, but i hope we hope you'll watch our new show FIREFLY, it'll be good, we have big prospects for it." In the end FIREFLY got put in the pipe like DARK ANGEL, don't get me wrong, i love FIREFLY, but i loved DA just a smidggen more.

Logan - "Maybe we got screwed out of livibng in a time where we could hang out for the aftyernoon in a caf'e someplace, wearing $2,000 wristwatches, planning our next vacation. But the world got a whole lot meaner all of the sudden. Wasn't supposed to, but it did. So now it's back to the law of the jungle- predators and victims."

Max - " And you still think you can do something to change that?"

Logan - " With your help."

-"Dark Angel : Pilot"


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:08 PM



Originally posted by jameron4eva:

They may not be the same people, but there making the same choices, cancelling DARK ANGEL, FIREFLY, and now TSCC, Those are conciouse choices to piss off anyone remotly in sci-fi. The only vice i have against FIREFLY, is that FOX cancelled DARK ANGEL to put it on, but look at how FOX cancelled DARK ANGEL, they told the cast that theyed pick it up for a third season, and the day of the announcement, "Sorry, but we have to cancell you, but i hope we hope you'll watch our new show FIREFLY, it'll be good, we have big prospects for it." In the end FIREFLY got put in the pipe like DARK ANGEL, don't get me wrong, i love FIREFLY, but i loved DA just a smidggen more.

You're not alone in loving Dark Angel, there are some other folks on this board that loved it too. :) I believe Chrisisall will certainly enjoy talking with you about DA.

I think the networks buy new shows, cancel and renew old shows without much thought to anything besides money. They are a money making venture and they're always looking for the next new thing that will be a BIG hit. Like an X-Files,or a Dallas or a LOST. They all do it. :( I regret the end of Pushing Daisies. I regret the loss of Life. Both canceled by other networks besides Fox. Shows and their success are the luck of the draw and then playing the hand successfully. Like the rest of life, totally unpredictable. :)



Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:51 PM


Yes FollowMal, but there is normaly some type warining, or premonision, not so with FOX. And before you mention TSCC, yes the pipeline proved true, but it was to close to call in my estimation, Dollhouse and TSCC were both almost cancelled, at lest there was some warning (pipeline) with TSCC. But look at how they cancelled Dark Angel and FIREFLY, no warning, no explanations, just a boot in the butt. And check out my DARK ANGEL post, where DA fans can gab, and gebnerally talk about the show, first two post are by me giving some info on the world, list of characters and who played them, and general over view of the two mian characters MAX and Logan, for all my DARK ANGEL bro's and sistas, KEEP THE DA DREAM ALIVE!!! And for all my Browncoat bro's and sistas, DEFEAT THE ALLIANCE, JOIN WITH SERENITY, AND HER CREW TO DO SO.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:54 PM


They're mercurial like that. :)
No telling what they're ever going to do.

Very cool about the DA thread. I am sure that Chrisisall will join in on that one.



Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:00 PM


How bout you, i'd like to see anyone (anything) there, and i'd like your thoughts and ideas on it, and please if you like it spread the word, i'd like to get the news about it out. And hey, maybe FOX only hires bipolar people, not that theres anything wrong with being bipolar, it just makes my feel tv shows aren't safe with FOX.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:04 PM


Well, I enjoyed DA very much, but it's been a long time since I watched it. :(
'Fraid I couldn't contribute much.
I'm sure ( more than sure! ) that you'll get some responses in the a.m.
It's midnight here...I turn into a pumpkin at 12:30...so I'm off to bed. :)

I'll try to comment in the thread tomorrow. :)



Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:11 PM


Hope you have shiny dreams man, but keep a watchfull eye out for ALLIANCA personel.


Friday, July 31, 2009 6:17 AM


Okay, now to add something else, TSCC WAS FREAKING AWESOME! I don't care if you think so or not, that's your opinion, not mine, now on to other threads.......




NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAGGHH!!!



Friday, July 31, 2009 7:48 AM


I agree that Fox is just joking when they say they're afraid of the emails they'll receive. Though I still think they thought of Firefly when they made the Dollhouse decision. Firefly has sold like crazy on DVD and that's why they thought of it. They were thinking about money and using Firefly as an example for why they should keep Dollhouse. They're hoping that they can sell tons of Dollhouse DVDs. The problem is I've bought 3 sets of Firefly DVDs and I don't plan on ever buying Dollhouse. So, now they execs are going to say "see we renewed that show like you wanted and it was a bust" and go back to their standard practice of canceling 70% of their shows each year. (yes that number is made up and probably wrong)

So, do you really think they are learning? Personally I wouldn't have blamed them even a tiny bit if they cancelled Dollhouse. I really don't think it has huge potential. It has decent potential. It could reach the middle of the pack if it goes well. That wouldn't be enough to get a renewal if I was making the decision. I don't think they've learned much. They're still trying to base decisions on anything other than the merits of the show in question.


Friday, July 31, 2009 8:02 AM


I think they think of DVD sales whenever they make decisions about shows. Despite being unafraid to receive emails from Joss Whedon fans, they'll court Joss Whedon fans to buy the DVD's of his shows. In fact they know from experience they can count on it.

I think the fact that Joss agreed to lower the cost of doing DollHouse had something to do with the renewal, DVR viewings had something to do with it too. They now count those, not as firmly as they count viewers, but it works to give them some idea of how many folks watch it later. We didn't have that when Firefly or Dark Angel was on. This helped DollHouse immensely.

DollHouse has all the potential that a show can have. Lots of story room to grow, a great team of writers and good actors. Lots of great guest stars this next season too.

I'm looking forward to it.




Originally posted by Zeek:
They're still trying to base decisions on anything other than the merits of the show in question.

They always base decisions on how much money a show makes by how many viewers a show has therefore how much advertising they can sell around it. They are in it for profit, not merit.
If something they've gambled on hits big, gets accolades, receives awards and develops a wonderful group of fans, that's nice. But numero uno always is profit.

Just sayin'.






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