Watchmen on Blu-Ray

UPDATED: Monday, August 3, 2009 03:11
VIEWED: 4337
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:33 AM



Originally posted by Storymark:

Uh... yeah... I saw the movie before reading the comic.

Rotten Tomatos score: 16% positive, 11% positive from top critics.
Metacritic: 30% positive.
IMDB user score: 5.5 out of 10

This is from one of the good reviews: "Succeeds the same way the original comic books did: by making the conflicts and dilemmas basic enough for a five-year-old, while giving the heroes and villains glamorous outfits and layers of complexity, to thicken the broth."

It sucked.


Huh. I think I may stand corrected on that one.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:16 PM


yep, sorry CiA that movie was AWFUL. And I STILL haven't read the comics. They're on my list, promise.

It's just a very long list.

Anyway, yeah, about versions of the DVD, I understand that they want to make more editions thus more money, but I found it odd that they'd release a different version to Aust and UK and still give US the directors cut. Why not give EVERYONE the 2-disc version first if they want to make a heap of money? Otherwise all you're going to do is piss off fans in UK and Aust and make them import. Since MOST that buy Watchmen will probably be big fans already, or at least know enough that they recognise a Directors Cut is out in US.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:22 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

BigRich: It's because we Yanks hardly ever are made aware that there ARE other nations on Earth. We think the Earth revolves around the U.S.

And Hollywood types are even worse about that than most of us are.

When deciding what to release, they no doubt forgot that Australia and the U.K. still exist. They probably figured that once Mel Gibson left Australia for America, the rest of the country followed and closed up shop.

You have my apologies for this oversight. The prats responsible will be sacked forthwith.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:13 PM


haha yes, well, let the record show that it's MOST yanks, not all, eh? :)

Anyway, all is well, it cost pretty much exactly the same for me to order it off Amazon (yes, shipping included) as getting it from the shops, so the only downside is the wait! Which I'll get over, because, while I was at it, I ordered Dollhouse, since I have no idea when that gets released here. So when my package arrives...oh my...i'll be in heaven.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:45 PM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
The Dark Knight by Frank Miller -
Yes, please.



Oh yeah! Just the thought of that one(done right) gives me chills!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:12 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
It was always The Dark Knight Returns.


Batman:The Dark Knight series was a 4 issue comic with four different titles for the different issues.

Issue #1 was titled Batman:The Dark Knight Returns(hence the confusion as to why so many people think it's the name of the series.

Issue #2 Batman: The Dark Knight Triumphant

Issue #3 Batman: Hunt The Dark Knight

Issue #4 Batman: The Dark Knight Falls.

The trade paperback(1987) was titled The Dark Knight Returns to identify with the first issue which was red hot at the time and already in it's 5th printing.

Calling each issue of the comic the title of the first issue is like calling all of The Lord Of The Rings Books Fellowship of the Ring, even though each book has a specific title. It's a mistake that has been perpetuated since the release of the first issue. Frank Miller himself cleared it up in an interview from about 20 years ago. Sadly, many people still insist the 4 issue series is called The Dark Knight returns. No conspiracy theories, just an easy generalization that has become "the norm".
And I guess it should be the correct title(currently), because the comic books are long out of print, and the collected issues in graphic novel form makes for a great read.
Hope that cleared things up.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:03 PM


Huh, interesting. Didn't know that, but I stand corrected.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, July 31, 2009 11:06 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Oh yeah! Just the thought of that one(done right) gives me chills!

...and there's only about a 70% chance that Hollywood would morph it into Batman vs, Superman.

With Superman as the good guy.



Saturday, August 1, 2009 12:50 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
In every conversation I've had about it, the people who had read the graphic novel hated the movie [V For Vendetta], and the people who hadn't read it thought the movie was great.

Colour me one who didn't read the novel (picked it up at a comic store, wasn't enthralled & put it back down, but LOVED the movie! More than the movie this thread is about, in point of fact. Well, a little more.

The laughing Chrisisall

Yeah, I felt the same way about the V for Vendetta GN, but loved the movie.
Also, I never was impressed by Mike Mignola's Hellboy artwork or dialogue as a comic book, but got really excited when I saw the first trailers for the movie, because I really loved the idea of Hellboy.
I consider Guillermo del Toro's movie a "better drawn" version of the original material.

As for Watchmen, I have to see it again by myself, because the woman I saw it with on opening day, who purports to love all action fare (especially Jason Statham) was jumping in her seat and curling into a little ball whenever a bone got broken or an artery was severed (even I thought Snyder went a bit overboard), and it was a bit distracting.

BTW Oppyh, the title is simply "Watchmen" not "The Watchmen", just as the name of our ship is "Serenity" and not "The Serenity".


Saturday, August 1, 2009 3:00 PM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:

BTW Oppyh, the title is simply "Watchmen" not "The Watchmen", just as the name of our ship is "Serenity" and not "The Serenity".

Thanks. I'll fix it.


Saturday, August 1, 2009 3:07 PM


I disagree about the V for Vendetta GN, I actually really enjoyed it. In fact, I think I may have enjoyed the V GN more than the Watchmen GN, although I'd have to read them both again to make sure.

However I do agree with you about Hellboy, although I do rather like the artwork in the comics.

The films just seemed to be far superior to anything that Mike Mignola had in the comics. But then, it's Guillermo del Toro, and that guy is my gorram hero.


Monday, August 3, 2009 3:11 AM


Thanks for that bit of info and film insight Kwicko.
I love to learn about how a film was put together, especially when it involves a classic piece like 2001. No wonder it is a masterpiece.

I will be looking for the book. BTW I did hear some things on Clarke collaborating with Kubrick, but your info was something new to me. I always had it in my mind that the monolith was the symbol for God or really more what connects us all throughout the universe.

It has existed through the ages and that we were fast approaching an understanding of our place. That despite all efforts to destroy ourselves that man will eventually transend their violent nature and flourish in the future. To me the Star Child was representative of the rebirth of man as a new creature, a reincarnation if you will, a gift from the monolith/God to repopulate the world, but with hope for a different outcome.

I also really like what you said about the monolith:

The monolith was somebody's messaging system to wake them up when we did something interesting, which would indicate that maybe we were ready to join the larger universe, or at least meet those who'd been out there for so long already...








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