Matrix Reloaded Problems?

UPDATED: Monday, June 9, 2003 16:20
VIEWED: 2503
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Thursday, April 17, 2003 10:54 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Just saw this over at SCIFI.COM about the post-production problems with the Matrix movies. I seriously hope things work out.


Warner Brothers and Village Roadshow's upcoming sequels The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions, meanwhile, have seen their fair share of glitches, the trade paper reported. Visual-effects producer Ed Jones, who was on staff at ESC in Alameda, Calif., was let go in the middle of production. Post-production executives Mark Solomon and Amy Harrington were shuffled into less high-profile roles, while Chris DeFaria (Looney Toons: Back in Action) was brought on to oversee the remainder of the sequels' complex and voluminous effects work, the trade paper reported.

Further glitches arose when Centropolis Effects closed its doors midway through production, the trade paper reported. Centropolis' shots were reallocated to Sony Pictures Imageworks for what sources told the trade paper is a sum well beyond Centropolis' original cost.


Thursday, April 17, 2003 11:00 AM


I'm sure these movies will be awesome, i just hope they don't end up getting delayed to long.

Keep Flying!


Thursday, April 17, 2003 6:54 PM


That makes it sound like it just cost more rather than delayed it...

Well, they allready have an INSANE budget and are virtually garenteed of making a boatload, so I don't think money is much of an issue ;)


Monday, June 9, 2003 7:09 AM


Well, what did you think? Did you get a chance to see it yet?


Monday, June 9, 2003 7:58 AM


*Caution: this is kind of a rant. I don't think it's very spoilery, but if you love Reloaded, you might not want to read this 'cause, well, I didn't.*

This is just my opinion, but I found Reloaded very disappointing. I just found the whole thing very gratuitous. It seemed endlessly long for the number of plot points it established. Really. I mean, Phantom Menance levels of long and boring. The dialoge was corny, the fights scenes were too long, too numerous, and way overdone. And this sentence makes me sound pretentious, but certain philosophers were so severely dumned down and misunderstood it almost detracted from my enjoyment of the first Matrix. There are only two things I can remember liking: One new character (the Keymaker) and a motorcycle chase scene. Granted, the fact that I loved the first movie meant my expectations for this coming in were high, but even so, it was not so good.

End rant.

"I don't get it. Is it Avant Garde?" Principal Snyder, BTVS


Monday, June 9, 2003 9:03 AM


I've heard so far as much. There is quite a camp of reactions from folks who studied philosophy as a major past time (or perhaps more). Basically the same type of issues that you saw. I think I finally understand the word reactionary in its context.

I found too, some scenes were a bit over done. In particular, the dance/rave scene. Not sure where that was going vis'a'vis celebration of human life, etc. Although, for the fight scenes, I would have love for them to be longer, but perhaps with a bit more variation in them. And the scenes with the Merovingian and the Architect could have been bit lengthier with better explanations. Both of the scenes felt a bit "rushed".

As far as whatever philosphy the Matrix has to offer, I didn't think it was necessarily dumbed down as much as having it cast into a new light and relating it to a mix of different philosophical ideas. I enjoy it the same way I enjoyed the old PBS show "Connections" - they could have made a horrible show with recitations from basic physics and algebra texts, but instead they took a different look at how these ideas are cast into the everyday world.


Monday, June 9, 2003 2:05 PM


The shortcomings of the philosophical aspect wouldn't bother me at all if they didn't hype it so much. In interviews and advertisements the cast says things like "we actually were asking 'what German philosophers to we need to read to understand this?'" (can't remember which actor said that) and the writer/directors were all (paraphrased) "It's an action movie withdeeper meaning" and it's just not. It's an action flick and a poorly done one at that.

"I don't get it. Is it Avant Garde?" Principal Snyder, BTVS


Monday, June 9, 2003 2:27 PM


I also read that the cast members were given different philosophy text on the subjects to help them understand why some of the scenes take place - at least as far as what the Directors were thinking about. Seems fairly standard fair for actors in studying up for their roles 'ala role acting .vs. method acting.

I will have to get more information to get a better perspective. For starters,

1. For a comparative sense, what other movies have a philosophical component or basis to them? and we might as well restrict it to American ones for comparison. God knows that the standard Polish decalogue requires a team of note-takers to be able to keep track of all of the ideas being presented - let alone consuming, digesting, and realizing those ideas.

2. What would be a "better" action flick in comparison to this particular movie? That is as far as this movie being particularly poor at representing the standard action flick genre. Actually, in addition and what might be a better question would be what items would be required to rate any particular action flick as being "good" .vs. "poor"?


Originally posted by Lupa:
The shortcomings of the philosophical aspect wouldn't bother me at all if they didn't hype it so much. In interviews and advertisements the cast says things like "we actually were asking 'what German philosophers to we need to read to understand this?'" (can't remember which actor said that) and the writer/directors were all (paraphrased) "It's an action movie withdeeper meaning" and it's just not. It's an action flick and a poorly done one at that.

"I don't get it. Is it Avant Garde?" Principal Snyder, BTVS


Monday, June 9, 2003 4:20 PM


It was deep, about as shallow as can be said to be deep, but deep none the less. If you want to get deep deep read the book Sophie’s World. There are levels of deep, Fight Club had a lot of depth to it, but there are those who would skip it all in favor of the action, the Matrix had depth, this was really far from stand alone. It was about existentialism and the fall of philosophy. The first one was saying how the one was the escape from control, this one was saying that the one was control. A bit stinging considering that the one = Jesus was a very blatant symbolism. That is only the most basic, and shallow, of the depth, but there wasn’t too much more. For a full two hours that isn’t much depth, but if it was two hours of constant depth it would have felt very fake, and very forced.

I would have preferred a middle ground with more depth but not so much they rammed it down your throat. That’s my euro worth. (About 110 pennies, due to inflation.)






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