Stargate Atlantis Season 5

UPDATED: Friday, March 14, 2008 09:48
VIEWED: 1389
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Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:38 AM


First off before I get on to what I was going to say I'd like to ask that those of you who may have major season 5 spoilers either use the spoiler brackets or not post them please? If you're unsure how to use spoiler brackets just ask around. There will however be frequent season 4 spoilers. If you haven't seen season 4 and don't want plot points given away please do not read further. This thread is for Browncoats who are fans of the SG'verse as well. If you don't like the show you don't have to comment.

Stargate Atlantis season 5 returns this summer in the US(possibly and most likely in July) with a couple new regulars and a few new recurring characters. The new regulars are Jewel Staite as Dr. Jennifer Keller and Robert Picardo as Richard "Dick" Woolsey. Jewel was practically a regular last season but will now be in more episodes than ever and have a larger role in them. Along with hopefully getting her gorgeous face in the title credits! Picardo is joining as expedition leader as well though for how long is anyones guess.... I can only hope that Sam's fate in the alternate timeline does not come to pass in the new one now that John has returned.

It's been suggested that some of what "holo"Rodney told John 48,000 years in the future may still happen regardless of what John does. None of what did happen happened directly as a result of John's disappearance but hopefully he'll be able to change it all now that he is armed with the knowledge of what will come to pass.

What did you all think of season 4's finale? Jennifer's death was sad but with John's new knowledge preventable. That's assuming she hasn't already been exposed to enough of the Hoffan drug to be fatal.

The wait won't be very long. July is just a few months away. Only downside is that the wait for the second half of season 5 will be much longer than normal.

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"When you can't do something smart, do something right." - quoting Book
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Thursday, March 13, 2008 12:43 PM


Well said in your first paragraph.

I thought it was a great episode for a season cliffhanger, but also different. There wasn't the usual running around trying to stop a bomb, fight impossible odds type of scenario.

I agree that some of the events mentioned by holo Rodney will come to pass in later times and it will be interesting to see which ones. Although I think they mentioned the Hoffan drug enough times that we can be pretty sure Jennifer's exposure will be a major plot point for her.
As a side note did you notice that she was constantly referred to as Jennifer and not Dr Keller as before.

I think Sam's absence, however long it may be, will probably be explained by the other SG1 movie(s) that are planned. Not too sure on the details of them or when a release is scheduled but I think at least one is this year. Right?

The one thing that actually bugged me about finale was when the building collapsed. Surely not all of them can survive? Now of the three known characters in the team (Sheppard, McKay and Lorne) it's pretty safe to say that two will survive for definite. That leaves Lorne to die? I hope I'm wrong coz I like his character and wish they'd give him more to do.
And if you know who survives you better not tell me, I DON'T want to know!

Looking forward to more adventures and with Jewel and Summer (now that TSCC is getting a second season) in regular roles it's looking very good indeedy.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, March 13, 2008 1:06 PM



Originally posted by Strangebird:
This thread is for Browncoats who are fans of the SG'verse as well. If you don't like the show you don't have to comment.

Stargate: Atlantis sucks.
Want reasons? Here:

1) The characters are more or less predictable: you never see Sheppard punching a girl in the face, then wallowing in self-doubt, you never see McKay sabotaging Atlantis to get back at a particularly snide remark...the characters...well, they just stay in character too much.

2) New ideas are always being explored...that's no good- it should be all Wraith attacks, all the time.

3) Good guys triumph too much: we want loss and angst- that brings in the disenfranchised youth in turmoil crowd- lots of disposable income for the advertisers.

4) No gratuitous 'boink' factor; mere friendship is b-o-r-i-n-g.

5) No clear & definite political agenda is ever solidly being pushed- controversy garners rating, guys.

6) Characters die or leave...if you're like most of us, we know, live with & work with the same 10 people our whole lives and it never changes- get real SGA PTB, will ya?

7) No one on SGA EVER suddenly discovers they're actually a Cylon. That's self explanatory, I believe.

8) SGA has just become Star Trek set in space...uh, I mean Star Trek WAS set in space, it's just that being in space with a group of characters that meet aliens makes it... like, a copy, right?

9) Too many supposedly humourous pop-culture references by Sheppard- really, are they ever funny? I never once laughed at any of them.
Except when he said "Alien" that wasn't so bad...or when- no, sorry, none of them were funny!!!!

10) No cute, furry little alien mascot. It needs, like, Ewoks or something.

11) Sheppards hair: I mean, WHAT IS THAT?? I've never seen a character with hair like that before! It's like a cross between Indiana Jones & MacGyver- on a windy day!!! I HATE characters that look different. C'mon Joe, buzz it already!

12) A girl with MUSCLES??? We all know that for girls to have muscles is ridiculous- Buffy didn't need 'em, why does Teyla? Not that she threatens my masculinity or anything..no sireee, I'm a manly dude...gots all kinds of muscles here...work out many times a year...

13) The endless buddy jokes: I'm SO tired of characters that have to be all comfortable and joke-y with each other...I NEED desperate angst and hidden agendas in my peeps, and this is not conducive to the HA HA!

14) Did I mention teh hair?

15) Oh yeah, I mentioned that...

16) The Wraith aren't scary at all: I'd just pull their hair and knee 'em in the face. They're all skinny & have laughable teeth! And if they try to suck your life, all ya have to do is "Cover your heart, Indy- cover your heart!" I think crosses might even work.

17) Not one person mentions President Bush by name- he's the one giving the orders to Stargate Command, right? I think this is an intentional dis on this fine leader. They should even give him a cameo in the show, that would be cool!

18) They never go to an Ice Planet: it was good enough for The Empire Strikes Back, and The Gun On Ice Plantet Zero episode of Battlestar Galactica, so why not SGA, HUH??? What? The got no jackets or something?

19) Did I mention teh hair? I think I did....

20) Nothing's ever radioactive: everybody know that space is just full of radiation- why no shows about gamma-ray zapped dangerous guys and stuff? Or radioactive spiders? Geiger counters make cool noises.

21) What's with the music?: This guy Goldsmith insists on writing all this 'grand orchestral' stuff- has he never seen a recent Star Trek TV show? TV SF music should be merely a droning background noise, indistinguishable from moment-to-moment so as not to take our attention away from the technobabble. Joel's stuff sounds too much like a movie score.

22) All the people look too human: why not be bold and, like, computer animate Jar Jar Binks ears on, like, Ronon or someone? They can do amazing stuff today; we need more alien diversity!

23) The regional accent discrimination: WHY does no one on the series speak with, oh, say, a deep southern accent, hmmm? Or like the Mckenzie brothers?
How come Ford or Ronon don't speak jive?? This is clearly a 'King's English'-only club!!

24) No one ever gets drunk: on BSG & other series, people imbibe- but not on SGA, that seem right to you? You think in that situation there wouldn't be some mad drinking going on? What message does this send the kids? That alcohol is BAD?? Statistics show that one oz. of alcohol a day will cut your chance of heart attack!! Kids that watch their heroes drink will probably start drinking early, and extend their LIVES!!! SGA is just being irresponsible.

25) Teh hair: oh, keep forgetting I covered that...

26) What's up with Mckay?? He's SO irritating!!! I HATE people that whine all the time!!! He complains endlessly!! He drones on and on and on and on...it never ends!!! I just wanna take whiny complaining jerks like him behind the barn & shoot 'em!!! How is he entertaining, huh? He goes on and on and on and on!!! I hate repetitive complaints!! I say, I hate repetitive complaints!!!

27) No Bruce Campbell guest starring: any show of ANY quality should have Bruce Campbell at least guest star on it. Why did Hercules & Xena run so long? Fans tuned in in case Bruce showed up again. If he doesn't appear on SGA soon, I might start a campaign to stop watching at the Federal level.

27) It has MANY fans: people are sheep, and flock to the next fad, SGA's many fans just prove how bad it is. American Idol has even more fans than SGA, and is an even worse show. To be great, people must shun it. Manimal got canceled in just one season- no one recognized it's brilliance. It was awesome! But why did he turn into a panther so much? It seemed like they didn't have a wide selection of animals to use or something...and why was his hair always combed when he changed back?

What was I talking about.......?

All right, by this point you must've realized I'm not serious about SGA sucking
In point of fact I'm fairly addicted.

Awaiting season 4 DVD'sisall

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, March 13, 2008 2:01 PM


Your such a geek Chris... and I mean that seriously as a complement. If there is a God of Ridiculous Lists you're getting into heaven man. I only have to respond to one... even if it's in jest.


8) SGA has just become Star Trek set in space...uh, I mean Star Trek WAS set in space, it's just that being in space with a group of characters that meet aliens makes it... like, a copy, right?

If someone ever seriously said something like that to me I'd say Lost is just a stupid rip off of Gilligans Island or mention the dozens and dozens of Courtroom dramas and Crime investigation shows.

Anyway I do not know who dies if anyone does. I too am trying to stay away from spoilers that serious. The biggest one I know of is now WIDELY known among the Gater community as it involves the physical appearance of one of the stars.

Select to view spoiler:

Ronon cuts off his dreads during a scene involving torture at the hands of the wraith... or so I've heard. Jason Momoa HAS cut off his dreads and they will be reattached for the first episode but will not be returning for very long after if at all.

As far as spoilers go it's a minor one and a widely known one at that. To me it's about as much a spoiler as Woolsey assuming command... though I did say that in my first post. It's possible Woolsey's comand may be the only part of the alt. timeline that does come true.

As for Sam... I hope she retires and marries Jack or something. Those two need some rest after saving the world more times and anyone should ever be asked to. I have no clue what will happen though. I seriously doubt she will be killed off. The writing staff, producers and everyone else knows how angry fans are about her not getting the respect she deserves in season 4. Though I think it's mainly due to the actresses own issues than writing. I think she wanted to not be featured as much and have more free time for her own new series and her family. The same goes for Tori Higginson. She chose to leave the series from what I've heard. Hopefully she'll just be written off without explanation so if she later decides to return they can bring her character back as if she has been working all along behind the scenes. And for that matter Rainbow Sun Franckes decided as did the producers that he wasn't very effective on the show. So any fans out there angry about any of these characters departures should relax... it wasn't some sinister plot by the "big wigs" to screw your favorite character.... it was just life.

Killing Carson was not a good move though. It didn't help the series differentiate itself from SG-1 to kill off the doctor in a tragic and sudden way. On SG-1 it was sad but Janet died in the heat of battle, saving a young father-to-be's life. And her character was never as popular or story-centric as Carson... not that it couldn't have been. I loved Doc Frasier myself and would be lying if I said there wasn't a bit of moisture in my eyes watching that two-parter. I knew it was her from the moment Sam came back crying.

Back on Carson's death though. It was a mistake on the part of the producers and writing staff involved. Though in hindsight with the revelations from season 4 it seems to be not as terrible. They have avoided the age old introduce a clone then kill it off policy as the original Carson is dead so they don't have to. It makes the clone story line alot less corny and familiar. It's refreshing and hopefully good story aspects will come from this "new" Carson. Perhaps he'll chose to live a different life than his other self and go into a different field of science. Turning on his friends though would be an even bigger mistake than killing off Carson to begin with. They've established that he thinks and feels the same as Carson. He'd sooner sacrifice himself than harm the team... though if pushed I could see him doing something irrational and desperate to save Teyla or her son... even if it cost the lives of others. It'd be interesting anyway, to see where Carson goes next season.

As for John. I'm wondering how my fellow Browncoat/Gaters see his removal from the timeline and creation of a new one. It's obvious John had very little impact on the events that followed. Maybe he could have saved Ronon by persuading him to stick with the team, maybe he could have saved Sam somehow... or even gotten control of Atlantis himself instead of Woolsey... eventually. But he couldn't have saved Teyla. And that was the biggest catalyst in the Pegasus Galaxy, her child was the reason Michael became so powerful. They changed the timeline now, and may have bought either more time or found some clues to where she is.

P.S. Chris.... Pres Bush does not exist in the Stargate Universe. They introduced something so fictional, so unbelievable.... a decent president! He's actually a good guy with a sense of humor and honor! Ofcourse he did pick Kinsey as his running mate... Woolsey got rid of that guy. That was Woolsey's redeeming quality. He may be a by-the-books tool but when the chips are down he'll do the right thing even if it's not in the books and may lose him his job. He stood up to the President and convinced him to act against the VP.
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"When you can't do something smart, do something right." - quoting Book
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Thursday, March 13, 2008 2:32 PM



Originally posted by Strangebird:
Lost is just a stupid rip off of Gilligans Island

never realized....




Friday, March 14, 2008 9:48 AM



Originally posted by Strangebird:
Your such a geek Chris...






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