Fall line-up of new shows

UPDATED: Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:54
VIEWED: 6212
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Monday, September 26, 2005 7:36 AM


So, now that it's been a few weeks, what do people think of all the new shows? Let me know what you think.

My reviews are as follows:
Threshold- My favorite of the lot. A few plot issues early on, but some neat ideas, smart decisions, and in general well done and compelling.
Surface- Medium. Fairly well done, but ultimately it seems to be about killer manatees.
Invasion- Lamest of the lot. Predictable and cliche story about body-snatchers.
Bones- Not a genre show, but a good procedural. The Inside was more compelling, but Bones is more watchable.
Ghost Whisperer- Having enjoyed Tru Calling, I was prepared to dislike this clone. But I have to say, it was pretty good. Darn!

EDITED TO ADD: Supernatural- A good show, well done.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Monday, September 26, 2005 8:00 AM


I found Ghost Whisperer to be lame. Half the show is her explaining her “gift”. I felt like the producers were just getting that part of the story out of the way, they didn’t have her learning and exploring her gift. Bottom line; she speaks to the dead, end of story- not much room for character development. Also its a rip off of "Medium" which I also don't like.

I saw one episode of Bones, it was all right but it has the same time slot as NCIS so I wont be watching. It may have some potential so to those who enjoy it I hope it stays on the air.

I watched the part of Surface where they are using the DSRV off the M/V Carolyn Chouest (I think they misspelled it Karolyn Chouest on the show). I was impressed they got two very expensive US Navy ships for their pilot instead of going cheap and using some old Freighter or a mockup. But after that scene was done I tuned out.

I saw Killer Instinct (Actually I had to look up this shows name, which doesn’t bode well for the show) Friday and all I could keep thinking was ‘The Inside’ did this so much better.

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:


Monday, September 26, 2005 8:05 AM


well, let's see:

Kitchen Confidential: I only watch this cuz it's on between Arrested Development and Prison Break. All I can say is, Hey - it's Xander!
Prison Break: I really like this show - mostly cuz I'm a big Dominic Purcell fan, and I like the other guy, too. Plus, Titus's Dad (stacy Keach) lol. I like it, it's entertaining, it's fun, and it's often a little surprising.
Surface: I missed it the first time, caught it on Scifi before FF was on :P It was actually not bad. I love the monster - can't wait to get a closer look. I think this one could go either way - either get VERY stupid, or be pretty decent.

Tuesday - are a pain in the ass. How many shows can you have on at one time? I can only watch ONE, and tape ONE, so I'm out on the rest. Grr. Dammit. I'm getting a DVR.
Supernatural - I really like this. Didn't like the older brother so much on Smallville, but Im' diggin' him on this one. I like the urban myths part, a LOT, and so far, so good.
Bones - ok, I was FULLY prepared not to like this. It looked so DUMB from the promos. I really like it. The more I see, the more I like. Angel as a real guy - wacky. Chick's jawbone freaks my husband out, but we think she's great at her part.
Earl - dammit, I wanna watch this, but I'm missing it and house due to not being able to watch FOUR shows at ONE time.

Invasion - ok, only saw one episode, and it was.. ok. Not sure what I think of it beyond that. Have to see more..

Ghost Whisperer: Ok, I was prepared to hate this - it's JLH, it's a rip off of Medium (which I don't really like) and it looked DUMB. But the guy from Prison Break was on, and nothing else was on, so I watched it. It's... something that is on. It's not great, it's not HORRIBLE. I won't be a loyal follower, but I might end up watching it again.
Threshold - ok, I REALLY want to like this show.. I really, REALLY do, but the last episode was kinda boring. I found myself losing interest partway through. I hope they find a way to pick it up a little, cuz I love Carla and Angry Elf ;-)

So.. that's my rundown on the new shows I'm actually watching.

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Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:39 AM


The shows I watch


Surface, I think is ok. Not great, but not horrible.

Prison Break, fantastic. Easily my favorite new show of the season. Consistently great.

Las Vegas, I liked the old cast and set better than the new cast, but it is an entertaining show.

Medium, liked it last year, don't see it changing much this year.


NCIS, I tivo it, and if I am in the mood I watch it later in the week. I like the Airie character but some of the other weeks, I just skip it.

Bones, I watched 15 minutes of the first episode and was bored to tears. It is in my rearview mirror now.

Supernatural, good. I like the stories, and think it is well done overall.

My Name is Earl. The pilot was great, but I haven't watched the second episode yet. It is on my tivo.

House and Amazing Race are both very good shows as well. 4 shows at 9:00 tuesday is killer, but I have a tivo in the bedroom and a cable dvr in the den so I can actually record 4 shows at the same time. This is the only time I have ever had to do that (although next monday will be the second time).


Lost, my favorite current show. Period. The second season is just as good as the first.

Veronica Mars, I haven't seen the season premier yet. Its on the tivo, but last year was a pleasant surprise.

Criminal Minds, a rip off of the inside, but I gave it a week when I watched the premier. NBC used to call their thursdays "Must See TV". This is "Don't need to see tv".

Invasion, didn't grab me on the pilot, but I will stick with it for a little while.


Reunion, WHoever called this a 24 ripoff didn't know what they were talking about. I have really enjoyed it though. The characters are fairly interesting. The only thing that bothered me so far is that they basically implied that one of the 6 was Tawny Kittane (the woman on the hood from the Whitesnake videos), but that didn't really make sense. THis is one I am definitely sticking with.

Alias and Night Stalker start tonight.

Friday: I have no interest in ghost whisperer and did not watch it, but I do laugh that a woman on this board's first comment about not wanting to like it was because it had Jennifer Love Hewwit. If any of you have ever read "The Sports Guy" on ESPN.com, he had a great little article on women hating JLH. If you want to watch your girlfriend or wife get mad, tell her you think JLH is a really good actress and watch her explode!

Threshold: I like the plot, and overall like the show, but most of the main actors do not seem convincing in their roles.

Killer Instinct: Not as good as the Inside, but I liked it.

Numbers: I am a statistician, so I enjoy the math references, but it is like NCIS to me. I can take it or leave it depending on my mood.


Desperate Houswives, I think this season will not be as good as last season. I sense a serious dropoff coming.

The day I say I "adore" any television show is the day I hit myself with a hammer for being such a wuss! :bash


Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:33 AM


I watch way too much TV. But it's okay though, 'cause I plan to be a writer, so it's research.

Sundays: Nothing on anymore, since Fox moved Malcolm.

Surface: missed half the first episode 'cause I didn't know it was on, but I like what I've seen. The redneck male lead is getting kinda annoying though; I see too many dumbass jocks in real life, don't need one on my TV.

Prison Break: I'm loving this. I love stories with convoluted overarching plots and sudden twists (it's why I love animé so much). Plus, Fish reminds me of Naraku (from InuYasha) in his careful orchestration of everyone and everything around him. Be cool to see how my favourite type of villain plays a hero.

Medium: loved it last year, loving it this year, as Allison's abilities slowly become more refined. I also like the cheesy wit and charm that creeps (or dances) in; I like that it doesn't take itself too seriously.

NCIS: Still love it. I'm gonna miss *SPOILER* though, and her chemistry with DiNozzo. Good to see Gerald's coming back though. And what is with Gibbs? Hasn't he learned his lesson after three ex-wives?!?

Supernatural: This is awesome. One of the few stories that can fit easily into my "canon" (i.e., the world where most of my stories take place). In fact, it kinda stole one of my ideas. Don't mind though, 'cause it's doing it better than I would, and it's letting me gauge the audience (if it takes off, I'll know I'm on the right track). Though it's hard to see Dean without thinking of a smartass transgenic (right, Chrisisall? ).

Gilmore Girls: Having gotten hooked a couple of years ago, I can't stop watching. And where the hell is Kirk? It's less funny without Kirk.

Thursday: Nothing on tonight

D.I.C.E.: Not awesome, but not terrible either. I'm just jazzed at having more animé. YTV rocks. They're like the anti-Fox.

Transformers: Cybertron: Firmly mediocre, which puts it head, shoulders, torso, hips, and legs above the last two series. For the first time in years, I'm actually looking forward to seeing where this story goes.

Threshold: I like it. The underused conspiracy genre is one of my favourites, and I like the character dynamics. Ramsey ("Angry Elf") is my hero.

InuYasha: Still loving it (we're into the Shinch... the Sinsh... the Shi... the Band of Seven arc by now). Everything's awesome (including the new opening song. I want a soundtrack).

Naruto: I wasn't expecting to love this, but it's growing on me. Ninjas is nice.

.hack//sign: This is just awesome (from a show which, again, I wasn't expecting to love last year [when it started]). Again, it has elements of a conspiracy, and the big overarching, maze-like plot. Also, the music is beautiful.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand-Alone Complex: Awesome. Again, conspiracy, convoluted arc, etc, but with Batou's Steven-Segal-does-Ned-Flanders badass/dopeyness, and cinema-quality animation.

(Aside: I cannot believe YTV is airing this much animé [there's also One Piece and the endless parades of DragonBall Z/GT, but I don't watch those]!!! And they're still showing Witch Hunter Robin and Gundam Seed reruns, so they didn't drop anything to make room for it. I almost feel like it's breaking some law to have so much animé on Canadian TV at one time.)

Saturday: Nothing on, except for YTV's friday afternoon movies, which tend to be half-decent (I want an Accelleracers series!).

Hopefully the schedule will thin a bit before January, or whenever Battlestar Galactica, SG-1, and Dr. Who return and SG: Atlantis finally slouches toward Canada.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:36 AM


Unfortunately I missed Threshold. But I did rather enjoy Surface... so far. I'm waiting to see what's going to make this a good and viable series rather than a glorified movie. But so far I'm pleased. As for Invasion, I thought it would be lame, I watched it, and I actually liked it. A couple of familiar faces among the cast (most notably Willian Fichtner), somewhat interesting premise, though they really need to kill Dr. Underlay. What an annoying parent.
Bones I thought to be nearly unwatchable. Clumsy one-liners, yet another crime drama without any cops in it. Seriously, it seems most crimes nowadays are solved by lab techies, coroners, anthropologists, archeologists, geologists, and dentists. It's too bad, because I kind of like David Boreanaz, but I'm not wasting any more time on this one.

As for others...
Wanted: Gritty cop show, with Gary Cole at the helm. Lee Tergesen's throw-away lines are actually kind of funny. Some of the camera-work needs help though, but it makes a good team with The Shield as my gritty cop drama fix.

Prison Break: Overarching story line, kind of the same idea as Lost. The whole premise is pretty much impossible, but it's a good, fun watch, and the acting and writing is strong enough to hook the viewer. It also has some strong performances from a couple of veteran actors, Dominic Purcell (some of you may remember him from his short-lived stint as John Doe) and Peter Stormare.

Regenesis: kind of soap-opera medical drama about a Canadian team of geneticists looking into questionable advances into genetics, diseases, etc. Some compelling stories, slick camera-work, and good acting. The writing tends to be fairly strong, though the writers do tend to be hesitant about letting go of a particular storyline, and instead drag some of them on further than they really should. But whatever rough edges there were at the beginning of the series have been resolved. One thing that does irk me is their flashback tool. Way too awkward.

Over There: dramatic representation of the war in Iraq. I'm enjoying it so far, though I think some of the storylines are too weak or contrived right now. And it does embellish a couple aspects. But it's a very watchable programme, and goes a long way to painting war as very un-pretty. Not nearly as good as, say, Band of Brothers, but definitely worth watching.

Those are the new ones that I'm watching this season. I've also started watching Stargate Atlantis now that it's started being shown on broadcast television (ie a channel I get). Nice to see a Canadian scientist among the group. Waiting for Stargate to continue back up on broadcast TV. Downloading Battlestar Galactica (such a breath of life for the sci-fi genre). Watched Charlie Jade (a non-typical sci-fi program... very interesting story line, slick photography, great locations), The Shield, Lost, Alias, Family Guy (I likes my crude humour).

One show that I think should die? The War At Home. I kind of like Michael Rapaport, but this clunker is just painful. The inserts are clumsy, and not particularly funny. The jokes are... not particularly funny. There's a bit of a homophobic air going on. The over-use of the laugh track causes physical pain.
Weak photography, weak writing, and some really weak performances. I never thought I would ask Fox to cancel a show, but... for the love of god, this is a waste of a perfectly good slot.

Does Blue Sun sponser the Blue Man Group?


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 3:02 AM


Let's see shows that just started and I watch:

Naruto - This is a fun and entertaining show. Though certain lines are repeated a little too much for my liking (i.e. "Believe it").

Full Metal Alchemist - The second season has just started. So far the episodes are ok this season. I liked last season better from the start. Hopefully the eps this season will start picking up again.

S-Cry-Ed - The second season also just started. The episodes are great. The show is entertaining and has an interesting concept.

Numb3rs - Love this show. Out of all the crime fighting shows that are on TV now, this has got to be the best. The acting is great and the characters are pretty realistic. It is a little unrealistic in that the math-wiz brother is always pulled in to help (when does the bro have time to teach his classes? and doesn't the FBI have other experts that can do the same thing?). Oh, well. That's just a nit-pick complaint of mine. It would ruin the whole concept of the show if the math-wiz brother wasn't always pulled in.

Question: When the new season for Stargate SG-1 will start on SciFi?


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 7:43 AM



Originally posted by fireflywildcard1:
Question: When the new season for Stargate SG-1 will start on SciFi?

SG-1, Atlantis, and BG all pick up again in January.

I'll just add to my previous post that I am loving Threshold more and more! The reason is that it is the one show that seems somewhat original (I know, arguable). I find myself unable to wait until the next episode.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:02 AM


My 2 cents:

Threshold: Chee-zee (tm) tv. Sheer turn-off-the-brain fare. Which I surprisingly like; there has been too little lite stuff, maybe. Whatever the reason I am happy when it comes on.

Invasion: upper side of mediocre.

Surface: The pilot reached new heights of lack of impact. It seemed to be about a large number of people who were completely unfazed by anything. "Oh, my lab has been taken over by the military without any due process, thereby ruining my entire life? Pooh, that's sort of not nice."

Prison Break: Sucked me right in. This one is in my keeper list.

Bones: Didn't do anything for me. I'm tired of procedural crime shows; though this was the show that made me realize that square jawed brunettes were the fashion on tv this year.

Kolchak: shows promise; need to see more episodes to see if it keeps it up. The original is one of my wifes favorites, so we'll be watching this one.

The shows I liked last year are still doing good; House, Medium, Las Vegas, Lost, etc. So far it seems that we can actually say that tv is getting better again after the dry spell called Reality TV.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 8:14 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Supernatural: This is awesome. Though it's hard to see Dean without thinking of a smartass transgenic (right, Chrisisall? ).

Wasn't he on DARK ANGEL?
DARK ANGEL was a kick ass show.
Everyone should own DARK ANGEL on dvd.

Hey, how did you know I was a DARK ANGEL fan anyway?

Transgenic Browncoat Chrisisall, who loves DARK ANGEL


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:30 AM



Originally posted by Shadesiren:
Earl - dammit, I wanna watch this, but I'm missing it and house due to not being able to watch FOUR shows at ONE time.

For anyone who wants to get into My Name is Earl (a very funny and worthwhile show) the first three eps are going to rerun this Saturday - all back to back. For those of us in MST (Mountain Standard time, not Mystery Science Theater), it's starting at 7:30PM.


Friday, October 7, 2005 8:20 AM


Ok, of the (way too much) TV I watch, my current network favorites are:

Veronica Mars (big fan from ep 1)
My Name is Earl
Threshold (though my interest has declined from the first ep)
Surface (for the baby sea-monster factor)

Thank goodness for TiVo and VCRs. ^_^


Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:01 PM



Originally posted by GunRunner:
I found Ghost Whisperer to be lame. Half the show is her explaining her “gift”. I felt like the producers were just getting that part of the story out of the way, they didn’t have her learning and exploring her gift. Bottom line; she speaks to the dead, end of story- not much room for character development. Also its a rip off of "Medium" which I also don't like.


DUDE, What is there not to lust , I mean LOVE, about Ghost Whisperer? It stars Jennifer Love Hewitt for heaven's sake! That girl is smokin HOT

Remember what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"


Sunday, October 16, 2005 7:55 AM



Originally posted by SimonSays:

Originally posted by GunRunner:
I found Ghost Whisperer to be lame. Half the show is her explaining her “gift”. I felt like the producers were just getting that part of the story out of the way, they didn’t have her learning and exploring her gift. Bottom line; she speaks to the dead, end of story- not much room for character development. Also its a rip off of "Medium" which I also don't like.


DUDE, What is there not to lust , I mean LOVE, about Ghost Whisperer? It stars Jennifer Love Hewitt for heaven's sake! That girl is smokin HOT

Remember what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"

If I want hot girls to lust after I'll watch a porn.

But Sean Maher on the last episode was good. At least he can act, unlike the rest of the cast.

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:


Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:31 AM



Originally posted by GunRunner:

Originally posted by SimonSays:

Originally posted by GunRunner:
I found Ghost Whisperer to be lame. Half the show is her explaining her “gift”. I felt like the producers were just getting that part of the story out of the way, they didn’t have her learning and exploring her gift. Bottom line; she speaks to the dead, end of story- not much room for character development. Also its a rip off of "Medium" which I also don't like.


DUDE, What is there not to lust , I mean LOVE, about Ghost Whisperer? It stars Jennifer Love Hewitt for heaven's sake! That girl is smokin HOT

Remember what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"

If I want hot girls to lust after I'll watch a porn.

But Sean Maher on the last episode was good. At least he can act, unlike the rest of the cast.

EV Nova Firefly mod Message Board:

er what LOUIS VUITTON said: "It's in the bag!"


Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:54 AM


The only new show I'm watching this year is My Name is Earl. I'm loving it. Last year the only new shows I watched were The Office and Battlestar Galactica.

inch towards daylight






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