Are There New TV Shows This Fall You Must See?

UPDATED: Saturday, August 10, 2024 22:43
VIEWED: 13637
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Saturday, August 3, 2024 7:55 AM


Anyways like I said enjoyed the first ep but it was mostly expected to go the way I thought


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Don't even re-watch any trailers.

Too late for that, its not like I remember all image or sounds but sometimes will retain info

if you get Too much internet or PirateNews or pizzagate or conspiracy you need to block your ears or 'eye bleach'

but yeah maybe enjoyable but most of the ep went as I expected, the animation is far better than a lot of crap the studios have been putting out these past years

As for other people

"Jimmy" Donaldson wont be getting his forever successful tv show?

MrBeast Amazon Show ‘Beast Games’ Accused of Unsafe Filming Conditions, Lack of Food and Medical Care


Saturday, August 3, 2024 12:55 PM


Glad you finally gave it a shot. I really like episode one and I was hooked by the end of episode 2, and that first season just kept getting better.

You may or may not ultimately agree with me about season 2 taking a dip in quality during the middle (after Amazon came in and saved it when AMC+ cancelled it). But I felt they really redeemed themselves in the last few eps of season 2 to wrap up the series.

And there is really no possible way to ever make a Season 3. I can't even say what I want to say now about that though because even without giving spoilers it would be spoiling things.

Yeah... I don't know what's going to happen to Mr. Beast. That situation is so bad I think a few YouTubers have been able to pay off their mortgage payments for the rest of the year just off of ad revenue from the last 5 days.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, August 3, 2024 1:41 PM


I think Seasonal TV is over, the 2024 Television Schedule Looks Empty...people don't really do half a year? 20-ish episode shows anymore

Theer are still last years shows which continue

the Legend of Vox Machina - Season 3

the Syfy channel junk

SurrealEstate Season Two Promo


its a toon but
maybe it will be dark and adult not like the kids 'Superhuman Samurai'


Saturday, August 3, 2024 2:09 PM


Nice. I'm down for another season of Vox Machina. I'll have to find out when it's going to be released in full and make sure I go down with my old man to visit my brother so we can watch it. We watched the first 2 seasons together.

Season 2 was still good. Not as good as Season 1 was, but good enough where I still want to keep watching.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024 9:48 AM


Seasonal tv is over

Let's try re-runs

The Mask Animated Series Is Now Available On Digital Services


Saturday, August 10, 2024 4:35 PM


My first thoughts


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
So anyways I got around to watching the first ep of Patheon, its good but not great. I watched the trailer already so a lot of things were expected...Lawmower Man, Ghost in the Shell Ghosts in t he Machines, RoboCop, the Matrix, that whole Japan topic of people going between real world and virtual world moving from video games virtual reality back into the real world, that whole Disney 'Tron' thing, video gamer kids, the Master Control Program MCP, a rogue Tron artificial intelligence operating system, 'users' and people dressed as superheros and someone trapped inside Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn. Mind uploads, the brain transplanted inside computers the cyberpunk subgenre, the Body swap or Brain transplant it has been done before sometimes taking the form of digital immortality.

So what is different its is not DEI SJW Feminism, ok its high school girl but she's not beating up 7 foot muscle dudes ...yet.... She has a thing for technology, Father has into tech, its a drama single mom, bullying at school, the weird emoji event happens and later there is a team up of sorts, another old kid is a computer science genius and they seem to meet on the web? , Caspian's "father" is a Dick a ball buster Hitler Stalin drill sergeant type...but its all an act to manipulate boy genius or get the kid on the inside?
A lot of arcs setting up, here seems to be a lot going on not something you would watch passively drunk or stoned.
There's some big Log-On Company Telecom AI group that can afford to build giant city sized facility inside mountains.
It's clear from the story her father is not dead maybe survives as an unknown 'name' hacks into the phones of bullies and turns them against one another. A guy from overseas arrives an Indian looking and sounding guy is supposed to be a genius works with uploading minds or “Uploaded Intelligence” he is tricked or kidnapped. Then a major DDoS attack happens,

I might continue it later

having binged it

maybe a high 7 maybe 7.5...but I feel it has a weak start and the ending is not strong

having binged maybe I won't watch anymore

The show is very good at times, I have watched quiet a few toons before Marvel DC stuff, dumb adult humor in movies and tv, Disney Pixar which do great with their visual animation, tv toiletish humor the Ren & Stimpy or French and foreign Japan anime, the traielrs kinda spoiled where some of the show was going.

It reminded me of current news on AI or experimental real life stuff, Three Identical Strangers from Netflix
Pantheon lacked a joke a 'funny' any kind of humor moment and if you do that then a good idea is sometimes Tiresome and Challenging...the music and fx were good they lifted the series.
The animation was quiet strong.
What is very good and very strong voice actor Hollywood Aaron Eckhart as Cary Duval is very powerful, Caspian's fake actor "father" and a secret agent of Logorhythms. I could feel something was up with the mom and dad but didn't see it coming, Eckhart is also credited with other voices in the cartoon series.
David by Daniel Dae Kim is a strong voice actor, people know him from 'Lost' the dead father contacts her from the great beyond.
The murder mystery style stuff, corporate intrigue, global military war game unfolds quiet well.
Craig Silverstein is a well known Producer/Writer since 2001 developing Nikita and Invisible Man.
All of the main voices are very good, Caspian, "Maddie" Kim, the mother Ellen Kim, the CEO, the fake father and Caspian's "mother", the crazy Indian guy who tried to sell then gets kidnapped abused has his brain lasered and scanned into the machine while he suffers in a live procedure killing him, the other Logorhythms employee. I could recognize William Hurt as a voice actor playing the Bill Gates Steve Jobs or Blade Runner Tyrell Corporation type guy. It has lots of Down to Earth family moments, school life, family divorce, struggle to cope with a tragedy. Maybe the Chinese villians were a little caroonish but they also developed, the upload of real minds onto servers is what Pantheon’s villains world corporations crossing governments, the Chinese vidoe game character seems to just be military following a hierarchy of orders from military but then all AI finish by becoming self aware and wanting to survive. I assume the name is after a real life Nobel Prize-winning Indian astrophysicist Chandrasekhar, you kind of understand his motivation since he was tortured in a cruel way but he turns into a really evil character.
slow start, it doesn't grab you straight away
maybe they could do the ending better?
I think throwing in NASA, the Astronaut The Pentagon Mars AI Robo artificial thing or NASA family all of a sudden when we had not seen them all season made the last episode have an incredibly weak flaw, this arc could have been introduced way earlier...just add in 5 mins of an episode with NASA or Elon Musk cars or Spacestation Chatbots at NASA and Drones or a Musk character or NASA Space Capsule Spaceplane story but leaving it to the end and throwing this family in all of a sudden made the last episode poor.
You also did not need to see the Indian villain escape...they could have all looked at each other 'we have to'...then cut as the digital world starts to explode...you don't know if good people and bad people got out
Having the Father seem to die makes the show weaker, the family dynamic of "Maddie" Kim was strong, maybe he comes back but it looks like 'David' is dead...I would have liked to have seen an ending with wind-up radio, CB trucker prepper people, conspiracy radio doomsday types, stock people in panic...maybe a comment some Snake Plissken guy instead of digital 'hit men'

The show can be meticulously detailed at times, it seems to be based on scifi writing and intricate, however it needs some jokes and humor to get through clunky moments.

A good arc
the story with Cody or digital Laurie was interesting and Cody tried to go public like Laurie wanted it gave the overall series a good plot, 'Can't stop the signal'?
The 'Ghosts' were interesting the victims from the Indian slum, perhaps they could have wrote Chandra even more wicked turning them into pawns enslaving them with digital slave collars?

Looking and vids and reading online I hear its based on writing sof Ken Liu an American author of science fiction originally born in Lanzhou, China.
It has a bit of every other show, Wargame and “Ghost in the Shell,” but it’s also Philip K. Dick or current Chatbot news. It asks questions of Corporate Power, World war games and Military ambition the Morally Slippery Slop and Pandora's Box of Technology. It is a good show, a top real spooky digital thriller espionage animated series about a twisted techno nightmare but I think it could have been done better if done differently and maybe with real life actors using real facial expressions would add more to it in a Live Action tv series.

If you liked this toon I would say maybe try 'Three Identical Strangers' a real life story


Saturday, August 10, 2024 10:43 PM


So you binge watched just 8 episodes right? Nothing you've said here seems to indicate you watched any more than that.


maybe they could do the ending better?

If the "ending" you saw was getting that message out to the world and David dying, you're only halfway through.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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