Would any Woman believe......?

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 06:39
VIEWED: 2881
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012 6:33 AM


No guys asked (stay in your RatNest Kwick......

Male switch here....

Only "cops" commenting are single lonely bitches that hate themselves....

You're silly

You hate yourself 1/4 less than your idiot Dad does....


I'm ouit......

If you're lucky

Ring afterhours and ask for "6"\

Fuck that they told you... "Gatorade 2 can't cure this"......

Secres of the trade.... ( only becaue my white ass told Her to.....


If we were talking here and you were a white bitch, I'd be expectiung you to suck cock for me next weej,


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 6:50 AM


I have no idea what you're asking. It's quite remarkable. Not only is there a complete breakdown of basic communication on display here, but I also simply can not find the question in there that your thread title was suggesting existed anywhere.

It is a modern marvel. I gaze upon it in slack jawed stupefaction, like myths and legends carved line by line in ancient chickenscratch. It fills up the rock face of an entire mountainside. Your sentences seem to trail off into infinity, and then do a pirouette off the cliff line of what is this into the sea of obscurity.

Would you like to try again?


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:02 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Dude, you need some freaking help, NOW, or you are going to die soon.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:34 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Dude, you need some freaking help, NOW, or you are going to die soon.


On Independance Day.....

How poetic....

Thanks Kwick


Got too much pissed off ammo for that to happen


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:34 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Dude, you need some freaking help, NOW, or you are going to die soon.


On Independance Day.....

How poetic....

Thanks Kwick


Got too much pissed off ammo for that to happen


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:51 AM


Thanks Byte, that means a lot from you :)

Nowhere is meaning the realization of the instance of the reciprocal of the tangible thoughts and feelings expressed 100% from this post and any posts forward derived from this mind body and soul without any follow up.

Of course, as you know, it's in your best interest to just let everything go for the RWED and play charades so you can look cool there and not get the side bust you might have gotten had you been a "real" citizen

How'd that work out?

How do you think that worked out for potential idiots for all of us in the future?

(Just asking because I had somebody hanging around here while I was posting ;))


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:55 AM


Stupid is, as Stupid Does.....

And if you were paying attention, Forrest Gump was smarter than every.... single.... one.... of.... you....

in the end....


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:55 AM


They were expressed all right. Like a glandular condition. There is a camel in some desert that drank an oasis of donkey urine, and it's spouting off some deep and meaningful tautologies as it's pissing all over the library of Alexandria. And then comes the diarrhea.

How's your house and one-man army thing going? Good?


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 8:14 AM


Pst, hey Jack. Jack.

Is this you?


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 9:28 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Byte, your first response was absolutely poetic, and got it right on. What a WEIRD post--I don't usually read Sux's posts, especially since he got filthy in his hate for me, but I started to read this one, then was quite content about all the time I've saved not reading his posts anymore. (Besides, the Camel had CLASS, so it couldn't be him!)

What IS up with this guy? Is he on something or just a drunk? Unintelligible, to say the least, and Mike, there's absolutely no hope of him getting help, from what I used to read. He seems to think he's got it all, and is God's gift to womankind to boot...remember, the insane don't THINK they're insane!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 9:35 AM


I don't know, we'll see what Jack does. I'm looking forward to a good challenge here.

But you're probably right, only my first post got a response. In a contest of sick burns, the person who ends the contest is the loser, because then the contest is over.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 9:45 AM


Yes he was drunk, but the thing that concerns me is HOW drunk. If he's only had a few and is posting like that he more than likely has cirrhosis already...

There was a guy in chat a year ago that would repeat things every twenty seconds and ramble just like Jack and I begged him to go to the doc, which he did after a polyp burst, and found out he had cirrhosis...

That's why chronic drunks are unintelligible, the affects don't just kill off brain cells, they inhibit the rest from connecting because your blood isn't being processed...

Jack hon, please do me a favor and lay offa the booze for a while, K?
You are just getting your life together, and I would hate to see you throw it all away because you can't get ahold of yourself...
I strongly suggest you go get some Prozac, rather than self medicate.

You think being a little overweight is bad, wait till you lose a liver...


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 9:48 AM


Wait, that first post was serious? I figured he was trolling us.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 12:49 PM


usually there is at least some point in trolling


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 1:21 PM


I dunno, I've seen some trolls use confusion as a tactic.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 3:36 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I think, given that it all makes sense now, he posted this while nailed and doesn't remember it, but why is he nailed during the day? I guess because he works at night.

Jack man, things are getting too weird, now might be the time to evaluate where you're at with this plastering thing.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 3:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Wishimay:
Yes he was drunk, but the thing that concerns me is HOW drunk. If he's only had a few and is posting like that he more than likely has cirrhosis already...

There was a guy in chat a year ago that would repeat things every twenty seconds and ramble just like Jack and I begged him to go to the doc, which he did after a polyp burst, and found out he had cirrhosis...

That's why chronic drunks are unintelligible, the affects don't just kill off brain cells, they inhibit the rest from connecting because your blood isn't being processed...

Jack hon, please do me a favor and lay offa the booze for a while, K?
You are just getting your life together, and I would hate to see you throw it all away because you can't get ahold of yourself...
I strongly suggest you go get some Prozac, rather than self medicate.

You think being a little overweight is bad, wait till you lose a liver...

Yup, my old buddy Jim couldn't go to bed unless he was ready to pass out, and he tended to slur his speech as much after the first drink as he did after the last. And then he started to slur his speech without drinking, until he ended up sounding like he had Down's Syndrome. And then he died. He was 36. He used to drive me nuts when we'd go out drinking, because I could quit after I got a decent buzz on, and he was convinced I was too cheap to buy more drinks; he never could understand that there was such a thing as "enough", or a happy three-beer buzz. For Jim, if you were still upright, you weren't yet where you needed to be.

I couldn't save him from drinking himself to death. Maybe somebody can save Jack.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 6:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jacks' prolly not drunk, just high on weed. It does that to you. Makes any inane chicken-scratch look like revelatio... hey, that lampshade is RED. RED.

.... Where was I???

Oh, yeah.

My guess is that in abut an hour, if he hasn't already, he'll be very hungry. He may be rummaging the frig right about now.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:07 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I think he's got loosey-goosey connections in his brain. There's a continuum between people who are very logical through people who connect up unrelated things in odd ways through downright schizophrenic. He probably shouldn't be smoking weed or indulging in any other hallucinogen.

But it does strike me as odd - not knowing him personally what I get from his posts is that he had no money, he got a job, and it looks like his first paycheck he goes on some kind of bender.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

from the other thread - or both booze AND weed

... here in my drunken stupor ... it's such a draw for me in my "drunken hours" ... even while I was drinking (and at that time, smoking tons of bud)

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 4:13 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
I don't know, we'll see what Jack does. I'm looking forward to a good challenge here.

But you're probably right, only my first post got a response. In a contest of sick burns, the person who ends the contest is the loser, because then the contest is over.

Nah Byte....

NO challenge here....

WTF was that original post even about??????

I sure couldn't tell you....

I'd love to think that I was posting something ironic and/or mysterious, but anyway I look at it, no... it just speaks to the 13 5.6% Icehouses I drank in between shifts.

Sorry about that. No need to get the "claws" out on me.


Originally posted by Wishimay:
Yes he was drunk, but the thing that concerns me is HOW drunk. If he's only had a few and is posting like that he more than likely has cirrhosis already...

There was a guy in chat a year ago that would repeat things every twenty seconds and ramble just like Jack and I begged him to go to the doc, which he did after a polyp burst, and found out he had cirrhosis...

That's why chronic drunks are unintelligible, the affects don't just kill off brain cells, they inhibit the rest from connecting because your blood isn't being processed...

Jack hon, please do me a favor and lay offa the booze for a while, K?
You are just getting your life together, and I would hate to see you throw it all away because you can't get ahold of yourself...
I strongly suggest you go get some Prozac, rather than self medicate.

You think being a little overweight is bad, wait till you lose a liver...

Hey Wish,

I love you girl..... (if hubbs is reading, I assure both of you it's a platonic love :))

I was absolutely fine on pot... until I had to quit it. In "real life", at least for now fortunately, nobody notices the differences, but online here and in other circles, when people have to put up with my idiocy, and when I have to be "drunk enough" to even read my embarrassing posts from the day/night before, it's becoming quite clear that I do have a problem.

At this point, yes, I may even have physical problems exacerbating the issue. It wouldn't be that way if I could just light a f-ing joint after work and give up booze again entirely.

I'm only 32 though.... I seriously doubt that I've got bursting pylops and other things. Although, my bro did have that brain hemmorage when he was 6 years old and i have weird and sometimes MASSIVE headache "things" before I go to bed now if I haven't had at least 4-5 beers. It always occurs RIGHT when I'm on the verge of sleep. Put some beer in me though, and I sleep like a baby.

If you have any info on that "phenomenon", Wish, I'd love to hear it. I can't dig up any info on what the hell that problem is.


Originally posted by RionaEire:
I think, given that it all makes sense now, he posted this while nailed and doesn't remember it, but why is he nailed during the day? I guess because he works at night.

Jack man, things are getting too weird, now might be the time to evaluate where you're at with this plastering thing.

Yup...... My 6:30AM, many days is what my 6:30PM used to be. I might be bad.... I might be SERIOUSLY bad... but Jack doesn't ever drink without putting in a full day's work behind him, no matter what time of day that might be.

I've been evaluating, for sure, and that's good advice.... for sure....

Still hasn't changed nothing for my habits, although I realize I have a lot of sorry-saying to do when I get my shit pulled together.

Frem telling me to basically screw myself was a big wake up call.


Originally posted by Kwicko:
Yup, my old buddy Jim couldn't go to bed unless he was ready to pass out, and he tended to slur his speech as much after the first drink as he did after the last. And then he started to slur his speech without drinking, until he ended up sounding like he had Down's Syndrome. And then he died. He was 36. He used to drive me nuts when we'd go out drinking, because I could quit after I got a decent buzz on, and he was convinced I was too cheap to buy more drinks; he never could understand that there was such a thing as "enough", or a happy three-beer buzz. For Jim, if you were still upright, you weren't yet where you needed to be.

I couldn't save him from drinking himself to death. Maybe somebody can save Jack.

That's where I am Kwick. It's hard to sleep when not drunk when I can't smoke weed anymore. Maybe that's what the government would rather have us do? Be stupid and incoherent rather than rational and in a calm state of mind. I barely drank for 8 years straight until I gave up weed. Now I drink more than I ever did.

Nobody is going to save me but myself. We all die alone...... In the mean time, it seems, that I choose to live alone.

I've got plenty of real world friends and family surrounding me, but none of them know what you know. Hell, I'm only realizing it for myself in the last few days of embarassment. It would take somebody who lived with me and cared about me to make a difference, and I've done everything I could to be self sufficient and not beholden to a single person or credit agency.

We reap what we sow, and this self inflicted gutter I'm bathing in is my own responsibility to clean up.

I should be setting an example of what to do and not "what not to do" from this base.

It's embarrassing.

I'm embarrassing to myself.

I'm just glad that people in my life haven't seen this side of me. I've got to turn things around before everyone can see it.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Jacks' prolly not drunk, just high on weed. It does that to you. Makes any inane chicken-scratch look like revelatio... hey, that lampshade is RED. RED.

.... Where was I???

Oh, yeah.

My guess is that in abut an hour, if he hasn't already, he'll be very hungry. He may be rummaging the frig right about now.

Oh hell Signy.....

I wish I was high on weed....

I spoke with you for years on weed and I smoked every day like they were cigarettes. Weed suits me, beer doesn't. I assure you I'm drunk now and I've been drunk pretty much since I've posted and I came back. There's nothing wrong with weed.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
I think he's got loosey-goosey connections in his brain. There's a continuum between people who are very logical through people who connect up unrelated things in odd ways through downright schizophrenic. He probably shouldn't be smoking weed or indulging in any other hallucinogen.

But it does strike me as odd - not knowing him personally what I get from his posts is that he had no money, he got a job, and it looks like his first paycheck he goes on some kind of bender.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.

Hey 1kki,

I have about 10k saved up still. I have a house and car paid for. (sorry Kwick, but 1kki missed the previous TPS reports).

I can't find a good job though. My current job is actually great for me, although I wish it paid about 2 bucks more an hour. Overnight stocking is a breeze to my mind-type and I get more done than anybody even though I'm the new guy. Regularly, we're only supposed to get 24 hours a week, but my boss keeps asking me if I want more days and I've been working 32 to 40 hours a week.

My posts before illustrated how I now can show some solidarity to the bottom feeders, of which I am one of now. I have no idea how anybody could do it without government aid if they had a mortgage and a car payment. The only way I see how is to find a "mate" you don't absolutely hate and do it together. I'm a lone wolf though, and there is no way a single guy with the job I have could do what I'm doing if everything hadn't already been bought from a great salary before, great timing, and 8 months of researching and picking out the perfect house that needed a ton of work that I was equipped to tackle.

I'm not "nigger rich" (excuse the language, but that's what my old junkie's mom would call her son on tax refund day). I've been drinking this much for about 18 months now. I've been rehabbing this house since last August without any "pay" or government assistance, and I've had to pay a shit ton in penalties to my retirement accounts. Until I had this job I have now, I had only made 1k this year although I'd spent 4k on taxes between penalties and taxes on the withdraws, sales/excise taxes on food and booze and property taxes.

Thankfully, I just reduced my property taxes, with legitimate pictures and city memos from $2,300 a year to only $1,100 a year. Not only do I not owe $1,150 in November, but they're writing me a check for 80 bucks in overpayment now.

I'm defiantly f-d up, and I need to really evalutate where I am in life, but outside of the RWED, most wouldn't' even think I'm an alcoholic, let alone a functional one.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 4:26 AM


I feel for you, Jack. And I hope for the best for you.

It really is hard making it on your own. I've had married/child-ed friends tell me how simple life must be for me. They don't see the challenges for single people. It goes beyond the financial - though that's a big one!

Anyway, I really hope you find your way out of this. You seem like a decent guy when you're not blacked-out drunk.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 4:40 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
I feel for you, Jack. And I hope for the best for you.

It really is hard making it on your own. I've had married/child-ed friends tell me how simple life must be for me. They don't see the challenges for single people. It goes beyond the financial - though that's a big one!

Anyway, I really hope you find your way out of this. You seem like a decent guy when you're not blacked-out drunk.

Thanks M4P!

One day at a time.....

I won't go into details, but living alone with zero responsiblity besides paying the bills is a quagmire of BS that you'd never think it was when you were a kid at Christmas watching "Home Alone" on the big screen.

Let's just say that without a "mate" to keep you in constant "check"..... well.... you know the drill...

For all those who don't know about this lifestlye... let's just say that there are a lot of "outside influences" who make it a point to target people like us.

Sometimes I indulge, but when I look at a 60 dollar pricetag for a movie and 2 Cokes and 2 popcorns on a date, I think I'm making the right choice in the long run, even on the few occasions I make the wrong choice.

I'm really not a dick in "real life".

I can't even excuse some of my behavior here......

Just one more cross I have to bear....


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:19 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I have to say I had no idea that anyone could be so incoherently drunk and still be upright and typing.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 7:36 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So, I was thinking about this and here is my opinion.

6ix, you seem to be self-medicating. It's obvious to me that you're going from one drug to the next for a reason.

So, initially you started getting drunk to feel better from whatever that thing is that's driving you. But then something weird happened. You got dangerously addicted, and what started out as a fun release turned into a process out of your volition and control.

I think you need to do two things.

One is to get help for your drinking because if you don't, it WILL kill you, as it killed an uncle of mine, and almost killed my mother. Alcoholism runs in my family, and I personally know the pull of wanting to drink too much too often, so I speak from a little experience. I don't do it, but some days it's a fight.

The other thing you need to do afterward is to resolve that thing that is driving you to self-medicate. B/c if you don't, you'll just go right back to drinking or whatever the next thing is that will hook you.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012 10:59 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I won't go into details, but living alone with zero responsiblity besides paying the bills is a quagmire of BS that you'd never think it was when you were a kid at Christmas watching "Home Alone" on the big screen.

Let's just say that without a "mate" to keep you in constant "check"..... well.... you know the drill...

For all those who don't know about this lifestlye... let's just say that there are a lot of "outside influences" who make it a point to target people like us.

I live by myself, with a simmilar lack of responsibility to others - and I've never felt any particularly insideous outside influence pushing me toward self-destructive behavior. When those impulses do come along - it's all me.

Accepting your own responsibility for your behavior, and not placing the blame on "outside influences" would be a good start.

Note to anyone - Please pity the poor, poor wittle Rappyboy. He's feeling put upon lately, what with all those facts disagreeing with what he believes.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Thursday, July 5, 2012 8:49 AM


Some people have issues.

You Jack, have fully annotated special editions.



Thursday, July 5, 2012 2:33 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

A Jack a chara,

I don't think going back to weed is going to be a real solution for you. You've got to figure out why you do this. Try going a while without any substances and see how you feel, that way you can figure out why you started using substances in the first place. Because there's probably a reason, whether its chemical or circumstantial. If you can figure out what it is then maybe you can figure out what to do about it to help. I always like talking to you, you've always been nice to me even when we don't agree.

I have Kathy Bates on speed dial, mwa ha ha ha (in exaggeratedly evil voice)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya.


Thursday, July 5, 2012 2:54 PM


Jack: I will add to what other folks are saying here - the Shadows in you are violent, and they are noticeably violent towards those of the feminine persuasion. Posting things you don't remember is pretty much doing things you don't remember. I hope you get a handle on this before you, while blacked out and under full control of the skeletons in your subconscious, do things that are seriously seriously bad. I don't really know you, but from what I've seen here it seems you have potential to do things that would truly horrify the conscious you once you sobered up. Not to mention the ill effects for the other party or parties involved.

Kwicko: cutting back step by step is, sadly, not the answer. The chemistry in a drunk's brain doesn't work like that. They can't stop at 10 one night, 9 the next, etc. Way I hear it (and I've heard a LOT about this...) once they take the first sip, the rest inevitably follow.

Jack's got to deal with the things that are driving him to do this. And he can only deal if he decides to do it - step 1 comes before step 8. Step 1 normally follows some kind of rock bottom. I've heard a lot drunk-a-logs, stories of rock bottoms that are pretty horrifying. I really hope Jack's isn't far below where he's at already.


Thursday, July 5, 2012 3:09 PM


I may be going overboard, but Jack does worry me.

I have friends and family in AA, and I've had some involvement in support of them as well as for my own healing. I can't tell you how much "The Promises" touched me when I first read them. And I've seen them come true for people who were once pretty damned pathetic drunks. (That's their words, not mine!)

The Promises, that are read in many A.A. Meetings can be found on page 83-84, of the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous.


If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and selfpity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.

Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us—sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.

(OK, the "God" part bugs me, but I've been told that atheists should feel free to see it as "Good Orderly Direction", rather than an old man in robes or somesuch.)


Thursday, July 5, 2012 3:37 PM



I've been hesitant to get back into this, because I'm still not sure how much with Jack is real, and because I have had a grandmother who was alcoholic, but I was never around her when she was drunk, and because I feel like I was kind of a jerk in my ignorance here.

But, this seems to be some good advice. You gotta take care of yourself Jack, because ultimately even if you have a long chain of girlfriends who dote on your every whim, in the end you're the only one who CAN take care of yourself. You can't be independent until you have no dependencies. Also, people can take advantage of you while you're blitzed out of your mind, and considering everything we're fighting for, that's a big risk.


Thursday, July 5, 2012 4:16 PM


America loves a winner!

You mention being alone a fair bit. I guess it's all how one looks at things, but another way to look at is that you're not being annoyed by anyone either.

Glass half full, sort of thing. ( pardon the pun, of course )

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, July 6, 2012 7:26 AM


Before I post any further here in my thread which was completely incoherent at the time I wrote it, I'd like to say a few things....

1) To Niki. Sorry for calling you the word I called you. I don't remember calling you that, but there it is, staring me in the face, mortifying me. Even more, after reading the posts before and after that, I don't even see a reason to have done it. I'm not going to insult you and ask you for forgiveness now, but I just want you to know that I do realize, to great embarrassment, that not only was my reply to you that day totally unwarranted, but it didn't even make any sense.

2) Though I have ZERO doubt that I need to change my ways and do some serious self evaluation, I think I figured out what has pushed me over the edge in the last 10 or so days....

Working 8 hours at night in an un-air-conditioned store and being able to wring your shirt out is just par for the course for us bottom feeders. But, going home to a house that was 92 degrees when you left for work and is only down to 88 degrees when you came back is another thing. Add to that, drinking as much as I did when it was 40 degrees outside, in the finished attic that has no airflow (the only place in the house that I allow myself to smoke), in a room that the computer heats up even more, and it's a wonder I haven't had a stroke....

I just want to put Wish's worries (and my own) to bed here. I think if I can kick this thing, there will be no long lasting physical effects. It's just too hot to do what I do, even though I continue do it.

I'm grateful for the posts here and I want to answer all of them in turn.....


Originally posted by 1kiki:
I have to say I had no idea that anyone could be so incoherently drunk and still be upright and typing.

Hehe... Don't feed the trolls 1kiki.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
So, I was thinking about this and here is my opinion.

6ix, you seem to be self-medicating. It's obvious to me that you're going from one drug to the next for a reason.

So, initially you started getting drunk to feel better from whatever that thing is that's driving you. But then something weird happened. You got dangerously addicted, and what started out as a fun release turned into a process out of your volition and control.

I think you need to do two things.

One is to get help for your drinking because if you don't, it WILL kill you, as it killed an uncle of mine, and almost killed my mother. Alcoholism runs in my family, and I personally know the pull of wanting to drink too much too often, so I speak from a little experience. I don't do it, but some days it's a fight.

The other thing you need to do afterward is to resolve that thing that is driving you to self-medicate. B/c if you don't, you'll just go right back to drinking or whatever the next thing is that will hook you.

That's better.....

I'm self medicating, for sure. I won't argue that in the least....

I don't believe I'm an alcoholic though. I'm just "addicted to being addicted". Today I only drink "pop" about 3 times a year when my bro and sis-in-law throw a party and he has some "Throwback" Mountain Dew with real cane sugar. I thrived on pop and video games for 15 years before stepping into anything "harder". Hell... even before I started drinking again about 7 years back, I probably went through 3 liters of Pepsi a day and it's a wonder I didn't get type 2 diabetes. Overnight it seemed that I switched the pop for beer, but I only had about 3 a night back when I was smoking weed. Take weed out of the equation though, and with nothing left but cigarettes I drink the hell out of that beer.

Not that I'm "helping" my case at all here, but if I were thrust into a world where everyone around me did Coke 24/7, I'd gladly give up beer in a second to do that instead.

A true alcoholic NEEDs alcohol. I need SOMETHING, and it's the only legal and cheap fix for that something (so you bargain with the devil so you're okay for today ~Jewel).

I'm not trying to deflect responsibility here. I am my own worst critic and enemy. I have NOBODY to blame for my response to "life" but myself.

Hopefully I can veer that back towards spending WAY too much time at the gym bulking up and running like I did before. It was so much in excess that any shrink would call it unhealthy, but when I've lived the alternatives, I can't argue the results....


Originally posted by Storymark:
I live by myself, with a simmilar lack of responsibility to others - and I've never felt any particularly insideous outside influence pushing me toward self-destructive behavior. When those impulses do come along - it's all me.

Accepting your own responsibility for your behavior, and not placing the blame on "outside influences" would be a good start.

I appreciate the input, but at the same time I have to say it's easy to say that when you're not voluntarily under the microscope. I've practically thrown myself to the wolves and given my secrets up for everyone to dissect under a microscope in the last week.

We're ALL influenced by "outside influences". How we cope with those external forces is what makes us who we are. I'm in NO position to judge you, but since you're single by choice, I can't imagine that in the end we're all that much different from each other when the masks are pulled off.


Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Some people have issues.

You Jack, have fully annotated special editions.


It's kind of weird that the shittiest thing I have to say to anybody here is to you Frem.

You're really being a dick about this whole thing. Maybe it's for my benefit and I should just go with it. "God" knows I deserve it.

I'd say more, but I don't feel like saying more now. I appreciate our relationship too much to do so at this juncture.


Originally posted by RionaEire:
A Jack a chara,

I don't think going back to weed is going to be a real solution for you. You've got to figure out why you do this. Try going a while without any substances and see how you feel, that way you can figure out why you started using substances in the first place. Because there's probably a reason, whether its chemical or circumstantial. If you can figure out what it is then maybe you can figure out what to do about it to help. I always like talking to you, you've always been nice to me even when we don't agree.

You're probably right Riona,

Weed isn't the answer. I felt a lot better, and I was a lot more financially successful while on it, and I wasn't KILLING my liver, but those years of my life flew by like any recent years just as quickly with nothing fond to look back upon.

I actually have a large box full of old things with GF's I'd had in the past. Love letters, ticket stubs, gifts, flyers from plays or musicals, Prom pics and paraphernalia, poems I'd written, even some bras and panties . Every once in a few years I look into this, and it amazes me still, how I can look at an item in the box and completely remember where it came from. Even a girl I had forgotten her name now, it makes me remember it. I really need to get a fireproof safe for those items.

There's not a day I don't think about how I've hated who I've become. It's been nearly 5 years since I've had a regular girlfriend (see: psychopath) and 2 years since I've even tried. As normal or psycho as they may be, I'm the weak link. I'm the common denominator of all of my failed relationships.

At least, if I could say I would be happy in the end with a meek girl who conformed to my every wish and I wouldn't get bored of her, that would be one thing.... but I already know that won't happen. If it ever got to that point, I'd throw her out like weekly garbage.

I do "THINGS" because I shouldn't be having sex. There it is, plain and simple....

Any sexual relationship I enter in is doomed... and I have no female friends today in real life because I've had sex with all of them. It's not their fault, but because I feel so low about myself I treat any woman who's had sex with me like an inferior.

There it is.......


Thank's Mr. Freud.


Originally posted by mal4prez:
Jack: I will add to what other folks are saying here - the Shadows in you are violent, and they are noticeably violent towards those of the feminine persuasion. Posting things you don't remember is pretty much doing things you don't remember. I hope you get a handle on this before you, while blacked out and under full control of the skeletons in your subconscious, do things that are seriously seriously bad. I don't really know you, but from what I've seen here it seems you have potential to do things that would truly horrify the conscious you once you sobered up. Not to mention the ill effects for the other party or parties involved.

Hey M4P,

I understand where you're coming from completely, but I really am harmless. I let HUGE spiders out of my house via cup and paper and I cried like a baby at the last 3 episodes of "Chuck".

I understand your concern about "what I do when I don't remember" doing it, but I KNOW deep in my heart that I could NEVER harm any person, especially a female.

Unfortunately for me, everything I do is self destructive.......

Sure, many days I "hate the world", but who doesn't these days?

I'm doing better than most ever probably will, and I'm basically working the same job I did half my age ago to pay the bills... What do I really have to complain about in life?

In fact, I can think of more than one "psycho" ex-girlfriend in the past that I wish was around now that a dual income would give us enough to party 3 nights a week..... :)


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

I've been hesitant to get back into this, because I'm still not sure how much with Jack is real, and because I have had a grandmother who was alcoholic, but I was never around her when she was drunk, and because I feel like I was kind of a jerk in my ignorance here.

But, this seems to be some good advice. You gotta take care of yourself Jack, because ultimately even if you have a long chain of girlfriends who dote on your every whim, in the end you're the only one who CAN take care of yourself. You can't be independent until you have no dependencies. Also, people can take advantage of you while you're blitzed out of your mind, and considering everything we're fighting for, that's a big risk.

Hey Byte,

You were probably around A-LOT when Grams was drinking. My step-mom's mother had bottles of vodka hidden in 50 places in her house. Believe it or not, I'm posting this thread, this LONG, and I'm already 9 beers in to it, and I'm still coherent. Add to that the fact that it's 100 degrees where I'm sitting with a tornado fan blowing on me.

But YOU are right here.....

I won't EVER be FREE until I'm FREE of my own dependencies.....

God help Trumps daughter when I win the next Apprentice and show his family who's boss when I'm sober

Obsessiveness isn't a bad thing.... it just needs to be tempered by a Master......


Originally posted by AURaptor:

You mention being alone a fair bit. I guess it's all how one looks at things, but another way to look at is that you're not being annoyed by anyone either.

Glass half full, sort of thing. ( pardon the pun, of course )

In the end, Rap, of course that's what it's all about....

Nobody is a lone wolf because it's miserable.

This lone, but capable, wolf just needs some real evidence that there is even some reason at all to believe that co-existing is better than being alone and feral.


Friday, July 6, 2012 7:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Was only going to post the giggle I got out of your incredibly long post, given you just snarked at me for posting long quotes in the Tom/Katie thread--talk about pot calling kettle black!

But I did spot my name so read that part. I'm glad you regret that filth, and yeah, there was no discernable reason for it, which was weird. That's all I have to say on the matter.


Friday, July 6, 2012 7:54 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Was only going to post the giggle I got out of your incredibly long post, given you just snarked at me for posting long quotes in the Tom/Katie thread--talk about pot calling kettle black!

But I did spot my name so read that part. I'm glad you regret that filth, and yeah, there was no discernable reason for it, which was weird. That's all I have to say on the matter.



My own long posts aren't posts of others, they are my own....

You feel more comfortable wearing masks of people you believe in...

I can't argue that Niki....

Less people hate you for your way for sure....

Sorry I called you a CUNT

I'm sure I'm at least the Male version of that word if not more.

Keep being a "bitch of reason" and I'll keep being a "dick of reason"

No more BS....., truce? :)


Friday, July 6, 2012 12:44 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's kind of weird that the shittiest thing I have to say to anybody here is to you Frem.

You're really being a dick about this whole thing. Maybe it's for my benefit and I should just go with it. "God" knows I deserve it.

Well, you're not a complete fuckin moron, there's that.

You don't need sympathy, which is good cause I don't do sympathy too well, you need a boot in your ass, and believe me your behavior has encouraged me to provide, but only so far.

The worst of it is just how deeply and dearly I know, that once this starts to unfold itself to you, the weight of my scorn will be but a feather to your own, believe this if naught else - NO one can scourge your for your sins as bad as your own conscience.

And that awful knowledge is coming your way soon enough, and for that much, I am sorry - but the alternatives are worse.



Sunday, July 8, 2012 7:54 AM


WTF do you want from me Frem? A picture of me nailed up to a fucking cross?

You and I know it would be Photoshopped anyways....

Legitimately, the ONLY excuse for my behavior is that I'm "too free" these days.

It's not that way for everyone, but that's what my free time brings me....

And I have PLENTY of it.....

I envy you for doing good with any ounce of free time you have Frem. I have Gallons of free time to your ounces, meanwhile, although i wish I didn't.

Here's Jack.... Decadence and evil and a "fuck all" attitude about anything and everything all wrapped up into whatever Mickey Mousery that leads one to....

Whatever makes you happy is my motto.

I'm "on the books" poor and that mantra has credence here....

Imagine what that mantra would do to the "real world" if I was rich and powerful and it became an unstoppable force....

Bottom line, it's a numbers game, Frem....

Aside from Alcohol and Nicotene, I'm (FDA) drug free...

Those caveats aside, I'm living on about 700 bucks a month at my house and banking the surplus...

Lone wolf, but NEVER without a companion when I need one.

I love you man, but if you're going to be a dick to me than whatever, I'll be a dick right back...


Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's kind of weird that the shittiest thing I have to say to anybody here is to you Frem.

You're really being a dick about this whole thing. Maybe it's for my benefit and I should just go with it. "God" knows I deserve it.

Well, you're not a complete fuckin moron, there's that.

You don't need sympathy, which is good cause I don't do sympathy too well, you need a boot in your ass, and believe me your behavior has encouraged me to provide, but only so far.

The worst of it is just how deeply and dearly I know, that once this starts to unfold itself to you, the weight of my scorn will be but a feather to your own, believe this if naught else - NO one can scourge your for your sins as bad as your own conscience.

And that awful knowledge is coming your way soon enough, and for that much, I am sorry - but the alternatives are worse.



Sunday, July 8, 2012 12:10 PM



You were probably around A-LOT when Grams was drinking. My step-mom's mother had bottles of vodka hidden in 50 places in her house.

She had vodka alright, stored all around her house. We found it after she died, supposedly after she was on the wagon.

But, she tended to drink while she was on her own (which is the worst way to drink), and then drunk call my family accusing us of taking her stuff, and I was never the one taking those calls, so, I still really don't know how a drunk person acts or talks.


It's just too hot to do what I do, even though I continue do it.

Yeah, that's probably a huge part of it. You're dehydrating yourself to unholy hell, tossing on drinks on top of that is not doing you any favours.


Mountain Dew with real cane sugar. I thrived on pop and video games for 15 years before stepping into anything "harder". Hell... even before I started drinking again about 7 years back, I probably went through 3 liters of Pepsi a day and it's a wonder I didn't get type 2 diabetes. Overnight it seemed that I switched the pop for beer, but I only had about 3 a night back when I was smoking weed.

This is also probably a big factor in the weight gain that has you down. Not only are you likely retaining water, but real sugar soda and beer both are very high carbs.


Sunday, July 8, 2012 1:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"I have to say I had no idea that anyone could be so incoherently drunk and still be upright and typing."

FWIW I meant that. I have seen lots and lots of drunkenness, but I have never seen anyone that incoherent still be upright, let alone typing.

My opinion again -

Your history - nicotine - weed - alcohol - all brain-altering chemicals and all to excess - isn't a coincidence. If you were 'addicted to being addicted' you’d be liable to being addicted to origami, thumb-twiddling, the color red. Instead, you choose brain-altering chemicals and get repeatedly addicted to one after the other or more than one at a time.

Until you come to grips with that in an honest way you're going to continue on the same path, just playing around the edges of stopping.

A young guy I used to work with was like that. He was probably one of the smartest people I'll ever meet. But he was a serious drunk by the young age of 27, and some of my co-workers would go scouring Los Angeles for him every week, finding him passed out on the street, at the bus station, in a park. To this day I have no idea how they even figured out where to look - it's a big place. He was finally fired for repeated no-call no-show. And eventually people got tired of taking care of him and his issues.

Anyway, statistically, things didn't look so good for him. To be that young, that drunk, that often, to have lost your job and your friends b/c alcohol was far more important, to have lost your home and be having to move from friend to relative to acquaintance burning your bridges behind you - he was close to being a street bum.

In any case, through some process of insight, honesty, and facing his demons he got sober, got his PhD in chemistry, got a good job he enjoys, got married, now has a family he loves dearly. So I know it can be done, even for people who look pretty deep into self-destruction.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Monday, July 9, 2012 4:25 AM


Funny you mention Origami, ikki....

When I was a kid, i was obsessed with Origami and Dinosaur Bones. I was also obsessed with American Indian Arrowheads and would have killed for a metal detector to find buried treasure....

These "things" you so willingly frown upon, in my mind, are simply tools to keep on living when you're completely beaten and broken.

Sure, the weed I no longer partake in would not allow me to get a decent job, and the alcohol I drink (though untracable the next day) will ruin my liver, it's not as if I've turned to Heroin or Meth.

That's what weed is.....

It was the perfect balance.....

I've been off of it over 18 months now and I'm still not very socialable in real life, just like I wasn't while I was on it or before I ever smoked it. In the end, it's far more healthier than the excess of smokes and the insane amount of beer I drink to compensate.

I'm not writing this stuff to convince you that weed is for you.

I'm writing this to say that for people of my like mind, and I assume there is WAY more of them than you'd expect, weed is a good thing and shouldn't be illegal.

Hell, if I were in California, not only would I have a good job, but I'd have a perscription for weed powerbars.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
"I have to say I had no idea that anyone could be so incoherently drunk and still be upright and typing."

FWIW I meant that. I have seen lots and lots of drunkenness, but I have never seen anyone that incoherent still be upright, let alone typing.

My opinion again -

Your history - nicotine - weed - alcohol - all brain-altering chemicals and all to excess - isn't a coincidence. If you were 'addicted to being addicted' you’d be liable to being addicted to origami, thumb-twiddling, the color red. Instead, you choose brain-altering chemicals and get repeatedly addicted to one after the other or more than one at a time.

Until you come to grips with that in an honest way you're going to continue on the same path, just playing around the edges of stopping.

A young guy I used to work with was like that. He was probably one of the smartest people I'll ever meet. But he was a serious drunk by the young age of 27, and some of my co-workers would go scouring Los Angeles for him every week, finding him passed out on the street, at the bus station, in a park. To this day I have no idea how they even figured out where to look - it's a big place. He was finally fired for repeated no-call no-show. And eventually people got tired of taking care of him and his issues.

Anyway, statistically, things didn't look so good for him. To be that young, that drunk, that often, to have lost your job and your friends b/c alcohol was far more important, to have lost your home and be having to move from friend to relative to acquaintance burning your bridges behind you - he was close to being a street bum.

In any case, through some process of insight, honesty, and facing his demons he got sober, got his PhD in chemistry, got a good job he enjoys, got married, now has a family he loves dearly. So I know it can be done, even for people who look pretty deep into self-destruction.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Monday, July 9, 2012 4:37 AM



Sure, the weed I no longer partake in would not allow me to get a decent job, and the alcohol I drink (though untracable the next day) will ruin my liver, it's not as if I've turned to Heroin or Meth.

You're still making excuses. :/

If you're addicted to something, it doesn't matter if you're not addicted to something that's MORE addictive, man. You're still addicted. You're still dependent. The substance is still impacting the quality of your life and might kill you.

It won't matter whether you were addicted to weed alcohol or heroin or meth if you end up dead either way.


weed is a good thing and shouldn't be illegal.

Maybe. But maybe you just ended up isolating yourself even more from what's real. And I know, what's real sucks, and the world is intolerable without any kind of escape. But on the other hand, maybe you weren't really living when you were like that. It just seemed like it to you because you felt better about things, but, were things REALLY better for you back then, more so than they are now? I suspect not (I mean, I know people knock you for talking about your house so much, but, you actually OWN a HOUSE).

I suspect you're looking through gold lenses of nostalgia at the past and the time when you were on weed. But you were just as addicted, and just as non-functional as you say you are now.

That's what addiction does to you.

And that's why no addiction is good, that's why you shouldn't try to replace one addiction with another, and why you shouldn't tell yourself you liked being addicted to something else more. What you NEED to do, instead of wish you had more weed or booze, is try to figure out why you think you need so much weed or booze, and confront that.


Monday, July 9, 2012 4:59 AM


Hey Byte....

I know I am still making excuses. If a 12 step program is real and the first step is admittance, I'm well on my way....

What's the answer though...?

I need something?

I might be horrible here to certain individuals, and in real life to myself, but i keep it covered from my personal real world and have for years. Though I haven't "conventionally" dated in a few years, I have found some companionship with girls who were likely more messed up than I am to pass the time.

I pretended I didn't "get" it when I was dating the girl I thought I would marry, when her step-dad hated me. All parents before loved me, and I'm great at this thing, I said to myself.... but I was just a little bit older then and I was dealing with a guy who had been though 2 previous marriages before.

For her, I'm glad he stepped in....

It would have not been good for her, even if she was happy whenever I told her to be.

For years I would find my kinks outside of our marriage, and occasionally I'd pleasure her myself and maybe we'd have a kid or two. I'd still be everywhere but home looking for my next cerebral fix....

The only thing she'd have going for her then besides being able to stay at home and watch whatever kids we had and keep the house clean and cook the meals and work out is that she didn't have to work a shitty job like most of us do.

Maybe I'm being too hard on myself though.....

Maybe that's exactly what she needed?


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

Sure, the weed I no longer partake in would not allow me to get a decent job, and the alcohol I drink (though untracable the next day) will ruin my liver, it's not as if I've turned to Heroin or Meth.

You're still making excuses. :/

If you're addicted to something, it doesn't matter if you're not addicted to something that's MORE addictive, man. You're still addicted. You're still dependent. The substance is still impacting the quality of your life and might kill you.

It won't matter whether you were addicted to weed alcohol or heroin or meth if you end up dead either way.


weed is a good thing and shouldn't be illegal.

Maybe. But maybe you just ended up isolating yourself even more from what's real. And I know, what's real sucks, and the world is intolerable without any kind of escape. But on the other hand, maybe you weren't really living when you were like that. It just seemed like it to you because you felt better about things, but, were things REALLY better for you back then, more so than they are now? I suspect not (I mean, I know people knock you for talking about your house so much, but, you actually OWN a HOUSE).

I suspect you're looking through gold lenses of nostalgia at the past and the time when you were on weed. But you were just as addicted, and just as non-functional as you say you are now.

That's what addiction does to you.

And that's why no addiction is good, that's why you shouldn't try to replace one addiction with another, and why you shouldn't tell yourself you liked being addicted to something else more. What you NEED to do, instead of wish you had more weed or booze, is try to figure out why you think you need so much weed or booze, and confront that.


Monday, July 9, 2012 5:43 AM



For years I would find my kinks outside of our marriage, and occasionally I'd pleasure her myself and maybe we'd have a kid or two. I'd still be everywhere but home looking for my next cerebral fix....

Nothing wrong with that if she's in on it. So, the question I'd ask you, is whether you'd be all right with her sleeping with other guys while you're sleeping with other women.

If you think about this, this whole thing is fairly natural. Most people aren't actually monogamous. They have a lot of short term relationships, with a few longer term relationships when the parents of their kids stop by now and then while they're seeing other people. It's actually what's best for genetic diversity and the survival of the offspring.

The problem crops up when people start listening to all the ridiculous social programming and talk about forever. NOTHING is forever. Then they get all this crazy when they start trying to deny their natural inclinations. It's a stupid way to run a society, clearly invented by insecure abandonment-phobes and power-dominance addicts.


I need something?

Perhaps you do. Are you sure that your drinking and the weed is a compensation for a lack of sex, though? It sounds to me that you do all right in that respect.

Do you mean more of a lack of emotional connection or intimacy? And why is it when you think of that, you automatically think of the opposite sex? Do you have any guy friends? It sounded like you do. In the very least it sounds like you have some coworkers you hang out with.

I don't think you're as alone as you think you are. Which makes me think it might be a different problem driving your addictions.

I think that you're depressed. I think it makes you think you're alone and unwanted, and that you're a bad person. But you're not, you're just a person struggling with what your dark side keeps whispering to you. You try to counter that by talking yourself up about how awesome you are, which isn't bad (though perhaps frustrating to those who know you), but then you also drink yourself into a coma to try to shut up that voice and numb all the existential angst.

You self-sabotage because for all your talk and your boasting, you have another voice telling you that you don't deserve any of the good that comes to you. You know that it runs in your family, and so it's probably not just you, it's probably something medical, that may have been exacerbated by the events in your life.

So, I'd say your best bet for fighting is to start there.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012 6:39 AM


Dude, Byte, I'd be down with that....

My ideal relationship would be with a girl who was as sexually deviant as me but always came back "home" like I do.

Protection is a must.....

If I got 2nd hand Syphilis, I'd choke a bitch...

I NEVER want to get married, EVER....

Kids come from that, I understand

My step aunt and her "guy" are awesome at it.

Why put a label on something so good?

He loves his kids more than he loves himself. Their parties are the fucking best family parties I've ever been invited to...

I'm pretty sure his job history before his new job from networking would show about a 20 year gap in non-employment on the books

to any feds out there in Haken's Potential RWED Spy Agency......

Bark up another tree

I'm legit and as clean as they come....

I'll sit on my house and no mortgage and support anybody I want to

Carl's Jr......

Fuck you....

I'm eating!






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