UPDATED: Monday, October 11, 2004 03:08
VIEWED: 2223
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Saturday, October 9, 2004 4:18 PM


Real Name: Jack Jameson
Occupation: Student, adventurer
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States
Other Aliases: "J.J"
Place of Birth: New York, NY
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: John Jameson (father), Ashley Kafka Jameson (mother), J. Jonah Jameson (paternal grandfather), Joan Jameson (paternal grandmother, deceased), Marla Madison Jameson (step-grandmother)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: New York City
First Appearance (as J.J.): Spider-Girl #12
First Appearance (as Buzz): Spider-Girl #18

History: Jack Jameson, or JJ as he is called by his friends, was attending a demonstration of Project: Human Fly by his grandfather J. Jonah Jameson, C.E.O. of Jameson Communications (but known to most as publisher of the Daily Bugle). Aim of the project was the creation of a body armor that would grant the possibility to fight crime on a controlled basis. The creation team included Dr. Marla Jameson (Jonah's wife), biophysicist Dr. Sonja Jade and Richie Robertson, grandson of the late Joe "Robbie" Robertson. It was on this day that JJ first met Buzz Bannon, a former Navy S.E.A.L. and the person chosen to become the Human Fly. In the following time they became close friends, just like brothers. Then one day, as JJ and Buzz were in the gym, they got a message that Buzz should attend a meeting on the Project: Human Fly, but it was a trap.

Dr. Sonja Jade turned out to be a traitor who was holding Marla and Jonah Jameson -and now also Buzz Bannon- hostage. She was about to steal the data and the body armor itself. While her henchmen were going with Buzz to claim the armor, JJ and Richie Robertson -who had joined him in the gym- became aware of the situation and started the fire-alarm. Buzz used the distraction of this sound to overcome most of his adversaries, but during the fight he got a shot in the abdomen and Richie was beaten unconscious.

Nevertheless, Buzz knocked down all the men and went for the armor, joined by JJ. Shortly after that, the Human Fly entered the scene, rescued the hostages before they could get shot and went after the gangsters... but due to an explosion Dr. Jade was able to get away. Later on that evening a body was discovered in the lab...and it was the body of Buzz Bannon.

So finally we learned that Buzz's wounding was fatal and instead of him JJ had to don the body armor. J. Jonah Jameson's conclusion was a different one: The person wearing the armor had to be the one who shot Buzz Bannon...and Jonah was willing to hunt the killer down. Although hearing this from a nearby rooftop, JJ knew that the body armor was his only chance at revenge for his buddy's death. He couldn't tell his grandpa anything about this and so kept it a secret. In memory of his friend he decided to call himself The Buzz.

Later JJ was joined by Richie Robertson who knew he was The Buzz because he regained consciousness on that day and followed them to the lab where -from a distance- he saw Buzz Bannon die. Richie agreed to help JJ with the armor, operating from a van equipped with a lot of electronics. They stay in contact via radio signal. One of their first adventures -joined by Spider-Girl- was to find Dr. Jade and her master, Doctor Octopus, who struck by cancer was near his death, but nevertheless tried to get hold of the armor. In the end our hero team won the fight...Doc Ock fell into a coma... Dr. Jade was able to escape (again) with a prototype of the Human-Fly-armor.

Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Strength Level: Jack Jameson possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. When his strength is augmented by his battle-suit, he can lift (press) about a ton, 1000 pounds per arm.

Known Superhuman Powers: None.

Paraphernalia and Weaponry: The Buzz wears a battle-suit constructed of a magnanium alloy, providing him with a high degree of protection against injury. The suit contains power-boosting circuitry which augments his strength to several times that of a normal human being. The suit's power source is a microwave processor built into his helmet. The helmet has a antenna path that allows reception and ultra-efficient conversion into energy of microwaves at many prevalent frequencies, giving his suit a constantly-replenishing power supply. This microwave processor sometimes jams nearby television reception. A mini-computer built into his chest-piece feeds data to his helmet on his opponents' probable movements enabling him to anticipate their moves. In order for the computer to provide this tactical information, it must have sufficient data on that opponent.

The battle-suit contains a number of other special features. The gloves of each hand contain pneumatic suction-grippers, enabling the Buzz to cling to walls or lift thing with his fingertips. Also, each glove contains circuitry that enables him to shoot an electrostatic blast he calls his "electrobite." He discharges the electro-bite by touching the second and third finger sheath of each hand together and pointing with the first and fourth fingers. The electro-bite has sufficient power to blast a one foot diameter hole through a 3 foot thick brick wall at fifteen feet. (Such a blast would, however, necessitate his diverting all available power to his gloves, thus temporarily immobilizing his other weaponry.)

Stored beneath dome-like sheaths on the back of the suit are a set of ultra-tough mylar wings powered by super efficient micro-motors which enable the Buzz to fly by mimicking the complex motion of an actual fly's wings; the wings can be unsheathed for use by cybernetic command. The wings enable him to fly at a normal cruising speed of 60 miles per hour. By diverting all of his power into his wings, he can reach a top speed of 100 miles per hour for as long as his power holds out.

The Buzz's suit allows him to fly at great speeds, and fire heat-seeking missiles and rubber bullets. The exoskeleton also carries a sophisticated array of sensor equipment and provides the Buzz with a high degree of protection against injury.

Antenna built into the suit's helmet allow reception and ultra-efficient conversion of microwaves at many prevalent frequencies, providing the suit with a constantly-replenishing power supply. A mini-computer built into the chest-plate feeds data to heads-up displays (HUD) in the helmet, providing the wearer with constantly-updated tactical analysis of his opponent's movements, enabling the wearer to anticipate their strategy provided that the computer has sufficient background on the opponent.


Saturday, October 9, 2004 6:09 PM


What. The Hell. Are You Doing.

Bored, much?

"Once, in flight school, I was laconic..."


Saturday, October 9, 2004 6:28 PM


Troll? Maybe? Probably...

Sig Rebel


Sunday, October 10, 2004 5:32 AM



Originally posted by JenDandy:
Troll? Maybe? Probably...

Sig Rebel

Well he's a strange troll if he posts informational articles.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Monday, October 11, 2004 3:08 AM


Well he's a strange troll if he posts informational articles.

Strange troll indeed...

Sig Rebel






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