BSG -- just finished ep 'Black Market' *SPOILERS*

UPDATED: Monday, March 12, 2007 15:39
VIEWED: 2140
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:16 AM


Hey all,

Our local video store finally put seasons 2.0 and 2.5 on 3-day rental, so we're a little more than half-way through, I think. Just finished watching "Epiphanies" and "Black Market" yesterday. Some thoughts:

Did anyone else find Roslin's cancer cure a little too dei ex machina-ish? I'm almost hoping it will come back to haunt her, just to make it a little more interesting and a little less expedient.

Did anyone else find Lee's descent into depression after his inadvertent space walk a little...well...depressing? Especially since I am really starting to like the guy and I thought his life was more or less going well enough for him to get through a near-death experience with more equanimity.

That said, we're enjoying the second season so far. Very happy about the reconciliation between Adama on the one hand and Roslin and Lee on the other, and the continuing character development of Sharon, Gaius Baltar, the Chief. Really liked Helena Cain's character, even if I was also relieved when she was killed through no fault of the heroes.

Anyway, just happy to chat BSG with anyone else who might be interested, too.

Cylonicly yours,

Indigo S.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007 1:31 PM


I hear you about Lee. I used to think he had it all together but the show continues to show you that everyone (well, almost everyone) has their flaws and makes mistakes...just wait 'til season three-ish.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:08 AM


We watched "Scar" and "Sacrifice" last night, so we also got to watch Starbuck falling apart. The almost-sex scene between her and Lee was note-perfect in how screwed up it showed her to be. It all makes sense to me -- there's no way someone like Starbuck could hold her edge all the time -- but these eps still made me wince.

The Billy and Dualla thing made me wince, too. I think Dee is deluding herself about Lee -- he's too nice a guy to reject her outright, and I'm sure he finds the balm of her adoration a comfort to his ego (after being rejected by first a prostitute and then a friend), but these things do not add up to Lee actually falling in love with her in any way. I hate to think how this is going to work itself out.

Tell me, is there any comfort to be had in season three? Will Starbuck and Lee come back to their senses at some point?

Indigo S.


Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:16 AM


Without getting specific about anything...

From what you've written, the 2nd Season finale, and the first part of season 3 is really gonna throw you for a loop (as it did me and most people I know who watch).

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, March 1, 2007 9:18 AM



Originally posted by IndigoStarblaster:
Tell me, is there any comfort to be had in season three?

Um, no. *evil chuckle* Season 3 (I'm at ep 10) has been more of the same, which is to say more excellently done drama than you can shake a stick at. There isn't a whole lot of happy going on.


Will Starbuck and Lee come back to their senses at some point?

*evil chuckle*


Thursday, March 1, 2007 2:54 PM


Heck, I couldn't answer that question even if I wanted to!

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Friday, March 2, 2007 5:39 AM


We just watched "The Captain's Hand" last night. I felt pretty silly about my Lee-Dualla analysis when the episode opened with them sharing a bunk. Mind you, if Dee was right there with them the whole time he was convalescing, and Starbuck was avoiding him on account of feeling guilty, I guess I could see how feelings could evolve a bit. And I think sex has emotional repercussions no matter how one first enters into a sexual relationship. Even if Lee isn't entirely in love with Dualla now, he's certainly being bound in with feelings very like love every time they're vulnerable with each other and are rewarded for it with affection and physical comfort.

Oh, and as for Lee and Kara coming to their senses... actually, the end of that episode, when she basically comes as close as she can to apologizing and he forgives her without actually saying it, that's all I'm really looking for. I'm not any kind of a 'shipper; I just want good people to be able to get along with each other without stupid hurt feelings or misunderstandings in the way.

It was generally a good episode. I think Lee deserved the promotion, but it really speaks to the paucity of good officers in this military armada of two, that you'd have to jump a recently-made major two grades to get a commander for one of the ships. And I can't see the captain- or major-level officers on Pegasus being too happy about being passed over for a "foreigner" (although I'm sure all of those who were actually on the bridge with him were more than happy to have someone giving them orders that worked).

I also thought Roslin's decision on abortion to be interesting (wrong, but interesting). I hope she can stay the course, continue to be "pragmatic with ideals", without tumbling over entirely into some kind of fascism.

As always, looking forward to the conversation with fellow fans,

Indigo S.


Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:43 PM


All I can say is when you get done with disc 3 you are definatley gonna be wishing for season 3.0 to come out. I have missed some episodes and CAN'T WAIT for it to come out so i can catch up.

Calfeeman Strikes Again!!!!!!!!
Pilot of the Mao Huoche


Monday, March 12, 2007 3:39 PM


Wow, if you find Lee's little crisis depressing, wait for season 3.






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