The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born

UPDATED: Monday, December 17, 2007 13:00
VIEWED: 1513
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Sunday, December 9, 2007 6:56 PM


Hile Gunslingers!

Several months ago this surprising title caught my eye. Being a huge Dark Tower fan I picked up a copy and started browsing. When I realized the story centered on events that took place in book 4, Wizard and Glass, I more or less lost interest. That particular book was not my favorite in the series because the bulk of it was a very long flashback concerning Roland's early days. Anyway, about a month ago on Amazon a hardcover version collecting all 7 issues popped up in my recommendations. Since I'm a sucker for hardcovers and the price was realatively cheap I jumped on it. What a mistake it would have been if I had passed on this book.

Peter David does an incredible adaptation of the story. If I didn't know better I would think that Stephen King had written it himself. Granted, King did oversee a good deal of the process but he couldn't be there for everything. The amazing thing for me is how much more interesting I found events that I was already familiar with. Reading the comic version has actually made me want to go back and read the book again because I know there are a lot of subleties I missed during my first reading.

Jae Lee does an amazing job with the pencils. I first became acquainted with his work about a decade ago on a book called Hellshock. At that time I thought his style was a bit jagged but he has really refined his technique over the years. Some of the panels in The Gunslinger Born should be counted as art. I have seen quality like this on posters or covers but rarely have I encountered this type of breathtaking imagery within a comic itself. He abolutely captures every character in the story and many of the backgrounds are mesmerizing.

Overall I rate this graphic novel right up there with Neil Gaiman's work on Sandman. In fact there were a few times I thought I was reading a Sandman story. For any fans of the Dark Tower books I believe this is a must own. Forget that, if you are a fan of good stories you owe it to yourself to get a copy of this book.

From what I understand Marvel is going to do several series on the Dark Tower saga. If the rest are anywhere near the quality of this effort us Dark Tower fans have good things coming. Long days and pleasant nights!


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:19 AM


Thanks for the heads up, Sin!

Comicfan Chrisisall


Saturday, December 15, 2007 9:39 AM


If you recommend it Singate, that's all I need to involve myself. You're the only person on this board that understands Sandman the way I do.

I was there as a young boy when the Drawing of the Three was released in 1987 and I asked for it for x-mas when others were wanting toys. The Dark Tower and the Drawing of the Three hold special places for me because I recall realizing their brilliance long before they were popular to like.

I'll look for the graphics

Do not fear me. Our's is a peaceful race and we must live in harmony.


Sunday, December 16, 2007 8:11 PM



Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
I was there as a young boy when the Drawing of the Three was released in 1987 and I asked for it for x-mas when others were wanting toys. The Dark Tower and the Drawing of the Three hold special places for me because I recall realizing their brilliance long before they were popular to like.

My own path to the Tower was slightly different than yours. I was quite young when I saw a copy of The Waste Lands in a bookstore. Not being much of a reader at the time I didn't buy it but something about that spectral train on the cover really sparked my imagination. You probably understand what I'm talking about..."it's just a horrible choo-choo train and it's name is Blaine the Pain". Anyway a few year later I bought The Gunslinger and never looked back.

Since you are already a fan of the series I have little doubt that you will enjoy the comic adaptation. Don't forget to post your musings after you've finished.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, December 17, 2007 1:00 PM


I get what you're saying when you saw that train. I remember the 1st 2 covers of the Wastelands in the bookstores. One was the train the other the galaxy of stars in the rose. But the train was far more engrossing because it just captured the imagination in a glance.

My strongest Dark Tower moment was at age 11. I had found the Dark Tower in a dime book store and had my moment with a cover of the book that you cannot find today. It shows the tower rising up into a Blue/Black expanse and below it is a red/orange vastness of desert waste. I bought it for 50 cents and it remains on my bookshelf to this day. I can still recall my numb awe of the experience I had with chapter 1, when The Gunslinger (not roland yet....just the gunslinger) pulled his instruments of death and hammered away at the townsfolk who were attacking him....The Interloper. When the last shot rang out and he hits the final guy who falls with a thump king describes the silence "crashing back in" and I realized that for the 1st time in my young life I had read a real story.

I've read lots of stuff since then. But that moment is very special to me. And it stands as a counterpoint to my disappointment in his final 5 books which I think lost the magic.

Do not fear me. Our's is a peaceful race and we must live in harmony.






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