My all time favorite arcade as a kid.......

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 17:53
VIEWED: 1432
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Sunday, February 3, 2013 8:55 PM


.... and still I've never fired a "real" gun at a "real" person....


Sunday, February 3, 2013 9:27 PM


Part two here.....

I have to admit, I never figured out that you could scroll off the screen and go back and get more machine gun rounds.......

Seems really cheap when I watch it now, but I wonder if the guy who made that video figured that out when he was working on a limited "budget" from his old man's quarters or if it was because he had an emulator.....

This was the first game I showed my dad when I made my "emu-box".....

As awesome as he knew it was, his first out-loud thought was "all that money I wasted!"......

At least his grand kids are going to have a "killer" introduction to the video game scene. This sure beats his 1977 intro of Pong or my 1981 intro of Pac-Man.....


Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:09 PM


Rolling Thunder gave a ton of original classic 8 bit tunes...

It's up in my top 10 of all time...

Here's a little known tune from NES's Blaster Master... only those that got to the fourth level ever heard it.....

Presented to you in an awesome Electric Guitar rendition with zero faults.... I'm sure it will be recognizable...

Here's the original if you got that far and forgot....

Totally freaking awesome music either way, right?


Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:22 PM


Wow... didn't think it got better than that, but here's "Dave's Theme" from Maniac Mansion by Decedents of Erdrick....

Here's the original awesome song....

Not a half bad tribute to the only NES song that rivals Duck Tales' "The Moon".....

Great cover here.....


Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:41 PM


And an awesome cover of "Bloody Tears" from Castlevania II....


Monday, February 4, 2013 5:58 AM


Hmm. Of those I played Ducktales and Castlevania.


Monday, February 4, 2013 3:27 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

When I was a girl we'd go to the arcades at the beach, I'd play games like skiball and the candy claw. Now we take the kids and they love it, I think they like it a lot more than I did. I thought it was mildly entertaining, a fun thing to do on occasion, but they really like it. We give them quarters and they have lots of fun.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, February 5, 2013 6:57 PM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Hmm. Of those I played Ducktales and Castlevania.




Right, Byte... Right!!!!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013 7:31 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
When I was a girl we'd go to the arcades at the beach, I'd play games like skiball and the candy claw. Now we take the kids and they love it, I think they like it a lot more than I did. I thought it was mildly entertaining, a fun thing to do on occasion, but they really like it. We give them quarters and they have lots of fun.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

Well Riona, that's no fun....

You're not aging yourself at all there. :)

When I was a kid girls generally didn't like the games that boys did either. It's totally unreal that not only do girls today like games coming out, but they are as tragically addicted or even more so than I was growing up.

10 or so years ago, the comedian Robin Williams (as old as he is/was) made a very real joke about video games. He called them "kiddie-crack".....

Using the first game I posted about here, Rolling Thunder, I'd like to tell you a little about me and my middle bro.

During the summer, most of our weekends with our dad were at Jellystone Park, a Yogi Bear park. Back then, they had a lot more money and the economy was better. We had a lot of "camp counsolers" and tons of activities. (Today, in contrast, it is a bleak tax-syphoning machine with no real merits).

From about 6 years old until 11, that was enough for me.... as was my dad's dollar a day allowance for arcades.

One summer, I discovered the wealth of quarters that was in my dad's hand-rest and like any smart thief, only a quarter or two was taken at first. Eventually, I got my younger bro to join in and most of his "earnings" were passed to me out of blackmail. We spent them ALL playing Rolling Thunder....

Stupid.... stupid..... stupid....

Even having been "lightly" confronted about a possible theft, we still played stupid. In my naive mind, we just had to be more careful. That didn't mean stealing less, but being smarter about it.....

For over a month that worked just fine, until that fateful day....

We went to the local pool..... we pretended to be enjoying the day for a while and then asked my dad for the keys to the camper to get our Ghostbusters toys to play with. We went back to the camper and got our toys, and then we stole about 3 bucks more of quarters. We played with them for about 30 minutes at the pool and then bolted for the arcade.

It wasn't until we got to the camper later, before Dad came back, that we noticed that the doors were locked and the arm rest was wide open!!!!!!


That was early in the summer..... as we'd been doing this since the year before.....

We were caught red handed.....

My dad never hit me or my bro. He never even yelled at us. He never really did either.... To me, at least, the shame of being caught was enough. For over two months, we weren't given a single quarter to play arcades. The only times we got to play were the few times when a coin return would give us a quarter, and from turning in pennies we found in my grandma's basement for quarters.

I never stole again, at least nobody could tie my hands to a theft....

My bro, however, became an expert at it. It's not his fault though.... I'd forced him into it. I'd run "interference" while he robbed a grocery store or comic shop blind (Not of real stuff... just baseball cards or whatever comic type stuff they had). For years that went on, until I left home. He still kept doing it when I was gone, and without me around he recruited my youngest brother who had no concept of cameras, or basic reconnaissance...

I guess he was at the mall with my youngest bro and ganked about 100 bucks worth of pewter figurines from a "gaming" shop. My youngest bro got caught with a single figure. He went down to the local mall "cop shop" with him. They asked him to empty his pockets too, which he resisted, but eventually did. What he had stolen unknowingly to them was over 10 times what my youngest bro had stolen.

To that day he hasn't stolen a thing himself either. He thanks the day. He says he'd be stealing cars for chop-shops had it not been for the ass-whooping that my mom gave him.....

I'm glad that particular ass-whooping worked out in his favor.....

Most of mine left me with nothing but a hatered for authority, a dark BDSM kink, and an inability to even have a relationship well outside of normal boundaries with a woman that lasts more than one night.

If you love to have your young, sexy ass beat, or if you like to beat a semi-young ass that still has a six-pack but some grey around the temples....

I'm your Huckleberry....


Tuesday, February 5, 2013 7:43 PM


In the 60's I liked to play the Texas Ranger Shooting Arcade game at our bowling alley hangout. You shot a rifle with an electric beam and killed indians and bank robbers and buffalo. When you hit one it lit up, then made a ding and fell backwards for points.

I also liked my NHL Hockey game where you moved and spun the players attached to rods and levers with your fingers. You passed the puck along the slick surface and took a shot at the goal. My dad and I spent a lot of time together with that one. You needed to keep one hand on your goalie for defense, but you could risk two hands in your opponent's goal area. I got pretty good at my slap shots from the sides.

Another big favorite was Nok Hockey. Played on a big long wooden rectangular board with nets at each end. There were wood blocks in each corner and in front of the net. You used wood mini-hockey sticks to shoot the wood puck either straight into the net, or you tried an angled shot off the side, or you tried around the edges so it would hit the corner block, then careen to the net block an then into in the net. The face-offs at center line were often bloody with those wooden sticks.

We built our own skateboards out of old roller skates and a wooden board. Nobody would ever buy one, because only rich kids had store-bought boards.

We also built home-made go-carts from shopping cart wheels and crates. We'd carry or wheel them up to the top of dirt hills and then go tearing ass down the hills.

We had a lot of unsupervised fun in those days. We'd be out all day. We were fearless. We did whatever we wanted. We just had to be home at supper. It was a different world then, maybe the best time ever to be a kid.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013 8:38 PM


Haha Jongs....

One year at Jellystone we had an "arcade" like that. My bros and I got bored of it quick but my old man liked it. It was an "alien invasion" type. Metal UFO's went across the field and the "electronic beam" would shoot them down. No real bb's although you'd imagine they were because it was so old school. I'd give a rib to buy that machine for him today. I wish I remembered the name.

As far as board games, me and my Dad played chess. It wasn't much fun for me because he always beat me and I never learned anything. Somewhere in my 20's I got really good at it. I'd like to play him again today.

I could beat him with one finger those days at "Blades of Steel" for the original NES though.....

Chances are, I still could do that. Maybe I could checkmate his ass at Chess now too?

Either way... he took us to the park all the time....

At least we played real "catch" together instead of virtual catch online....


Wednesday, February 6, 2013 2:58 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I like hearing stories about people's childhood, particularly happy ones.

I liked those arcade games because they were ones that I could actually play, the others being unapplicable for me. I liked any kind of games where you roll a ball and try to land it in the right place on the spinny wheel or the right slot, because one could theoretically do it by chance. One could then try and duplicate what they did by chance in order to attempt the same result. I liked the bop-the-alligators game (another I was able to play) and the one where you press the little button on the gunesque contraption that shoots the teeth down in the big mouth, that thing even had recoil. I liked the candy claw because you couldn't fail, you could go until you got something and sometimes other kids didn't know that, so they'd leave after one try, so I'd get free tries myself. Also I remember at least once it broke so it just kept going and let me get a lot of candy. Most of the candies were things I didn't fancy so I'd give them to whomever was with me, it was just fun to be able to say I'd gotten them myself. I never went to an arcade in town here, it was just at the beach and not every time, it kind of depended on who I was with, but it was fun. Of course the kids in my life like all the videogames now, the older and the newer, they like the deer shooting game for instance, it being old school, and they love the racing games. )my lil' bro and nephew, ages 10 and 9 respectively. We've raised them like cousins because they're so close in age. They did figure it out about a year ago that my little brother was technically my nephew's uncle, but we downplayed it, said yes its technically true but we've chosen to raise them as cousins because of their proximity of age. They are cool with that)

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, February 6, 2013 5:43 PM


Haha!!! I was just going to mention the game with the gun knocking the teeth in!!!!!

I must have tried a million times to knock all 6 teeth down with three "bullets". (Weren't the bullets the same balls they used for the ski-ball machines???) I don't remember the payouts, but I know that 6 teeth in 3 tries was worth a ton more than in 4 tries. Usually I'd get 4 of them in 2 tries, but i could never seem to get that damn last 2 in one shot.

My best friend's sister somehow managed to get a royal flush on one of those old "video poker" games that relied on balls bouncing underneath for what cards showed up. Not only did she get an insane amount of tickets for it, but she got a boys Schwinn bike that she gave to her brother. Luck of the 100% Irish, that was. His parents also won a Ford Explorer and a vanity for their basement bathroom in raffles while we were growing up too.

I must have saved those tickets up for years and then I never spent them and stopped going. I went back one time on a date with a girl and brought all those tickets with me and got a cool resin set of 5 skeletons in a band. Probably 200 bucks worth of games for a prize worth maybe 25 bucks, but at least they got spent at some point. I still have them to this day.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013 5:53 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Haha Jongs....

One year at Jellystone we had an "arcade" like that. My bros and I got bored of it quick but my old man liked it. It was an "alien invasion" type. Metal UFO's went across the field and the "electronic beam" would shoot them down. No real bb's although you'd imagine they were because it was so old school. I'd give a rib to buy that machine for him today. I wish I remembered the name.

As far as board games, me and my Dad played chess. It wasn't much fun for me because he always beat me and I never learned anything. Somewhere in my 20's I got really good at it. I'd like to play him again today.

I could beat him with one finger those days at "Blades of Steel" for the original NES though.....

Chances are, I still could do that. Maybe I could checkmate his ass at Chess now too?

Either way... he took us to the park all the time....

At least we played real "catch" together instead of virtual catch online....

My dad was a mechanical engineer at Grumman on Long Island. He worked long hours and was under a lot of stress because his work at Grumman was for the Defense Dept. during the Vietnam era. But after dinner he always went out with me into the street to play catch. Most fathers in the neighborhood never did that, and I always felt special because he spent so much time with me teaching me about baseball and football. He also was my Little League coach for many years. I was kind of cocky and he was tough on me. He would bench me just to teach me lessons about the game and sportsmanship. I never understood why he rode me so hard until I was much older.






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