Latest BSG episode (Jan. 27th)

UPDATED: Monday, January 29, 2007 13:30
VIEWED: 5421
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Sunday, January 28, 2007 6:53 PM


Latest episode concluded a half hour ago East Coast so I'm not going to post spoilers for a while. HOWEVER, I can tell you that I felt it was one of the best episodes they have delivered thus far in the series. Gritty doesn't begin to describe it and, oh, you REALLY REALLY have to see the "extended clip" up on scifi.com as it contains key information that clicks another piece of the puzzle into place. It took ten minutes for me to get through to the video but it was well worth it.

Final note... I'd keep an eye on President Rosalyn as she's showing a whole new side of her this time around. Folks, real Emmy winning stuff is going on here so enjoy it while it lasts.

I, for one, will be relieved when the next episode airs in two weeks.


Given a choice between the earth-that-is and the 'verse-that-will-be I'll take the latter.



Monday, January 29, 2007 4:46 AM


Is this clip available elsewhere for all us BSG fans who aren't inside the USA?

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, January 29, 2007 7:36 AM


Whatever happened to airing the entire episode during it's alloted timeslot? This whole "go to website for exclusive clips" crap needs to stop. Unfortunately it is becomming more and more prevalent.

The episode itself was outstanding. Nice how the doctor was the one to stop the interrogation. Watching Gaeta attack Baltar was a bit of a surprise, I wonder exactly what was whispered to set him off like that.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, January 29, 2007 7:37 AM


I clicked on the link on the main page and it wouldn't load the video...oh well.

I also thought this episode was excellent. I WILL post spoilers here, so you have been forewarned.

First off, it looks like Apollo and Starbuck won't be getting together anytime soon. I'm not sure if that is good or bad, but I felt like we really got to know more about Dualla and her thoughts on Lee and their marriage.

Apparently Tyrol and Cally are having problems, but I don't see that as an ongoing plot line, just sort of a mirror for Lee and his marital problems.

Roslin was angering me with her rant before she threatened to airlock Baltar but I guess at the end of the drug interrogation, she did the right thing and granted him a trial. I'm assuming the bonus scene at the end of the broadcast with Caprica and Roslin fell before this and her guilt about killing Leoben affected her decision about Baltar. I was surprised however, that the Admiral not only suggested the drug interrogation but performed it himself, almost to the point of killing Baltar. Of course now Roslin knows about the final five Cylons/Temple of Five "coincidence" so maybe she'll figure that out.

About the final five, since Baltar is the "one", he mentioned he saw the final five but they wouldn't show their faces. Does that mean that he has the knowledge somewhere inside him, he just can't access it? I'm interested to see how that works.

Finally, what could Baltar have said that Gaeta did during the occupation that would provoke him to try and kill Baltar? I think this was the biggest surprise in the episode, since I always thought that Gaeta was an upstanding guy.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Monday, January 29, 2007 7:57 AM



Originally posted by singate:
This whole "go to website for exclusive clips" crap needs to stop.

IMHO, what needs to stop is the idea that the US market is the only market on the planet. i'm sick and tired of getting frozen out of exclusive stuff just 'cause I'm on the "wrong" side of the border.

'Sides, the exclusive stuff isn't usually critical, it's just a cool bonus.

And I think Baltar bit off more than he could chew when provoking Gaeta. Gaeta suppresses an awful lot, it's not unreasonable to think that he could be set off just by reminding him of his complicity in Baltar's own scams.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, January 29, 2007 8:04 AM


well I have suspected Gaeta since Sharon shot Adama

somehow it seems we watched different episodes

I didnt for one minute belive Apollos crying speech to Dee

I so agree about go to the web for this or that
I have dial up--its nots gonna happen for me

waiting for the starbuck is missing storyline
that might bring some emotion to Apollo

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, January 29, 2007 8:10 AM



Originally posted by mycroftxxx:
Folks, real Emmy winning stuff is going on here so enjoy it while it lasts.

Totally. I, for one, cannot wait until Fox buys the rights and cancels it.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly! http://www.richlabonte.net/tvvote/index.html


Monday, January 29, 2007 8:10 AM


Personally, I loved Mary McDonnell's performance in this episode. You saw a side of Rosalyn that, although shown in small glimpses before, was raw and in your face. She's definitely turning into something more sinister than when she initially took on the presidency. Is this "power corrupts" in action?

For those of you who couldn't get to the "extended scene on the website, it essentially is a continuation of the conversation between Caprica 6 and President Rosalyn in which Caprica convinces Rosalyn to put Baltar on trial with Caprica as the primary prosecution witness.

The best part of this extended scene was the look of pain on Caprica 6's face that showed she has deep feelings for Baltar. I suspect this is going to play a central part of the storyline for the next few episodes.

Regarding what Baltar whispered into Gaius' ear, my guess is that he would announce that Gaius is one of the five.

One final observation... if you watch the Baltar drowning scene carefully, the people in the water with him were NOT any character I've seen on the show before so I'm wondering if this is a small hint of something new.


Given a choice between the earth-that-is and the 'verse-that-will-be I'll take the latter.



Monday, January 29, 2007 8:10 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
IMHO, what needs to stop is the idea that the US market is the only market on the planet. i'm sick and tired of getting frozen out of exclusive stuff just 'cause I'm on the "wrong" side of the border.

'Sides, the exclusive stuff isn't usually critical, it's just a cool bonus.

And I think Baltar bit off more than he could chew when provoking Gaeta. Gaeta suppresses an awful lot, it's not unreasonable to think that he could be set off just by reminding him of his complicity in Baltar's own scams.

Are you saying that you are unable to access web material because of where you live? I didn't know it worked that way, I'm just too lazy to boot up my computer in order to watch a few minutes of footage.

Are you implying there is a right side of the border nowadays?

As as far Baltar and Gaeta I wonder if he really has some damning piece of information. Perhaps Gaeta is just pissed that he has managed to establish his credibility only to have Baltar show up and throw a wrench in the works.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, January 29, 2007 8:11 AM



Originally posted by singate:
Whatever happened to airing the entire episode during it's alloted timeslot? This whole "go to website for exclusive clips" crap needs to stop. Unfortunately it is becomming more and more prevalent.

It would probably be best to get used to it. We're going to see more and more consolidation of media onto the internet. It won't be long before entire TV shows will be internet-only.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly! http://www.richlabonte.net/tvvote/index.html


Monday, January 29, 2007 8:37 AM



Originally posted by singate:
Whatever happened to airing the entire episode during it's alloted timeslot? This whole "go to website for exclusive clips" crap needs to stop.

Summation from Dragon*Con 2006, talking with the cast and crew: Battlestar Galactica is not a cheap show to produce. The cost of the show doesn't support the ratings it's getting, so the show has been in trouble for some time now. The Sci-Fi channel is notoriously cheap and isn't likely to continue supporting a show that doesn't bring in enough cash (e.g. Farscape, I think?). (That was one of the reasons for bringing in WWF or ECW or whatever it's called - big audience.) The cast and crew could not stress this enough: it is absolutely vital to the survival of the show that you watch it when it airs, instead of recording it and watching it later. That's why they're doing the "go to the website after the show for a limited time" schtick.

Now that that's out of the way...

I love BSG. I was a little disappointed with some of the events of last week's show, and thought this week's was better. I've always suspected Gaeta of being a Cylon, and nothing has changed my mind yet.

I'll skip the little things that bug me and get right to my obvious lack of understanding: Baltar. I realize everyone hates him, but, as he said, he literally had a gun pointed to his head. If he had resisted, he would have been killed; if Roslin had been President, she would have resisted and she would have been killed, too. Anyone in that position would have been in the "comply or die" situation, so I don't get it. They don't honestly believe that the Cylon invasion and occupation was Baltar's fault... so do they hate him for surviving? Was he supposed to forfeit his life for no purpose?

I don't get it.

EDIT: The clip is still available on the scifi website, though it takes a bit of searching.



Monday, January 29, 2007 9:01 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
I'll skip the little things that bug me and get right to my obvious lack of understanding: Baltar. I realize everyone hates him, but, as he said, he literally had a gun pointed to his head. If he had resisted, he would have been killed; if Roslin had been President, she would have resisted and she would have been killed, too. Anyone in that position would have been in the "comply or die" situation, so I don't get it. They don't honestly believe that the Cylon invasion and occupation was Baltar's fault... so do they hate him for surviving? Was he supposed to forfeit his life for no purpose?

Well Baltar was involved in the downfall of humanity. Whether or not it was intentional is a moot point in most of the Colonial's eyes. As far as what took place on new Caprica most people probably would have done the exact same thing. I get the feeling that Adama and Rosalin think he was a willing part of the executions and don't believe his claim about having a gun to his head. All in all they think he will do whatever he has to in order to survive. I remember Gaeta making a similar statement in an earlier episode. If he had the choice to betray the Colonial's openly in order to ensure his survival he would...at least that's what they are thinking.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, January 29, 2007 10:56 AM


What I find interesting is that President Roslin already exhonerated(sp?) Baltar for his collusion with the cylons.

If you remember a few eps back, when they were holding secret trials and "airlocking" folks, at the end of the episode, she gave a speech that gave sweeping forgiveness to everyone during the Cylon occupation.

There's no reason that this should not apply to Baltar, but the series wouldn't be so interesting if he didn't stand trial.

And for the record, I think Chief Tyriel(sp?) is the Cylon. It would explain why he was "drawn" to the Temple of the Five. I could be wrong, but it would explain alot of things.


Monday, January 29, 2007 11:27 AM


I found the clip buried in the SciFi BSG site, here it is for those who missed it.


I had the same problem trying to view it last night, I guess the server either went down or had too much traffic.


Mechanic & Cook
"So thats where that bolt went to."


Monday, January 29, 2007 11:55 AM


I was pleased with this episode. Quite pleased. I thought the teaser especially was absolutely phonominal. The insight into Gaius -- did you conspire with cylons? -- was very well done. The reoccuring image of the resorrection pod. The kiss by Six verses the kiss of the dead child. Baltar is one of the most interesting character on television ever and this episode certainly did him justice.

On the other side, I did enjoy the relaitonship drama stuff. I ususally do. The actress who plays Dee did an especially great job. When Lee loses his wedding ring *cry*. And do think, that was almost not in the cut (according to the podcast). I am glad that they're with the people they married. Especially since it means Anders will stick around, and I have irrational love for Anders. And now, RDM, let us leave this plot line alone for a while, and get into more interesting things.

I don't get why people think Geata is a cylon, and never have. I'm not sure how much whatever Gaius said to Geata will matter. Really, it just looked to me that Geata is guilty about being associated with Gaius, about all the things that happend on NEw Caprica and were beyond his control. Gaius was trying to twist the one good thing he had -- feeding info to the resistance -- and it sent him over the edge. Poor Geata. I always have such sympathy with him.

What I am more interesting is the find conversation between HEad Six and Gaius. So, what does it mean that Gaius is the chosen one? After he didn't see the final five's faces last week, I had thought maybe all the chosen one stuff was going to be dropped, but now Head Six is mentioning it. What does it mean? I want to know.

Also, preview excitement:

Select to view spoiler:

Head Baltar!?! Was that Head Baltar I saw? It certainly looked like his suit. And since real Baltar is in prision clothes... yay! Head Baltar. I have waited your return.

Also, Tom Zarek! I've missed you, too, you bastard. Just when I was starting to wonder if we would ever see you, there you are. And in a suit. Which makes me think maybe Roslin kept her promise and made your Vice President after all.

Arcadia (aka Greyfable and/or Katie)
www.stillflying.net -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Monday, January 29, 2007 12:57 PM


Um, was Caprica in this episode? 'Cause I don't remember seeing her on the Canadian broadcast. Was this some out-of-episode exclusive Sci-Fi channel footage? All I saw was "Harvey" Six keeping Gaius company while he halucinated. I was starting to think Caprica had been killed and/or disposed of.


Originally posted by singate:
Are you saying that you are unable to access web material because of where you live?

Yep. Sci-Fi's streaming content can only be accessed from within the USA. Those of us in Canada, the UK, Europe, and generally "over there" are not considered a significant demographic.


Are you implying there is a right side of the border nowadays?
The "right" side (as far as TV is concerned) is and always has been the US side. They're the ones with the money, the power, the resources, and (thus) the authority.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, January 29, 2007 1:30 PM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
I don't get why people think Geata is a cylon, and never have.

Ah. For me, it was back in the season 1 finale, "Kobol's Last Gleaming, (pt.2)" At the end of the episode, there's an odd little camera shot between Gaeta and Sharon after she comes back from her mission, right before she shoots Adama. There's something about that that always struck me as very peculiar. It coloured everything I saw after that, where Gaeta was concerned.

Could just be my mind playing tricks on me, though.







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