"Hello, Sarah Jane" - Dr Who, episode 3 discussion

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 01:01
VIEWED: 1165
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006 1:01 AM



Best episode so far. Return of two previous companions, fan-bloody-tastic.

It was the look on Tennants face when he met her in the staff room for the first time in years, obviously she didnt recognise him as he has regenerated 6 times since (Peter Davison,Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston and David Tenant) but he knew her, and like eccleston in 'Dalek' when he was confronted with the dalek, you actually believed that he was with her all those years ago, the acting was so off the bat it was natural.

Then you have the confrontation between good and bad, its was a classic face off, like a 50s western. The script was great, the wording and phrasing was top class. The bitching about the pompous timelords, and that the doc was the last left, alone in the galaxy.

When Sarah Jane saw the police box by 'accident' she had the look of disbelief and awe and fright on her face at the same time, i thought it was fantastic the way she just runs into the Tardis accidently and instantly she knows whats going on. And the dim light in the gym, apart from the bright light on the doc and he simply stands there, sonic screwdriver in hand and says;
Doc-"Hello, Sarah Jane"
SJ-"Its you, isnt it. youve regenerated"
Doc-"About half a dozen times since"
SJ"You look, good. I cant believe it"
SJ-"Now i can"

I loved it.

Oh, and the bitching, that was classic. Both girls going through what they had seen whilst with the doc, then suddenly its goes all personal:
SJ-"Does he still stroke parts of the tardis?"
Rose-"Yeah, its like, do you two want to be alone?"
The doc walks in oblivious to the conversation;
"What, no seriously what?"

And the K-9 part was cool. He recognised the doc even though he has seven bodies since tom baker, it was great. Especially when sarah jane shows him k-9 in the boot of her car. he taps him on the head and says in a babyish voice;
"Awwwwe, what has the nasty lady done to you"

One of the best acted scenes is where rose confronts him about abandoning his assistants. Its really emotionally chraged and i think i saw a deliberate slight tear in tenants eyes when he explained his reasons to rose;
"You can live the rest of your life with me, i cant live the rest of mine with you. When you watch someone you... get old and die. I dont die, i live on. Thats why i have to move on"

I thought that was well acted on tennants part.
I still reckon it shouldve been a two-parter, sarah shouldve gone for one more run round the block in the Tardis before she left.






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