Future Sport

UPDATED: Saturday, June 7, 2003 15:32
VIEWED: 1775
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Saturday, June 7, 2003 10:28 AM


I was just wondering if any one had pieced together any rules.

Just so people know what I’m talking about, the rest of this post (which will be long) will describe the movie.

The move is named after the sport at its center, Future Sport. The game, and thus the name of it, was created by Obike Fixx (played by Wesley Snipes.) This guy is very philosophical and has a sense of humor, so the name could be a statement or a joke. The game started in the Down Zone (the ghettos) and was played skateboards and roller blades, with nothing resembling technology, so there is irony in it being called future sport. It was created as a way to end gang warfare, the gangs would play a game of it to decide who got what turf.

Around the time it comes along all of the big sports collapse, huge scandals and such, and this obscure sport gets big. Probably because it was so low tech, and it was from the ghettos so there were no athletes making more money than god in it.

Ten years latter Hawaii is in turmoil, as a group of rather nasty people who want to rule it, called the Hawaii Liberation Organization (HLO or Helo,) try to take it away from the North American Alliance (NAA.) Another world power around there is the Pan Pacific Commonwealth (the Com) who says they will support Helo if the NAA sends troops into Hawaii. Confused?

Helo is not supported by the people of Hawaii, so they use terrorism in Hawaii itself, blowing up NAA government stuff, and scaring the Hawaiian people. They seem more concerned with scaring the populace into subservience than wining their support.

Now we go back to the sport, the technology has increased so the pros use hover boards in stead of skateboards (I don’t know if they replaced the roller blades.) The globalized media has invented a rating system for people’s popularity (a Popularity Index score, or PI rating.) Athletes are listened to more than political leaders, and when the most popular athlete in the world suggests a game of future sport to determine the ownership of Hawaii, citing that it is much like a gang turf war, both sides agree. (Neither was really ready to go to war so the took the easy way out.)

Around this bit you find out the truth about how the sport worked, although it did replace gang wars and stop lots of people from getting hurt, it didn’t stop violence, and it wasn’t peaceful. Before and during the game the athletes were at risk, and who had the better players mattered only as long as they could be protected.

The movie, which wasn’t that good, was more about the events surrounding the elevation of the game being an alternative to gang warfare and a popular pass time to an alternative to a real war. The events surrounding this are mostly one arrogant athlete getting he conscience back after, he loses a world championship because he tried to take all the glory for himself, Helo tried to kill him twice because he badmouthed them in front of the world, his girlfriend left him because of a drop in popularity cause by him losing, the inventor of the game started talking to him again, and finally his old girlfriend started to manipulate him into doing the right thing (he was quite willing to be manipulated.) Sound stupid? Well I said it wasn’t that good.

I found the movie an interesting presentation of a radical social idea, and it is of course not without precedence -there are a few cases in Roman history that games (Risk like board games) were used instead of wars (not that both sides always kept their word.)

Anyway, that is the idea behind the movie.

The rules that I can figrue out are as follows

The ball must be passed after 5 seconds of possession, the ball going into a teams goal is the only way to score, 1 point for a throw, two points for a slam (a slam appears to be a close range throw.) Five players for each team on the field at one time, two Flyers (skateboarders), two Blocking Flyers (defense, skateboarders with sticks), and one Stopper (rollerblader.) Most of the sticks seem to be simple sticks, but one looks like a lacrosse stick, I think it may belong to the Stopper.

The sticks seem to be used to knock the ball out of the air, and possibly to block people, but simply beating on the other team is illegal. That all I’ve got.


Saturday, June 7, 2003 2:50 PM


Dude, this was such a bad movie. It got made as a low-budget answer to Rollerball.

Yeah, Vanessa is cute, but that movie wasn't worth the radiation you'd absorb watching it.


Saturday, June 7, 2003 3:32 PM


I never said it was good, I never even tried to imply it. I told the premise and asked if anyone had gleaned any rules from watching.






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