The Science of Jumper

UPDATED: Saturday, June 7, 2008 06:08
VIEWED: 1217
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Saturday, June 7, 2008 1:19 AM


I know it got a lot of bad reviews, but I don't care. I liked the movie Jumper and wish it were a television series. Just for fun, I came up with a scientific (i.e. pseudo-scientific) explanation for how the Jumping ability works:

Due to a genetic anomaly, certain quantum mechanical interactions in the nerve cells of a Jumper create microscopic inter-dimensional apertures between this universe and another universe where physical laws as we know them do not pertain. This other universe is filled with an energy that even in the most minute amount is tremendously more powerful than the most powerful forms of matter and energy native to our universe. Because this energy is so powerful and because its extra-dimensional nature means it is not governed by the physical laws of this universe, it can actually fold space. Jumpers can generate a neuronal signal to modulate a pulse of this extra-dimensional energy that performs this folding of space in a manner and degree that opens up a rift in the fabric of space-time, thereby forming a temporary wormhole.

Human consciousness is an expression of the universal field that binds and governs the structure of the entire universe as it interconnects with the quantum processes of the complex neurons of the human brain. Thus, the human mind is a projection of the unifying force in the universe and therefore has an omnipresent and universal aspect. Jumpers autonomically use this aspect of the human mind as a form of unconscious extrasensory spatial awareness that directs the wormhole's target point to a location on Earth of the Jumper's desire regardless of the motion of the Earth in its rotation and orbit.

After a Jumper teleports, the wormhole remains for a few minutes as a "Jumpscar." The wormholes that Jumpers create are specifically tuned to the frequency of the extra-dimensional energy emitting from the Jumper nervous system. Because of this, in the few minutes that a wormhole continues to exist after being used by a Jumper it will not swall up and teleport non-Jumpers who happen to pass through it. Instead, non-Jumpers can simply walk through this invisible wormhole without any effect on them at all. It's completely unnoticeable. Other Jumpers, however, can use it and therefore actually follow another Jumper through his or her Jumpscar. In the instant a wormhole is first formed it will teleport anything depending on the size of the wormhole. The wormhole's size is dictated by the neurophysical effort of the Jumper in creating the original neuronal signal. The larger the wormhole, the greater the neurophysical strain on the Jumper.


Saturday, June 7, 2008 5:26 AM


There's a movie called Jumper? Is it based off the book? If it was, I have to say, your pseudo-scientificy-ness is brilliant! ^_^


Stan: LF! Stuffed LF!
Stan: That didn't sound right.. sorry. I'm not some psycho taxidermist serial killer or anything.


Saturday, June 7, 2008 6:08 AM


I don't see what this has to do with knitted woollen upper-body garments...






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