Spock vs. Simon

UPDATED: Thursday, October 18, 2007 13:25
VIEWED: 1084
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007 2:04 PM


Yeah, I was thinking ("run away, run away!") about how Firefly and Star Trek are so different on the surface, but so alike in the deeper mode. Then I tried to compare characters, and I came up with Simon and Spock. Now, although Simon isn't my fav. character (go River!), Spock is my fav. on Star Trek, but they're so alike! They are kinda like walking encyclopedias -or walking computers, take your choice-, they arn't good at communicating with people, and they both have that kind of arrogance, like they're better than most folks. I, personally, think Spock's right and Simon's wrong about that attitude, but that me. To get to the point -if there is one- Who do you think is better? I mean any meaning you care to think of. Just thought it was kind of interesting to think about, and if you'd like to reply, thats cool.

p.s. That quote in the first line, in parenthesis? It's from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Bad movie. Really funny (as in hilarious). I recomend it.

River: "The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vaccuuming systems."


Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:32 PM


America loves a winner!

Spock doesn't have a crazy teenage sister to look after. Nor is he on the run from the Alliance. I think Simon gets a raw deal for how he acts. He's been thrust into a situation that he never dreamed of having to deal with....saving his sister and not even his own PARENTS supporting him in the effort. I'll confess, for all Simon's book smarts, he sure does say some stupid stuff when he's around Kaylee. But he's probably just not all that accustomed to talking to girls near his own age at all. He's always been the youngest in the classes, which likely left him isolated from other class mates. Too few give Simon his due and understand just what it is that he's facing.

As for Spock, he's suppose to be elitist and all knowing. Vulcans are bred to aquire and show respect for knowledge. Now,he may toss out a fact which, when plainly stated, comes across as rude, embarassing, or what ever, but he's simply stating it as a fact, and never intends to mock or belittle anyone.( Unless he's talking to a villian. )

Plus, Spock is older. He's been through SFA, and is an experienced officer.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, August 24, 2007 12:25 PM


I have to disagree.
Whilst there are some similarities between the two characters (as there are between just about any characters) I really don't see them as alike.

Spock was born this way and chose (to some degree) to continue along this path, for his own self, his own needs. Selfish in a good way.
His mannerisms and comments come about because of his breeding and training and seeing everything through a logical filter.

Simon on the other hand left his original life for someone else. Gave everything up for River and she continues to be the centre of his life. Completely non-selfish.
His quirks come from being a fish-out-of-water. He is effectively in an alien land. He doesn't know how to handle this world having come from a rich and privileged life.

So I would have to say that Simon is the better of the two. For his unselfishness, loyalty (to River) and he did start to lighten up as he became used to his surroundings and the people around him.
Yes, Spock also changed but nowhere near as much as Simon in a short space of time.

And for the Monty Python qoute: I have a shrubbery should you meet the Knights Of Ni.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, October 18, 2007 1:25 PM


well it took me ages tto relocate this thread but... been thinking on it some and...
my first reaction was too hasty a dismissal.


Originally posted by lwaves:
I have to disagree.
I really don't see them as alike.

Spock was born this way and chose (to some degree) to continue along this path, for his own self, his own needs. Selfish in a good way.
His mannerisms and comments come about because of his breeding and training and seeing everything through a logical filter.

Simon on the other hand left his original life for someone else. Gave everything up for River and she continues to be the centre of his life. Completely non-selfish.
His quirks come from being a fish-out-of-water. He is effectively in an alien land. He doesn't know how to handle this world having come from a rich and privileged life.

ok, Spock was born this way - well so was Simon -
and BOTH come from priviliged backgrounds - Spock gave his 'original life' up by choice to pursue a career in starfleet - and against the wishes of his father - not unlike Simon.

Spock's breeding is HALF HUMAN his kohlinar attempt at purging emotion failed... he is FULL of feeling - which is painful and embarrassing and which he often tries to hide. Simon too - although Spock's control is greater... if Spock had had a sister... maybe the control would be similarly confused... his response to Captain Pike (in the menagerie)shows how far he will go for someone he has feeling for.

Both are 'thawed out' by the crew/family/friendship they discover on their respective ships.






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