Most emotionally affecting moment in a movie or show

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:40 AM


I agree 100%. That was a very moving scene. Ewen McGregor really is an amazing actor. The end of Closer is depressing. Everything in Eternal Sunshine is depressing...


Originally posted by TheReaver:
Mine comes from Star Wars Episode 3.

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Anakin: I HATE YOU!
Obi-Wan: You were like my brother. I loved you.

This scene was very sad and very well acted.

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 7:45 AM


Important people don't do field work.


Originally posted by patsrule:
As far as joy, (besides Shawshank which was already said), the end of Diggstown really got me. Not only did the boxer (lou Gosset Jr.) go through hell and survive the hell of 10 boxing matches in a row, there was a great con as well. The theater audience started cheering when I saw it back in the day.

I absolutely love this movie, and the book on which its based "The Diggstown Ringers"! One of my favorite movie quotes comes from a deleted scene used for the trailer...After the scene where James Woods tells Louis Gossett Jr. "Remember one thing...you, are black."

Later on in the movie (and I'm stumped as to why they cut this line of dialogue) When Honey Roy is fighting Slim's brother, Honey Roy was supposed to say "Did you tell him he was black too?" MAN!!! I wish they'd left that in!!!

If you ever get a chance to read the book, get it...Its great. Doesn't follow the movie very closely, but its pretty freakin' sweet!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:23 AM


If I can find the book, I'll give it a try. I did a quick web search, but most places had it out of stock. Ebay had 1 first addition copy, but wanted 26 dollars.

I'll keep an eye out though.


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:56 AM


I agree with Staggerly. I bawled through most of The Passion of the Christ, but the scenes with Mary were the hardest (I missed some of the more gory scenes because I had my hands over my eyes. So they don't count.)

Also, the end of ET, when ET goes home. I've seen it a billion times, but I always cry.

And Anne of Greene Gables 1) when Matthew dies and 2)When Anne and Gilbert finally get together at the very end.

(I'm such a girl, I know.)

From LOST, when Charlie died. He was dead for so long, I thought that there was no way they could bring him back after this long. That scene seemed to go on forever. I just kept thinking "THEY CAN'T KILL CHARLIE! THEY JUST CAN'T." And after Jack brought him back, I was so angry at the writers for putting me through that.

Oh, The Body got me, too. I was so upset. What really got me was when Buffy has the little dream where she saves her mother, the EMTs come, they're in an ambulance, and then it flashes back to her mom lying on the couch, still dead. It just HURT so bad. I don't think I breathed through most of that episode.

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:57 AM



Originally posted by patsrule:

The ending to Big Fish was very melancholy. I wish the death of a persons father could be that beautiful, but it sure wasn't for me. The movie was very emotional.

I loved this movie. The friends I saw it with hated it. I stayed with me for days. Have you read that book? Completely different, and just as good in its own way.

"What's the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"-H.D. Thoreau


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:56 AM


um lets' see....

1. When Joseph & Shannon plant their stake - Far & Away.

2. The death scene in - E.T

3. Dawson & Joey's First Kiss (show went to crap after that) - Dawson's Creek


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When Sawyer tells Jack the truth about meeting his Father


5. Oh Captain, My Captain - Dead Poet's Society

6. The scene in Toy Story 2 when the girl drives away leaving Jesse in the box (Sarah Maclachlan singing sure helped)

7. The final moments of Simon B Wilder - With Honors

8. The final speech from the judges desk (because I agreed with it & many would say we should not) - Boondock Saints

9. Jayne & Mal at the end of Jaynestown (the quiet guitar playing hero of Canton) - Firefly

10. "...I wanna slay the dragon" - Angel
11. Darla's sacrafice - Angel
12. The Loss of Fred - Angel
13. Doyle's Hero Moment - Angel
14. I'm Evil Angel! I'm evil. - Faith's redemptive moment - (dang I'm tearing up now thinking bout that one) - Angel

ok I could go on all day there.

15. Sam sending away Frodo - LOTR

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 12:33 PM


- The entire film of "Gia".

It was so well acted. I own it and look over at the dvd cover and smile because I own it, but I've watched it only once. I can't put myself through it again.

- Legends of the Fall..But only because I recognize the pain. I remember friends calling me and saying that they understood me better having watched that movie. ::puzzled look:: Okaayy. I guess they could see that pain in me as well.

I guess when I look over these two movies, I'm kind of a dark person. Oh well we all have to be some shade - just remember those hues change.

This is another sign of your tragic space dementia - all paranoid and crotchety. Breaks the heart.


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:00 PM


(Side note: Hi! I'm new here. * waves *)

Lost in Translation. The entire film has this beautiful, ephemeral feel to it, and the last scene embodies it perfectly.

Firefly, Out of Gas.

``You don't have to die alone.''
``Everybody dies alone.''

Firefly, Objects in Space.

``It's okay, Early. I'm going with you...''

Buffy's vision of saving her mother in The Body, her death in The Gift and Tara's in Seeing Red. ``Your... shirt.''

And this isn't a movie, but the last line in Andrea Seigel's Like the Red Panda kindof makes my heart stop.


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:47 PM


Two scenes from the Abyss. I've mentioned before how this movie has flaws (though the director's cut is far superior to the theatrical version), but it did have some powerful moments.

The first is the scene where Bud has to watch his wife drown right in front of him, dying in his arms. As a husband, I felt his pain, knowing how impossible that would be to watch the woman you love die in such a horrific manner.

The other scene is the follow-up to the last scene, where he's brought her body back to the underwater drilling platform, and the crew is desperately trying to revive her. His frustration and determination is so moving, as he screams at her "You bitch! You never gave up on anything in your whole life! Now fight, FIGHT, FIIIIIIIIIGHT!" Powerful stuff!

Though as a whole, the Abyss wasn't perfect, that film had some of Cameron's best directing, and he got some amazing performances out of his cast.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 11:46 PM


Ok, let's see now...

Gotta agree with the Lion King. I remember seeing it in the cinema and crying my eyes out.

Also, does anyone remember My Girl? My mum almost sued those guys! They killed the Home Alone kid!!!

Can't forget the best ever ep. of the Creek when Pacey smacks his dad for taking the piss out of Andy, and when his dad apologises Pacey breaks down in his arms and says "I miss her so much!"

A film I've seen recently that I thought was amazing was a film called Rumble Fish. It's about this guy who thinks he's just like his older brother but in fact is nothing like him. The end of that film left me all over the place for hours afterwards. It sounds pretty crap from that description but I'm trying my best not to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Any fans of Mickey Rourke will love this film, definitely at his incredible best in it.

If I can just bend the rules a little here...

I'd also like to add The Dark Tower VII. When I read about Roland walking with Jake into the forest I had to put the book down for hours because it was too painful. I just wanted to kill King for doing that.


Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:08 AM


Welcome aboard, BlackIris!

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:43 AM


MacBaker, how could I forget The Abyss?
The scenes you refer to are two of three that really get me, the last being when Bud types 'lov u wife' (he mangles it somehow...), tears, they are a' rollin' then. I love that movie.

Director's cut, I mean Chrisisall


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:46 AM


I definitely agree with the Zack sacrificing himself one, it's so sad and so very brave.

The Body (Buffy S5 where her mum dies) is one whole episode of emotionalness, and the Buffy S5 finale (I won't ruin it for you if you haven't seen it), is also great.

I also found Mal staying behind on Serenity (Out of Gas) and saying 'Everybody dies alone' very emotiona; - it just got me thinking I suppose.

The Green Mile is my major film one though, it's amazing. Great film and brilliant acting.

Books often get me emotional too - I can't stand it when people die. Anyone else get that? Hell - I'm a highly emotional kinda gal.

...and we will call it...this land...


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 5:26 AM


I will sheepishly give two.

The first is Moulin Rouge... the whole "Come What May" reprise at the end, Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor (either one of which I would leave my wife for), her on the verge of death, etc.

The second is a French film called "Ponette". I don't know if anyone has seen this, but it's all about a 4-year-old girl whose mother has died. I don't know where they got that little moppet, but she carries the film and was outrageously good and I was crying all the way through the gorram thing.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 5:42 AM



Originally posted by Saztronic:
I will sheepishly give two.

The first is Moulin Rouge... the whole "Come What May" reprise at the end, Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor (either one of which I would leave my wife for), her on the verge of death, etc.

I must have spent the last hour of that film in tears - bought the DVD as soon as it came out and still haven't got round to watching the film again as I know I'll be traumatised.

And, have to admit to Titanic. Saw it 4 times in the cinema - 4th time I thought, "hey I'm not crying" and then I started. For me, it's that look on their faces when Rose is on the lifeboat, being lowered down....sniffle. Don't care how much people slag that film off now, got me every time!

Have to admit I started out as a tough child - never cried at anything! Then when I was about 12 I saw this mini-series called Diana (book by R F Delderfield) and by the end of the last episode I was in floods of tears. Since then, there's barely been a movie I haven't cried, or at least sniffled at! Most recent was Batman Begins:

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when he's telling Alfred that it's his fault his parents were killed. Not often I start tearing up so near the start of a film!


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Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:45 AM


I enjoy tv and movies very much, but i've always found live theatre was the way to get me the most emotional. When I am watching tv or movie, I usually sit in a kind of trance. I feel it all, but dont react verbally. (I tend to get teary eyed though) One time has tv made me yell at the screen. When Tara got shot on Buffy...I yelled very nasty things at the tv and at Joss. I had so given up on trying to analyze joss and what he might do for dramatic emphasis. I had lulled myself into an almost hypnotized state, then he slapped me back into reality. I've never yelled at the screen before or since.

You can run...but you'll only die tired.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:19 AM


The final five or ten minutes of Last of the Mohicans ALWAYS mesmerize me. From the moment Duncan is dragged off to the stake and Hawkeye realizes that Duncan mistranslated his offer to sacrifice himself through the deaths of almost every main character, I could watch that sequence practically every day. It's the damn music and the lack of dialog, so all this wild emotion and drama is just playing out on people's faces. The music is so stately and inevitable, it's like you're watching something that was always fated to be.

I wasn't a Titanic fan, but the shot of the Titanic at night, alone and insignificant in a vast inky sea, kicks like a mule. That may be why I love the cutaway shot from Simon and River clinging to Serenity's hull. It moves from Serenity to the huge Alliance cruiser, but doesn't stop; it keeps going, so even the cruiser is just a tiny piece of life in a sea of nothing.

Buffy especially, but Angel too, are filled with moments that ripped my heart out. Too many of those to count, really.

There's a moment I love in Kubrick's Paths of Glory, even though it's close to cheesy sentimentality, maybe because it's an emotioanl place Kubrick almost never goes to. The bitter, shattered hero is sitting in a vast beerhall filled with drunken, rowdy French troops. A captured young German farm girl is pushed onto a little stage and told to sing. All the soldiers are yelling, and spouting lewd obscenities as this scared girl starts to sing some kind of German lullaby. Gradually, her innocence and sweetness starts to get to them. The crowd begins to quiet down and one by one, these hardbitten veterans who've just been through hell in a major offensive, start to lose it. They've got tears streaming down their eyes and, by then, so do I.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:30 AM


Two from me:

• The Good, the Bad and the Ugly when Tuco is about to kill "Blondie" in the desert and just before he pulls the trigger, this trimphant theme on trumpets is played and we see horses running a driverless stagecoach through the deset. It causes Tuco to forget all about killing our hero for the moment. Of course, then he gets the name of the cemetery, but the man dies before he gets the name on the grave...though he did give it to Eastwood. The look on Eastwood's face is priceless. It's like, "My God, I'm going to live through this." Then he becomes Tuco's "best friend" for a little while. "Blondie!? Blondie, don't die!" Great stuff.

• Joe vs. the Volcano when Tom Hanks is on a raft in the middle of the ocean and a huge moon rises and he thanks God for his life.

Interestingly enough, in each of my choices, the sun has beaten down and burned our protagonists.

"God, whose name I do not know. Thank you for my life. I forgot...how big. Thank you. Thank you for my life."


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:32 AM


Imma have to go with The Shadow - badly done movie with an excellent story.
The scene in which the Tulka confronts him and explains that his path to redemption lies in turning his very wickedness into a weapon against evil.
Being a fairly nasty person in many ways, that scene gave me a whole new outlook on how to find some peace with who I was.

And this - not just any one scene of it, but the entire movie is very powerful, and very moving.
Savior, starring Dennis Quaid.
(edit: I see Staggerly mentioned this one already - seconded, then!)
If you ain't seen it, you ought to.

And (surprised no one's mentioned this) Boromir's final moments in LoTR - old school heroism at it's finest.



Wednesday, June 22, 2005 12:19 PM


Hm, lot of good ones mentioned. I loved Ewan Mcgregor in the last confrontation in Episode III. But that movie didn't really hit me emotionally. For me, the best dramatic moments are in the Whedonverse:
1. Forever - the ending, when Buffy finally accepts her mother's death
2. The Body - Anya's scene (do I really need to describe it?)
3. Are You Now or Have You Ever Been - Angel's last encounter with Judy. He just totally forgives her and she's happy.
4. Faith begging Angel to kill her (I also loved when he later visited her at the jail)
5. OoG - everything

I think LoTR, Moulin Rouge and Finding Neverland had great dramatic moments but I can't pinpoint any favorites. The endings for Truman Show and Lost in Translation always give me this wistful, uplifting feeling. If anyone's ever read or seen Fruits Basket, Hatori's and Momiji's sad pasts always get to me. The aforementioned scene between Jack and Sawyer was great.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:02 PM


How "The Body" didn't win an Emmy is beyond me. Many scenes were mentioned, but to me the most powerful scene was in Dawn's art class. The conversation between Dawn and her friend, the look on the teacher's face when Buffy arrives, and finally the hallway scene between Buffy and Dawn. Strong stuff.

"That's the buffet table....."


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:02 PM


Here's some of my weep-fests:
TITANIC -when she lets Jack slide into the water and at the end when she 'reunites' with him in death.
THE ABYSS -when Ed Harris is trying to bring his wife back to life after she drowned
BIG FISH -when the estranged son tells his dying father a 'tall tale' as the old man lays in his death bed.
A.I. -when the mother abandons the android in the forest and also when he is finally able to 'bring her back for a day' in the far future.
E.T. -when Elliot says goodbye to the 'dead' ET and then again when he finally leaves.
THE IRON GIANT -animated, when the Giant realizes what he must do to save the city and says goodbye to the little boy.
SIXTH SENSE-Haley Joel's "grandmother" speech to his mother at the end as they sit in the car and he reveals his secret to her for the first time.

I'm sure there's LOTS more but those are the first ones that come to mind. I cry at just about every emotionally-manipulated movie moment there is. I cried during Color Purple and Mulan Rouge and Return of the King ("my friends, you bow to no one") and Mask and Edward Scissorhands and The Sound of Music and What's Eating Gilbert Grape and on and on. Hell, I even remember crying once at the end of King Kong when Jessica Lange reached out to touch him as he lay dying on the sidewalk and you hear his heartbeat drop slower and slower. (my father asked me what the hell was I crying for? It's only a movie! "because all he did was love her and now he's dead" I wept. I think I was still in high school!) lol
Think I'll go watch something cheery like "American Beauty" now that I'm in the right mood. lol


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:22 PM


Hotel Rwanda. Pretty much every scene. Some that stand out are when Don Cheadle's character (whose name I can't remember because I'm bad with names) is driving back to the hotel along a foggy river road and the van hits some bumps. When he and the driver get out the fog clears and they see the WHOLE road as far as they can see is covered in slaughtered bodies. Also when the French nuns and priests from the orphanage come to the hotel to be evacuated and find out none of the Rwandans are allowed to leave with them and they have to get on the bus and drive away pretty much knowing they're leaving all these people to be slaughtered. That is such a hard movie to watch. Just remembering it is affecting me. Those scenes and many, many more throughout the movie are extremely powerful.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:57 PM


Interesting thread...especially after last night's AFI Top 100 Movie Quotes (or something like that). It made me realize that while there are some great movies, I prefer tv most of the time.

The obligatory FF mention - last scenes of The Message. The snow, Kaylee listening to the tape, wow. (But you can't beat OOG for whole episode emotion.)

I am now going to prove how bad my taste in tv is.

The last scene of Blakes 7 - Star One where Blake says to Avon, "I have always trusted you." Oh my. Second favorite, Blake and the death of a crew member. Does a 25 year old show merit spoiler warnings?

Farscape - final scene of Season 4. It's a good thing I had quit watching the show half-way through the second season's first run because if I had had to wait longer than 3 months for the mini-series, I would have gone nuts. (Spent the holiday break watching a friend's dvds.)

ST:TOS - it doesn't get me quite as much anymore but once in a while I still get chills when Kirk says "Let's get the hell out of here" in COTEOF.

ST:TNG - where Picard is talking about being tortured by the Cardassians and how many lights he saw.

ST:DS9 - the one with Molly, stands out in my memory. Also Dr Bashir, I Presume.

Babylon 5 - Rewatching years after, I am struck by the whole journey of Londo Mollari. Seeing him with the children after becoming Emperor; watching Centauri Prime burn - truly riveting. Also in B5, Ivanova after Marcus died, G-Kar losing his eye, Michael York in A Late Delivery... moments that still resonate.

Kung Fu - Dark Angel, Blood of the Dragon, Battle Hymn - I need 3rd season to come out.

Lonseome Dove: The Series, The List (Mosby finds the man who killed his wife) and in The Outlaw Years, when Call returns to Curtis Wells to find his friend. Retooling didn't work, but it was dramatic.

Dr Who (2005) Parting of the Ways - Christopher Eccleston is incredible, haven't loved Who this much since Tom Baker. Very angsty and shippy.

Buffy - the end of Once More With Feeling, okay - all of season 6 had me glued to the tv. See, you can't just die and be resurrected without consequences. I loved it but I can see how viewers who were fans from the beginning might hate it.

And finally, since it's time to log off, the end of Angel with Wesley and Fred and Lorne and Lindsay. Lorne surprised me. Wesley and Fred made me cry.

As for movies, I thought I was the only one who bought movies and then didn't watch them because they are a little too much for comfortable viewing.

Terry (who didn't even get to non-SF shows like 24)


Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:47 PM


Most of the emotionally affecting moments in films or tv you can kind of reconcile in your brain - make them somehow okay, meant to be or whatever. Not this one from angel season five, which to me made it just that much more heartbreaking.

Select to view spoiler:

I made it through "A Hole in the World", didn't ever really believe Fred would die, even when she did, thought they'd somehow bring her back. It was the end of the next episode when you know it's all over (soul all gone too), and they cut back to her driving to LA, all sweet and innocent with that hopeful expression on her face.

Killed me. Just. not. okay.

I think part of the reason was that there seemed to be no good reason for it - you can try and rationalise it, but in the end it was just to give Amy Acker more range to play. And because Alexis Denisof does suffering so damn well.


Thursday, June 23, 2005 7:44 AM


I hadn't paid much attention to AD in Buffy but as soon as the Connor storyline started on Angel I sat up and paid *very* close attention. :-)

Angel S5 was incredible, still can't believe they cancelled it when it was that good.



Originally posted by amygdala:
Most of the emotionally affecting moments in films or tv you can kind of reconcile in your brain - make them somehow okay, meant to be or whatever. Not this one from angel season five, which to me made it just that much more heartbreaking.
give Amy Acker more range to play. And because Alexis Denisof does suffering so damn well.


Monday, June 27, 2005 10:33 AM


There have been times when things hit me, I thought about them for weeks, but now none come to mind.

But still, every time I watch Firefly, Objects in Space specifically, I see River in the spacesuit on early's ship, and that whole monologue is so beautiful, the way Summer gives it so soulfully, and you know River the character, in her strange mind, knows at once that this is true, but that it is a scam, and so she can be completely serious.

The line "I'll be your bounty, Jubal Early" "and i'll just fade away"... everything leading up to that and after it, as River is in tears... every time I watch it I get sorta choked up, at what is essentially the prospect of losing River to this fate that she chose, it's so selfless and so sad, and also makes me scared of what the movie will do, since apparently people die a lot in joss shows.

"Some people juggle geese!" -Ancient Chinese proverb.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 5:34 PM


Okay, not sure if this makes sense to anyone but me, but in LOTR, the lighting of the torches from Gondor to Rohan always makes me catch my breath. Think its the understanding that we are so tiny, there's just this thread of fire, then "Gondor calls for aid" "Rohan will answer". *looks around* no-one?

More conventionally - the shot of Angel, Xander and Buffy in Prophect Girl when Buffy's in her white dress like a sacrifice, soaked, just back from the 'dead' but you know she's on her way to kick butt. Also Intervention, the last scene with Buffy and Spike. The end of The Gift. Chosen "no you don't, but thanks for saying it" and not letting go til he made her, even though her hands were burning. Sorry, am a B/S shipper...

Angel: Hole in the World made my cry like nothing had in ages. "why can't I stay?". And the last ep, the last scene. Totally undone.

Star Wars: ESB - Han going into the carbon freeze. I was little, Han was a very early crush, and his "I know" which shouldn't be romantic, always gets me.

Firefly: OOG - "you all gonna be here when I wake up?" I read the transcripts before I could buy the DVDs, then found the audioclip of just that bit, and listened to it a million times before I bought the DVDs. Now that I can see it with Wash's (Wash of all people!) giving Mal such a sympathetic look, and Mal's relief at being able to sleep when Book says yes, its so much better! Really gets across that Mal loves them all, even though he doesn't always show it.

Fight Club and The Matrix in a less crying place. And The Amber Spyglass as a book. "we have to build the kingdom of heaven where we are, because for us there is no elsewhere". Understanding that we can't live our lives saying that it'll be better after this one, we have to live well now. (not unlike Angel - "if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do")

I'm not nice. I'm just highly susceptible to guilt


Sunday, December 4, 2022 11:37 AM



Monday, December 5, 2022 7:32 PM


Also not sci-fi:
Rudy. When the Team Captain sets his jersey on the Coaches desk, says he does not need to play the next game, and the Coach can lend his jersey to Rudy for the final game. Followed by every starting player on the team, doing the same. Until the coach has a stack of star player's jerseys overflowing his desk.






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