Cane Toads, Blue Whales, Red Wolves and Other Updates from the Brink

UPDATED: Monday, December 3, 2012 21:06
VIEWED: 3703
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Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:00 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Just because it's nice to sometimes hear of man's efforts to SAVE species on the brink of extinction for a change:

People often ask me, “How can you write about endangered species all the time? Isn’t it depressing?” Sure, it can be, but not as depressing as the sheer number of stories that I don’t get to write about. So let’s catch up on some of the stories that should have made headlines this month.

First on our list, let’s look to Australia, where endangered species are being taught not to eat cane toads (Bufo marinus), the toxic, invasive species that has famously wreaked havoc on the continent’s ecology. Scientists are using a technique called taste aversion therapy, which teaches animals that potentially dangerous foods don’t taste good or will make them sick. I first wrote about this back in 2010, when the technique was being tested on northern quolls (Dasyurus hallucatus), which, like many other native species, have an annoying tendency to die when they try to eat cane toads. Scientists for Western Australia’s Department of Environment and Conservation say they have now tested taste aversion—with positive results—on quolls, dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) and unnamed snake and lizard species. If rolled out further, this could help native species recover from the effects of the toxic cane toad scourge.

Further south, new research published in Molecular Ecology finds more questions than answers in a study of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus). The research revealed that the pygmy blue whale subspecies (B. m. brevicauda) that normally inhabits Australian waters has been found in the Antarctic, where it has sometimes hybridized with the Antarctic subspecies (B. m.intermedia). The researchers don’t know yet what caused this alteration in habitat but theorize it could have been caused by climate change (with the Australian whales seeking cooler waters) or by changes in ecology brought about by 20th-century whaling.

Sticking with the seas, the two populations of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) off the coasts of Hawaii gained greater protections this month. The National Marine Fisheries Service declared these dolphins endangered in Hawaii and issued new rules about long-line fishing which should protect them from accidentally being caught on fishing lines. Other populations of this species worldwide are not currently endangered.

Moving inland, North Carolina has curbed nighttime coyote hunting after five rare red wolves (Canis lupus rufus) were shot and killed. Red wolves are critically endangered and were once extinct in the wild. The 100 or so animals that live in North Carolina all stem from a captive breeding program that re-released wolves into the state back in 1987. Both coyotes and red wolves are nighttime hunters, which reportedly led to fatal cases of mistaken identity.

On the opposite side of the country, the Obama administration has doubled the critical habitat for the controversial northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). This reverses a decision from previous administration and puts recovery plans for the owls back in line with what was originally established in 1994. The logging industry has long opposed most efforts to protect the northern spotted owl.

In Arizona, the population of another controversial species, the Mount Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis), is holding steady at 214 animals. Plans to protect the squirrel have been assailed by some citizens and government officials as “too expensive.”

Also holding steady a few continents away: vultures. More than 99.9 percent of the birds in India and Nepal died over the past two decades because of a veterinary drug called diclofenac, which does great things for livestock but sends any vultures that eat the bodies of treated animals into immediate renal failure. Diclofenac was banned in 2006 and now the populations of at least three species—long-billed (Gyps indicus), slender-billed (G. tenuirostris) and white-backed vultures (G. bengalensis)—are stable and might finally be starting their road to recovery, according to a study published in PLoS One. They still have a ways to go, as numbers remain low and the drug is still used illegally, but it’s a start.


Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:54 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

thank you Niki, endangered species are very interesting. We have a children's book at my house called Almost Gone that shows animals that are extremely rare and most of them are not well known. Its my little brother's book but I enjoy looking at it myself, I especially like seeing the extinct ones because they are so interesting and I dearly wish we still had them. I especially wish we still had moas, mammoths, and Tasmanian wolves (some people think we still do)

What's a false killer whale? I've never heard of that.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:36 PM


whopper cane toad


Friday, November 30, 2012 4:16 AM


Man helpeth, and man taketh away...

In all my years reading bad news (2000?) I don't think I have ever come across this level of cruelty to animals. I mean people hurt one or two, set things on fire, starve things...But this is a whole new genre of asshole...

The fact they only gave TWO YEARS is something incomprehensible... I wonder just how often this happens here?


Friday, November 30, 2012 4:47 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Magons, that cane toad is AMAZING! I've long known about the problem Down Under with indigenous species being poisoned by them, but I admit, I never knew they were THAT big!

Wish, I can't imagine why you would choose to post something like that. Just the wording in the link guarantees I won't go to it. There must be something perverse that wants to share things such as that.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Friday, November 30, 2012 8:06 AM


That's one big toad.

As for the other - to know it exists, to stand against it, that is enough.
Like I say, there's some things in this work that facing up close will psychologically damage people - I've seen worse, but it definately ranks up there.

And back to the topic at hand, the local legislature and corp-crony DNR are pissin me off something serious these days.

FFS, you don't need to stand around with a rifle to protect your farmland if you have a single ounce of brains and know any goddamn thing about wolves, but I guess half an hour of research is just too much work for dickheads who'd like to solve every problem by shootin it, argh.
I do know one farmer up in the thumb who has a skunk population he feeds to encourage them to linger around cause few critters will cross irons with one unless they're really freakin desperate.



Friday, November 30, 2012 9:26 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Wish, I can't imagine why you would choose to post something like that.

So, just ignore problems and remain uneducated and they just magically don't exist and will go away all by themselves? Gotcha...

Hocus Pocus, do not focus! There, problem gone...Feel better? 'Cause I sure don't

And by ALLL means don't look at this one

Or this one

Or this one

Just keep pretending, and only look at the fluff pieces.


Friday, November 30, 2012 9:30 AM


Magons: o.o That thing is HUGE.


Friday, November 30, 2012 5:26 PM


I think that is an especially large one. But they are a pretty massive species. Luckily there are none down this way yet.

The main problem we have here is with foxes and feral dogs and cats. They've just wiped out the smaller native species unfortunately. That is why Tasmania is such a wonderful place to visit, no foxes have gotten on the island yet and the place is teeming with wildlife.

Some of the ones we saw at campsites





Saturday, December 1, 2012 5:51 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wish, you actually think we need to hear MORE about such vile behavior in order to be aware of it? That's a pretty silly concept, if you ask me, since I can't imagine there's a person alive who doesn't know how horribly people can treat animals! Exactly how do you think anyone could manage to stay ignorant of such things?

My point is that sharing such stuff does little but, in my opinion, illustrate a mentality I don't appreciate. It's much like some of the hideous things PN has put up--or Rap's constantly putting up every example of Muslim terrorism he can find and saying we're "ignoring" it. We all know it exists, rubbing our noses in it serves no purpose and contributes nothing to the subject at hand.

Magons, yeah, the same thing has happened everywhere; non-native species hitching a ride to someplace and overtaking the native species. Bad enough when it's rats stowing away on ships or, in our case, seeds of Scotch Broom coming along with settlers (and it is RAMPANT here), but feral cats and dogs as a byproduct of immigrants is especially angering to me. Far too many of us represent the selfish or ignorant nature of our species, unfortunately.

Those guys are adorable, especially the little Quoll...I hope Tasmania stays isolated as long as possible (unfortunately, I can't bring myself to hope "forever").

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 8:10 AM


Rubbing your nose in it??

YOu do happen to know what this is called here right??


I didn't realize all real world events had to be filtered through YOU.
I didn't realize I could only talk about things that interest YOU and don't damage your fragile calm.
I didn't realize I could only talk about fluffy stories that YOU find shiny happy.

I think you believe yourself to be some kinda freaking moral compass for the rest of us, and that everything you say is the gospel. Do you even realize YOU type more crap than Piratenews, that you blather on even more than the biggest nutter here? Shit, at least HE'S interesting in his insanity...

Time to cue up twelve paragraphs of blah blah blah and rally the sister warriors! Or is it time to call me a troll and then blather on about how you are going to avoid blathering on to trolls...which you can't because you have a HUGE horking problem with OCD.....


I have a life to get back to now....


Saturday, December 1, 2012 10:44 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Time to cue up twelve paragraphs of blah blah blah and rally the sister warriors! Or is it time to call me a troll and then blather on about how you are going to avoid blathering on to trolls...which you can't because you have a HUGE horking problem with OCD.....

Um, hypocrisy much ?
If you feel the topic warrants discussion, you COULD, yanno, make your own thread instead of jacking someone elses, yesss ?

Oh but that wouldn't have enabled you to throw a temper tantrum over being called on a matter of common courtesy, would it now ?



Saturday, December 1, 2012 4:42 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Magons, yeah, the same thing has happened everywhere; non-native species hitching a ride to someplace and overtaking the native species. Bad enough when it's rats stowing away on ships or, in our case, seeds of Scotch Broom coming along with settlers (and it is RAMPANT here), but feral cats and dogs as a byproduct of immigrants is especially angering to me. Far too many of us represent the selfish or ignorant nature of our species, unfortunately.

Those guys are adorable, especially the little Quoll...I hope Tasmania stays isolated as long as possible (unfortunately, I can't bring myself to hope "forever").

The quoll is my son's favourite animal. we saw one down at the beach in Tassie, throught it was a feral cat at first and then noted the spots. It or another came through our campsite at the beautiful Bay of Fires. There was no one else around. It was a very special night.

The cane toad was introduced, which is the madness of it all. We have a disastrous history of biological meddling. It was brought over from somewhere in South American (where it has predators that are immune to its poison) to destroy the cane beetle which was ruining sugar cane crops, and then of course its a prolific breeder with no natural predators. Animals that eat the toad are killed by its poison.

That is why I am wary of the biological solutions of the article, especially since we've had a number of solutions like myxamatosis and the calicivirus (both for rabbits) with short term affects.

Wish, you can post what you want, but I wont be reading those kinds of articles. I find that kind of news the worst kind of sick sensationalism. Every generation produces sickos who do terrible things, there are laws in place which curbs such activities, but apart from that, what will YOU do upon reading such filth. Does it make you take action, or does it reinforce some view that humanity is heading down the drain?

I find focusing on such stuff a) makes me despressed b) makes me despair. I'd rather hear from Frem about how empathy is the key to a better society, than focusing on the minority of sickos.


Saturday, December 1, 2012 6:55 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
I find focusing on such stuff a) makes me despressed b) makes me despair. I'd rather hear from Frem about how empathy is the key to a better society, than focusing on the minority of sickos.

Aww - that just made my day, it did.

It's been a good week for helping hands around here, starting with one semi-relevant cause, well, cute animals.
In a meta sorta way one could almost look at this as animals convincing their human companions to help their less fortunate peers, neh ?

We also had a pub-crawl in Dexter to raise some dosh for folks with kids in the Mott Childrens Hospital who are struggling financially, the folks down at Mott are REALLY kind people, and do a right good job of streamlining stuff like local accomodations and assistance for the patients and families.

Local high school ran up some funding for the Take Heart Association, which sends surgeons overseas to work on kids in poverty-stricken places overseas who'd otherwise not have access to such - I am a bit snarky about doing so when we have plenty of our own right here who suffer, but humans are human and if they're helping SOMEBODY, it's better than otherwise.

Sometimes trying to assist these things is frustrating for me though, being naturally bad tempered, in pain from recent physical difficulties and far more used to.. well, other means - but I can drive without too much trouble, and someone always needs a lift, so there's that.



Saturday, December 1, 2012 7:31 PM


I picture you as a kind of Bizarro World Santa - in the nicest possible way :)


Saturday, December 1, 2012 10:10 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
I picture you as a kind of Bizarro World Santa - in the nicest possible way :)




Sunday, December 2, 2012 4:51 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh Magons, how special! They really ARE adorable (if you like rodents, which I do):

That's a Tiger Quoll, not like the Eastern that you saw--apparently they come in QUITE a range of sizes, and colors--but all spotted. Really neat; I looked 'em up (obviously) and they're really cool little critters!

Another victim of the cane toad, it would appear, too. Shit. I didn't know cane toads were deliberately imported. You're right, we tend to screw up when we mess with nature, then sometimes mess up even WORSE when we try to fix it!

You have so many unique species down there, to me it's an EXTRA shame to see any of them endangered, dammit.

Jezus, Wish, how did I push your buttons so badly? That's a lotta pissed off, that is, for a rather small expression of my opinion. I never knew you hated me so much. You've either been storing it up, or hiding it, 'cuz I never noticed before, always thought of you as fairly civil. Know now. I'll let Frem and Magons respond for me; I agree with every word they said (including about Frem, you old softie you). I will continue to treat you civilly, Wish, partly because I have no idea what I've done to piss you off to such an extreme extent, so I don't think it has everything to do with me.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 12:24 PM


Yeah, I feel like I am very privledged to live where I do but at the same time, a little despairing as well that people seem so prone to destruction and making stuff ugly. Plenty of examples of that around here as well. Why don't we learn?

Last night I heard a tawny frogmouth, and I know we have one around here as my hubby has spotted it in the evening.

I love these birds, so ugly they are adorable.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 1:15 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Jezus, Wish, how did I push your buttons so badly? That's a lotta pissed off, that is, for a rather small expression of my opinion. I never knew you hated me so much. You've either been storing it up, or hiding it, 'cuz I never noticed before, always thought of you as fairly civil. Know now. I'll let Frem and Magons respond for me; I agree with every word they said (including about Frem, you old softie you). I will continue to treat you civilly, Wish, partly because I have no idea what I've done to piss you off to such an extreme extent, so I don't think it has everything to do with me.

1. Do you even realize how much you post?? Out of one page of RWED posts, you show up over 20 times. TWENTY. Even Piratenews only has ten...That's not even mentioning the other threads you can't get a word in edgewise without her reviewing your every word...You have turned this place into "Niki's Blog." If you want to talk only to people who will agree with your every word START YOUR OWN BLOG.

2. Frem- You don't have to defend her honor(even though I knew you would predictably.) She's quite capable of talking ANYONE to DEATH. I don't think she's ever had an opinion she didn't share. And as little as you think it is, it's because she needs everything to be about her. Pathology of the psychology, man.

3. Actually I was on topic, I just didn't post what everyone wanted to hear. The thread was about what man has done to animals and that was loosly what I was agreeing with... Oh, and it's amazing that several of YOU PEOPLE never stay on topic but bust my chops about anything I post, and mainly because I'm not shiny happy Prozac-y all the damn time, with a steady supply of fuzzy wuzzy animal pictures at the ready. I swear sometimes it's like having a conversation with a six year old obsessed with princesses...

4. Finally, I find the psychology of evil fascinating. That's my "thing" What does it take for a person to starve a child to death, to say one morning "Oh I think I'll torture animals for money, that sounds like a good vocation."
At least I'm acknowleging the problem, instead of pretending it doesn't exist and is taboo to even speak about.

But, by all means, go back to your Nyan Cat, mental seditives, and using only pretty words so as not to disturb the sheeple. I'm done here.


Sunday, December 2, 2012 5:18 PM


Nothing or no one is stopping you posting as much as you like, or starting your own thread on the psychology of evil. Last time I checked this was a forum without modification. That does not mean, however, that other posters may not complain about what you post or ignore your posts.

I personally don't mind threadjacks, but I know others find them annoying.

Here is an echidna, not fluffy but still cute.


Monday, December 3, 2012 9:05 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Magons, those are COOL! I wondered what the Frogmouth sounded like, since you said your husband had heard one, and I found this:

They sure make a strange sound! Apparently they're NOT owls, tho' they sure look like 'em! Sound like 'em too, in a way, and it's sure easy to see where they got their name!

The echidna IS TOO cute, he's adorable! Are they like our porcupines, in that they use those quills for defense?

You are very lucky, I'm glad you recognize it. Can't do anything about the destructiveness of man, but hopefully your country is young enough to keep some of it happening there.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Monday, December 3, 2012 9:09 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, Wish, I don't know what to say. The virulence of your posts really does surprise me, I've never heard it from you before. Interesting to me that I never suspected it.

You don't have to read my posts, you know, or even click on threads I start. That might one answer to you not getting so upset. Just a suggestion.

As to how much I post, yes, I'm quite aware of it. Nobody has to read anything I offer; I skip over PNs posts about 90% of the time without feeling the need to go after him in lengthy temper tantrums. I try to offer all kinds of subjects--yes, mostly political, that is the most common theme here. But if nobody's interested, my posts drop down the list and disappear. I might mention that the twenty threads you mention come from November 30 through December 3, but I'm sure that means nothing to you. Sometimes I don't put up any threads at all, some days I find enough things in the news which I think might be of interests that I put up five or six. Rarely more than that. I spend some time looking around for articles that might interest people...if they don't, they disappear. Comparing my threads to PNs is amusing, given what his contain, but that's neither here nor there.

As to staying on topic, nobody does, but what you offered was actually the antithesis of the topic, given the topic was "Updates from the Brink" -- brink of extinction, y'know, and it was specifically about good news. You offered precisely (and horrifically) the opposite, and not about endangered species. Still, you're obviously free to post whatever you want; we're equally free to be disgusted by it, and say so.

If you are so offended by us, I wonder why you hang around. Viewing posting here as talking to six year olds can't be much fun, and certainly I seem to upset you greatly. You say you're "done here"; I hope that means this thread, because while I don't wish anyone gone, I'd hope you'd find something less venomous to say to others, rather than raking me over the coals, and at such length. I don't mind, but it's a bit of a waste of your time and doesn't contribute much to any discussion. I'd suggest maybe a bit of prozac might not be a bad idea, but that's my opinion and we know quite well by now what you think of my opinions. [/sarcasm]

If evil is your "thing", then as suggested maybe you should put up some threads on that subject and see if they catch anyone's interest. Or, as you suggested, start your own blog. From my observation, others here don't seem to have much interest in delving into man's inhumanity to...well, most everything, but certainly I could be wrong.

Please feel free to continue venting your spleen at me, if you like. Despite your impression, I actually have no interest in everything being about me, so to me YOUR malignant abhorrence of me and fascination with evil is kind of the pathology of the psychology, man.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Monday, December 3, 2012 9:06 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Magon's, those pictures are soooooo cute!

Niki, how could you not know that Wish behaves like this? Did you miss our "incident" last March? Oh well, maybe its good to not remember things like that. That being said her recent behavior doesn't surprise me in the least. I did find her posting of that particular link in this particular thread to be rather disconnected, but she has the right as you and others pointed out. We also have the right to say "ew yucky", or, as I did, to not pay any never mind. Starting a thread on the psychology of evil might be interesting though, I think she should start that thread because it is something that I think a lot of people wonder about/find to be at least mildly interesting.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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