Lost was great!

UPDATED: Friday, October 1, 2004 05:13
VIEWED: 6796
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Saturday, September 25, 2004 4:30 AM


I know this is a little late but I just wanted to see what you guys thought of Lost on Wednesday. I watched it and thought it was great! maybe a few too many characters but something tells me that is going to change soon, if you know what i mean, lol ^_^

What do you think is on the island? My mom thinks its some kind of government experiment gone wrong and my friend thinks its the dog. She's just kidding... at least I think she is. *shrugs*

Is anyone else going to stick around to watch it with me? I hope so! This looks to be a promising show! But does anyone think there will be a second season? To me, anyway, it looks like it can only be one season long.

For anyone whoe would like to get into it, Lost comes on at 8:00 pm on Wednesday on ABC. Check it out if you can!

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." ~Joss


Saturday, September 25, 2004 4:59 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

ABC is also going to repeat the first two hours next Saturday, October 2, at 8PM Eastern/Pacific, 7PM Central/Mountain time. They should have run them together last Wednesday, but in their infinite wisdom reminiscent of the brilliance of FOX, they chose instead to follow the first hour with a two-hour premiere of the new "Batchelor," which proved to be a bad decision as it was beaten in its timeslot.

As to what the "creature" is, my guess it is not a creature at all, at least not any animal type such as a dino or giant Kong-like ape, which I have heard speculation on.

I think it is the island itself.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 6:15 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
ABC is also going to repeat the first two hours next Saturday, October 2, at 8PM Eastern/Pacific, 7PM Central/Mountain time. They should have run them together last Wednesday, but in their infinite wisdom reminiscent of the brilliance of FOX, they chose instead to follow the first hour with a two-hour premiere of the new "Batchelor," which proved to be a bad decision as it was beaten in its timeslot.

As to what the "creature" is, my guess it is not a creature at all, at least not any animal type such as a dino or giant Kong-like ape, which I have heard speculation on.

I think it is the island itself.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.

I agree. I hated that we have to wait till next week just to see the end of the pilot. The Bachelor looks so stupid. I hated how they tried to make it look interesting by saying "This time, there will be two bachelors." WHO CARES!

The island being the "thing", the "creature", that is an interesting point. It might be hard for an island to kill them, but it might make sense.

I cant wait to see what happens next! ^_^

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." ~Joss


Saturday, September 25, 2004 6:44 AM


there was another thread:
but yours is in the right place...

I will give it another chance when the play the second half of the 2 hour pilot, but so far I'm unimpressed.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 9:03 AM



Originally posted by embers:
there was another thread:
but yours is in the right place...

I will give it another chance when the play the second half of the 2 hour pilot, but so far I'm unimpressed.

I think some one wrote on the other thread that they've (somehow - not explained) seen the whole two hour pilot already and most of what makes it good is in the second half. So I'm also reserving judgment until after I've seen the rest of it.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 10:37 AM


Since I don't get ABC at all, I downloaded to see what the buzz was all about - and I hadn't realized until just now that what I saw is twice as much as what everyone who watched on TV saw.

That said, I have to agree that some twists in the second half make it much more interesting.

For me, I'm willing to offer some suspension of disbelief to see where they're going to take these characters and what the twists are. I can see it going either way, honestly - the characters have a tendency toward stereotypical. But that can be made to work. The twists could be really interesting - or really formulaic.

There are, however, one or two characters who have really drawn me in (mostly 'supporting' types), and I'm crossing my fingers that the mysteries surrounding everyone and the island in general end up living up to what they could be.

So my advice is definitely to watch the second part, and then probably another week or two, and then judge. The bones of a really fun show are here, if they keep it going in the right direction.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 4:56 PM



Originally posted by embers:
there was another thread:
but yours is in the right place...

I will give it another chance when the play the second half of the 2 hour pilot, but so far I'm unimpressed.

*bowsw head in shame* sorry. It was only after I made this thread that I saw the other thread. Sorry!

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW! I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." ~Joss


Saturday, September 25, 2004 5:14 PM



Originally posted by Litwolf689:

*bowsw head in shame* sorry. It was only after I made this thread that I saw the other thread. Sorry!

well actually I just posted the link because I thought you would want to read the posts people had made about Lost...
plus, no reason for you to be sorry...
they put their thread in the wrong place!


Saturday, September 25, 2004 8:39 PM


I wouldn't call the 1-hour pilot "great," but for TV, it was pretty good. B-, B tops.

Odds are in favor there's a huge quality drop for episode #2. It happens with every good pilot I've ever seen. It even happened with Firefly... Train Job was so/so and it took a few episodes to get back. For J.J. Abrams, I'm not sure I have the patience.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 9:40 PM



Originally posted by Quicksand:

Odds are in favor there's a huge quality drop for episode #2. It happens with every good pilot I've ever seen. It even happened with Firefly... Train Job was so/so and it took a few episodes to get back. For J.J. Abrams, I'm not sure I have the patience.

I'm not sure Train Job is a good example of this, given the fact that it was written over a weekend and was forced to serve as the pilot (including a heck of a lot of exposition) for a very complicated series. The time crunch alone is a major issue.

Not that I'm neccessarily disagreeing with your logic - I can't say I've thought about it enough - just with your example. ;)


Sunday, September 26, 2004 5:08 AM



Originally posted by Quicksand:
I wouldn't call the 1-hour pilot "great," but for TV, it was pretty good. B-, B tops.

Odds are in favor there's a huge quality drop for episode #2. It happens with every good pilot I've ever seen. It even happened with Firefly... Train Job was so/so and it took a few episodes to get back. For J.J. Abrams, I'm not sure I have the patience.

Actually, it wasn't a "1-hour pilot". It's a two hour pilot, the second hour of which is being shown this coming Wednesday. And, as mentioned by others above, the second half is where the interesting twists are supposed to be. So rather than comparing it to "The Train Job", you should be thinking of it more in terms of the second half of "Serenity".

EDIT: Interesting thing. Out of curiosity, I looked ahead on the schedule to the second episode, which airs on Wed. 10/6. Oddly (coincidentally?), it is titled "Tabula Rasa". Sound familiar?

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Monday, September 27, 2004 6:28 AM


Doesn't anyone else find it interesting, perplexing, curious, plagiaristic, coincidental, odd, weird, comical, or whatever that the second episode of "Lost" (to air on Wed., 10/6) is going to be titled "Tabula Rasa"? I thought that tabula rasa was just a phrase that they made up on "Buffy" for Willow to use in a spell. However, it must mean something in some language. Does anyone know what language and the meaning?

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Monday, September 27, 2004 8:12 AM


It's in the dictionary, and although not commonly used, it is not unique to Buffy.

Tabula Rasa
Etymology: Latin, smoothed or erased tablet
1 : the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving outside impressions
2 : something existing in its original pristine state

Oh, and play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space. http://digital-eel.com/sais


Monday, September 27, 2004 8:30 AM


Maybe I don't watch enough TV to know better, but I think LOST is not just adequate or okay, but it IS GREAT TV. I watched without preconception, and have never seen much of Alias or anything else JJ Abrams has done.

I was sucked in during the first ten minutes. It was an absolutely surreal scene at the crash site on the beach, perfectly capturing the chaos and fear that such a scene should illicit. The plane's wing pointing skyward like a monument! One of the engines STILL RUNNING as it lay in the sand. The sound was what really made that scene for me. The special effects were seamless. Anyone who saw LOST from the beginning and thinks it was just OK probably wasn't paying attention. I've never seen or heard anything like it.

The next ten minutes was also astounding to me. When the wounded doctor asked a prefect stranger to stitch him up... the look on her face, the way the scene played out... I felt different emotions mixing together in me that no other show has managed to do. Anyone who watched this scene and thought it was ordinary - tell me what else you're watching on TV, because I must be missing something good.

Okay, so the "invisible dinosaur" later in the show seemed strangely familiar, and a bit overdone, but I am pretty sure that was to mislead you into thinking down the wrong path. No dino was ever seen, nor heard, really - the sound that it made might have been prehistoric, but it sounded just as much like a machine. Again, excellent sound design in this show. Very mysterious. I think it will prove itself this Wednesday.

Oh, and play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space. http://digital-eel.com/sais


Monday, September 27, 2004 8:59 AM



Originally posted by wydraz:
It's in the dictionary, and although not commonly used, it is not unique to Buffy.

Oh, now, I wouldn't say it's 'not commonly used'. I learned the term in high school, and it's come up again and again in various courses since then. I think whether you've heard it or not probably depends on where your interests or areas of study lie.

If you've got a focus on the humanities and liberal arts, I'd be very surprised if you don't come across it. It's a notion started by John Locke (humans are a blank slate, written on by experience). Locke is immensely influential to a lot of people (he's the guy who developed the 'social contract' theory of government, in which we give up certain rights in order to be guarenteed safety and some other things), which means that tabula rasa shows up in a lot of philosophy, history, and literature.

If you're interested at all, this seems to be a rather neat site on the quick basics of Locke - including tabula rasa.



Monday, September 27, 2004 9:22 AM



Originally posted by wydraz:
It's in the dictionary, and although not commonly used, it is not unique to Buffy.

Tabula Rasa
Etymology: Latin, smoothed or erased tablet
1 : the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving outside impressions
2 : something existing in its original pristine state

Oh, and play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space. http://digital-eel.com/sais

Thanks so much! That explains a lot. One of the things I always liked about Joss's shows was that they gave you the opportunity to learn new things - new to me anyway.

Now that I know what it means, it's obvious why that was the title of the "Buffy" episode. Now it will be interesting to find out why "Lost" has an episode by that name.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Monday, September 27, 2004 12:13 PM


I think they're on the same island Treat Williams, et al, landed on at the end of Deep Rising.


Monday, September 27, 2004 3:12 PM



Originally posted by wydraz:
Anyone who saw LOST from the beginning and thinks it was just OK probably wasn't paying attention. I've never seen or heard anything like it.

...the sound that it made might have been prehistoric, but it sounded just as much like a machine. Again, excellent sound design in this show.

I have to agree with both of those points that you made.

I went back and rewatched the opening 10 minutes on my TiVo box a couple of days ago to see if they were just as striking the second time around... and they were. The surreality of the experience seemed (to me) to be a perfect attempt at capturing the emotional shock of such a situation in images and sound. It impressed me.

Also, upon rewatching the first night scene, I to was struck by some of the "mechanical" elements of the sound the thing behind the trees made. It was both organic and machinelike. I tend to suspec that they deliberately blended both types of sound to prevent the listeners from guessing what they eventually reveal the source to be.


Monday, September 27, 2004 3:31 PM



Originally posted by danfan:

Also, upon rewatching the first night scene, I to was struck by some of the "mechanical" elements of the sound the thing behind the trees made. It was both organic and machinelike. I tend to suspec that they deliberately blended both types of sound to prevent the listeners from guessing what they eventually reveal the source to be.

Well, they've gone and gotten me all curious. I guess I'm hooked already.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:19 PM


While we're here, I do want to say something positive/favorable about ABC. Unlike the way F*X treated Firefly, ABC is promoting the hell out of this show. Everytime I flip over to their channel there's a promo on for "Lost". Plus, they put the show right in the prime viewing spot on Wednesday night! If F*X had treated Firefly half as well, it would have had good enough ratings to still be on the air today.

I'm not saying ABC is perfect. They did split the pilot into two separate showings when it should have been shown straight through on one night. But compared to what F*X did to Firefly, that's nothing.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, September 30, 2004 4:07 AM


OK, here's my crazy theory. All of these people (so far) seem to have done something bad in their lives. My guess is that they did not, in fact, survive the plane crash, but are all dead and in hell.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, September 30, 2004 4:35 AM


Dead? Yes, it would seem so. In Hell? I doubt it. That's too simple. I think they're probably LOST between Heaven and Hell, sort of like Purgatory.

Or the plane never crashed at all - its a secret experiment - they've all been gassed to sleep and now are all hooked up to a virtual reality world.

Or it's all a dream. That would suck even more than my last idea.

Best case scenario: despite the weirdness, they are NOT dead, and this island is eventually, logically, explained.

In any case, the show is so well done that I don't even care if it is all just a dream. I just want to know where the polar bear came from!

Oh, and play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space. http://digital-eel.com/sais


Thursday, September 30, 2004 4:40 AM


Ehhh... they've all got a story to tell and a secret to keep, but that'll hardly put them all in hell.

Especially not a nine-year old and his faithful mutt. Nor the pregnant lady or the Asian wife, who seem to be (so far) simply prisoners of their situations.

Some sort of purgatory though? Maybe... (EDIT : Blargh - great minds think alike - didn't mean to copy, honest. )

I just don't think anything would be that simply cut and dry here. We need more details. We need more of the show.

Radhil Trebors
Persona Under Construction


Thursday, September 30, 2004 4:47 AM



Originally posted by Aerrin (about 'Tabula Rasa'):
... I think whether you've heard it or not probably depends on where your interests or areas of study lie.

That supports my point. Most people don't have a focus on the humanities and liberal arts. So even if it's commonly used by them, it's not commonly used by everyone.


Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:03 AM


Exactly, I spent ten years in college, mostly in the sciences, and never heard "Tabula Rasa" until Willow said it on Buffy.

EDIT: The thing that has me the most curious now is that message that's been broadcasting for 16 years. No battery in any transmitter could possibly have lasted anywhere near that long (OK, it's possibly hooked up to a solar collector?). But whatever, who recorded it and where's it coming from?

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by bikisdad:
The thing that has me the most curious now is that message that's been broadcasting for 16 years. No battery in any transmitter could possibly have lasted anywhere near that long (OK, it's possibly hooked up to a solar collector?). But whatever, who recorded it and where's it coming from?

That is what got me about the episode last night. They estimated the distress message has been playing for 16 years and like 5 months. What is powering the transmitter???? Nothing will last that long except perhaps a solar recharger of some sort. Where did they find something like that on this island?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:46 AM


Judging by the wierd Iterator thing in the message, it sounds like it's being sent by a computer. Not like a tape recorder could keep count like that.

A computer would imply some form of advanced supplies somewhere on the island. Some form of generator at the very least - more than likely solar, as you said. Maybe some salvageable things for our Gilligan gang to find.

Who recorded it... I expect we'll find her bones before long...

Radhil Trebors
Persona Under Construction


Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:34 AM


My thought on the 16 year transmission was that it was an emergency beacon. Some that I have seen on ebay include both the option of recording a message so you can leave it on repeat and a solar charging system to avoid the issue of dead batteries. Not that hard to explain with off-the-shelf tech.

My wife pointed out that she didn't think the message mentioned any type of wreck...just stuff like please come get me, "it" killed them all. That could lead to the possibility of a secret science operation engineering giant killer mechanical polar bears.


Thursday, September 30, 2004 4:58 PM


You folks are mirroring my thoughts as well. A 16 year old transmission with a vocal counter is not stock airplane stuff. I don't even think its "special" airplane stuff. It sounds a lot more like a permanent facility of some kind with a renewable (solar) power supply.

If that's the case, then the desperate woman and her dead friends were probably the staff of that facility on the island... the ones who made the "it" that's killing everyone happen. And brought in mutant polar bears (why?!), and such.


Friday, October 1, 2004 2:46 AM


We don't really know they're polar bears. The bear in question was never shown clearly enough for me to even be positive it's a bear. The only reason to say polar is that it appeared to have white fur, though the muck and grime certainly obscured a lot of it.

BTW, polar bear fur has hollow hair shafts so that it gives more insulation. Every few years a zoo in a warm climate hits the news because mold starts growing in that air space and their polar bears turn green. Seriously; not making this up.


Friday, October 1, 2004 3:32 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by dug:
My thought on the 16 year transmission was that it was an emergency beacon. Some that I have seen on ebay include both the option of recording a message so you can leave it on repeat and a solar charging system to avoid the issue of dead batteries. Not that hard to explain with off-the-shelf tech.

My wife pointed out that she didn't think the message mentioned any type of wreck...just stuff like please come get me, "it" killed them all. That could lead to the possibility of a secret science operation engineering giant killer mechanical polar bears.

My wife about this too. There is no mention of any sort of shipwreck or surviving a plane crash in the message. Coupled w/ the fact that the broadcast has to be coming from some sort of sophisticated equipment (keeping in mind the transmission is more than 16 years old) with solar power or a generator, it points to some sort of station or hidden base. Could be there was some sort of scientific research station secreted on the island. That may explain the polar bear and the strange creature.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, October 1, 2004 4:26 AM


Sophisticated equipment? Not so much. Life raft emergency radios fit the bill. Solar powered and with a repeating recordable message. Not much different in size than a shoebox.

What points to a permanent establishment from my pov is that there is no mention of being a member of a stranded party. The message seems to be pointed at a specific group that would know her plight, such as who "it" was and who "they" were. Also it might not be on the standard emergency channel since the receiver had to be retuned.

The french is interesting. A Canadian military experiment, maybe?


Friday, October 1, 2004 4:59 AM


All speculation about the show aside I can't believe I'm the first to note that the actor who played Rance on Firefly was on the last episode of Lost as the US Marshall who had shrapnel in his stomach and Jack was operating on. He seems to be a bit of a jerk in this show as well. Hopefully it's just typecasting. Anyway, just thought I'd go ooh ooh! and point that out.

"When you can't run anymore you crawl and when you can't do that you find someone to carry you."


Friday, October 1, 2004 5:13 AM


The third episode is no doubt named "Tabula Rasa" because, while they are on the island, everything about their pasts is meaningless. They are given a blank slate upon which to begin their lives again.

French is not odd at all. Since they were flying from Sydney to LA, they have to be somewhere in the South Pacific, and there was a lot of a French colonial presence on those islands, whose inhabitants still speak French.

Much more likely than a group of French Canadians, although with tropical polar bears, "likely" may not be an operative term.







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